THIS PATER " every evening, Sundays ex pn bllshed ccpted by . JOSH T. JAMES, J EDITOR AKD PBOrWKTOB SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: rear $4.00. Six months, $2.00. Three ODCfflonth8, $1.00; One month. 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, In any part of the city, at the above -teg or lOcentg per week. Ad vesting rates low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and all faU t0 receive their paper regularly. file Daily Review has the largest bom W circulation, qj any. newspaper pubUshal, inthe city of Wilmington. & oscoe Conkling has his hands full of business in the United States Supreme Court. ' " '. ' --. George V. Julian, of Indiana, is pres paring a volume oi political reininis. cer.ccs. Henry Watlerson, editor ot the louisyille Courier Journal, has a lovely tenor voice. : : - Queen Victoria and all her house hold will attend the unveiling of John Brown's statue at Balmoral. . . A Russian princess of remarkable beauty, it is rumored, will make her ilt'but in Washington society this Win- ter. Preparations are being made at Ham burs to hold in 1883 a grand festival on the occasion of the br centenary birth of Handel. of the The last spike on the Kansas City Springfield & Memphis Railroad, con necting Memphis and Kansas City, was driven on Monday evening'30 miles from Memphis. American companies have spent over 430.000,000 in railroads in Mexico, and completed over 1.G00 miles of track. The English lines aggregate 353 miles , and the Mexican 635. In Cincinnati Sunday night a pipe used in Modem's brewery to conduct aiamoniacal gas burst in the stable through which it passed, liberating the as, which killed 23 horses in a few minutes. The first regular meeting of the first national congress of the Socialistic Workingmen's Association was held in Pittsburg Sunday. All told there were 28 people present A committee re ported 20 duly accredited delegates. Presidents'Zaldmar, of Salvador, and Barrios, of Guatemala, recently met in conference on the frontiers of Guate mala, when they renewed past promises of mutual support, and it is said deters rained to turn Soto out of the Honduras presidency . ' . The men in four prescription bottle houses at Pittsburg have been ordered out by Union No. 12, of the Atnerican Flint Glas3 Workers' Association; be cause the manufactures em ploy sd boys to do the work of lournevmcn. About 100 men are idle. At a meetins of the Central Jabor Union in New York Sunday a recom mendation from the Alliance Labor Club was received, urging that all workinirmcn form themselves into u military organizations to enable them to defend their rights. The receipts at the Port Saint Martiu Theatre in Paris since Sara Bernhardt onened the house with "Frou Frou" are the larcrest on record in its annals. The takings on the opening night ex ceeded $i.$00. The second night show ed a considerable increase on this amount, and on the third night the re ceipts we're over $2,125. The pacer Johnstone, who paced a mile on the Chicago track last Tuesday in 2:10. beating all former records at trotting or pacing, has been sold lor $25,000 to Commodore N. W. Kittson, of St. Paul , the owner ot Little Brown J ug, the next fastest pacer, whose re cord is 2.113. The Cincinnati Commercial Gazelle publishes figures from every county in Ohio, "except Stark , showing that for the prohibition . amendment 300,413 votes were cast, while the total vote in the State was 709,335. Careful , esti mates up to midnight make the I total vote 711,791. The prohibition amend 1 ment vote was- 320,450 which gives nearly 70,000 majority against prohibi tion. : - - The Women's Department in the Boston fair has created surprise among those who think that women cannot invent. Some ot the contrivances are ingenidus. A California woman has devised a table bedstead. There are h, double piano stool, a bridle rein, an im proved chimney, a bircu bark life pre server, a ventilating screen, life-size dolLbabies, - carpet stretchers, floor nllnirinor dnstDans. kidney cures and 0 . - - , - . stove dampers, a photograph album, a pan-greaser, a lock against burglars and an Autumn leaf catcher for cistern?. , ; " Mr. G. W. Heinken, Benone P. O., Pa., has been entirely cured of rheu matism by the use ot the : Great Ger man Remedy,, St. Jacobs Oil. rre viously he could find no relief. ; 1 H VOL. VII. W LMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY. OCTOBER LOCAL NEWS. U - ---- INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FouxDrPocket Eooi j - C W Yates Coming in J R Meltox Mountain Beef Wm M Hats, Jr The