THIS PAPER ButBMJ erery erealsf, Sundays ex aepted by JOSH T. JAMES t Borrox ad raprworroa. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: oae year $4.00. Six 'attoutha, f2.00. Three month. $1.00 ; One month, 35 cents. Xbc paper will be deMrered by carriers free 9( ciiarge, n7 P o 016 ftt Uie abovc leSt or 10 cenU per week. Advesttolng rates low and UberaL -Sab8Crtber will report any and all fait urea to receive thetr paper regularly. Th& Daily Jlevimo has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper uublished, in the city of Wilmington. General Butler never uses the term editor "red nosed edi tor IJcory F. Gillig siys that 130,000 American tourists have visited Europe this year.. Mr. Christian K. Ross thinks that his lost boy, Charlie, -is alive. it Mr. Beecher made $2t,000 by his lec turing tour in the West and South. i . i i ' Mgr. Capel will be the iest W . VV. Corooraa in Washiogton Tor a fort ntht or longer in J anuary . . Gen. Neal Dow savs that the Prohlbi tioaists of Maine hare made up their jninds t6break wfth the Republicans, - ; " Freddy Langtry, Benjamin F. Butler and Tomaso Saivini took prizes at the Iloston ctt show. Freddy and Tomaso nre yellow, with silver-tipped claws. . E H. Talbot, of The Railway Age, is the owner of a $25,000 private car, presented to him by leading manufac turers of railway appliances. Iac Willey Pembroke, who died in Concord, New Hampshire, on Wed nes-l ilay last, was the oldest Congregational; minister in New Hamnshire. his a-e being ninety yea'rs. The Democrats of .Ohio have turned ! tie State Senate topsyturvy. The last 1 Senate' had twenry-two ltepablicansj and eleven Democrats. The new one j will have eleven Itepuoiicans ana . . 1 twenty-two Democrats. -. . . . That apt scholar in happy parallels, iho editor of the Boston rost paragraphs this: "Mr. Beecher. says he does not believe the story of the fall ot Adam. If Mr. Adam were alive now he would have a chance to reoiprocate by saying be didn't believe the story of the fall of Mr. Beecher." The New York. Times, a solid, stub born Republican journal. Is of opiuion that "the colored people can gain noth ing, but will surely -lose much, by following such blind leaders as the Kev W. Polk, who, at a meeting in his "church in Chicago on Wednesday night denounced the civil rights bill decision as au insult to the race." The opinion of the Supreme Court in the Civil Rights case has been pfe sented and filed in the clerk's office. Justice Ilarlau was asked for a copy r his dissenting onihion. He reDlied that he nad iust commenced the pre- paration of it and would complete it as - - " - soon as he could do so consistently with his other duties in court. He did not, however, think his dissent could be filed under ten dayi or two weekB. The Philadelphia fiecord howleth this: "Now let the American eagle scream, particularly such noble birds a3 wear the protectionist gyves and tassels. The contract for supplying steel turrets for the Mianlonomah has been given to an English house. Con gress may enact a protective tariff, but the government shows good sense in buying in the cheapest market. Only it is a pity that the people cannot have the same privilege." - - The Scientific American says that every loaf of risen bread contains from ten to twenty drops .of alcohol. Not enough, of course, to produce any 'physi ological effect, yet enough to affect the quality of the bread. In fermentation the yeast from the materials which it finds in the dough, forms two new sub - stances (neither of them ' having been - there v before) alcohol aud carbonic "actdruep of decided' importance though it is not 1 c 'I ' Tatty larceny around the Presidential tnatisionis thus printed by the New " York Sun: 'It is an open secret that ".. ' carcely any of the articles of ordinary household use were found in the Kxecu 1 . 