THIS rjirut i . bllsned etery evemag, oibj. eepted by . JOSH T. JAMES, KPITOB AMI rBOMtDiTOK. iiRscBiPTioNs rosTE rjuix V..T 4.00. Six Mtli $2-00. Three rmtha.Sl.OO; One month, eenta. Tbe paper will be delivered by earrtera free ,f charge, in any P1 of clty at the aboTe ! ilea. or i w50 . Adve8tl8ing rates low and llbcraL -Subscribers will report any ad all fall- m to receive their paper regularly. T?ie Daity Review has the largest fana fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. J3k Virginia, Mahone. troo loved one. Wait till the clouds roll by ! m i i rn I a. Photographs Ukcn m colors by the new process are ras .... 8 aid to be ail lUO I Gen. BaU DuWa 14 ycarold daugh- let figures la Cincinnati M a musicnl orodiY. The discarded son ot an lnglisn no- I W bleman is serving as steward on a Cunarder. Fashionable New Yorkers now serve peanuts with the coffee and fruits. 'They are said to helo digestion. In every twenty-lour hours an aver- age ot thirtv-three criminals are dis- charged from New York penal institu- lions. " ' I Last Monday was B. F. Butler's 65th birthday. The eminent statesman was iberetore just 65r years and one day old wlien he died, on Tuesday. St. liouis poker players have resolved themselves into "clubs for cultivating" W M lo evade the terms ot the recent decision against the game.. The Czar has decided to arm the Russian army with repeating rifles ot the latest American natter a. He has just ordered 200,000 of these arms through a London firm. In Alaska everything freezes solid by the middle of October, and remains so until spring. June, July and August are the only months that are even as warm as our coldest winter days. Stamp collectors will be pleased to learn that a complete collection of stamps, according to the best authori ties, cannot be purchased for less than twenty thousand dollars at the lowest Ugiire. Gossips are already at work marrying the Princess Louise Victoria Alexander Dagmar, eldest daughter of the Prince of WaUa, now sixteen years old. Th Duke of Portland is tbo happy man selected. Cremation is now compulsory in Portugal, though as a concession to popular prejudice the dead may be temporarily .committed- to the eafth, but at the end of five years all bodies so buried will be exhumed and reduced to ashes. Two silver drinking cups are being rrml t TiffanvV tor the Czar of Hussta. They are decorated with burlesque designs, one being decorated with bears playing around in ludicrous attitudes, and the other with frogs in all sorts of positions Tbe English mind is occupied with schemes of a new tunnel in which fears of French invasion have no part. The Isle of Wight, a famous summering place, is three miles and a half from Portsmouth, and it is proposed to dig a tunnel to it through the bed of blue clay which chiefly forms the bottom. . Miss Mary Anderson's phenomenal success at the Lyceum Theatre, Iondon. continues to increase. The nightly re oeipts now exceed by fully $1,000 those taken during the performance of the same piece. "The Lady of Lyons," by Mr. Irving and Miss Terry. i Mr. Archibald Forbes has written an article for the Ixndon FortniyWg Be- view maintaining that Bazaine was absolutely innocent ff the treachery charged against him by the French, and that he deserved bette rot his country than most other prominent men of the Franco German war period. Dr. F. K. CHiatardbf BUmoreiiis received a letter from his son. Mopsix oor Chatard, Bishop of Vincenaes Indiaaa. one of the Catholic prelates who left for Rome to attend the confer nee of ckurch dignitaries' ironi this country with Pope Leo. stating that all the American prelates have safely arrived at their destination, 'five trip across the ocean' was an unusually rouehone. but excepting sonws slight indisposition . on the part of a