Beet jYet IIkissbergeb A New Arrival Munds Bros. & DeRosset Onion Sets Houfox Freeman Expressive Pictures R M McIstire Dry Goods Carpets, &c Y II Guekx Scgai'j.Tobaceo anil Cigarettes The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,346 bales.1 " -t- Capt. John W. Plummer, of Robeson county, wa3 in the city to-day . f , i , Our people arc making good use of this lovely weather and jthei streets were thronged with pedestrians this after noon. ' ! The atmosphere of the City Court Room this morning was c and sluggish. ecidedly dull Wood is quite plentiful ket and is retailing from an tins mar the flats at reasonable prices. This was a de-lihtful: iu urn nal morning, but we predict a storm with in the next 48 hourst We notice that Miss K. i Karrer, of this city, makes a! fine exhibit at the State Fair now in progress! at Raleigh. The market was well supplied this morning with some of; the finest looking A. beef and other meats that wc have seen in many a day. i j i ! Mr. Ed. Lilly was the lucky man last night. He carried off the beautiful dressing case from Mitnds Bros. & De- Rosset's drugstore We learn that a young Jady irom Baltimore, who is visiting friends in this city, will sing at the, First Baptist church next Sunday dim mor The stock of cotton in the vicinity of! the Compresses is very large and is continually increasing, gwhich means business for awhile toj come at least. The luscious suppernong grape3 are nearly all gone and with thejn goes the last of our.. Southern fruits for . the season ; but we have the peanut left to eonsole us. M m MayotIIall wasj present at the Fair Grounds in Raleigh on Tuesday He was driven out in a carriage in compa ny with Lt. Gov. Robinsoji, j who open the Fair, Col. Thomas M. Holt and Capt. Octavios'Coke,! escorted by a! band of marshals. f A sudden mania for iron frames for awnings seems to have developed on the North side of Market street between Front and Second Messrs. Heinsbcr ger, Samson, Dryfoos & Siernbeger and Hedrick, "all in ajrow" arc now all provided -with them1 . ' Capt. John L Morch. who has been on quite a prolonged visit to his boy hood's home ia Europe, returned'to the city last night. He was a passebger on the new steamship Oregon, whi(fh it is said is the finest1 and fastest vessel afloat. Wc understand that' gentlemen lrom the city who went fishing to Wrights ville Sound yesterday had splendid luck.' The water seemed to be alive with all kinds of the finny tribe, but more especially with! bluefish, which Were caught about as fast as they could be cast ashore. j 1- Dr. Patterson. . We understand that Rev. Dr. Patter son will not visit Wilmington on his way North. He will go bv way of St. Louis from Texas, and is now probably en route. He is to officiate at the mar riage of a friend in -New York ( and will afterwards go to Boston, to the Exposition, and will); visit friends at other points in Massachusetts. )n his return, about thejhrst of December, he will stop in Wilmington, The Silent Mail. In speaking of Joaquin Mild ers comedy drama, the "Silent Man," which is to be presented atj the Opera House in this city to-mprrov night, the Ss. Louis Posl-DisDatcfi, says : k "The Silent 'Man'f is drawing large houses', and the drama seems to have struck "the fancy of all theatre goers. The company is composed of the best material and headed by such well known actors as Frank Evans, Frank Mordaunt, Miss Libby Noxon, i Iaw rence Marston, etc.. an excellent per formance of Iheir most amusing come dy drama is insured. Joaquin I Miller, the author can add one more to his list of successful plays,and in. The Silent Man" he has given the material for one of the most interesting of border dramas. The dialo&ue bristles with comedy, the action i3 entirely bereft of . . ... 1.1 blood curuacg escapaues, anu iuc suu ations are strong, rising .thrilling cli maxes. The story is prettily told, and goes with continuous laughter; . ;,v. The Confederate Home. There is a young gentlemen in this city who has written to us a communi cation, enclosing $5 for the benefit of the fund now being raised for the pur pose of j establishing - a Confederate' Home, with the suggestion that we open a subscription for that purpose in this city, auxiliary to that now open in Raleigh: We taken the liberty of pub lishing herewith his communication to us, withholding the name. Wilmington, N. C. Oct. Ifi, '83. Mr. Josh T. James 1 MyDeaii Sir: Man v noble Lhirgt have been done by North Carolinians; anq poor as tney (or we; are, many honoring deeds of benevolence and pa triotism liaye beeeh projected and car-r