THIS PAPER UIlBbed every evenly. Sunday, ex pa' ccptcd by JOSH T.JAMES, BDirOB AD PROrKIETOB. .--oil.TIONS POSTAUE PAID: SIX montns, xnrec A.m or ... . . - aa .... rear H-"" .v,a 100; Onemonia.wwu m oner will be delivered by carriers free ? any part of the city, at the above fl'iTlO cents per week, cstisias rates low and liberal. Subscribers will report any and all fall, to receive their paper regularly. rti7y Review has iJie largest j n rrila.f.nn. of aifa newspaper tana P"""- . m fished, intheatytf Wilmington. Tcropstolreland are first-rate this year- j . Texas is said to be the "com ins great State of the Union." . . - Ex-Governor Cham berlain repudiates' Mahone. 1oor Gen. McDowell i3 rapidly improving and is out j. r The window glass workers of Pitts bur" bave begun their strike. D . Rumor hath it that Roscbe Conkling my take Lapham's place in the tsenate. : --- : 1 " - According to Puck, Jay Gould has a corner on hell. Maybe, it is a warm one. . . - The new comet is very faint and far beyond the reach of the naked eye. It is round and has no tail. In consequence ot the railroad war the lare from Chicago to St. Louis is now reduced t one dollar. has become such a nuisance at New Orleans that the police 1,-ve been ordered to arrest every men ,iicant they can find. The miserable wretches are sent to the almshouse IVnjinim F- Butler 'is one i-f 1he ji latt'S to the Democratic State Con vention from the Sixth Ward of Lowell, Mass. ..jf Whitelaw Reid, ot the New York Tribune is talked ot as Itepubliean can. dihate tor the United. States Senate from New York. A Walker (Ga) county woman, who has misbehaved herself, claims that she was -'conjured with the left hind foot of a graveyard rabbit." The New York Journal of Commrce thinks an inquiring Democratic admin istration willl find serious defalcation in the United States mint. Likely enough. M. Ferry says that the Royalist party in France consiss of about 3,000 nobles. 1.000 would be nobles, thirty bishops and a tew thousand priests, monks, snobs and sycophants. George W. Ryan, a leaper in Bar rett's circus, while attempting a double summersault, Thursday afternoon, at 'Effingham, III., fell, sustaining injuries from which he died at midnight. Bradstreets report 177 failures in the United States during the past week, 41 more than the preceeding week, 36 more than the corresponding week of 1882 and 81 more than the same week U881. Mr. Albert Fink, the railroad "pool" commissioner, is much amused with the notion that the government shall own and control the railroads of the coun try. He secrhs to think that there would bo a good deal less trouble for the railroads to own and control the government. New York city Republicans arc not very strong party men. About eighty five per cent, of them neglected to take any part in the primaries Jast Friday. They probably thought that there was lua use in wasting time over the matter, as the State is certain to go Democratic this Fall. The Boston Herald wants Mr. Tilden to take the stump m Ohio in support of Iloadly. In that way the Herald thinks Mr. Tilden can satisfy the country that his physical condition is all that Henri Watterson says it is. The trouble in carrying out such apian, however, is in Mr. Tilden's voice. He can't speak above a whisper. The Review, in common with nu merous other papers in the South, pubs lished from the New York World a report ot an interview with General Beauregard, wherein Butler was eulo gised by hat gentleman for having granted a pass through his lines at New Orleans in lRfii lor Gen. Beauregard to visit his sick wife.