THIS PAPER - bBbI every creaws. eepted by -JOSHT JAMES, i SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: vear Six moAh. 2.00. TUre Months, tl-00; One month. 35 cento, -r caper will be delivered by carriers tree f dirgeVta P"1 0f 1116 Clt7, tb6 lKTfl t8 or 10 cents per week. , livestlsing rates low and BberL --Subscribers will report any and all fall- nrea to receive their paper regularly. circulation, of any newspaper riblishell. intke city of Wilmington. "Tn7ase compares tho ballot box to the ark of the covenant. Ird Carlington. who once chastised GrenviUe Murray for libeliug the Prince 0t Wale?, is in New York. - Mre 1tngtry began her tour at Bur ling' Vermont, on Saturday" night, appearing as "Lady Teazle." Blackmailers and thievea are fiaid to iire taken almost undisputed possea giop of Central Park. New York. The Washington correspondent of the Savannah News says the rice grow eri will want more protection from Congress. The largest oystcr-sheil in the world i3 in the Church of St. Sulpice in Paris. Il weighs over five hundred pounds and is used as a baptismal font. i Bu-Tton's four richest men are Freder ick L. Ames. $15,000,000, ' John M. Forbes, 812.000.000. and Oliver Ames and William G. Weld, 0.000,000 each. - The Baltimore Sun makes a small fortune ia publishing, as advertise- meat, cards and speeches every there .ia a heated campaign in city. lime that There is a good deal of gossip in New York society over the rumored engage ment of George Gould, son ol Jay Could, to Miss Cairie Astor. daughter of William B. Astor. . Speaking of the mills in Natchez. Miss., the Democrat, of that city, says during the past twelve months these two mills have expended in that city alone, for wages and material, over $300,000. ' Poker has a strong hold on Nashville. One' young blood bet his clothes on a flu3hand his adversary demanded his garments on the strength of a "straight flush." He reached home looking like n statue in the Louvre. ' Th marine snake liar-in-chief, who has been off on a vacation, returns to work with renewed vteor. A marine monster, half a mile long, has been seen crossing the Bristol Channel at the rato of twenty-five miles au hour. . The Chicago Tribune views with alarm the revolt of the colored men of Illinois against the Republican party and tries with ridicule, coaxinz, argu ment and threats to make them stick to Gen. Johu Logau and his taction. Calitornia claims the discovery of a soap mine, and the Savannah 'News thinks the Postmaster General and Secretary of the Interior should pur chase it to help them wash the great Republican party. Whitewash been used until it won't stick. has The Republican organs are growing l wonderfully philosophical about the exploded civil rights act. Even the New York Tribun thinks -that good feeling will "be hastened by.the remov al of an irritating law that cannot be eniorced irom the list of valid stat utes." " Carlisle, Blackburn and Williams are most prominently mentioned for the Kentucky Senatorshi p. Some persons however predict that they will be in each other's way. and that, in the end. Proctor Knott, Col. Jones or ex-Repre enlatWo McKanzie w ill 'take the cake." Judge Kelley, the distinguished Penn- avlvanla'oroteeiionist. returns from a foreign tour in the enjoyment of vigor ous health and loaded with tacts about : the pauper labor of Europe, which will bo ventilated, oi course, in the interest of manufacturers and against the labor-tng-claRses. Count de Lesseps, lectunng on tne importance of canals, presents about the game spectacle as an undertaker lecturing on the necessity for funerals.. It is believed that if nature had never creased an