i - j . - - : , - . . " . -nrZZ- 1 TITWJAPKE v' ' pouiisbd every evening, Bandars- ex eepted by. ( JOSH T. JAEIES, ' - con-ox AKaiwraiETOB- ' SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE- PAID: Six months, $2.00. .Three One year months. $1.00; One month, 25 centa. ; The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, in aay part of the city at the above tiei, or 10 cents per week. Advesll-sing rate low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and 'all f&U nrta to receive their paper regularly. - The Daily Review has (he largest tow fide circulation, of any newspaper QuMishcd. in the city of, Wilmington. -3 Mgr. Copel was given a reception in Chicago last wreck. . Benjamin Fitch, the New York phil anthropist, is thought to be Uyin.y. Mine. Patti was expected to arrive at Xevir Vork from Europe yesterday. 'Old Tippecanoe", Harrison's tomb, fc'orth liend, Ohio, is nokept and crumbiipgy ." I. :--jy . -. y "XXX General Butler was reported dead on list Tuesday rdgb't: fie was a lively ! corpse next day. The Galveston News says: Just im agine Butler and Mahone pooling their issues and flirting with the public from the game balcony. , : mm - If ii were not for the surplus revem e, the Republican Cincinnati Gazette srg gests that a tariff on opera singers, actor? and actresses would be a gcod thing. - . SSB - A late letter from Senator Cameron, ol Pennsylvania, dated Paris, says that he will visit Germany, Italy and Spain before returning home, and that he will not be back until next Spring. Upen confessions are said to be good for the soul. The Chicago Netcs, candid Republican, prints this: "October doesn't aDpear to be our month, and we are afraid November is going the same way. The country evidently h in need of some sort of a liver regu lator or tonic." . ' LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVEBTISEMENTS. c w YATES New Books w H Gbeex Toilet Articles Tatlor's Bazaar Notice HErxsBEKGSS School Booka J C White Telephone Notice Henrt F Sulter Dancing School Jso T ScHoswAtD-New Drugstore . Mctsds Bros. A DkRosset Just Kecelved Statement Thames A Mersey tfarlne Insu rance Company i II Boatwright Wilmington, Clinton A I'olnt Caswell RS The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 782 bales. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Oysters are not very lat. as jet. A good rain would help to make them more palatable. The lalcst telegraphic election news can be seen at the Reading Room of the Purcell House to-night. Preshvterian Svuod will be held in the First Presbyterian Church in this city. commencing on Wednesday, the Hth inst. There was a slight fall of rain this forenoon but " the clouds passed over and probably visited some other more favored locality. . . Unmailable matter remains in the Postoffice, in this city, addressed a8 follows: Miss Chloe DavisX 96 S. Portland ave; Lizzie Minter. Allgoods, NO Dr. Walter C. Murphy, of Pender county, passed through the city to-day with a span of beautiful gray horses for the Fayettoyille Fair. He left on the steamer at 2 o'clock. On Thursday night Alvin Joslin will appear at the Opear House, after "which there will be no performance there un til the nights of the 15th and 16th inst., when the World Company will appear. Read the excellent showing made by the Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance Company ras com prised i n the state ment published elsewhere in this issue. Mr. AV. J. Gordon, of this city, is the general agent ot the company. The Firemen . Tho. Cape Fear Steam Fire Engine Company, (colored) celebrated the 12th anniversary of their organization thi)ialrperfonned her part o perfee alternoon, by a paraae anu a inat prac tice of thelrcngine from Market Dock. torm efficient work In our : fire depart-J ruent whenever called u pon. , Lost Overboard. Capt.