- rxxAss KOTiur We will be gUd to reoclre coramaatoaUoa lubed every evening. Sundays ex 3 from onr frlesds on airj mad all sabjeeis eeptea dj ; :,, JOSUT.JAME3, general Interest but r. .. h. ft a1 The name of the writer nest ahray be fa ; alahed to the Editor. ,nilSCKlPTIOX3 POSTAGE PAID: CoantnTrnlcattona mnat be wrlttea - ... r " .. . oa enl $1.00. Six ssanths, C&0O. Three one aide of the paper. .h. tl.OO: One monsn, cenio. per will be denvered by canter, tree rf,eeiiu per week. : - Personalities nut be aTolded. . Aad It la especially and particularly u&d stood that the Editor does aot always endot VOL. VII. W f LMINGTON. N...C FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1883. NO. 247 the Tiewsef corrcapondenU unless sonata te tubscrlbcm will report any and all fall- tn the editorial colomna. ' . -" IBIS PAPER EI 7V if' rfTlie Daily Review has the largest " fide circulation, of any newspaper plhlishcd, in the dty of Wilmington Monsi fuor Capel says that there- it more immorality : in the . daily news paper than any where else. x -. Thc Republican party oi :- Ohio has ta buried in a Foraker" lot. The ABgusta Chronicle fathers ibis i JUnrie Haafc JUidjir4iusbd were Hted to President Arthur 4a Sat nrday by the Germ aa Minister. i since the death of Marwood, the hangman, hundreds of his likenesses have been sold by photograpner3. ; . - - Graves are so thick in Chi Da that no railways can ever be built without a . I A . general overhauling oi past generations. The Republicans are now pinning all ot their success next year on Demo cratic blunders. Let them chew the cad. - Antonius Anderledy,,the ne.w general ol the Jesuits, spent several years in America, and became a priest in Green Hay- ' George F. Slosson, the billiardist, is in Chicago, practicing for his game with Mr. Sexton, whom he wi't meet there on the 28th instant. . 3 . ' Mr. Frederick Gebhard may not be much of a man, but his horse, Eole, l a stayer. Ho won another face on Saturday, though heavily weighted.. Texas organized sixty eight new counties last yeaj, making 200 in the fit The increase of her taxable property in the year was $130,000,000 The Ohio election seems to have a good effect on Kentucky where the ornni nt mm and cowoeas and blue grass whiskey aro said to be first-rate : . Within ten years, writes a Western man, thirty California millionaires have died and not one of them was dis- j tingmshed in. life for anything boL Jils' money. -' . ' Sergeant Jasper, the hero who figures in Revolutionary annals, is to have a monument j& Savannah. Of the $10,000 required for tho -work $6, 837 have been subscribed. The engrossing theme of house-hunting seems just at present to be an all absorbing topic of interest in Washing ton City. Never before, wc are torn. has there been such a demand for eligi ble houses. Mr. Abbey has just paid $16,000 at the New York customhouse Cor ninety four boxes that coutain the French cos tuniesof the chorus and the ballet. The boxes average not less than four square feet each. The entire number of pupils who arc now studying German in the public schools of St. Louis is ver 20,000. or more than half ot the whole number oi pupils, (rerman in our public schools might not be amiss. One of the most historic buildings in Pjiria has disaoDeared forever. The last stone of the Tuileries has now been removed, ' leaving an uninterrupted view from thelace du Carroussel to the Arc de Triomphe. General Hancock will stay where he is and have the South added to his department. General SohoCeld will take Sheridan's place as commander of the Military Division of the Missouri.. General Augur will replace Schofield in the Division of the Pacific. Ik Marvel, whose Reveries" we are tall dreaming again.has a dozeii children, and a charming