THIS PAPKK pUVlUheJ every eveBln. Sunda,. ex eeptcd by JOSH T. JAMES, , glHTOB AND PBOFKIKTOB IrRSCBlPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: i I4.M- su months,' $2.00. Three tfa6 yea i.00; One month, 35 cent. ve'r will be delivered by carriers free VL n any part of the city, at the above ,MorlOcupcr week. ' HvcatlBin? ratc lrtrv an'1 Uberal--Sulwcribcrs will rciwrt any ami all fait hoir naicr retrularlv. to rct" ' i I, i I, cr Tlic Vnily llevittv has the largest r, t t? city of Wilmington. hc internaiional conveotion of pris- rftorniers is in session in Louisville, tin - Kentucky- 1 Xbe Corcan embassy were on Tuesday . -ta .A thft i v of New Vork nnil tilC-u'31 ----- - -- its merchants. The hail storms of the last few days Iadiana and Kentucky. -- ... - bynian Blair, president of the Chi- ,to Chamber of Commerce, was killed at his residence, Tuesday even ing, by the accidental discharge ot his an. Ferdinand Mayer & Co., wholesale cloth dealers, New York, have Tailed, with liabilities estimated at $1,700,000; assets nut yet known ; preferred credits, iH3 1.000. Mr. Wendell Philips can yet fling an atiicctive with the best, of 'cm. .Hear him: '"I distrust ami despise the Ik publicans a hypocrites and time .i vers, as double dealers, as souPcss ,-:iriun iu;i;queradjn in the gnive ! ci"!hts ot thoir honored predeecsrfors ' On Monday Anthony Coiubtock. corU'il liy "a large posse ol dpiiJy rills, weui to the BiisUiuu Beach j 1j, (Coiity is and) race track whre he i iiiaii. !inmt! arrests. H then went lo Wt-jit Brighton and raided thi pool rooms there, making one or two ar rests. Within half an hour after he left West Brighton, the pool room were reooened, f .'on5u4-General Merritt. of London, reports to the state department at Washington that he has investigated the alleged Brandford estate in Great Britain, which is reported to be await ing the heirs ot Gov. William Bradford, tirst Governor of Plymouth colony, and" linds that there is no money in the bank of England to their credit. David E. Aiken, the inspector of water meters, in New York, who was recently arrested for complicity in the, irauds in the water register's bureau, on an indictment recently found against him by the grand jury in the third de jjree, in having fraudulently altered a book ot record, was arraigned in court Monday. He pleaded not guilty, and was released on bail. Counsel applied in the court of general sessions. New York, Monday.on behalf of Charles R. Beck with, to have eleven indictments against the latter for em bezzlement nolle proseqnied. Beckwith was cashier for B. T. Babbitt, the soap manufacturer, and when in his employ swindled him out of about $200,000. He was tried on two indictments, con victed and sent to prison for ten years. His term has expired, aud he was re loased. -- - . At a Bowery museum in New York, on Wednesday night, the fat woman of the concern, a girl only sixteen years old, was married to a young man of twenty, the son ot a butcher. The groom weighs 120 pounds andthe bride .')Ki. The scenes at the marriage were disgusting, j The hall was filled with a shouting, yelling, blasphemous mob, and the . marriage ceremony- was per formed by one Rev. Chas. E. Berger, an ex-army chaplain, who was both drunk and blasphemous. The groom claims that it was a love match . - The Democratic Convention of the First Congressional district will be held at Edentort on the 2nd day of October, The district is composed of 16 counties. The successful candidate must receive 149 votes. The total vote is 297, dis tributed as follows : Beaufort, 34 ; Camden, 13; Carteret, 20; Hertford, 1U; Hyde, 10; Gates. 20; Martin, 28; Pamlico, 14; Pasquotauk 14; Per quimansi 15; Pitt, 45; Tyrrell, 8; Washington. 