jjflg PAPER every ecptea uy Sundays T J ABTES t JOSH -mK AJ1 FBOFBIETOB .IFTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: six months. $2.00. Tl r: . one month, 35 cents. s' Z n be delivered by carriers rree .,10 CC . llt..1 "uinz ratc low anu S 1 - SF I ! ! - . . (- . . : wBBSBSS". . - - - ! - '-- - - -. t . - -si ai.. u , ..-. - - . " : r ire A IT . V BwifW J f I II. II '1 V 1 P iree : li u tl l JJ I j i vi i ii fl i XL Ll 41 I U i 1 ! . 1 1 - ' . . ... tiding .-ill report any and all fall- faJ:. thdr paper regularly. .rfCEv i VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C; MONDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1883. FUEASX KOTICX. ! ! We will be glad to rtotfre coaaxmToUoa frott our friends on any and all subjects general Interest bat ' . ; , . ( ' : : j 2 iTne name of the writer must always be fa nUhed to the Editor. ' , Communications must be written on on I one side of the paper. - : Personalltlcs must be" avoided. ? r t ; And It Is especially and particularly and stood that the Editor does not always endoi NO 231 ! views of correspondents unless to state ' - I In the editorial columns. ' '1 J" nt)7ry itcvicv iias me t,u,rci. t arc to TiiaKe a iNorin i-arouna port a j I . A j t t i uaruor accesiDie to sucnqiass oi vessels as will throw bur Statelato the great current ot direct loreign commerce, in stead of being a mere feeder to other States to whom nature lias been more fLnrcuMion, of any newspaper yA in the cily of Wilmington. ex-t'nited States Senate r . fi I flr L'liivi . giivivun i i& i,ai uuv uaibituiai ui oua Dorts In cvcrvthir pise she has lieen JIXVM'- . Sharon, the bonanza ex-senaior. 5 that his income is at least $100,- ii i rtX)arou - - - , era "sbennan has fixed upon yovember 1 as the date be will retire irom the army. Tyler, the widow of President rr intends to pass the coming pterin -Washington. " . . . Mojc. Minnie Hank tells the Boston vZ-i tbat she will not sing in opera thi-season, but will make a concert cllf through the South Enoch Pratt is busy with a scheme to KabHsh auxiliary libraries, as sub siions of his large public library, in -. Professor Brooks, of the Red House OusL-rvatoryof Thelps. N. Y., has been awarded the Warner prize ot $200 for his recent discovery of the comet of mo. ; ileorge W. Curtis, the relormer, writes lo a friend in Boston: "May Cod send Massachusetts a good de liverance !" Mr. Curlis alludes to ,'overnor Butler. . lavish to a degree , that Alls to liberal extent every column of statistical tables. Of late years the appropriitions of the General Government hardly wrung from Congress by persistent appeals ot our represen'aliveg, have been applied to the restoration of the depth of water over the bar and in the river, to what it was a centurv airo. It was in the great tempest ot 1769 that the channel j through New Inlet was made, and ever since the work of obstruction ', increased. until Wilmington was jneceisanly avoided by vessels ot large tonnages, and foreign trade becjame lvstricted almost exclusively to a! limited West India traflic. To-NIsht. ; era Semon will open to-night at the Opera House his week's engage ment here. The probability is that the attendance will be verj large " as the Professor has an excellent reputation as a ventriloquist and a magician. He will present many new and pretty tricks and at the close of the entertain- meit will give away one hundred presents. There will be some lucky individuals among us tomorrow and j some disappointed ones X - new Advertisements; I new advertisements. new advertisements. TSTZtlTir mlT fi TrH? Tr75(fTTTgirTCrTff"S OPERA HOUG E. