THIS PAPER ' : , pubUBlicd every evening. Sunday, ex ecpted by JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOR AND FROPRIETOK. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: rear $L0O. Six. months, $2.00. Tnree monthfl. i-00; ne montn. 35 cntti The PPr wlU dcUvered b? carriers free harze m any part of the city, at the above ori'occnupor week. - . Advcstising rates low and liberal -Subscribers will report any and all fail les to receive their paier regularly, -- The Daily lievietv has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper gaTsherman was in St. Louis vesterdayand will reach Washington October Tth. . ; General Weaver, in Iowaappcalsio religious sentiment ia his hearers. He wants to 2 to tnc United States Senate just the same. flattie Olmstcad.aged 15, was married to Henry Philips, aged 75, in ' 'Greig. Lewis county N. Y., by a Justice x)f the peace who is 80. The Western Union Telegraph Com pauyis to be assessed $3,000 on its poles iu Trenton, N. J., by the tax com inissioners there. . 1 : The wcll-kuown Russian journal, the ifoloi, has been sold to a French syndis cate. at the head of which is M. Lyon, formerly editor of the Paris Gaulois. . Tiie train of Davis' circus was de railed, near Boonsville, Mo., Thursday, and 1- horses were killed and others wounded, entailing a total loss of $15, 0(H). ' It is said that a movement ia on foot !o depose Mr. Villard from the presi dency of the Northern l'acific railwajf or extort from him a promise of more t cononiical management. Air. Woodhouse, the Mayor ot Leeds, England, recently entertained over 1, 000 of the aged poor of the borough at tea in the town hall. Sixty-five of his guests were over eighty years old. Fred Douglass, when he thought he had talked enough to the interviewing Louisville reporters, added: "I am very glad to see you, gentlemen very glad to see yon ! Now, go ; please go !" The new Guion line steamer Oregon (sister ship to the Alaska and Arizona) went on her trial trip, on the Clyde, on the 2l8f September, and attained the extraordinary speed of twenty knots an hour - Lord Lansdowne , when he assumes the .governor-generalship of Canada, will be given extra protection, on ac count of the threats made against his life because of the stories of his ill-treatment of Irish tenants. The oompletc ticket nominated by the New York Democratic Convention at Buffalo, is as follows : Secretary of State, Isaac H. Maynard; Attorney (ieneral, Denis O'Brien; Comptroller, A. C. Chapin ; Treasurer, R. A," Max well. Some one asked General Toombs if he thought the inspection of fertilizers was a protection to the farmer. "I'll bet ten dollars," he replied, "that I can take a sack of sand and drag a polecat through it and loolthe best in spector they've got." Das Echo (Berlin) states that a "death mask" of Luther is still in existence, in the possession of the Marienbibliothek at Halle. It was made on February 21, 1546, when the great reformer's bady rested in the High Church at Halle, on its way from Eislebcn to Wittenberg. - The Providence Journal agrees that legislative bodies may be lopsided, but adds : "The bulk of our legislation is honest. It is, as it ought to be, shaped by the lawyers. And, as a body, what over isolated examples may appear to the contrary, the legal profession is equally possessed of ability and intg rity. . Postmaster General Greshams order prohibitins the use of the mails to the Ixmisiana Lottery Company, has given the funny men of the press an oppor tunity to display their talent. The funny man of the New Orleans Pica yune, lor instance, says that it may come vrithin the province of the Post master General to prohibit the delivery of letters to oleomargarine makers on the bogus bntter ground. The organ of the colored people in New York, published by a -man of that race, laments .thus : "In Virginia. Uorth Carolina. SoatliCarolin, Georgia tind even in Mississippi, the home of Bruce and Lynch, in these States how have the colored men been crowded to the wall to make room for the Cashes, the Speers and Longstreets, the Chal mers, and that sort of mongrel politi- ians!" - ' -4 Ti Ko lionsrer a Question. Druggists of high standing . and emi nent physicians certify to , the pain, murine nronfrtlp.3 ot St. JannM Oil. lt merits as the 'most wonderlal cure arc no longer questioned. - - r t v I . . -- 1 t - " . . r 1 1 1 "i . . 