rmsrAPKR - .H.hi every erenlag. StuitUyi ecpted by JOSH T." J ABIES, EDITOR AND PHOFK1KTO k-ltbsCIUPTION-3 FOSTAGB PAID: ..r M.00. 8ix month. $2.00. Three O" 1 .... t no-' One month. 35 cents. oriii ikt ilellvered bv carrier free the pi'cl ua or 10 cento per week. dvcstilng rate low and Uberal.- rt-abscrlbers will report any and all faS- ' m receive their paper regularly,' circulation, of any newspaper pushed, in the city of Wilmington. "Alexander Kirkpatrick. having lived ninety -eight :. years in Scotland, landed ijst Tuesday at Castle Garden. . : . " . I "Mr. Mahonc i3 on hia knees looking ior the lost key to the situation' is the way the l'hUadeHhia Times expresses jv.o Mormon missionaries in Mississ jnpi have been arrested for vagrancy, yieiiave plenty of money, and a test case will bo made ot 1 he aflfnir. The News-JcumaU ol Cincinnati, jiJrocates changing the laws of Ohio so that the elections shall be held in Koveniber, as they are in other States The Cincinnati Enquirer says : 'Re publicans should brace themselves for next week's shock. We learn that it will be quite severe in Jhia section of . , z .- . . " - Escalai is. a new Paris tenor,t with a surpassingly fine voice and great skill in using it ; but alas, he iftfio short and fat as to be ridiculous in the heroic roles of grand opera. M The young men who pattern after Conkling, remarks the Chicago Herald' will make a mistake. He is useful as hi illustration of what a gentleman's manners ought not to be Vennor.the meteorological wizard, predicts a cold snap, beginning the first week tf November. The Oth, the New York Times thinks, promUes' to Be a cold and cheerless day for the Repub licans. - Charles Dambmann, the young - New York millionaire who recently paid Maurice Grau $3,000 forfeiture for the engagement of Mile. Nixau, the singer, is with Mile. Nixau at Las Vegas, N- M., "living in grand style." General Hancock chatted with anl mation to a reporter last week. "I am almost well," the General said, "rnd will be at my office in a day or two for the first time in several weeks. No, there will be no important changes con sequent upon General Sherman's re tirement." . : Three years ago about twenty rich men of Dayton, Ohio, invested largely at Fargol : The boom set in. and they bought more and held for a rise. One "year ago these investments were Valued at several millions, and Will now be sold at a loss. Such is the far Western boom. George Munro, who has discontinued his cheap reprint of the Forlniqhlly, Contemporary aud Nineteenth Century, is reported to have lost $20,000 thereby. Those publications, able as they are, are so exclusively occupied with British topics as to be of small interest. to most Americans. Pursuant to a call a number of in fluential Germans, including represent atives of the brewing interest in Rochester, assembled Tuesday jaight and passed resolutions asking the Ger man element of Rochester to supuort the democratic ticket in the coming electionexcept Hon. J. H. Maynard, their candidate for secretary of state. The New York '-Times, 'Republican, throws this to tho breeze:- ''Governor Cameron of Virginia, lias announced that he will not support the Republican party unless it fully accepts "Read juster" ideas. Holders of United States bonds, of which $240.028,782 are owned hv aavinffs banks, will regard Mr. Cameron's support as very dear at any such price." i ; Serious troubles are feared for to morrow in Virginia. A riot has al- ready occurred at Danville and it is but tho legitimate outcome of the teachings of Mahono and Cameron. The trouble took place in Danville last Saturday afternoon and the result is that three negroes are dead and four arc seriously woanded while three white , men ara badly wounded. The account of the affair, as" published in the New York Herald shows that tho negroes incited by the incendiary harangue of a .white Mabonite. were Ihe aggressors?nd that tho whites acted on the defensive' ; Ontoftlio Jaws. Toleic. Ohio. rhe Express says: A prominent, who was at the the point of death from what the physicians pro nounced kidney and spine trouble, bas been cured by St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-anisher. ; - To Builders and others- Go to J ACO bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass v do. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. f; 'j '; - ; v " VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. NOVEMBER LOCAL NEWS. mil TO- K EW AnVERTISEMENTS. "Moore County Grit" ' No More Eye Glasses ' i W J Morr-Siall Nj5 John B A ltkx Poets I A Smith Furniture . IIjeaexe & Co Card. C W Yates New Bots W It Greex Toilet rtlclei Oi'eka House Alvln Josltn Heihsbekges School Books .-. 4Paekke & Tati-oe Our ave T O Lcmsdek Mexican Veterans Giles & MLKCHisox New Goods V VT Ziegleii Co. $05 a Month - MoDocGAi.r, '& Bowiex Bufigiea Mcxds Bnos. & DeRosset Notice BixiiGXa8 & Co So UsejTrvlnf? i ; Knights tVv II t)2iDJlr-j:egular Meeting ; K ekciinek A Cai.dek ; Bnos Gr9cerles irEACXE & Co Mus'c without a Teacher W E SrEE'GER & Co Sports man's Goods K G BuiE General Commission Merchant Tnos C Crait New Furniture Warerooms A & I' Shriek Truth U Straager than Fic tion : " Mrs hi A Lr.MsL'EX-Ujrand' Opening ot Wiotcr Milliner v i For other locals see lourtlt page. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1.105 bales, j I A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacoki's Hardware Depot. ' ' There are a great many very beauti ful flowers in bloom in Oakdalc. , , Mrs. E. A. Lnmsden will have her Grand Millinery Opening this J week. See ad. elsewhere. i r The County Commissioners were in session this afternoon, but the report was too late for this issue. The Haverley Strategists" troupe arrived here last night and Will appear at the Opera Housevtd-mght. .1 An important meeting of the Mexi can veterans will be held on Wednesday evening in Col. Cantwell's (office". Thes matrimonial market is flat and dull. A Piety Hill young lady says it is the pokiest time for courting she ever saw. Itnislits ol" llonov. I Carolina Lodge No. 431. iRegular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock.' Full attendance desired. 1 It. 1 Anderson Walker, colored, for dis orderly conduct, was fined $1.50 by the Mayor this morning. lie paid the fine and was released from custody. . Col. Waddell was to have spoken at Greenville on Saturday. He was booked for Falkland to-day and Farm villo to-morrow, all in Pitt county. There will be a Pound Party at St. James' Home to-day from. 3. to 0 p. ip. Those who cannot send their donations there may send ihem to the Rectory, 311 Market street. I 1 Rev. Dr. Pritchard arrived in the city, on Saturday night1, and preached at the First Church yesterday, morning and night. Large audiences were pres ent on both occasions. 'i Fish and Oysters.; The fish and oyster season has begun in earnest and quantities of each are brought into this market. Messrs. Wr E. Davis & Son have two oyster boats plying regularly between this city and the oyster grounds at Lock wood's Follyt and are prepared to deliver oysters fresh from the shell as tbey are called for. .. 1 Fast Mail? A gentlemen doing business j in this city received a letter thistmornine lrom New York which was' mailed in that city on the 26th of Septcmbef last. I is about 600 nilles from New York to WHmincton and the letter was about 40 days on its passage, which gives 15 miles of travel per day. The same gentleman on the 30th of October, received a letter which was mailed at Tokio, Japan, on the' 5th of October. The distance from Tokio to Wilmington is about! 