rieu tnrougn by us, but noblest, anu most benevolent, and most patriotic of all is the projected work . no w waiting to be performed by our people, that of building a "Soldier's Home" "for Con - federates, themselves disabled, or the! families of impoverished or dead Con federates. (Do you know I object to the": term "ex Confederate,") for they are still "Confederates" in "heart, tho' now "out of service ;" rather their manner of "service" to their still dear South is changed. Many noble men arc aiding the be ginning of this good cause, and though my heart is in it, I can't do much; but I wish to do what I can. so if you will take it I will begin a subscription list and enclose $5 to that end. If you had rather turn it over to some one else uiy consent, of course, will attend your action, and my good wishes the work by. whomsoever carried forward. Truly and respectfully, 1 This i3 truly a noble letter and it em anates from a noble source from one who a child, when war's wild alarms were raging throughout the. land, had he been of mature years be would either have filled a hero's grave or else have lived to achieve some ot the gallant distinction won by others who bear his name. r As regards the object of .the note we have thought it better that no auxiliary move be made at this time. The sub' scription has been made jand we shall notify Capt. Ashe of the fact so that it may be added to the fund now in his hands. This fund now amounts to very near $3,000 and we think it time that some organization should be made and some matured plan of action be decided upon. The money can be rais ed, and will be raised, in all probabil ity,1 but- it will not all be forthcoming as voluntary con tributions. Let the matter be placed in the hands of; the various Memorial Associations in the State and' perhaps those ol auxiliary associations where none now exist and the work is as good as accomplished, j In the meantime, if any of our friends wish to make a subscription to the cause through the columns of the Re view, we will very cheerfully take charge ot such and forward the names and amounts to Raleigh. ,' . Musical. Mr. Seymour E. Locke, proprietor of the great "Operatic Amusement Cir cuit," is in the city and registered at the Purcell House. He makes con tracts for the Minnie Hauk Company, the Theodore Thomas Company, Joseffy Concert Company, Boston Ideal Opera Company, besides several other companies, and is trying to work up an interest among the music-loving people ot the South, to warrant him in bring them here. These companies are all strictly first class and always play to crowded houses in the large Northern cities and they will not be brough1 iSouth unless there is a guarantee of remunerative audiences. Each' com pany is composed of well known artists in the operatic world. He wishes 'to bring the Theodore Thomas Company here sometime during the latter part of November or first of December, and will gladly do so providing sufficient guarantees are given ;to insure Jhini against loss. This company has a worldwide reputation and is probably not excelled byj any other orchestra, either iu this country or in Europe:. We trust that there imay be a generous response to ;Mr. .Locke's endeavors, and that our people may have the pleasure of listening to this company, whose every member is an artist. Heedlessness! , Why will people be so heedless of the comfort and safety of others as lo throw grape hulls, banana skins and xnhcr slippery things upon the sidewalks?. A very little trouble only would be necessary to throw them in the gutter or street, where there would be no dan gerot their thro wing people." We saw a young girl receive quite a severe fall on the sidewalk on .Market street this morning, caused by stepping on one of the dangerous pests, which canscd os to think bad- words, and we guess that she did also. - r .LlbiLi V dLiLLj V V: -0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, f I: Dry Goods, ' . . ' Carpets, ' Oil Cloths, Rugs, Wats; &c. . PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called lo our assortment of Cornice,. varying from low priced to very fine. ; - LACE CURTAINS, a good) stock of these goods and sample box (by Express) will be sent on application to any responsible person. I --BLACK SILK special Attention to some real good bargains, ? with new and pretty passamenterie trimmings. : j . . . 1 R. M. lilcirJTIRE. oct 18, 1883 " : - . .' .... '.'-V Not Heard From. ' J The schooner Mary E. VanCleaf, ' Capt. F. Small, cleared from Boston 1 oepi. na, ior ims port, anu uas not r i VS i t j " t ! 