3 ; .. . 1 . 1 1 , 1 .Tit VOL.YII. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW fADYERTISEMEllTS. Table Board j J Yates School Books j I W Evans To nsorial 1 1 Old North State Saloon ! j IlElNSBEKOER School Books j Mrs S A BiKEtt-To! the Ladies F C M H.1.ER Florida W iter, & c W II Gree Wholesale a Retail Druggist . A w UiVENBAKKMJcncral Jrodue Cbm mission Merchant ' The receipts ot cotton at this port to I day foot up 7071 bales. A nnc assortment of Guns and Pistols - at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t r . . ' i i i Theie was bno case bt disorderly con duct before "the Mayor; this morning which was settled by the payment Of a fine of $2. J Rev. R.O Burton. P. Ki, will preach at the Front Street k. E. Church to. night, scrviccs commencini; at 8 o'clock It i3 hoped that! a good 'cougrcgation may be present. j - i ' , , : 1 Dauish barque ouisc, Capt. Hansen, cleared to day for Antwerp with 1 2,352 casks spirits terpentine, valued at $47,397, shipped by Messrs D. R. Murchison & Co. The new plate glasses for the win dows of Mr. Julius Samson's store, on Market street, havenot yet arrived but are expected tosmorrowy and. will be placed in position & once. The card of D. W. Evans appears in this issue in which he informs his former patrons where he may now be found, and where we! doubt not they will be glad to avail j themselves of his services. j With one or two exceptions all of the places of business of bnr Jewish fellow citizens have been closed to day to rc-j open at sunset his evening. On the South side of Maiket street, between Front and Second there are" id stores and of these 0 were closed to-day. - Mr. A. W. Riven bark is now per manently established at No. 116 North Water street, jW here he Will devote his personal attention1 to' all jbusiness mat ters entrusted !toj him. lie has -had ma ny years of experience in the business and is prompt, energetic ind'j reliable and in every wayjWorthy of success. The New York World publishes a list of nearly 400 persons resident in that city who each. Among can control $1; 000,000 he number is the name of Col. Kenneth JV1. Murchison. The exact rating- is not given, but Col. Murchison is probably worth consider ably more than a million. Crimiual Court. The proceedings before this tribunal to-day consisted Tin1 the trial of James Freeman, colored,, charged with lar ceny. The case was given to the jiry alter which the Court took a recess un til 3 o'clock thi3 afternoon. jThe ver dict had not been ! rendered when . our report closed. 4- Prol. Zera Seinon. -Prof. Scuion will give another ot his splendid entertainments 7 ak the Opera House to night;, x in which the pro gramme will be varied, interesting and truly wonderful in its i execution. The feat of suspending his little child in mid air over'the stage will be one ot the wonderful things that may be witnessed LiVely Work. i The steamship Raleigh arrived atlher wharf from altiniore on , Sunday morning and ; commenced work dis- charging cargo at 12 :30 yesterday morn ing. She had a larger freight than she had on her first!, visit j here, which she discharged and took in a full freight j even to a jdeck load, and sailed this morning. ' M - '"' 1 Cqllpses puringr October. During the present month there wilj be two eclipses, one of the moon and the other of the sun. That of the moon will take place at two -minutes after 1 o'clock, a. m., the 16th and will be visi ble in the United States and on the Pacific coast. 