- Iti3 strange that we should have overlooked at the time the fact, of which we have since been reminded, that Butler was not in com mand at New Orleans at the time the pass is said to have been issued. Either Gen. Beauregard or the World reporter must have confused dates or names, as at the period spoken of Butler was bottled up at Bermuda Hundreds, prob ably employing his leisure In laying plans for the explosion of his harmless powder boat under the walls of Fort f Fisher a few months later, v . H' i VOL. VIIJ WILMINGTON. N. C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Gebhard told a New York friend, just before starting tor Fans, that up to date, the calla lily from the island of Jersey had cost him $175,000.' The World calculates that, by recent reductions, the Times loses $G0O and the Tribune $3do per Iday. Luckily, Ihey can afford it for a season ; j 11. B, Hayes, Shaving- been, elected president of something in Saratoga, the New York Journal think3 that his op ponent must have been counted out. . Oakes Ames,; nominated as Lieu. tenant-Governor of Massachusetts, is held up to scorn ' by the j Springfield Republican as an alleged thief, j j forger and The Luther Festival will be celebrat ed with much pomp at wdrms on the 3 Jth of October, when there will be a procession representing the , chief epochs in his life! j ! .' .. 7 The New Orleans Times-Democrat expresses the opinion that ; the cotton crop of 1883-84 is owned by the pro ducers, and will leave more surplus money in the cbuutry than ifiiy cotton crop of receut yeatsJ I . . -. . , - There is a citariec that the Democrats will carry Minnesota this Fall. Their candidate tor Governor i Adi.lph Bier man, Nowegian. There are 35,000 Scandinavians in the State, arid at least half of them will vole the Democratic ticket this year for the first time, j i J The movement; which was iccently started (through the columns of the News and Obscrverl vie think, to tn- dow a home for disabled Confederates, is already assuring some magnitude. It is made in a cause wliich should be very dear to the! hearts tot all true. Southern men and women and must surely succeed. Ever since the war we have been rendering our meed ot remembrance' & the names of those gallant souls who sleep the Ions sleeD. i forgetting that the living claims as well j as the deal have upon our demotion , and sym- pathy. We would not detract - one care which; is iota irom the loving iven tothe graves ot our dead heroes but we think that it is our! duty to care for the livinsr as welliasithe dead, and surely we can do both The ftcios and Observer says ; The offerings for the Confederate home now are as follows : An Edge- comb gentleman, $100; 11 U .bccles, Tarboro Soidhernir, $100; A Raleigh Major, $100; David Pender. 5100. This foots up $1.000 ; We want other subscriptions to come in without delay now that the ball is fairly started. And in thislconnectiori we wish to say that when a sufficient amount has1 been subscribed a meeting of the sub scribers will Be called, and they willcrganize, select directors and take the necessary steps; to carry out uieir design. But even at this jearly day it may be well enough to J suggest that inasmuch as our wounded soldiers will in the course ot ycarb pass away, thc fund can, after its particular purpose has been served, be appropriated by the subscribers to some other noble charity. What disposition should beimadc of it when the old soldiers have been cared tor will be for the ; subscribers to say, but we would suggest that there be a further trust in lavor of some charity, to be determined by the donors. The GraDSirers. Mr. H. O. Devries. Master. Patrons of Husbandry of Maryland. say3: I tried the wonderlul remedy, fct. jacoos Oil. on a mare ot rnine, badly crippied, and a few applications restored her to soundness. I was attacked niyselt witn rheumatism, so severe it I was agony itself. Three applications of the great pain-cure completely cured me. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates School Books The A. M. E. Nrmtl School Hkinsbkboeb School Books F C MILXEK Florida Abater, &c W H Grkkm Wliolesalc and Retail Druggist The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 466 bajes.i j ! i . : i Thelvaleigh Visitor iaysi that the street parade of Sell's Bros, circus was the finest it ever saw.; The Br. Steamship fakus. which arrived yesterday, will ! take Iierj cargo of cotton at tne Champion Compress Co wharf. v 1 It is said' that the Brooks conic t. recently discovered, will be visible to the naked eye along to as. It can now be good telescope. I j towards Christ seen through a Mr. J, D. Smithdeal, after an ab sence from the city during the Summer months. Has returned and will i-emain