I - c 1 1 ' - THIS PAPEB .,Knhl ever? 'evening. Sunday eepted by , JOSH T. JAMES, EUITOR AND FKOPHtETOR SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: rear tLOO. Six months, $2.00. Three months. $1.00; One month, 35 cents. Tbc paper will be delivered by carrier free of charge, m any part of the city, at the above a.es, or 10 cento per week.., . Advestislng rates low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and all fall ores to receive their paper regularly. r H VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C... TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1883. PLEA8K NOT1CS- We will be glad to receive- cornmcnicaUsa from our friends on any and all subject general Interest Jtut ' . , i " p- j .The name of the writer must always be fa lushed to the Editor. Communications must bo - written on os 1 one side of the paper. - x Personalities must be avoided. J j And It la especially and particularly nod stood that the Editor does not always en dot 250 1 th 1cks of eorrespondents tuales so state u we eaiioriaj columns. - - L TJie Daily Bevieiv has the largest uiiblished in the city of Wilmington, .fl "The new grand Opera House opened last night, inNew York.with Faust and Campanani in t4ie leading role. Ex-cadet Whittaker a military school for at Charleston. has established Mr. Dana; the. editor, York'5, is about to go on a brief visit.' 1 colbred youths ofl;t the New to England Chief Justice Coleridge was Saturday Senator Jones, of Florida has been nirbt banquetted in Washington, by lecturing in Detroit for the beneOt ot an justice Gray, of the Suprcnie Court. orphan asylum. j ; . - i j udeTharman, of Ohio, 'arrived in A tree-recently cut in fence posts and four! cords of wootL - .Clark county. Washington Saturday night. Ho said 1 Kentucky. madew5(K) flat rails, thirty he was not a candidate tor Senator be fore the legislature. . The Senate Labor concluded its Ne Steam boatmen report something of a falliog off ol water in the Capo Fear though there is enough vet to allow boats to pass over the shoals without difficulty or delay. ' : - Nancy Cowan.-an old colored woman well-known to many of nr people, was found dead late yesterday afternoon in her house, corner of Ninth and Walnut streets. She was 03 years old and is supposed to have died of heart disease. Committee has England session. The Southern session will begin in the early part of November and open at Birmingham, Ala. It is estimated that the new buildings to be erected in Knoxville, Tenn., in the coming twelve nfonths, will cost $ 1.000,000. Northern capitalists are to buiid a $100,000 hotel there. ,3 j The raid, which has been threatening for several days, began to fall at a little alter 11 o'clock last night and continued with bat Utile intermission eyer sincel ' Some young meji can be accommo-' dated with good board in the large resi dence on the South -sido of f- Iled Cross street; beween DProm and SccondJSee advertisement in this issue. - ' ' ' - 1 Mrs. Langtry's mother cannot see nurcn. iney win De conunuea aunng .Thanks to - the gentlemen ! of the without her glasses.! Happy woman in -wceK an, pernaps longer. iaus L. Arioso German Club for an in vitettcn if she left her spectacles in England. Iar a aeeP religions xervor nas prcvauea to the jes of gcrmans to be given by and the meetings promise to be ol uns the Clulj OQ the first Wednesday night of each month during the season. Messrs f A series.or' night meetings is" progress at the Fifth Street M. Church, Thejf will be continued during 10 Df: E. S." Pigford has moved into the -office occupied by the?Messrs Ixndon as a law oflice. and i3 fixed in his . new quarters as snug and cozy as possible. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW "ADVERTISEMENTS. Nine million postal cards, which will U3ual carneslDess and interest.' weigh about thirty tons ordered from the factory at Castleton, N. Y. have just, been Mr. William Astor's new steel yacht is progressing. The keel was laid in Wilmington on Thursday. The yacht will be 230 feet in length and is expect- ThoRevvDr. John Hall, of New York, says that Protestantism can hardly be a failure when it started with nobody in 1500" and controls populations to the extent of 408 000,000 to-day Prof. Noble, Principal of the Graded Schools, has rented the office on Front street recently occupied by Dr. E. S. Pigtord, and is having.it fitted up for a study and office. It will bo completed and ready for occupancy sometime dur ing the present week. a C. B. Wright. J. M. Cronly. J. W. Bolles. J. F Pugh. L. P. Davis. F. L. Meares, and W. C. Jones-are the Govn crning Committee. . ! Female Rowdyism". u There is a lot 6t young colored girls whose ages range from about 12 to" 15, Col. M. Lewis Clarjc, president of the Iouisville jockey club, has called, a meeting of the Southern au4 Western ed to rival Gould's Atlanta for general associations, to be held at the jockey ; jackSOnville,Fi a but who has returned control them. finish and speed. A call has been issued for a conven tion of colored people to meet at Atlan ta, Ga., on December 20, to consider the condition of the colored people of Georgia, which , the call declares, is crowing worse daily. , cinb offices November 21, for consider ations of uniform weights and tnles, and promoting the f breeding and turf interests in those sections. The women's congress, in session at Chicago on Friday, elected for the ensu- President, Julia Ward Howe, A new grocery store is to be opened who are running , about; the streets in at the Northwest corner of Market and 1 the early part of nearly every night, Second streets by Mr. Cherry, who has who ought to be taken care cf by , their for Rome years past been a resident of parents or. somebody who has a right to We have seen them on to the Old North State. He is a son of several occasions .in the . early evening Mr. L. D. Cherry, County Surveyor. Taylor's Bazaar appears in a new and attractive advertisement in this issue ot the Review. Mr. Taylor is preparing to revisit New York, to pur- hours, and their conduct has been bois ! teroas and rude to that degree that they became absolute nuisances. There are 9,000 votes for, and 51.000 against the prohibition amendment in Cincinnati at the late election - Even if the rural districts had furnished xwfijwi. .. . , chase, for the secona time this season, oi ivnouo imuuu; VM urewu., uu anew" stock, among which will be each State; Secretary Ella C. Chap- hoIiday goods and he is therefore now man, oi ew xori, ; ireaburer. iieu- offering many attractive bargains. rieiia u. i . w aicoit, oi iviassacnuseiis. Board. OPERA: HOUCE. rpHREE OB FOUR YOUN3 MEN CAN UK accommodated with board. with or without I loadings, at us Kea cros street, netwecn Front and Second. South side., Aio. rooms to rent. Jerms very low. - . , oct2S2t 1 . s - New Goods , . . ' - t' :-".- QOMISG 1N AT ; tfues & fliurchlson's, oct23 Crockery Depot. An nou ncement. TT IS WITH PLEASURE WE ANNOUNCE that the incoming Steimer has for us a Lady's Dressing Case, 'more beautiful. If possible, j " "-- - than the one recently sold by us. An Inspec tion of same by all Is requestedl ' MuMs Bros. & DcUosset, OOL23 Drutlsts and Fancy Goods Dealers The steamer A. R. ' Hart. while on ' t m. i :i 1 cu nnni uorist ia USLOU u"uuu her Wav down the river vesterdav. met enough votes to carry the amendment, roses, 20,000 carnations of different ... ft - lo 8ome of her itcouiu naruiy nave ueuu iuivcu im wwis, i.wu m iuUClura, uw machinery which caused a delay of Cincinnati. bunches of violets, 1,000 sprays of helio- h our3 : nh erarri va, here. She -V A . - & . 