THIS PAPEB i vcf7 evening, abas""- - .. .1 1 I I M . , h , 1 , I V . . i . ' L ' . r- - i 1 cepted by JOSH T. J ABIES, SDITOB AKD rBOrKIBTO. POSTAGE PAUh 4.00. SLx montna, a.w. oreo . a A nJ mi ' .w. 1.00 One month, 35 cents. will be delivered by carriers free V Pai . . ruirt of the city. t the above . t.r(rt. 1U "J r !, rates low and llberaL 'Jnbscribc wlllreport any and aU reivc their t;uct reguUrly, fall- wlation, of any newspaper f Wilminsrtrkn & t rd, twt'1 ' i Jdrinks braudy and nvater. ''' ' v i holera has broken out in Pekin. t. 1 John Bright. has not touched spirits in ten year--. Corned lamb poisoned one hundred Connecticut couTicts. " ' " ' t. Soe means J. I. C, that is 0j itlally J. I. Casc tne owner of . the 'fbe provincial council of the Catho de clergy of New York is in sessioD, resided over by Cardinal McCIoskey. -.-. Kentucky is out of debt, and yet., has ,000 illiterate voters, making a total oi 11)0,000 illiterate people in the State. How little comment there was on the anniversary of Garfield's death! A mans memory rots quicker than his bones. ........ , - (ieu. CJrant denied to a reporter in St. l'aul the other day the report that he lavored Mr. Conkling's nomination for "President. - , 'I'lieStw York GraiJtic evidently ex iwrfs that the Heptiblicans in New Vork will "be beaten this year a liai.'Iv as lust. A New Orleans man predicts that raiJ. cross ties furniture, houses etc. iviii uiauufaciured of papjr stock by tlic enil of the century It some-of the New York merchants ari to be believed, the great danger to tni.H country will presently come Irom the Chinese and not the negro. The American flag, draped in crape, was displayed for ten days over the United States legation in Paris in honor of the late Judge Jeremiah S. Black. London Truth make9 the reckless assertion that 40 per cent, of the cigar ettes sold in'. the United States are smok ed by women. Can Truth verify the statement? . . . , , A new railway is to be built between New York and Boston. Through trains will make the trip, without stopping, in three hours. The present -time i is six hours. - j Memphis Avalanche: "It is a curious form of sentimental nonsense that re jects Federal aid to Southern schools and with great zeal seeks Federal aid to improve Southern rivers." The Louisville Post shows that out of the 369 electoral votes cast for the last President, 154 could nave been control ed by the illiterate voters. No wonder the North is getting scared. A terrific hail storm swept over the Ohio valley irom Carrolton to Law renceburg, Sunday afternoon, covering the ground two to four inches thick with hail and ruining the standing crops. -- Agents of the secet service Saturday seized at Dulutb, Minn., plates for printing counterfeit ten dollar United States silver certificates also plates for ten dollar notes on the bank of Mon treal, Canada. The case of ex-Senator Sharon and his alleged wife will be" brought up in San Francisco October 16. The opinion prevails in San Francisco that the case is one peculiar to that city, where, a prominent man is not considered as broken in until he has been blackmailed or has been sued for breach of promise. The ex-Senator is now at the White Sulphur Springs. The llaytian man-of-war, Dcabaline, now at Philadelphia, uarrowly escaped destruction by an infernal machine manufactured by Geo. Halgate and placed on board by an agent of the Haytian insurgents. When the latter found that the yesselwas going to sail lor Hay ti under American colors they, become frightened and they removed the machine. They vtill endeavor to place it on board the Desbaline a! ter her arrival at Port-au-Prince, Mr. F. M. Shields, of Coop wood, Miss., is the inventor of a big gun just patented which he calls the "Mississip pi Sweepstakes.'