-Moore, of the -schooner Albert noticed in our marine news evlumn, reoorts that when off flalteras on the reports that when off Flalteras on ine 30th of October, Samuel Carr, a, colored seaman, fell overboard from the raizzea topmast while furling ' tho top sail and was drowned. A - boat wis low ered and every effort made to save him, but he sank before help could reach him, He was from Antigua, West Indies. VOL. VII. WTLMINGTON. N. C.TUESDAY. NOVF.mrrt? ' The city is overrun with tramps and we warn the people to be on their guard. There were Iseveni of these worthless loafers accommodated with lodging at the guard house last night. I There was only one triflinj'pase be fore tho Mayor this morning1, which was that of Sam Larkins. colored, for disorderly conduct a the theatre last night.. The sentence of the Court was 3 days in the city prison'.. I Mayor Hall has consented to deliveS an addreen belore Bannekerj Library Associatcon, at their room on Princes . wvween r ront anuticjCona atreets next 1 hursday night, at 8 o'clock public are invited to attend. The Delegates to Convention. At a meeting ot the First Baptist Church held': last night, the following wcro elected delegates to the State; Con vention which will assemble atEdenton on the 11th inst: Kti. Dr. T, IL Pntcharn. Messrs. ,W. P George R. French, Jduies W Collins, J W. Taylor, D.L- Gore, B. I. Gore and H. C. Evan3. The delegates were instructed to use their efforts to have the next annual Convention held in Wilmington. , , j in a New Hole. We notice in one ot I our G a., exchanges that Mr. F. Augusta, M. Bur beck, formerly of the Madison Square Theatre Co., and a Wilmington favor ite essayed with entire! success the leading part in Harry lady's ' 'Planter's Wifb?,Co. Mr. Burbeck will be well remembered as having appeared here as Piltacus Green in Hazel Kirk4 and as Eslerbrook in Esmeralda, in both of which he made d decided! hit in this city. Stricken with Paralysis'. Mr. Richard Meadows, the driver for the Hook and Ladder Co , who was hurt last week,. had( been confined to the house since in consequence until yesterday, when he returned to his work. He was present at a meeiinynr the Company last night,1 and jailer the business was concluded and the mem bers dispersed he attempted to rise from his seat, but was unablo to do so. He called to his wife, who was near by, when she ran to his assistance, and in attempting again to rise with her help, he fell,- stricken with paralysis. He was conveyed to the houseand -to bed as quickly as possible and a physician was sent for, who did aill in J his power lor the sufferer. At last accounts he was as comfortable as could be expect ed, although considered jin an extremely critical condition. , , Our Strategists.! The above-named play was presented bythe Haverly Comedy Co., at the Opera House last night, and itjwas the best performance we have seen this season. It was a farcical comedy in every sense, full of the most unique and ridiculous situations and ! with1 a dia logue in which there was .not a single suggestive inuendo, as is too frequently the case . in the comedies bt modern days. There was cot a pobr actor in the entire company, but all were first rate in their respective parts. The lead ing character of Jack Itullcdgti,. the Strategist, by Mr. Henry, B. Bell, was irresistibly funny and his impersona tions of the two old men j'were inimita ble, and deceived the audieuce as to his real identity on Several occasions. His was a piece of consummate acting. Messrs. Henry Lindur. as Maj. Abyali Howard, aud T. Ill McGrath.J as Arthur Rutledge, were both . excellent. Mr. Will H. Bray, as Sergeant Gamble- --, wae first rata -atid his imitation cf - - 1 ( , rolorpH wftitcr'a tsonff was one ol the best we ever heard, , and convulsed tho house with shouts of juneonjtrollable laughter. The other males in ibe cast were good in "their respective parts- Miss Katie Gilbert, as, Nellie Howard: was superb and