u THIS PAFEK f.verr crenlng. cepted by JOSH T.JAMES, EDjTOB ASD PBOPKiETOB .cBlPTIOKS FOSTAGE PAID: 8 $4 00. Six months, $2.00. Three 038 JCtL tl 00; One month, 35 cents. ".nlr will be delivered by carriers, free Zi m any part of the clty. at the abore nu Per week. , Sittotoff rates low and liberal. ' will report any and all fall- ( jgceive their paper regularly. Daily Ucview has the largest J wftci. t'M j gecay Wilmington. . cTjanauschek is at Charlestown, W ' Mr John Gilbert will, in November, be2in bis fifty-seventh year on the fx-Seoator Thurman is to lake the ,.unp in Ohio.speakinje in Newark and Albany- '.. ' ' V "' - i- i is said that ex .Senator Conkling sad Secretary Folgcr do not speak to each other. 7 I'ere llyacinthe and Mine. Loyson w ill-sail (or America on tiext Saturday in the Arizona. The negotiations between the t.an and France have reached a l:irtory couclusiori. Vati satis- p,j the death of Admiral Patton the number of survi ving Trafalgar veterans i reduced to four. ' The duke of Argyll will give a lecture on "(Jeology and the Deluge" in Glas gow ou October 12th. iAjrd Coleridge's salary is $40,000 a year, about four times as mucJas that of Chief Justice Waite.- J''' ConsalB of the United States in France report that wines are very ex lensivcly adulterated in that country Two State conventions of the Green back labor party are called in Massa chusetts, each repudiating the other. ' Father Ryan says free schools were first established in Ireland, and then in Italy and France, although New Eng land claimed that honor. . - It is currently reported in journalistic circles in Philadelphia that Alexander McCluro will soon sever his connection with the Philadelphia Times. , . , Thfl Wflshfnslon Post concludes that it is less important to have cheap whis ky than to have cheap coal, cheap blankets and cheap underwear. Mrs. Garfield pays no attention to at tacks upon her dead husband's memory. She is still a close reader of many newspapers, but allows none of the criticisms to disturb her. Ex-Governor Sprpgue refuses to obey the order of the State Court requiring him to give up possession of the mills and other property of the Quidneck Company, i It remains to be seen whether one old shotgun can overawe all Rhode Island. The New York Times, audacious Republican, is of this opinion : "Sena tor Mahone is said to have been warn ed by a special envoy from Washington that he must not "press his assessment upon the employees of the Norfolk Xavy-yard. -But if Mahone has 'di rectly or indirectly been concerned in' such an assessment,-the only official en voy that should be sent to him is a UnitedtStates marshal with a writ of arrest." LOCAL .MEWS.-;; INDEX TO IEW U0YERT1SIMENTS. Yate School Books H M MclNTrKB Carpets Hkiksbekqkb School Books F C MfiAEK Florida Water, &c HobtON Frbbmk Admission Free E J Uk-LB 'Sok North Carolina Ksonrces W II Grke Wholesale and Retail Druggist Day's length 11 hours and 51 minutes. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 45 minutes past 5 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 676 bales. There was one -interment a child in Belleyue Cemetery this week. v A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi'8 Hardwarg Depot. t The Register of Deeds issued three marriage licences this .week, all for colored couples. There were three interments in Oak dale Cemetery this week, two of whom were adults, and one a child. Our Btreets have been crowded with strangers to-day, who were , drawn hith'er by the circus and its varied at trrctions. "' . " ' " ; j ' The '.horses belonging to the circus are, with but very few exceptions, line animals ; xnueh .better than those that were here last yean - " ' : -1 Swedish barque Berna, Capt.Nyberg, cleared to-day for. SteOin, German jt with3,353 barrels of rosin, valued at S4,944. shipped by Messrs- Patersoa, . Downing & Co. ; snndm x . - L l f V f !fe " f ' :" " ' ' ' '" - : ' 1 ' --Xi : . ": , - - - 4:-v 4: r : - ;:' 1 L' - 'i PLEASE KOTICE.i .rR -p. '.Jr ' :!