-and describes thus: The gun shoots 4.000 balls at the explo sion of one can. It will kill and wound 800 men out of a regiment of 1.000 men at a distance ot 100 yards.) It has 49 barrels all combined in one - and each barrel shooting one degree and twelve minutes on a horizontal plane ironi the others. "Shootio. a distance of ICO yards, it will coyer a space of ICDy srcIs, fillins a Trent br 2 f.!i." - '. ' 1 ' : t ' i - f ' " - v; ; r;;r; :--,. -r1?;T' - - - P ' " . . 'v , . . ' " , " 111 "i VOL. VII. W ELMINGTON, N. C.l THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Coftec taverns seem sto av ia En?- rish provincial towns hut not in i Jmuln en. ''.. . I- ! u le reasons ior tms.itne Jonaon lruth thinks, is the execrable character of the coftec which is generally sold in Ijondon coffee taverns. .. j . I : J- It may be pretty safely lJ.d down, says the lndon . Ubtld, that any one wlu should build inj Ixndon a house costing JC500.0Q0 would before long, if of-deeent repute and anxious to "get into good society," succeed in doing so. Gov. Cleveland, wjui is a bachelor, pardoned a man convicted of haying four wives, because hejwas convinced that 4in any event the punishment al ready suffered by the convict has fully vindicated the law and answere'd the ends of justice." j I i i The New York Times, discussing the embarrassing question of calling in the bonds, says : "The surplus is too large. If it had been reduced ' to! the1 amount required lor the1 sinkings fund, about $45,000,000, the outlook would now be more satisfactory." J There is a warning fol girls whose mammas are given' to coronet huntine. fWe are assurwl that !rf the thirty one marriages between titled Germans and American girls rail but one have; re sulted in abandonment, separation, divorce or some other disaster. i In twenty one years! &3 050.000,000 have been collects! by1 the Internal S i - Revenue Bureau. New York contrib uted. $505,000,000. Since the. abolish ment ofthe income iaxNer York pays about $20,000,000 aunually. Illinois heads the list with $30,000,000. Ohio pays about the same as New- York. States that have paid over $100,000,000, in twenty-one lycars, are New York, Illinois, Ohio, Iennsylvania, Massa chusetls, Kentucky,' Missouri and 'In diana, in the order named. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I ' j , it , M Wall Private Sale jl . W II M KocH-Tirst Oysters flEIXSBERGEK School Boots V C Millkk Florida Water, &f W H Gkee: Wholesale and Uetail Drugiet CRONLY & Morris Furniture at Anction The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 574 balesV 1 This is lovely Autumn weather with good cool nights for sleeping and pleas ant days for the business of life. New Hanover county Criminal Court, Judge O, P. Mearcs presiding, will convene in this city on Monday next. i- f ! . Messrs Cronly & Morris, Auctioneer will close out to-morrow the j sale ef furniture at the residence ofMr; J05. H.'Neff, ou Dock street. ' ! . . . jt Thanks for a card of invitation to the Virginia State Agricultural Fair, which is to be held in llictiinond October, 3lst and November 1st and &nd. , Mrs. J. C. Bailey, after a prolonged absence, the most of which was passed at her former home at Bangor, j Me.; returned to thejeity on Tuesday bight. We are glad to know that Captain Colvin, ot the steamer John Dawson, has so far recovered! from his late sick ness as to be able to resume his post of duty on board the steamer. Mr. M . Walls. , at N. Oil South Front street, between Castle and Queen streets, offers at private sale his entire stock of household and kitchen furni ture. See advertisement j elsewhere. ZeraSemon is certainly welt posted and well advertised! Itis agent. Mr. Wood, who was with him on his previ ous visit here, is hardworking and painstaking. He has flooded the city with posters and bills and ts still as hard at work as the first day he arrived here. . i-r-M The new freight warehouse ofthe W. & W..R. R. has been completed and was used for the reception j of freight yesterday, for the first time. The old warehouse is used yet for the delivery of freight, but j it Is expected to vacate It altogether by to-morrow. Mr. W. II . M. Koch, of the National