' 1 1 I THIRST CLASS FREE HAND PORTRAITS j iTATr-nr Q!, "TT 'T T""'"?"- I The Daily Review. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 23. The Dailv Review has the largest bona fide circulation, or any newspaper published, xn we cuy or numinrum- STATE NEWS. - Albemarle Observer: A revival meet in of deep influence has been progress ing in the M. E. Church at this place for a week past. Quite a number of there have been several conversions, and the meeting will doubtless continue for several days. New bern Journal: The Free Will Baptist Conference will be held this year near Stonewall, Pamlico countv, beginning on Thursday, November 8th. Rev. R. K. Hearne informs us that delegates will be passed over the A. & N. C. Railroad and returned for one fare, tickets good from Tuesday the Cth, until Tuesday the 13th. - Mr. Andrew Hurst, of Onslow county, is probably possessed of the strongest voice of any man in this section. He formerly owned a colored man: named Ben, who had a wife that lived four mile3 away on another farm, and when the weather was clear and calm Mr. Hurst would stand in his piazza and call Ben from the home of his wife with perfect ease. This fact is vouched for by responsible parties. Danbury Reporter; One of the best informed citizens of Stokes makes the assertion, and says he will stake his reputation on it, that within a radius often miles, taking Danbury as a cen ter, may be found a greater variety of valuable minerals, as fine oak, popular and hickory timber, as many vale blc mineral springs, the waters of which possess different medical proper ties, as many sites for machinery, with abundance of water, coupled with as pure air and fine scenery, as any sec tion of the same extent m the United States. We are glad to learn that tt corn crop ap Dan river, from-this place to the Patrick line , is said to be very fine. We saw last week, away up amoner the Buck Island hills, some of as fine corn standing on the slopes of these rich hillsides as can be found in almost any country. One who has never traveled over thk rough country would be astonished at the fertility of the soil, but if he will look at the im mense size of the forest trees white oaks, poplars and hickories many of which are from two to four or five feet in diameter, and from 60 to 80 feet to the first limbs, he will not be surpris ed that corn grows on such lands. Tarboro ' Guide: Several drunken negroes got in a row at a negro juicery near Pactolus one night last week. One negro was completely scalDcd with a beer bottle. He didnrt have two inches of skin lett on his head. No one knows who scalped him, nor how many more were wounded in the melee. A serious cutting affray took place on Mr. Hargrove's farm last Thursday, which threatens to prove fatal to one of the parties engaged in it. Sautee Singleton and Lawson Hamilton becameinvolved in dispute in a cotton field,, words led to blows, and Hamilton was set upon by Singleton and wife and very dangers ously cut. -The wife has been arrested, but Singleton is yet at large Last Saturday night, at a store in Falkland. Mr. Tim Harriss and George W. Gay were tossing pennies for the track 5 cents a crack. Of course they had a dispute over it, and before the meeting closed Mr. Harriss had a badly cut arm and a fearful gash in his side, lay ing bare two ribs. Monday it was thought that Harris would die, but on .Wednesday ho was com. sidered." out of danger. Sometime in July last. Frank Roger son, a respectable and veil to do far mer, living five miles from Greenville, disappeared from homp. A few days previous to this, he had a shot gun dif ficulty, with a neighbor, about a com mon ditch. The neighbor took out a warrant for his arrest, but he could not be found. No attempt was made to find