---! ii r J1 V A , . , zj ) jl-v;:v: . t " : ' '..U--;r- : : ;. X r-1-!,- ! " 1 (-' ( v ::v;V KXi f;'; V : on!deot tho paper. ; 1 - - VOL Villi W ILMIGTON- N. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEE; New uioon to-paorrow minutes past 12 o'clock. night at 40 lr. Frank Harrington TT press agent tor Sells' Bros., circus, paid pleasant visit this morning. us a very The steamer John, Dawsoiv Jwill not leaye until about l2 o'clock ito night whicn will gic those who wish to at tend the circus lo-uight am pie oppor tunity. . ( . ; The Synod j of the Presbyterian Church in this State will meet in this city on Wcdnesjjay, November Mth, and will continue in. session throughout the week. ' 1 1 1 I ' - Larry Nixon, colored, was before the Mayor this morning1, changed with disorderly conduct. jThe sentence of the Court was a( line of $3 or 10 days in the city prison. J He went below. The circus arrived here at about 5 o'clock this morning nd was the object of muchcuricusjattenUon and comment by the lookers-on, as the wagon9. horses and equipages were being unloaded from the cars. t A parrot escaped from a cage on Third street this morning and there vas some difficulty in .recapturing it. Whenever approached it would fly oft and shriek out, "I want to go to the circus Fact. One of the circus 1 men was kicked this morning by a horse attached to a show wagon, on the corner of Third and Mulberry streets; bat he was tough and after bathing thejaffected) part with cold water he went to work again. i Series of Sermons. In St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, the pastor. Rev. F. W. E. Pes chau, will deliver a j series of sermons on family life from the Bible stand point. The first -sermon of the, series will be preached to-morrow in English, on "The Position morning, and Du ties of the Hus band and.1 Father in 'the Household." I i I All Reaclyfat Cliuton.j A postal from Edwin W. Kerr, Esq., dated at Clinton, yesterday, conveys the gratifying intelligence jthat the wires have ail been strung between Clinton and Warsaw, and that the office at the former place is furnished and ready for business. They are waiting now on the office at Warsaw Which is not yet quite ready, otherwise 'messages could be sent there to day j Mr. Kerr also tells us that the streams in Sampson countyj are ll over their banks and that Sainpson fs a wet coun- , ! ; i Judge Merrimon Appointed. i i i I A special to the Review, from Ral eigh, say3 that Hon. A. ' S. Merrimon has been appointed a J ustice of i the Supreme Court, ' to fll the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Ruffin. We have nd information as to whether Judge Merrimon will accept the position but we incline to the ppiri ion that he will. I Gov. Jarvis has. done well. in this respect. Judge Merrimon, who is also an cx-Sen&tor ojf the United States, is one of tho most ! profound jurists in the State. Should he accept1 the position tendered him and we ; trust that he will the people at large will have cause to congratulate themselves on ! his ac- cession. -: i- Broken Into. - Some thief managed to gaih an ens trance to Mr. C. WLj Yates' bookstore last night, but it is not yet known how much he succeeded iri getting away with. The money drawer, whicli con tained $3 or $4, wis rifled of itsj con-1 tents, and probably some goods were takeu. It is supposed that the thief gained au passage! by secreting himself in the entrance leading to the dwelling over head, and after the store was clos ed removed the temporary door