-.. . Tills rrjbtt published every even!;, Sundays ex eyted byv . ; . JOSH T jATES , , KDiTom AK9 rorjurrojt. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: One T . Six months, $2.00. . Three months, $1.00 ; One month, 35 eenta. Xbe paper will be delivered try carriers tree of cliarger In any part of the city, at the above ates.or 10 cents per weekj " Advertising rates low and UberaL jarsabscrlbcrs win report any and all faH ures to receive their paper regularly, jy Vie Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. Matthew Arnold is a London school inspector, at $4,500 a year. . Judge Hoadly got forty-two majority at the Dayton Soldiers Home. Mr. Blaine and family will return to Washington in November, to pass the Winter there. John Levoy, the Irish editor, is in the West, making addresses that he preparecrin jail. Miss Emily Faithful is going to Can a da to see whether there are opportuni ties in the border districts for poor girls from London. It seems to be a fact tkat oneha!f the adult males of St. Louts do not register in order to Vote. . The 'Philadelphia Times thinks the best thiDg to do with General Butler is to turn him looso on the Mormons. Senator Goraam. of Maryland, has triumphed with the old line Democra cy over a coalition ot bolters and Rts publicans. The general conference at Allentown, 1 'a., divided the Evangelical church in to eight districts and. elected a board of publication: It is obscurely hinted that there will be no appropriation made by the next House for the Civil Service Reform Commission. Hon. David Davis owns the Opera House at Bloomington. Illinois, and will not permit any questionable per tormances there. The members of the Corean embassy who returned to San 'Francisco sailed last week on the steamer City of Rio de Janeiro tor Hong Kong Some parts of New England appre hend a permanent loss ol water motor pewer. Electric motion may be found the solution of the difficulty. - One of the newspapers most loudly denouncing Mr. Randall is said to be owned by a match company whoso monopoly the Pennsylvanian helpedlie- stroy. Neal Dow, of Maine, who is, perhaps, better able to speak for the temperance people than arty other temperance man, says that the Prohibition party intend to run a Presidential ticket. ... A Western exchange wickedly nati mates that Mr. TUdcn will take his little sponge and wipe out Mr. Watte r son's predictions whenever he tinds it convenient and agreeable to do so. The question relative to the duty . on broken rice is before the Secretary of the Treasury again. It is to be hoped that this time the Secretary will render a decision which will give our rice growers the protection to which they are entitled. The Savannah News remarks that "the fact that the support which the administration is giving Mahone this Fall is not as open as formerly is taken as an indication that it is beginning to be ashamed of its alliance with the Virginia boss. The Boston Globe says that Senator Blair is now being jeered at by Repub lican journals for allowing a tanner to prove before his Congressional Com mittee that the fanning of human hides is a regular industry in Massachusetts, and has been for eighteen years. . . . The Washington lbs says: "The fact that a colored man has success folly competed with a large number of white men for a respectable civil ser vice appointment, and has got the place because he proved his fitness therefor, is worth more to his race than a dozen civil risht&tbills would be. even if the courts would declare them valid.'" . 4 In New York last week, in the case of Dr. G. Fayette Taylor, who sued the Elevated Railroad Company for, dam ages for running their trains past a jjouso be bad rented for hospital pur poses previous to the erection of the road.