home for them. But he is land poor, and has to work as an architect in order MV w r- ..i-n tath ends meet. He is as de lightful as his books, nevertheless T - . -. ' f " Mile. Van Randt. the American prima donna, who is turning the heads of Parisians, has accepted an engagement to sing in the New Opera House in New York next Year. Her contract extends over a period oHseven months for which sheis to receive $150,000 and the ex penses of four attendants. v 1 - . , Fnll returns from Ohio on the prohi bitioo amendment show ahat it was defeated, receiving 320,454 votes in :i a ; Toteof?U.G81. The law required that the amendment should recei ve a vote ' equal to a majority of all cast at tho election. It only received 320,454. "and so may be said to have failed of - adop tion by 35.387. This, however, was; a very heavy vote for radical v a measure in a time ot so much .excite ment. and its friends think that another year they will succeed. : Dr. Marion Siras has an internation al reputation, a iiundredlhousand dollar practice, a palace oh Madison avenue. New' York, ami decorations enough to cover his body with medals and crosses. He -goes to Europe at frequent inter vals to attend the crowned heads and to lecture before the royal medical so cieties. Hois feted everywhere: but he is always the same modest, sensible, patriotic American. Dr. Sims is a South Carolinian . born . in Lancaster county', a" few-;railetf from the pofc which Andrew . Jackson claimed as his' birth-place-' His splendid success has not obscured his! old jhonie. After the war, when food and medicine were scarce and disease plentiful, he sent bis old neighborsone of his fees, $20,000, and his heart acknowledges their every claim for sympathy. I ' LOCAlJNEWS. I IXDEX TO NEW i ADVERTISEMENTS. C W Yates Comids In ' J.NOG Wagner Notice . Crokiy & Morris For Sale Heinsbekger A New Arrival Opera Mouse Acme Comedy Co MuxDS Brds. & DERosset Onion Sets , W H Gree Segari.Tobacc and Cigarettes Ven nor promises frost lor to-morrow and Sunday. , ' i - : 1 i Rain is needed and (would be wel- come now. ' , .The News and again to-day. Observer failed us The receipts of cbttod at this port today-foot up 1,306 bales. ' There was some superb beef in mar ket yesterday and tor day. Thanksgiving falls J this year on the 29th and Christmas comes i on Tucsn day. .: .. ' j , - T,he turnpike was probaily well lined with vehicles this afternoon. It ' has been beautiful1 weather for driving We understand that the display of meats to-morrow mprning. in the New Market, will nrohably be the infiat . the 6eAsOtti;; , ; :: ' The-Frank Evans , Acme Comedy Company arrived here- last night. They appear at the Opera House to-night in Joaquin Miller's Comedy-Drama lof the "Silent'Man." i The atmosphere! has been much warmer to day and a,t 3 o'clock the ther mometer in this office registered 73, which is only three degrees below Suit mer heat. Dr. Fairfax Irvin, win has for two years past been j in charge of the U. S. Marino Hospital here, has been ordered to Norfolk, and vvjlJ be relieved here by Dr. C.T. Peck ham, Cityj Court. j The first case for the Mayor's consid erationthis morning was, that ot Kitty King, colored, who Was charged with disorderly conduct. A fine of $5 was imposed, but as she jwas minus the fund3 she was sent belqw for 20 days. Horace Ford, colored, lor throwing rocks, was sentenced to a fine of $5 or 0 days. He also went below. Home Ajram. , Mr. Alex. : Sprunt arrived home on the last night's train, jafter an absence from the city of four and a half months, wtiich he has spent ent irely inj Scotland, his native land. He was a passenger on the Cunard steamship Pavonia, and reports that he had a jyery pleasant passage. We were glad to see him lookipg in much improved