1 1 The eclipse will last about one hour and fifty two minutes, and only about 8- lOOt hs of the moon will be obscured. . The , phenomenon is remarkable for being I the only lunar eclipse visible in this latitude during the year." - . it ;- - "; . An annual eclipse of the sun will take place oil the 30th, visible on the .Pacific ocean and partly on the Pacific coast. As the ring of sunlight! surrounding the moon's dark jdisk will be invisible here, the event is of little importance. .The celebrated 4Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold "only at Jacobi's JJsrd ware Depot. ;;:. i -'"-.' 'Jr V l V.' i I . ' i : li'1 ' i i WILMINGTON. Nl C TUESDAY, OCTOBER2;: ., i ' Board of Alderman. I The Board -met in regular session yesterday afternoon. 7j " "' The Finance Committee reported la resolution, which was adopted, that the ' Boacd of Andit and Finance concurring paragraph 80, section 12i class I, of the Tax Ordinance, be amended so as to read: "Sixty dollars per annum or less time." , - ' . ' The Police Committee reported bids from A David, L. J. Ottcrbourg and a. cci. onner, lor unitorms, according to advertisement, when Alderman,, De Rosset moved that: the matter p be re ferred back to the committee with: ins structions to get frock coats j of grey cloth, to be selected by the committee Adopted. ' ! 1 j, . Alderman Chadbourn moved that the committee on Police be authorized to and open the bids and award the same to the lowest bidder. Adopted. Alderman Fishblate asked to , be ex cused from serving on the committee in this matter, when Alderman Boney was appointed in his stead. Resignation of D. S. Bender as police, man was read and accepted. I The Police Committee offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That H. Woebse, now acting as Health Officer, be transferred to the regular police force, and that W. M. Hays be made the Health Officer vice H. Woebse, transferred. . Alderman Fishblate offered a resolu tion that all charges made against a member oi the j police force shall be immediately investigated by the Mayor and committee on Police, who may suspend or discharge the accused, he having the right to appeal to the Board of Aderman. Adopted- J In the matter of the obstruction of Campbell street, between . Second and Third, a report of the Chief of Police and a communication from Capt. John F. Divine were tread. Alderman Chadbourn moved that the matter be indefinitely poatpoaod , which motion was adopted. I- I ' Committee wrmc -jymiLuvtit re commended the petition of 'I Hood " & Ladder Company No. 1, for an addition to their stables and for a new set of narness, ! which j was adopted. Committee on Fire Department re ported on the matter, of reducing the fire limits, asking for further time, which was granted. - i ' Recommendation of the cbnirpittee on Fire Department, that the Chief of Police reestablish the old fire alarm system and instruct the policemen on duty to ring the various alarms in their respective districts and to also continue the present electric alarm service, was adopted. ., . Petition of McDougall & Bowden, for permission to erect a shed with tin roof on their premises,1 was granted. The committee on Lights reported, recommending that a gas lamp be placed on the north side of Walnut, between Second and Third streets ; oil lamps on the north side of Hanover, between Second and Third streets; on Eighth and Queen streets, on the corner desig natcd by the Chief of Police.; and that gas lamps be substituted "for the oi lamDs now standing on the cornef .of Sixth and Church streets, and one j at j the corner of Sixth and Castle streets; and an oil lamp on thej southeast comer