u COOt; THKPAPKB tthad every BJ JOSH T.JAMES, pito a reormncTom. , ;;. crRSCRlPTlONS TOSTAQE PAID: sAr w.oo. Six month. 2.00. Three monttoai $1.00; -?ne mom oa , , paper will ts deMveredby carrtem fwe ctoige. m an? Part of thc toe above 'TjUrtldng rate low aitd mietal. -Sabecrnrs -iU report any and all aU- t0 receive their paper regularly. 77 ZtoiiwAa.iaf3iwj kom fide circulatwK of any newspaper . nlOHn'J'" '"" --J w J Henry Irving'n real name Henry Broadribl). : is Johni Mayor l'aloier, of Boston, has taken j the suinip for General Butler. The leaders of .Berlin society i buy no jn ore dresses in Paris. . v.nv Orlpnns ii in Vfntiinir Iftrnlv ini . T . . . - - The Jxnidou Times has disctvered ; that "sooner or later, every distinguish-; i Kugiishruan seeni3 bound to visit j ilu- I'nitcd States." Senator lon Cameron is uol likely to ; take his seat in Congress this year. i Representative Washburn his uoiiso for two years. has leased Wendell Phillips is announced to deliver an address on "The Future of (ieneral Sam Houston's Ubrary las society? I-am carnin- iny own lirini? i 4 u:iL J. ..s... , , ; " l.v ri , :,... . v, beta prcseniea 10 uie nuiuiiei.vjuj. .tumj i.y.5w.r ... , , , t vs. -y iisrm, ituaui?. no!, pros.'1 TTR'T-' ' M i,' - -i-"yT . f lfxaS! lOSlltUte. .u'"V?."" " ----- -- iiioe ptsipioor iue?e uuuei' citatta : wun ieaw. U , - . 'Tr "TT . , I- t- w bat elect, us President we'll prom-.: , U. S. vs. Wilson WiHiarus. disUliintf r .o-r . 1 rince Uolgoroitki, widow m T ffi 4 f vpWC Use to make one innovation that will b. whiskey "without a. iice-nse. NoL pros, j POTATOES. E All LY ROSE, iate Czar, meaning to live in Parw. has j lJl,i.Jj i X!j V? o. ! declared an improvement.. WV1I ea;l j with leave: t ! 1 ,4,-.,c i J . ' l.nnrhr II ImiKO nn lha tpf!lP 111 liniJK ... ,,,, ... . . , -.i , ... v.ll)Iir..7. i-uuMh .vv'' . . v . . . , . - . i lib w r fa hi. iw Afivi-wii"v. ra . I i 11 a n r, , , .1 , ii.tr in!i nvura nnn rnror i w 11 -? t . . the South" before the Convention of j r Swedish barque Amartpit sailed, on j n"mg thc legendary old shoe alter jhini the National Cotton Planters' Associa-: the 29th inst., for this port, from ' Liver-f Good lnck to him, say we. I iion in Yicksburg on November 21. j It is reported that" in the gambling cirles of Boston Butler i3 second in the pools, but his friends have the money to cover all the wage3 offerett .by the followers of Robinson. Dr. J. II. Baxter, Dr. Robert Mur ray, Dr. John Campbell and Dr. John S. Billings are the most prominent ap plicants for the vacant position of Sur geon General of the Army." ; : -- A new feature of the real estate busi ness in New York is the Incorporation of syndicates, with large means, for the erection of new buildings. This looks like the beginning of a new form of speculation. - About nine-tenths of the people of United States will respect the Supreme Court now that Col. Bob Ingersoll has honored it with his contempt. The New York World thinks Bob" will be able to abolish the Court after he has de stroyed religion. i . . Lord Coleridge says that his Wash iuton visit convinced him that "the people here really govern, while rulers are only public servants. I think Wash- J mometcr in this office registered 75 ington life shows another thing, too j degrees, which is but one degree below that the American i3 a man sni yc?icri. j Summer boat. This on the last day r-of unlike any other in the worlds J October, 1S83. , ; ' Judge II oadley and Judge Foraker j A lady up-town sajs nobody need have bceu having a friendly chat over tell her that whiskey is I fattening ba the result in Ohio. According to