few. caused by the heavy sea. the tourists landed in excellent , health. Bishop. Chatard is pronunently tacntroned as a .candidate for the vacant' SC3 cf Phila -delphia. Bishop SpauldUcf P". ; JUinois.and Bishop Bkcr of WiU . .niington. Delaware, are rqentiond in ; the same connection. S -?. . v .. ; For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery to Jacobi' Hardwire Depot.' t ; rr.1 1 VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER THE ELE IONS. The election news receijed to-day is in conformity with that published by us yesterday. New York is not altogether sure as yet, : but there seenis . no reason ,t i I - . . , t. . .?J ..i.u aJ- iinnnr incr l r nc rrc v a iininnrnun . m, . j. i ' f r leaioi xiaynarut canamaic lor peered tary of State, who has run behind his ticket The Tammany ite3 have been wbKjtedY as they itay louc nUlcrmcn less do their work, i Robinson's iuafc loritv is aoout 10.000. l nc ueasi is renorlC(i - nhilosoDh calnn his defeat. w auhoush it was unexpected to him, Nw .TArsp.v has crone Democratic by a handsome majority. Virginians certainly and gloriously I Democratic all over and Mahone has met I a verita ble Waterloo, me popular majoruy w - ,fj up towards 20,000 and there is a handsome working majority in both house. Maryland is Democratic and 8ois Mississippi. Pennsylvania' gives oKmit 17 rtno mamrit v Trr the Renubli- " . R(w n.r: r 1 pain in the back, which is often the 9ign of kidney trouble, is cured by the great pain-Teliever, St.JJacobs Oil. A few thorough applications at , night g"' 1 f . -, T fn A I . NEWS , mix TFiEvrrovE;RTisEMiiiTsr" .1 R Meltok Victory i W J Mott Stall No 3 The Sex, N YvCUy, 18S ' C W Yatks New Books W H Qberx Toilet Articles Hkinsbkrokr School Books , Jci.rus SAM30X One Hundrel & Eleven Mit.nds BR09. & DF.RossFr JuatiReceiveil - r ' The receipts of cotton1 at this port tos day foot up C33 bales. (iood ash wood was selling from the flais this morning for three dollars per cord. - jy tf Bad coKU and troublesome coughs are prevailing extensively fh this city and vicinity. I This has been a beautiful day and the : ; . streets'have been thrpnged withi ladies and children. The Alvin Joslin Comedy .Company arrived this morning and are at the Purcell House. ,1 i Sleamloatmen report about lour feet of water in the Cape Fear withlhe river slowly falling off. j .1 ' ! There seems to be an abundance o poultry in the market, bnt prices askei! are decidedly steep. The streets are dry and dusty and a good shower of rain to lay the dust would be a blessing. "Alvin JoslinV wonderful dia monds sparkled in the sunlight - on the North side of Market street this fore noon . i A meeting is to be held in Elizabefti City, on Friday night, in the interns of the Wilmington, Wrightville jOns low B. R. L nr filhiirn. the 'blind man ielo- fluent." will lecture in Rockingham next Monday and Tuesday nights, 12th and 13th inst. 1 There is unmailable matter In the PostofBce in this city j addressed to Lizzie Minter, Allgood,1 N. and Chloe Davis. 196 S. Portland ave. Mr. W. J. Mott has an attractive advertisement in this issue. He will display on to morrow and Saturday, at Stall No. 5 , New Market, an elegant lot of brertiambsausagcs &c. , . -i r - Read the warlike ad, of Mr. J. R. Meltou'as published in this (issue. He has fresh advices from the front and claims to haye been elected by a million majority. i ' . l The tramp nuisance continues " una liated, and we will venture to say that there are least 20 of these obnoxious vagrants now roaming about our streets. : t I , . , . Mr. Chas. L. Davis "Alvin Joslin" placed all hii! jewels, consisting of diamonds, emeralds, topaz, etc., and iils'$UMW watch on exhibition in. Din glehoefs show window this afternoon A chicken was killed this moring for cooking