between the entrance and the storej which could be done without difficulty, as the door was placed there, without, permanent fastenings, while the chances in the in terior arrangements of the building are being effected.1 1 Thej scamp made his exit from the rear window. No clue has yet been discovered as to who was the thief, but it: is to be hoped ( that he may be found out and punished to Ihe fall extent of the law.1 Second Instalment of Fall and Winter Clothing. I We are receiving one of the largest and finest displays! of Cas?imere Suits, in Plain and Fancy Colors1, in ChevH)ts, Worsted. Basket; Corkscrew, Diagonal. Tricot and Broadcloth. Suits $5. $7, $9, $11, $13. $15$17 and op: to $35. It wilLpay joa to examine lour Goods nnrl Prices. A. & I. Siirier, Reliable Clothiers lUHarkei su V: i Kiio Over and lujurecl. - A little girl, about seven or eight years of age, daughter of Major C. P. Bolles, was run over and injured to-day at the corner of Third and Mulbeny. A horse attached to! a cart became wagons frightened at some of the circus and dashed off, running over little Mary, who was hi the middle of Ibe stfeet. Fortunately her injuries are but slight and her escape jwas almost miraculous:: ";" ; i ' -j ris' The Graud Commandery. Th0 third annual conclave of the Graud Commandery , of the Knights Templar of ihe State of North Carolina will meet in Charlotte on Tuesday, Oc tober 9th. Delegates and' representa tives will be present from Wilmington. Raleish, Durham and Asheville, and it is expected that they will be the -guests of Charlotte Commandery of that order. Messrs; II. H. Munson Grand, Com mander, J. C. Munds.Grand Secretary W. W. Ailen and J. McD. French wifl attend from this city. Senator ( R. E. Withers, of Va.. who is Grand Master of Knights Templars of the ! United States,, has been invited and has signi fied his intention .to be present if his other duties will permit. ! . I A New Invention. Mr. H. M. Bowden, of the -First National Bank, has invented a much needed contrivance for use,on buggies and other covered vehicles, to keep the rain, mist or rough winds from the faces and upper parts of the persons of those who may have occasion to ride on stormy, blustery days. It consists of an adjustable attachment to the top of thej vehicle, which can be raised or lowered as occasion may demand and it is so contrived that any desired angle can be obtained. It is light, inexpen sive and fully supplies a much wished for i requirement. Mr. Bowden has secured a patent on his invention, and will soon have some of the articles manufactured and attached to carriages that will be on sale at "Messrs. Mc Dougall & Bowden's carriage 1 estab lishment on North Front street. Death of Mr. Sherwood. Information was received here to day of the death at Marion, S. C, yesterday morning, j of - Mr. Daniel Sherwood, formerly a resident of this city, at the advanced age of 93 years. Mr. Sherwood was, we .understand, a native of New York, and first came to Wilmington,, from Fayetteville, about the year 1820. He had 1 been a large shoe dealer in the latter town, and he first opened a bookstore here, but af terwards kept a hotel. He was at one time a member of the State Legislature in 1831-'32, having been elected over his opponent, Mr. Jos. A. Hill, by bdt one vote. Mr. Sherwood also for a long time held a position in the Custom House here. Ho removed to South Carolina about twenty years ago, and ever since that time has been a confirm ed invalid. ' j. The remains will arrive here to-morrow morning and the funeral services wilt take place from Front street depot, at 9 o'clock, thence to Oakdale Ceme tery. r For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi' Hardware Depot, t j The Circus. Sells Brothers' Circus and Managerie exhibited this afternoon , and will give another exhibition , to-night: Their enormous tents are pitched on Dickin son's Hill, in the Northern portion of the city, and thither thousands have wended their way during the day.