1 . ''t.- -u too. live Aiansion on ui ia o jHarcu, loot. - Xhty bad mysteriously disappeared with the exodus ot Iraud. What be came of them is as much mysUry now as it was when tieneral oarheiu was. obiiged to purchase the necessary outfit to entriaJn a few; friends at a familj dinner. The ridiculous dinner service for "State occas ions' which Mrs. Hayes ordered at a cost $3,000. had not been disturbed, bat, in the expressive lan iuage of one of the new Inmates, "therc was not a napkin to ' be found in the house." Everything portable and convenient, for use had taken wings and flown away. a ' , t- i Saver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobins t " . T- : ."" F" """" ' ' . " ..." ..... . , . .'......' : '.' '.f'. , " ' . ' -" .. , ;i V, ' ... . , VOL. VII. The annual report of perintendentof the money order bureau, for the year ended June 30, 1883. shows that there were 8,807,556 orders issued daring the year from the 5,927 money order offices of the country. The total amount of domestic money orders is sued was $117,344,281. and of interna. tionai orders $7,717,832.' The grojs revenues from domestic j and interna tional money orders amounted to $111, 619, and the net revenue alter deducting expenses paid from - appropriations-; amounted to $159,104. Tije postal note? Superintendent McDonald reports, has been quite extensively employed by the public ever since the inception, pt the system. At the Now York postollice from September 3d to October 20th. of the number of payments the postal dotes comprised about 30 and the mon ey orders about 01 f per cent. The amount of the postal notes paid was $100,854, averaging $1.86, and of mon ey orders $1,136,498. I LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F C Miller Druggist i ' C W Yates Cotton Paper V H Gbeex Toilet Articles UBIXSBKROKU School Books Mi'.vus Bkos. & DeKosskt Notice ' opkra HorsE-Haveriy's Minstreii , - -- 1 A good mauy strangers are in the city in attendance upon the Ui S. DSv trict CJourt. now in session. I We are glad to-see that Capt. Oolvin y of the Jphn Dawson, has '.recovered from his sickness and is at his post of duty again. . 1 I . , - . , Sampson FAlr. Messrs. O. L. Chesnutt, Secretary xlf the Samnson county Agricultural Asso ciation, and J. W. Pojwell. attorney-at-law. both of Clinton, in that county were in the city to-dayjin the int'erns't of the Annual Fair, which is to take place on the 5th, 0th, 7th and 8th of Decem ber ncxtt . ' i j Mr. Jas. A. Kadclilfe. a son pCol Jas. D.Radcliffe, lormerly ot this city but now a member of the "firm of Clarke. Radcliffe & Co., ot New York and Chicago, is in the city on a visit to relatives. Air. Radcliffe left here di rpctlv after the war when ouite a small boy and has by ssrici attention busi.j ness established himself in New York in a tine business. . U. S. District Court. 1 This tribunal, Judge Seymour presid ing, convened at the U. S. .Court Room m 11113 at w cloaK U1,s wrenoon l ml . r J I 1 t . ine morning session was uoieu co empaneling the Graud Jjury and delivering : the charge , to the same, and in some other rohtinc work preliminary to the trial ot causes. After these duties had been 1 completed the Court took a recess, and no eases had been tried when' our report closed. i -I Chicken Tliieves. Last Friday we cautioned those of our readers who keep poultry about chicken thieves, and on Saturday night one of those midnight murandcrs stole two of our best hens. Last night hej or some other one ot the fraternity, came again and stole our old rooster.) We doubt not that the hens were fat and tender, but whoeyer sot that fooster and at tempts to eat him will ac steady em ployment and hard work chewing for a week to come or we are much mis taken..; . .. .; J . Cit3T73ourt r. Mayor ro tern Dudley -presided at the City Court