1.1 since been heard from. ; Grave fears for her "safety are' entertained. Capt. Small is a skillful navigator and we trust he will soon bring his vessel into port and thus relieve the anxiety which is now prevailing as to her safety. The Arliusrton Dead . : r ' i The Washington Capital says : '-To Hon. A. M. Waddcll, of - North Caro lina, belongs the entire credit for hay . ing started the preliminary steps which culminated in the removal of the bodies 01 the North Carolinians from I Arling ton to their native State for interment, On the 26th of r April last (decoration day) he made a speech at Charlotte, N. C, calling attention to the subject, and continued to appeal through the Journal Observer to the ladies ; of. the old North State to take charge ot and have the remains removed. -The kin dred of the men who are thus returned are obligated to him for inaugurating the movement, and to Mrs. C. (W. Harris for having given her ' personal attention to its details." ' . It was about, the same time, we think, that the - suggestion .came also from Mrs. Harris and to both of these a representative of each sex are , the people of this State " indebted for the idea which, has now met Its final and appropriate culmination. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Found. gATURDAY EVENING, Octoloer 33th, at Carolina Central Depot, a POCKET BOOK containing a Bum of mprey and papers Indica ting lt as the property of i some one named McKLNNON, engaged In naval stores business lo Georgia. . - - v t oct!8-lt THOS. D. MEA.RES.Agt The Best Yet I J WILt. HAVE FOR SALE ON MY Stall to morrow morning, and every day for a week to come, a lot of SUPERB MOUNTAIN BEEF, - - l - - - jnst received from the West.; Also, every day the best of I MUTTON, PORK; SAUSAGES, &c. We do our. best to please. All orders care fully and promptly flUed. W. M. HAYS, Jr., octlS4t , Stall No 7, New Market (fountain Meat ! JgVBRYBODY WHO SAW THAT BEAU TIFUL. BEEF on our Stalls this morning said that it was the prettiest offered here this sea son. We have a lot more of the same sort, which we will offer to morrow and , Saturday. Orders, f or choice cuts received at any time. Also, a full line of : " " '" " PORK, MUTTON, VKAI', AUiAGES, Ac. We respectfully invite a call and Inspection. J. R. melTtos. Proprietor of the only Steam Sausage Factory in the state. . - .. cct IS-lt Expressive Pictures. J ARTIES DESIRING PHOTOS WITH great expression of . countenance,! can easily obtain such at our Gallery. There being a Dental office in the same building, we can se cure the aid of the Dentut and while under his gentle manipulations MR. C ROSENBERG photographs; r your countenance result f A VERY EXPRESSIVE PiCTURE' ' llOUTON FREEMAN. 5r- VanOrsdell's old aland. V. . . - - t. oct ife , , . - Old North- State Saloon O South Front Street. pKESll ARRIVAL Large. Fat NEW RIVER orSTERS-lwaja oa Ire , Cool Beer to go with them.. Be, 5 Clgu s. Good Whiskey, W lnes kc TrrVflea'lLeeCisar.- - oct 15 18, 1883. NO. -246 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ArUIIIU AIUUIDi (alls! a 1 A s s i g n ee ' s S ale Or THAT Efegant, New and Fine Stock OF HAND-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES -:; at .' j- r : Dryfoos &j Sternberger's, No. lia Market Street, r Thcae Gools are all of resent purchase,. cm 1 bracing the j . VERY LATEST AND NOBBIEST.!-AND BEST MAKES IN THE WORLD. Under the existing circumstances some will be disposed of at STBICT COST FOR CASH. Come r!ght now and get a Triple Bargain. I f irst bargain-Goods at Cost. Second bargain Best Style. Third bargain Perfect Fit. : Remember this Is the handsomest Use of BOOT i and SHOES in the South. . ' .- 1 ; Don't delay, but come at once. I. MACKS, Assignee. Oct lS-lm To the Front to Stay. T3EGENTLY A LETTER WAS RECEIVED at the Wilmington Post Office addressed elm ply "The Most Reliable Clothing House in Wilmington". It was delivered to us. We arc too modest to claim for ourselves such distinction, but if any dozen well informed business men in this city were aeked to name the most prominent house sclllnur Clothinz at the lowest price, there can be but little dou t about the majority vote. . How we got to the front is no mybtery. The people know that we nave ouut our success upon the Droau anu sure foundation of acceptable service-and trustworthy methods. We keep only such goods as the public want and we never adver tise a word about them tnat we cannot uacit up by facts in the store. Somehow the people nnaturaliy like to acal with us. A. & I. SHRIER, oct 15 RcUable Clothiers, 114 Market St. , Coming In ! New Goods lEyery