through iheVinr."j:;He?wiH be. as formerlv, at the nrasic roonis of Mr. P. Heinsberger. What is the use of waiting to join a society lor the encouragement of plain ness in dress? Every woman who dress cs in a simple, economical, elegant way is a whole society in herself, and helps to create a fashion which it will be a credit for all women to follow. Thanks to John F. Shackelford, Esq,. Secretary, fora card ta the Edgecombe Fair, to be held at Tarboro on October 30, 31 and November 1st and 2nd The Association offers $7,000 in premiams. The sports will consist .of first-class, racing, bycicle. chartbt and foot race?. A grand military drill will take place during the progress of the fair, - besides many other attractions. Handkerchiefs are now made to match each toilet. If the dress is of an apple green and dark green combined , the handkerchief must have a centre of the light green linen and a border of the olive green. Some new handker chiefs are cut in an octagon and have the days of the week in each of the seven- corners and" the name owner in the eighth. of Laid Up for Repairs. We regret to learn that Capt. A. M. fylvin of fhn. sta-impr .Tnh.ti Damsmi. , . . . f . . . is connncd to nis nouse oy sickness. At last reports, his health w.os improv- ing, and we hope that but a short time ivlll r1inso hrfrr ho is acrain ah his nnsit, " " " I ot duty. In the meantime Captain Paddison is in command of the boat.. To Stay. ProtJ Noble, superintendent of the! graded schools of the citv, returned last night iafter a brief absence, during which lie has visited the schools of i 4i f r ,l irnnA only as the oldest white fire organiza some of -the of the est and tionin Nolth Carolina; but W of i ortu west ana uecome acquainted wuu the methods adopted in teaching among them. ' The schools here will open on Monday next. M I . J. 1 . . A . . 1 1.1 I..vVl Ihe autumnaL equinox does notoccur on the 21st of Sentember. as is often supposed, but it occurs about the 23rd of September. The vernal exuinox . occurs on the 21st of March, and the sunnnsition that the two are exactlv 1 l , n,nnfh nnarh mavlbn Inad fn nrrnr. The name takes its origin from the fact that when the sun d asses through tha nlnno nf fhft plAfial ftntmtflr. thai - davs and nights are!of eaual length in oil r,!,HcI nf.hA world Thp AnninnoMoi i " ' points, or those where the celestial pmififnr and enlintirt interseet eao.h other, are the first noint of Aries andkn( ,n,i Mn-M thom in thp firsh noinfc of T.ihra - The sun enters a t.hfi l first on thn 21st of March and enters the latter onor about the 23rd of Sep- tmnhn.v. Ahnn! thP. timp. of the eon - wwa.-w. - i nox violent storms mry always be looked for. . j ' ! None ii) Ours. t Wtiile workmen were engaged in setting a telephone pole at the corner of Market and South Water street, this morning, and while two of the men were became necessary to sway the pole backward and forward in or der to settle it deeper into the hole which . , , , . . good many lookers-on who thought the ... t , ,f, Dosition of the two men who were aloft was perilous as they were swayed back .u.- auu ionu. hull .uciucu uiu uui sccui lu mind. At last the mail who was near est the ground lost his grip and slipped down about a dozen feet before he re covered it, while 'the spectators stood in breathless suspense, expecting to see him tali to the earth seriously injured , , AnA ,. lM;,iQ however, and descended the .remainder ' . , -. of the distance as unconcerned as Chough nothing had happened. Twenty-Four O'clock. The railroads are moving to have a new standard of time adopted that will soon throw us into the big figures, and to see a man pull out his watch at noon and say "it's 24 o'clock," will be no un- usual thing. The theory is the estab- lishment of a time; standard," as the railroad men term it. to be put into L... n t-L :i -i operation vn an lue rauruaus m uic oonntrv. The nronosed standard would simply add tht hours after midmght to j - 12, so that 11 o clock m the ciorning i -1-1 1 1 M U- womu uc o u,yUU1u u 'Z O ClOCK The dials of clocks would be made into twenty-four divisions of time, and the troublesome A. M. and P. M. would be