isthmus between two oceans De Lesseps would have invented one to enable him to diga canal through it. The New York Times (Republican) says : 'The pro ectionists themselves are beginning to realize that their ays tern has been pushed so tar and kept up so long that the manuiacturers are no longer united. A good many ' of 'them' are now convinced that tha home mar ket is too 6m ail for them, and are seek ing outlet for their products - abroad. The average speculator is nothing if not shrewd. Haying worked the Con r H VOL. VII. federate bond boom for all itji worth, trade dollars are bought up by the thou sand and said to person 3 in Germany about to emigrate to 'America at par. It is a di3sraco to our ghvernunt ihrtt people are defrauded through the agency ot'thesetrjdo dollars. LOCAL NEWS. ISDII TO NEW A3VE3TISEWEHT5. J L Wikxee 2 in 1 W J MoTT stall N i 5 ;' r C MlLUitt Druggist C W Yates Cotton Paper W H Gkeex Toilet A rile es QeiK8BUeu school Books J A Sfrikger Woodin 1 doal Julius Samson pccial Bargains R McDOLGALU-Apiilcs Cabbages A W KlVENBAKKcjxxntry Produce Muxes Bnos &I)eU4jsset Notice Thus C CRAVT New Furniture Warerooars MR9 Katk C wines Millinsry ui4 laucy Goo'a ; For other locals sese lourth pagp The receipts of cotton at this port to j day foot up 1.110 bales. Rev. Dr. Pritchard ia expected to arrive here to-night and will be the guest of Mr. George K. French until after the State Convention, which will convene at Edenton on the Gth inst. Western N. C. Apples. Mr. R. McDougall is in1 receipt to day of another full carload o those magnificent Western apples he has been offering of late and I ot which so many have been sold around the city. We are glad to note that Mr. McDouT gall is building up, a handsome trade with the ffreat West in the way of fruits and vegetables. Orders Irom the nonntrv as well as the citv will receive prompt attention. j Frost and Ice. . ! . . . Was there anv irost last nitrht? was the oft repeated question this morning and in nearly every instance the reply was in the negative Bat we are pre pared to say that there wa3 frost, and ice, too, in at least one. yard in the city, for a gentleman informs U3 .that there was a thin coating of ice thisJ morning in a tub in his yard. The tub had been left in an exposed situation in tho yard during the night with a very little water in it, which accounts for the ice A White Shad in November. The first while shad ol the season which, bv the wav. is vet distant four months and belongs tb the New Year, was caujrht this morning! in Mrssrs W, E. Davis & Son's fish ' traps, at tho Rocks . Such a thing as Ihis bas never been known before in this 'section, as i no one has'ever seen a white shad in November His sbadship looks as nat ural as a March shad but he most hare been as mad as a March ixre tbi have ventured on the coast in November. He had .probably i gritted from his course, however, and must have been in search of pilot when captured, j . 1 1 At Samson's, j Elsewhere in this day's insup will be found the very attractive advertisement ot Mr. Julius Samson. I The numerous alterations and improvements which have been in progress in Mr. Samson's store aro all completed and it is now one of the handsomest ; aiid mc3t attractive establishments inj tho city. The stock has also been enlarged and Mr Samson has recently sent Irom New York a lino of goodsjwhieh will be iound not only attractive to' the eye but to the pocket, in yiew. of nhe (low prices at which they arc ohered. Mr Draper, the Manager, is assistkby a corps ot polite and accommodating gentlemen who one and all declare1 that Vit is uo j trouble to show goods." - 1 1 iL!tif-ni AnrilLrit I ainfil! Accitipnt. Mr. Thomas J3- Ilarrissi was engaged this morning at, the Chajsipion Com press iu -directing the removal of I some cimpresed cotton to a vefel whi;h was waiting to receive it. ajiid alter giving. tne necessary instructions u me ploy es started to rpturp to his t-fficf when one of the bales if cotton fell and knocked him down and beloro he -could get out oi ine way amvner uaiB iea '..' iL I.