THIS PAPER A - please korckw ,TCrv eveal. Sundays earl 1 W will be glad to receive ebamuilcaCon . eepted by from our frlenda on aj and all axLbjecU j teneral Interest but v"'-.' ; '?V '-.-v. & u ' 4 JOSH T. JAMES, ,v- .invs POSTAGE PAID: -1 The name of the writer must alwaj be fn j J nlahed to the Editor.' hV;.; - :Ooxammtions mnst be written on ont MM ' 0 TC:;. ii oo; One month. 33 cents. , m ' .i.nAml bv carriers free one tide of the paper. ; PeraonallUeamnztbe aTolded. And HU especially land particularly nnd pap;n any part of the city, at the xbort fO cents per week 2ilng rates low ml UberaL - ; tttSers will report nny ana all i - l VOL; VII; l ' tood that the Editor doea not always en dot W ILMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1883. , NfO 53 I tb Tte8 ot coirrespondenbj unless so state In the editorial columns. " ' .-. ' ' .t k " ' The Dnily Review fias the largest j " hk circulation, of any newqxipcr i to ZbJished, in the city of Wilmington. MA tiuTcay van, the actress, is the latest those who propose to 4star jraon! Mrs Pahlgren made enough Irom her ww novelto build a house in Wash- t'ommodore Kittson thinKs that the pacer Johnson will do a mile in 2.08 this year. Colonel Casey says that the Monu ment in Washington will be completed in a year. ; '"' - . - Herbert W. Leach, one of the Jcan- (U survivors, is lecturing in New Eng 'and on the voyage. ' - The wiad has concluded to bloflr from ton Westward and we may now hope f0r pleasant weather. - Bishop (Jreen, of Mississippi, being on hl3 way home, has halted in Wash ington to visit friends. The New York Customhouse officiate n-medMrs. Langtry's trunks cootaln- iug her wardrobe free of duty, on the .round tbat it was "tools of trade." . .11. ;: Ohio Republicans : cannot say, says the Savannah News, that their defeat in Ohio this year was due to the indiffer- eaceol their party. The vote was the largest ever polled in the State, and this iict makes the defeat of the Republicans the most disastrous that they have ever sustained. . . The imports of foreign merchandise in New York since the 1st of January, up to Saturday last, aggregate $372 M3.184, compared with $410,064,996 lor the correspondent period of 1882. The total for the past week was $9, 682.572, the amount having been con siderably swelled by the arrivals of des layed vessels. The Democratic State central com luiltee of Louisiana met in New Or leans Monday; with President Fitzpat rvek in the chair. The opponents ot Filzpatrick elected J. B. Eustace chair man, whereupon Filzpatrick and twen ty, five or thirty followers withdrew declaring the proceedings revolutionary-- - ' . . The Huguenot society of America met in New , York Monday, with John Jay in the chair; ' It . was decided to hold three meetings yearly. ; The an nual meeting wilt be held on the 13th of April, which is the date of the promul gation of the Edict of Nantes, granting ireedom of worship to the Huguenots of France. A glass dish filled with shells was on a mantel shelf in the home of Joseph Haynes. ot South Parsonsfield, Me. When lightning struck tle building; it threw this dish across the room with out cracking it or losing a shell, struck asuu, tearing the stock into pieces, then passed into the s'lting-room, where the family were, and took a square out of the plastering, but in jured no one. , . - A. S. Cheney, representing the steam- boatmen of New York City, reported j Monday to the committee on the cele bration of the centennial anniversary of evacuation day that it was proposed to get up a water parade of boats of all kinds on that day. One of the features is to be ship loaded with men dressed as British soldiers, which they will es cort down the bay. . .. . . . The question whether or no he has the right or power to appoint a succes sor to the late Bishop Coienso, of Natal, has