of Anderson and Queen streets. Petition from the Library Association for a light in iront-of the Library, rooms, was not granted. r J t Alderman Dudley offered resolutions f hat section 4 of Market ordinance be amended so as to read in the 9th, line "and between the hours oi three (3) and eight (8) in the , afternoon, and that the Committee on Market and Fees be authorized to, make, necessary alterations in the Fourth Street Market House to make - it more habitable. Adopted.;; IT : 1 r"'.Ai -Alderman Fishblate -moved that; the Committee on Lights report on the mat ter of electric lights at an, adjourned meeting.""' ;'f '.'"A Alderman Boney offered s petition of sundry ineniants. Uo"7 amend the market regulations so as to allow" them to sell dressed poultry from their re spective stores. Referred to the Com mittee on Markets, to report an amend ment if deemed advisable. Proposition of Capt. Edgar G. Wil liams, of the steam-tBgir Jfyec, to be in readiness in alt cases of Jure on the water front of the city, or on the oppo site side of the river, to tow lighters with fire engines across the river, etci, for such sum as may be agreed upon, with1 recommendation of Capt. C D.' Myers, Chief of the Fire Department, was referred to the Committee oa Fire Department., i v , t ' ' ? "iY U On motion of Alderman Geyer. the Board adjoamed ustil 8 o'clock, Friday night. x - - - T-ri . . . 1 - . - - ' : XJBW ADVERTSJiJLENTS. ' i 'it.. I, HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE NORTHERN CITIES , , - . ' . v i -:-r: !."J' .' . J' " ;' ' WITH A' ?. '.-"i-i-V -r ' :'- ; - j' ;i i j: r.t j -'' ;i ."!.' .... ' LARGE ANT) AVELL SELECTED STOCK ; OF GOODS! My Opening will be as early the first of this month as practicable jiist as soon as my stock can be 1 arranged for their inspection i DUE NOTICE WILL BE GIVEN OF THE TIME AND DAY. Will be in attendance who will take pleasure in showing the goods, and I say, will press their customers gently to buy, if necessary. .1 . . . i. . .... ; . ,.i My Stock embraces eyerythuig in my Line. MRS. S. J. BAKER, oct 2 - ; Rosh Hash an ab. 1 The Jewish New Year was appropri ate observe to day, by a total cessa tion from business on the part of onr Jewish citizens and. by services in the Temple, conducted by Rey. Dr. Men delsohn. The stores were closed at sunset last evening and will be generally reopened at 6 o'cloek this afternoon. ! L I - Historical and Scientific Soci- r.-4 -; I. -v.ety;.,3.? i There was qtiite a large" and enthusi astic meeting; of the above named society' at Tienken Hall r last nightj UK.",e-manx.of.its members are yet absent from - 'Mr. u. well read a paper on 'science, in Its re lations to family life, and claimed that pure religion was the highest form of science. It was a'carcfully prepared paper, "and was.'placed ' with the arch ives of the Seciety. ; We are glad to learn that quite valuable contributions to the Society's collection of books, &c-, were recorded; and also ' glad that the encouraging presence of a numbet' ot ladies added to the interest of tire meet mg. . j .County Commissioners. " The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday afternoon v -tit ' . " ; . The County Treasurer's teporf (or September showed a balance on .hand to the credit of the General Fund of $3,314.40. and a certificate of deposit fdr $6,500. Eight coupons of the. debomi nation of $3 each were: exhibited and burned in the presence j of the. Board The Educational Futid Shows a balance on hand of $11,742 31. 