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3rd, I Family Life. , lie v. F. W. E. Pcschau preached at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, yesterday morning, the first of a series of sermon on family life from a Bible standpoint. His subject wa9 rh r.,Bt -vr.rL-i Kfrn atinn was the r lhe rosition ana iuues oi me nus- closing ot the New Inlet. That is done, j band and Father in the Household." after years of laborious battle with; the j There was a large an appreciative A FULL LINE OF LAD1ES.&11SSES & CHILDREN'S, JERSEY JACKETS, IN ALL SIZES and COLORS. I . - . ALSO, '." .' '' ' A FULL LINE OF CORSETS ' IN AM. COLORS AND SIZES. . . LADIES HATS, TRIMMED AS ft UNTRIMMEI) ! AND CHILDREN'S CH06L HATS AT ifEDUCSD PRICES ' 1 Also, au iHinieue stock of Hambu g and Irish Point Embroidery at astonishingly low pifcee. j ' ' No trouble to show gools at - :..-. j . -j- ' : ;-. . 'p;. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Street I Wilmington, N. C. ! ONE WEEK! K COMMESCINU , MONDAY, OCTOBER lnt W ednesday was Arkansas day at the Louisville exposition. Goy. Berry, oi Arkansas, wore in the evening a suit made from cotton picked 44 hours be fore 500 miles away. . . The voice of Mr. Robert B. Roosevelt, rising from Buffalo, announces author itatively once more that under no cir cumstances will Mr. Tilden be a candi date for the Presidency again. The schooner Kodiack hac brought to San Fancisco four Alaskan muni mies which are supposed to Do at least three centuries old. They are intended for the Berlin museum. Junius B. and Charles B. Kauffman, well known lawyers and pension agents, of Lancaster, Pa., were arrested last week charged with fraud in con nection with their pension business. The figures for the past eight months show that the shipments during the present year of California fruits to the east will aggregate 12,000 tons, an in crease of over eight hundred per cent in three years. r " . i The ceremony of receiving SittiDg Bull, the great Indian chief, into the Catholic Church, which was to haye taken place last week at Fort Yates, has been indefinitely postponed, be cause Sitting Bull cannot make up his ruind which of his two wives he will let go. - '. : A Republican contemporary, under the head of "Southern Illiteracy," mentions that there are i ,350,050 illit erate voters in the Southern States. These arc all Democrats, we are told. Our understanding is that there are nAiriv &. million nesroes in the South em States entitled to vote and who near ly always vote the Republican ticket.. It cannot be possible that they have ali advanced to that enlightened (condition which removes them from the &lumn of "illiterate." Mr. Joseph Medill. publisher of the Chicago Tribune, was a witness in New York last week beiore the United States senate sub-committee on labor and education.' The chief cause of the impecunious condition of the- masaesf of the laborers in this country he attributed to their own improvidence. The only way'to improve them was to teach them to save. Too much of the earn ings of the laborer were spent in liquor and tobacco. It had .been calculated that the amount annually spent by the laboring population in drink was $400. 