-the: jury .awarded the plaintiff $30,000 damages. - Peter C. SraulU in Belvidere, (N. J.) iail. itwUm(rtr!alon k ch'arse of lar- cenj; ate a hearty dinner, on the 0U1 insU and since then has been Ipyoz 4 on waterl When heJbegan fasling iio said lie Wanted to reduce himself to such , size that . he could crawl through t the keyhole of the jail and escape without ' difficulty. His story now- is that he lias lost his appetite. . "vs : x - 3 :.r H 1 VOL. VII. 'The civil service reform association of New York, George William Curtis, president, gives notice that its constitu tion "absolutely prohibits the iise of the name or influence of the association for the purpose of procuring oCdce or pro motion for any persen or in aid of any party, and that neither the name or in fluence of the association wili be so nsed," ..v 1 1 "": ' Judge Iloadly's law partner,Mr. L. M. Johnston, predicts that Ohio will eo Democratic again, next year. Of the possible Presidential nominee, he says: "He will be a Western man. McDon ald stands well, and has to-day the best chance but for one thing he is too prc nounced on the- tariff, questionr 'We can't afford to go too far; our late Ohio platform strikes me as about the proper thing." ' , The. Haytian consul at New York says no advices have been received of the seizure of an American craft while trying to force the Haytian blockage! Ou the 7th a complete settlement was made of the affair of the steamer Alp's, which was fired upon at Jeremie, by the Haytian government- . Only thirty persons lost their lives during the mas sacre, instead 6t 1.5001. The Lancaster (Pa.) Neio Fragile oublican to the backbone, repudiates Arthur alter this style : ""'It has been evident to close observer forj some time that the current ot Republican thought has been setting strongly in favor of Mr. Blaine as the most availa ble candidate for 1884." provided, he could .secure the nomination without such a struggle as would leave factional bitterness behind lit. If his opponents whocaused his defeat in 1876 and 1880, when he was professedly the popular choice, hJtve honestly reached the con elusion now. attributed to them, and will no longer resist the popular will, no true friend of Mr. Bfaine or of Re publican. unity will, ohieet to a states man of Mr. Cpnkling s acknowledged ability being given janj opportunity j to retrieve his lost prestige by going back to the Senate.1 1 i . . New.York Drives. Mr. S. II. Mason, proprietor of the Empire Stables; New York, states in a letter to the Spirit of the Times, that he rrgards St. Jacobs Oil as the greatest pain-cure of the age. t, LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F C Miller Druggist i ' A Y WiLSox Wanted i i Parkek A Taylok Fire CW Yates Cotton Paper , W nGUEEK Toilet Articles Giles A Mukcihson New Goods ; 1 Uxinsbeeges Pianos and Organs Geo M Crapon Kew Buckwheat Mrs S J Baker Great Bargains John L Boatwright On Ilamti Munds Bros. & DeKosset Notice McDougall & Bowdex Buggies P L Bridgebs & Co Ouf Family Trade Or era House "Altin Joslin!" Comedy c A A I Siirier Consider Where to Buj j ; We have had a taste to-day of both March and April weather, i . Yesterdaywasa beautiful day ; aqd our churches were fully attended in consequence. I 1 Mr. A Y. Wilson advertises in this issue for 1.000 cords ' of 7-inch 1 shingle bplts, 24 inches long, j I Wc saw walking on the streets yes terday a lady who ou Friday lasb cele brated her 93rd birthday. Bro. McDiarmid, of the liobesonian, favored us with a visit this morning but unfortunately we were not in. There are now twenty-four inmates in the County Poor f House, a large majority of whom are colored people. Mr. Geo. M. Crapon, the South Front street grocer, sports a new deliv ery wagon. It is light, handsome' and convenient. K ' . , 1'- 1 I The series of night meetings which were in progress during