did sonic splendid act ing. Mis3 Marie Bate?, as Mrs. Major tlon, as did also' Miss Millie Wfrrem as Araminla, although the latter wa3 sut frintr cpvto1t from a cold. It is xai possible in a short ! newspaper para: graph to Co justice to the play or tne aptora. but for an v one who desires to enjoy the, bests and purest of fun in large doses, we prescribe a visit to the -Strategists.": The music, by Messrs. Smithdeallind Greenwald. was j very 00d, the first medley being esx T -jjj- gne Mr.nienry F Slater. tf Raleigh, a gentleman who comes to our chy with excellent Fty-ppe a dancing school for misses and j masters in Germania Hall, on Thursday after noon. . - Iloarrt of Aldermen: The Board met in regular monthly session yesterday afternoon : : I Alderman Chadbonrn' ; moved to amend the minutes by striking out the protest ot Alderman Boney, spread up on the minutes' it the last meeting. Motion last. i - The Committee on Kiuance ask;l for further time on the petition of W. H Green, and others lor the repeal of the tax onsoda and mineral fountains. The Police committee" recommended tho purchase ot the cloth hat (a . sample of which was exhibited.) Adopted. they had awarded Ihe contract for unr forms to A David. A communication from tho City At torney with reference to the repairs and replacing of surface of streets so referred to him was read. h - ' ' Tho cbairmau of committee on. streets and wharves made a statement as to the bids j &c., fori hp paving of Vater street. : . . , .T . N J .- , Alderman Fishblate moved that, the Mayor be authorized to advertise for thirty days for contracts Jo put down block paving, &c., on Water street. A communication from R; J, Jones. Chairman Board of Audit and Finance on the subject of the assessment of the property owners along Water trect, was read and the matter deferred until the next-meeting. - AldermanBear moved that the'raatter of the employment of the steamer ivyce at $35 per month be referred to the com mittee ou Fire Department with power to make the contract, the Board of Au dit and Finance concurs ing. Adopted. ( Committee ou Lights moved fhat! the resolution passed at the meeting of October 1st, placing gas lights at the corners of Sixth and Church and Sixth and Castle streets be repealed. Adopted. The same committee recommended that oil lamps be placed at Ninth and Swann, Gwin and Wood; and Dickson and G win streets. Adopted. " Alderman Fishblate moved to amend adding in the second line after "dry goods" "clothes and furnishing goods," and striking out $15" and - inserting rSO." Motion adopted. Alderman Chadbourn moved that section-75 of the Tax Ordinance be re ferred to the Finance committeo. Alderman Fishblate moved that jthe City Attorney bo authorized to employ additional legal assistance if he so de sire,, in the matter of removal of ob structions on Front street attached to the building known as the Bank Build ing. Adopted. t . V. Alderman Fishblate moved that the Mayor and Chief of Police proceed ac- cording to law to remove the piazza on Front street attached to tho building occupied by the First National Bank. It was resolved that the committee ou Market and Fees be allowed to lease to Wesley Croton a part of the lot on the corner of Fourth 'and Campbell streets for a barber shop, the same to cease at the option .of the Board-of AN dermen after thirty days' notice. The same committee recommended that section five (in regard to forestall ing) of the Market Ordinances be t .ln.ln stric The same committeo recommended the amendment of section C of the Market Ordinance as follows: Strike out all after the word "Market" in the 13th line down to the word "any" in the 17th line apd insert the following: "Nor shall it be lawful for any huckster to sell or offer for sale any of tha , above named articles at any place except in the public markets," Adopted. On motion ot Alderman Dudley the ladies of