000,000. and at least $200,000,000 mere was spent in cigars, tobacco and useless amusements. ; : -" ' Cant. John D. Cameron, of the Ashe villc CiiszcnSis a thoroughgoing and persistent friend to our city nd he ha never yet neglected an opportunity of savme for us a. irood word. v umiujs- ton has few friends enough jn the State beyond its own immediate section, not to appreciate to the fullest extent all that may be said an done for its bene fit. The following, which we clip from the last issue of the'Cftfeen,wiU be read with much pleasure by fall: With a feeling of State pride which is contractcd'to no part nor section, twe have watched with interest the deyelop ments of harbor improvement which. waves and a beach as firm as the origi nal one now stretches as a wall across a channel which, six j years ago. was the one through which the large fleet of coasters for -New York and other Northern por,ts went in and out, to and from sea. The closing of this ot course deepened the water on the main bar: and with some aid ! from dredges on the bar and in thechannel in the river, vessels carrying;' from 1? to 19 feet water now' go in and out, and come up directly to jthe wharves at Wilmington. The result has been to attract yearly increasing fleets of for eign shipping coming! in to load direct for Europe with cotton, naval! stores &c. The foreign exports of the former stanle have increased within the past six years from, nothing to: 05.000 bales, and n.s the accessibility of the harbor becomes beter known, a larger class oi vessels seek it; i and as tne facilities for shipment be- :.j :m nomft netter Known, ku win iue receipts at the port; increase, lhe latest evidence nf this tenaencv oi larger ves- sels to obtain tneir cargoes at u nfington i3 offered by the presence now at thatl port 61 two large j English steamers to load with cotton lor iiver dooI. One is the I Woodside. I of 1771 tons: nhd the Lvkus. 1776 tons, both iron vessels, drawine each when loaded about 17 feet. The significance ot this fact will be appreciated if it be remem bered that ten years ago the arrival of a vessel of 600 tons was noted as a great efent. I I1. ' , Wp.hotie vet to isee what j ffeog rap h crs. statesmen, statisticians, have all denied ns: a North Carolina seaport. entering upon generous and profitable rivalrv for toreifirn commerce with our neighbors to the South and North o us : a consummation not by any means a remote possibility; m view ui mo many far reaching avenues oi connec tion with the interior possessed by Wilmington. j fi octl congregation to listen to the eloquent divine upon this all-important subject, and all listened with profound attention and we doubt not that many will profit by the teachings of his instructive ilis couse. 1 A Remedy-for Iyspepsia. Everybody who has dyspeptic friends, which, unfortunately, in this country, is equivalent to saying everybody, mu9t have beard ot a new and wonderlul cure for that disjaial complaint and of its brilliant achievements Fortunately this blessed remedy cannot be patented. for it is nothing more nor less than ; hot water. It is clean and not nasty, and though its efficacy may have been exag gerated and it may some day be discov ered that it is a dreadful! insult to the stomach, there can oe no doubt that its popularity is great and rapidly increas ing We know of instances in this city where it has boon tried and proved beneficial. A glassful hot, not warm should be taken directly after every meal. j Correct Styles ! Sure Pits f ALL AND WINTER Lowest Prices.JS -! The Famous Boot and Shoe House.- I FAMOUS BECAUSE RELIABLE AT J - . I, s. v . i t , 116 MarItet Streeti WONDER WORKER, . LAUr.H CREATOR anl VENTRILOQUIAL KMPKROK.' SEW EXPERIMENTS, NEW FEATURE COSTLY PRESENTS. . 