Roon this morning, and disposed ot the following cases : Alex. Henderson and George Phillips, two youngsters,' for au affray yesterday afternoon at the market house, were found guUtyrand Hendersouj was sent below for 10 days while a tine of $2 was imposed upon Phillip Monroe Turner, colored, for an as sault witha deadly weapon was re quired to sive a bond in tbe sum , of Q for his anDearanw. al the next term of the Criminal Court,flin default ,t't t All Sorts. I The Southern Express Company sold a numbep)!' unclaimed packages '4 mornini at he sales rooms of xrra Crnnlv & Morriss. The assort. assort j ment contained almost everything Ifrom reaily valuable parcels to articles that j re valueless The bidding .was brisk and animated and there was Jots of fun j aaiong the purchasers and by stawdcra. some were quite .lucky and secured mnd needful articles at- a merely liaminal'.isosL: r while-others paid rather " dr for things they nad no possible, use jfor. W ELMINGTON. : N.- G:v TUESDAY. OCTOBER 30 T .'IT" Love's Warn i Dff. 1 ' :f' Twilight had deepened into night and a calm, silent solitude seemed ho vt ring over street and alley and cottage on Dry Pond: The prattling children.1 who had romped aud phrjed and made merry music with their gladsome mirth in the gloaming, had been gathered to there respective homes and after having been thoroughly scrubbed and vigorous ly spanked bad been quietly put into ! their kittle beds to sleep the sweet slumber of innocent vouthl" only to be disturbed by the vagrant flea or peri patetic bed bug. The paternal head of the Simpson family . had igone to the corner grocery to discuss'- politics" and other equally important matters, while the mother, weary with the. toils and duties of the day , had taken a seat in her favorite arm chair at the open window, where the cooling and sooth ing zephyrs from the West fanned her fevered brow Until she became lost in the sweet oblivon of profound sleep. There was nothing to disturb the serene silence save an occasional spasmodic Snore trom the mother, which resem- bled the sound made by cutting into a I decayed log with a dull axe; and the I low soft murmur of voices that came from the front piazza where Edward DeLacy was pleading for a return of his unalterable and undying affection with his idolized Alberta, the first born and fairest of the house of Simpson. lion g and devotedly had he loved the fair damsel, and patiently had he waited for the coveted opportunity when he niigkt pour our the wealth of his heart's purest affection in the . fond . hope that it might find an earnest .and welcome abiding place with-her and be as warm ly reciprocated.' This was the golden opportunity and in accents of tender pathos, such as is born of love unaduK terated with any selfish considerations, yet tremblingly as he fearedher answer might br;ng. him:.. blighted hopes and crushed aspirations, he plead his cause. , (JAud would you.lsaid the gentle ibexla, as she listened & his passionate pleadings, ove me thus i without change or iee&tl thrbu'gh the years" to come? Would you, when age has spread its net work of wrinkles oh this fair face and tinged with silver these glossy bangs, keep the saCred vows you have made to me? 'Or would youJ tird of me -as the years glide by and leave the relentless stamp of Time upon form and feature?" . ( "O, throw aside such cruel thoughts,- my adored Alberta," he replied as a look of ineffable angaisli overspread his fine- features. "Every lineament, of your fair young features I is indelibly daguerreotyped in my heart, where it will dwell in perennial freshness and youth tb gjbard me ironS any side show affection! Days and years may pass away and age may tell its tale, but love l)ke mme is ever young a nd ever true. Others liiay befltrid from- their allegi ance by caprice or fleeting fancy, but mine shall be constant aud unwavering to the cud. O, do not doubt me." I "Edward. I have not doubteil you," paid Alberta, in sadly tender tones, "aud I have hoped for this hour when tuight tell you that 1 was wholly thine.