the Dorcas Society were grant ed tho use of the City Hall for Novem ber Hth free of cost, it being wanted for benevolent purposes. On motion of Alderman Bear, it was resolved that the Board of , Audit and Finance be requested to concur in an appropriation of S 18.25 to cover ex penses of Mayor Hall to Charleston in the interest of the city. j On motion of ftderman Chadbourn, an appropriation'of $25 was made to purchase the; flagstaff from the State Frnit Growers Association. On motion of Alderman Chadbourn, it was ordered. hat the Board of Audit and Finance be requested to increase the compensation of. the Overseer of the Streets to 50 per month. On inoUon ot Alderman Boney it was I resolved that ine-Mayor bo instructed! to notify the W ilmington uashgnt nru the Clarendon Water- Works f'Conrt panics that a tj Belgian blocks takvu- uj on Front strcet ftr inakins and' la jiiijj pipe be replaced in as good a condition as before, on or before . the 20th o f November, 1S83, or the City Attorney institute suit at Snpertor Court against said companies for damages for violation of their contracts with the city., . ..' . y : -tuition of the Historical and Scien tific Society for nse of a hall in the Fronl ftreet Market House, was rcfer ""conimillee on Market with power to act. The Chief of Police was directed to remove aH the old pumps on anygf the streets or sidewalks which are not in use. and also to sawdust Dixon street as sodnas j possible;; ? " Preamble and resolution rf- A tu Chadbourn. in reference . to cattle 7 and hogs running at large in the streets, was lost. I A communication was read lrom the Board of Audit and Finanae, concur ring in tho appropriation of $11,000 for the purpoee of; paving North ! Water street and relaying the sidewalks witji hard brick ; in the amendment to para graph 80, section 12, class,1 "2, of the Taxprdinance, not concurring in the placing of a hydrant corner of Nult and Brunswick streets , aud not concur ring in the request lor the men additional for ihiee monthsfor ,the ifs le purpose of impounding cattle and hogs, i A communication from the Board of Navigation and Pilotage was read giv ing permission to-the authorities of the the Carolina Central Railroad (subject to the concurrence of the Board ot Aldermen) to repair and improve their wharf in accordance with the petition of Col. L. C. Jones, Superintendent i which was concurred in, " Petition of sundry citizens for a plank road or sone other means of better transportation between Orange and Ann streets and the propbsedjextension of Water street, was referred to the committee on Streets z.ud Whaayes. County Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners met in regular monthly session yesterday. The Treasurer submitted his monthly .... I l .4 is a certificate of deposit and exhibited five coupons of $3 each and two ot $15 each;, which were burned.in tbe pres ence of the Board. The Educational Fund shows a balance of $10,791.39. I The Register submitted his monthly report of fees received for marriage licenses $11.40 and exhibited the Treasurer's receipt for the same. 1 The chairman of the Board reported the sale of an old boiler, $50; a stove, $2.75. and old iron, $1.10; and the re ceipt of $14 jail fees; and for all of which the Treasurer's receipt was ex hibited. - , - . r :-' ' ' Ordered, that the tax of A.W. Wiggs lor money on hand listed at $3,000, be corrected to $2,000. Also, that the tax on $1,000 listed as money on hand by Rev. Dr. J. R: Wilson, be remitted. Also, that the tax on $1,200 income against W.B. Phillips,- be reduced to tax on $200. " N. F. Nixon was granted license to retail spiritous liquors for two months from November 1st. t Ordered, that all persons who hate made themselves liable to the payment of a double tax on account of delin quency in-listing property foptaiation. be relieved from tbe payment of a dou ble tax. and that