health. Exports Foreign. Nor. barque Skudemaer, Capt. Kjeldsen; cleared to-day for Newcastle-on-Tyne. with 200 casks spirits turpen tine and 3.290 barrels rosin, valued at $11,600, shipped by (Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. Schooner Robert Dorityl Capt. Law, cleared: for. St,-. George, Grenada, with 100.455 feet lumber, 8Q -850 shingles, 2 barrels tar and 2 barrels pitch, valued at $2,213.88 shipped by j Messrs. Korthrop and Camming. The Silent Man. The Houston (Tex.) Post has the following to say in regard to the above named play, which is to be presented by the Erank Kraiis Co., at the Opera House to-night and to-morrow after noon (matinee) and night: A large ana appreciative aujieme : " J r ' it M.trH the oia lavorties. r raK wor daunt and Libby Koxon.i with a round mwu r of applause. TDey presemeu mm .moai, admirable fonract cnnredi by Joaquin Miller, entitled therSilent Man.V The Slav is replete with beauUrdl passages, exciting Fcenes, periloaa situations and bleasitig denouemcnis, andj the , various SSs were most admirably sustained 1. .. vk nnmnanv. Ubb v Noxon. I rank - . ceptionially good. in their-roles, and elicited frcqjtcnt applause : i : - The Choice. j , A party of our young men met on tbe night of the 17th inat., and organ ized Jal Choix Dancing Club. , The followiog.were ihe officer elected; President W. Jacobs, Vice President W R. Morrison. Secretary and Treasurer H- J. Ger- ken: - ; . : v - ' : ; . 'Governing Committee-W, J. Josen thai. W. R. Morrisoni ' W.i K-1 Jacobsr J. W. Fleet and J. M. Donlan: A Valuable Property. Attention is invited to the advertise- ment elsewhere of a very valuable 1 c " .T.r r., t , :a 0;, Messrs. Cronly & Morr.s It is siUi- atoA rn the Wnrth oiilo nf Marmot strixtt. .w kU iiuiui v vvv between Front arid Second, and has a dwelling WitU scyen. rooms upon it. It i3 almost in the very heart "ol the busi ness quarters of the city,: and some of these days a handsome iron-front store will be erected there. .' Magisterial. A few days since Jane Kelly, colored. obtained a warrant from one of our justices for the arrefet - of her husband, Heury Kelly, on the charge of slander. Tbe defendant ; was arrested, and his j wife, the' prosecutrix,; testified against him as to the truth of. the charges'. s Af ter hearing all the testimony, the justice dismissed the case and assessed the prosecutrix with the costswhich the defendant, as the woman's husband, had to pay. " . I . 1 , x t . . 1 - lee Cool Soda. ... r Messrs. ;Mun43 - Jkosr have jo.stbad prit iip i ttfir, drug Store . . I ond streets, a new jtnd elaborately or-1 ... . .. , . . I namentea Arctic fcoaa mountain, wnicn is without donbt one of the most ele gant in the South. It was made espe-1 cially for them; is of.rchly variegated marble, hexagonal in shape, and is abouLsix feet in height. At each angle of the hexagon is a bronze statue a foo P i K finisK rs In : hTehl"TxnsbuJ Surmountiog: tbe dome ofHhe fountain . Y.Mir iraa iola nd (rtAhftS1 SO fLrrn.ncr - ed as to present when lighted an unique nnan-rn,A ft ailHo nipriftlltf tr the. r looks of the otherwise very attractive store, and has been admired, by hun- drcds who have seen it during the day. It wUl be ready for US0 Sometime in n,. v nr nPTt wek and on the tne ean.y part 01 next. weeK, auu on uio ODoninff day, due notice ot-which will if-: 7u r t wz jiivcu, iuc u.tMwto j.Kt,Wv. -w treat the public lo cool soda from this ountain. j Minnie Hauk. One oltbe largest , most select and most cultivated audiences we ever saw in Wilmington assembled at the Opera House last night to listen to the- justly celebrated Mme. Minnie Hauk and her unequalled troupe oi artists., At wad a rich musical feast to which eur citizens had gathered and all were satisfied. Mme