Frank j cause if it was bcr husband would Burr, who was a vivid fancy, 1 both weigh 1,000 pounds.; bnt as it is he only gentlemen are much suprised at what j weighs 102 pounds. j happened. Judge Foraker blames the J It was aaU1 tbat jTbere was an alarm Prohibitionists for his defeat. j f firfl this morningi but as , t jra was Everything that the. Government j none ' reality, it was probably caused turns its attention to of late years seems J by crossing telephoue wires coming lor to yield a surplus return. The postal service became a paymg one ' aud . thc income was cut off. Now it appears that the patent office has earned $2. 500,000 more than it could spend, which amount it has to its credit in the treas ury. air. Blaiue gets from the publishers of his new book $75,000 cash down and a royalty of IS cents a volume. Thcro are advance orders for 100,000 copies, and it is expected that fully 300 000 will be sold. . Thi3 would yield-lhe author 120,000 in all. What does he wan: to return to politics for when he can make that wnUusc books? " - President Arthnr'a official family in-.W th heavcn,i lhe duces the New York World Uo forge 1 red ,,ke tht: Iiie stately J? reungnuysen, tne? some w our triends wnb Jive iu con aristocratic Brewster, the much re-jstant dread of chicken thieves take . , V, , i.i . , jU. - - ., . i . . wt'8"j ivi poses, aau me misiortune ir ia!i oyer- j jeeted Folgor -tthe warlike Lincoln, and j their pwltry. into the house evcrv night piainliff. and Ralph P. Buxton for the board thls afternoon. Boats 'immedi-?'! Knl'wifainftoi.' thejudiciai Greshaui are all willing to j so that tbey may have some asstirance j deteadantB. , at,iv nkt ont to rp him ht tJ.n-! ' ' " endure the Naval Jecretary'3 oaensivev T i i I,a 1 a Am If m neaa wr; y. Chandler was in his day a persuasive k)bbyist in' Wasliiugton and later in his career a counter-m in Florida. Although tisWikc, ho has magnetUm. and ho has brought Arthur completely under his control." y . . . -n. M Interested Iu Fire And Water, ' Such leading men as Capt- Ben. Ball- Marshal, Philadelphia. Pa.; Thos. Cillrrl Vert V.r t cco',n.Ynr . W iuard,lisq.. Fire Commtssaioner, recommend it. III.; Thomas F. Kevins. E-q Chief r...,,;ru , ltlflt fmmew Ilaoorer. Jud fcogineerlire Department.: Brook lyn, ,, lr......u1.i. Tu. suit iuiruied (Ijjk 5- A, l: Jas. Thomnson. Esa . Fire uruaji. imnUWl .. wmuh. 1 -MM 1 VOL VII. -i W 1LMINGTON. N.. C., WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER Mary Churchill, the missing St.! At Mrf. Warren'4 confectionery cs. 3,lli3 girlt has ben berd ixnnu ShUibhhatu(Ax orth Second street, i . "as written a letter to hear father, post- i . t . - ... marKea ai ioujanapoi!s.iwhich may or , may not n.u e Decn spontaneous, borne ; j 111 IU(W IW llitnL' It mmraa v. . t I . . .1 ! ! ant I that the girl is heid lor ransom but not learn the name of theTariety. . J . W. Davip, SttktW; iDavi. IC.;Af.i-nd h floors of the pews -.newly car- Coi. ChurchilUeemato bejiere that she Vesterdav about noTTie wind wa t Middletmi. James a tirinwsi. EiriVT PW besides other iruprorements &reel eai'miJK her own Uvelihootl sonil-.,. the Vo'rtbwpf' last cveniu- at! Artis, J. M. Smith ; K. JT; Ert, A. K. equally as vneceBSary.-whieh gives a l.wherc-' 'rhe.folhiwing w ail of the letter , . , , frnm . .... fnr,ifiddlcio;SV (r. Northrop.. Jolu'icbeeffQlAn attractive-appearance to 11 ! 11 IHII EM 1 r , , . i 'dav this niorning it had hauled around ;4?W' w lthek: I write to let vdu i ,, x- . ? . , . V , 1 r The folio t I am alire aifd wrfi. andnit! oorthweMt again and by . b.kiihJ?.vJ" Mv i ATI I know lha on the staie. as rod sunis. tw.r'harc: I : e'oped. Oh. how could "yon think so?South where it has remained ever since. '? '- when J cared so little for sentiemeu s : tu: J ...... fi'i tQUQKWitLouLa lbeeuse..