for some time engaged the attention of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Natal, however, has an ecclesiastical community disUnct from ' the Engl ish Church, and hence it is considered prob able tbat no Bishop can be appointed by the head of the English Church. If President Taylor retires from the leadership of the Mormon Church, it is probable that Apostle Cannon will be his successor. Cannon is able and crafty, and would bo u dangerous & Iao.w nr;rhm Yonns was. If 'he is placed at the head of the Church the ? suppression of ploygaray will bo pushed a good way into the future. . : V " Mr. Beechcr traveled 18.500 miles during his tour that ended in Brooklyn ou Saturday. His reception in the South cave satisfaction. "At Macon, Os he said to reporter, "a fellow wanted to shoot me, but he was safely locked up.'; I ucss he was too drunk to have done much execution." Other wise the Southern people treated him rery courteously. r . r The wild, boundless i West has come the fr0n w jth a product! called butterine." This ariicfe is stated to be the worst fraud that has been hoist- jedon a confiding public. Eighty five I per cent, ol it i3 deodorized lard'and fif-j teen per cent, butter, it As the heat . ucvwaaij iu uu uui iuci miu is iiul ; n sufficient to destroy the trichn that j I may be in it, , the consumers ot this r r r 4 -v I tlm ihI b ma4 disgusting imitation arc in danger of contracting a most honorable disease. 1 LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW AnYERTISEMENTS. The City Surveyor. ltalLtn Bees for &ale ' i American Ijedoir ofjlonor j ilEiSBKBOKR A 2w Arrival I -R M MclNTinE Dry Goodd, tai'pet, Ac W II QKEE5 Seai i.Tobacco and Cigarettes " Muxds Bros. A DEKosETJ-Importcd Ar ticle. The receipts of cotton, at this ort to day foot up 991 bales. 1 Clarendon Council, No.' 67, A. L. of Ilonoi, will meet tb-nighi, at' 8 o'clock. At ention is invited to the -card of Col. S. L. Frement, City Surveyor, ; as it appears in this issue. I ' j 1 The beautiful weather to-day brought out the ladies in force nqd the streets and stores have been lively in conse quence. We are informed that tte attendance at the Agricultural 'Fair at Rocky Ajt., yesterday, was the largest ever known at that place on such an occasion. Steam bo tmen report that there has been a rise -of about 8 feet in the Cape Fear wjthin the last fevjr days; which is good news, as the river was getting rather low. ! , , - ' ' , l i Mr. F. II. Mitchell,' of this cltyj- and Capt. V, N. Bowden, Auditor of , the Carolina Central R. R., were registered at the Central Hotel in Charlotte on Wednesday. There is very little need to put a duty .... 1 t on matches, . oecanse we can mah.e them ourselves Those . which ' are made in heaven are very seldom brought to this market.. j 1 1 -1 The Clinton Caucasian has been - cn larged to a 36-column ?aper. It pre sents an elegants appearance and gives evidences of thrift Knd enterprise5- May it continue to "grow fat anc sassy." The fishermen begin ito look hope fully lor suceesslul fishiijgl The wind and weather to-day seem to be all that could be desired aud. "Here's yer nice fat mullets," will probably be the cry in the course of a fewi days. Mr. E M. Gotthold. advance agent of the'Hayerly Comedy Company, is in the city in the interest of the "Strate gists," which is tp be presented on the 5th nroximo. Frbm all accounts he has Gott hold of a good company and a good play. 1 This is the season oij the year when hen roosts and chicken coops aire liable tn hf raided, and it woulil be Well for those who keep fowls to secure them as well aspossible. We; heard j a gentle man say yesterday that he intended to Dnt up iron shutters at his hen house windows. , . . i You cannot long for j anything more than your real value, alter all. You may wear placard I saying you are solid gold, but men hardly take a sec ond squint at you .before they j discover that you are pincliback. The farmer may shingle and I clapboard his old barn, but the moment you get on the inside von see that It1 Is the! old barn nevertheless . 