1 " ! The , County Register suUHittH his report! for the month af September, showing fees received for., marriage licenses, amounting to $7.60. John H. Savaee's poll tax was order ed to .be remitted fort the townsqin of Wilmington, he having listed : also in j. Cape ear township. . Owen Barney's poll tax ' was . remit : ted ; he beingover age Isaac II . White tyasf allowed to list The double tax assessed agamt John. F. Garreir in CapeJear township was ordered reaiitted he , being sUowed to farnlsh a correct list. t ?.i J. D. Sellers' poll tat was remitted on account of over age.: - ; J. T. Kerr, whose poll was listed both in Cape Fear and Harnett town ships', bad the matter corrected ' Applications. br-license to retail liquors were made by the following.- John D Doscher; D 5N Chadwick, J W Duls, Geo E Berden, F XY .Ortman, M C WlUiamson, M G Chadwlc G K Ward, D SteUk B, J Scarborough, W H M Koch. W RGrotgen J O Nixon, J N Mohr, Wm TJIrich, E W Doscher, L.1 H Vollers, L Vollers, Peter Blohr, L A VonKsmpen, J M McGowan & Son, managers, A K Heyer, C Wessell, Wm Ottersen. A V Horrell, Josephine Wjl lett, Mortens & Hakeman; B Bellois, S J Meyer, O'Brien,-;G W Linder, B H J Afarens, G F Hebert, C Schnlken, Sellers & McKeithxn II XT- Bryant, R AGiameyeTCAMngge,;J;.H Groti gen, C Richters, A B Cook, R G Ganse. J A Farrow was elected Fish ilns peer tor for the county of New nanoTer.1. , - The Board then ad jotirned. .'-;.- To Builders and otter-. Go to j aco wa for Bzz Blinds nd Doors, Glass, . Yen cm rzt til zlz'X , tnd at the 188. NO! 232 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. must 122 MARKET STREET. I , Double Column. , . .... j Mrs. S. J. Baker is represented in this issue by a very handsome double column lad vertisemnnt. She has a beautiful stock of goods, selected by herself in person for the requirements of this market, and these have been opened and arranged and displayed for the inspection of lier customers. The grand opening at her estalishment; will be announced in a lew days and then there will be a rush. . More About ; Mr. C C Woodcock, of Moore's Creek, who was in the city to-da v, tells T..iu-wu1ianiaaito the crops j in the Black Riversecjipp, heretofore reported by us, has not been- exaggerated. The country has beerf ' flooded with-,-Water. Corn and cotton will hardly realize half of a crop ; and the . crOp of eld peas, generally , a .reatt: reliance-" for jthe farmer, haf been so completely mined that scarcely enough will be saved (or seed. : The present! weather Is cood for cotton, it is true, buT; it comes too Jate tsrutai Attack. f f We learn that on Saturday night last Mr." AlonKo Blake. T wftoCkeeps a saloon .1 ' at Burgaw, was badly beateu' by . a gang oi roughs at the railroad- station at that place. Mr. Blake had -come to this city to see the show and o4 the re ttrrrHnjgraida'd!sDht be J iweea oimseu ana inrce or. lour oiuer passengers, whose destination was ber- yond4 Burgaw, and when .the .train stopped and he alighted they'7 also got Offand gave him the beating Und jump ed on the train again Just as it moved off. We have been unable to gather any further particulars,1 nor the names of those who committed the outrage, . ; Modernrairel. r ,: Hous. D. K. McRafe and I). L; Rus- sell, left here , jestei day; uiorniog for Raleigh and returned last nighty alter having successfully transacted the busts 'mwh'carria h$ Capital. They left here afteraivarly , breakfast and returned in time for a late supper, after having 5 'travelled miles and with an interim of two hours and forty minntcs at Raleigh for the transaction of business. What. would our grand fathers hateegthought oi such a thing? Or.'sUll more wonderful than this, what Would' they have thought of taking dinner in Richmond and supper in WilmingtaniaSithc'Scbcthile-'now is the two poiota being250 miles apart? Board or Education ! ' . At a meeting of the County Board of Education, held his day, for theConnty of New Hanover, the following were elected toevVaVScHooi Committee fortheir respective districts for, two years from the first Monday in Decem ber, 1883, and the said committee, so elected, shall constitute a Schcol Com mittee for both the : white and colored schools of their respective districts : .. District No. I W. M. Parker, . Don aid McRae, Ji E. Sampson. ' District No; 2J. H. Chadboorn, Walker Meares, J. G. Norwood! District No. 3 B. S. Monlfort, Lewis Todd. W. II. WaddcU. District No. 4TW. R.I Green, - J.. II. Horne, Thomas A. Davis.l i I , District No. 5 A. A. Moselej, WF. Alexander, S. W. Nobles.' - ' District No. 0 JV. O. Johnston, O. M.Fillyaw, Samnel C. Nixon. Ad i f--- 1 v i- rf $ J rxoa fuT friends on aay u4 1 all , mtijecti"-, : " t rrte asjue oi pie writer mtut ahrtyi be fa j j x C?m1l1attl01U1. mvLhi wrlttea oi oil Ferson&Ilttesaau6t be aroMed. - -r&$ ll espectaDf"' anil1 rJcuUriy' iicl tooa that the Editor does ' not always tadoi ine views of corrcapo-tl&Qis unless ' so "shttc In the editorial columns. - h ' :"' -- " - n - NEW AD VERTlSMENTg;, A. W. RIVENBABK, 1 ! rEXEKAL FRODLCE h I j! COMMISSION MEECnANTjhd inform water St. fall JOnds id prompt ; Hanover. rrwlnce. Quick sales and promot rttnrns. i.eicrs to Jiank of Now Hanover. eet 2 '" TABLE BOARD.1 h gXCELLENT TABLE BOARD CAN BE had on application at the Korthweat conieVof u' occoau botcis. tnirancc ion Sec ond at.; - -w-: ,--J- y.yy 5f oxiw ! P y c t e rs Oy cte rb , oisr ice i r r 1 - -.- J KECEIVED, ! UOOI WINES UK uquors. Cigars a specialty, i i J : Cool Draught Beer. f OLD NORTH STATE SAmov I iOi oct2 Ko. 6, 3o, Froni TONSOItlAL. f TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMINO tho i who have favoretl mn with jthelr. patronAg, 1 while at Mr. H. C. PromijerfR, that I caw now be found atiMessra. Brown A rcarbonN. Ex- tending m'jj thanks. forpjatpatronajfOjaniL favors, wldhppreclate anyifutnre considera tion and assure prompt and polite attention. I will take pleasure in watting on Indies at their residences. C.mga cut in the very latent style. Including the Lanjctry bangs, as worn by her in her last perform: nee on the Amerl. cunstage. Respectfully, Ac... , ' i j et .t p. j, KVAX. ) OPERA HOUGE; ONE WEEK! t' ' "COMMENCINC i MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st i" ' JZERAvSEr.lOfll XvTjNDKR WORKER, i LAU(J il'C CREATOR aott VKSTUIIOUUIAL EjIL'EROJt. HEnEXPERIMEKTS,1 NEW FEATURES. - . ; COSTLY PRESENTS. i - . -r lCf PRESENTS . GIVEN AWAY I AT EACH PERFORMANCE. Admission 0c, 3- nd S5c Bept 20 lot , . ; , i. FLORIDA WATER, . t . -,. .1 L LAVENDER WATER, f r -f l, "'j .VIOLET it WATER, '.v ,!, 'Ji . , , HELIOTROPE WATER ! . ! J--- 'WIIIT13 ROSE WATER, ' - ,! jT,-;.- R AZENA, WATER. Also a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season v. . T .Prescriptions compounded day ' and night at a s r. c iiimsms, i tr.i-r . Ccrman Drugplst, ' sept .1- Corccr Fourth and Nun etc. Rev;; Daniel Morrelle's ( English and Classical Scliool, tpifE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL S blON wlU begin; DV V.; TIIURSDAY!,1 the fourth of October. ; sept 17-tf f New Biver Oysters. ; 11HE FINEST YOUETER 8AW-, in September. ; Our Cuiitry.Cona-jN.,. tns will do well to call and sea them. T i-Jdy Bar is srtill supplied with- the best of everything. All I ask is a call, witUflcd that you will come again. i'T. W, OKT1IAN, sept 2S-w Clab Rooms, Second fit ' William H; Green; i - t-. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUOOIST, . 11 MARKET STREET. ' I CARRY A FULL UNC OF 'pRUOS, JTANCY GOODS, Ac. and have facilities for ofiertng Inducements to all who nse or handle Medicine. :. . , ;u . ' j pt 24 . School Booko Gchool Eookol . M School Boblco ! f piIAT ARK USED IN ALL THE SehoolJ 1 qnestel tc call n or s?nd to me for School Books or School Room OulCU. , if " i r Children, large or smalLcaa pnrchane Rooks -at same rates as parent. One price to ail at HEINSBERGEIt'S, ct I - - - ' Lire Els zs. ilt;,!8 f.tcrca f tin N j . I.A I 1 f. i s 7 if t; e,y yiy i , "

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