- The company made tho Usual street parade this forenoon, much to the delight and amusement of the throng of lookers-on who lined the sidewalks of every street through which the imposing pageant passed. The procession was very long and very fine consisting of 42 cages, 110 horses, 9 elcphants,8 camels, 4 bands of music, a steam piano and othej features to give intercst'and effect to the dis play. The performance under the can vass this afternoon was witnessed by thousands and the general expresion seems to have been one of satisfaction. W e cannot particularize as we go to press almost simultaneously with the close of the show but wo saw enough of it to say that Sell's Bros, carry out the advertised programme more scru pulously than any circus show that has visited Wilmington since the war. Violent strains to the muscles, often result in rheumatism; Prof. C O .Dn plessis, manager of the Gymnasium. Chicago; I1U says that Su Jacob's Oil is the infallible cure. . ' . . N To. Builders aadothers- Goto J aco 813 for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c JTotx caa get all sixes "ind at-ths lowest prices. 1 -" r NJEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OIL CLOTHS, RUGS AWD; MATS I -;t AJlarge assortment, carefully selected patterns, and r we think CHEAPER than you can buy thed in this or any other State; at all events we will give you the prices, sept 129, 1883 Free-will Offerini: At the First Baptist Church, corner Fifth and Campbell streets, jlo-iuor-row (Sunday) September 30th.. 1883. The Rev. Hi. Dudley, from Ncwbern, N. C, wili preach at II a hi. Rev. D.J. Saunders, of tho Presbyterian church at 3 p m, and the Rev. John Harper, of the Zion Methodist church at 8 p m. The friends are respectfully invited to attend. The Crops in Bladen. We were pleased to receive a call to day from our good friend and subscrib er, Mr. A. H. Perry, of, Jarvis, N. C. Mr. Perry tells us that the people of Bla den county, as a whole, hayes not been so unfortunate.with their crops as some other I localities. His estimate is that corn will fall short about 20 per cent and cotton about 35, making about four fifths of a crop of corn and two-thirds of cotton. I I . ' New. Carpets. Capt R. M. Mclntire has returned from the North and as usual his pur chases were all of the newest and pret tiest in design and fabric. He is mak ing this year a specialty of carpets and has bought enough to fill to overflowing the large space at his command. ; 1 He now has these on .display and in this issue he invites all who are in need ot such things to call and inspect the "stock and get the prices. . : j j J 'I I . . Terrihle Accident. i A colored man by the name of Mc Knight, a railroad hand," wlio' was employed' in shiftiug baggage at Front Street Depot, had his right arm crushed to the shoulder last . night. After the arriyal of the early night train he went to one side to take a nap while waiting for the late train and went to sleep .with his arm across . the track and it was run oyer by the shift ing engine. He was conveyed to the Hospital where" his arm will - probably be amputated . f r " Mairicand Vcntrilouulsui. Prof. Zera Semon commences a week's engagement at the 'Opera House on Monday evening next during which he will give exhibitions in his wonder fUl feats of legcrdemaitf, and also of his . unapproachable r yeutriloqual powihproVesioilnOt st&n ger toTthis city and' nispreyipus ! exhi-' bitions here are well remembered by many of our citizensZas " among the very best entertainments of the kind ever presented to a Wilmington audi ence. j. ; . i ,--:z. -. Tr s. ' 'Vs It. Clinton & Pt. Caswell A meeting of the directors K. of the Clinton & Point Caswell Railroad Com pany was held 1 at the Purcell House ast evening. t Chief Engineer D. M. O'Hanion made a full and very satisfactory ' re port relative to the construction of the road. .?',7t'.'