last week at Ike Fifth Street M. . Church, came to a close last night j 1 They were very Jinter estiifg.fr r F ' ' 1 ' R. K. Bryan, Eq.. editor of the Piedmont Press', who has been at his old home at Scott's II ill for a week past was in the city 1 to return to the mountains. day, on his Mahala Griflin. colored, died - on Sat urday last at the County, Poorj House. She was about 33 years ot age land t her disease was scrofula with which she had been for long time aftlictcd. IteY.r.iIriVc!rra preached his last j sermon at Ixuisville, Ky.t! yesterday: and is expected sjfa reach this city - on f'riday next in order to fulfill his first appointment at the First Baptist Cffurch next Sunday.. . . r WILMINGTON. N; C.v MONDAY. OCTOBER 29. Instructive Address. Next Wednesday nieht. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Rev. F. W. E . Pes chaa will deliver an address upon Che life, character and - labors of Martin Luther.' .The musicians who- were present last night, will be in attendance to add interest to the' occasion. The seats rill be i free and the public arc cor dially invited We venture the asser tion that there will be no lack of hear ers. , r , ... - ' 1 " i , Alvin Joslio. '"' y Those of our.readers who may have seeu the comedy of Alvin Joslin, as played here last Winter by Mr. Charles L. Davis and his company,' will be gjad to learn that they will . appear here agaiu next week:' Mr. JI M. Hyde, the advance agent of the troupe, i is on the city to-day and has made " arrange ments fot their appearance here in the Thursday of next week, the 8th inst, when our theatre-goers may - expect something genuinely good. The Syra cuse Standard says of their appearance in that city: i r Charles L. Davis and a good com pany played "Alvin Joslin" to a large audience at the' Grand Opera House last night! The piece was well present cd and delighted a crowded; house be yond measure,' Mr. Davis was called before the curtain. at the end of the first and second acts 'and ;the orchetra, which can have but very few equals in the country, was applauded time and time again. The frequent peals of laughter demonstrated-, conclusively that the performance was appreciated. Each tableau was encored, and in the last act,' M r; Davis, an- eccentric, but very agreeable gentleman, r came upon the stage With bis $100,000 worth - of aramonas. - Marry ij. wells is tlie acv coin pli shed musical director of the company,- Nathan Carl is the trom bone soloist, Harry Hardy the Cornet soloist, who says ;that he is ready to meet Levy at any time, and Charles P. Lowe is the xylophone soloist. The performance will be repeated this afternoon and evening, and these - who have not heard 'Alvin Joslin" and the excellent music this company furnishes should not fail to take advange of this opportunity!-;;; A s - 'InterestlDg Services, i At an early hour last night our citi zens began to v wend their way to St. Paul's Lutheran Church, in orders 'to be in season to secure good seats to hear, the sermon .and other service8 corinected with5 the "celebration of the 366th anniversary of the commeece ment of the Reformation, and for a considerable time before the first bell was rung and. the doors were opened the throng kept gathering in front of the church until the yard and sidewalk were filled with people. When the doors were opened the throng moved into the building as rapidly as they could without rushing dr confusion, and in less than five minutes the ordinary seating capacity of the church was tafeen up.j i We peer eaw a building so occupied filled in so.short a time and in so quiet a manner. After the seats were all accompanied, benches Were placed in the aisles and those- were as quickly and quietly filled ; but not half of the throng could be accommodated, and a great many were compelled Y