THIS PAPER Aliened every evening. Sundays ex eepted by JOSH T.JAMES, EDITOR AND PKOPKIETOB. firBSCBlPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: Zx Slx montb8 t2-00' Thre5 03emnnths.$1.00; One month, 35 cents. rrZ viTxr will be delivered by carriers free f dirge, in any part of the city, at tbe above .mb or 10 cent per week. -fusing rates low and liberal. . -Subscritcr6 will report any and all fail- M tn rm;lvc their paper regularly. The Daily Review has ike largest inJinn. of anu newsrsaver published, inthecuyoj wumingum. "lece of real estate recently sold in I,ondon at the rate of $3,300,000 per acre. Alabama has over 200,000 children tbat are not enrolled at the public bridge over the Mississippi, at Xew Orleans, at a cost of $13,000,0(0, j3 talked of. Philadelphia ladies are learning base hill One of them has caught her hus band out several times already. Bronze statues of Prince Bismarck and Count Moltkc were unveiled on the jj instant at Donnersberg, in the Rhine palatinate. . Mr. Case, owner of J ay-Eye See, rushed across the track when his horse lowered his record and kissed his wife twice. Why did he not kiss the horse? a nnliiifian makes the point that r Arthur never amounted to much until j a was turned out ol the Custom Iluiise j ' lv Hayes. Hayes and (iuiteati inade; him President of the United Slates. ....... . - - ilicIiMiie Courier' says that it mi jj,,iK-i i.furn oltlm . taxable properly in .Von; in wt-re made it wtuiUl either iii- (M''l the revenues the tState fir.d !!n-cciinties one third, t it would en-nl,;.- tlium to reduce the rate of taxtii ion (!! I hinl. l ew English girls at the watering places, says London Truth, appear to know how to swim. That journal as cribes the fact to the prejudice which .lerrees that no lady shall bathe with any man, even her own father, brother or husband. Senator Hoar has received a letter f rom Senator Don Cameron in which the latter says that he has driven in a carriage with his wife across the country from London to Edinburgh. His health" is gradually improving, although he does not seem to regain strength. The Vicksburg Herald thinks that with illimitable fields for the production of sorghum iu the West and South, added to the millions of sugar-cane land in Louisiaua and Florida, it will be but a few years before we shall become a large exporter of sugar and jnolasses. x Queen Victoria has refused to recog nize or receive at court the present Duke of Marlborough, because of his licentious conduct. The Augusta Chronicle tnints that if the Queen should apply the rule strictly, the Duke of Marlborough would not lack for company in his outla wry. , The Louisville Post summarizes Gov. Blackburn's administration thus: He was borne into office by a wave of sen- timentalism, and scotimcntalism has been the characteristic feature of his term of oflicc. He is a man of uu- doubted honesty, but he has continually allowed his sensibilities to rnn away with his judgment. - Gov. Blackburn's apology for par doning so many criminals in Kentucky was that the jails and penitentiaries ! that rich and prosperous common wealth rivalled the horrors of the Black Hole of Calcutta. Indeed, the Governor says they rivalled Sodom and Gomorrah. In justifying himself. Gov. Blackburn forgot that he branded his State with disgrace. Lieutenant A. W. Greely was born in Newburyport, Mass., March 27, 1844, and entered the 19th Massachusetts Regiment in August, 1881. He served throughout the entire war in the infan try, cavalry and artillery service, being engaged in twenty battles and wounded at White Oak Swamp, Antietam and Fredericksburg. . Mrs. Raymond, the Annie Louise f the operatic stage, ascended Mount Washington the other day. in cpmpany with her husband. There was a heavy fog hanging over the mountain, and Mrs. Raymond, turning to her husband, remarked: "If this fog would only lift I would give fifty dollars to the Maine General. Hospital." It so happened that the fog lifted just about that time and the hospital got tho money. - - -. An