and in its gizzard was found teu buttons,' one bead and a small doll's . i - 1 1 head; and yet our peopie ctmipiaiu wai. chickens are not carefully fed and welt fattened ; Mr. J. K. Mcltbenny has been crit ically sick with pneumonia-for nearly a festfvat only seed week, but we are jgl4B.Cg thMdestiV M'H there has been quite an improveuieuk in his)nditioo to-day and every lndir cation is favorable to a speedy restora tion to health. :. ;. : ' 1 i - i - - -.; j ' 4 City Court. ' Hattie lriolean and : Florence Wii- liams. both colored, were brought be fore the Mayor this morning charged with an affray last night in Paddy's i Hollow. There were uned $5 each : for the offeuse, in ilefault of which Jlbey were sent below for 30 days.- " ! . j Exports Foreisrii. ; - Norwegian barque Fltd, Capt. NeiU sen. cleared to day tor, Indon .wivki -. . , . , . lWcaT a bar skin cap l.iM8 casks soirits turpentint, Tanied aT. $36,746.10, shipped by Messrs. 11. Murchison & Co. Schooner E. Jf Drunimond, Capt. Iliggins, jclcarcd for (Jeorsetown, Demcrara, iwith 262,424 feet of lumber, valued at $4,200, shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cumming. The New Bishop. We are very much inclined to the opinion that ilev. A. A. Watsom D. D.,. Rector of St. James1 Church, in this city, will be elected Bishop of the new Episcopal diocese. This opinion is founded upon letters received by a gen- tleman in this city from various parts of the diocese. These letters indicate that Dr. Watson is generally the choice of i. the clergy. As to selecting the cathedral city we believe the subject has scarcely been discussed, as yet. Shocking: disaster at Laurin- 1 liurff. We understand that a very serious disaster happened last night at Laurin- burg. There was a gathering of colored people in Mclean's Hall, about forty persons being present, when first the floor, and afterwards the walls- of, the building, cave way and fell in a mass ot ruins. There was a wild scene i lor a short time, but after all had been ex trtcaled it was ascertained that the dis asters were much less than was at first feared. In all it is said thateight per sons were injured, two of whom are very severoly feurt and may die. Our informant could not ' furnish us with the names of any of the parties. - C -. j '""" ANew Organ. The Messrs. Hook, ot Boston, Mass., the famous t pipe organ builders, have the contract for building -a fine organ for the Front Street M. E. Church, of th is city , It w ill take about three montns to build it. and it will not be completed, and ready for use until about the 1st of March next. It will be a solendid instrument, and. with the exception of that at tbe First Pres byterian Churcji, will be the largest organ in the city. It will contain 800 pipes, some of which will be 16 feet in length The builders have a world-wide reputation for? the excellence of their instilments, as they will not allow any thing but first class workmanship in their establishment, and no organ can leave their manufactory until it is com plete in all that relates to finish, action and purity of tone. I Ltttlier's Birtliday How ami Where Celebrated. The North Carolina Evangelical Lutheran .Synod, has made arrange uients to celebrate the 300th auniversary of Luther's birth on next Saturday November 10th, at Concord. The fol lowing is the programme of exercises to begin at 10 a. m. on said day : Music. Prayer. Address by Rev. T. Rumple, Con "The Cardinal Article of the TrueChuich." Music. Address by lie v. M. L. Wood.on "The Influence of the Reformation on Education Music. Address by Gen. R." Barrlngef on "Some Interesting History." Music Address by Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, on I "Luther as. a Man and' Reformer.r Music, Address by P. B. Barringer-rn Rnrmin.' ! It will