him, it being thought that ho had gone to evade the consequences of the difficulty, and his absence had ceased to be remarked. On last Saturday Bob James was hunting squirrels in Mr. John Cherry's woods, Jthree miles from GreenviMe, his foot caught in somc thing and looking downfhe was horrified to find the bleached bones of a human skeleton entangled in the remnant of a " suit of clothes. A knife with a rusty, bloody blade laid near the "dead man. His lower jaw bono was found fifty feet away and hogs had gnawed it. Vul tures and nogs had picked toe carcass clean. The body was six miles from home and had evidently been l here two or -three months, The knife and clothes were identified by his family as those of Rogerson. He was buried Sunday. From the open knife being found close by, it ts generally supposed that the victim was a suicide. Strange to say. no official investigation what ever has been made by the citizens or! officials of the county. THE MAILS. Themalls close and arrive at the City Pos office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, last 7.15 P. M. Northern through and way malls.... 5.40 A. M. Raleigh 6.15 P. M. and 5.40 A. M, Malls .for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. AN. C. Railroad at 8.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M, Southern Mails for all points South, daily 8.00 P.M. Western malls (C. C. Railway) daily, (except Sunday)..... 6.15 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh ?. 6.15 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road .......S.O0P.M. Malls for points between Florence ' . and Charleston 8.00 P. M, Fayetteville and offices on Cape Fear River,- Tuesdays and Fridays. . ... .1.00 P. M. Fayetteville, via Lumberlon, dally, except Sundays... G.ISP. M. Onslow C H. and intermediate offl- , cea, Tuesdays and Fridays... .6.00 A. M. Smith vllle mails, by steamboat, daily . - (except Sundays) .....S.S0 A. M. Mails for Easy Ilill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Tues- - days and Fridays .......6.00 A. M. Wrtshtsville, daily -t;.. 8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails.... 7.30 A. M Southern Malls ...............7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad... ;.i...v 9. 00 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 . M. and from other point? of the city at 5 P.M. .... r..:.C; Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. M Money order and Register Department open same as stamp ofUco. - Stanip3 for talc La Email quantities at tr. cr.il d2livery wfcn Etiicn oice ts closed. tier "21 7 - .7. - r - front 7 A.M. 7.CDIV. WILMINGTON MARKET. ; October 23-4 P. M. SPIRITS . TURPENTINE-Quoted firm at 351 cents per gallon. Sales of 150 casks at these figures. .' ; j ROSIN Quoted firm at $1.10 for "Strained and $1.15 for Good Strained.! Sales 1,000 bbls Good Strained at $1.15. TAR Quoted lirin at $1.60 per bbl of 280 lbs. 1 CRUDE TURPENTINE- Quoted steady at $2.10 for "jfirgin and Yellow Dip and $1.10 for Hitrd. COTTON Quoted steady. 400 bales on a basis pound for Middling. of jlO The Sales of cents per following cents are the official quotations l Ordinary.... 71 Good Ordinary. .. J ..... . 9 Low Middling. . I X . . . T. 9 Middling.. 10 Good Middling..... 4... 10 I ! t I i DAILY RECEIPTS- Cotton.... ..!......! 1133 bales Spirits Turpentine. ........ 180 casks Rosin.'.. ......4... 404 bbls Tar .. ..... 178 bbls Crado Turpentine j.. 85 bbls MARINE NEWS. i 4- ARRIYEp. I Steamship Regulator, Doane, New York, T. E. Bond. I . i 1 Steamer Bladen, Thornton, Fa"yette yillc C S Love & Co. . "i j Steamer A P Hurt, Worth, 'Fayette Yille, Worth & Worth. ! TJ. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithville, Master. CLEARED. Steamer Bladen, Thornton, Fa vette ville. C S Love & Co. Steamer AP Hurt Worth, Fayette Worth &. Worth i U. S. mail steamer j Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithville, Master. Steamer John Dawson, Colyin, Point Caswell, R P Paddison . ! WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND OCTL 20, 1883. Cotton ashore, 1 1,889 ; afloat, 4,298 ; to tal. 16,187. ! , K i Spirits ashore, 5,906; afloat, 50; to tal, 5,956. Rosin ashore, 99,517; afloat, total, 99,767. Tar ashore, 2,350; afloat, 50; 2.400.. j , Crude ashore, 516. RECEIPTS FROM OCT.! 13 TO OCT. Cotton. 8.606; spirits, 1.192; 719; tar, 1,822; crude, 178. EXPORTS FROM OCT. 13 TO OCT. 20. DOMESTIC. i Cotton, 1,022; spirits!. 580; rosin 2,557; tar, 1,763; crude, 739i i t FOREIGN. Cotton, 3.650; spirits, 2,00; rosin, 10,070; . tar. 2. , I'i. 250; total, 20. rosin, 5,- Vessels lor this Port from For eign Ports. I BARKS. Nor Aeolus. 25S tons, Paulsen, sailed from Aremlal, Aug 20, via Seville Nor Agdcr, 436 tons, Flags tadt , sailed from Hamburg, Oct. 8. j Ger Apotheker, Diesing, S83 tons, Stutts, sailed from llamlmrg, Sept 19 Nor Apollo, 438 tons, Melsom, at London, Oct 9. j ' Nor Attilla, 416 tons, fLarsen, sailed from Cardiff, Auar. 21, via Bermuda. or August, 395 toes, linen, sailed from La Rocncle, Aug 31 Nor Barbo, 31)3 tons, redersen, eallcd from LIsb.n,8ept7 11 ' Nor Brazilian, 3-32 tons.l Ugland, at Gloucea ler, isept t I Nor Kcho. 4G4 tons. Hansen, at Lillcsand, Sept 24 , Nor Erab a, 379 Jons, Simonscn, sailed from Antwerp, Aug 1 i i Ger Emilie, 419 tons, Knuth, at Liverpool, Sept. 6 Nor Erragon, 420 tons, Weber, at Liverpool, Sept C j Dan Galcon, Kalsboll, 313 tons, sailed from flamburir, Aug 21 ,! ' Nor Gna, 388 tons, Andereen, called from Skutssar, A tig 3 . ) . Nou llama. 634 tons, Jorkensen. sailed from . Aurendel, Aug. 7 j ut. flattie II., 4iw tons, Cochrane, sailed from Hamburg, Sept 15 j Nor llenrish Bjorn, 3371 tons, Nvstcen, at Liverpool Sept 15 j . Nor.Iernajs, 239 ton, Nellsen, sallel fi'om Hamburg, sept la lc S64 tons, Petersen, at Ham- sail- lrom isaiuc via uran Nor Lindola. burg, Aug 2 ! I Ger Lyula- Peschau, 4 U tons, Bremera, ca ironr liamourg, uct u , Ger Maria Sopbia, 351 tons. Lignitz, sailed from Hamburg, Aug. 11 i Nor Maury, 454 tons, Olsen, at Gloucester, Sept . i : . . t Nor Noah, 400 tons. NIelsenJ at Havre. SevL is. : i , . - ; Dan Rlalto, 143 tons, Jensen, j at Liverpool, Sept 6 ! I Ger Richard, 461 tons, vPaake, at Hamburg, Aug 29 . Am Srah Doe, 648 tons. Merry man, sailed from Santander, Sept 24 - - Nor Statcsminstcr, Selms,ti07 tons, Hustad, siled from Fliurannan, Aug 16 via Valericla. Nor T'.os, Boager, at Santander. Sept 8 Nor Turist, 3C6 tons, Ivcrsen, at Liverpool, Septl8 i i 7 - Nor XII Mai, 475 tons, Tellefsen, at New port, E.Sep 1 6 1 BRIGS. Nor Congal, 334 tons, Danielsen, salted from Bristol, Oct 4 i Ger Express, 276 tons, Fretwnrst, at Liver pool. Aug 30 t .Ger Hermann Friedrich, 2SS tons, Niejahr, at Liverpool, Sept 10 i 9 i " i r , - Nor Bask, 181 tons, Svendsen, sailed frora Harburg, Sept 11 . Nor San Jnan, 295 tons, Basilc, sailed from Bordeaux, Sept. 24 ) j For Sale, i rjllAT DESIRABLE TIECE j OP REAL Estate, situated on the North Bide of Market street, between Second and Third' street. West of and adjoining the residence of Dr. F. W.Potter. - , Size of Lot 41 feet on Market street, running back North 132 feet, being parts of lots 4 and & In Block 16L The improvements, consists of a i wo siory un rooi, rrame awemng, contain For terms and particulars, apply to VUVIjI & UVIBIU9. AUCt' oct 19-Ct Real Estate Agents A week mado at home b the faidnstrlona. Best bnsl. neas now before the public. Capital not damImi nrA start you. Men. women.! lwwa inH 4-.i. wanted everywhero to work for us. Now la the the time. You can work in spare