immense mass meeting of the. Democrats was held in Cooper Institute on Monday night. - Notwithstanding the fact that a heavy rain storm pre vailed, the hall was packed with people businessmen and mechanics, as well as politicians. It was called in the in terest of harmony in the party, and th proceedings were very enthusiastic. r 1 ft 1 VOL. Vli .WILMINGTON. ' C, AVEDNES DAY, SEPTEMBER Ex-Lieutenant Governor Dorsheinier seems to have made the speech of the evening. Among other things he said: i T There is no gentleman who! i3 likely to be named for the Presidency or the Vice-Presidency by the Democracyjwho would not receive our entire supto t, i I am sure if what ' is called the old ticket though Mr; Tilden jwould resent the imputation was again nominated, 1 llden and Hendricks would be again elected. Or, if Mr J Hendricks was at the; head of the ticket, or Mr!. McDon aid, or Mr. Holman, or the statesman from Delaware Mr,. Bayard, or who ever else may Pbe J chosen, he, will 6e elected.- rh H--- ; The outlook 13 certainly very bright in New York . and Massachusetts, ind we tiust also iutOhio. ! Cars are now being run regularly over the big East River bridge.; They began on -Monday. - -- : 1 A New Jersey physician advises the application of the great pain-cure. St. Jacobs. Oil, in backache and spinal troubles, as a remedy against seficus diseases of the spine and kidneys that may result. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates School Books ' ji Oii:i:a Hoi'sk Zera Semon. ; Hkinsbkrukr schooj Books K C Florida;!W'nter, V,; New York and WilmWurton -S ft l.inp W II Gri:k Wholesale a'n I R.-tail nrnjrjci-n New goods are arriving Ircely nv. .,4... ..: !- The receipts oi cotton at this port to lay i)ot up 375 bales.; ' j j For lcket Knives r Taibie Cutlery 20 to Jacobi'' Hardware )epot. t; r-f ft is only the man With! his pocket full of rocks-that can afford to throw stones. ! .! i It must be a sign of a very healthy a drug state of affairs w in xhe market. reu drugs are The girl with ftne, plump arms is thecreature who does not mind the mosquitoes at all. j ; Metallic red is the color of the liiew 1 ' 1 two Gent stamps that will go into circu lation October 1st. 1 I There is a cry bf distress from , every quarter of this gjreen earth. It is "give us a rest on the In Sells Bros' arifV question." i llal- street! parade in eigh there were forty two cages, four bands, a fife and drum corps and a steam piano. I There is much dullness about the City Court room in these latter days, every body seeming to! be oh; his good be havior until after the circus is over. The difference between the sun and a Wilmington boot! black is simply this: The sun shines tor nothing, but the boot black must have five cents. Many good lmsWuds contend that this is an unusually early autumn, be cause so many wivSes have struck them for anew fall bonnet, i ; r A wicked man Isays that he never K r will, upon any consideration whatever, really believe that a! pretty girl knows what a kiss means till he 1 has it from her own mouth. 1 j This makes the second consecutive day of fair weather, but the wind hanU ed to the N. E. i this j morhiug, making the matter of continued sunshine a thing of much uncertainty and, doubt. L i a. Sashes are still obtaining, but it is to be wished that women would under stand if there is ! anything more than another which makes a woman past girlhood look foolishly infantile! it is a sash ribbon tied after the manner of sweet sixteen. j Steamship Regulator i jCapt. Doan from New York, arrived at Jier wharf in this city at about 9 b'cicck this morn ing. She was delayed some hours by a S. W.wind yesterday whch caused a heavy head sea, so tha in at Smithville until I last night. she did not get about 8 o'clock Sheep Husbandry, j A gentleman of our acquaintance in Pender county is talking about going largely into sheep j husbandry. He has had considerable experience in this line heretofore and understands that -there are laree profits, in the business. He speaks of employing