00 PRESENTS GIVEN AWAY ATtKAUU Adthlseiou 0$, Z.tc and 25c sent 26 let. j 1 Notice of Partnership. o iCTOBKR 1st. 181.-1 HAVE TIII3 OAT f takftn Mr. GEORGE R. OVER as a part ner In the Job Prlntlnar anil PublUhlDjr Bwl- . . . a 1 m- noia. and the lirm name win ncrrcaiwr uv known as E. S. WARROCK & CO. ! We so-. All tile Latest Novelties foTe0'-'''r" ! - oct lit ; . E. B. WABEOCK. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW IADYERTISEMENT8 BJBEixoij-Oystcrs j YATES-School Books j j IlElNSBEROEB Scjhool Books F C Miller Florida Water, &6 M M Katz Fall and Winter .Good E S Warrock Notice of Partnership McDougall & Boavdex The Largest Kerchxer & Calder Bro Groceries Knights of Honor Regular Meeting W E Sr-RixGER & Co Sportsman's Goods Parker & Taylor To-Day is Moving Day W n Greex Whcilesale and Retail Druggist Thos C Craft New Furniture Warcrooms nsYFons A 8TERSBERGER The Famous Boot and Shoe Store ; ! , ' For other locals see fourth! page. Tim nimi-o 1a si fuc simile of OURcele- bratednew "FAVORITE" TIE AND BUT i firiff citow rnAfRiVKD and deserves- the - -w nnnrirziDm praise given it as being tne "A v wli Criminal Court. un- . r - mL. A-n i a . tua. PArH rin vMpint.a nf BOOTS and oilOES tais sea- xnis iriijuuai cuuvoucu wo - "Tr -;--, -rTMrRNaF ! Ask the ntlw nf. 1ft o'nloftk this fore-1 noitmari' ami stftumshlo Aecnts. Therefore .wuv. .i : t-t'.,.j wvuDv r,, x j f-v Ti i we claim inav our hock wciuucb jaiuu c- noon, His Honor, Judge O. P. Meares, tinkle i Make ana Style, which renders it AL- presiding and Solicitor B. R. Moore as watb iNSTjgTigruxn nrneomi f I n or nflfiop.r. The morninc hours i i I .., a : A-n,nrr Ua inrw Come now and make your selections from were 1 consumed in drawing the jury (w stock, while vet entire and com- andin empanneling the Grand Jury &te.jire . . . l I I TUH 11IUC iuuuu.v , -- ' J - and giving tne usual coarse ujr mo iatlsfaction in every particular. j Court to the same, The following con- Gl.AnQR1T nd Fair Dealing. DRYFOOS & STERNBERGEE, MARKET STR1ET, r - ' , octl-lawtf m i WILMINGTON, N. C. The La nt me A PEST AND BEST SELECTED tock ot Carriages, Buggies, Wagoas, Sad- i I Harneis. Trunks. Satcncis, iraveiung -IN- Sportsman's Goods. Staple and Fancy stitute the Grand Jury tor present term: 1 B. P. Harrison, foreman, J. A Han kins, S. Stallings, J. C. Springer, Richard B. Hall. C. B. Wright, R. F. Rowan, Joseph McLaurin, j R. L. Hutchins, George J. Hussell, Jehu Burgwyn.'Edward Stills, Thomas J. Bell, James T. Jarman, S. R. Birdsey, -'I. I , - . . : : E)iry oods : AT " WE HAVE TIIE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belrinm Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also a Aral class stock of Shells, Wadding, Primers.Carfc rldgeBaga, Gun-Caps, Game Bags, Ac. In good and guarantee prices. ft j , 4 W. 12. SPRINGER & CO., I .1 Successors to John Dawson A Co.. oct r . 19. 21 and 23 Market U cct To-Day is Moving j Day DON'T 1PUT UP THAT OLDf Cook Stove: come down and buy a new one and start right this year. Splendid stock of Heaters; such as Favor.te, Derby. Sparkle. Cadet, Del aware, Surprise. Casket, Wyoming. Fernwootf, Token, Forest, wnwooa, uncus, unon, was. WOOli AC. " l ABlVIiIk a lAtlAU.' PURE WHITE OIL. I oct 1. VERT LOW PRICES Photograpliical, . OMISSION FREE ! THERE WILL :BE a Circus performance at Dickinson's Hill to- found at oct 1 MCDOUGALL BOWDEN'S, No. 114 North Front St. School Books ! night, and a continuance of same at oar Qui- li -O- KJ. li. XXOliUg3WWll., , BagS, AC, tO Ue lOUnu in oore, Richard Hooper. The necessary preliminary business having been arranged, the Court took a recess until 3 o'clock this alternoon, and at the time of closing our report no cases had been put upon trial. ery next week. Programme, viz Act lt. Facial- Con tor J- Wc lose this month 65 minutes of daylight. , f r.. lj The receipts ot cotton at this port to day foot up 710 bales. Sells Bros' Circus left here yesterday morning for Marionj S. C where they exhibit this afternoon aud night. The new postage law goes into efleci to-dav. the rate now beinz 2 cents for sealed letters weighing a half ounce or less. : i 1 ' l" " ' T' , ;J . I , J j i A slight change of schedule goes into effect t6-Ja on? the Carolina -3eiitral R. R. The train will leave at 7 P. M. in stead of 7,: 10 as heiretofore.f f V i James Starkey, colored for being drunk and down was j run in by ; the his YK HAVE THEM ! i i PArsonal. . i . Mr. Preston L. Bridgers. of this city, All ft fQXl JdOOKS was in Raleigh on Saturday. Miss E. Karrcr returned on Saturday USEI IN THb puplic and private after an absence of three weeks in the call for bargains Northern markets. Mrs. E. A. Lumsden left on Satur day for New York for the purchase of millinery for the Fall and Winter traue. Mr. M ling has returned from a Wo weeks trip to the North, which in cluded a visit to the big Boston Exposi- poltce. A fino of $2 or 10 days in city prison was the penalty for effense. i There was not ati alarm of lire dur ing the entire month of September, the last time the fire departmeut was call ed out in case of .fite haying been on the 27ih of August last. 1 , - j , ITnlcrlits Of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434 j Regular MAA;n9 this Avpnin? at 8 oclock. Full iUWVIUS w w K9 attendance desired.! I j j of the The first meeting this Fall IJi3torical & Scientific Soelety will be held this evening in Tienken Hall, on South Front street, on which occasion Mr. David Casnweu wm reau yuvvt on Science- 1 " ) - To Builders and others- Go to J aco trf for Sash. Blinds and Doors. Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. - ".'-. . r ' . SCHOOLS IN THE CITY. IN 6O0D MATERIALS, -AT- tlon and Pantomime by Mr. Croueaberg, to attract timid baby. Act 2d. Indian War Dance, with vella, by Prof. Croncnbenr. tf soothe lni table and nervous baby. ActSd. Signor Cronenberg will reverse the order of things by standing on bis head to please frac tious baby, j I Come and bring the Babies. I I -vi--, FREEMAN'S. ;. W VanOrsdell's old eUnd. r - n , . New Elver Oysters; THE FINEST YOU ETER SAWZN i In September. Our Country Cols- -y. ' Ins will do well to call and see them, i . My Bar is still supplied with-the best oi evervthiB?. All I ask is a call, satisfied that you win come a gam. ' a Am E OCt 1 tion. New Furniture Warerooms. A T NO. 20 ti RAN 11 IS nun,w..iftw ri have oned with wiUt I think is a wel I' it Rev. Daniel Morrelle, who has been sDcndinir the Summer with friends and selected sto'ek of . . -. . I ....... . . . relaUvca DearNoW lort. B nnn Fnrnjture Bedding, Col. John Ji Hedrick left here last Embracing many new designs to night lor New xoxk xoruio wrUm onrl Parlnr Stlitc. Falland Winter: gooas.. .no wm ubiucuiuuiii anu i unwi absent a week or ten days'. Our aim shall be to deal fairly -and squarely Dr. A. J. . &.. A A I . . . .. 3t. k a Mil , .