to stand during the service. The' house wascrowded & 5 its utmost capacity, yet there were a great manyestimat ed at three hundred who could not gain an entrance even to the vestibule, and left to attend service in1 some of the other churches. . . ' After the usual preliminary services Rev. Mr. Peschaa. the pastor of the Church, commenced his sermon upon the Reformation, the causes which led to it and the results which followed and , are stilt following it. Jit was a masterly effort and was listened to with the most profound attention and interest by all his ' hearers. Chaste diction, vivid imagery, graphic description and elo quent and impassioned oratory-were its characteristics Nerrly every sen tehee contained a history, and each history was a codnectins'link between the present and the dim and distant past, ri With these t historic facts the speaker illustrated, very happily and J with irresistible logic, the power and goodness of God in preserving, sustain ing and strengthening His Church, and throughout the entire time (which was about an hour) occupied in its delivery there was ho, flaging in intercs or lack in instruction. . : The music for the occasion was gens orally goodmuch better in fact than we had reason ' to expect, when- we knew that the instrumentalists had had but one opportunity for Tehearsal and that a very short one. The best musi cians in the country: cdnnot do them- selves i nor.tbeirA ruasic justiqp without practice, l'ose)fengi2ed last ' nisht wero accomplished musicians, and with a very little practice together are com potent to make most delightful harmony . i ' ; ! T - , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 7 j H w il Li iwi e Rlir To make nifM- i i To.onr customers wo extend our sincere thanks for, their very liberal patron ago and assure them no pains will be spared to please thern , All kinds Stamping and Hair Work done at short notice. - ; ' " r: ' Oct sjt: The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up' 1.626 bales. . Nor! brig, Vdringer, Capt. Aanonsen, cleared to-day Tor Glasgo w : with 2 076 barrels rosin, valued at 2 855 shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & .Co. : . The .United : States District Court was to have convened-this morning, but Judge Seymour failed to arrive. He will be here to-night ani the Court will Convene in the morning, at which time it is expected that all the jurjwnen, witnesses and other attendants will be present. : TJianVs to Messrs 11. F- Otten.' C W. Polvoght and C. E. Hall, the Com mittee Irom the Young People's Asso ciation :6f St. Paul's Lutheran Church, for an invitation to attend the lecture to be delivered by Rev. Mr. Pschau, on L Luther, on Wednesday next. Reforma tion Day, in response to an invitation from the Association. A Oreat Asre. Tena Rice, colored, died f this morn ing at the County Poor House. It is Claimed that she was 105 years old , but whether there is any proof or not to substantiate the claim we are not aware She was very old, and withoHit doubt bad seen nearly or quite a century, and was probably .the oldest person , in the county, ' if not ki this section . of nhe State. - : .- . . We, understand Jthat the hog cholera medicine manufactured by Mr. A. H. Morris, atTeachoysj which is advertised in the Review, is meeting with a large sale, not only in this section and State, but in the far VV est. A correspondent tells us that Mr. Morris manufactures and ships large quantities to Messrs. Boykin. Carmcr & Co., Baltimore; who are the general agents for their sale. Our correspondent also tells that Mr. Morris has been V invited;, by Geceral Loring, U. S. Commissioner of Agri culture, to attend a convention to be held in Ohio, .in November, to consider the diseases of domestic 'animals, and that he will probably attend. - v oHt-io W5&ru - i Mary Shines, colored, was brought before Mayor Hall this morning charg ed with disorderly 'conduct. She was discharged.'