The Daily Review WEDNESDAY, OCTOBE a 3 1883. The Dailv Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, n the cuy of Wilmington. j CASTILIAN WRATH. Growth of the Spanish Irrita- tlo n Against Frail cc . Madrid, Oct. 1, 1893 The irrita tion against France and the French government has assumed tremendous proportions. Not only do all the royal ist papers echo the feeling of the con servatives, but even-of liberals and members of the dynastic- Left, men like JSenor Morct. Every independent pa per, El Impartial especially, and La Iberia, chief organ of the Cabinet also, calls the Parisian demonstration a shameful disgrace for France and an act of savagery unworthy ot a civilized people. They cast the entire rcsponsi bility on Grevy and the French -Cabinet who so weakly defended their gust: " La Iberia is authorized, it says, to state that the King condescended to re main one night mere in Paris and dine with President Grevy only after an humble apology, and reserving his lib erty of action to ask that satisfaction, public and exemplary, be made lor the insult. The Madrid press say that he will be backed by the unanimous feel ing of his people. His return was de cided upon at the repeated request of the Ministers here. The Amba3sador - to France will' follow him. The nolo demanding an apology will be ener getic. The Madrid press and oflicial telegrams says that Alfonso spoke very sternly to President Grevy. Irritation at the embassy and in the Spauiah colo ny in Parts is very great because the official . world iu Spam accuse the French government for the lukewarm reception. Great sympathy for Germany is' ex pressed in the monarchical press, in the hope that the attitude of Spain will re ceive ' the support of ' Germany. A splendid reception is bein" prepared for the King to-morrow. All the mcms bers of the royalist party and the officers of the garrison will unite in the loyal demonstration. The republican and democratic press confess that the French instransigeaute have damaged themselves and for a long time have damaged the prospects oi the peninsular democracy. El Qlobo. the organ of Senor Oastelar. and 227 Porvenir, "the organ of Ruiz Zorrilla , deplore such a eapital impetus given to the German alliance. They say that Prince Bis marck has been successful in the present instance beyond hi3 most sanguine ex pectations. The French embassy since yesterday has been protected by police. Public feeling is very high. The King is expected here on Tuesday morning. Queen Christina obtained to-day the most loyal reception on record since the Restoration from the official t world in the railway station. Even more loyal was the demonstration from the crown on the route to the palace. The people were rushing and cheering be ' hind the royal carriage. Loud cries against France were heard in the crowd. Placards against France have been posted in various parts.'olla dridbut they were instantly torn down by the police, who are on guard with their officers in all the avenues leading to the French legation. Irritation is very high. Frenchmen have been slighted in;Madrid and other places. All par tiesTcongratnlale the King on having left Paris, and urge the Cabinet to in sist on satisfaction. No decision is likely until the King can preside at the council - . JUDGE HOADLY IN THE FIGHT. Addressing a Mass Meeting: of Ten Thousand Democrats in Cleveland. Cleveland, Oct. 1 The Cleveland Democrats held the largest meeting of the campaign here to-night. The audi ence numbered 10,000. The streets were filled with people, and there was a torchlight procession, with bands and transparencies. The meeting was ads dressed by Judge lloadly, ex-Senator Joseph Jb. McDonald, of Indiana, the Hon. S. U. Wood, of Kansas, and the lion. Henry b. Paine. Judge lloadly apojio ;or auout an uour. ms voice was feeble. In the course of his speech lie