12; Dare, 6; Chowan, 13; Currituck, 20. This representation is based upon tho Democratic strength as shown ly the Jarvis-Buxton yote in IS80. m - The Washington Post continues to deal Postmaster-General -Gresham some well mented blows for his con duct In the case of the First Natrona Bank of New Orleans, which is by hs order restrained from receiving registe'r od letters and money orders through the mails, because of its business relations with the Louisiana State Lottery Com pany. Tho Post Is right. Mr. Gres ham is himself a violator of the laws : which he declares he is upholding : His attitude towards the Lottery Company is last assuming that ot a , personal I Inr IPj iL jL i v v : ! '!"' " L ' - . I'..-!..' - s " V- .'!. ... Ji . " . ! - , -.. . - "-., , 1 .vu -: . -i ! VOL. VIIJ ! 1 ' enmU3. lie overlooks the fact that thereis just as fine a field for the dis play of his official, energies on Wail street. New York; as there is in New Orleans. But then Wall street has contributed liberally to uphold and sustain the party to which Mr. Ores ham owes his1 official, position, and then, hothing rashjmust be dono with regard to Wall street. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates School Books I IlIKSB&G School Books 1 V C MlLLEK-4riorida Water, &c A V Hokkell Wlnberry Oysters F W Oktman New Biver Oysters W H Gkeex Wholesale and Retail Druggist Lookout for row. pickpockets to-mor- Our weather clerk has handed in his resignation. ' ; j! The circus tents will Dickinson's Hill. I 1 be pitched on Col. Kenneth-M. Murchison, df New York, is in the city. The receipts of cotton at this port to d;iy foot up 745 balqs. i i r Miss Lillian Speiicvr is to appear in j (;,.hlsboro in the Creole October fit I For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery j sfo In J ACORT ITardVnr T,Hf' ' iL Circus to-oiorrow. then cojnes Sun ay and then get readiy' to go to school I n Monday, l! j i i Iarfre crowds-from tho -country are uxppcied to be here ! to morrow to see the Serkus. f Cotton sells from one-half I to rive eighlhs ot a cent higher in Wilmington Steamboalmen report a plenty-ot water in the Cape Fear, and excellent navigation in consequeuce. Quite a large party is expected down on thecTbn Dawson to night, the most of whom will stay to see the circus. People from the country pport that the waters are slowly slowly subsiding and the dry land begins to appear. Messrs Morris Bear & Bros., of this city, were granted a drummer's license, at the State Treasury, on) Wednesday, There were a number of flat loads of wood in the docks this morning, from which good ash was retai ing at 80 cents per load. ! ' It is very easy to say that the mos quitoes must go, but we can vouch for the fact that they had npfc left at a late hour last nisht. The bridge over the railroad, at Sixth street, has been com pleted and is now in good solid condition for either teams or pedestrians. . ! - Messrs E. T Boykin and J. D. Kerr, ot Sampson country, arc in the city to day on business connected with their profession, the i The Wilming aw on Light Infantry j was out on parade last night and did very well, but owijig to the i darkness the drill was not so successful as it other wise would have. been. . Mr. A. Shricr, of the firm of A. & j. Shricr, ha returned from1 the second trip he has made this yeaf to the North ern markets. His purchases are arriv ing freely by both rail and sjteamcr. l 1 We understand that the telegraph wires are"up to within about two miles of Clinton, that the instruments are in place and that: well soon hear thunder and see some of the effects; of the light ning. Good. . j j Messrs W. E. Davis &l Son caught over 400 fine large! drum fish yesterday afternoon, and the catch I will average 40 pounds to the fish, j aggregating 16, 000 pounds. It is Wid to, be the largest haul of these fish on record. Rev. R. W. Lide. of Dovesville, S. C, will preach in the First Baptist Church next Sunday morning and again at night. During his stay in the city he will be the gest of Mr. William