6.000 miles and the time consumed j in traveling that distance was about 25 days, or an average of 320 miles per day. j . Sudden Death. - , Mr. James M. Westbrook; of the firm of Westbrook Bros., at Rocky Pointy Pender county, diejjxtfiis f morn ing of malarial pne)iifouix. !He was taken sick on Tuesday uight last, but it was uot thoufiht that his condition was at all critical until Saturday when' he grew rapidly worse until bis death. The deceased was about 40 years of age and leaves a wife andi four children to moaro his i loss. Hc ' was a! man ot strict integrity, honest-? rt f (lis dealings with his fellow mett.y a ; "kind-hearted neighbor and a genial hearted com panion and friend, an4 his death, will fee severely felt throughout Pender county. I- A Ijuckj' Nlm'rocl. One of our business men went out this morning to try his luck as a sports liian and was entirely successful. He bagged-eleven nice, ducks and was abseut from home about two hours. He shot thirteen but secured only the number named, as be could not find the others. This may' be called a very good and pofitable morning's work, especially as it did not in the least in terfere with his regular business of the day. - ., ! : . "? Alvin Jos! in. Tins ttoupe, who are booked for the Opera House in this eity on Thursday night, appeared in Charlotte last Saturday. They paraded during the forenoou.with their celebrated $10,000 brass band and the , Observer i speaks thuswise of f.he performance at night: j In our opinion, the best amusement of the season was given at the Opera House last night by Mr. Chas. L. Davis and his excellent company in the play ot "Alvin Joslip." Mr. Davis, as a matter of course, is the. central figure in the whole play. Ho is an ingenious actor and his comicalities are of tho sort that cannt i fail to amuse. He is very ably supported and in the com position of his company a good deal of real talent is recognized The play itself is interesting, and the $100,000 worth of diamonds aud the fine music were sideshows : "Alvin Joslin" is good throughout and all agree that Mr. Davis and his company deserve goou nouses wnerever tney go. Extracted liouey. Our thanks are due te Mr. Gerrit Walker, of Middle Sound,' tor ajar of beautiful extracted honey;' The term extracted is not well understood, except among the bee-keeping fraternity. Most outsiders think that all liquid honey is strained honey, and a good many of them, remembering to have seen when young the modus operandi of obtaining hVand becoming disgusted with it have remained so ever since. We will there fore explain for the benefit of our read ers how extracted honey is obtained: A honey extractor is a horizontal disk put into rotary motion by a wheel. Upon the edgy of the disk are eight small perpendicular post3 surmounted by a wire sieve.and thus forming on tho disk an octagon. If you now hang the uncapped combs, with their frames upon these posts on the inner side ot the wire octagon and put the disk in motiou the combs will bd emptied in one or two minutes, when the honey is caught in a circular tin can surrounding the disk and drawn off at the bottom. When the honey is thus extracted the combs are returned to the hives, and the bees begin at once to fill them again. I will be seen that by this mode the honey obtained is ierlectly puro and clean just1 as the bees gather it from the llowers, without being mixed, as strained honey necessarily is, with bee bread, particles of wax, and very often accidental impurities not necessary to mention. Mr. Walker owns the only ex tractor in this county and puts his honey up in half gallon jars. Wo tried some of it on buckwheat cakes and well, this is not an