shepherds to watch the sheep during the day and to fold them at nightfall, and will get some imported colley dogs to guard the flock." In this connection it may. be remarked that the dogs are credited with ja great deal more mischief than they are actu ally guilty of. Th. two-legged dogs, we have been informed, aroivorse some, times than their four-legged brethren.; i- There seems to be a plenty of mast in the woods in this section this Fall, but then who has the hogs to eat UP. We learn that' the hand3 employed in slowing the cargo of the Br. steamship Woodside struck to-day for an increase labor. ; The difficulty was setiled, how ever, bat on what terms we . were un able to learn J j - The News and Observer says that the ticket seller of Sells' circus is a curiosi ty. He is "lightning" andi no mistake. Watching -him one sees incredible quickness of movement as his hands fly hack and forth. He never appears to look at either the tickets or the money. ', , ... . . ; Serious Accident. A sailor on board the Norwegian barque SuWjclnia, Capt. s Sorensen, noV at anchor off Smithville, fell from one of thetop-gallant yards of that vessel yesterday to the deck. He struck several pieces of rigging in, hs descent which so far broke the force of jhis fall as to prevent his being instantly killed. He was brought to Wilmington last night and taken to the Marine Hospi tal, where Dr. Irving, the Surgeou-in- j charge, gave him the necessary surgi- cal attention, and the wounded man Is j now doing as well as could be expected, j 1 1 is hurl's are very serious, but "the I phj sician thinks that lie will probably j recover. -: tine assortment of Guns and PiHtols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Personal. Mr S. P. Worth, Fisli Commission- er of North Carolina, is in the j city to day en route for the Boston Exposition. Mr. R.J.Jones returned from his trip to the North last night. He visited the ISoston Exposition, of which he speaks in the highest terms, and with especial pride of North Carolina's ; ex hibit, j :: ' Mr. PuBrutz Cutlar returned to the city this morning after a somewhat protracted trip to the Western' portion of the State, which he enjoyed very much. He is m excellent health. Mr. R. B. Nixon, of Scott's Hill, Pender county, has been located for sometimo at Newberh, where he is studying law in tbe office of Messrs Nixon, Simmons & Manly. He-is a young gentleman of ability, as we hap pen to know, and we predict for him a successful career in his chosen profes sion. He will go before the Supreme Court in February next, u ; We understand that Miss E. Karier, who is now North purchasing -goods, is expected to return here next Saturday. She will be accompaaied . by a young lady, direct from a first class pattern hnnnof: hftllSR ill iNcw'5York. Mrs. w v . - - : Alderman and Miss Palmer, j the ac complishedand tastful trimmers now m Miss Karrer's employ, will remain with her. The new I goods are now being received and a grand opening will be announced through the columns of this paper for some day next week. The Boston Exposition. Mr. F. W. Clark; General Freight and Passenger Agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad System , returned last night from a protracted visit to Boston, where he has been engaged in the interest of the roads which he rep resents, i He has also noticed very closely the exhibitions made by the sev eral States, and in his comparison ktk rrniinii stands far! ahead of any otherjn the production of her soils and mines. He was surpnseu wnen ho saw the products of North Carolina micacked and placed on exhibition, and could hardly .credit he fact that what he saw, all came from With in our own borders. In, minerals and woods our exhibition far, exeeded any; -other, nnri crflms and precious stones. so f ar as I regards size qual- itv ind variety, we were far ahead oi all the other States combined. In me chanical appliances and their products New England shows to the best advan taze. but in every product of the soil or the earth under the soil North Carolina had no successful competitor. This was not simply the opinion of the many North Carolinians who were present, and who might be accused of an. over State Tjride. but it was the WW ' j universal sentiment, uttered by people from every section of the country. The display was such that to particularize would fill a volume, ana u can bij ub spoken of in general terms ot praise which it would be almost impossible to eextravagant. f Ui- i . t . 