--" ' ' : ". . : ; After an investigation of the finans cial affairs of the company it was de termined to proceed With the grading of the road ; and the President was author ized to contract for the grading of ten additional miles ot the, .roadwayfive miles on each end. j s.,:. The line crossing at Robinson's old bridge on Coharierfver Sampson coun ty, Jwas selected as the route, and the committee on Survey were Instructed to have the entire line from Point Cas well located at once. i ; r - It was ordered that ten per cent, of the subscribed stock of the company be collected monthly, until ihe whole amount is paid in. ' I The auditing, committee were in structed to issue a circular to the stock holders ot the company monthly, show ing its financial condition. This, at present, is good, and the outlook is very 29. 1883J NO 230 NEW ADyEBTISEMENTS.. you must judge. , R. M. lyjciroTiRE. DIED. f Sherwood in Marion, s C, at 8 o'clock, tiwt.Ji DML on we mcrninir or tne-2Htn II Kit WOOD, agetiajearft.- . i Tiie funeral services wiil take place Horn Front Street depot Uwnorrow rriornlnj; at o'clock, thence to Oakdale CcnieteryL -Star.eopy. j. . . 1 Photograpliical, ADMISSION FREE THERE WILL RE a Circhs periormance at, Dickinson Hill to night, and a ccntlntiance of same at our Gal- ery next week. Programme, viz Act 1st. Facial Contor tlonand Pantomime by Mr. Croncoberg, td attract timid baby. Act d. Indian War Dance, -with yells, by Prof. Cronenbcr. t- soothe Irritable and nervous baby. Act 3d. BIgoor Cronenberg will reverse the order of things by standing on his head to please frac tious baby. Come and bring the Babies.' ! FREEMAN'S. 3T VanOrsdell's old stand. r 'sept 29 . t ... ;, -.. . , j North Carolina Resources. One of the most useful , series of deacriiv tlve books ever 'published abouUtny State." iiosion t-ost. i i Halet!s .Industrial Series. 1 1 Two Volumes Kow Ready. ! ; ' l.l The Woods akd Timbeks or Nourn Carolina. Curtis's, Emmons', and Kerr's Botanical Reports; supplemented by accurate county lieports or stanamg orcsts, ant liius trated by an excellent Map of the fctate. 1 -Volume 12ms. Cloth, 273 ppt, 11.25. " II. Ix the Coal and Iro Counties or North Carolina Emmons', Kerr', Lald ley 's Wilkes, and the Census Reports; sup plemented by full and accurate sketches ot the Fifty Bix Counties and Map. of the State. ' j 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 423 pp;, $L50. Sold by all Booksellers, or mailed postpaid, on receipt of the price, by E J. HALE A SON, ; iPubllshcrs, Booksellers and Stationers, . I' I New York ; Or, P. M. HALE, Pubushsr, Raleigh; X C t sept 29 New Biver Oysters. THE FINEST YOrj EVKR SAW In fieptenibcr. Our Country Cous ins will do well to call and see them My Bar is still supplied with the best of everything. -All I ask is a. all;' patlsfied that you win come again. F.iW. ORTMAN, sept 28-' w . , . Club Itooms, Front 5t Winlberry Oysters. T?IRST OF THE SEASON. 1 j? fat and luscious ; Come and try them. Also, the best ot a ics, wines, uecrs, xjquors ana cirars. . -, - - i - ! , - A call is respectfully solicited. ; 1 . K ; f , A. V. HOKRELL, i . 