advertisement. . For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery gotoJACORi Hardware Depot.' t DIED. WESTBROOK At Rocky Point, N. C, this morning, of malarial pneumonia, J. M. WEST, BROOK, aged 39 years. The funeral will take place to-morrow (Tues- dav) morning-. at 10 o'clock, at his late resi dence at Rocky Point. Friends and acquain tances are respectfully invited to attend. : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Sportsman's Goods. WE DAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT of English and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market'. Also a first c ass stock of Shells, Wadding, Prlmers.Cart rldge Bags, Gun Caps, Game Bags, &c. In fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. W. E. SPRINGER St CO., Successors to John Dawson A Co., nov 5 19,21 and 23 Market Jueet BUGGIES-BUGGIES. - -- " ' ' ' A CAR LOAD OF NEW BUGGIES ALL . , . , - - styles, single and double to suit everylxxly- Just to hand and for sale cheap at the Buggy and Harness establishment of McDOUGALL A BOWDEN. nov 5 No. 114 North Front St. Our Dave "VT EARLY BbOKE DOWN, BCT MIIL EARLY BBOKE goirg ut with onrpopular bttrrSEU- sii HEATING STOVES, Oface Stoves, A'r Tlgtrtand the nnrlvaled "Ooluen HarTev amL 'Tamcr Ctok atovw'V Goods by every steamer.-.- ; I PARKER A TAILOR'S. . PURE WHITE OIL. nov 5: F J e w Cop As. 4 RIUVING BV KACII STEAMER AND lor ffele low byf ' . "!;; Giles & Muitclilson. ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E. G. BLAIR, JpHODUCE BUOKEU AND COMMISSION Merchant. No. 19, N. Second St , Wilmington, N. C. Solicits' consignments of all Xlnda of! Country Produce.. Country order filled at tho lowest market prices for Flour, Meal, Gr.io and Groceries. A trial la Boiiccd and satisfaction guaran teed. - nov 5 Stall Wo. 5 y;iLL, BE SUPPLIED TO-MOOItOW with EXTRA SAMPSON STAX.L BEEF, c " : LAMBS, ' VEAL, PORK, &c. Finest display in the market. aov5 - J. MOTT. Grand Opening of Winter Millinery. THERK WILL BE A GRAND OPENING of fine French Pattern Ilats, Itoancts, leathers, c, at Mrs J.'.A. Lutnadea's on Thursday, Friday and Sa unlay. The Ladles are respectfully invited to call. MK3. K A. LUMSDEN, nov a lw 119 North Front st Bacon, Flour, Molasses. 1 OH Boxes D S SIDES, 1,000 Bbla FLOOR, 1UU 100 Bbls MOi..A$isK. For sale bv nov 5 . KERCILNKU & C ALDEtt BUOS Sugar, Coffee, Eice. ' Kf Bbls 8DGAE, C, Extra C, and Granula te v ted : 100 baira Coffee: 100 bbls and Tierces isiuc.. or aieDy nov S IvEKCUNEK & C ALDER BROS Hay, Corn, Oats, i 14in A Bales Choice TIMOTHY HAT; jVW i.doo bush P2ime v hlteCORN; 500 uusu j vitiu uais. r or sale by nov 5 KKRC1INER & CALDER BROS Wew Books ! JJANDSOMELY BOUND SEl'S : Dickens, , Kcott, Thackeray, Mac&ulay, Jtc., &c, All tho standard Poets in line binding, lie sides the finest line of Juvenile Books ever brought to the ,city. , . . - .'. ' C. W. YATES, nov r .119 Market st New Furniture Warerooms. A T NO. 30 GRANITE ROW, SO. FRONT -TV. . bt., I ' have opened with what I think is a wel selected stock of i -i . 1 - -. i Furniture and Bedding, Embracing many new designs ln Bedroom and Parlor Suits. , Our aim shall be to deal fairly and squarely with all, and respectfully ask a share of the public patronage. Courteous treatment guar an teed to all wlio favor me with a call. nova,tf THOMAS C. CRAFT, Agent School Books I N School Books I I School Books ! rjTHAT ARE U3ED IN ALL TUB Schools. Parent and Guardians, and Teachers are respectfully requested to call or send to me i for SCHOOL BOOKS or SCHOOL. ROOM i t SiS r, ' . i , -. t ; 11 OUTFIT r ' ' , - :.;, , Children, largo or small, can purchase Books at same rates as parents. One price to all at HEINSBERGER'S, not 5 Live Book and Music Store Fu rh it u re. CHAMBEK AND. PARLOR So Its from $-25 to $13). New style and first-class