be seoufronf the i aboW iba8fB fSHyinKDict has been the Prcsbytenans anu xuemouiai umvo with the IxUtherans in me ceieuiniui ia this Stite. f This is also the case in Brooklyn. New York, S't. Louis, Phil adelphia and oihet cities ,whero the Evangelical Alliance has maue arraojio ments to unite with the Lutherans in celebrating the important historical event The South Carolina ' Evangelical Lutheran Synod will hold its celebra tion at Pomaria. S. C. where it is now in session. The Synod ofGeorgi and adjacent States will hold its celebration at Lake City. Florida. The Miuuie Tennessee Synod, Nash ville, and so. East. West, . Worth anu South. ceUbrate an event., concerning which Dr. Southey. tha "poet laureate pi England, said : Blessed bo the day of xi.rtin I jtiKpr'i hirth it ahoald be a second to the Nativity , ol The celebrated I'Fisa Brandt Oillat Twine Usold only at- JacobiV. Uard. ware Depof." :' The Young Men's Herewi Associa tiodofthis city will give their first entertainment of the ' season at (ier mania jtall to-morrow night. The AiTjn7!! Band" paraded pur streets this noon. The music was very good, and the members were dressed in very pretty uniforms , while the drum major Was especially gorgeous By the - way. did anybody ever hear of a drirm rai.ior who tlid no A SUsht Fire. . L At about 130 1 o'clock j thisirtternoon the dwelling house of 'Henry. Brewing ton, colored.'6n Bladen, between j Fifth and Sixth streets, wa3 discovered to be on fire. ' It was first seen by some one in the strccU who notified ihe hmiatcs of the house of the fact and. then ran to the nearest fire-box and telepjionedthc fire to the CUy Hail,, and thence ii was sent o.tiie , fire, alaVm. In the mean time, however, a few bucketsrof water had extinguished the tlanieS before any material damage had been . sstaineda The nre department turned out prompt. y, but as the fire, .was out before the alarm wras' given their services were not'calied into requisition. Delesrate to Jonyenton. At a meeting .ot tthe vestry of St. John's Church,' held1 last night, the following were elected delegates lo tbe Episcopal Convention to be held in Newbern. viz: '' C ,. , Deleaates-r-CoJ. S. L. Fremont, "Dr. W. H. Greeny Capt, C. 1). Myers and Berry G leaves! ; . I Alternates Jno. Ei LfppHt, Gen. M. P. Tailor and two others. The Vestry f Si. Mark's also met last uigbt and chose the following : f Delegatesr-John GNorwood, John H. Davis. Heorv D. Sampson. Samuel Reid. , . Alternates Joseph, D. Sampson, William Stewart, Jgbn Nixon,', Valen tine Howe. J h.;'z Zl iJoLCrftiffhill. ' 'Col. W, P. Craighill. the U. S. En gineer in charge of the river and bar improvement works in the .. South Atlantic States!, arrived here last Tues . day morning on a tour of inspection. He proceeded direct from the train to the boat and steamed down the riter accompanied by Hon. A. H. Van. Bokkelen, Chairman of the Chamber'of Commerce, and Mr. Henry Bacon, the engineer in charge of the works. He returned, yesterday and after passing a part of the day in the city, left on the Northern train last night on his return to Baltimore where his headquarters are located. We understand that Col. Craighill made a close and careful inspection of the works below here and expressed himself as highly-pleased wiih the progress which' had r- been made. . . To Builders and others- Go to J aco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. Yotr can get all sizes and at the lowest prices NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Melton Elected by One nillioir Majority ! 