-IL l.ll upon him with such force as to render him unconscious lor sometime, lie was extricated ' and removed to the office as quickly as possible and by the application of proper;, restoratives he was goon brought io cor sciousncss- and thigh and it was feared for a time both were fractured. A jshysician i ws sent for, but in the meantime the wounded limb had swollen so ranch that it was" impossible to tell the nature of the injury. Jt is hoped, j however, thatit wlli"amcuttr'to" hothihg 3ore serious braise. than a severe sprain' and WILMINGTON. N: C. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2. ! Personal. Mr W. A'. French and Sllss Lina French have returned to tho city aftea quite a prolonged absence in the North and Northwest. Mr. French who was in feeble health when ho left here six months ago. has been much benefited by his travels and is looking qui. e well Mis3 French has been absent 14 months and her return was a hapoy occasion to her luanv relatives and friends in Wil mington.! . 1 N. C. Medical Journal. The October numbeplof thia Valuable and isterestmif magazine has oome to band. Like its predecessors, it Is filled with matter interesting and instructive to the profession, for which it is es pecially designed. There U much wM in its pages that would be useful to the nonprofessional reader, but no phjst cian, especially in lhj section State, should te withcut it. Subscrip- tion price $3 per annumSingle copies 30 cents. . , I Harbor Master's Report. The following, is the number of Amer ican and foreign vessels which arrived at thi port during the month ended Oct. -31st.. 1883: Aniericam steamers 7, aggregating 5,159 tons; barque 1312 ton?, and 14 schooner, 3,240 tons-'-tota I 22 vessels- aggregating 8,711 tons, j Foreign steamer 1, ot 1,538 tons 14 barques, 5,418 tons and 1 brig of 236 tons, aggregating 7,222 tons and a grand aggregate of 15.933 tons." Mexican Veterans. ino veterans ot tne Mexican war will hold a convention in Washington, D. C, on the 6th of December next. There are several of these veterans liv ing. 'in this city and vicinity, and it has been suggested that they be: called to gether and take such action as the mat ter demands. we mint that sucn a meeting should be held by our citizens who saw service in that war, and that their interests should be looked after ia tne lortncommg convention by some one properly and duly delegated to tend to tho matter. i U. S. Distict Court. This tribunal having concluded the work of the term, adjourned last even ing. The most important trial of the term was the hearing in the case of Mr. Seth W. Davis vs. Norwegian barque Ganger Rolf, which resulted in a decree i'm favor of Mr. Davis for $439, his claim having been, lor be tween $800 and $900. The judgment of the court was. in effect, that as the captain of the vessel had collected $2,887 in Nassau." out of the cargo," he had collected $439 too much and shoud account for it. The case was ably con ducted by Messrs, Marsden and John D Bellamy for the libeilants, and F. II, Darby and A.. Em pie foi the libellee. cur Strategists. 