the sheriff be author ized and directed in all cases where a double tax is charged, against-a del in , quent for 1883, to receive and receipt for a single tax only, upon certificate from the Register of Deeds setting forth that euoh tax has becjf charged fas "a double tax against such delinquent. The Board decided: to furnish each county officer sheriff, register of deeds. clerk of the Criminal Cout, clerk of the! Supreme Court one ton of coal each, for their winter supply. ( The School committee for- School Districted. B in Cape Fear, township reported that, at an'eiection held iuthat district. October - U. 1883. under the local Assessment act, assessment re ceived II votes; no asses5ment none. r Ordered, that tbo clerk of the' Board make, a list of all taxable property and Fear townships ; ami L command thel sheriff to collect an assessment of teal cents onlhelollar, and on lhe 'whites polls a tax of thirty cetits each;, which j sakl assessment and taxes shall be paid I over to ; the county, treasurer , for tho township far.whiie children only.v .- l- , ,The supervisor I "public roads iu Capo I Fear iownshir recommended thaiiiCsOO feet of iwo-iiieh lumber' be i prQvidel fr the repair mX thtr bridge r the ul1 rair gnnimK public jf urors were drawn f..t the J5iirrjjr and CrjminarCourts. as folf-'itrsi".; C Superior" Couit-r First-; Week -si A will be instructed - to the next term ot the n-iQQ NO. 262 Wilkinson, II II Heide, J M Chasten A W Riven bark. J R Fowler. J H Schroeder. C W Stokelj, W U N Koch. James jP Watson, George Grot gen, Daniel .William Monroe. Second Week-J A Hewlett, Charles TBonum. S-W Skinner, C Uetgen, Joseph Doane, George W Hughe. Duncan M Williams John T Biddle. B J-Jacobs. William Hahn, John W Gerdls. Charles Ttobbins. r I Criminal Court E F Cotton. A J Wacker. William . Jackson. Jacob Scott. A A Hartafieia. JT Woolvin, D J George II FScotL, Wyrizzelb aai& Kruiwiiorr U Tarlington, James A1. Tare. Robert Green. O AV McClammy. Thomas L Villiams, John E W Gebrgo. Roderick McRac. Charles Craig. W H FUnn, William patters, Henry Iveeder, Nicholas Ilulleri, George Chadbourn, K J Lilly, Jr. J N Malw, T P Sykesj D B & itchell, John F Berden, Is ham Garrell. Quick. George E NEW AI VJ3 RTISEMENrS TO SUBSCRIBERS WILMINGTON TELEPHONE I EXCHANGE. pLKApK ADD TO TOUB LIST : 1 No. i73-rA3LEY & WIGOIN8. Hilton Steam Stawand Plalnloer Mills i It J. C. WH1TK. M&iuirAr Munfls Bros. & DcKossct, DRUGGISTS, MAKKET STREET. JUST RECEIV&D Till DAY, A 8PLKN- aid ierf umcd Toilet Soap, 4 cakes in a box, 0 cents per box; Finest English Tooth Brush es, 25 cents each; laige lot Toilet -Paper, . 13c package. 2 for 25c A fall line of A'ruit, Chem icals and Patent Medicines -. BO G ' - ' : DancingSchooiat Germania Hall. ' . I WILL, ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON next, at 4 o'clock, form a class In Dancing, for Misses and Masters. Persons desiring to have their children taught all the latent anees will do well to take advantage of this oppor tunity. Private lcs?ons slven at any boor. oTTnton, Point Caswell & Wilmington R R. r : " OlTICE 8ECRKTAHV & TREASnBER, , " Wilmington, N. C, Nov. ti, 1883. ) JglDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL Tlmrs- day, 15th Inst , for grading the Fourth Section of the Wilmington, Clinton A Point Caswell Railroad, beginning at the Fifth mile post and running to the Tenth. Specification can bo bad ol tne .Engineer, Duncan u o lianlan, at Point Ca8wel u. ! J. II. . nov 6 td Star copy BOATWRiGrrr, I Secfy & Trcas. J. T. SOHONWALD, J-ISPENSEB OF SELECT.I DRUGS, AND PURE CHEMICALS, " ' ' I would call the attention of the smoking pub- j- - - . .i Hi to his best J 5 and 10 cents Cigar, which he believes to be superior to any on sale In the city. JUDGES OF GOOD CIGARS, call. V JNO. T. SCIIONWALD, Pharmacist. N. W. Corner Front and Market sts nov 6 ' S I AM, NOW IN THE NORTHERN cities the