1 . 1 . the WOrlU, It is not genius that tells On but downright aud honest hard work. Your brains may ferment and effervesce like a yeast pot, but unless you can settle down to steady toil you are worth no more to the community than a soap 'bubble, which bursts so soon that it is hardly worth one's while to stop to look at and admire it. A good blacksmith is worth a round.dozen. )t geniuses who wear long hair and Byrbnic collars anil wonder why the world! doesn't admire them. - - 1 ; The Xast Days. I The November number, of Scribher's Century contains i very interesting article, written by Burtor N. Harrison. relative -to 1 Er- President warts ana the last days of (the War. Mr Harrison was with Mr. and Mrr. Davis in Charlotte, where they were I hAnaVomelyj entertained uy Mr4 lA- .F-t 7rv.t.?n ' than a mciflpnt fir Charlotte, of whose kindness and, hos pitality Mrl'Hamson sneaks in' -warm terms in two different places in the ac count. ' . . - - City Court. Two men for an affray and one i for disorderly conduct were before j the Mayor this morning and settled for ; their several offenses by the payment of fines in each case, ranging! from $2 to 1 $5, according to the.aggravated nature j f the case. 1 ' . i ! Good Music. 1 . The services at St. Paul's Lutheran Church next Sunday night are expected to be ot unusual interest so far as tbej music i concerned. With! the vocal j music ot the choir, theie will be an in-; st ru mental feature that will be- juite j orchestral. Aside from the organ there j will be two violins, two cornets and a contra base, and it is inteuded to per form some overture appropriate to and selected for the occasion. - ' Railroad Extension. We learn from the Monroe Enqtiirtr and Express that "Mr. Moncure. of Portsmouth, an i attache of . the Care- liua Central Railroad, was in Monroe 1 1 last week for the purpose ot locating a route for a new railroad from Monroe to Chester. S. C, which , the railroad authorities propose to. build. This company is abundantly able to build this road, and we understand there is but little doubt that it will 1 ultimately hermit." ; i : 1 v Indian Mounds. Wb understand that Prof. Holmes, of the State University, has recently opened au Indian mound near Kenansville and that he was amply repaid for his 'labor, having fonnd there sixty skeletons as .well, as Si quantities : of jold arrow-heads pipes &c.J The mound is Zh feet 'high and 35 feet square. There' are other mounds of this kind in this section and it is probable that some of Jthen 1 De visited and opened soon. Habeas' Corpus.:' 1 The hearing on a writ of. habeas cor- issued by Judge Meares, of the Criminal Court, in the case of Edward iTrtwoli:rnTnrwL who was arrested at a iorencW" "C. on Saturday iai. ud brought to this city by Sheriff Manning on a requisition from Got. Jams, charged with obtaining goods under false pretense from Messrs P. L. Bridg has been set for 4 o'clock this afternoon. This hour makes the proceedings too late to be reported in this issue. . , ! Alleged Tratu fcRocker. From the Charlotte . Observer , we learn that Coroner Smith, of Mecklen- berg, on Wednesday last captured Kliiah Gilmore. colored, at Wolfe's crossing aud carried him before E9q (!amftntfir. at Mathews Station, to be tried on the charge of rocking a train on the Carolina Central Railroad. One witness was produced who swore that he saw Gilmore throw the rock and another witness swore that he bad heard Gil ni ore make threats of giving the railroad some trouble! in retaliation for his having been ditched by a con ductor. The magistrate thought