time, or give your whole time to the . buslnesaTNo other business will pay tou neariy as welX. wiD .w uuu wu enormous pay, by ta. ptslE8 at onccr Costly outf t and tems frcs. iIoseyi3ai3f3?t,e?.si:ya!;i h-rcrav1T. AdT rr-3T"T";i Co., Av Headquarters for pountry Produce. ' ' AW. BIVENBARK', 114 North WaterSt., Newburj'aOldSUnd Also, a full line of choice Family Groceries A nice lot Mountain Batter just received. . Prompt attention. Beasonabl prices, i Please give me a call. oct 13-tf PTJEOELL HOUSE. JJNDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, I WILMINGTON. N. C i B. L. PERBY, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atlantic HotcL Flrst-Claaa In all Its appointments. Terms t2.W to $3.00.a dy - I- ' b M Rev. Daniel Morrelle's English and Classical ! School, ' IJIHE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL SES SION will begin, D. V., THURSDAY, the fourth of October. . sept 17-tf Furniture. CHAMBER AND PARLOR .Suits and first-class 200 from $25 to $133. New style3 goods at . , GREAT BARGAINS ! FINE BOOK CASES; SIDEBOARDS," SECRETABIES, WARDROBES, LIBRARY TABLES, &c. Cottage Bedsteads, Mattresses, Chairs, Ta bles, c., &c, at olg bargains, uau ana Be me before you buy. i D. A. SMITH, oct 20 - I Furniture Dealer. C. D. Morrill. ! ' ' - i jTJNDEBTAKEB, CABINET MAKER AND CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop on Sec ond street, opposite Souther land's stables. Respectfully solicits orders and guarantee! good work, prompt "delivery and satisfaction in every respect. mayKMf FLORIDA WATER, " - : ' : LAVENDER WATER, r ! VIOLET WATER. I HELIOTROPE WATER. WHITE ROSE WATER, RAZENA WATER. Also a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season, j $hf Prescriptions compounded" day and night at F. C. MILLER'S, German Druggist, sept 3- Correr Fourth and Nun sts. Every Lady Confesses THAT OUR PRIDE" FLOUR HAS NO EQUAL IN THIS MARKET. i We kavc lately received a Jarge quantity of I thU FLOUR-, made from '. , . ' 2STB"W WHEAT, and ita rapid sale attests its superiority over I all other brands. TRY IT LADIES AND BE CONVINCED Graham Flour, RYE FLOUR, I j BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, . FRESH AND WHOLESOME. PIN HEAD OATMEAL, (Medium). Oyster Crackers, 2 GRADES); SODA CRACKERS, TEA CRACKERS, &c. Wilson's Extra Toast. Of every variety and always fresh. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HO North Front St. oct 22 Assignee's Sale OF THAT la Crayon and. Pastel, finished In the finest stvle. Very popular, taking the place of Oil and Water Colors everywhere. OrderavWill will receive prompt attention. . Satisfaction guaranteed. : ORIN T. THOMAS, ArtisL ; Studio 661 Broadway, N. Y. Address 144 West 23d St., N. Y, - , septlT-tf I Millinery and Fancy Goods. N EW FALL STYLES IN nATS, BONNETS, &c, lust received. MRS. KATE C. WINES, No. 119, North Second Street. oct 5 . next South of Postoffice Elegant, iNlewand Fine Stock OF HAND-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES Dryfoos & Stemberger's, - ' ' ' f " ": ' I 5Jo. 113 Market Street. T iiescr 'Goods are all of -recent purchase, em bracing the VERY LATEST : AND NOBBIEST. AND 'BEST MAKES IN THE WORLD. CndQr the existing circumstances some will be dlsptised of at STRICT COST FOR CASH. ' Cornet right now and get a Triple Bargain. , lira; bargain Goods at Cost. Sec dt ul bargain Best Style. TWrtT bargain Perfect Fit. T" ; . ": Hemejter this is the handsomest liae of BO OTi add SHOES in the South. , : DotftSelay, but come at once. ' J. t. MACKS, ctlWm v- Assignee-' NEW COODSj! J AM STILL RECEIVING NEW GOODS In both departments, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. All the material for mak ing up Hats and Bonnets. Velvets, Ribbons. Feathera, Birds, Jfcc. FELT, STRAW AND