avoided. Uniformity and certainty in the tnovement ol trains in all parts of the country is one of Ihe nxpaipst advantages claimed for the uaa -,i-.isfip-'irt-if time tables thkt the public would be ;ir frtoroJrpnnd-.nnrp.iaie would IU1VA ww,. rM follow. , 1 : : . - For Pocket Knives or Table Cntlery, to .TtroM' Hardware Depot, t Ill The Hook aria Ladder Kecep- At halt-pact 3 o'clock, yesterday af ternoon the Howard Relief Steam Fire Engine Company No;. I, and WiU mingtoaSteanrFire Engine j Company No. 1, formed in line and. preceded by the Wilmington' Cornet Concert Club and accompanied by their engine escorted the Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company; No. 1, to the City Hall, the latter Company being also accompanied by their new and splendid truck. Arriving at the city Hall the several companies wheeled into linet when, after a short; pause, Capt. C. D. Myers Chief of the Fire Department, came forward and delivered the follow ing appropriate speech : i j Capt. Quince, Officers and Members of Wilminqton Hook and Ladder Com pany: It is to me a great pleasure to stahd here and give hearty welcome and congratulations to jnau and your Com pany in your successful efforts to bring to our city a new and improved truck. It is a much needed addition to our force and must be appreciated , not only by our "City Fathers," but by all who have the best interests of our Fire Department at henrt. j (gentlemen ot ihq.llook and Ladder Company: I have served both in the ranks and as an officer under command nl thn i'pi! pnian von have honored in gvi-Kourtril;k-lhe hamJoff .Tv0JER jviooKE, ' and the recollection of that service is always of the . mosfr pleasant nature i .... ... u: 1,,.,. iS till OIU WUlMIIg of your Com nan v. and as the new Chiet ot the Fire Department, I bid you in the name of all true firemen, a most hearty vvel come. Your fire record is untarnished. Alj- ways prompt and never falling in any duty , I am sure now that your enort will be to make even a higher mars for the good oUl Company ; to rank not tw best Gf the kind in our beloved South. . ., Having reached this point in his speech, Capt. Myers was handed a hnti 1ft of chamnasrne . which he broke " with the n&m'0P the Soaer Moore, tie f(,iiw0Uin. 1 blilil VUlUUSU KT J i UUJitln . . "Gentlemen otthe Hook and Ladder Company, His Honor, the Mayor of our citv. will ereet vou." xrtnr- nolla tjorn ncU for Mav- 1 w " , VIA'U' ,.VW W m.mj tt,i f,o in o brief speech congratulated the Hook t nW rnmiwnT rioartilv unon I 4 ft. J M JUUUWt l W m-rmrw . nA aLo ;n worrli r ;of onrlofinn M its nasfe . a r.,ic . uL;nw t.T ithA MCCl Ul , iv-o pr0mise that in his official capacity he I An avowfhincr wif hin hi nnwp.r I IIS UUI UUIAqVi u uuwu.Mejw vw I ui i,---0 onA cplF-con'fip- I t Gol. Rocer Moore, former Chief of the c:.. ta mnf- hor. ollpr1 nnon i r nil i7cui llu cub. iTaa buvu ---.v v-iw-- who resDonded bv manifesting his ap preciation of the compliment and hon or conferred upon him by giving : their new and handsome truck his name. He also spoke his gratitude to the two companies who had .tendered this re ception to the company which it was once his pride and honor to command. and to those officials and citizens who had manifested an interest in the wen- being and well-doing of the Fire De partment of Wilmington. i ;The speech -..rv,.. - - . es were very Appropriate ana -were re . . .J, . v . Wlth aPp.lausf, Ihe companies t! formed into colunins and paraded through several .r iL. n( tlin nif ir and oarfoinlv presented a nne appearance, tne men lu.v- tu mn.;0';th tfio snrino- fnrr plastin. aterj of vounsr. vifforous and healthful manhood, such as could do r - ' noble dutv when danger called.' The parade closed with a halt at the Little v . . f . .... .. t I dtnnt Pn-inp Hn isp .'in rtnp nail o L,: Wmcn a DOuniuuus uuiuuuu, iwuipu mentary to the Uook-ana judder Com Dan v. had been prepared. Arriv- - g ins- in the hall. Catt. John Cowan, in behalf of the two companies who ten dered the reception, made a ' brief but I eloquent speech of welcome to the Hook and Ladder Company, at the close of which all present partook of the splendid feast that