1 -1 C I trope, a.ouu strings oi smuax auu .uw ,,1,, te nnth',ntr Kori hannortt ,,w Mrs. Murray, the wife of -Aairon vai.ds Gf English laurel for the decora- ui i i ... . . . . J 1 . - ., ? I CD dacK" Murray, nas jusi reiurneu iroiu tionsfor-thc ball tot the Marquis 5i nf tho acr.ident referred lo did not arrive Europe with a diploma irom me and the Princess Louise, in Mon- hprnnnt1i this morning. Vienna Medical College, both as rnysi- treai. The First District. j Hon. A. M. Waddcll will canvass the First District, in this State, in aid of the election of Capt. Thomas G. Skin ner, tho nominee for Congress from that district, in the vacancy made by the death of Congressraan,elect Pool. He will leave here on Thursday night. and will go to Edenton via Norfolk. here he ' will first speak, and from thence he -proposes to make a pretty thorough canvass of the-di3trot closing in Carteret coantv. which.w.aa fnrmariy in the Third District, represented by him, and where he has lots of friends. Boarding. AFJEW MONTHIY BOARD KKS CAN BE accommodated at Airs. I'ickett's on Mar ket street, South side, between Front and Sec ond.! Also board furnished by the day or week. Only f 1.50 per day and $5 and upwards per week. Good board and clean, avfuiiy tended rooms. I oct 23 2t Wotice. THE SEMI-ANFUAL MEETJSG OF THE 4 .- ... ' ,- - , i btockholders fand lot owners) of Bellevuo Cemetery Company, will be hgld at the Law j office of Jno. D. Bellamy, Jr., on Princess, be tween Front and Second streets, at 7 30 o'clk, p. m., Thursday, 25th lust. oct 23 2t JNO. S. McEACnEHv. 2 Nights i0ct.22&23 FAUGU-A-BALLAGH FOR : THE CELC r B RATED IRISH COMEDIAN, 1 Mr; ! JOHN' F. WARD, In au .entirely 'qw awl 'original Character PLir, In four acta and six tableaux, writ- , tea for Mr. Ward by ' the Popular . -:-r "y Author, iT:..i',-:-;-;'''";.;; --". Fit ED. G- MAEDER, TOP 0' THE MORNING, "- i - . WITH SONGS Top O Tho Morolng", Irish Lullaby," and ; I "The hamrock." r - Suniof.od br MISS MARY DAVENPORT. and a Company of sterling merit under the management ot D. R. Allen. . . Tuesdsy. Evening, Oct. 23, wM be presented J. J. Nerney's f Grand Frlza Drama, , ; j. 3o3sr'xooir. feats stDYKRS' " oet TO ; BUGGIES-BUGGIES.- CAR LOXD OF NEW BUGGIES ALL ' : Btjles, sinklo and double lo suit everybody. " .Toot to band and for eaks cheap at the Buggy , and Harness fiAh'i'yoxr" . MClKU4ALL BOWDES, ' , oct 22 - ' No. 114 North Front St. COMPARING NOTES. WOW READ Y.l YATES' New Photograph Gallery 13 NOW READY FOR BUSINESS. cian and Surgeon, being, say, the only woman in with this certificate. her friends the country An Englishman Person aL .4 JBurfflary.; 1 . i The building on the N: E. corner of The,marriage of Miss Kate Taney", grandniece of the late Chief Justice Taney, and Mr. James Wilcox, of Philadelphia, is to take place at Edge wood, Montgomery, Md., jihe residence ot Joseph A.Taney, father of tho bride, "on the 25th inst. i . - Senor Gennaro Ralgosa has left the Citvot Mexico for New York to ar. named Graham I 1 II iL'. f I : ..... i mun hn Km makinir nswents of the vve receivea a pieasani can ims ai- Mnlberrv and North Seventh streets' Himalayas, has disproved the general ternoon from Jjiss iannie May Witt, occupied in theiront as a store ; and in imnressiottthatlileat an elevation of special correspondent of the Atlanta the rear as a dwelling by Mr. J. W. 20 000 feet is almost impossible. He Sunny South, who