12 Market Street, sept 28 1 w - 1 John Carroll'd old stand PRIVATE SALE. HE UNDERSIGNED W ILL SELL AT private sale, on Wednesday, Oct. 3d, at my residence. No. 611 8. Front si., between Oaeen and Castle sts..my entire Household and Kltchsn Furniture. Parties desiring to exam Ine it can do so after 7 p.m. each day, sept S7-3t " M. tVAULS. School Booko l AND School Supplies ! William Green, i- WHOLESALE AND' DETAIL DCUGGI&T, 117 MARKET STREET. , I CARRY;, A FULL LINE OF DRUGS, -f " r - " FANCY GOODS, Ac, art have farfiltie for offering Inducements to all who nse or handle Medicine. t,, sept 24 School for Young Ladies, i MI33 HART, Principal. Auitelbj Miss M. D. BROWN. action in Moaie by Mrs. M. P. TAYLOR. Drawing and PalotlnlLaught iy . Mrs.K. II. PAltSLEYL - iBfltr fpUE . JEXTj SESSION WILL BEGIN THURSDAY, the llh of October. Xcmber of pnpl! limited-For terms" aid particulars ad.lre-sthe - PBIXCIPAL, sept I54t I sal ae" . , 25 HarUt St And it Is especially and particularly nnd ' j stood that the Editor does sot always eadoxl " ' the views of correspondents onlees so state in the editorial colusans.1 "f r - " T NEW AlVEKTI8EMENTa. iz A i . OPERA HOUGE, ONE WEE K !. COMMERCING '' t MONDAY, OCTOBER lsi ZERA SEMOH! WONDER WORKER, LAUG Fl CREATOR and VKNTKILOQUIAL KMPKUOK. ! NEW EXPERIMENTS, NEW FEATURES J . UJ JAlil M UJyt.M1l nidi - ' 100 PRESENTS GIVEN AWAY 1 AT EACH , PERFORMANCE. , rr ' Admlslon tOc, 85c and 25c L. 1 . ( sept 20 let : 1 I.. TIN TOILET SETS, -yiE KEEP THE LARGEST AND 1 BHST selection of TIN BEDROOM SETS I in the place Call and get prices 1 before buying elsewhere. -j " I: . i Giles & Sxurcliison. sept 24 Murchlson Block TRY THE COOK, V3UGGIES. FOR 'WHICH WE ARE SOLE 1 X y 'fi AGENN9. Harness to go wUh them at yery! low prices. The largest assortment ' ot Sad' j dies, Trunks, Travelling Bags and Satchels lni, the State.-. " -. .- ,, . ! .' ".Repairing promptly done. Prices low.! McDOUGALL X BOWDEN, j J sept 24 f No. 114 North Front 8t. t' Rice Birds and Coots s HIPPED IN ICE TO ANY PART OF I tlw United States. sept 24 W. E. DAVIS & SON. School Books ! " School Bookol F)R ALL SCHOOLS IN THE 8TATEJ A Uberal discount to Merchants and Teach , ers. - " ' Slates, Copy -Books, Crayons, 1. Book Straps and Bags; I , Paper, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Rulers. Ac l arcm win piease sena tncir ciaidren to -. IIEINSBKRGER'8. PIANOS & ORGANS : gOLD AT REASONABLE PRICES AT ' HEINSBERGER'S, Jept 24- ' Ll?e Book and Waslc Stores Cape Fear Academy QPEN8 MONDAY, OCTOBER lsti j Fits 1 young men and boys for Business or College, i Instruction thorough. Full corps of teachers, j Patronage has.steadily Increased Islnee Its ' opening. Parents will please enter sons at beginning of term.' See catalogues In Book Stores. 1. WASHINGTON CATLKTT, ( j , sept 17 2w . ...... - j j , Principal; , ; FIRST CLASS FREE BAUD PORTRAITS In Crayon and Pastel, finished in the jlnest " ; " f ' ' ; ; ' -'' -.11' i style. Very popular, taking the place of OH and Water Colors everywhere. ! Orders will will receive prompt Attention.. Satisfaction, guaranteed. - -.-i: . 4 -nj ,., :- . 1 ORIN T. TnOMAS. Artist. I Studio SCI Broadway, K. Y. 1 Addre 144 West 23d sr., N. Y. . .. septl7-tf :-.f ,.- J..-v' ! ' FIJR1DA t WATJKK, LAVENDER WA TFfl " ft .""' t violet water; If -, U 1 u HELIOTROPE WATER. . i r WHITE ROSE WATER, i! Also a complete assortment of Colognes aad Perfumery for the Snmmer season. 4 J ; T Prescriptions eomponaded day! ab1 night at F. C. MILLER'S. 8; , septS- - Corner Fourth andua iu. Rev. Daniel Morrelje's -. English and Classieol rjlIIB TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL SKS HlOX'wTlI bKtn, IK Y. THURSDAY. ! iUr fonrthfOetlier. l ' - sept 17:f 1 l,l , r 111 s. A MICO ANO SARATOGA 19 ct. Cigars. Joity Thought, White Clond, Hoodlnm; Liver Pill, Southern Star, and Ottr General, the bet emu Ciar made. j - "I XT' Cool IJnttors, Dranrht Ier, 4e. OLD NOIill I bXATt SALOON. f fpt 20 1'-. , ' ;-- : :, , 5 , I- .- . .. -I- ,., , , y;:yy . . r I ;

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