- Gnus. 1??m!ss C t--Yates Cotton P.pev W It Gkkex Toilet Artie' H KINS BEttOKU School J?ooi(? Mi;sir Bj:d-. it DKltosi.Tjx:elice DtKossKT & Co Conidjraud booie .uus t 3c uow.iLo-Pi!r, FrcJi Drugs ; A good, hard cain would not I bo un. welcome now. (ier. barque I'icolct 1 saiied from S Hamburg, on the pth port. - inst. . for this pool. v ; Nor. barque Emnm Parker, Larsen, sailed from Bristol on the 28th inst. for this, port. i 1 : 1 Mr. Ed. Lilly, ol this jcity, . was in Raleigh yesterday, the guest of R. T. Gray, Esq. j The sunset last evening was beauti ful and arrested the attention jof many persons. 'l j " 4 v , Attention is invited to jthe advertise ment of Messrs DeRosset & Co., as it appears in this. issuer i . We learn that a great many chickens are dying in this city from a disease supposed to be cholera. ! The danger from. an approaching storm seems to have passed by, as the signals of warning wefe not set to-day, and the weather is as pleasant as it. well can be. Revf Dr. Pritchard was Raleigh yesterday, where expected in he wilt stop for a tew days on the way to his new charge, the First Baptist Church in this city. , j At 3 o'clock this afternoon ihc tho- a moment in contact with each other, The only case before the Mavor this morning was a steward of one of the vessels. in port who indulged too freely in John Barleycorn aijd was locked up while he could sober oft. He was dis charged. Our thanks are due to Mi O. . L Chesnutt, Secretary of Samp3on Coiin- ty Agricultural Association, Ifbr an invi - tation to attend their Annual Fair, which takes place on the 5thv 0th, 7th and 8th of December next. The Western sky presented a very i singular and unusual appearance just i before and alter su riset yesterday. t i j v. r L.. . i degrees clouds were j or knowing wnero to nnu a cmcken i l"i Ait tf to t a into) frtf f f n 1 1 &k w. .wv. . n. nf thfi hiriVt fh v hvH orr jgc0lJ m mu ltitude vyas visible here j moruiu?t and Uie ,exv was 4ual to : . vminj? ra-m. a irentlenian who was m, I Wllh ,lhe cL.ickeus tells ib that tho day i broke clear enough bat that thc fog rose very suutoo y aoout sua-up. i v J f i-rv fiul.iinlv nhmii (hn.im n '"7 V , The President of tiie United; States n ai Thanksgiving Day and las our re- j apoct for the occupant of both those oo as jrqucsicu, lwe saw an-apple to-day whica weighed ! .1 i se vent eon ounces-ope ounce more than a pound. The .apple was raised in the- i IT . , . .f iL i'l't.i. - -I ' J ! last tuue it haI rotten back to llW I very Inle in October or very! early in . November. As it is now Thankagiying : ami Christmas art? too cfo together. ! To Leave Cs. Our gobd iriend. Capt. Janjes Mc J Dougald Wiio has for several years past j been in the employ of the W. C. & .Ii. K. aa a pasaenser conductor, is to ( . r- .I....'-. ...:it -1 1.: t leAYti ua in a ivw ua)a hiki vui cnat uii f.-krtnnn. with ft ndativA in r !ar?n mnii ufacturiDg town ot Connecticut. Capt. i Jim has many warm triends who will , ,m Y frii . JL 1113 JUWlttv Jltr infill. There will undoubtedly, be a large audience at the Lutheran Church to night to listen to the lecture of Rev. MrPeschau upon the life, character and labors of Martin Luther. We know that lie will make his theme in teresting and instructive, and bespeak lor liim a large congregation. The choirwill be aided by the same instru mental assistance they, had on Sunday night, and the music will be an inter esting and