Saloon, corner farket ' and Water streets, advertises in this issue the first New River oysters of the season. They are unusually I at and well-flavored for Seytember oysters, and this we know because we have tried them. , ' We acknowledge the reception of an invitation to attends he celebration of the Newburg Centennial to be held at Kewburg, N' Y., October ISth" ia coxa inoration of the closing scenes of v the Rsvclutical Tho card is tha hand soccst tLIs2 cf l!:3 kind wo have ever A- The Rice Crops. We are sorry to hear that the loss to the rice crops in this section will prove lully as disastrous, as. was apprehended. It will amount to probably 40 per cent of the crops. The rice is now ripe and is being cut as rapidly as possible Our information as to the loss is derived from a gentleman w,ho has planted ric on the Cape Fear for many years. , A JJeautiful Picture. Our attention .has been called to a most beautiful- piece of art work now on. exhibition at the music rooms ol Mr. P. Ileinsberger. It is a crayon of to little daughters of Captain R. Mi Mclntire, the work of Mr. O. T.Thom as, copied from a photograph taken by Mr. A. Qrr, previous to his departure iov the North. We have on more than one occasion spoken of the work exe cuted by Mr. Thomas, but we are constrained to say that! the picture of these children, in our opinion, exceeds any of his former efforts. j Episcopal Church Matters. The Triennial Convention of the Pro testant Episcopal Church in the United States will-meet in Holy Trinity church Philadelphia, on October 3d. one week from yesterday. Each of the forty eight dioceses is entitled to be represented in the convention hjn four cherical and t;ur lay delegates, and each of tho fifteen missionary districts by one dele gate. The body is organized and governed very much similar to, the Congress of the United States. There arc two houses upper and lower. The House of Bishops, corresponding to the Senate, u composed exclusively of Bishops, of whom there are between sixty and seventy. Its 1 sessions are held with ' closed doors. The lower house, composed of the clerical and lay delegates, holds its sessions openly, except when discussing the character ol a Bishop-elect. ' . s The delegates irom North Carolina lre Revs. A. A. WatsohVD". D, RevrN. C. Hughes, Rev. 1os. C. Huske, D. D., and Rev M. M. Marshall, D. D., -clerical delegates, and I Dr. A. J. DeRosset, Mr. Jno. Hughes, Mr. John S. Hen derson, and Col. Jno. W. Atkinson, lay delegates. I L . The Southern Telegraph C0111 . ! pany. Mr. M. S. Dill, President of the Greenville Land and Lumber Compa ny, of Norfolk, Va., was ., in the city yesterday, prospecting in search of tele graph poles for the line of the Southern Telegraph Company. The Land and Lumber Company, of which Mr. President, have the contract for furnish fog the Southern Telegraph Company with poles necessary to extend the lin.c ofthe latter from Norfolk, Va., to Co lumbia, S. C, via Wilmington. At Columbia it will connect with the linea of some other company from Rich mond, Va., to Savannah, Ga. Mr. m. V a k JB Lni convcrseu with a number ot our people who have timber suitable for telegraph poles, but we believe that no definite result was reached when he left last night, but he may be more success ful when he returns, which will be in a few days. : , Another object Mr. Dill had in view in visiting this city was to endeavor to secure the right of way to erect the poles from Weldon to Wilmington, on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and hence to Columbia, S. C, pn the Wil mington, Columbia & Augusta Rail road. Col. Bridgers, the President of these roads, was absent from the city and Mr. DiU left last night for Rich mond, Va., where he was to meet the former this morning. 