visits our city in me Barton, was broken into last nigLt has demonstrated the possibility of interest of her paper. Miss Witt repre androbbedof $1.80 in change. The hnth hrpnthini? and livin? at an eleva sents a paper that is published in the burdar Gained; an entrance at one tion of several thousand feet higher South, and is thoroughly Southern m ol the sidc windows in the portion of than Mont Blanc, and of undergoing thp fatierue of much lonffCr and more trvino' ascents thati those i from Cham ounix or Zermatt. Yesterday's Raleigh Visitor tells us tone and sentiment, and we trust that she may meet with an encouraging, re ception here. j - The Diocese Divided. Telecrams were received here .last 6JOPARISONS everything but trade; ARE ODIOUS" IN In trafle It Is to the ad vantage of tho buyer to draw comparisons. We want our customers to compare our goods and prices, . because we believe we shall .be benefited thereby. We would state that the prices of our gooos shaU be lower for the samo Work executed In the BEST STYLE. oct 22 S. It- ALDERMEN. Old North State Saloon, G South Front Street. , ; pRESII ARRIVAL Large, ' "Sl quaUty of material and mmufacturc, than are NEW RIVER OYSTERS-always j , . i . p...- . I on Ice Cool Beer to go with them, lift 5. DV1U UUJ cava V "W WWVr ... . ..1 range for the loan of $10,000,000 Ipr the lhjg jiUle b5t of interesting news relative evening, froni Philadelphia, to the effect Mexican government. It is understooa that Mr. Henry BV Hyde, of the Equita to the State Agricultural Society and that the House of Bishops had consent- the proceads of the Fair held last week: ed. by a close vote one majority to The public were tartltd this morn- a division of the Episcopal Diocese of ing about 11 a m by the announcement jorth Carolina. This settled that mat that the N. C. Agricultural Society, had will be taken bv made an assignment of all the proceeds ter. Tho next step- will oe taken oy of the Fair of last week to! Mr. Leo I), Bishop Lyman, who will call a conven- lleart. The cause is said to have been tion Gp the new diocese, at a time and expected suits on old bonds of the Socic- place to be named by him. Bishop " tyanu iije aueui. - i .m.n nrmiilA at this convention. Johns Hopkins. The wedding gilt in- ceeus lor meir pay uum. iUu ,.nS. " P ooHont is not included m the asnsnment. - , ... blo life insurance company, is conuuet ing the negotiations in New York. Miss Ellia Hopkins Mercer and A. S. Pennington, of the Baltimore bar. were married in Baltimore last week. Tim Kritn la n. crandniece of the late from the groom's father for $50,000. --- The postal telegraph ahd cable com pany was incorporated in New York Friday. The lines are to extend through out the United- States; Canada and Mexico, and from Greenpoint, Long Island, to Lorldon, Liverpool and Paris The corporators arc Henry C. Gardner, Luther R Marsh, T. II Dupuy, Andrew W.Kent and Dumont Clark. . - -- ' R Edward Earll and William V. Cox. United States delegates Ho the International Fisheries Exhibition, announce the following awanls. The inrv has awarded fortv-eight gold.1 forty-seven silver and twenty nine - bronze medals, twenty-four diplomas and seven special prizes to United ; States exhibitors. The United States f fish commission received eighteen gold v medals for various exhibits. Other : gold faedais are given to the United states National " Museum, the United States lighthouse board, and the United States Signal Service. tr Montreal society is in a ferment over the grand farewell ball to be given to the Princess - Louise at the Windscr Hotel. The various designs that are to . be made in the way of floral display will require a special car