attractive ieature of the occasion. f y All Saints Day. To-morrow, All Saints 0ay, will be duly observed here in the Episcopal and Roman Catholic Churches. " The congregations of. St. James' and St. John's'will worship together in the fore noon in the former church and in the afternoon there will also be joint ser vices in the chapel at Oakdale, Rev, Dr. Carmichael officiating on both occasions. After the services at Oak dale the graves of the dead will be visited and adorned with flowers .by loving hands. , I Trains Detained. Owing to an accident on the North eastern Railroad, between Charleston and Florence, yesterday,"! the regular passenger train f rom the South last night did not arrive I on time1. During the course-of the forenoon to day there have been many and conflicting rumors regarding the accidentbut at 2 o'clock this afternoon theextent of the damage was not known at the railroad office in this city.. The damage, however, has been so far repaired as to I enable the trains to run and they j will arrive to night on time unless some other, acci dent should occur, i i Supreme Court ! The following cases, from the Fourth District were disposed of In thfs Court on! Monday: William Griffin et als. vs. Josphine i Grifliu appeals by both parties from j Robeson : put to the end of the district, i J. A. Evans, administrator, vs. T. i M. Smith, executor, from Columbus; 1 put to the end ot the district. . Jl L. Wescott vs. Rufus Galloway el j als. from Brunswick; put to the end of the district. M. T. Leach vs. Town of Fayette- rille, from Cumberland; continued under former order. Flat Swamp & Lock s Creek Evans Crcejv CausPCompany vs A. MeKethan et als Irom Cumber - ibe laud: argued by W. A, Guthrie for j The folio wiog were among the dc - . . . !C;sions rendeted on Monday : - ; State vs . Ilobert Costin. from New Hanover. No error. . Judgment af- Brmed. Stat Stal vs. Lumsden & Jthode. Irom j New Hanover. No ! affirmed. error; Judgment Stat v. .Irfrrt Lnnlr from Saw IlaL over. No error. Judgment ... affirmed - . , tT T r i ' I u mfr-: ; TV.. 1 ot.nmM - 1 n the city, some in attendance at the LVS. u :7L -..-a-1 " .uL it c Court, others upon business and . some on visits to relatives. ' " U. 8. district cbnrt. The following comprise the . Orand Jury for the terra: A. R. Black: Fore-1 ' Z. T n,n: J. Browh A'rori? Kefro"'. I fwu Nixon. Uobert Ie. W. It. BelJ. . . ' v I. ..5afreii ;(rge'VjSwaio, - - wmi: cases were ; car.etl up 1 - ' ' " ' b. 5rys. F. P. Capps reuiiins lt- to passjcouuterleit coin j with leave. Nol. lores. I U.S. vs- Alexander Bolton. deaUos i ; 'u tobacco-without a li'.tnse. Nol. pro3. i i t ' I vrin ifave. i JL S. vs. B. Smidth. retailing liuuor without a license; dismisse6 cost paid and case i U. S. vs. Win. McKoy and George M. Rose, sci fa. to sci la. judgment according V. S. vsrMarshall Jones and W.-B. j Surles, ci fa. Judgment I according to j i sci la. ; to '.-be 'discharged on the payment I of costs. ' j U. S. vs. J. T. Brice and Elijah Mur fell, sci fa. Judgment according to sci fa., to be discharged on the payment of cost. The Grand Jury returned one not true bill, and there being no further business for their consideration, they were discharged. The proceedings to day ' have been mainly the libel suit of Mrl Setli W . Davis vs. the barque Ganger Holf, in which Messrs Marsden and) John D. Bellamy appear for the libellant and Messrs Darby and Em pie appear for the vessel. . .. ! ... - . I - --j , For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery go to Jacobi' Hardware Depot, t The Mast ado it Minstrels. In speaking of Ha verly's ABstadon