THIS PAPJUS published every evening Sundayi -i ex cepted byr f --.' ' JOSH T.JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPSIETOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: Mr $4.00. Six months, $2.00. Three months, $1.00; ,One month, 35 cento. The paper will bo delivered by carriers free of charge, in any part of the city, at the above jtes, or 10 centa per week. Ailvestising rates low and liberal. .Subscribers will report any and all fall nre3 to receive their paper regularly. c- The Daily Review has the largest lona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington.1 JE3 Tobacco paid a.revenue last year of 41-2,000,000. -. fifteen cotton firms were bankrupted ia Liverpool by the failure of Morris ranger. William M. should now hire a hall and tell us all he knows about '.it and bow the sad disaster was caused. - v imam Manonc s son ana ueir is very appropriately named Butler. Wii ham m. s soui must nave ocen on a nrophetic spree when he named that boy. . The South is once more solid, thanks to Mahone and , ma measures, h:s mean3 an assured Democratic victory next vear even it iNcvv lork should go Republican then. ,- : William Lamb has heretofore been the reaiMuster boss in Norfolk. It will soon pass into a saying that the party in that section is as meek and quiet as a Lamb they having been well lambed. The Democrats have carried the State ticket in New York, but they have lost the Legislature. There is .nothing to brasr on in the victory in tnat tjiate. Had management, over-confidence' and Hoss Kelly busted that bank. Notice : On and after this date the copartnership heretofore existing be tween Chester A. Arthur and William Mahone is hereby dissolved by mutual discontent. Neither party will settle ( he liabilities of the concern. The Macon Telegraph says that the present drouth is the longest known for many years. In portions ot South western Georgia the farmers who pat ronize steam mills not only haul their corn to the mills, but also barrels ot water with which to fill the boilers to raise steam. All of the springs and branches are dried up, and, in many cases, the wells. There is much suffer ing among people and cattle. Ex-Governor and Ex-U. S. Senator Theodore F. Randolph died on Wednes day morning at his home in Morris town, New Jersey. His death is attri buted to heart disease. We copy from the New York Sun : Mr. Randolphwas born in NeWBruns wick, N. J., June 24,1826, received . his education at the Rutgers Grammer School, and went to Mississippi, where he remained until 1850, when he return ed to New Jersey and took up his resi dence in Morristown in 18G3. His early lite was spent as a merchant in the coal and iron business, in which he accumulated considerable property. He was elected to the New Jersey Assem bly as a Democrat in 1860. In 1861 he was Chairman of the special committee on the Peace Congress, and was active during the war in furnishing relief to families of volunteer soldiers. Ho was elected State Senator to fill an unex pired term in 1862, and was in the Sen ate again in 1865. At tne close of his Gubernatorial terra Mr. Randolph was engaged in business pursuits, and was also Presi dent ofthe Morris and Essex Railroad. He was elected United States Senator in 1874, and served until 1831, having 'succeeded Commodore Stockton. He was at ono time Chairman-of the Dem ocratic National Executive Committee. In early life he married Miss Coleman, a descendant of Chief Justice Marshall. She surviyes him, as do three sons and three daughters. E. F. Martin, the indefatigable and ubiquitous colored railroader, is still on the canvass in behalf of the Wilming ton, Wrightsvillo & Onslow R. R. He was in Newbern on Wednesday and there was a meeting there that night, in regard to which we glean the follow ing from the Journal: E. F. Martin, Superintendent aud general manager ot the Wilmington, Wrightsyille & Onslow Railroad, ad dressed the colored people of this city last night at the court houso in the in terest of his road. He had a very re spectable meeting which was presided over by B. W. Horris, and his remarks were well received. In the course of his remarks he stated that he was the first negro mail contractor in North Carolina