1 . . .j The Charlotte Journal-Observer, of yesterday's date, has some information relative Io the operations of this com pany, which we copy, here: , r The Southern Telegraph . Company opened their office for business in Rock Hill yesterday, and the wires are being strung rapidly in the direction ot Co lumbia. The success with which the new company, has met is surprising, and at a meeting of the, directors, herd in New York Monday, it was decided to put up more wires between Rich mond and Charlotte and on South so ai to be better prepared to handle . their business, which has outgrown the present capacity of the company. The extra wires Will be , strung immediately. The Southern is also to build a- line from Lynchburg to Washington City. A line of the Southern company is now being constructed btween Norfolk and Charleston across the country. , It fol lows the country public roads ami makes a bee lice between Norfolk acd Charleston, passing through the coun ties in the- Eastern part of the State. The poles are up for a greater part of the way. Clinton, in Sampson county. will be one of tha cost important cHces cf this Use. This .thrcuh-thcenntry lin3 will tap a number ci Itcrth euro llna town 3 acd fjivo them tc!rrph:c ir.:::: nfil f . j .... .... 1 T" Graded Schools. The Graded Schools of the city - will j wjvm isi. t uose hwno wish io enter ior the first t me i :ik " . J day morning, Sept. 28th at 9 o'clock and at the llemenway at 11 o'elocki Examination, for entrance .into the Pea- body and iWilhston - (colored) on the i day of openin-r. This notice does not apply to tboseV who were- pupils last year.,; ,.- :.f " '. ;- Zera SenioD. 1 This wonderful ventriloquist and prestidigitatcur is to appear in this city next week, commencing ort 'Monday night. He will be rcmenibeied by our readers as having been with us winter before last; on which occasion he cer tainly made good his claim to be con sidered as the man on whom the man tles' of Wy man and Blitz have fallen. Since he was last here be has travelled extensively through this country and Great Britaiu and he' will present .next week many new and wonderful feats ot scientific1 diablerie, i He also gives away a large number of useful and vauable presents. He will be sure to draw a lai ge house every night. City Court. - Isaac Mum ford, colored, was brought before the Mayor this morning on 'the charge of throwing rocks in the street. He was fined $3 for the offense, which he paid and was discharged. . This boy Mam ford was seen yester terday throwing rocks at another boy by one of our. citizens who reproved the lad. when the latter turned upon the gentleman and began to pelt him with the same sort of mis siles. The gentleman, not liking this sort of reply to his argument, started for the young scamp; and alter a sharp race, captured hut; at the cor-, nor of Market and Seventh streets and handed him over to the police, who locked him up to be tried this morning and fined as stated above. ".j . . . Persoual. . ... V 1 j Mr.-W. H. Sterling. Manager of the Western Union ,onice in this city, has returned to the city after a short 'visit to Norfolk. . - yv- r Miss Amy Bradley, who has-been North during the Summeris expected to return here to-night and will . reopen Tileston School on Monday next. Major J. C. Winder, General Man ager ofthe Raleigh lines and the C. C. 11. R., is in the city to-day. Mr. M. M: Katz returned to the city last night, after an absenc of several weeks at the Northern-markets. The goods he purchased have been arriving for some time and will continue to ar rive for weeks yet. Mr. Katz was ac companicd on his return by hTs two children, who have been at school. An Honor to the City. It is with pleasure that we note the prosperous condition of the ' Wilming ton Library Association. Atone- time it seemed tp be lanquuisbing and , with out any manifest interest or enthusiasm concerning its affairs, but within, the last two or three months it seems to have awakened into a new life and yigor. and is increasing daily in the number of its members, in jits influence for good aud in its importance to our city. At a called business meeting of the Board . of Directors, held at their rooms last night. 