- r:;"' - A colored couple, -man- and woman. Were arraizned for an affray and were fined $5 each for the offence. I ' More Lifslit. A gas light has been plaeed on Wal nut street, North side, between Second and I Third streets, which' is a real blesing to pedestrians on that thorough fare whose business calls them there in the night time.' .It has heretofore been one of the darkest places in the city, and after dark the traveller was in dan ger of bumping his nose against a tree, running into the fence or landing in the gutter; troubles whichara now" obvia ted. J....: " Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low. prices, at Jaoobis NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. ! . ' :-" - - - ' . ( " QQQ CORDS SEVEN-INCH I SHIKGLE BOLTS, Twenty four inch b long. " oct!IW A. Y. WILSON. Fire I Fire ! -Fire ! IVA COLD ENOUGH X1R FIRE. 'awl xthr ait tv It hen tou can set People My Uiey will have thew. and " we've cook says irat l ofk Store you sold nitons U do best 1 6ter5sI bake to nice. Huj, fact roi-n, rfwyy Pimie WHITR (Hl - rwtr) TJevCWbdo 4 ' ouing in AT Giles d Eiurchlsoh's, oct 29 JC rockery Depot. NO. 255 NEW 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. e rji p o r i u r.' i '-' coming in eery:weekl MltSi S. j: BAKER, ' iaa MarkctStreet, ON HATJDI : The Finest Preserves' ! , ' . ; IN OLASS ANO VOOI. . Cherries; . ' Strawberries, o g'nlnire, DamBon, ; ieach , j ' : Pineapple -J . '""vc - ac. . Tbeae C oolld arc of the finest onalitr. ami .ira . r well worth a trial. FBE3II NEW HULLED BUCKWHEAT, . ;.; i awl PUKE MAPLE SVRUP. . i ,1 A fiesh supply of BURNETT'S CELEBRATED COLOGNE. The finest Perfumery known. I H03IE-M ADE CORNED BEEF, ; Tender and not too fat. 100 CASES TOMATOES. Standard Goods, from the beet Packers Prices very low. j -Now is the Undo to lay in a supply. John L. Boatwright ,.OCt 29-K : ,.. t-:,;'..rr -i OUR FAMILY TRADE JNCREASES EVERT DAV, AND IT-IS BitnpJy because we give our customers every advantage in qnality ami price of goods, and show them every attention in par power,- r THE PRIDE" FLOUR I- . t ' - '- ' . - - : Has no equal In Wilmington.' It is the Tureat and Whitest that can be obta'ned. We Have J ust Hecei ved j " a large Invoice of those fine VALENCIA ONIONS, ' (IMPORTED). . They are almost without odor while rawj and arc entirely bo wlien cooked. VJ5RYBpDYjCAN NOW e!t ONIONS. Stop at our Store and see them. They weigh from one to three pounds. - P. L. BRID&ERS. & 10. i UO North Front St. oct 29 - . s v COTTON PAPER i,boo POUNDS JUaT Received. New Picture and Engrarlngi. Elegant Plush, Ebony and Gilt FIcture -.,.., h..-. - -Frame. '.-i: ' - - The largest stock of : I PIANOS and ORGANS ;! . V .. ' : , ever brought to this city. i C. W. YATES, '', . . i : f ..-.). - ' oct 2JJ . .119 Market at New Buckwheat !i 1 New Buckwheat jq-EW tuck Wheat and white Bynxp to ttiit, received byNew York Steamer to-day, Also, Cake and Crackers of every variety, fresh and crip, and a general stock of Fref h Groceries usnlly fonml la a C rat -class Gro-' eery at Crapon Family Grocery. - - J ; EOM CHAIONf Agent, V ' .ocl "-V" Sooth Front St PLORIDV WATEtC - i !: VEXDEICWATEB." VIOL.KT" WATER. IIELIOTEOPK WATICR. V , WIirTE ROSE WATER. ' A. h'tii. RAZENA WiTvn Also a complete assortment of Coiv-n .n,t , i f ciiuunry lur lite season. ' gT..1!??. fr&S2& German Drorrlst. ' oct27 Core er Fourth and 1 Nan al ala. 183. .:' PLSACS KOTlCh. fJWa win bt Ud to reccfra coamusat:. from vox frlcsda oa any and aa retjsc'j faerallatercBtbat ' V . Thetinocf the writer moat always La f Mhed to Oie Editor. , , j : , ConihronlcatloM must ba - written cn c .:l eae side et the paper. ,r ' : . - PersoaiHtlca must be avoided. ' 1 And It la especially and particularly "njad tood that the Editor does not always caI;" Ura rlews of correspondents tmless so state latheedltorlaX eoluintts. V 1 NEW !AVEOTisl OPERA -HOO v THURSDAY- NOV. 8. 