goods at ' .' r- ', - ,-- GREAT BARGAINS ! FINE BOOK CA8ES, SIDEBOARDS, i SECRETARIES, WARDROBES, ! LIBRARY TABLES. Ac. CotUge Bedsteads, Mattresses, Chairs,' "Ta bles, Ac., Ac t at big bargains Call and see me before you buy. D. A. SMITH, nov 5 i l Furniture Dealer. "Truth is Stronger than ' Fiction I" ; ,;" rtMlK OLD ADAS SAYS TIIE PROOF of tho pudding U the eating of It.: Tlx proof - I - . - , "f that one's method of doing business ia good, is - not what he says, bat ln what be does; not . . i ' what be advert sea. bnl ln what be performs: V - ' 1 ' l uot In what he claim, but la the rcoulta. Bail- nesT success gained bv fair, uniform, and bon- erabla deeliog with patron, by selling good. goods at lbs lawest prices, by ecnductlnj ihe ' and seller, is a true sue sees. We bve Icn, . I flrdfaliB have meceful In m1j.1S minstoesinuiwny routieeo yer anai.jr A. & I. SHRIER. nor 5... ReUable Clothiers. 11 Market Sw 5. 1883. NO. 261 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j Mexican Teterans. rjHEEF. WILL BE A MEETING OF THE Mexican Veterans resident jin this city and nclnity on Wednesday evenlrr the 7th in V, at 8 o'clock, at the cilice of Col. John L Caut well, in the Produce Fxchansre. ALL are Urged to attend. i,;J. a LC5I5DLNJ novt Secietary. PJo Use Trying TO BEAT US ON " FINE FRESH CANDY ! ROYSIER'S PURK 4MNDIES I.I-.. ' - , are ahead of all otliOis, aftd we receive a fresh supply evory week, omc in ar.d fee ns. THE PRIDE" FLOUR still bas the suireniacy aaul is gaining new friends everyday. .No one denies the fict that It La the Purest and Whitest Flour ever sold lu the Wilmington market. ! PRESERVED, JELLIES ;t SWEETMEATS in every style and of the best quality. THOSE VALENCIA ONIONS, are still snrpiiaiag everjlwdy by their ener 1 mous size and wonderfully delicate flavor P. L. BRIDGEBS & 00. HO North Front St. nov 5 r A .Esthetics i.aJLf othlng go rd Mailed on receipt ot t cents in stamps Box 1,487, N. Y. JJKAItNE & CO., X. O nov 5-4 w A MONTH ASP BOARD for 3 livi lit" young Men or Ladies, In each county. Address P. Wf .IEGLER & CO., Pbiladei pbia. Pa. - - nov 5-4w urTTttTn wiTnouT a teacher i muxi; SorEit's LsTAKTAXEoysGtrmt to Key.o Piano iia'Tahd Organ. Price $1. Will wach any person to play 20 pieces of mu sic in one day. You couldn't learn it - from a teacher m a month for $20. Try it and be con vinced. Sample copy wilt be mailed to any address on receipt of 25 cents in stamps bv HBARNE &CO-, Publishers, 1 O. Box 1.4S7, New York. noviV4w "prk'pnnQ Burns, 3c, Byron. 50c , Mrs rUUlO Browning, 55c., Campbell. 40c., Chaucer. 69c.. Coleridge, 00c., Cowper, 00c, Dante, 50c., Dryden, 60c., Goethe, 70c., Gold smith. 50c., Hemans, dOc . Iliad and Odyssey, 70c , Hood. DOc,, Ingclow, 5fc. Keats, 40c., Meredith, 50c., Milton, 50cM Moore, (JOc. , Pope, 50c., Poe, 40c i 8chiller, 40c., Scott 60c., 1 en nyson, 60c., Virgil, 45c and others. Fine cloth binding. Sent for examination before payment on evidence of good filth, cata logue free. NOT sold by dealers. JOHN B.i ALOEN, Publisher, nov 5-4w IS Vesey St., New York filOORECOUHnGRir onmiiin i n min .111 i nrftitro '47tlfZ-,J' I (ALL SIZES). BESTIilTIIEVuRLD 8A11PLES OF MA.I SJTT OH APTLICATIOM. KOITH CAR01I1A MILLSTOSE CO. S ' HTMltTinS THTS PATP.T1 No Longer Needed. The old-fashioacd, slow acting plasters "must go". Benson's Ca peine Poms Plasters aro the best. 25c. , 4w Wil. & Weldon R. R. Co,, V' - ' SECRETARY'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON, .'c, Nov. Ut, 1S33. PHE lOfiTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEET- ing of the Stockholders ef th6 Wllmlrig'on & Weldon R. R. Co., will be held la the Office of said Qprapaoy, In Wilmington, on TUESDAY the 20th instant ' nov l-td th m J. W. THOMPSON, ' i secretary Wil. Col. & Augusta