and not being able to hire a horse with which to carry it he waiksd to the postoflice, threw the mail bag across his shoulder and walked to Jacksonville, returning a day ahead of time. He must have seen and felt the necessity of this railroad while carrying this mail. He says he has six miles ot his road graded and he is deter ruin ed to build it. - His plan is feasible, and if he could succeed in arousing one-half tho enthusiasm for it that a shrewd - candidate for the nomination- lor Con gress can at the beginning of a political campaign the road will be built . t Books For The Million . . Tat Cleveland Plain Dealer 'says that Mr. I. L. Beardsley, Public Librarian of that city, was wonderfully relieved b v r VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C W Yates New Books i R SJcDocGALL On Hand , Opera House Esmeralda R Mc Do UG WAj N C A pple 8 WHG keek Toilet A rtlcles HEIN8BERGER School Books L ED Halt, Mayor Sealed Proposals Munds Bros. & DeRosset Just Received The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 5 13 bales. j Silver. Plated Spoons and Forks.i low prices, at Jacobis i 1 " t Capt. J. M. McGowan, who was recently bo desperately ill, has so jar recovered as to be able to appear on the streets again, The Mohammedans promised us that all things mundane should be wound up yesterday with a short turn but the day of doom has passed and we still live ami move and have our being. Attention is invited to the advertise ment of Mayor Hall, in this issue, call ing for bids for paving sidewalks laud for laying Bclzian blocks on North Water street. New pieces for the' Wilmington Light Infantry were expected to drriye by last night's train from the State Armory but we learn that they have not yet arrived here, although tlfey are daily expected. Found trovued. The body of Henry Jcwett, the young colored man from Brunswick county who was drowned frcm a fiat at the foot of Market street a few nights since, was seen floating in theriver, near where he was drowned, this morning and was towed into Market dock, and notice sent to the Coroner .who came at once and took charge of the remains As the deceased was fully identified and as the cause of death was well known an inquest was not deemed necessary. Silver Weddiugrs. To-day is the 25th anniversary of Mayor Hall's wedding, and we extend our congratulations tolhe happy couple who for a quarter of a century have traveled life's journey together, with the Wish that they may enjoy many happy returns of their wedding anni versary.' .'I To-morrow Capt. C. iD. Myers will have been married 25 years, and we wish him and his wife much "joy on the happy occasion and many more happy celebrations ot the anniversary of t heir wedding day. , Western Apples. The freight train on the ' Wilmington & Weldon Railroad yesterday brought in one car load of apples, which were grown in Haywood bounty, in the Western part of the State. They, were shipped by Messrs. Meares & Reno, ot Pigeon River, N.,C, and are remarka bly fair, nice and tempting in Appear ance and luscious to the taste. There are about 500 bushels of them, and we doubt not they will be disposed oflin short order, as they are advertised in this issue of the Review by Mr. R. McDougall, to whom they are all con signed. The North Carolina Code. This very important work, which has been prepared under chapters 145 and 315 of the laws of 1881, and chaper 19It ofthe laws of 1883. has just baeu issued and distributed to those whose oftlcirl positions entitle them to a copy.j The work is in two volumes, weli prjuted, bound in law calf, and was prepared by Messrs. W. T. Dortcli, John Manning and John S. Henderson, the Commis sioners appointed by the State for that purpose,, which is sufficient evidence that the labor has been well done. We aw a copy of it to-day in the office of the Superior Court Clerk, j . . . - . . . . ! Tho Opera House' i The "Alvin Joslin" Co. had a first rate house last night and all wcre de lighted with - the performance. Mr. Charles E. Davis, as .41, Joslin, j a genuine Yankee, acted the character to perfection, and byT his droll sayings kept the house in the best of humor and at times convulsed with laughter. Tho orchestra was very fine and s wc