the evidence sufficiently strong . against Gilmore to bind him over to the Inferi or court for trial, and require a bond 6 I $500 Mr.' Edgar Walker went on me I bond and the r prisoner ; was released Coroner Smith is morally certain that he has the rhrbt man and that the Interior Court will convict him, in which event he will get $300 from Superintendent Jones. Gilmore says that he can produce witnesses to, clear him. . ': t : 1. The SHns Shot. I IasI evening, just before 6 oclock, a j bullet came crashing through one of the ! i. , ri ...v t? ri'ivur nroil W1UUOYT3 Ul IUO UAII.i AkbT.m.ii f room and striking against the wall fell to the floor. It was flattened on one side by its contact with the wall and a round hole, about as big as a smalt aj pie. was made in the window. Yet the ball was evidently not fired Irom a gun or a pistol. It was a low-mould buck shot and undoubtedly come from a sling in the hands of a mischcivous boy. It is the second timo within three week that a window in this building has been broken by a sling shot, Messrs A. & rl. Shrierq'fpn '7 the"?-? first floor, having ' also 1 suffered in like manner.. We think it time that some vigorous steps should be taken by lbs nAiM in Abate1 this nuisance The complaints of the sling shot in the bandi ot amalLbov are namcrous ; private resfc dences iate suffered from timeto Ursa and we know of at least two chmx!;s3 whos3 handsome stained glass windows bAve beennjured thereby. We Lcpa that the'city authorities r may at ; ooce mKrtc- in' a crusade' against the dangerous sling?: " J" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Carpets, , r ' ' House IturriisBh LaceCurtains, V; EXTENSION CORNICE., WALNUT POLES AND "FIXTURES". 75c or $8 PER DOZEN: . BLACK AND COLORED - SILKS, &c. - The very best value, especially in Black Silks ; several pieces below, value. . ' " 1 " ' ' R. tlVi;.IV3cirJTIRE. tS Full stock of Wraps to arrive in a few days. ! OCt 26, 1883 ' j - , -.1. '.. - ,! - v ::.-!.- - - r A Beautiful Case. Apropos of dressing cases, we sawlf Some three months ago. tor there- kethis momingVat Dr. Green's drugHbortts. an indfvlduai who called himself one store, on Market street, that is probabiy as beautif ni and costly a specimen of work as has ever been seen in this State. J It is plush covered and satin-lined, and is a combined dressing and jewelry case, the drawer which is for the latter being a secret one. and opening with a spring: The case is crimson in color, with a beautiful pastoral scene,; appar ently hand-painted, on the lid, and the instruments it contains are numerous and costly. ! It -will "be 'drawn for at an early day; - A Runaway. ;' J There was quite a flurry (of excite ment at the corner ot Marfcet ana Second streets this morning, which was over about as soon as it began.' A horse, attached to a common country cart, became frightened at something and ran across the street, upsetting the vehicle and scattering its contents all about. The animal soon cleared him self from the cart, and then as if en tirely satified with his part in the jper- brniance; walked away as deliberately as if nothing had "happened. The cart was considerally damaged but nothing wras iniureo - h horse allowed himsnlf to , be canznt Wliuoui auy further trouble, ,.-.