MinstrelsJ who are to appear at the Opera House on Friday night 'next, the Boston Post says : , An enormous audience greeted the appearance of HaverlyV Minstrels at the Museum last evening, and it is safe to say that a better minstrel entertain ment has.never been given in Boston. Musically ituSTery strong, and the first part is highly enjoyable for lovers of good singing, and it is? made amusing by able end men, Hughey Dougherty being the star. The second part in cludes a song and dance act by Bobby Newcomb, a sketch by Johnson and Powers, a satire on the dudes and an oration by Billy Richardson, tvhich was a queer mixture of brightness and silliness. The closing act was a wild extra vaganzailT the Princess of Mada gascar." I It is dramatically rather pro lix, but the music, introduced is very pleasing and the piece like everything else on the programme was admirably rendered.1 A notable feature of the piece was its costuming, which was re mark ably rich, handsome and effective. An excellent drill was introduced. AI together, it was a most pleasing 'puter tainment. , I. I Oysters 1 'or Coughs. " Tt is nov8afd, bo "the authority ot the Bostpn Globp that raw oysters are an excellent remedy left-coughs and . colds. A lady vocalist ot considerable reputa tion, o a both id ot'lhe big- pond Is quoted as having g!en testimony in favor of this remedy. One would look long for a more pleasant medicine. than this, and there are some people who wouldn't mind taking a fresh cold every day for Jthe sake of taking so pleasant! a remedy. There is nothing said, how ever, about taking a cocktail before- band to cJoar the way for the medicine, foi; a brajndy smash after Iwards to pre ! vent any unpleasant effects. Overboard. One of the horses use! on the oppo - j site side of the Tiyer for hoisting pur poses, bad the misfortune to fall over - !jmal swam about for a considerable i A timn hffa h m!ndui tr -?Va i. "i,;. ! ..u ill ... cB,nc I j having sustained any in juro, anil the; . excitement occasioned by his unforlu- nau tumble soori aubsided. ,v Tlio h irt Frost. : Wi urn Irtuu " Mr. Harwv: Kirrnl 1 Officer at this point; that there were? -t.. : r ? a : - - Hucufcw. uu..:j4,wi. ywUuu-uRiuii, lUB iirsb i of tho season, but it is thoughnhat " the t damrcr which tk emntmi.vvh.rp .na 1 1 - J "mm . w " I tamed thereby. must bo very licht - Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices. at Jacobi. " - ) 31. i883:. ? NO: 257 Wft note that quite extensive i m prove- meats are m progress in the anterior, of the First PresbylerKur Church, ou the corner Orange aud .Third streets. Thedoors. indow casing and other ihe interior!. j AOVKKTISEMBNXH. -(Consigned Goods. STAKCII, &c. Jco., &c. Cothi and ask prices. ' V DeRosset & Co., 1 13 NORTH WATEK. oct St 3t rac I ; Frosli, Pure Drugs; A WELL, SBLECTJ5I LINE OF Tpjlet and I Fancy Goods ! are oft'ered for ilat rjx SCHON WALD S NEW DRUO STORE. r A call solicited. Physician's prescrlp- 1 1 Uons carctrilly compounded. JNU. T. SCHONWALP, N. W. Corner Front and Market sta oct 31-tf I ' Baltimore & Wilmington Steamship Line Steamer MLEIGH, ' IcAPT. IjfTLEFIELD, : Will sail from BALTIMORE, Saturday, November 3d. . j - . AND SAIL FROM Wednesday, November. 7 For Freight Engagements, apply to) A, . CAZAUX, Ajt., - . - - Wilmington, N. C. ANDREWS, & CO., Agts., I S. W. Corter Light anrt Grraaa SU., oet31- Baltlmore. Wanted. IOOO CORns sevk?c-i5?cii SHINGLE BOLTS, Twenty -four InrhtR loo. oetCT-lw j A. r. WILSON. Mnnds Bros! & DeRosset, Notice. rjJIK IEM iND FOR SODA WATER, m tmrr to expectation this late in uoanon, liu been so gi-eit that ro have decided, mitll fnrr I Uicr notico, to fcerve Ice Cold So la, with rear t UtisH C'JftAst, to all Tmh't Oeelro 1U ,5tit 8 onttmuuce or demand rhlcU h-ta ex- j feted to , suc4 a Keoeroos cximx nws'imr : oicaix ini Tuesday last, r oct'; - ' . . - COTTOW PAPPP i - - . pepiw jut c.ued. ! 