-and it woman's 16 ve and woman's devotion can make you happy then take my heart and keep it. L-ut remember that there must be no playing ,'possum with Bert Simpson, it you want 1 your face fit to be photographed." r Hrtvorly's Mastodon Minstrels. This excellent organization of forty well known artists will appear (for,dno night only) Friday. November 2nd, f At the Opera House. j In looking over this array of minstrel stars we note Hughey Dougherty, Billy-Richardson. J. CarroU Johnson, James . M. !Browu, Bobby tfewcomb, Harry Armstrong and J ohn' sou & Powers Crowded t houses and enthusiastic" audiences have greeted them everywhere; sod authorities and able peas have bee unanimous in their praiset 4,Standingro6m only," is the announcement night after night at all the theatres wheirethey have performed. of The special feature of this company is ,jndveltv:theDrinciDalone ol which is the handsomely toileted and successful ly acted afterpiece in three acts entitled j j operetta th Thelun is the entire company win appear, vigorous, fast moving and ! decent, and ail the music Introduced in is or has been popular. The sale of seats will begin ? Wednestray morning, October 31, at eight o'clock, sharp, at Dyes. V , tN J ' .3 The receipts .of cotton at this port to day footup, 930 bales. . . ' . The celebrated JFish-" Brand Gillat J Twinois sold AnlVi at jACOBi'a Ilard ware Depot. ! v Xhs Signal Office here was instructed yesterday .afternoon to.' 'set the storm signal and jhe aame . instructions were given for ,SmUhvill and . Fort . Macon. The storm centre at that time was on Iake Ontario.2 It bleW- quite a gale here during the first portion of the night the maximum velocity, of wind reach ing 27 miles per hour This ' inornins the ofishore was set. which indicates that a gale is approaching from the di rection ot the Northwest, but it is not known where the centre of: the distur banccis at this Jxour - Itmay be i ex pected that when it reaches this locality it will bring eooler weather in its train; One Mile Per Day. A statistician has aroused himself calculating the distance tr avelled in a year by the hand of a printer, lie takes the principle that a skillful compositor, working ten hours per day, allowing for distribution and correction, sets up 12,000 letters. In counting the year at 300 working days, he 'makes them a total of 3,fi00;000 letters Consequent ly, the distance from the case to the stick and from the- stick to the case being estimated at two feet, makes in ail 7.200,000 feet, there being 23.500 feet in a geographical mile, so that the dis tanco made in a year under these condi lions by a printer's hand is in the neighr borhood of 306 mile?, or a mile per day. This is the estimate of the statisti cian. - Here is ours, and it will be seen that there is much of a difference be tween the two:. , ' . . ... ,AA.JT TAKK 1'LEASUKB lN ANNOUNCING a cum puaiiur iu setting up iu.uwjj ems liandles 25.000 letters at least. "rhe S same handling to distribute makes ; 50,000. letters, which fur 300 e!ays is 15,000,000 letters." Allowing two. feet travel !of the hand for setting up and distrrb"ut)ng w'e Have 30,000,000 feet, which is more- than 5,682 miles, or something over 18 miles for each of the 300 days in the year. We have estima ted at 5,280-fect in a statute mile and not 23,500 feet, as -above, whicii is a queer mistake on the part of the, statis tician referred to. Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. - A. W. Potts, County Clerk, who had '-suffered for five years with rheumatism, says the effect of St. Jacobs. Oil was mar velous, effecting. what all other reme dies and physicians jailed to do. It eured him. . KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Announcement Extraordinary One Night Only ! FRIDAY NOV'R 2. .J. H. HAVEKLEY'S CONSOLIDATED SPKCTACULAK MA8TODON MINSTRELS. JOS. A. GUMUK, Manager. 40 famous Aitrivrs 10 Hughey Dougherty, J. Carroll Johnson. Billy Richardson, . Harry .J. Annstrong-, Bobbv Newcomb, James M. Brown. Johnson & Powcrg, lieamon & irarl. The great Vocal Star, , Walter Charpcntier Hawkins, and thirty others of like renown. mm $ m ', : . ' The Gorgeous Spectacular Drama, The Princess of Madagascar Reserved sate cowBOBcea Wednesday, Oct. 31, at Dyers. Frice Parquett 1; Admlfi sionsSOc and Tic"..'.;' . I .. oct 80-St - hof Baoksf : School Books ! 4 c ;. ;, i.chpdBooks ! THAT AKK USKD4S ALL THE Schools. '::$ .'.W:vy.---.f ';'CT..:.t . ' Farenta and UiunlUns and Teachers are respectfully requested, to 'cill, or send to rae for SCHOOL. BOOKS or SCHOOL. ROOM orfTirT?o ftfiO-V i? Children, large or small, can parehase Book a at aarac rates aa parents. One price to all at HEINSBERGER'S, oct 80 Live Book and Muslo Store Tuning Sl Repairing Pianos. JOfcB PH DKNCK.TBOM COLUMBI A. S. C, will remain In Wljmington a few week a, to tune and repair Piano, Melodeoaa, Reed ard Pipe Organs. Orders left at Mr. HeJnaber gera and Mr. Tates' Book store, MHUT meet with pronpt attention. . '-' ' i octiMw : Western !s. C. Produce. 1A PPLE5, POTATOES, ' BUrEa MCT- cabbage, Kgg, uaickana. xurKeya, ueee;t the present. Onlers for Apples, .potatoes, Cabhage. etc , la city promptly attended to R. McOOUG AI.L, No 14 Chestnut W oct 27-tf - between Front and Water ; vy. AN ELEGANT AS50KTMENT, - CouJat- . : .'. : : ' . 1 v; lag to part of Hair. Tooth and NaU.BrujdjeaJ CointM, : Mirrors. TKxtraeU,- Cotefa, JSij WMte'Florl.1 Water. e oet 27, NO. 256 NEW AIVEBTI8EBIENT8.: AHanted; Q QQ COttOS KBVK3T-IKCU Twenty -four IncUiaJoag. , ':; Fire ! Firelr Pire ! IT'S COW BNOUGlirORFittK, and why not hare H wtaea tou can set a GOOD.IIEATIKU STOV for aamaU prfe. People 6v thev will hare them.' aud we've been TlliBgUtra out the pMt week. Thoo'd i . . . ....fc . . . . . . . cuuk md uat bwiK owb you-aoiu. missus i I de -best I erereed lakc o nice. liur. hot I rolkH-eb, bvt V r More lett at - , " i 1 PAUKKB & TAYLOh'o. f P URB WHITE OIL. s ocifJ Consider Where to Buy. l JF YOIT HAVB CLOTHKS TO BUT YOU naturally are going to speud yonr money where it will. d ; the most arood. or at least where -youj think it will. "Vou probably don't care a rap for us or any other Clothing Ilouae i - In particular. It's only a question of who will give vou the .beet for- the least money. Wo therefore ak yon to compare onr gooiU with other honaeg, and we are aure t1) onvice you that we will jell them Sower, for the same "qualify jid1 material, than they are soli anj where in" the Stuto. 1 .1 .... r A. k I. SHRIEK, ocf liellable Clothiers, 1U Market St. New Drug Store x to mv friCB,ts anl t,,c &erx lbiic. that I am prepared to supply their demands for fuch articlea aa are usually on sale In Drug Stores, at as Tow figure as can be furnished else where for the name article. I a"Uio tate Uiat it is esiMjcially in . the matter of 1'harmaey that I purpose not to be excel led, or in other words, J shall employ the best drug regard less of price and the, best still and care in c impound ictg. aud dispeniog tucnv ' i - JXO. T. SCHONWALD, N. W. Corner, Front and Idarket eta oct Utl , ' "... Mnnds Bros. & DcBosset, Notice. rpHE DEMAND FOR SODA WATER, con- 1883. w"ltrary to expectation thla late in seasoo, has J . :,..... . uwu ovjiivAt iiiufc wxi uac uuwuv i, umu fur ther notice, to ?erve Ice (ld Soda, with rrR fresh Cream, to all ;Who desire it. Wesc Iitrit acoutinuauce ol demand which ha? ex. istel to anch a generotis extent since onr opening on Tuesday lat. ' oct 27 i COTTON PAPER 1 ,ooo POUNDS JUsT Received. New Picture aud Engravins. I ".". . Elegant lhish, Elony and Gilt Tluturc 1 ' Frames. ... .... I ' . The largest atock of : PIANOS and ORGANS; ever broughfto this city. , v - ' C. W. YATES, I - oct 2 , ! " 119 aLtrket et New Buckwheat ! ' t New Buckwheat N EW BUCKWHEAT AN P WHITE Sjrup to suit, received by Sew York Steamer to-day .. ; - - '. "J"' " j' Abto.