FRAMES, LATEST ... A : -. STYLES. - All necessary material, for. Fancy Work. New Stamping Patterns. Large lot of "Jereeys' for Ladies, Misses and Children. Gossamers all sizes and qualities. Crape renovated by sukivjsb patemx process. ' ftew jratterns irom universal rasnion uo. Polite attention given to all our customers. Respectfully, " MISS E. KARRER, EXCHANGE CORNER. Wilmington, N. C, Oct, 16, 1883. New Buckwheat I New Buckwheat JEW BUCKWHEAT AND WHITE Syrup to suit, received by New York Steamer to-day. Also, Cakes and Crackers of every variety. fresh and crisp, and a general stock of Fresh Groceries usually. found in a first-class Gro cery at Crapon'a Family Grocery, j GEOl M. CRAPON, oct 10 Agent, South Front St Groceries. IOAH -'BBLS. FLOUB, 100 Bags Coffee, Ul- 100 Bbl Refined Sugar, all grades, 1C0 Boxes Dry Salt Bacon, 50 Buckets Lard. 5.000 Bdls ARROW TIES, 3,000 Hair Bolls CO tTON BAGGING, 3,000 Sacks LIV. SALT, 100 Cases LYE, 100 Casea Can and Ball POTASH, 100 Boxes SOAP 75 Boxes CANDY, 100 Boxes C BACKERS, i 50 Boxes Factory and Cream CHEfeSE, 50 Boxes SODA. 50 Bxs Bread Prepar'n, 250 Kegs Rice Bird. FF G, and , BLASTING POWDER, 100 Bags SHOT, all tizes, io cases water proor, aiusiset j and G. D. CAPS J Matches, Paper, Twine, c, - For pale by 1 oct 1 . KERCHNER & OALDEK BROS "Shipped in Ice." pRESH FISH TO ALL points In North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Guarantee to deliver them in good condition, oct 5 m W. E. DAVIS & SON. HORSES ! "HORSES ! jpOR SALE TEN HORSES, FIVE OF them guaranteed to be good dray animals. Will be sold low. '.' ' Also, a few second hand BUGGIES and CARTS will be sold at a low figure. . Horses and vehicles on hire, and horses )oarded and cared for. . , 1 3 The finest Hearse in the city. HOLLISG3WORTH & WALKER, Livery and Sale 8tables, - : ' ' oct 11-tf " Corner Fourth and M ulberry The Best Yet ! J WILL HAVE FOR SALE ON MY Stall to-morrow morning, and every day for a week to come, a lot of . 1 . SUPERB MOUNTAIN BEEF, just received from the West. Also, every day the best of ' MUTTON, PORK, SAUSAGES, Ac. We do out beet to please. All orders care- fully and promptly filled. i W. M. HAYS, Jr., oct!8 4t Stall No 7, New Market MILLINERY ErjRORlUlY The great rush isnbwOTe leisurely iuake their own selections, and have Hats trimmed by the best Artist in the citv f .vei-y large siuuii iui me iiauusuiutisi materials 122 MARKET; STREET. Oct20 Dry Good Carpets, Oil Cloths, - Crumb CI6thof PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to our asjsortment of Corn, ! from low priced to very fine. - , 1 LACE CURTAINS, a good stock of these goods and sample box (by J, ' will be sent oh application to any responsible person, r . . . BLACK SILK, special attention to some real good bargains, with pretty passamenterie trimmings. "... ' oct 18, 1883 R. TJ3. TJclWTlRE, Female School. j MISSES BURR & JAMES, Principals. MRS. M. S, CUSHING, Musical Instructress. rjIHE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of this School will commence on Thursday, the 4th of October, 18S3, an1 close during the third weekin June, USi. I v ...... The course of Instruction Is thorough ' and systoraatlc. Terms reasonable. 1 Lessons In painting in Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, rlth Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Crayon 'and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. . - Where a clasa of ten or twelve is formedfor the school of painting, thepricej.will.be re duced. . -. Pupils outside of the school who desire mu sical instruction, will do well to apply early. For further particulars Inquire of Principals, or can for circular, sept 12 NEW I- FALL AND WINTER NOW OPEN AT . .r ' . . 