-. ; ? jTlie New Diocese. The Newbern JawWwtJ says that the Convention of the new Episcopal Dio cese will meet in Newbern in December. Our friend is "a little too previous The wish isj perhaps, the father of the hope.and we are sure tbat no announc ment has yet been mde as to where the Convention will be held. We doubt if Bishop , Lyman has as yet decided in his own mind this important question. Wilmington is assuredly the proper place for the Convention' to meet,as the diocese is here. We hazard the asser tion that there are five times as many EDiscoDalians in W nmington as mauy rivwH"'" " 1 . t P 1 . : 1 -: lue .oceS, New Hanover. n. We uoderstand that an organized . . , , . , . movement has been made to have trus iuvj cintiiu v convention held here, where it should assuredly be held, as there arc lour large congregations ol Episcopalians in this city. A gentleman who was a delegate to the last Diocesan Convention, held in Charlotte, and who attended all of the sessions, tells us that Wilmington was freely spoken of as the general sen timent that ' not only ' the Con vention,, should be held here but that Wilmington should be made the Cathedral city, inasmuch as there is already here" a handsome episcopal res idence, belonging to the church, ready for occupancy by the new bishop. Salt for Dyspepsia. r A good medical authority says that one half of a toaspoonful of conlmon table salt dissolved in a little cold wa ter and drank will instantly relieve heartburn or dyspepsia. If taken every morning before breakfast, increasing the quantity gradually to a teaspoonful to a, glass ot water, it will in a few days Oure any ordinary case of dyspepsia, if at tbe-samc time due attention is paid to thediot. There is no better remedy tor headache ; no better gargle for sore throaL It is equal to chlorate of pot ash, and U entire sfe. M iniayi be used as 6 fteu as desired , and U a little is swallowed it will have a beneficial effect.iu thelbroat tyJeansing! it. ajd iuin?s th irritation. In doses of from one to four teaspooniuls in ball a pint 4fui4stsc it scU proutptiy as an emetic and in cases of poisoning U stwava at hand. It is an excellent temedy torbttes and sUngsTof : insects. . ............ y:-friAij..- r The" Ilaverly" Mastadon Minstrels will not leave Wilmington bntil 120 midnight. Nor. 2nd. They will arrive by Special train and take advantage change of schedule upon departing. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i A SELECT LINE. iFBOM S low priced to very flne- f ookout for 11 i 111. i)r. philips put up ar the Commercial Hotel in this city, claiming to hail from Atlanta, Ga., and professing to be able to cure just aboutj all of jthe ills to. which -, the flesh is - heir' - " h - ; He remained here until about two weeks aeo, when he turned up one morning missing. leaving au empty trunk behind to I settle his arrears for board. It has since transpired that this was not all he owed here. There are several others who were so careless : as to credit him although the amounts seem to have all been small ones, but there is a widow lady, here whom he defrauded of $15 J This lady has a sonl wuu. uas , uwu . sunering irom Borne spinai disease, ana rniiiips persuaded I .- .... .11 her to entrust him with the above amount for the purchase of I an - in strnment. which was I to effect a radical , cure. j It - is neetlless to say that this lady has not yet received the amount she had ad vanced, nor has the, surgical appliance yet cbtno to hand For this offence, " i "Dr." Phillips is caught, he may' be made to suffer severely. : f( : "DrJi-Phillios is slightly below 1--nindinro staTuie, .01 a wefiiinit - tramc and with coarse, whiskers that stand out at right angles from his cheeks. Our friends in other parts , of the State are cautioned to be on the I - . I. : lookout for this fraud. . ; Exports Fore ifirn. , Br. Steamship.' Gartis Bay, Capt, Sray, cleared late yesterday afternoon for Liverpool with 4 575 bales of -cotton, valued at $219,002, shipped by Messrst D. IL Murchision & Co., and Alt xj Sprunt & Son. Of this amount the Gist named firm shipped 2 300 bale3. valued at, $109,002, and the latter firm shipped 2.275 bales, valued at $110,000. The vessel was clea red by Messrs. E PiictKo n A Woct nrni4 hn f r tImm cKa 1 ; J v v4i cava w 11 civi iajiai4 ii riu- - . . . - was consigneil upon her arrival lu lerc. Th(1 aitrLU Jin ia. thfi