Hauk is certainly a most wonder- ful vocalist and richly deserves the high -encomiums which have been everywhere lavished upon her. bhe carried the audience by storm in her .of oftipto urliSrh wnrA selections frotn . .. . i. , .... Opera "Mignon,". at pe ciose 01 wmcn the encores were so vociferous that she returned and sung a pleasant Scotch song, being ner own accompanmu one at once won the hearts of her hearers. I - . . Ot who were no less entranced by her rich .. .. .. u vocalism man mcy weiu uapw.ic j her jrrace of manners . At her second er gnwcw .,1 recall sne sung " way wn upwi pathos that it might be called heir most pleasing effort. Mile Sali. contralto, : anfondidiv and r is a pains. ""n r takinsr and conscientious artist She nroduced some of her tones with mar .1 frcr &cr Monte. grifio, tenor, had a rich and powerful voice which had Deen careiuuy cuui valed, although he had a few personal mannerisms which were not pleasant and somewhat marred the enect 01 nis singing- Sig Pasqualis, baritone, has a wonderful voice, deep, pure,' rich! and resonant, and he holds it under wonder fal control. His articulation even in the most rapid passages, " was withoutj a blemisu. Mr. sternoerg, pianist. ws the best we have ever heard, which Is saying a good deal. This embraces all the principal artists who appeared last night, and, w have aricd tq7peak " o't their eilbrts candidly and as thy de served. We feared, so many were the recalls, thatnhare wxrald necessarily be MnecattiagW:of'tli8' pieces, but the programme was -carried .out in its entirety Nohingwas left out. It jwaa a rich entertainment, delightingmli who hacfthe good fortune to tej ptesent. Wo could say'much more in praise of; each artist, but want of space forbids " Mayor Hall has returned from his visit to the State Agricultural Fair, at Raleigh, and presided at the City Court this morning'' ; ' ; - ? rTho stealing of nt-ygpaper'from tb6l front yards and" stoops of subscribers seems to be quite ajflourishing industry, but it is slighUy annoying to 4 hose who have their subscription to rcxy. . l - . i-i. -; : 1 in' the; Swamps. : if; The sreat railroad contractor of South' America. II . Meiggs writes as fol lows r V :y-tfd-' i .. . '. taMA Peru. "I wish to say or! St Jacobs OiL thai tarn corUDletelv satis tied with its use that I procured a box lof it. That f have used it with ercat satisfaction. - -'It has aceomplisbed won. ami given great relief. It will , 1 v J 11 . 4 aiwav nave uiy positive cnuorsenjeni as a pain liberator." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FRANK EVANS Acme Couiedy Compiny. Grand Matinee and Night Performance, i , THE SILENT MAN! MTINEB, 2.c and 60c. -NIGHT, 25c. 50, 75c and i Reserved Seats at DYERS'. ect 19-lt Notice. - fllHE-UNDERSIGNED. HAVING QUAIJ- hmnsladebtedlo said estate to make lmmedl- TTK1 JiutAooiMl novahv nrl vdq nnrwfl f a oil nA. I o an wuo noiaciaime against resent them for iavment on or before the lath dav c October, 1884: otherwlsa this notlcs win be p'ad in bar of recovery - jjco. . wagneb, - - i Aum'r Estate or-tieorge- vni, aeceased . ocU9-lt M i 7 , w-.;, For Sale. 1HAT DESIRABLE "PiECE . OF REAL Estate, situated on the North side of Market I street, beiwfien Second and Tklrtl atrce'e. tw rtter. 