Day I t . - " . CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. EVERYTHING NEW AND NOVEJ. ! Stationery suitable for every line of business. SCHOOL BOOKS- and "SCHOOL bUPPLIES specialtyi oct 15 - 119 Market St. TJEW GOODS! J AM STILL RECEIVING NEW GOODS In both departments, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. AH the material for mak ing up Hats and Bonnets. Velvet, Ribbons, Feathers, Birds, Ac V 1 FELT, STRAW: AND FRAMES, LATEST STYLES, : All necessary material for Fancy Work.; New Stamping Patterns. Large lot of "Jerseys" for Ladies, Misses and Children. Gossamers all sizes and qualities.: Crpe renovated by SH RIVER PATENT process. New Patterns from Universal Fashion Co. Polite attention given to all our customers. - Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, . . EXCHANGE CORNER, -Wilmington, N.C.. Oct, 16, 1883. 1 The Excursion and - Pic Nic gEAOX I5 OVER AND THE Til E &TU1 CLANI BALL' fcasoD'has opcncl agnio, and JOUN WERNER, the pracUal German ' - . . Barber ami Perfumer, Is personally In attend ance at his Hair Dressing Saloon, 29 Market Street, between Water and Frost, . Wllmlng toa.N.C. - - octls , -: . FJJCAS5 NOT2CK. We will be glad to receive ccsiiatincit:: fxoza our friends on any aad all t-tJccU ; general Interest but . . . The name of the writer mut always be f j I&hed to the Editor. ; - Communlcatlonj must be written oa esl one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. & ' .. : -? And .It U especially and particularly tmd tood that the Editor does not always eadox the views of correspondents unless so etatc hi the editorial columns. 7 " NEW ADVEltTISEIIEIJTS. O PERA HOGJGE8 Two Nights and Matinee. Friday & Saturday, Oct lO, FRANKEVANSV Acme Comedy Coinpauy, Prolucing the Most Laughable Comedy . written by JOAQUIN MiLLElt, entitled "THE SILENT T,T A TJ I J5 With a Great Cast. Including FR ANK EVANS, FRANK MOHDADNT. f.IltliV Vivov and a Full Dramatic Company. - j SATURDAY MATINEE AND SIGHT. J. H CM K S K L LkY S 1 . PoM-Crful Einotionai Dnroa, : : THE SLAVE 0F-GUILT. Sc?ts at DYERS'. , 1 octl&ZttU th A New Arrival. ; ALL AND BE CONVINCED THAT there c is just now offered lo the public A ENTIRE LY NEW LOT of r i r r STATIONERY. FANCY GOODS, , PATENT DOLLS and DolJs of all kinds i TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION f And the very Litest Novelties for Hie Winter Trade at . r . - ,. 4. . ' 7', HEINSBERGER Sj oct IS Live Book and M oslc Stores. Clinton, Point1 Caswell & Wilminfffnn R" :D ? V r ii i iii inc. with -1 t I it Offick Secrktarv & Treascbeh, ) " Wilmington, N. ,C, Oct. 17, 1883, f CEALBU PROPOSALS WILL BE RECE1V- ed at this office until nocn of Saturd.iv. November 3rd, for gradlnsr five miles of the Clinton, Point Caswell & Wilmington R. R., at the Clinton end of the road. . Plans and spe cifications can be seen at this office. - I J. H. BOAT W HlflllT. oct 17 2w i tecfy & Trcns - cwr nuu aucasiin eopy sw . i removed to the office in rear of Messrs. Munds Bros. & DeRosset's drug store, corner ot Mar ket and Second streets. Entrance on Second street.. vr-rr.ij i oct I7-St - & E. C B L A I R JpRODUCE BROKER AND COMMISSION Merchant. No. 10, N. Second St., Wilmington, N. O. i Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce , Country orders fllled at the "lowest market A trial is solid ed and satisfaction guaran teed. .:r-iVc V oct la .-: New Buckwheat I New Buckwheat 1JEW BUCKWHEAT AND WHITE Syrup to suit, received by New York Steamer to-day. Also, Cakes and Crackers of every variety f fresh and crisp, and a general stock of Fresh Groceries usually found . In. a first-class Gro eery at Crapon's Family Grocery. ' - ; - - .GEO. M. CRAPON, Agent, i oct 10 South Front St ' union oets i union isets I A REIVED THIS DAY,' WHITE nd! BED AViviv,, :: v::y;i:..i,7l,i;:; Onion Sets. Qaallty guaranteed.' Prices rea sonable. Munds Bros. &DeBosset9 . ; Druggists and Seed Dealers, r oct 15 ' - Market and Second Sts "Shipped in Icel,,f, ! T7RESII FISH TO ALL points' . s in nortn uarouna, i i , South Carolina,' - . .' . Georgia, Guarantee to deliver them In good condition. oct-5 - W. E. DAVIS SON. HORSES ! HORSES ! ! jpOR SALE TEJJ HORSES. FIVE OF them , guaranteed, to be good "dray anlmalsl Will le sold low. . ; T Also, a few second hand" BUGGIES and CART 4 will lie mJ1 Ht a ow fljfore. . Horses and vehicle "on hir. andMiorM ? boarded and eared for. " ! . T The finest Lean In the city. ' i. HOLLINUS WORTH" WALKER, Livery and bale Stables, . . . . oct Il-tf ' Corner Fourth and Mt!.crrr : Old Newspaper F K SALE VERY CHEAP. V ApplvJ;o ST) i k m iuir:or;i.