'q . -" 116 Market Street. SPECIAL BARGAINS ! . ; . - - - ' - . i IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ... . i , . ' " '-- . . . , Unusual Attraction in Styles - Maffiiilicent Line ot Ooocls. ALL WITH THE LOWEST PRICES ASSURED 1 Baltimore & Wilijj: j - - . : . .... . 1 1 Steamship Steamer EALEIGE VCAPT, LITTLEFfELD, .. . Will Ball from i ------ v ' I TUESDAY, Oct. ICtI 1 AND SAIL F1J0M I ! SATURDAY, OCT. 20L For Freight Engagements, apply ts A. 1. CAZAUX Afft, Wilmington 1. 1. ANDREWS, & CO.j AU , S. W. Corner Light and GermnStL, octl2- 4 Baltlfflor !- V- THje Excursion and Pic Nic REASON IS pVER AND THE THEATRI CiVL AND BAZ.I Season bas ovacd ala, an d JOHN Wll NTi tli3 Gcrnan Eftrber c.d Per irzrrt U rcrr?-aLt7 ' " --d ?3C8?th!ii:;'T It :.lr. fion, i ' "rl :t New Furniture Warerooms. JT NO. 20 GRANITE ROW, SO. FRONT St., I have opened with what I thfnk Is a wel selected stock of ," i . Furniture and Bedding, Embracing many new designs In Bedroom and Parlor Suits. i Our aim shall be to deal fairly and squarely with all, and respectfully ask a share of the public patronage. Courteous treatment guar an teed to all who favor me with a calL- i -oct 1-tf ' THOMAS C CRAFT. Agent Clinton, Point Caswell & - Wilmington R. Rj. -,OFFICK Secketabt & TEEA8UHEB, J -.WUmlngtons N. C," Oct 17, 1883 j gEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEJV- ed at tls office until noon of Satorday, November Urd, forgradinar five miles of the CUaton, Polat Caswell & Wilmington K. K.,-at thsCllntsnendof th3 road. Plass and spe cif cat! .3 can be "cn at th!sof2re. J. II..LOAT V.H1G TIT. To enumerate even a small portion of our endless variety, wimld occupy - too ' much space, and we therefore name only a few De partments. ' Black and Colored Silks. , Ottoman , Brocaded & Rhadames Silks, Plain and Brocaded Velveteens, . . DRESS GOODSm all the New Shades, Cashmeres, Shuddas, Serges, -Camel's Hair, Foule, Ottoman, ; Nun's Cloth, Ladies' Cloth, Flannels, Mohairs, Plaids with Combinations, . Pini Checks, Brocades, Beiges, &c. Trimmings Fringes, Gimps, Buttons, to match all above. ' ; -' -.' - Cloaks, Dolmans, Sacques and Jerseys, Shawls. . Ladies1 Misses, Men and Boys' Merino Underwear . Blankets and Flannels lower than they I : have been for years. v l: Laces and Embroideries at prices 4 that 1 will make you buy any way. Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Skirts, Table Damasks Towels, Sheetings, White Goods, : Men and Boys' Wear, Staple and Fancy I)ry ..Goods, "&c, . &c., , &c. All bought at the recent decline in prices, and an inspection of same will induce cry pat rons, as well as the public In general, t profit bv -Investing in some of the' MAX Y BAR GAINS. - ; . . v . " ' J ' KATZ'f-i'' W TJiarket St. f .LIuIes Wanted. - J WANT TO PURCHASS . oz vavd, of :aTLi:3, L?re, frsl t rooi r.r:!i! rcT-trcl for V. Cr-1 C-r-- .; i. . - . T HAVE B EEN APPOINTED SOU if for the TANNER A DELASET ml CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from Its horse power; also Tramway or Narrow 6k Locomotives. " ! , Engines adapted to Farm use a pecliBj T On hand and for sale erj ww,'-j SECOND HAND PORTABLE ESGB from 5 to 15 horse power. t : ' - : I ftOS 15-Cm S. W. SKISXCj SEASONABLE O00K, JUST FROM FACT0KT, 100 Oases Canned Goo . This Season's Packing, coriUttarrf TOMATOES, ' " - :- " - GREEN COB, GREEN PEAS. STBISG BEAXS. .'. -, C" LIMA BEANS, WHITE HEATH PEACflf APRICOTS : ; .'EGG1 PL0H3. APPLES. . " t ASS'D ne . Now Is' the opportunity of supply1! f . selves. T "I SELL THE GESULVE Pride of the PanW. -. . Kf' AND " r Parole D'Honenr Flof ' "To arrive by next Steamer CRANBERRIES,"" . NEW LA1ER FlGt and OlX&i 4 - John L; BoatTinrlgM- OCt 20-tf E. G. BLAJBf )DUCE BROKER AND; COHif1 Jlercbant. No. 19," N. Second St, f N.-C. Solicits cons'nmenta or l?t the toSSf