think made mnch better music thau thW pern formance ot the band inj tho street parade. The cornet soloist was jsuperb and the xylophone soloist tvery good The" former was repeatedly - encored. The actors were generally good, the play was. amusing.' the audience .was delighted and the result t was profitable to Mr. Davis, who may be almost cer tain of always hi.ving a good ! house in Wilmington. - - - V J , A ...... v . WILMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 9. JAIL DELIVERY. A Oaring: and Successful At tempt to Escape From the County Jail. At about 8 o'clock this morning, the hour at which the prisoners in the County Jail are given their breakfasts, the jailer and his assistant went to per form" that duty. , The young assistant went np and unlocked the trap door to the room where those who have been sentenced for criminal offences are con fined, while tho jailer came along be hind with the breakfast. I As the for mer unlocked the trap he was knocked oyer the head with the heel ot a boot by one of the prisoners, who, with his companions iu confinement, immcdi. ately rushed down through the trap and grappled with the jailer, whom they overpowered and took from him his pistol and the keys to the several cells and turned the prisoners ldose. There were eleven prisoners in all in the jail and seven ot them made a rush for liberty, and as the other doors were opened it was but a moment before they were all in the yard, and making their escape over the wail in the rear of the jail. The alarm was given and the jailer's wife came to the rescue in sea son to capture Frank Cornell, a young white man hailing from New York, who was awaiting trial for the larccnry nf o urntrh Fmm n. rrlrrpil man at the Commercial Hotel. He had gotten partly over the wall when she caught him and drew him back and he is now safely confined in his cell to mourn over hopes blighted by a woman. Mr. J. H. Jones, whose stables is near by heard the alarm and ran to see what was the matter. As he got past the jail and obtained a good view of the yard he saw one of the colored prison ers climbing over the wall and be hastened around into Fourth street just as the prisoner came out upon the sidewalk. The latter started to run. but tripped and feUY and before he recovered himself Mr. Jones was upon him and gave him a polite but emphat ic invitation to walk back to the jail and he is now safely locked up. These two out of the seven were capteurcd at once while the other five are at large at the time of this writing. Of those who escaped Jerry Lanier, and Robert Costm. both colored, are from this county. The former was convicted of embuzzlement and the latter of false pretence, and were sen tenccd to four years each in the peniten tiary. From this they appealed to the Supreme Court which atj its recent session confirmed the judgment of the Court below, and they were awaiting a resentence before being sent to Raleigh. T-hey were both sentenced before the same term of Court and have been in jail since then about a year. The other three were from Pender County, and were in jail awaiting trial at the next term of the Criminal Court. They were Joe George, white, charged with perjury; Archie Pigford, colored, carrying a concealed weapon, and William Nixon, also coloied, larceny. It was a bold attempt, and almost deserved success for its daring, i That the act gave any possible hopes of suc cess, occurring as it did in the broad light of day, seems impossible. (There were dozens of people in close proaiity and the streets through which the es caping prisoners had to pass were being traversed by hundreds of citizens, and the wonder is that they were not all captured before they had proceeded two squares. Esmeralda. The Madison Square Theatre Com pany will present the above beautiful North Carolina dramatic comedy drama at the Opera House on Wed nesday, the 14th inst. The famous orignal cast will appear, as follows : Old Rogers, by Mr. Ben Maginley; Mrs. Rogers, by Mrs. Kate Denin Wil son ;i Esmeralda, by Miss Louise Dillon ; Dave, by Mr. Jos. Wheelock; Nora, by Mrs. Chas. Walcot; Kate, by Miss Kate Dcniu; Esterbrook, by Mr. Cha5, Walcot; Jack, by Mr. G. W. Presbrey; Tho Marquis, by H. D. Clifton; Drew, by