Larkins. of the First National Bank. Thanks to Mr. L: M. Long, the Secretary, for an jinvitation to attend the Fourteenth Annual Fair of the Roanoke and Tar River Agriculture Soeiety, to be held at Weldon Novem ber 5-9. Hon D. W. Voorhees, is ex pected to deliver jthe address. ; i i i ! i The linemen! who are engaged in put ling up the telephone poles; and wires throughout the city are the objects of much curious attention and conversa tion as they pursue their perilous call, ing; bnt they dont sem Id "knew; or care what is said or thought concerning them: - WILMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY; SEFTEMBEltaa 1883. - "J f NO; 231 New Engines. At tho Wilmington & Weldon Rail road machine shops in this city, workrJ men Have just commenced putting up five new engines. Three of these will be for the W., C. & A Railroad and the other two for the W. & W. ' Railroad. The engines tobe built wilt be of the same pattern and design as those already com pleted, and will be considerably larger than any heretofore in use upon either of the roads named. " I Changing: the Guage, i- A good many of the cars belonging to Sells Brothers' circus in fact, all that could be sparedhave been sent to the W. & W. machine shops, in this city, to have the tracks changed to the wider e:uage, which will be necessary' on all roads South of here. - We Isaw the labor in progress this morning and the workmen made short work of changing the gnage of a pair of wheels'; but there will be a good many of them to change before the iob is completed. The New Stamp. A great many people seem to need telling that the old two xent stamp will be just as good as ; the new ono ' after ; Oc.Uber 1st, aud that the. three cent ! stamp will pay postage on any class of i snail matter then as well as ever. The (;OVernment will not begin to repudiate nH P:Per- There appears some pros- P',f;l l"at uanaua win - uiumaieiy remse tearry our lotters under the two cent rate, but the old rule of mutual delivery ! 1 i must be observed until further notice. The Cut-orf. The Goldsboro Messenger says : "Capt. A. J; Galloway, of the Atlantic C;ast Line, returned to his home in this city last Wednesday, from his trip alons the intended route of the Wilson and Florence Railroad.. Capt. Gallos way lias secured the right of way over toe lands lying between the two points in question, but as to Jwhen the road will be constructed, we are unable to inform our readers, as Capt. Galloway re.'uses to be interviewed on the subject. Big Windows. The mammoth French plate glasses for the window? of Messrs. Brown & Rod dick's new store on Front street have arrived. The largest measure 11 feet G inches in height by 7 feet 10 inches in width, aud are considerally larger than any In the cSity, and we doubt if there are any larger in the South, this side of New Orleans. Workmen were engaged to day in getting them inside the building and nnpacking them,- and it will be assumed that the ponderous nlatp wpt( handled with care to nre vent breakage. Theatrical. The music-loving portion ot our. peo ple have a rare treat in store for them. Ou the 18th of October next, Miss Minnie Hank, with her own selected company of artists, w ill gjive a grand operatic concert, in which she will give selections from the most celebrated operas in character and costume- She is one of the celcbritie's of the operatic stage whose acting jand vocalization have stood the test, of the most severe criticism iu the large cities ;ot this country as well as in Europe, and we may expect from her and her company such a musical treat as it has seldom if ever been the good fortune of our people to hear in Wilmington. A Progressive House. Among tho -manyf places on Market street where architectural changes, new paint, remodeling oi stores, store fronts, c., are giving new and neat appear ances, wo were constrained to notice he Live Book