27 applicants were admitted to membership, which, iwith 25 previously admitted, aggregated 52 that have been added to the member ship during:, the , present . month. The Association have recently ordered a carpet which is daily expected and will be put up on the floor as soon as it arrives. They have also placed several more chairs in the rooms for the con-Tenience- of visitors, and will put in several additional gas jets, . with one drop light, so that the room may be ade quately lighted at any time. ; ' Among other attractions the rooms will be furnished with some of the lead ins: magazines, periodicals and newfi papers ofthe day, among which will be Harper's Magazine, . the Century, North American Retietc TMelVt Liv ing Age, the Young Ladies1 Journal, and the Delimator; the two last esper dally tor . lady visitors. Among the newspapers will bethcDAiLY4RFArMvri Morning Star and North Carolina Presbyterian, of this city, the Netcs awl Observer and State Chronicle, of Ral eigh i . the San Francisco Chron idle Philadelphia Weekly Timcif Boston PosJ. N. Yf Times. N. Y. Mail and Express, London Times (weekly) and London Graphic . (weekly). Probably ethers trill ts sZzd but tb3 forced n 2 0 i iA u.uUteMW , V - 9 rr.:.ticr fcr HLzz2 rr! 1 t!:::r3 t- v.xz'.X 27, 1883. ; NO. 230 I T 1IEI. MOKRIS At Teaclicy. N. C. Sept. 25th, dunzbter of A. U. and Sirrah FJ Morris, ared a ?t,lnu wmonms.. v umore papers please copy NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PRIVATE SALE. T THE U.NDEBSIGNED jWJLL SKLI. AT private sale, on Wedn'tedtyv. Oct. S!, at my residence, No. fill S. Front L, between 1 area ami Castle sta , my- entire Household and Kitchen Furniture.: Failles deairui to exam ine it can do so after 7 p. m. each day, ecpt27-3t L -WALLS.' The First Oysters I -piRST NEW B1VEII OYSTERS ot the season received this day at - - - the NATIONAL SALOON. Call and get some. Also, fine Wines, Beers. Liciuora. Ci- Kara,' Ac. I W. 11. M KUUU, 1 Proprietor. , sept 27dt Furniture. OD FURNITURE, SELECTED WITH great care and has been well kept. . At reel dence of J. II. Nefl, Esq., on to ni rrrow (Fri day) at 19 a. m., we shall close out to highest bidder, all of the Parlor and Chamber Furni ture, contents of three stories, i i eaie positive. CRONLY & MORRIS. sept 2-It . ! Anct'rs OPERA HOUSE. O NE WEEK ! COMMKNCIXG MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st WW''' ?if-'-ji.:-:; ZERA SEMON! WONDER WORKER, LAUOU CREATOR and VENTRI LOOUIAL EMPEROR NEW EXPERIMENTS, NEW FEATURES. J00 PRESENTS Gri7EN AWAY AT .EACH PERFORMANCE. Atlmlssion C0c, 3oc and 55c. ' - i r sept 2J lOt I Just Received. J HAVE JUST RECEIVED BI 8TEAMER a laiffe lot of HATS suitable for School Hate for Missca. : I i -rs A nice assortment of COLORED STRAWS, Milan and Canton, for Ladies' FaU wear latest shapes. ... ' . , . - !SAn RIBBONS and all other wMthft and qualities. ' ' ' ; ' Full line of Handkerchiefs, Silk and Llacn. GlovesKid. Silk and Lisle. Parasols and Neckwear. . ' Am selliD? the above at 1 Very reasonable prices to make room for a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods. ., . . Stamping and Hair work done promptly. - Agency universal Fashion Coa Patterns. ' Respectfully, i i ' MISS E. KARRER, sept 10 EXCHANGE CORNER Female School. -O : MISSES BURR JAMES, Principals. t MRS., M. S. CU8IUNG, Musical bastruetress. rjpHE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence on i Thursday, the 4th of October, 1883, anl close during the third week in Jane, 184. - Thecomraeof Instruction Is thorough and systematic. Terms reasonable. Lessons In painting in Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, with Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. : ! Where a class of ten or twelve Is formed for the school of painting, the price will be re duced. - . - " ! t' ! - - Pupils outside of the school who desire mu sical Instruction, will do well to apply early. For farther particulars fnqalre of Principals, or call for Circular. sept 12 .!''