1 The' Augusta (Ga) Cfironiclc and ConstitutiondlisC is in cstacy over the above named play, which is to be pre sented here on the 5th i inst. Hero ia what it says; . The audience were kept in the best of humor and the bouse was in a continual howl. The whole conception of the drama i3 daringly droll and involves more absurd situations than are im aginable in any fonr acts. Tho central figure is Jack RutUdgc who adopts a system of stratagem by impersonating successively his own father and the stern paretit of his ".Neliie." both ot whom are opposed to the union of their children. The manner of bringing to gether these obi linate dignitaries and changing them from their stands bj pure pique was something screamingly ludicrous. The Wh"le rupe is hu admirablo one. Bell Juck Rulledgc j was iifiexcfplnnabi' ; i ra?r npptrs ljw. deliriously dude like aid -lUgauV (Fam mistat with fun, ll$ra the jlDutcb Sarjieant ws tuil of hutur uimI jlreadily t tabhhHj himself it, a prime j with th ho.ue.- ; , j JeV EieVrttur. Capt. T. J. Souifierlahd has recently had an elevator placed in his stables n Second, between Princess and Chestnut streets, for Ihe purpose f raising carriaires to the second sorv - " - : - ! - . ur slorage. Tbe pialform ol thc eleva , tor u about 15 Jett j and i about & feet wide large enough to hold any! sort of .vehiclei I By this contrivance Capt. Southerland finds room on the second flfor capable of eloring 40 or more carriages and the movement is so nicely adjusted that they can be raised or lowertd at pleasure by a small boy of ordinary intelligence and ' strength. The work . was . . performed under the supervision of Sir. James F.I Post, j thi architect. Which is a sufficient guaran tee that it was well done - ! " f .,iU:-rr" Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at JACoBi.'a- , .f K'i - i, .. .' : . . : - r, .' - ! V.'". . -' " ' - - . V ' '.'. " ".' ; Sampson and New Hanover. vMessra. Chesnutt aW Powell,- who were in the city on Monday in the in terest of the Sampson County , Fair, were qaite successful in their efjortf. our citizen generally responding promptly and liberally to their solicita tions. The action of Wilmimrtonians in the matter is highly appreciated by j onr Sampan Mrndi . the Mfari?; letter pla?uly demonstrates. We join j with the writer in the wish that Clinton and Wilmington may soon be as closely united b uWraph n.i riroad tlw are by the ties of friendship. y m j pathy 'and cominercial and nnancal interest: . - ;v - v Ci.ikton. N. C. Nov. 1st. 1&S3. KniTMtt Kr.vfKW: AJ Hvini? trio to your city; and ihe wr.n reception! Uh which' e wire met at. Hie ha ml a : niir pnp. and the liiu:ral "toriatins ! in the lorm oi special preiuiuins to ht award! at ur Inir in Ditviuber.-'lrll us ulainly th:. although th ljreze?i of adversity may blow fiver you, and thn shrill blast of tho buah; may be hoard sonnd'ui "hard tims. t?t they cauimt close th car inr weaken the spirit ot liherality in your citizens, when appeal ed to for a public benefit. And this is not the fir-t evidence we have had m this respect, for when we wanted tele graphic communication with the out side world,', your people liberally responded to ouri call for help, and when we wanted a railroad, via roini Caswell, vou were neither wanting in means. cBorts nor innuence; and permit me to j say, m behalt of lhe Agricultural Society and the people of Sampson county gen erally that thi3 last act of liberality (for almost; every man we aproacued upon the subject gave something) will be fully appreciated, land strengthen the tie that biudsold Sampson to your people. We hope hat the day is not far distant when wc will hot only be connected with your people by tele- eraDhic communication, but by the Point Caswell Railroad also, and per haps the W. & W. R. R. Co. . will then see the folly of not