to transport them, and will comprise at least 20 000 rosesJacqueminots, Souvenirs, Mar shalNeihv Baroness Rothschild, Bon Silenes and other varieUea 26.000 carn ations of different colors, 1,000 spike of tuberoses, 500 bunches, of violets, 1,000 sprays of heliotrope, 2,000 strings : of smilax, 2,000 yards of English" laurel and other flowers and foliage in propor tion. It is - confidently "expected that am. also informed that a! rcsolntion to remove the Fair Grounds to Tarboro only failed by three votes in ja rueeting nt thn F.xftrutive Com mitteei last week. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO KEW AOVIRTISEMEHTS. Boarders Wanted I C W Yates Coniiog In, - II KIM s BKKGEK A New Arrivaf Giles A Murchisis Newi Goods Taylor's Baz.vvh Gret Offerings Mtsus Bros A pERossETj nnouncccneut W II GKEX Scgar, Tobacco aiid Cigarettes "Wood was" retailing (Aim the flats to day at $3.50 per cord, j j k' The receipts of cotton at this port tc- day foot up 1,133 bales. ! , This has been another of those days which bring poor luck to the fishermen. i-t Poultry has been retailing to iday on a trasis of. 35 cents each lor grown fowls. ' h. 1 German barque1. Marie, -Permien, from lhi3 port, arrived at Hamburg on the 20th inst Doane, City Court. Paton Moorecolored, charged with disorderly conduct, was brought before Mayor Hall this morning and fined $3 for the offense. - - David Mallett, colored, for throwing rocks, was sentenced to pay a fine of $10 or take 30 days in the city prison. .Mary Jaue Jordan, colored , for ah affray, was sentenced to pay $5 or go below for 20 days. As the last two had strong constitu tional objections to the payment of fines they were sent below. , Steamship Rcqulator from New York, arrived in this city this "morning Capt. at her wharf Quite a largo drove ot cattle came into town this morning, som Ot which were very good and some were not, oy a good deal. I ' The Hayerly Minstrels have made arrangements for an appearance in this ttxr Thev are boofcea lor rnaay - -7 j night, November 2d. 1 ' ! '-. ; r. - Although ' this has not" been- what might be called a reaj good soda water day; the invitation extended by Messrs. Munds Bros. & Deiiossei nas ocen freely accepted arid their fountain has rnii,Tp to r'r"!v t!.3 (' the house usedas a dwelling anu pass ed through the room (Mr. Burton and his family beine at the time asleep in a room adjoining) to the store, and evi dently went directly to the desk ' where the money was kept in a tin box. There were about $0 in aj drawer which was overlooked by the thief, and there is no evidence that anything.had been taken br disturbed save t he amount of money, mentioned. The thief was undoubtedly a boy who was itimately acquainted with the premises. He was barefooted and his track wai not that of a man fully grown.- In order to gain an : entrance ho got a small keg out of tho yard to stand npoti, and the first that Mr. Burton knew ; of the matter was by seeing the keg out side and tWwindow raise!. There , is as yet no clue to the rascal, but there is hot a doubt thatlt was some; one who has been in the habit of frequenting the store dai!y ami -hus became famil- . ... . I I li... .J iar wun tn ro'"y- . . , -Lilst of, Letters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday, Oct . 2 U A Julia N Anthony, Albert Arnett. B F Bamberger. John l?oon. Joseph Bartmau, J B Brizer, F Black, Charles Barnet. ' - ' - ' - C Elsy Croome. Jean neUe Carter. D Ann Daniel, .lacKson ueau oaora A. & I. SIIRIER, oct 15 , Reliable Clothiers, 214 Market 8t. CigaTs. Good Whiskey, Wines, Ac. Trv "Gen! Lee" Cbrar. - oct 15 PIANOS & ORGANS HOLD TOR CASH OR ON THE POPULAR Segars, Tobacco, . : ; aid Cigarettes. i LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT; MONTHLY INSTALMENT PLAN. Every Wholesale and Retail. Prices low and quality guaranteed. WILLIAM II. GREEN, r octri - ' ii si8rset airee. . . 