and Music Store of Mr. P. HeiDsber,yes. On approaching the store the eye, as well as other organs of sense, is immediately, informed; that paint is not a scarce article about his establish ment. A glance linide: the store j is sufficient to see that everything is be ginning to look new, and that it is being supplied with additional shelving-and many other arrangements for the dis play of a large lot of school books,' paintings, latest music-and music books, and many new and! pretty goods that are being received every day. He tells us that he expects next week, in addition to his present stock j of musical instruments, a large lotof pianos and organs, which j will certainly give his music department a most complete ap pearance. ' 1 j.'i""-'r'" We never knew a , man to come to Wilmington for the purpose of seeing a circus; but there are quite a number in the city from the surrounding coun try whose business is of such a nature that they jare reluctantly compelled to stay over until to-morrow; and .they may drop -into the show, for a few IpiinutesMust to see the animals. J - f Bico birds are fat but Uid prices are very . high. , , Scuppcrnong grapes arc ."plentiiul, av f cents per pecK. The lrame of the -new blacksmith shop of Mr. P H. iHayden ia inlready erected and the work ot eompletiog the building -is progressing favorabtyr "It win prooamy oe rcaay ror nse . some time next weekV I. We saw some -tmasuallv 'fine new riv6r oysters to-day at the Club Rooms of Mr. F.'W. Prtmaun.'pn North Sec ond Street. In a "card in this issu Mr. Ortmann invites our country couss ins to drop in to-morrow; and see them. Mr A. V. Horrel!, at John Carroll's old stand, on Market streeU is in receipt of a lot jof those splendid Winberry oysters, the first of the season. Ue in vites a call and a trial, in advertisement published in this issue. I The SjujijB the title, of . a i very . hand some paper of 24 columns v the ptibli ction of which j has just been begun in Fayetteville by Mr. .Tosia'h Evans. It is published weekfyVand we arc glad to see tho name ot Mr. J. II. My rover at the head as the Associate Editor. Success to it. The Monroe Iwtircr-KxpreH3 "says that John Robinson's advance 'agentj J has ben in Monroe, xnaktiio1 arrange ! mentj; for the appearance there of the circus on the 20th of October. Are you sure of this, neighbor? We have heard nothing of this ageut or Jhis show ar y where; else in North Carolina this season!. i Exports Foreign. Schooner John S.' Delwiler,' Captain Mathls, cleared to day for Porto! Rico. with 163,443 feet of lumber and 8,450l shingles, valued at $2,426.98, shipped by Messrs; Northrop & dimming. The Circus. The circus will be the feature of the day Jo-morrow. It' is; said by those who have seen it to be a real good show and about the best that has visited this State in ten years, and the menagerie is called the largest that has'eyer been South. ; This is what our near-by con temporaries say. There wilfbe two ex hibitions to-morrow afternoon and night.! ! .:- - ; -'j s A Year with 1 3s Months . ? , This Is a Jewish leap year arjdis. remarkable lor containing thirteen months with 383 days. . The lateness af the Jewish holidays this fall is attri buted to the peculiar And' exceptional character of the year, for ordinarily the New Year celebration occurs j prior to the middle of September, Uwhile this year -5643 according to the ancient reckoning the holiday does not occur until the first day of October, not less than fifteen days . subsequent tcr the date of its usual happening, and what is still more remarkable;' twenty-eight days later irr the Jewish calendar than last year's occurrence of the same testi- val, for that year , contained but 355 days. - . . - ' i The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at .Jacobi's -Hard ware Depot. ' " ' . , ; -rArt -Aniateurof i $ The 'Art Amateur for October is a