was awaiting Ithpfn. and to which thev did ample . . L . t.i. justice. -M any toasts were uiauh. aofferinclnduccmenutoallwhouseor hatdie nnmnrintplv rpitnonded ' lo. and the I rri , - participants of the festivity enjoyed themselves to the utmost. I . r- Second Insta)meu t of Fall and Winter Clotiiinjr. We are receiving one of the largest and finest displays of Cas?imerc Suits, in Plain andTancy Colors, in Chev'oU, Worsted. Basket, Corkscrew, Diagonal, Tricot and Broadcloth. Suits $5. $7, fitfl; fltli; S13. S15. S17 and un to S35. It will pay yon to examine our Goods land Prices. A. & I. Shriek, Ucliable I - - 1 Clothiers, 114 Market stt - . . tf A fine assortment of Gans and Pistols 1 I at JACOSV3 Hardware Depot. t ; Jj v v 25. 1883. NO. , 22 ' There is an unmailablo plain while envelope, with no address, remaining in the Postoffice in this ciiy, Mr. Wood, Agent for Zera Semon, was busy to-day in billing the city for the appearance Tiere next week of the great magician. v , . The A. ML E.' '.Normal School will open on Moiiday next, October 1st. New applicants for admission should be examined this week by the Principal, Prof. Wra. Herbert Thrall. -r iU- Schooner Margaret' Cf. ; Lyons, Capt. Doughty, which left Baltimore for this port oh the 4th inst., with a cargo o coal, has not been i heard from since." and grave tears an entertained for her safetv. Mr: James E. WiUson left last night on a trip to the North in which pleasure and busines will be combined. He wil be absent two or three weeks and wil take in the Boston exposition his absence. i , ' I during Two of a Kind. The Schr. Ilallie Turner, Capt Balane, which arrived here yesterday from Boston, made the passage in the I same quiek time thkt was made by the Schr. C. If. Macomoci'i which was in three days and seven hours, the cap tain of the tormer vessel . having so reportekl to us this morning. ' Wauted to Cio to Sea. Ajfew days ago three lad.s the eldest not more than sixteen years ofage. came here from Salisbury with the avpwed intenti6n ot "gbing to sea " They left without the knowledge of their parents and endeavored to keep their move ments unknown to their Inends at home. They put up at a cheap lodging house in Paddyrs Hollow, but their ap pearance and conduct soon excited sus picion. Mr. Schloss, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, who formerly kept a hotel at Salisbury, heard of their Presence hefc aQ.d he sought them out auu wuim m iu P u vi two o I., ,i , .- . .. r" tneooys, wno arp prominent citizens oi bmn, were well known to mm. - j.uw uuja told Mr. mwTfwr ocuio&a uiau iuuj induced I... I'll . . t 1 . by the tUirU DOV to run away W1UI mm and that the scheme was concocted by him whereupon that gentleman induced M . a the tWOtO gO With him to his house wnere ne istaKinscaru ui tuciu uutu their parents, who have been commum I , J 1 1 1 'PJ,rr w"u w" tout nil am willinor niirt I ak n ivuw-. um. m i anxious to go back home. Their names are Andrew , ijiay and Edward about sixteen Murphy and are years oldi. e third boy, whose , name IS -HJi. iu-uiu, ia auuui iuc a. He is still in the city but his where abouts are unknown to us. . The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. h . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The A; M. E. Normal School -rriLL open Monday morning, Oct. ljt. Tuition every four weeks In advance : I Normal Course i. f .25 Other Courses.... 1.00 New auplic.wts should be examined th's week. WM. HERBERT THRALL. Prin., i sept 2o 2t , " Cor. 7th and Nun sts GottOH and NaVEll StOTCSi I v ' j ! sales and pcreonal attention given. CHARGES LOW. Refer to Bank of New Hanover. I, A. NEWBURY, Wilmington, N. C. sept 24-1 wk For RentT-S300. TTODSE WITn ELEVEN ROOMS, JLX Southeast Corner Chestnut and Scv- scv- fjj&LFa enth Btreets, from Oct. 1st '83 to lst.'S4. R B. JEWETT, ; So. Second St sept 22-lwk William IT. Green, WHO LBS ALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, -.i - 117 MARKET STREET. . T CARRY A FULL LINE OF DRUGS, a FANCY GOODS. Ac., awl have ficilities for I MeUclne. i ) - lt 24 I , , . - Smokes. , A' MICO AND SARATOGAr-lO ets. Cigars. Joit7 Thought, White ciouawcoaiam. wrer