1 back North 132 feeJv being partB of lots 4 and 5 py 4.Xue Mo8t Reliable ClotMog House In In Block M8. -The Improvements-consists ofK-'r' i. i t BU) m T90f rame tiweiiw contain- lug 57200ms, Kitchen, &c "rSuoAA'xB, ' 'oct loot-; i Real Estate Ageau , "f-!! Ptort Vpt 1 1 i SJ w BOJ L . . m w , s- ... .. T WILL HAVE FOR SALE ON MY Stall about the majority vote. How we got to ihe AfTt, l: J21 , J JfronttonomyteryJ. ,The peopte. know that 1 umhottow monung, anu tvery uay jor ww to come, a lotojt :j : SUPERB MOTJJTTAIN BEEf, j , f .' jubs reccivcu irom mit n esi. awu, r vry ujr a. i m 1 wwr a. a 1 ' ' the best of MUTTOy, PORK, SAUSAGES, &c. We tlo our best to please. All orders care- fuy and prompUr flUed. W. M. UAYS. Jr.. oct 18 4 1 Stall No 7, New Market Sportsman's Goods. WSfEBgUshSid SuS Bn ever broogSt to et.. E HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT Brcecu .Loaders Also a flrat- ridge Bags. GvA Caps, Game Bags; 45c- In I iJt1 "araare- I Successors to John Dawson Jb Co.. oct 15 19, 21 and 23 Market ti ect f om a I Q I Cae AJle DlaHlUj -pODUCE BROKER AND COMMISSION XTV .ia w4 st wmfnA n. c. solicits consignments of all kinds of I Country Protlnce. .. . Country ordera nilel at the lowest market prices for Flour, aieai, r. id anil uraeejies. A trial is solicfed ami satisfaction gnaran 1 teed.. -r. 1 - j-oct.ie Old ' North State Saloon, G South Front Street. 1 -w-l 1 M IBESH ARRIVAL Large. Fat new river OYSTERS-aiways I on Ice Cool Beer to go with them. -Beit 5 cigars. Good Whiskey, wines, Ac. Trr 'HJen'! Lee" Cisrar. - - oct 15 Q Tnba noe oegatSj lOuaCCO, Hlrr vaH-A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT, Wholesale and Retail. Prices low snd qcattty . . . . T t . f T 1 1 1 l.1 V guarsnteei. . m iiiuiu n. uoiu.i, FLORIDA. WATER, LAVFADKtt WATER, '' VIOLICT WATER, . : , - f 3. - HELIOTROPE WATER.j WHITE ROSE WATER, v - RAZENA WATER. , Also a rorapkle araortmcnt of jColognes and renamery ior iae oumoici buuud. . 43 Frescrlptions ctnnpoum1et day and cihtat , r. C. MIIXERS, , A - ' - German Druggist, aeptS- . Correr Fourth and Nun ats. Headquarters; ftr Country -... . . -.. .- - - f'- .- '-j -. ---. : Produce. . AW. EIVENBARh,' . . -114 North Vatcr SL. .Nc vrburj ' Old Stand Also, a full line of choice Famliv- Ur ceies - A sice lot Mountain Butlrr iubt received ; l'rompt attention. Reasonable prices. ; - l'lease gite me acalL . . oetIS-tf . 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Assignee's Sale Or, THAT Elegant, NewandFineStockJ OF HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES AT iJryfoos & ; Sternbergexs, No. 1 1 25 Market Street. Tiieae Cootla are all of recent purchase, tm- j v l ' bracing llie ' VERY . LATBST AND NOBBIEST, AND - I .BEST MAKES IN THE WORLD, Under the existing circumstances a-me will ie dispose! of at STRICT COST FOR CASUJ Come rlglit now and get a Triple Bargain irst bargain Gooda jat Cos t. Second bargain Best) Style. '"...' xntrj uarxain i-eneci ri . j Remember this 1 tho handsomc3t Use of BOOT and SIIOE3 In the South. -Don't delay, but come at once. J. I..MACKS, oct 15-lm i Assignee Expressive Pictures. ARTIES DESIRING PHOTOS WITH obtala such at our Gallery. There being a cure the aid of tne DenUet and .-while under his gentle manipulations MR. C ROSENBERG photographs " your countenance result "A VERY EXPRESSIVE PiCTURE." HORTON FREEMAN. 1 VanOrsdell's old stand. j js R ECENTLY' A LETTER WAS RECEIVED at the Wilmington Post Office addressed slm- f Wilmlneton". It was delivered to us. We - ' .? to claim for curves such dlsUnction, but if any dozen well Informed business men In this city were aked to name the most prominent house selling Clothing at thn inwat nric thr in but mile don t i we have built our success upon tn Droau ana sure foundation of accept trustworthy methods. W table service and e keep only such arooda as the. nubile want and wo never adver tlse a word about them that we cannot back 1 facta in the store. - Somehow the people I . . 