R.R.C0. , SECRETARY'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON, N. C, Nov 1st. 1S3J. IJIHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock bolderal of the Wilmington, Columbia A u gusta R. R. Co. will te hehl at the Office of said Company, ln W.lmlngton, on TUESDAY, tbe 30 ib instant. .nov l-td th iu J. W. THOMPSON, ' t Secretary. Toilet Articles, 1 AN,. ELEGANT ASSOETMEST. Consist- Inx in ran. cf Hair. Tooth andi Nail Brushes, 1 Coabs, Mirrow. Extracts, .Cologne,. Uly wKitMorida Water. Ar. , v" WILLIAM IL GREEN. L 117 Market Mieet oct27 ; 01.12 North State -Saloon. if South Front Street. iirAEtttVAL-fiir j. FaI v C . - T -f NC - saw u ui4i exc a ways ff? XX,t& -YS? uv c irv'wen'lLjc Cigar. oct j 1 (- 1 J 14 yeaL -iy jl4. rLEASX. KOTIC2L V " - We will be xlad to receive cojnmcnlcaUon frora our friends oa any and an labjecU 1 1 gtnenltnteroMbat , t ; Tlie name of the writer nut aiwaya be r S lMb& to the Editor. " : ': . - V CoaiTnuntorTons mast be.vnta on on! one aide of the papex. j. Personal! tie must be mvoVied. ' AndltU especlaUy mid rrUcuJarly utd stooil thai the Editor does not aftr&y etdor " the views of correependenia ttnloM to state in the editorial column. , ' - NKW ADVEKTISKMKNTS. OPERA HOUSE. THTJESDAY, NOV. 8. CIIAS. I..:IAVISV "ALYIN JOSLIN !" COMEDY CO- FULL ORCHESTRA $ 1 0,000 XJhalicne ISaud! 3- LS3 LAUGHS If ISO MINUTES1 ceuiu your feat at DrcTs. o-t ?9 4C W, A,, 7 . I ' a rsm sbn s JJAVIXG JUST "ATTENDED OMti OFj the largest AucUon .Sales in New, York d Boston, wo will for the next len lay offer SPECIAL BARGAINS1 ! - . i i - - ' in the following Gootia : - i - 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, : 25 Ceittf:, Good Quality. 5 Cases Canton Flannel, t- At 8 cents per yard. . 5 Cases 4-4 Blea. Shirting Best ln the market, at Sc per yard." White and Ked Flannel. (and all wool) at 25c . ,. BLANKETS & COMFORTS. GREAT BAIW A I NS IN ' JERSEY JACKETS ! FULL LINE ' ' : . r 1 ' L Ladies' Walking Jackets, . -, . The lyst 12 Rib UMBRELLA ever brought to the city fcr tl.50. is rib for . Very respectfully, - V JULIUS SAMSON, . 1 - 1 1 1 MARKET ST. , nov 2-3m ;. . ,. - . Apples ! Apples I , Cabbage I Cabbage J CAR LOAD OF CHOICE ' WESTERN N. C. APPLES,' And a lot of CABBAGE, to bo received by the . A.Mj freight.' " "i ." O-MUST1 BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY. Call, see them and leave orders. I 1 - - - , j . Barrellod to order for city or country. . R. Mc DOUG ALL, No. 14 Cbestnui st, nov 2-tt ' . between Front and Water . Mnnds Bros. & DeRosset, :.'':y;Mpticp;:; rjriUE DEMAND FOR SODA WATER, con trary to expectation this late In seasos, has' been so greit that we have decided, until forj ther notice, to Ferve Ice Cold Soda, with rVRX fkesii CuctM.toaU wlio detlre JL We so lfcit a continuance of demand which has ex. isto-i to such a generous extent since j our opening on Tuesday last. 1 oct 27 CITY OF WILMINGTON, N.IC, ' ' MAYOR'S OFEICE, . i - k ' Octobor 20, 1885. t Sealed Proposals yiU; BK RECEIVKD AT THIS OFFICE until 8 o'clock , P. M., Noveater 5th, lswj when they will be oie.ie4 by the Board of Aldermen in ths presencs of bid lers). for anp p!yfngUe Blocks and Pavlrg North Water street, lrom Us Inter section wit. Market street to iu Intersection witli Mulberry street, about 300 qu.i'C yanU of iareajcntj to bo UM j W1 Wock- beadel ani 11 0i tor Uddl.-r will be de- j iiTf-roij si in worK. f . lilts will at tfce aaine time be reoitre I ror opplj big i0 Goo jrood tiAr l Paving u, ar d ". ' - .' -h - - All U4 may-be mieeurl rouMm.t high 1 " peelficaCons In detail r.t Us tvn at till ofSce a and a tier tho J in t . , at nntt$ i K Major and Chairman of tlrt arxl Whirl Commit ot2JeoUd m lb sat ji 1 -

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