5 Slender necked woman can aid the rid: collar1 now worn with ribbon loons, while their plumper aisters wear nothin ornamental save the collar but- lon,vf hich may be aa'sniall asi their purses will allow I lender Crops. r iMr. Jesse Bowden, of Ashetbn, Pen- der county, who was in the city yester day, confirms the reports already . pubs lished by us as to diaastera to the crops. He says that in his opinion there -will not" be a hall-crop of earn and cotton made in his section. A month ago the prospect was very good, but since then the rains and the winds have beat the crops down and the outlook is now really gloomy. Peanuts and potatoes are, however, doing well and the pros pects for these two crops are very good' The Cfrcus at italeijcli. Sells Bros'., Circus exhibited jn Ral eigh on Monday afternoon and night aod notwithstanding 1 the , torrents i of rain which fell there were large crowds present at both performances. The News and Observer estimates that there were 3,500 people under the tents in the afternoon and 3,000 at night. Notwith standing the great disadvantages labor ed under from the weather the cnter-r tainment is spoken of very highly byt both of our Raleigh cpntemporariesl! The Visitor says it is one o the best j circus shows that has ev;r, visited Ral- j eigh and ih& News atdjObscrccr says : I -Tho-rain was not long in iHIIinghowcj ever, ami oy me inuu ine penormane- began and the 3.5M) -people were in their 1 seats 111 the big j'.ent. pourea uown. There was as may be iinagined. n. end ol discomfort and annoyance, far more to the performers than to the spectators. I for fair weather is one ol the -essentials. Taking the weather into consideration no visitor had cause for dissatisfaction. The show ot animals was notably good the hinuoowtami beii)ir ihc centre ot Attraction, The. animals were in good condition. The ring performance was deprived of much of its lite by the in cessant rain. The Ponalson Bios. were conceded to be the best contor tionists ever seen here! arid were liber ally applauded. . Wjillie Sells1 bare back' Jockey feats were notably Well done. The athletic performance ot the strong man" has noU been surpassed here. i ne.iramea uogs uiu some veij clever work. But the event of the per formance was the bicycle riding by the Stirk family. It is a new feature ana certainly a pleasant one which Sells Bros, deserve credit lor introaucing. The two men. the Woman and the little child vied with each other in grace and acility of movement and delighted every spectator. At the evening performance aa au dience of some 3,000 saw the perform ance, their pleasure being unmarred by rain. The performance was hetter than in the afternoon, owing to the aosence of discomforts. - 4 Iiillington Kiver. 1 A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at Long Creek, on Saturday last, relative to the improvement of, Lilling- ton River. Robt, C. Johnson Esq. was chosen chairman and Bruce Williams Esq. secretary of the meeting, Capt. G. F. Walker has called upon, and spoke at length and with force j of the great good that had been accomplished by the last aDDronriation of Congress, and clearly showed that the work of devel ODincr the country adiacent to the c e? stream had onlv .fairly begun. His remarks iwere very interesting and in strnctiye. The following resolution., as reported by the committee, were adopted- Resolved. That while we r heartily appreciate the aid already extended onr section in improving Liiinngton River, yet from the greater good that might oe accompnsneu, we rcgreL jtuu present ! appropriation ot ' Congress limits the improvement only to the bridcre at the village. It is, tncrefore. the sense of this meeting, ! that 'should the clearing of the river proceed a lew miles above the bridge, as, orig inally" i i oontem plated . And ' . 