responding to our appeal when we wished to connect our selves with it at Warsaw. I5ut. per haps, they are better financiers than we are. and know best, but when the products of the Coharie and the train oi wasons Decween Ajiincon anu war saw are stopped, and all shipped via Point Caswell, they will see but we will wait and. see, also. , Youre truly. , r J. W. POTVELt. To Builders and others- Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &0. You can get all sizes and at the lowest price ' ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stall Wo. 5 W ILL BE SUPPLIED SATURDAY xrUh BALTIMORE MUTl'OS. 1 KIKE TOWN COW, TCSTQ A VEAL, , i " Kfce elzc for Iresb. eating. Ca'l friend and get yonr Sunday mea;a. - KeaiHJctfuHy. nov -i ' W. J. MOTT. Apples ! Apples -4 Cabbage ! Cabbage i CAK LOAD Of CHOICE . ' - , j We STERN N. d ATPLKg, And lot of CABBAGE, to be received by tho A. 5L freight. WMU3T BB SOLD ISIMEDIATBLt.r Cilr, 8eo them and teave order. ' Birrelled to order for city or country. R. McOOUGALL, No 14 Chestnut et.. I nov 2 tf between Front and Water h 2 in 1. I'll Lake yotir ii&enrasc-, And tato th"-m fl e, r I'll tlx yur watches To keep good tiipe; I do all wo? k v ell. Entrust d to m. If y on don't b Ueve It Try mo andc. -I - i - - J L.wrNSF.R, Phot rnher and J-wler, .New Ma. ket HuH Jiiu Cup waim) i hot COAL AN D WOOD. XTOW l TIIE TIMK TO L VY I "5 YOUR: i UKL before prlos jump. FINEST UKD AXtt WIIfTE ASH CAI Grste. Farnac, Siove an-1 i'hctnut bixes. In I - FULL SUPPLY- ' I I BIG s-TOCK OF WOOD ail kinds and I 1 , ! i sizes, bhr and Utile, kmr and short, dry and crecu. Two w bar te full fl. nor 2-tf ' ' J. a. spkingeh. New Furniture Warerooms. ! JT NO 90 G KAN ITS BOW. "O. F1WNT 1 hare o i-enod with what I thlok Is a wei selected stock of ! ' Furniture and Beddiiig, Enlbraciag many rew eolgna fn Bedroom and Parlor Suits; i- i & i t j - -- ' , i f.., Our aim shall be to deal fairly and squarely with all, and respectfully- ask a share of tne public patronage. Courteous treatment guar an teed to aU who favor ma with a calL - s -hoy S tf THOMAS C CKAFT. Agent : NO. 259 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. a omi s o n Sj TTATING JUST ATtKMDSD SOME Ol" ta largest Auett on . Bales In Nevr' "yrk and Boston, we will for tho next ten days offer SPECIAL' BARGAINS ! i in the following Goods' :. - t f -i a 7jlA,Vi1 QViA. 1-4 Bleached Sheeting, 25 Cents, Good Quality. i 5 Cases Canton Flannel, At 8 cents per yard. 5 Cases 4-4 Blea. Shirting Beit la the mirkei, &t ci per ynrJ. White and Kett Flannel. ! ' . (and all wool) t 25s. ' GREAT BARGAINS IN BLANKETS & COMFORTS. GBEfAT BARGAINS IN JERSEY JACKETS t I FULL, LINE Ladies' Walking Jackets. The bP8t!2 Rib UMBRELLA evor brought to the city for f 1.60. 10 rib for $ .73 - ( Very respectfully. JULIUS SAMSON, I 111 MARKET ST. nov 2-3m ' r . ' ' Millinery and Fancy Goods. ,EW FALL STYLES IN HATS, j llOXK&TS, Ac. , Inst recelvod. MRS. KATE C. WINES. No. 113. North Second S rect. j nov 2 - next South of lQatonioo Headquarters for x Country Produce'. AW. RJVENBARS", 1U North Water St., Newbnr ja Old Stand Also, a full line of choice Family Grccerleo. A nice lot Mountain Batter just received. Prompt attention. Reasonable prioes. Please give me a call. '! . nov 2-tf . i Tuning & Repairing Pianos. JOSEPnDENCK.FB.OM COLUMBIA, S. C.f ' - i will remain In Wilmington a' few weeks, to tune and repair Planos.