saiu: lhe Democratic party is the party of Governmental economy and personal 1 : i rri 1 . . uueny j.uu itepuoucau party nas no guiding principles. Since the slavery question was setiicu, tney nave been kept together solelv bv nartv interests. Its abuse of power begot the panic of loto auu uesiropcu our mercantile ma rine. Millions of money were used to foster Star route frauds and to corrupt elections in Indiana. Tilden had puri fied the Government of New. York, and the people had triumphantly carried him onward to the right to occupy the Presidency, which was stolen tromnim. The Republicans arc inconsistent on the Lcmperance quesuon. rne Scott law is merely a scheme to satisfy everybody and to please nobody. I belive in the efficacy of moral suasion, but not in forced prohibition, as the proposed sec ond amendment would result in . If I live until election day, I shall vole against both amendments. Judge Hoadly was loudly cheered. He said that he would speak at San dusky and Toledo this week. Spanked by His Bride. Boston, October i. Late last night a young lady, bareheaded and very much excited, rushed to the police sta tion in Cambridge, and reported that a woman was murdering her husband in QuinnV Block. The police found a healthy, good-looking young woman administering severe -punishment to her leige lord, who had returned home intoxicated. She r had spanked him with various kitchen ulensite until both were exhaused. They were recently married and until to-night have been very happy. - " , -. A traveler who visited Egypt and the Holy Land, says he heard JSt. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure, praised : as a dajr STATE NEWS. ; Goldsboro Messenger- A while man named Joe Marler. living in the Fret moot section of this county, met with an accident in this city , last Friday . night which may; result in his death. tie had come to ; the circus, and alter the night performance, while waiting to take the eleven o clock train for Fres moat, got to drinkin g with some friends The train they wetc to take for Fre- lnont'nioved off without them and they ran to overtake itj They caught the train, but Marler was unable to get aboard and was jerked on his leet and thrown, with the degree of speed of the moving train,Qimong the cros3 ties of the side track, receiving seyerai very serious cuts on toe neau. ana it is thought that his skull is fractured.: Let those who need a lesson take warning News and Observer: DfuriDg Septem ucr loriy nvc urummcrs licenses were issued from the State treasury, bring ing in the suni of S1.500. Durimr September the internal revenue eollec lions in this district amounted to 18, 356.57. Mr. W illiam Bises. of Oxford, long one of the editors of the "tree Lance," died yesterday, aged about li. The rust in the cotton fields hereabouts lis excessive. It! is having a bad effect in causing too rapid and premature opening of cotton. The leaves all fall oft and the bolls arc cxposeu to tne not sun, wuicn causes them to ripen vry quickly. Many ol the bolls are dropping off. The Su preme Court met yesterday. Hon. A. S. Mernmon, the new Associate Jus tice, was sworn in by Chief Justice Smith and took bi3 seat upon the bench. Associate o ustice asuc; was also press cut. i he court at once Ljegan the cx animation of applicants for license There arc tweuty six of these, all white. The examination; will be concluded to Jvurual-Ubscrxcr: About midnight last Saturday night, a, lire broke out at the old homestead of J Mr. 11. I. Mc 1)6 wel, of this city, located in David- hoii township, Iredell county, on the banks ol the Catawba, hear the Meck lenburg line, and swept the fine old family residence away. Willi the resi dence the smokehouse and kitchen were burned. Last Sundav j night, while services were being conducted in one of the colored churches of the city, a colored woman in te congregation named Lizzie Abernathy suddenly ceased shouting, and clasping her low er jaw with both hands, tried to push it shut, but all to no avail. She had shouted not wisely but too well, and her jaw had jumped its) socket, making her mouth stand open to its fullest capacity .