Rri British ' stcamel-which has taken cotton from - r- i.u- ' this port direct to IiverK)ol this season ; r malrintr t he a g-rrfrate n mount chint G I i . " ... j J L : Mr. Foster H. Roper, SpringfieU1, Mass.. says that! his jmothcr has . been troubled with a lame knee,: and could hardly walk, bncniaoe one application of the magical pain reliever, St. Jacobs un, ana was cureu. ..; 1 , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Italian Bees. A FEW FIKE COLONIES OF ITALIAN BEES or sale.. 4. Inquire at 1 .1 REVIEW OFFICE The City Surveyor. SL. FBKaIONT, ClYIu EaGIEKU, can . lie found at the Citv Hall when not en- srased In surveys or other work. Will survey anil mark lots, with permanent monument. e tone or iron, at vest moderate raie. ura cil! Certiucate with slot of around oc draw iDffilaen, given -with every survey. Special terms where several lots in tue same -miock are run ont. oclX6-3teol Tax Notice. WILL BE AT BU&KHIHEB'S STOBE on Saturday, tbe S7th Inst., to receive Taxe si After 1st Noycniber costs will be added. e! it. tatlor, eiierifl; : J Brunawick County. oct25-n O n e : Car;; Load m WHERE WERE T VVENTT-TUREE BEEVES in the car load received by us from the Mouo tains yesterday. . They are No. 1 cattle and no mistake, as we will prove by the meat ort'our Stalls. There is WilmlBxton to equal It, and not only BEEF, but the 1 BEST MUTTON, the BEST VEAL,: ; the BEST PURE, the BESTS AUS AGES, and the BEST of ererytblcg 'nthe Meat Line mar be baa at our Ptaiis. . t .- of r of te 1 mtbcsuu?. ttKJIXJt Lit. i.L,llJ. s- m- n ws ma av fcteam rausae I aclory . (ftt23 2t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Old $ North State ; Saloon j O Soutli Frout Street I .NKir KtVKB OTSTERS-aJways -SJ 7 on Ice. Cool Beer to g:o vritU : Uietn. Clira-s. Goo-1 f)il.key, Wluen, o. Try "Cen'Miee" Clyar.' I T s 'Besl.5 t : 'i hp ct is Segars) Tobacco, rettes. A LuVKGE AN1 VARtEl? ASSOBtMKXT, W holesa 1 a a I lietail. Prices low aud juallry guaranteed.1 WILLIAM Cf. OREEK, octl ' 1 ! 117 Market Stwrf. 1 iernee?s Saile Of THAT ; pi Arr3nt v NoW'ahH ISnaQf nrl ?P P ' " w r meOWCK ; OF IIANIX -MADE - ; r r BOOTS AND SHOES AT Dryfoos & Sternbefger'p, I No. 113 Market Street. M Tacsc Cooda are all fof re jentj purchase, em- ' - ,'-V' i.r.v ; bracing the rx. VERY I AT EST AND- NOBBIEST. AND BEST MAKES IN TUB WORLD. . . I: Under thcexlsUnSiCimtmstaMces 'sotno wilt " ! be diBposea of at STBICT COST for CASi K. c om(, .,ht nou. and TrlDld flrirain. 1 r . . First bargain UookU at Cost. 1 Se onl bargaui Best 8tylo. ' Thiri baraain Perfect Fit-" ' ':. t r i 'V Remember this la tho bandsomcst Jlac Of. BOOTi ami SHOES In the South. Po't delay, but corne al onco. ;. J. !. MACKg, .1.!.: ABaigaec.a:"- oct 1,5-1 ni n YSTERS ! OY8TK11SJ Jlmmitsi' - h r . 1 mT Tj-i. X3A JNeW KiyOr, otUHip 001111(1 .; . .AKD- I '43 HIPPED IN ICE TO ANY. POINT. WE . guarantee . to.: deHYcr i-tbftm- vaRsa mii; r. . DAVI9 SON. j SWEET oct 9-4 w PiAN0S & ORGANS SOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE POPULAR MONTHLY INSTALMENT PLAN. Every Instrument is guaraotced for Five Tears at JOEINSBEKUER'tf. . NOVELTIES ! O F ALL KINDS AND DESCRIPTIONS,' . . , -. , ... , t -. : For yous Ladies ana Gentlemen, Cn'alwa7s be Iound"attt L,: ,1, HEINSBERGER'S, Oct 23 Live Book and Unsle Stores ; Imported Articles PIESSE A LUBIN'S APOPONSX, very floe, " SsunderaVFace Powder, U Epis Cou:oa, Ykzsh, : - 1 Roche ISmbrocatlon, ' ; i - 1 r KeaUnLolzciigeV -4 . U- , . , ... . t- - ? I - 'i'lh. ;-i-.V;-.- r .,-:' ' " -! MacasAar Oil, ;,! r;;,v wr-'-: ;;;..' ..i.t: ; - 'U Labia's, Couixey's, Pear's aiwl Maulert's ex.-; quiaito SOAPrf, beoide a Full Lloe of nil goodn ; 1 usually carried by the tnwle '':'';f i Ilunds Brosi &I)eItoqt;rc , ' Iealers in Droj and Fany Gooii -A " .

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