1 w here the improvement is mostly neea ed , from " a -11 fe-long knowledge of the resources ol the country through which said stream passes, tnat an out let, being a necessity, will be afforded for a vast . undeveloped region ol timber, naval stores &c. , and that in addition, a large area of very rich and fertile land, now practically useless, would be brought into successful culti votion, and that this entire improve ment will afford a public highway tor commerce beneficial not alone to this vicinity but to this entire section, at large. . . . - Resolved, That a copy 01 inese reso lutions be sent to onr representative in Congress with lb request that he use his best efforts to secure the mrtner im provement ot Lillington River, as set forth in our resolutions, ! i ; Resolved, That we regret the tempo rary suspension of the 1 work on the river, so successfully begun, and hope the, same mav be renewed very soon, if such be the pleasure of the authorities in charge. . -.- , Resolved, That the : proceeding of this meeting be sent to the Daily Re view and Star, with a request that they pulish the same. -. ,s , :. The meeting adjourned subject to the call of the chairman, -':; :J. It is tbeproper caper .how Ubr fash ionable ladies to have ucated maids to do their $pellln; and letter writing.' It is asserted that they bear the same relation to each, ether- that, exists be tween the dad e aid hb private secretary. .7 26. 1883. . 'NO. 229 The seasons, malfe a law unto theiiir selves, mid this mOnth finds the busy woman. beginning to wonder what will be worn in the j shape of dresses . and bonnets. Shopping will,j therefore, be second Instaliirent of Fall and k 1 Winter Clotliiiisr. .. - ' , We are receiving one of the largest and finest displays, of Cas?imcrc; Suits, in Plain and Fancy Colors, in Chevjots, Worsted; Basket, Corkscrew, Diagonal Tricot and Broadcloth.- Suits &5. .7 $0, $11J13,;S1$17 and up to $35 It will pay you to examine our Goods and Prices. A . & 1 1 Suki Err, Rcl iable Clothiers, 114 Market st. s i tf NEW ADVEKTISlSMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. O NlE W EVE K ! COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER list SEfllON ! WONDER WORKER, LAUGH CREATOR SU and VENTRILOQUIAL EMPEROR. I NEW, EXPERIMENTS, NEW FEATURES, COSTLY PRESENTS. . I- 100 PRESENTS GIVEN AWAY AT EACH . . .PERFORMANCE. Admission SOcv 35c and 25c. , sept 26 lOt 1 . , New York & Wilmington Steamship Line. STEAMERS WILL (SAIL FROM. NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock, P. M. REGULATOR.... Saturday, Sept 29 -.!.: ....Saturday ' Oct 6 - REGULATOR..!... ....Saturday, Oct 13 BENEFACTOR.. . . . ....Saturday, Oct 20 REG JLA TOR -t -...... Saturday, Oct 2. I" i a ., i ' -iMtr Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Potrtn m North and South Carolina. , i-l .. - 1 For Freight or Passage apply to TH9MA8 E. BOND, Snperintcndent, Wilmington, N.;c .. 1 . ! !'--'" THEO. . KGKR, Freight! Agent, I , S5 roadway. New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents. ECpt 20-tf. i , The Ml E. Normal School -TILL !PEN MONDAY jloRNIKG, Oct. l it. Tuit.on every four weeks In advance : lt ' Normal Course...... $.25 Other Courses...... 1.00 New aopticante should be ex mine-1 th's week. Wk. HERRERTTHRALL, Prin., sept2.2t j i Cor. 7th snd Xun s.s ,!,.! I Cotton and xTaval Stores. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Prompt sales and personal attention given. CHARGES LOW. Refer to Bank of New Hanover. I'. A. NEWBURY, sept'2tlwk WllmmgtonN.d William H. Green, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGL4T, ) .ill illitUUM V ...... . I CARRY A FULL LIKE OF DRUGS, - - i . 