1 Elegant FImIj. Kbooy and OVA Picture f JTramea. . :, , ... ' Thc Urel Btock ot PIANOS and .ORGANS j - crer brooght to thl. elty. j " " C. W. YATES, CC129 - , s 118 Market ft i'-. . ' . . Tnllpt IrHnlnc i ' '- - ..." i . N ELKGAXT AJVORTMENT. L'.,.lii. A , m i - i - t i - f a l- ,r. ooin au ru. CtfaU, Mirror. Extract, ira;i?MWafer.: Ac" ;; Cologne. TjJy WILLIAM II. GREEN, 117 Market Street. PLSABS J.OTIC2. f Wa win be glad to receive cosamasJcatlon troa our friends cm any and U tabjecta The name of the writer nut always Le ra ! ... idahed to the Editor. A - Communication mut be vwrUtea oa oal oaetMeof the pmpw."'-'"::. PersonaliUea must be avoided.! - And It Is eepeclally aid .parttoUarly ui tood that the Editor does not .always end the news of Correspondent iGuaieae so state In the editorial colnBin, r r '5 "x SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Aii noutice m c n t :Cxtradrcl1 unrV One Night Only t rClDAY. - .1. If, HAVRULEY'8 ; . VON'SULIpATED SHKCTACULsH f A MAfiTOIOXMJNbTUEtS.rL- , JO. A. GUUCK.. MftMrer. . I- 43 FAMOUS ARTISTS- -40 i ? Huhfv DoHrberty, .a. Carroll JohusunC r hilly tffcharusoa, JIarry J. iVrmstrocff, Hobby -New comb, , Jimo6 M. Brown, t " ' Ttu irrsir , Vocal &tr, Walter ChAnenUcr 4it.winf, ana miny ouior otmce itiiowp Tbe Goryens SpectacuUr'Prama, TJi'ePrihcessbfMadarasc Reecrved sale commences Wedneaday, OcL SI. at Dyers. Prices Pa rijo-tte $i;,Admla C e!onOcand 75c -;r : . oct t0-3t J.i t : T. TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, GREAT SALE THIS WEEK liforo leaving for tho Nona In MfLLISERY UOOIS, LA1IK8 AM) CllILDUEX'S y UNDERWEAR,-! ClR.SKTe, LAcks,and EMBROIDERI9. No ono urged to buy, but call and free julge tor j oHrselves; we are pound to malio room for our - . HOLIDAY GOODS ! And willingly glye samples, If required "' " ' -! ' - - : ' to compare tjbe prlcen, at TAYLORS BAZAAR, 113 Market St., Wilmington N. j -. - .- --c- -rttem IIats: received II.- by every Bteamer. oct J.7 v. PJEW GOODS ! I AM STlfji. RKCEIV1XG NltW GOODS in bolh .departments, MILLINERY AND PANOV GOODS All the material for mak- IngJ up Hate and Bonnetfl. Velvets, Ribbons, . ; t ....... : l . . . , Fe&Uierd, ifirrts, &r.. .' , ' v. FKLT, STRAW AND FUAME8, LATEST STYLES. All necessary material for lTancy Work. New SUraplnz rattcrnn. large lot of "Jcrscyti'! for Ladies. Mlaca and Children, Goasamera all alzes and qualities. . 1 . -Crape renovated by HKIVKtt PATENT-' Now Patterns from Unl vernal Fnhhlon Co.- v Polite attention given to all wr customwit. Reloctfolly, MISS E. KARRER, : '';.,. kxcHANGE V CORNER,: ;,y:KH. Wllmlogtoo, N. C. Oct. 1, 1883. j. "Shipped in Ice." 1 THRESH FUH TO ALL point points ' jS. , In North Uurollna, . South. Carolina, and Girglii, - Guarantee t dUvr them tn RO-l rvoiidltlon. :.:'!' "K'C oct& W. B. DA'Vl 'VV. School Books ! - " ScKbol Bdtiks ! School Booko I jaAT ARE tTlED I3C X1.V TUB School. Parent and Uaardiaoi and Toac2ier Ira repec4fllr irqueatcd to call -or toad $o ic for SCHOOL ItOOKS or SCHOOL ROOIf OUTFIT ! '' : .1 . . . Children, lrxe orsmaU.caapnrcbase R.ot t uiw) rate as pireota. Ob price to all t HEINSBERGEirS, Old North :State; Saloon, O South Front Street. Jjt RK l f A R R! V AL taiye : Fat V- NKW K.VER OVsTERf-alway on Iw. Cool lLr too with vhoni, Hi i Clyar. Goo I Whlfker, Wiiw, c I '- l .Ml -V. I rrr'fiea'l Le" Clar. ' :f:: oc