PiiL, Southern Star, and Our General, the- best cents Cigar made - j" ' Good IJnuora. Draught Beer, Ac. . " i OLD NORTH STATE SALOON. . . . C D. r.lorrill. TTKDEETAKER. cabinet maker and j carpenter, offlee and Work shop on s ond street, opposite Sontherland stables.' ' ;Reepectf ally aollcru orders and gnarantcc good worlc.rrcsrt CiUvcry as'leit'-f-" C7cr7r--r--- " - ' Tl3 We will be glad to receive osomanlcaUon from our friends on any ud all tabjeeU T ceser&l Interest but - v : t i! t The name of the writer moat always be fa mated to the Editor. - ! M CoxamxmlcaUona must be wxlttea on oal oneeldoof the paper. i - Personalities must be avoided. And It la especially and particularly end stood that the Editor does not always endoi the views of correspondents unlcaa ao state In the editorial columns. ; i "r - r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TIN TOILET SETS. "YTTE KEEP TU.E LAU3EST 1 AND j BEST selection of TIN BEDR003I SETS In the place Call and get prices before buying elsewhere. .--:,.; t i v .? tii ixhd : '. t acpts MurchUon Blok THY THE COOK T3UGGIES. FOR WHICH WE ARE SOLE AGENNS. Harness to go with them at 3 very low prices, 'i'he largest assortment of Sat dies. Trunks, Travelling Bags and Satchels In the State. -. : r.- .-, :-,.,.. -:f-' : . ' . Bcpairing promptly done. Prices low. McDOUGALL BOWDEN, sept 24 , 4 . No. 1! North Front St. For Fall & Winter Comforts ..- J I - - h u TN THE HOUSEHOLD LISE.T F7'i j p j . Go to " - 1 PARESB & TAYLOR'S. Pnrc White Oil. scpl 24 E. C. Blair, G1 ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 10. North Secorcl Street: ' . 1 . ... Wilmington, N. Cl. : Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. Ton prices and quick returns ituar- antfcl. Witt rcehlp to other markets! when reiuebtel. , .! ( 1 1 . sevt V4 E. G. Hut ..Mil. Rice Planters! GOODS, OK EVaUY DECR'PTION, Mus i kctsr. Powder, CapeJ fchot, Ulce II okj Forks' Rakes'.; Ac., fclruiw .Twine. We cm make close prices on these gooda, If yon mean nrsiXESs. Give us a call ami. sec what we can do for yon. , I . i , I W. ESPRINGER! A CO., , J Successors to John Dawson Co., ' sept 24 I l), 21 and 2.1 Market j'ticet i Fall Hats. 1 IADIES COLORED STRAWl 11ATS ANI j - ii -i j- BOXNETS, SCHOOL HATS, NECKWEAR aul other Millinery Goods. j f MBS. RATE C. WINES, No, 119, Nrth Second Slrect.f sept 24 Jnext South of Postoffice Ik Rice Birds and Coots,, S HIPPED IN ICE TO ANY PART : OFi the Unite States. sept 24 W. E. DAVf3 A SON. AT33SJ Books ! AN! School Supplies ! sept 24 School Books ! -.',i-iV vj- School Books! FOR ALL SCHOOLS IN THE STATE. A liberal discount to Merchants and Teach ! ers. . rv .r -. .. j r 1 Slates, Copy-Books, Crayons, J , Book- Straps and Bags, " 1 . Paper, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Rulers. Ae Parents will please send their children to I HEINSBKRGER'S. PIANOS &ORGANS QOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES AT r HEINSBERGEIt'S. ep Lire Book and Music Stores Cape) Fear Academy o1 PENS MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st. lit voung men ami lioys for Business lor College,. iiutimoKm inoroogn. - mu corps or tcacners. -Patronage has stead ilr Increased . since it opening. -Parents wllf please enter sons at tMjginning of term. See catalogues In Book I Stores. , . WASHINGTON CATLETT. I. spt 17 2w Principal ART. FIRST CLASS FREE HAND POBTRAIf 8 la Crayon 'and Pastel, , A nlshed io the. fines t style, Verr popular, taking the nhute-of Oil ' and Water Colors everywhere. Orders-will will receive prompt attention.- i Satisfaction i i . .. . - . guaranieeu. j i i ORINT.TnOlLAS ArtRt, - 1 8tndk act Broadwar, N. V. . Address 1 14 Wes23l fet., N. Y. i . I - i . I , ueptl7-tf i . ; .-J :; ' ,. fTxkida water. - - j ! LAVENDER WATER- , t . 1 . VIOLET WATER, I ' j HELIOTROPE WATER.- 6 , WHITE ROKE WATER. j RAZENA WATERl Alao a complete assortment of Colognes and ' I'errumery lor the Summer season. js rreserlpttoBS eoraponwieu clay and night at , JT. C A11JLI!.K S, :'."!'.-" - German Drusait. r- scpt 3 : i 1 CorreT Tonrth- and Nun f, - .Rev.; Daniel MorrelV Encrlislrand C1 : - School riiIlETWKNTY -Jdr J. - I i v 7- i-