treasure for home art workers. Its de signs include three for china painters (primroses for a vase, harebells for a plate and poppies for a plaque), three for embroidery a lettarcase, a photo graph frame and a bellows; a charm ing hwthprq i -panel for jWd-carvipg, a doxen ! pleasing figureafor sketching on linen and a multiplicity of mono grams and jewelry designs. There are valuable articles on etching, drawing in red, and other art topics, with some good examples of crayon, work; the Munich and Boston art exhibitions pare reviewed and attractively illustrated; there; are some excellent pictures 'of boule 'work and one ot a remarkable Henri Denx cabinet inlaid with ivory, and many practical , suggestions for home decoration and fornishing. Price, 35 cents; 4 a year. s Montazue Marks. publisher, 23 Union Square;- New York. ! Second Instalment of Fall and We are receiving one'of the lanresti and finest displays of Cas?imere Smrs. iu Plain and Fancy Colors, in Cheviots, Worsted. Ba&kct, , 0rkscTCwDiaibnai;l Icloth, Suits $5. $7.1 Tricot and Broadcloth, 9" .ti u up i-i it wai paj juu iu nuiuiue uur uows ana races. a. u i. urikk: iteijibie VtvMJivt m m m isw . rsr .. sa. To Builders and others- Go to Jaco bi's for Sash Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c Ton can get all sizes: , and ! at the lowest prices. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rtvcr Oysters. THE FINtST YOTTKVEK SAW ln'Septewbcr; Our Ccnntr Cona- ln will do well to call and see them i My Bar i c till soppJipd with tbe teet of ererytblug. All I ask j a. call, f atlaficl that yoa will come ajrarti P. W. OirTMAK, fcept 28- w j Club Roams, Front St Winberry Oysters.! 171 EST OF TUB SEASON. ? - FAT AND IAJSCIOITS. Come and try them. Aleo, the beat ot Alea, Wiaee, Beers, liquors ana viTara. - . A call i8Te8pectfHlly solicited. ' - ' A. V. IHOKRKLL, ' . 12 Market Street t . wrpt 28 lw f ; John Carroll's old stand PRIVATE SALE: , HHEIE UNDERSIGNED WIL.L SET. AT private sale, on Wcdn'sdy, Oct. 3d, at my residence, No. 11 8. Front t., letwoen Qaeen and Castle sts , my entire Household, and Kftcheu Furniture. Parties desiring to exam ine it can do so after 7 . m. each day. j sept 27-3t M. WALLS. OPERA HOUSE. 6 NEW E E K! COMMENCI-Nrt MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st SEiilOR ! WONDEIt WORKER, LAUGH ORE ATOR and VENTRILOQUIAL EMPEROR. " NEM' EXl'ERIME-NTS, NEW FEATURES, COSTLY PRESENTS. 100 PRESENTS GIVEN AWAY AT EACH PERFORMANCE. Admission 50c, 3oc and 25ci - sept tot Rustic Pictures. OMEtHTNG. HANDSOME AND NEW. Come iu and let Mr. Crouenbcrg make one of you. Yoi will never ?rct a prettier or more !',"'- ' ' ' i I becoming picture. Our Gallery Is always open to the public. Call up and sec ua- wheth er you want anything or not. Ladies will find our Reception Boom a nice place to iest when down town shopping, j All are cordially in- .... I -,-. !i - vitcd. - jj . - t . 49" VanOredcirs old stand. ! , : ECpt 21 , jj E. II.. FEE EM AN.. ets. I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE Northern, Market, where ,1 purcltaacd toe L ABGEST STOCK OF C S.BPETS EYEB brought to thi;City,,and I am now prepared to serve anyone who' wishes to ptyjchase a FINE"IoWaia,iThree-riy Tapestry .Brussels or Body Bruasehj, or Napier Matting.'- AU of the lafest patterns asrldefcit) a. , H - SOL. BEAR, . 20 Market Street 1 sept 8 For,Rent--S300. pr ouse -wrrn eleven booms. Southeast Comer Chestnut and Sev enth streets, from Oct. 1st '83 to Oct. 1st, '$4. - i !( . sept 22-1 wk ' R: IK -JEWETT, "217 So. Second St Cotton and: Naval Stores, CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Prompt v -1 r " ' ' i . ' sales and peraonat atteatlen given. CHARGES . , . . -!! LOW. Refer to Rank of New nanoyer. j F. Jk.. NEWBURY, sept 241 wk 1 Wilmington, N C. -r- "ti iam P.- GreIl, wholesale and RETAIL DRUGGIST, 1 - - 1 IX MARKET STREET. - Tabb, : fancyj good. FULL. LINE Ok' DRUGS, &.C, and have f scHhie f or i Mck-tae. - . ;.