-f Last Satirday little Johnnie Murr, son of section master Murr, why is stationed on the AT & O Railroad, at Davidson College, appeas ed his appetite on raw sweet potatoes, of which he ate a great Quantity. He was shortly afterwards taken with se vere pains in hi3 stomach which contin ued grow worse and baffled the skill of the doctors until Sun day, when the! boy (died. Judge Gilmer and Solicitor Osborne finished up Stanly coimty Superior court last Saturday, and have opened Montgomery court in Trov. this weiek. I The principal case of interest at Stanly wun ty me tnai ui xjr. xucuaru A. Anderson, of Big Lick, who was charg ed with the murder of a young man named Charlie Cox, in that place, about the hrst of the present year. Young Cox, while walking in the street, was snot down m the darkness by some uti known party, j Suspicion rested upon Dr. Anderson as the guilty party, and a true bill being lonnd against him by the grand jury, he was held in bond for trial by the Superior Court., The case was taken up last Thursday,) and resulted in a verdictof "not guilty," . This result was anticipated byl those who appeared to be familiar with the case, From parties who arrived in the city on -the Carolina Central train yesterday afternoon we learned of a fatal affray that occurrrd Sunday night at Cam eron's mill, in Richmond county, be tween negro men over a sum of money mat nau oeen stolen trom one of their nunioer. in the quarrel liams drew his pistol and Brown in the abdomen, Frank Wil shot George the wound Jiuviugiui;u m me course oi ten or twelve hours. The two parties above named worked, at Cameron's mill with another negro named Arten Bennett, and on Saturday evcuing they were all paid their wages. The three roomed together, and during the nisht Bennett's t M m BaaV m. A L. a. . money was stoleu, he j alleges, by his- a light over the matter, which resulted in the killing of Brown. Williams, who did the shooting, has been arrested and jailed at Rockingham, i It Boars the Closest Scrutiny!. In the many items of news published, or reprinted, in theadvertisinfrnnTnra of the ncwsDarers of the dav it. io satisfyins to the reader to bo' fullv assured that rail the names siven as yinners of capital prized, it various times of different amoiints. in tj,o Louisiana State Lotterv aud truly stated, in addition to ika many wuo avoid publicity for various reasons. All names and amounts are genuine and will bear the close scruti ny of investigation. If any one doubts miS laCC ICC mill SCCt lntormntinn , , JLaupnin, isew Orleans. La., and he can be fully satisfied of its exact iruiu. ' Secoucl Instalment of Fall aud Winter Clothlnffj Wc are rcccivine one of thn lnrrrnf ana iiasst displays of Cas?imere Suits, iu Plain and Fancy Colors, in Cheviots. Worsted, Basket, Corkscrew diagonal, Tricot and Broadcloth. SniU $5. $7, $0,$11,$13, $15j$l7 and jup to $35. It will pax you to examine our, Goods and Prices. A. & I. Sukier. nrfiaWA Clothiers, UiMarkest. tf To Builders and others- Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c- You can get all sizes lowest prices V; and at the PUB0ELL1 HOUSE. JJNDEB NKW MANAGEMENT, v WILMINGTON- N. C , R. PKBRY, Proprietor. 1 - Lite Proinletor Atlantla ftoteL riMtitia 1 all Its appolntaanta. T&rmm VLta tn COHUIBBCIAIi WILMINGTON MARKET. October 3 4 Tv M 1 SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted steady at 35 cents per gallon. Sales of 100 casks at 36 cents. H ' BOSIN-Quoted dull at $1.12 for Strained and $1.17 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted firm at $1.80 per obi of 280 lbs. j CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at S2 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1-25 for Hard. COTTON Quoted firm. Sales of 60 bales on a basis of 10 1-16-cents per pound for Middling. The following are the official quotations :, : , - ' Ordinary 7 9-16 cents Good Ordinary. 