- morninz lor attendance on mo :,Ar anteea w an wTOTur " - ir . . nial uonveniion oi me Lpiwjuwtuw. rr - whiehisto meet in Philadeipnia n iitf t'svc?i p n -u u H - . - . -: 1 VSV MM 3 H. m. M mm Jm" W 1 . i . Wednesday, and Col. J no. W. Atkinson . :rr a n -? M. M. tCATZ ., : - ' 1 " 116 Market St, octl 4 peptSS-'w, r. W. OKTMAIf. ! I Club Rooms, Second fit 1 X Winlberry Oysters; I EST OF THB SEASON. of Ales, Wines, iJ! ir" BBS' n 1 i Groceries. t A rr hhta. FLOUR. 100 Bars Coffee. I mZ III ioo ItbU Refined Snsrar. aUarades, ICO Boxes Dry Salt Bacon. 50 Buckets Laid, 5,000 BdU ARROW TIES, ' " 3,000 Half Rolls COTTON BAGGING. 8,000 Sacks LIV. SAI.T. 100 Cases LTK, 100 Cases Can and BaA POTASH. 100 Boxes SOAP. 73 Boxes CAN Dl , . 100 Boxes CRACKERS - .-J - sa RnMfirtarvMd Creass CHKISK. Come and try them. Also, the best ea. i Beers. Lienors anfCirars. I '-. -t A rail 1a reanerlrntfv anlirlted. ' 1 1 U : , I 'A. V. HORRElX 1 1 ,:'! It Market Street. sept 28 lw ' John Carroll's old staud PRIVATE SALE. UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL AT milE private sale; on Wednfsdsy, OeL 3d, at my reldencc. No. 611 8. Front si'. letwecn QaeeHi and Castle sts , my entire Household ant Kltrbsn FumHure. Parties desiring to exam. ine It ean ia ha after 7 n. n. ejur.h d&v. i 50 Boxes SOLD a. ! SO Bss Bread Prepar'n, , septt7-3t . t M. WATX3 J 2S0 Kers Rice Bird. FF, and 1 j . ... ' ; - I BLASTING POWDER, ' Willf flTTl 11 OrPOTI 100 Bags SHOT. AH sizes, , i " llAlUlU U.m UrUUII, -10 Cases Water Proof, Musket Oyotero ! octl Matches, Paper. Twine, Ac.; VOT SOM DT HNEB A CALDER BROS KKRCHNEB will leave to-night. , , h:t U 4 Judge Russell and Hon. D. K; -Mcs R.ft left this mornint! for V Raleigh 'to " -i a ?J llrZZTfoG) school Booko I aiaiuicws v. mo -- i jjc that I will open aw uiysk u -; R. before the Superior Court, on ap- I iMarm.n V?VKltft rt.nrnl to the citv last nhtht,! after an absence of Market .troet, ;betwee Froat; ami Second several months at the North. He is where you can find the finest looking in better health than tor years flff EIVER OYSTEBSj TITK VERT BEST IN THE MAKKET. rand O. D. CAP3, 1 WHOLESALE AND - RETAIL DEltGOlST, c117:MABKET; STEEET J : " J CARRY- A FULL" UNK4 OF ,DRC;h FANCY OOOD3, le , and have facilities ifor offering Inducements to all who n or , handle i i, Medicine.: Rev. T. A. Reed, of Beaufort, N. C, will preach at the First Baptist Church on Sunday next. He will be en roaie for the Erstem BapUst Association, which will convene at Bethlehem Church, Caintuck township, Pender county, on Tuesday, the 0th insU and will stop here over Sunday and occapy the pulpit as above stated. . , 7i will receive them every day after to- morrow. s .- A call sad a trial Is respectfully solicited. JoetMt: .: BELLors. The celebrated Fish Brand Gills Twin is sold onlv at Jaoobis " Hard W5T8 DcpCt. . 1 t ' ' School Books I JBchobl Boolcc npHAT ARK USED IN ALL XII E pCoo: jPareats ami uoarnuns are rrspecwuiy re quested to call on cr send to me for Scboof Books ot School Room Omtflls. i : - 'i ... , - t Children, large or small, can purchase Books at same rates, as parents. One price to all at HEINSBERGER'S, oct l l UTf Book and Uuale Stores Smokes. 1 ?! I A MICO AND SARATOCA-lOcts. Cigars. Jolly Thought, White Cloud. Hoodlum. Liver na, Boutnern tar, ana onr occerai, in nest eenui Ligar maoe. - i .);!--,' M3T Goo4 IJquors, Pranght IWr, Ac. 1 . OLD NORTn bTATfi SALOON. tept23' r - ? .1 - i i Cotton aridlTaYal'iStores. QONSIGXMENTS SOLICITED. ; Prompt sales and personal attention given. CHAIIGE LOW. : Refer to Bank of New IlanoYcr.. . septSMwk P. A NEWXUCY, j . . AVUtiua jton, N. C. .it -