1 i naturally nac so cai wiui us. A. & I. SHRIEK, oct 15 Reliable Clothiers, 114 Market St. Coming In ! New Goods Jilvery Day I CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. EVERYTHINGi "NEW AND NOVEL ! I Stationery suitable for every line of buslnefs. I SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL fcUPPLIES I a specialty. CJ- "W- YATES. oct 15 119 Market St. Carpets. ' HAVE JUST ' RETURNED FROM THE Northern j Market, where j I -purchased tbe LARGEST STOCK OF CARPET EVER brought to thisJOity, and I am njw prepared ti serve any one who wishes to purchase FINE IngralnL ; Three-Ply Tapestry. Brussels or Body Brussels, or Naj lcr Matting. A'J , of the latest patterns and design. 1 .. SOL. B8AR, 20 Market tr et sept 8 NEW GOODS! 'AM i jSTILT. RECEIVING NEW GOODS .- ; . . - - - -1- I in both' drpartroerU. MILLINERY AND FASfcY GOODS I 3 i All the material for mtk j t Inz up Hats and 'Bonnets. Velve, Hlbljors, Teatbew, BlrcU, Ac, V - :. 1 FELT, iSfttA , AND FRAMEj. -LATEST STYWISi' All necewtry untfrtl for Fancy Wcik.,w . .fmp!ng Pattenw I inrjje Jot of Jerteys" for ladles,-Misse al Chifclren. Xiossamers all lzc ad iulities. process.7 -1 r i' ?z. : : New Patterns frjut Universal Fashtoa Co. ' Polite attca ton given to all ,o'r customers. 1 : ' " 'epel!y;v: MISS El K ARRE H; EXCHASGE CORNER; rv.;J : Wilmington, N. a, QcC 1813; )'; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A New Arrival. niLLANOEE CONVINCED Tnat there S U just now offered to the pabllcAK ENTI EK- T.X NEW.UOT of 'tT- 4. - STATIONERY FiKCYGDS, ' f . PATES JOLliand DoUs of ill kinds " TOYS OF EVEBY DCIUPTIOnI And tbe very latent Noveltlea for the Winter s ..--!- - ;:; - .-" - ' - .1 - HEINSBERGER'S, oct IS Live Cook and Iluslc ti teres Clinton, Point; CasvVell &t ;WiImingtbhlR, IR v OFFICE Sa'RETARr A-TEEASfKEB, IV ... . . .... - ;J; Wilmlngtoxf, N. C.,' Oct. 1 T, 1S?1 ) PROPOSlAXiSJ " SEALED PROPOSAL WILL BE EECEIVJ" - . i "I.-..-'7., ..jrd.'--r ed at tbli oaic' iintll noon of 8turd.-y November !lri, for gradlmr fire miles of tho " ' UiLoton, Koint Caswell A Wilmington K. It.,! at ' tho CUniftn end of Uiq -road. Plans and spe cldcaliont can be foqn lit tldsoilb'C. - i ' .1. II . BOAT W B 1 G HT1 V -octI7-2w fccrCy&lrcas t tar and Oaucaelan copy 2w . llli 1XJ.L JUi 1... OJCj lO, W E KEEP THE LARGEST AND BEST BclerXlon ot TIN BEDROOM SETS In the place Call and get pf ices before buying , elsewhere. . . -.-?'. Giles & Biurchison, u Iscpt 24.:,'-; , : ; ; ilurchltpn iBlock . Removal. j. W LOVE'S OFFICE HAS 1 BEEN. removed to tho office in rear of Messrs. MuucU' : Bros. 7t DeUosset's drug store, corocr of Mar- .: ketaBdcrood streets. Entrance on Second street. - - ! oct 17-3t rJIou n tai n TJle at ! j lVERXBODY WHO SAW. THAT BEAU TIFUL BEEF on oiu: SUlla thia morulas: said1 that it was the prettiest offered here this - scav )., son. we have a lot moro of the same sort,- ; : -which we will offer to tovrow and Sat unlay,1 V Orders for choice-cuts jecelvedat :jininmt; Also, a full line of .- ' ' ;r, ' V PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, SAUSAGES 8,: ie.t:-f' Wc respectfully invite a call ancj Inspection.' J. R.: MEBTON:. - Proprietor of the only Steam Sausage Factory in the State. c ct 18 2t . New Buckwheat 1 "JEW BUCKWHEAT AND WHITE Syrup ?j to suit, rect ived by New York Steametj to day, . ; Also, Cakes and Crackers of every variety, j V fresh and crisp, and a general stock of Fresh , Groceries usmlly found in a Crst-classGro-- ; eeryafccrapon's anuiy urocery.;. GEO. M. CRAPON, A gent, Oct 10 South Front St Onion Sets I Onion Sets ! ARRIVED THIS DAY, WHITE and RED Onion Sets. Quality guaranteed. Prices res '1 sonablc. ; . . , . " i - -' j -j Munds Bros. & DeBossot, Druggists and Seed Iealers, : i ( oct 15i ' ' Market and Second Sts4 OYSTERS 1 0YSTERS1 f f ' .- . f ; "l- , New:River, Stump v-- f , fj -A.NU- , ; ;:!: X: Myrtle Grove Oysters glHPPKIMTi ICE TO ANY PUIXT. WE gttirantee t. deliver them KKKill ant SWEET -- W. E. DAVIS A SON. oetS lw tu frt 1 1, .1 .4

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