1-- ",. - r FANCY GOOD3, c ,Tind hare facitiUes for offering intfuecments to all who tuteor ha r die Medicine.. . pt 24 Smokes. MICO AND SARATOGA-rlO CU. Cigars Jolly Thought. Wliite Cloud, Hoodlum, llrer PilU Sontheru Star, and Our General, the tc - 'eenu Cigar made. - -' 3 Good Liquors. Draught Br, e. . ' OLD JSohril fcTATE SAION. sept 23 - - - ; . I ZERA 1 at We win t glad to receive commnsieaUoB from our frlefids on any and ! all snLjeeU general Interest but . ? S 1 The name ot the writer must ahraya be fa; tUhed to Uie Editor. ; . - .l -r . I Communications mut be vrlttea oa oal one side of' tbe paper. i i ; -: Vlf Personalities must be avo!)ed. , And U Is especUdly, and. parCknlArly und stood, that the EUltor does not always endor the views of correspouden ta unless so i state in the editorial columns.'' NEW AlVIIKTISKBIETS TIN TOILET SETS. "Yt-E KKEP THE LAJtQEST . AND BEST 1 selection of TIN -BEDROOM SETS In the I place Call and set urices befom linvlar i elsewhere. " 4 1 - :". , .Vv-r -.-. ,., - 1 Giles & MnrchisonJ scptS4 .. , . t -) liorchlson Block THY THE COOK ii - TUGGIK3- FOR WHICH WE ABE SOLE AUKNNS. Harneea to go with them at very -low prices.. Tho largest assortment of Sact dies. Trunks, Travelling Bags and Satchel In the State. ; I i Bepairiitz promptly done. Prices low. ! - MclOUlA,LL A BOWDEN. t sept -: No. 114 Jlorth Front St. For Fall & Winter Comforts IN TUB IlOUSErtOLD LINE. U tO . : PARKER A TAYLOR'S Pure White Oil. sept 2 E. C. Blair. -.ill j ' ST,! 'it. ERAL COMMISSION MERCIIAN No. 10. North Second Street. Wilmington, N. C. . Solicits consignments of all kind ot Country Produce. Ton prices and inicfe returns sruar- amccd. Will ieslilp to other mai'Leu; wheu re-Uflcd. '. ' ' . ' ' ' I ' ' " .-1 ofpt t E. Cf. Bl. ..Mil. Kice Planters ( 10.IDS, OF EVUIV4 K!sCR' PTIO T kot.. JVwder. l'ii. Shot, llicc II kt. fork, ltak!. Ac.,' Mraw Twine. We ft n ninke i oie, prices 011 thcHC gooilA, if you menu . nrsii:ss. Give us a call and see what we :uj do for yon. - v ! j" l a j Wf B. SJ'UlMiiSU & UO.L J 1 Siuiceftor8 to John Dawson A Co., 11s . sept 24 ' 2 land 2t Market D.t Fall Hats. JALIES COLORED STRAWjllATSL AND BONNETS, IsctlOOL HATS, NECKWEAR a d other Millinery Goods. 4 . MRS. KATE C. WINES, 1 i- - - I - No, 119, North Second S'rcct. ecpt 21 oext South of Postoffico Hi Rice Birds arid. Coots-' S HIPPED IN ICE TO ANY .PART OF .1 the United StateB. sept 24 W. E. DAVIS A SON. o. -w- School Booko ! AND- Scho ol Supplieo l Bept 24 ' School Books ! i I School BookGI FOR ALL SCHOOLS 1ST THE 8TATE. !A liberal discount to Merchants and Teacli era. . i , j. . .. , i Slates, Copy -Books, Crayons,' ... Book Straps and Bags, i , I Paiier, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Rulers, Ac Parents will please send their children to - ' JIEINSBKRGERK. S PIANOS &ORGANS gOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES AT ! HEINSBERGER'S, rept 24 Lire Book and Musto Stores I Cape Fear Academy I QPENS MONDAY, OCTOBER. IsL FU voungmcn and bovs for Businea or College. Instruction thorough. Full corps of teactiersi Patronage has steadily increased since Its ' owning. Parenu will pleaso enter sobs at leglnningof term. See catalogues In Book Stores. WASHINGTON CATLETT, I sept 17 2w -, PrinciiMil ART. T7IRST CLASS FREE HAND PORTRAITS in Crayon and Pastel, finished In the finest strlc. Very popular, taking the placo of oil , and Water Colors everywhere. Onlers wlllj will receive; prompt attention. Satisfaction guarantee!.! - i' .A I ORIS T. THOMAS, Artist. I Studio Gl Broadway, N. Y Address 144 West 23d L, N. Y. -sept 17 tf Kj- - :,,' s: U' : FLORIDA WATER, , - LAMJXDER WATER, , 1 ... LVIOLFJT WATER, ' 1 HELIOTROPE WATER. " : WUITE RttSK W'ATVAU ' f : : KAZENA WATER J Abo a complete- assortment of Cologne ami Perfumery for the Summer season.! , M3f Preseriptionsi coin poo iviexl ! day 1 and nignc at , : r, aiiujutj. Germ&n Drnrxist. sept 3- Correr Fourth antT Nua sts. Si Rev. Daniel Morrelle's , English and Classical fjniE TWEXfT-rouirru axscal se.s biOS wiU be-'' 3, D. V., THURSDAY, the fotataolOctouer. - t i t 17-tr

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