3 . . " ' ' O j" mm i i mm y ciias.; iA.iAvis' "ALYir: JOSLIN !" COMEDY CO. FULL ORCHESTRA AX $10,OOU Cballcu-o llatul ! ' ' 'r slS3LAUGII3 IX ISO MINUTEST f ! T. Secure yonr eat nt Dyers.- . ' , ' . oct sou ,.r,tr.7 , . ; Consider When to Buy. IF&QV HAEGLOTllES TO nUY YOU iinmrslly nro going to eneml 'yonr moncv where It will do the mostCgood, or at, lust where'. yon tiilnklt wilUj. Yon probably don't care a mp for us oir ahy otberClotblns rtonc In particular. It's only a question of who wiil glFeyou tiic best for .1 he least money. Wo therefore ask yon to compare onrlgooU With other houses, and we are sore to convlco you that we will sell them lower, for ' the name qnality and material, than they' are sold any where In the State. V ' ' . ' ' ' H 1 oct 20 r; Reliable Clothlerty 1U Market St. , BUGGIESi-BUGGIEST CAR LOAD OF XEJW .BUGGIES-ALL styles, slnxle. and double to suit everybody. J ust to hand and for sale cheap at the Bugy and Harness establishment of J " T -Arc DOUG ALL ' A BOWDEN, ; oct 29 ; No. 114 Xorth Front St. PIANOS & ORGANS gOLD fblt C ASH OR ON TIiIe POPULAlt MONTHLY INSTALMENT PLAN ' Every Instrument la guaranteed for Fly Years $ t fY ALL KIN OS AND JPE9CRIPI10N5, , . For Youtg Ladles and Gentlemen , Can always be found at-UW-'. ? HEINSBEItGER'S, oct 20 ; Live Book and Music Store Tuning &; Repairing Pianos. JOSEPH DKNCK", FROM COLUMBIA, S. C, .... . , .- . i - wlll retn&ln In WTm 1nrrtnT a fao rAAv. "tk tone and repair Pianos, Melodeons, Reed ar I ger's and Mr. Yates Book Stores, win meet with prompt attention. I t , ; 0Ct271w " "ZiZX'yh'rZ- yestern N. C. Produce. . wku. vmciB lcit at .i.r. zieinsuc la PPLKS, POTATOES; BUTTER; MUT ton. Beef. Chcatnntii. Tnmln, TUxa rviio... : Cabbage, Kggs, Chickens, Turkeys, Gecte Onions, etc.,. will be received constantly from tne present, orders for Apples, Potatoes, Cabbage. etc In city promptly attended to jw JwiAvuAUi, so l cnestnut su oct27-tf between Front and Water . The City Surveyor. S L. FREMONT. CIVIL ENGINEER, can . be found At thm (litv r&ll I hi saced In anrreya or other work, W 111 survey and mark lots with permanent monuments stone or iron, at vest vnnicnirit r; Clal CcrtlflcatA with ttlnt nf cmiin.l A lag llaen, given with every sarvey. 8peclal vciuim wucro several wis in tne same : iijoc are run out. . ' . octC2teoi CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. (X , , ".-.- MAYOR'S OFMCE, ; '. . . ' ' r'." October 20, im. - Scaled Eroposalo , ILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE unUl 8 o'clcck.P. M., November 5th, ISM. (when they will be opened by the Eparlef Aldermen in the presenc f bidders'), for sopt plyinj the Blocks and Paving North Water street, from its intersection with Market street to It IntArsentlAa with Mnlw- .Y ZJOO aqua.ro yards of pavement, to be IhM ' fiiwci itnimK; umicks. i a ne street will be graded ainl tne sand tor beddln" will be de it vered at the work. , r - i Bids will at the um tim VU M. - uffiSW?04 nrd.l'ATlag BTlcks and Uylns; about 1 ,0do txjiure yanbi of 'sidewalk1 Bids for nnniiltinir th rn.t.riii. J . "Sii J''y " blkrs so desire. " DrlCK). and for uvlnir ttm noviwiAn, iii . mk - y I ' f11 " ronsVlered k npeancaitpos in iietail can be seen at thli office on and aftCT the 2t fnu., at n.n 1 ; " -'-;' K. D. HALL, Mayor ami Chairman, of t trcct -J' ". - - and Wliar Corn mitt e oct 22 ecl tl , a th sat 1 r:- ; Toilet Articles. " A.N 5L,!CiAT ORTMEST. Con -: lag In pan f flair. Tooth ami Natl Brs-l.' Cbartw; Mlrrots." Extract. Colojn; w White, f lorlila Water, c. ' WILLIAM n. GULJiX, HI Market trt ' :. oct 2T 1 "V- .