1 Sportsman's . Goods. 1 WE IIAVE-THE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f English and Belgium Breech Loaders ' "Top 0Tlie Moriiiiiff.'V. Mr. John F. Ward and his admira ble coniDany were greeted at the Opera House last night, as they deserved to J Davis, Sophronia vans ;I be, with a lull house, me Py pr- rbethFulcher, .1 sented being the Irish comeuy xop q Bruce J Gibb3. I - . O' The Morning", written expressly H Isabella Hughes, John Hinson. for Mr Ward. We shall not attempt Julia Highsmith. Joseph Harper, Jas to particularize, but will simply .ay 8 Hoopcr.o Q that Mr. w aru m iu n i pio i -. - was simply immense; Miss Davenport K Byfiehl Knight. Henry KynerJ u- as the "Twin Sisters" was admirable lia King. Maggie ivrei. . -r i ri Mice T Uli Ward won the M-Geo D McKinsey. Edward Mc and little Miss Lillie Ward won uie T . r -McKov. Mary J Instrument is guaranteed for Five Years at . , HEISSBKRGER'S. NOVELTIES ALL KINDSj AND DE5CRIPIION3, For YourgXrfidies and Gentlemen, Can always be lound at HELNSBERGER'S, oct 22 . Live Book and Music Stores j7 TAYLOR'S BAZAAR. 6KEAT OFFERINGS 1 Before lea ring forj the North. Will Give Bargains ever brought to' this market. Also a first- c ass stock or bneiu, wanaing, l'nmers.cart ridge Bags. Gun Caps,jGame Bags, Ac. ln"; i act we can snow a bmtjk vi uaruware, uwu goods and guarantee prices. - , i -W. E. SPRINGER A CO., ' Successors to John Dawson A Co., : ,- oct 22 19,2Iand23Market8tieet OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! IN EVERY DEPARTMENT i1 sympathy, and admiration of. the tire audience. In fact, evety character was well sustained and, judging from the applause with which they were greeted,gave full satisfaction to the large Mack. Win F Moore. P Capl R H PcnnewdL Joseph Pur die. I ' - ' ' - R-Katie Ross. E Ridder. Willie W Roberts, William Iloberson. W Ricker. . S Mandie Smith. T Will J Taylor. , w Fliza Wilson, rrancis waiwer. j number of persons present. . . I.Wl K It fAOM The music w iuiuu "y r c Wright. J W Widby. Isabella Willis. Smithdeal and Greenewald and was the L a Wheeler. L ; O Wood, Susan J subiect of universal praise Tor its ex- Williamson, Thomas Wmstow, cllence- - - C -:- . . . f " ' To-niiht will be presented the grand prize drama of Morna Lpon,w and it will, of course, attract another crowded house.' T-f - p --i:; W H Stackhouse. Capt G Schernng. LswU Reed, T F JFryer,- Capt F Mac kenzie. . ; -; , , Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised " if not Tlia cclebrrtcd 'Fish: Erard Gillit called for vrithia ten days vnllr b3 ser.t Hats. Tritametl and Untrinimel. -J Feubers, Flowers. Wings Bin 1. Breasts, Ribbons, Velvets, "f .. . " ' ' . Dress Trimmings, Embroideries i Laces, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves. -' Ladles and Children's Underwear, "t " Chemises. Skirts, Night Bobes, .' Drawers. Merino Underwear, - Baby's Robes, Dresses, Cloaks, . Hats, Lace Caps, Bibs, Ac, Ac. ' . '-,.-v i: i .--t,; . v j 7 To inake room for Whiter Stock and llolklay ry:i Goodsi ;'TZ:'' :3 v:. .... 1 . - - I New Kiver, Stump Sound, r, gamplas Beo free on application. "f-';rf a I T? ' IAxiiA.Alij; Tvrir'J is Lrtld iGrove ;0y sters 2 HIP PEP IN lvE TO ANY POINT. Wi: to ; dallrer taem : 't'KRSU an I W. E. DAVIS A SON. s guirantec SWEET f oct -4 w In frt . " IF YOU WOULD TrVavkcojiFoirr g&t a sr.Lr yy.t.i r. JLJL feicsdr he.il and t-ouoiy. 0 ii; TJCl :stut v.. t,r .SH) th3 display cf f 0'.cr3 will I 2 tho Cert