1 reodered. MELTON U the man anl MEL TON'S STALLS are thebefct pUee to boy all klods of meat. We hav.nw at the depot wo car liada ot fiae STALL FED BEEF, rt-J ceived this 3ayad to be offered lb morrow mnri Hitnnfi am OOT Stalls. We artf a flxturo w have come to stay aad wn min everv -word we aar whea we promise oar enstomera tbe BEST JtgAT to be bjwl 4n nsarket. ' - . t ' . STALL FED BEEF. VEAL. FRESH PORK. FRESH - SAlWAtiifiS, "MOKKD.b A (IMAGES. ad ia fact, evervtilog Uiai la aice aalgood 'K- t eat ia the. meat line. v" tw- A Ik. wavIHI W SaUsiactioa iraaraBteea.- ' - sr Poite atteaUoa aad ycoiapt delivery fvJVR:J MELTON- Proprietor of the only Steam Nnaage Factory la Ue State. ' (star copy it nov :i Old Horth State Saloon. t' SoutU Front Street. . j . .. - - NKWV&KRJ rJTjrrERS-Iwaya N- on Ice. . Cool Beer to go with then. Bt &e CI "W. ' Goo1 WkUkey; tlues. rv - . . -' -mr-Cta'lljEe'iCtjsr.. . . octla Victory o . . NO.I 2641 NEW AT VEKTISEMEN TS Stall Wo. 5 piALI. FTT1 DAY ND SATUUDAY 4. ANI GET SUPPLIED WITH Sampson County Beef, , THE BEST BEEF SOLD. 1 ' Bladen County Lambs, ' Corn Fed Pork, j SAVSAUKS OF MY OWNj be beaten. . Try them once antl be ' convinced. noT 8 : ! " W. J. MOtT. F. Sw Look next week on Stall No. 5. ... One Hundred & Eleven. One Hitndred & Eleven. One Hundred & Eleven. FlKRRlLK VKLVKT8 In all shades, at$ ! 00 AT Pr yarti, i men, worth f.1 oo. Fnll tlao of 81IJCHOSK, la all colors ami uiacK.ior jiuiea ami unimren. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, all styles, at low prices. ,t A FINE FRENCH COUSKT FOK tt l. Reg I nlar prlee SI To. CEILLDEEN'S CORSETS In all alzes, forttc. Kegnlar price 3c. THREE BUTTON KID GLOVED In all! shades and Blarlr. for SOc. Never bafora ' aokl for less than $1 U). JULIUS SAMSON, 11 1 MARKET ST. nov 8- For Rent. Xrow-r A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO Pi iutke money. A Store opposite the New Market. In the very heart of tbe business por tion or the city, with a large backyard ana ntables for country customers. . . , . App:y at once to " ; ?A. D. W ESS ELL. nov 7 $t Nos. 3 and 5 Sooth 2nd St Look Out I m - i "pORTHlEVES AND BURULARS COMING here and prepare to give thera a warm recep tlon by coming tcj C. G. CROWELL'S SHOOTING GALLERY, TO LEARN TO SHOOT ! x Practice makes perfect f First claBa Rifles and Targets. - Only lOc for ii Shots, fc for ii. The proprietor will be pleased to give ln- structloaa to all who wish to learn without ex tra chtrge. No betting allowM. It is for liracuce and amusemtnt only. o. hks 3iaraet St., next to corner of Front tt., WllniUigton, N. C. - C. . CKOWELb, nov 7-lm . ; Proprietor Munds Bros. & DeRosset, ! DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAY, A 8PLEN did perfumed Toilet Soap, 4 cakes in a 1kx, 50 cents per box; Finest English Tooth Brush- es, 25 cents each ; laige lot Toilet Paper, 10c package, 1 for 25c. A full line of Drus, Chem icals and Patent Medicines, nov i "Tmth iS Stronger than Fiction I" I rpriE OLD -ADAGE SAYS : "THE PROOF of tho pudding la the eating of it." The proof ! i. - that one's method of doing business Is good. Is not what be says, but In what he does; not what he adverfses, bnt In what he performs: , not In what he claims, but In the results. Dosl- ness success gained by fair, uniform and hon orable dealing with patrocs, by Belling good goods at tbe lowest prices, by conducting the Vusiness. to Uic mutual benefit of both buyer aat seller, is a true success, we nave ueea In business in Wis city fourteen years ana by fair dealing have been auccesafnl In gaining one of the largest Clothing trades In this city, i k I , r A. & I. SHRIER, nov SelUOile Clothiers. iu Market St. :r 'ELKGANT 4 ASSORTMENT, Consist- iHl T. , .i; '. . - lng la park of Hair, Tooth aad Nalt Brushes-, Co ait. ' Mirrors; i Extract, Colognes, Lily White, Florida Water, Ac - . WILLIAM 1L GREEN.. 111 Market buret. OCt! Millinery and Fancy Goods. Xiivy. AUh VrVi-Ea w MATS, r ' f H BONNETS, A Inat receireat. MRS. KATE tk WINES,. i No. 11, North Second S rcct. . -. , text South tf Potl&re OT2 8. 