-takea ad Ctaekera of jpvery variety, ; . . : : . ; ' ' ." ; . . . fresh and crip, 4uid a general jtock of Frcsh JroeerieusuiUy'foitnd In a flrwt-ciasGTO wry at Crtfp'6nka Family Grocery. ' GEO. M. CUAPON, Af ent, : oct 29 I South Front 8t . FIX)UIIA WATER, - LAVENDER WATKR. . j VIOL.I5.T WATEK, HBLIOTROPK W ATKK. WIHTK ROSK WATKK. V-.:' -.rj . RAZKNA WATSR. Also a eontplete assortment of Cologoes and Perfumery for the season. - - ' rTcscnpoona eoinpotiiuiea day and lolgatat; r U. MILIEU'S, . German Orurirlat. oct 27' . Conjer Fourth and Nun at. Old -. North ' State Saloon ; Csutu t'rbni street. JjiRIl ARKIVAL Large. nt r fi NEW RIVER OYaTERS-al way Sc, oU Ice - Coot B3or to go with theou JVjr 5 .jjpgati. .Goo4 WW$key, WInea, 4c. Trr 'fiea'l Ie Cigar. A - T o-t rs Hew Goods DOMING IS -AT Giles & Siurcliison's, OCt t3 Ci oakery Uepot. ' FLEASB NOT1CK ' . TTawUIbeghut u receive cocuanxlciSlcs Iroin orrlendjoa any and all cebjees' ; ganenil iateret but. " -o, r : T ; The aame or u writer mtur ahrara t ra. Bl&bedtottieCdUor. .: ' Conmrtalcarlons mux X wrtttea os .enl OMskleot the paper. . PeraooAQUes tarni be arQtlod. I A&d It Is especially and , particularly sbA . tood that the Editor does' not ahraya endoi . the vtew of eoTreapoBdeato nnlese so state la the editorial column: i' . I : . .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FALL AND WINTER , i . ....... 1 rr . : I ' . h v ..... - : C . . W . r ; i t; .... U &OW OPEN AT- " - .... , 1- ' 1 1 ft MnWrni Sh.Ant SPE CI All B ABUAINS ! IN -EVERY HEPAUTMENTl , . - - " - , ""- - Unusual Attraction In Styles , Mnnlflcent Lino ot Goodn. " ' - :;-'J?,V"'.'--N't ' "'.- ::'" - Alt WITH THE 10WEST PRICES' ASlURID t o- Tot'nucjcrate even a smal portion of our - pnlk?33 variety, ..wmiW ;ocoupy . tx taucit pjace, and we therefore nimVbnly a.few De- " part men ts. -.. i Black and Colored Silks, " Otuan, Brocaded Si It had am es Silks. PlJ nnd Brocaded Velveteens, " J)jsS GOODS in all the New Shades, Cafmeres,' Shudda9, Serjes . - " Camel's HaiivFoule, Ottonian, Nuna Cloth, Indies' Cloth. FlanneU, Mohairs; Plaids with Combinations, ' Pin Checks, Brocades, Beiges, &c. ( Trimmings, Fringes, Gimps, Buttons, ; to match all aboye. - -Cloaks.1 Dolmans, Sacqnes and Jeracys, ' ' Shawls. ; . , Ladie.V MIssesr.Men and Boys1 Merino Underwear. - Blankets and Flannels lower than they r' have been for , years. ' - Laces and Embroideries at I prices , that will make you buy' any way. , Ilosiery, Gloves Corsets, Skirts,! - Table Damasks ..Towels, Sheetings, . J , Men: and Boys? Weary 1 1 J , Staple and FRUcy Dry Goodsr : - . , . ... &c,v ..&c.,,&c.' y '""JVp All bought at the recent decline J a prices. and -an inspection of eamo will induce my pat-' -. - - -. ' . rons, as well as the public In general, t proQt . . ;. ". , .. .. , - ; .- !,:v jt Investing in some 'of tho MANY BAJM GAINS. 1 ' :,-: ... y-"kR& i ii 6. Ma rket.Gt. . OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! - r New River, Stump Sound, e Grove Oysterc, SKIPPED IN ICK"TO ANT POINT. AVJ: guarantee , lo r drlivcr: them JFRKJH an j SWEET W. K: p.ATIS SOX. octi4w rtttfrt- BUG 0IES--BUG 0 IE D i car Load opKw huogie.1 al: stylet!, sittV afid doubVi salt er?r)U:. JaO. to hind and for aaie cheap si the II u an 1 Harness cata!rlhmea-of '. . ' ; ilcL OUG ALL Jt EorroLv, oct , r KoJllA Slorth JFu,r.t : mmmmmi WILLIAM H.?UREEN;; . 7 - ; 117 Market Mretu.. . - - ' m -r ' " -. : " 4 ..--.';-