8 Low Middling... 9 11-16 " Middlm' 10 10 1-16 7-16 Good Middling. DAILY RECEIPTS. - Cotton......... 503 bales Spirits Turpentine 211 casks Rosin ... 366 bbls Tar J. ' 206 bbls Crude Tumentine 165 bbls MARINE NEWS. ! ARRIVED, j Steamship' Benefactor. Tribon, New- York, IT. E. BontU U. S. mail steamer Iiunehalia, Bis- bcy, Smithvillc, blaster. j Steamer John Dawson, ColVin, Point Gas well, R V Paddison Stcamcr D. Murchison, Smith, Fay ettevillc, G W Williams & Co. i Nor barque Skudesneas, KicldscD, bavannah, llcide As Co CLEARED. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis- bcy, iSnnthvillc, Master. Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fav ettevUlc, G. W. Williams & Co. Schr C H Macomber.-Rumill. Kimrs ton,; St Vincent. W I, Northrop & Gumming ' i Exports. COASTWISE. Baltimore steamshi p Raleigh 543 bales cotton, 153 casks spts turpt, 305 bbls tar, 155 do" rosin. 190 do Ditch. 6 do tar oil, SI cases tar. 54 crates tar, 30 cases spts tnrpt, 46,956 ft lumber, 11 Dales vanilla. 3 bacs reanuts. 6 bbls shelled peanuts, 7 "bales paper stock, 11 pugs mase i FOREIGN. , I Kingston, St EVincent. W I schr C H Macomber 108,529 feet lumber, 100,000 shingles j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FALL AND WINTER -AT 116 Market Street. All the Latest Novelties -IN- Staple and Fancy -AT VERY LOW PRICES ! MORE PARTICULARS IN A FEW DATS. - CALL FOR BARGAINS IN GOOD HATE RIALS t -AT- 116 T.7arket Gt. oct 1 C. D. TJorrill. TJNDEBTAKEB, CABINET MAKER AND CARPENTER. Oflce and Work Shop on Sea ond. street, opposite South erlaad'a stables. Kespec trolly sollciu orders and rnarsnteea good work, prompt dsllTery aad salTsfsetlon In tTer? rtipecu , may l&tt ood IISCELLANEOUS. New Orleans, August 1,1883. TO THE PUBLIC ! Investi&rate for' Yourselves ! Postmaster-General Graham "having pub Ushed a wilful and malicious faiaehooU in re gard to the character of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, the following facts are glv en to the public to prove his statements, that we are engaged in a fraudulent business, to be false and untrue : s ' 4 . Amount of prizes paid by The Louisiana state .Lottery Company from January 1, 1879, to present date : f j Paid to Southern Express Co., New Orleans, T M Wcscoat Manager.. $ I, SGG.300 Paid to Louisiana National Bank. Jos II Oglesby, President. ......... Paid- to i onisiana State National ! Bank, S H Kennedy, Presidents... Paid to Nqw Orleans National Baftk, A. Baldwin, President. Paid to National Union Bank, 4 b Cliarlaron, Cashier............... Paid to Citizens' Bank, ELCarriexe, President.... J...... Paid to Gcrmanla National Bank, Jules Cassard, Iresidcnt...i';...... Pail to Hibcrnia National Bank; - Chas Palfrey, Cashier.;... ....... ., Paid to Canal Bank, Ed Toby, Cash'r Paid to Mutual National Bank, iG3?m 125,100 t4,450 57,000 30,000 37,000 lo,150 jos Miicnci, uasmcr. . 8,200 Total paid as above. ............. $2,253,650 Paid In sums of umler $1,000 at the various offices of the Company throulout Uic Ucited States 2,627,410 Total raid byU $4,8S1,0C0 For the truth of the above facta we refer the public to the officers of the above name i corr poratious, and. for our legality and standing to the Mayor aud Officers of the tity of New Or leans, to the State authorities' of Louisiana, and also to th U. S. Official of 1 Louisiana. Wc claim to be lepfal, honest and correct in i U our transactions, as much so s any business tn the country. Ourstandinsr is conceded bv all Wlio will invP.sHiyatO "ntifl rkn-r ainnL- hia -fm-'l years been sold at our Board of. Brokers, and owned by many of our best known and re spected citizens. - . j ! M. A. DAUPHIN, President CiipUal Prize $75,OOOa Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery We do hereby xsertty that toe supervise the urrangemeTU jor au trie .Montiuy ana Semi Annual Drawings of TJte Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and m person manage and con trol the .Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and ingooajaun towara au parties, ana we author xze me company to use tats certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adv Iver tisements." Commissioners. incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Lee uiature for Educational and Charitable pur- wim a capital 01 i,uuu,uuu to wnicn a reserve fend or 5.' haa i Hin An wiueu. . i - -t J - "W By an overwhelmine rwvnnlm vote lf frm. rnise-was made amrt of the nwn t Sfnte onsuiution aaoptea December 2d, A. D 1879. J he only Lotterv ever voted tm. and nfaf oy tne people of any state. It never scales or postpones. itS It r ana bins'lft Ntimher Tlrawlno- tnha piace monthly. .i , A SPLENDID OPPOTtTTTNTTY TO Will A duktujnjs. Tenth Grand I DrawlTio- ninao xi, ai new Orleans. Tuesday. October 9. loon ivisb iM-u Li Liiiy irawiBKi Capital Prizej $75i000. lOO.OOO. Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. I Capital Prize of....; 75,000 25,000 capital if nee of. 1 Capital Prize of. ....;.... 2 Prize's of $6.000. . 10,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 5 Prizes of 2,000 10 Prizes of 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 300 Prizes of fiOO Prizes of 1,000.. 500 200.. 100 50 25..... 1000 Prizes of j 2o,000 2o,000 APPBOXIMATIOX PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " " 500. 9 " " 250. 6,750 4,500 2,250 1 ,967 Prizes, amounting to. . .... IT. $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should onlv m made to thetffice of the Companyjn New OrT leans. .. i For further Information, write iclearlv. iriv nsr full ; address. . Mato t o Mnncir Ai ders or Resistercd Letter to NKW-ORLfiANS NATIONAL BANK, - ' - EW UJtLAK8, LA. Ordinary letters by Mall or Express, to - M. A. DAUP11LN, "New Orlpann T. or M, A. DAUPHIN, ' ' f, IJh Washington, D. C. sept 12-wed-sat 4w-d&w J HAVE BEEN APPOINTED SOLE Agent lor the TANNER A DELANEY, ENGINE CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from i to 150 horse power; also Tramway or Narrow Gauge Locomotives. U' ! " Engines adapted to Farm use a specialty. . Onhand and lor sale ery low, FIVE SECOND HAND; PORTABLE ENGINES. from 5 to 15 borse power. - aux 15-Cm ! S. W. SKINNER, i Attention Housekeepers. , AS NOW 13 TUB TIME FOR PUTTING up your Pickles for winter use, and knowing the trouble heretofore of getting the Spices and Seeds ncceasary, I ordered and have juat received a email, lot of Whole and Mixed Spices for the purpose. , Call and ðcm. : Also, the Handy Box fchoe BlacWag; with handle attached. And a full nne 0f "fresh Family Supplies,.at Crapon's Family Grocery. GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, ; sept S. ' . , - south Front St S MISCELOVANEOUS; HAVE JUST RETURNED LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STdCK ; OF GOODS ! j ' 1 l : My Opening will bs as early the first of this month ' ' as practicable just as soon as my stock can be 1 DUE NOTICE WILLBE GIVEN OF THE TIME ANo'oAV; -POLICE -JJAJD-T Will be in attendance who will take pleasure io showing the goods, and I say : wili press their custoiiiers gently to buy, H necessary. r ; My Stock emliraces everything- iii iny liiip, cct2- - - - 122 HlARk RT isTRfiw : ! ,.,... v WEDNESDAY, OCT; 3rcli A FULL LIXE'or INDIES, M IS SES Jfc CHILDREN, . JERSEY JACKETS, IN A FULL LINE OF CORSETS IN AU, COLOKS AND SIZES. LADIES HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTKIMM AND CIIlLDREN'Sj. SCHOOL HATS