1883. . PLEASE NOTICE W will t glad to receive cioraiairnlcatUn from oar friends en any and all subjects general interest bat; The name of the writer mut atwaya Le fu atoned to the Editor. ; ; Communications noat be written on oni , one aide of the paper. l Personalities must be avoided. " t And it la especially and particularly nnd j tood that the tdttor does not always en dot he vlewa of eorrespondenU unless. so state m the editorial columns. ; ,-, NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. ts 1 AM 'OW IX THK NURllCKKS: cities, the Ladies trltl flmt It to their alrant.iz r' - ... f t. i.:. , ' j ' to wait ant woe thelatett atylea ot M I L;iI.N 'E It Y! wJjieh I wtllbrinpf trlih me, toother with a.- large uml beatiUfnl line of ." HOLIDAY GOODS ! ' whl lt will be elegantly dir1ayetj " T In onr apacloua windows ant . on our counter. We will give due1 notti-e tltronjrh the ptrs when OUR GRAND OPENING ' will tike ilAce. " i' , sir: "At present there are-bargains In every de- part meat to make room for our new foods, at 'P. .:....-.!- . 1 . TAYLOR'S' BAZAAR, I f 1M Market St., Wilmington, N. C. - nov u . K Grand OpeniDg of Winter Millinery. miiRRE Will bk a grand opkvinq X of lino ranch Pattern Hats, Bonnets, Feathers. Ac, at Mrs. E. A. Lumsdeq's on Thursday, Friday and S&'unlay. The Ladlea are reHpautiuuy inviieu xo can. . ., ' nov 5 Iw . V 119 North. FronLst Da he i hg Sc ho 6 1 at Germanla. I WILL, ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON next, at 4 o'clock, tovm a claai la Dancluir. for Mioses and Mas'. era. Persona desiring to have their ehlklren taught all the latet.ance will do well to take advantage of this oppor tunity.: Private Ie-on giveu at any hour, . Tkbms $S per wessiou of 13 lessons, l . nor 6 t j - HENRY F. SLATER. 1 , , Clinton,. Point Caswell & Wilmington R. R.i OFFICE SkCKKTARIT X TRKASL'KER, W ilmington, N. C, Nov. C, ) ; B IDS WILL IJE UECEIVED UNTIL Thurs- day, 15th inst , for grading the Fourth SecUoa of lhe wiirointo0, cumon & p0mt casweu Railroad, beariobinjr at the Fifth mile post and running to the Tenth. Specifications can ba bad of the Engineer; Duncan M O'Ifanlan, at Point Caswell. I .1. II. T.OATWR1GUT. -nov C td Sur copy Sect'y & Treaa. School Books ! School Books ! School Books! rjMIAT ARE U3ED IN ALL THE Schools Parento and Gnardlann and Teachers ard wspectfally requested to call or semi to mi for SCHOOL BOOKS or SCHOOL ROOM outfit. 1 7 ' t ' . --j-, ::" 7- Children, large or saiall, can purchase Books at same rates as parents. One price to all at HEINSBERGER'S, I nor i Live Book and Music Store CITT OF WILMINGTON, X. C, i , ! MATOR'S OFEICE, 'f f" October 50, 12. -Unnl nrl PitAnAonln - 1 , - - ViriLL BE RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE unUI f o decay, r M ., Novemlr 5tli, JtSi, I . " ' v ' r I - I (when they will be opened by the Board of 1 I AVlermea In the presence of bidders), for any- paying the Blocks ami Paving North Water street, from tu intersection with Market street to its intersection with Mulberry street, about JW aqaae yanla of jvavement. to be UU with approve! granite blocks. The street w i be graded sul,tte bmimI for bcd-llng will le il llvervd at Die work.'. - :; J Una. will at the name time be rereliet t.r supplying 40-oce good hard Paring tskks ai i Itylnaraboat J,0U ittre yards r tUlraU Bt! 9t aupfljltig th-m.UrUU (im a si l brick). aa4ftfrLsr log the uavement. win l -recelef separau-ly II bbblrrs aor)tir. , a 11 ttbta may be rejected If roamUU-rti t high w '- ' ' - . penlaVatns'ln tetatt rku be at i j ob on and after iba V1 lu.t. , at nm,a ' ' -., l. It M. , ."' '.Mayor atnl CLatrmsu of rtrr ct - 'V and harI t:,u, ; 1 ettl fn.1 td - 1 a til - ,

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