Ladles will find It to their advantage to wait and see the latest styles of MI LLINERY! which I will bring with me, together with a large, and bcautifnl line of HOLIDAY GOODS 1 whl-li wlU be elegantly displayed fa onr spacious windows and n ourcocnUsrs. i " - -v I " " , o . "... i - . '. .. ' ... :": i ' ' ' We will rive due noUte through tbe j j " lisfteTs wHei ; , OUR GRAND OPENING ! J '. .will take place. - . . ; - -z ' ' ; .r - S - - iXt prieiit 4hereare l araitns la trerf de- (, 0 P?rttcni to make renin f-f ur nw gl3, a - TAYLOR'S BAZA All, uov .. - PLEA8S KCrriCX - Tfe wUJ b tlad to receive coamiaication trorn otxr frlcnda oa any sad all - aatjeeU ; Saeral taiterasi bat ' ! ? The aame of the wrixeT out always be fa BlAhed to the Editor. X " . 2 Ccaiunnnlcatloiis must bawrat oe lent one side of the paper. . . j PeraonallUei xannt be avoided.' h'"" i " especially and partlcabarr nd tood that the Edltor doca' not always endoi . the views of oorrespondenta tmless so statt" In the editorial columns. -.." NEW AD YiamSEilENTS. , OPERA HOUGE. TEUESDAT, NOV, 8. . " "i " CHA8. V. 15 AVIS' 1 e "ALVIN JOSLIN j" COMED Y CO. lfUHi. OECIIESTIU AN $10,000 ciialicnjro JSaud! 1S1 LAUGHS IN ISO MINUTES 1 ! " Secure your Scats at Dyers. . 1 Statement .-; SHOWING TIIK vONDlTlON OF -THE1 Thames & Mersey Marine -Insurance Company. V ASS&TS. lXJcember Slat: ISSi Aorountof clocks amf toridit of ine unuctt-fctatcs, atdof this and other States, also all otLcr stocks and bonds absolutely n.srr.i-s.Ta. Stocks, bond and all other secu excepi moriKapej ny. pothecatetl a the Company as collateral security lor cash ac - JOS50 T3.607.0i ; .. it' 1 19J,lSa.64 4n.C39.74 Internet due and accraed 00 stocks ' and other securities Cash in Company's principal oflico uu ueiuBging 10 ine company dciVKttPii in R.tnlr r PreiMllimS Or UMlltlftltt liniulH Premium or asucesment loans and notes.. ....i. '.l . All other assets detailed In state ment.. Total Aets. f 3,221 fli LIABILITIES .1 "2?Z?nvnld' deluding thoss re- Reserve, aa rnn,nV'.ii '?!V00 - Total jauiuues. .:. ,Jt.. . ,262,52fl.co" Capital Stock paid up.., ...... ....$1,000,000.00 Total Incon. ...... l,Si?0,764.J7 Total Exicnditure8... 1,051,453.7- i . ." J A TOJiIN, President. J KIDMAN, Secretary. W .T GORDON, General Agent, Wilmington, H C 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, OnicK or Secketaut of State, fnsurnnce Department, - Raleigh, N. C 1st. October, 1883 .... " .1.1.- In compliance with See. 9 of "An Act to consolidate the Insurance Laws of North Car olina, I certify that the above Is a true ex tract from the sworn statement of the Thames ft Mersey Marine Insurance Company, on De comber 31st, 1882, now on file In this Depart' ment, W. L.' SAUNDERS, 1 nor 6 . Secretary of State Grand Opening of Winter ' Millinery. ; THERE WILL BE A GRAND OPENING of floe French Pattern lists. Bonnets,! Feathers. Ac, at Mrs K. A. Lumsdea's on Thursday, Friday and Sa urday, The Ladies are respectfully invited to call. MRS. K K. LUMSDEN, nov 3 lw : 119 Jiorth Front st SchooLBooko ! ' ;"' - ' y r- ."V J ' -' School Books ! i School Books I fJIHAT ARE USED IN ALL THE Schools. Parent and Guardians and Teachers are respectfully requested to call or sintl to ma.- for. SCHOOL BOOKS or SCHOOL ROOM i - - - -: ' ..; I-' f OUTFITS ! :.t.t : -. - J- , . ; ChiUren, large orsmall.ran purchase Books " i at same rates aspirenu. One price to all at HEINSBERGER'S, nov 3 ' ' Uve Book and alasle Store , Toilet Articles. 1 fA K ELXGASIT AS ORTMEST, Consist- xra . . -- , r-". . , lag in ran of flair. Tooth and Naif CnuhM . CooaW. MlrroTs,,, t atxarts,4 Cogxi,. Uly (. White, Flor'la Watr. Ac. j niiaJAii n. ii.EfLv. - - i Market .-iieet.. . Old North State . Saloon, Q Sou tli Front Streotl ' pKES:i ARRIVAL - I ar;- Fi NEW. Kl VEB, OT-iTE. tv- aw.tj 7 on Ice. Ciwl B r topwith tham. V H't fe Clears. Gotd WLliker, Wtnaer e IWCba'l t3" ; -oct 13