. . " - - t - Cotton and Naval Stores. QON8IGSMENTS SOLICITED. Trompt sales and personal a ttenUn given. CHARGES LOW. Refer to Bank of New Hanover. F. A. NEWBURY, sept 241 wk - 1 Wilmington, K. C. : ..woiiam n. Green, wilOLlSALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, 1 IT MARKET- STREET. J CARRY A FULL LINE .OF DRUG?, ANCY GOODS, Ar,; arvt have faUUes for ofTertn ininccmfcu ia all who use or hacdie Medldofx '. - ; ' i Hfpt 24 JIICO' AND SARATOGA 18 eta. Clxars Jc, 'yThcnttt, TTLIte Clou !, IZoo ii ia. Liver pi:i, J; .Lra i".r, t2 iOar Gcrcrat, tl.?iit: t r--r. X "I I I PLEASB KOTIC3S. . W wllLTw glad to receive caxaaTulcAtloa from our friends on any and all ' sabjscu , geaeral Interest but The name of the writer most stray be fa alshed to the Editor. Communications must be written oa cal one side of the paper. Prsotalltics mnst be avoided." ' l;. ' And It Is especially and i partictLlarly uad tood that the Editor doe : not alwaja eadoi : the views sf correapondents nnJeas so state la the editorial columns. . h - NEW ADVatTISEimNTS. j INTOILET SETS. Y KEEP THE L&RQEST AND 5 BEST sekctlonf of TIN BE ti ROOM SETS in the' elSwher a SCt lrUx before buying Giles & lUurcliison. P1 24 MurchUon Block TRY THE COOK "OUGG1ES. FOR WHICH- WE ARE SOLR AGfiNNS. Harness to goTwith' them at "very! Mrzvs. sasorxment or oau-l tVcHlftullk, T"'c1"n Bags and Satchels la I Repairing promptly done. Prices low. I McDOUGALL Jfc HQWDEN. sept-24 h No. 114 NortH Front it. For Fall & Winter Comforts IN THE HOUSEHOLl LINE. j , , Goto .-4 41 ; PARKER A. TAYLOR'S. Para White Oil. fpl24 E. C. Elair, G ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 19. Vftrth Rfrnnil fllrnAl r WllmlnolAn'v I Solicits consignments of all klud of Cbuutry Province. Ton vrlces and otilei: antred. Will leshlp to other marketa wheu rciuceted. ,ept -4 E. G. BLAIR. Ill co Planters ri OODS, OF KVF.RY I)F.SCRTPTION WA 'T Mua- Vorks, ItakcR. Ac, htraw Twine. We ctn .OKB. in siKhs. uive us a call and see what we can do for you. . , -!. . w. e: springer a co.. i fiuccesstrs to John Dawsoa & Co.. sept 44 ' , io, 21 and 2-1 Market ti eet I Fall Hats. I AMES COLORED STRAW HATS AND ItiiNNETS, SCHOOL HATS, , NECKWEAR ' a vl other Miilinccy Goods. ! - 1 MR?. KATE C. WINKS, ' . No. 119, North Second S reet. -1 ' sept 24 Jaext South of PostoAice f ' "Rice Birds and Coots'f , gUIPPED IN ICE TO ANY, PART OF,' the United States. : 1 sept 24' W. JK. DAVIS & SON,' ATES1, School Boolco ! 'AND ' School Supplies ! sept 24 1 " - . ' ' ' ' " School Books I School Booko I T70R ALL SCHOOLS IN THE STATE. I A JU liberal discount tp Mercluints and Teseh ' . SlaWs, Copy-Books. CrayonjJ ' ' ' J Book Straps and Bags, . t t Paper; Pens, Pencils, Ink, Balers, Ae Parents will please send their ehltdren to . ' . IIEINSBEltGKR. ( j PIANOS & ORGANS OOLD AT REASONABLE PHICES AT I HEINSBERGER'S, M rept 24 Live Book and llnslo Stores Cape Fear Acafleniy QPENS MONDAY, OCTOBEli 1st, Fits vouog men ami boys for Business or College, Instruction thorough. Full corps ot teachers. Patronage has stcadilv inrrpri . tt. opening. . Parents will please ienter sons St wcsuuudoi ienn. isee ataiognes in Book Stores. r WASHINGTON CAT LETT, scpij sw. 4 . Principal r ART. JpiRST CLASS FREE II AND PORTRAIT in Crayon and Pastel, finished In tho finest': tT.0.Vw Wular. taking the plaeoofOU and Water Colors everywhere Orders wlU will receive prompt attention. .Satisfaction guaranteed. .OKINT. THOMAS. Artlt4 " I Studio SCl Broadway. S. Y. -Addrs 1M Wt 23d St., N. Y. , FIX KID A WATl-St; 1 : VIOLET WATER, , HEIJOTROPE WiTER. WHITE ROSE WATER, - RAZENA WATCU. Alo a complete aortotent of Colognes aa t Perfnmery for tle bummer season. PresciiptloD fomirfmn'!.'.! day - : night at F. C UlUA.ll'S, . .. s. . ' , Gerrnaa Dru-iit. ' -sept 3- Correr rourth aad Nrra eu. ' Rev. ; Daniel MorrcIIe's ; English and Classical j Scliooi, : r j rpiin TvjiNTr-r'rnTii A?::.rAL :-. 1. A t '

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