AT.iffiDyCED.PRlCES.y , . , Also, an imraetiBe stock of Hamburg and Irish Toint Embroidery at astonihingly l0Je prtnl No trouble TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market Street. Wilmington, N. C. oct 1 Carpets, r.r : - ;t Carpets, - i- I OIL CLOTHS, RUGS AMD MATS I AJlarge assortment catefully selected patterns, and we think CHEAPER than you can buy them in f this or any other State; at all events we will : give you the prices, you must judge.; J ; sept 29, 1883 New York Wepklv Herald ONE OOIiliAlt A YE Alt. fllHE CIRCULATION OF THIS POPULAR newspaper Is constantly (increasing tidns all the leadiBg news of the Dal It Con and is arranged in handy departments. The FOREIGN NEWS embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe. Under the head of AMERICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Despatches or he week from au parts of the Union, t This fea- ture alone makes THE WEEkLY HERALD the most valuable chronlftlo. is the cheapest. - Every week is riven a faith ful report of !' POLITICAL NEWS embracing complete and comprehensive des patches from Washington, Including full re ports of the speeches of eminent politicians on THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly Herald gives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions and diecov eries relating to the duties of the f armer, hints for raising Cattle, Poultry, Grains. Trees KSffii?0- cJ,wi suggStfonl rioi ffJ)lnK,uilduigaantI t&ri& unsils inre Shl8.Is ?uP,Ptemented by a well-edited department, widelv eonind. nnhnr- h,d ,nvJ THE HOME, I giving recelpcs for practical dishes, hints foJ mating cJothlng and for keeping up with thd latest fashions at t.h. . lnt Item of cooking or economy suggested in thia deirtmcnt is practically tcstedTy erta be fore publication. Letters from our Parlarand London corresnondenu on th fashions. The TI T . . 1 J 7 Herald will save the Housewife more than hJS2??3d-tlmC8 tbc I"100 of thc Paper. The SKILLED LABOR. I l)ke,t aft?p , ana everything relaxing to mechanics and labor savlnr ls careml?rt corded. There i latest phases 0f tho bnslSeVrketsT Crops Merchandise! Jko... oiVi- 2 V1 . diS??sinofthc tpS!, THE PRODUCE MARKET. .SJt!n? .New8 at nomc abroad, togeth er with a Story every week, a Sermm bv fam eminent divine, Literary, MiScal DrSnX Personal and Sea Notes. ThercS noSerfa the world which contain "J1? , "rv . aa eejtiy iieraiu. Which subscribe at any time. . . You can The New York Herald, in a Weekly form; One Dollar a Year. NEW. YORK HERALD "Rice Birds and Coots" glXIPPED IN ICE the United States.' TO ANY PART OF aept24 W. E. DAVIS A&ON. MISQEIiLANEOUS. FROM XUE NORTHERi, CITIES WITH A - -, i ""m. ALL SIZES and COLORS. ..ALSO, -,U, :'-,' lZ ED ! to show goods at WE BEG TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR SELECT 'STOCK OF Fine Wines and Liquors, CAPE FEAR, STUART'S RYE, 0--V-.V-''' VIRGINIA G LADES. cr infix's FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. CLARET8. SCUPPERNONGS. PnP.T.4 w AND SHERRIES. -sxaaxii, vjc AliJj ILliXlO. IMPORTED AND ; DOMESTIC. 1 i L. BRID6ERS & 00. HO North Front St. sept 24 V, J .M,i, Q.ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. ' m ' No.. 19. North SMnd fifwui ! i V,,,,.,.. , - Wilmington, N. C. 1 XTOaace. TOD prices and onlt mtnma nr. requested. -, , ... markets wneu - sept U E. Q. BLAIR. Fall Hato. JADIES COLOBED flTBAW HATS AKP BONNETS, SCHOOL HAT8, NEckwEA and other Millinery Goods. - " ' ' ; .... .. ... ( ..MRS. KATE C. WINES, ' No, 119, North Second 8trcet, . J '., sept2A faext South of Postoftlce To-Day is- Moving Day. fxONT PUTP THAT OLD Cook Store; down and buy a new one and start right this year. : Splendid stock ,ct Heaters, h 0aw'5,eUetbJi Sparkle; Cadet; Del aware, Surprise. Casket, Wyonalag, Fernwood. Token, Forest, Unwood, ITncua, 3rion. Oak Tc-Wr PACKER & TATLOB. tUULl WHITE OIL. oct IV