-Melodeons, -Reed and Pile Organa. Orders left at Mr. llelnsber ger'B and Mr. Yates Book Mores, will iuoct with prompt attention. I ' j oct 27-1 w . - - - ' Mnnds Bros. & Dellosset, Notice. fJHE DEM AND FOR ODA WATEB, con trary to expectaUon this late in season, has been so groat that we have decided, until fur- ther notice, to serve Ice Cold Soda, with runs i - - ' , -I -. ' fxesii Ckeam, to alt who deire it. We so- Uclt a oontlnuauoe of demand which has cx- lsted to euch a generous extent since bur 1 opening on Tuesday last oct 27 . COTTON PAPER .' ':'- .i- J .'' 'v OOO POUNI!3 JUaT Keoelvd New Picture snd Etgravtegs. ' ' Elegant PIuihjEbooy and Gilt Pkiuref - : I : J .. 'Frames. . , ... l . j The largest sock of i PIANOS and ORGANS I ever brought to this city. C. W. YATES, cHool Books ! U School Books ! , - .. School Book t 1 ' i - ' t . t ' , I s ? T"aAT ABE L KD, IN ALL TIIE Schools. Pjirenks an I Guardian? and Teacher are i respectfully requested to cH or tend jtojue wr OKsiiWL, isuitk.rt or sCllOOb RiXial ; - . i . . OUTFIT- ! I ' Children, lare orsanll.can porctaae Looks at same raioi as p irenU. On price iu all at HEINSBERGER'S, 1883. , 130 . Lite UWk and Mtu r Old North State Saloon, J,t; G South Front Street JP&Esft ASEl ALLargeFat NEW ii'VEB jOYsTEBiilways on lee. Cool Beer to go with I hem. Cigars. Good Whiskey, Wines, Ac, ., lTrrGnl LeV Cigar. ; u.: -rT EeU Co oct li ! FLKA8R KOTICL. We win be glad to' reoerre cowniiinlrattea froa esnr frleatl on may jukI in sobjeeto general hitererttnu 7" ' " The zxmt ot the writer iaost aJwart Ut f ebbed to theEfitor - - , j ComsrcnieatJoaa ranst im WrUiwr oa ml caeaSdeot the paper. Persoa&Kttes nust be eroidad. ' ; . - AoA It Is eapodaJry mud pertJcnliTty uu stood t!tat Ute Edttor 5ee bot alwayi e&4os the rtewaof correspomleBla-anleaa po Mate fas the editorial colnams. 4 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONtY ! MONDAY, NOVr. Cth, 1883. ANOTHER HAVrBLT BOOM V ' I ? : L ALGU1NG BOOM ONfcY ! J. H. HaverlyVCqmeffJy Co In tb Great Socoesa . OUR STRATEGISTS ! io 4 acU tit t 1,'jOO laoghs. . Ia tho 1st act youlfiugh. vy,t I a th 2U art j ou i o r. ; ; Ia tht 3aud 1th acu you bout." . E EHY HfcilBEli tF TiltS COMPANY. AN AKT.Si I'cwrvf (2 rcls fnr pa at Dyeri. Trice, i OUC, -C. nor 1 St j i MEW GOODS ! J AM TILL KFXKIV1NG HEW GOODS, ia iM.tij lepartDiert3. MILLINER tJ aXD FAn-; Y GOOD5. All tfce material for ' mk- in,; up U-tti aiid Boancu. VclveUKibloua Featberd, I brds, &c. ;' ' ' ' ; ,' FELT. STltAW AND FItA.MJEW, LATEST STYLE. All necessary material for Fancy Work. Ner Stirnpln Patterns. Large' lot of ''Jerseys" for Lidies, Sllea aod CbJUlrCB. Gosiiamers all size and qualities. ' I CriK' renovated by fjlllilVEB PATENT New Pattcina from Universal Fashion Co. j PoMtc at ton -ion given to all oar customers. Kftppectfully, ;' ' '. MISS E. KARRER, EXCITANGE CORSEB, Wilmington, N. C, Oct, 16, 1883. o ' " ' -' " IsTJST BE SOXiX). POTATOES.' EAtlLTT ROSE,' -r CABBAGES; ; rV'-VH& -y' STARCH, &o.V &cl, c.. V Come and ask prices. ; : U " ' " Beltosset & Co..T 113 NOilTH WATER. oct Sl-3i rac. ; .; ,: , .i. .-,11 t- Fresh, Pure Drngs, A WELL SELECTED LINE OF. . - . - r- . ' : Toilet and Fancy. Good I are offered for sile at SCHONWALD'Sl . :tKEW,;jDKTJG 8T0BB. r! , . .'.,'jl -H y A call solicited. Phvslcun's nreccrfo.' f, Uons carcinlly compunaded. ' I - JNO. T. 8CIXONWALD N. oct 3t-tf W. Corner Front and SfarketsU ' i Toilet Articles.- N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT, CooaUi ing in part of Hair. Tooth and Nail Brushes, Combs, Mirrors, Extracts, Colognes, UJy White, Florida Water! 4c WILLIAM IL. GREEN,.- tUi 117 Marker tryer Oct 27 OYSTERS! OYSTEBSI, New Eiver,; Stunij3 Sound, UN1- Myrtle Grove pyii v. UillVVZD IK ICE TO ANY I'OlST. WE guarantee io 'Vlier l ibera FitESll'aai. SWEET"- .".V;f-; oct 9-iw tttfrt WV E. DAVJLS & SON. p 1 V- :Mr?v -' ; ,; ' - - - -Y.'i5'3i.''''''v-? & I .t " ': V'-i V.