- . Kpi zi - '" ' "z uiiiu r. kiiUCO ASD SARATOGA 13 Cts. .Cigars Jolly Thought. While Cloud. Hoodlaxa. Xirer pill, Southern Star, and Our General, the best . cents Clr made, ' ; r . . jO Good Llqaors. Dratrrht Ber. Sc. ' Vi r- iOLD NORTJI STATE SALOON. tcpt i : ZERA mm PLBASX KOTICS. lf will t clad to nceira eommimlcaUoa i from our friencU on any aad all cnbjecu ' ' -ffenarallntcreetbat !- - 1 . The name of the writer astut always tfu nlahed to the Editor. " ! - - ' ' - CommnnicaUonatBust be written a oal " one aide of the 'paper... ;-; : 1 !'. .;:,!:) :!;-. ; ; PeraonalltSesmnatbe a Tolled. .I f 4 : I-And u la espedanx aad ; parttcalarlt icaV tood that the Editor doe not al-nr eniiot the Tlews of correspoadents nnieaa to state mm. . . . 1 ...."? ui uioctusonat coruuis. i. . " s ? NEW ADVEltTI8E5IENT3. TIN TOILET. SETS; "yTE KEEP THE LAHUEST AXD BEST sclecUon of TIN BECEOOM SETS la lbe' Giles & Murchison. p i Cpt24; .;. Uurchlaon llWk' TRY THE COOK, gUGGlES. FOR WHICH WE ARE SOLE AOENNS. Harnc too with Uem at iery' low prices, lhe larreat aasortmeat of 8at fe??nb' Travelflnj Bags and 8atcliel la -the state. . . .- . , -. - h - . -. ,f ... - Repairing promptly done.1 Prices low. McDOUtfAIX BOWDKN. . acptSi 1 ; ;yXe.li4 North Frost St.- For Fall & Winter Comforts N THE I10U8EHOLJ) LINE. P ABE KB A TATIjORSL Pure White Oil. 1 i cpt24 E. C. Blair; QKXKBAL COMMISSION MKBCHANIV I I No. 19, North Serond Streil, ; - i ' u , , Wilroinatoni N. C. Soiiclta-consignmenUof all UmU of L'ountrr an iced. . .Lnxtuo. j Mil pi icva ami muici reiarnS Kuf. requested. sept 4 E. O BLAIR ' Kice Planters i I rOODS, OF KVtBY UKiCKlPTIONj Mua- JT kc ts. Powder, Ca pi, fchot, lUr lhott, -torkw, Kakes. Ac., S"traw Twine. Wo cu 5 make close pricen on tliwe oob, if you tueau! '7 m sixEss. Give us a call and noe what we "Au ! for you. . .. . - .( . 1 " j W. E. 6PKLSGEUACO.,l I !, Sucressora to John Ijawbou A lla.2 ':' . beit u , ; in. 21 and Market aeel Ji I ALU'S COIKEl STRAW, HATS ANL J ' 'v ' .. I": 'IT"' I-.;.'!" BONNETS, SCHOOL HAW, NKCKWtAB and oijier Millinery Gools. , i. - ! MRS. KAtE-Tj. W1NE8, No. 119, North Second S reel . i i . - - . ' wpt fi aext South of Fobtofficc I Rice Birds and. Coots'! VUU'FJSD IN ICE TO ANY PART OF the United States. . 1 ' j sept 24 W. E. DA VIS ' SON. A. Books ! AND- Schoo IS uppliec ! . ni . ; .....'if sept 24 School Books ! 4 1. School Books ! FOR ALL SCHOOLS I!f THE 8TATE. ' A liberal discount to Merchahta and TarJi - era. Slates, Copy-Booka, Crayons, "wi oirypa aim iarB, . ' , i- ... 1. Paper, Pena, PencUa, Ink, Balers," Parents will please send their children to U- JIKIN3BKRGERS v m 1 w w r . t a. r 1 1.1 1 - 1 w 1 SOLU AT';bEASONABLE PRICES AT jrf.l'd' $ - ,.itit. ? HEINSBERGER Sr sept 24 Live Book and Musks Stor . Cape Fear QPENS MONDAY, OCTOBER laWFltf oung men and boys for Business or College. Infitructlon thoroogh . Fall corps of teacher?. Patronage has steadily iocreased since Ira : r-- o- n c liter WIBI M beginning of tfcnn.1 Bee rstaiogns tn Book Stores. WAHinvnTnv piTmri i sept 17 2w j j , , Principal ART. I. Y piRST CLASS FREE If AND PORTRAITS - . in Crayon anl Pastelflblsbel in the &iOl :i stvki. Very popular, taklnar th 1 tibua f o and Water Colors everywhere. 1 OnUn win will receive nromnt attention Satisfaction marantred. ! fctadlo &J1 Droadwar. V septlT-tf , : : , FLORIDA WATER. rifw m it w . mm. . 5 HEUOTROPR Wsnrvfr ;-!H I . WHITE ROSH WA -TICK. iwu BMonmaii oi 4JObgnfi and Perramerv far tKA nmm a. ! - i Prescriptions corapoondAl "day sad - septs t urrnaa xmig?iMt, i Correr Fourth and Nun alv un ai. f- , . Academy Rev. Daniel Morrellefs Ehglisli and Claicatf School. LT rjiiiE TWENTy.roup.Tix Tanxual sks WON will begin, D. V.; THUIWDAT. tkc foarth of October, , sept IT-tt 1 'i

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