Henry Talbott. Esmeralda has been presented at the St. James' Theatre, Jpndon, England, with wonderful success, and there is quite a hootu throughout the South where this company has appeared. SeiiU at Dyer's on Monday. ,-, ; Air. J. McD.' Jb'rcnch, who has re coolly ravclcd .through thecunlic "of Johuston,- 4Vilson;' Edgecbmoo and Halifax, tells us that the crop outlook there is more promising, so far as he 13 able to judSt th?.n has yet been report f T , f r,,i t City Court. The only cases for the consideratiou of the Mayor this morning were those of three traniD3. one of whom was white andjLwo were colored. L. Oxls- ten, an old Swede, was given 24 hours in which to" leave the city. "Sam Wat ' ters and-WiUiam Watters, bolh 'colore? wereiliscbarged. - - The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gillst Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot i Air-Alone. Auarky Jowells, a colored woman aged about 40 years, i who lived on Eighth, i between Orange and Ann streets, was found dead iu her bed ihis morning. She lived alone, although there was an old colored man living in the other portion of the house. He stated to the Coroner that he heard the woman groan during the night, but thought it was probably done in her sleep and thought nothing further of tho matter until he found her dead this morning. It was the opinion of the physician that the cause of ' death was convulsions, and an inquest was not considered necessary. The deceased was unmarried. We failed to learn whether she left any relatives or not. To Builders and others- Go to J aco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest, price NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday , Nov. 14th. The great original cast from the rV Madison Square Theatre, Esmeralda - - Esmeralda. This is the best company on the road. Seats at Dyers', commencing Monday, i Reserved $!, Parquette and three Rows Balcony; 75c back of three Sows Balcony. Admissions 00 and 25C . nov 9-5t N. C. Apples. JgQ BBLS. FINE WESTERN j I NORTH CAROLINA APPLES. Call at once at E. McDOUG ALL'S, On Chestftnt, bet. Water and Front st3 nov 9 i 1 I On Hand ! BBLS. WESTERN N. C. FLAT DUTCH TURNIPS. 9 V A A Head of the Sweet Western i vV N. C CABBAGE, g Bus. CHESTNUTS, In good condition. Also, Potatoes and Apples! Apples ! Apples! At No. 14 Chestnut St, bet. Front and Water nov 9 I Wilmington, N. V CrTYf OF WILMINGTON, N. C , MAYOR'S OFRICE, Kwvembcr 5, 1S8;'. Sealed Piyppsals ILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE until 3 o'clock, P. , M , . December 3d, 1833, (when they will be opened by the Eoard of j Aldermen la the presence of bidders), for sup plying the Blocks and Paving North Water street, from Its Intersection with Market street to its intersection with Mulberry street, about 3,300 square yards of pavement, to be laid with approved granite blocks. .The street will be graded and the sand for bedding will be de livered on street. 1 Bids will at the same time be received for supplying 20.000 good hard Paving Bricks anil 700 square yards of good Bine Stone Flagging, suitable for sidewalks and for laying the side walks with Brick or Blue Stone Flagging. Bids for 2,050 lineal feej'of Curbstfuic 4xlC inches and 4x18 inches, will be considered at same time. i Bids ror supplying- the materials alone, or laying pavement alone, will be considered. Specifications and plans can be seen at this office i ! v E. D. HALL, Mayor and Chairman of Committee on streets and Wharves 9 14 21 24&W16 Stall No. 5 ALL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - AND GET SUPPLIED WITH C Sampson County Beefi , THE BEST BEEF SOLD. Bladen County Lambs, V Corn, Fed Pork, SAUSAGES OF MY OWN MAKE. Can't I bo beaten. Try them once and be convinced. . : .1. '"''. T.a . l. S. Look next week o Stall N. 5. - Toilet Articles "N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT,' Consist leg in pari of Hair. Tooth and Nail Brushes, Combs, Mirrors, Extracts,, 7L!tf, Flr: U Vatsr, c. Colognes. Lily 1883. NO. 265 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS One Hundred & -Eleven One Hundred & Eleven. One Hundred & Eleven. FINE SILK VELVETS In all shades, at 2 00 per jam, ia incu, worm ?J W. Full line of SILK. HOSE, in all colors and jnacic, tor Ladies aBd Children. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, all stvlcs, i at low prices. A FINE FKENCIi CORSET FOR 1 2 Reg- I IKK I JfiiV f I . CHILDREN'S CORSETS in all sics, for 50c. ueguiar pvie 7.k. THREE BUTTON KID GLOVES, in all shades and Black, for 50c. Never bafore sold for lees than $1 00. JULIUS SANSON, 111 MARKET ST. nov S- Look Out t pOR THIEVES AND BURGLARS COMING hex-e and prepare to give them a warm recep tloB by coming to v C. G. CRO WELL'S SHOOTING GALLERY, . - I ' ' TO LEARN TO SHOOT ! i Practice makes perfect 1 First class Rifles and 1 Targets. Only lOc for O Shots, Gc for ;5, The proprietor will i-be pleased to give in structions to all who wish In lenrn wlthnnt ov. ta chirge. No betting allowed. It Is for practice and amusement only. No. 103 Market oiu,, iu ourui'i- ui jrrom in., wiiminjrion N. i:. c. O. CROWELL, nov i-lm Proprietor MundsBros. &DeRosset9 1 DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET. JUST RECEIVED THIS DAYj A SPLEN did perfumed Toilet Soap, 4 cakes in a box, 50 cents per box; Finest English Tooth Brushi es, 23 cents each; laige lot Toilet jpaper, l.'c package, 2 for 25c. A full line of Drugs, Chem lcals and Patent Medicines, nov c i Wil. Col. & Augusta R.R.CO. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON, N. C, Nov 1st, lSiU. rjpiiE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock holders of the Wilmington, Columbia & Au- j ! I gnsta R. R. Co. will be held at the Office of said Company, in Wilmington, on TUESDAY the 20th instant, nov Ltd th m J W. THOMPSON, i Secretary. Wil, &. Weldon H. R. Co., SECRETARY'S OFFICER WILMINGTON, X. C, Nov. 1st, 183). rjnHE I OBTV-E.IGHTIL ANNUAL MEET- ing of the SljockholderB cf the Wilmlng'on & Weldon R. R. Co., will be held In thelOfficc of said Company, In Wilmington, on TUESDAY, the 20th instant, nov l td th m J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary Notice. rjllIE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING O.UALI tied as Administrator on the estate of George Uhl, deceased, hereby gives notice to all per sons Indebted to said estate to make) immedi ate payment and to all who hold claims against the said estate to present them for payment on on before the 19th day of October, otherwise this notice will be plead In bar of recovery. JNO. G. WAGNER, I Adm'r Estate of George Uhl, deceased oci 19-lawCw-fri FLORIDA WATER, LAVENDER WATER, i VIOLET WATER, 1 HELIOTROPE WATER. WHITE ROSE WATER, i RAZENA WATEB. Abo a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the season. i W Prescriptions - com pounded day axd night at F. C MILLER'S, German Dmgeist. -oct 27- - Confer Fourth and Nun sts. Millinery and;Fapcy Goods, J&W.T'ALl STYLES IN- HATS, ' " - .w. COSSETS A., jVt received. ' . .. ". 5iS. KATE C WINES, - " . No 11 3,'Norih Second S rccL "--' "nov' -r - ccxt youth of Post? Rk-e Old ITe7spapcrs -JAL" v c:r PLEASK NOTH l ; " Wo win b glad to receive ccmmunlciU n from pur friends on any and mil objecu general la teres t bat ' . Tie name ot too writer nm alwayt b fa nJahed to the Editor. ' CommanlcmUon must bm written a l one side of the turner. -"-i-. PersonallUea must be avoMad.; t And It If especially and particularly and I tood that the Editor -does not always endot the views of correspondents nnleaa so state In the editorial columns. ' 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iueiion jcjrjiea one Million Majority ! , niHE POPULAR VERUirJT HAS 'Ufrvv rendered. MELTON is the man and MEL TON'S STALLS arc the beat place to buy U kinds of meats. Wc have now at the depot two car liads of fine STALL FED BEEF, re- eclved this day ind to le offered to morrow unit cuvti run y on our autiis. " c are a fixture wo have come to stay and our customers the BEST MEAT to be had in market, sucn as i STALL FED BEEF, VEAL, FRESH 'PORK. : SAMP&ON CO UNI Y, MUTTON, (The lineft la Hie world) FRESH SAUSAttES, HMOKED b A US AGES, BOLOGNAS, . And In fa-t, cvervt'dng that is nic and gcKtit t cat in the meat line. AS fin I Ittt a ti rr nrMontntAAil ' 4V Vo Uc attention and prompt delivery. J. It. MELTON, Proprietor of the only Steam Sausage Factory in tbe State. (Star copy It) , nov 8 2 S 1 AM NOW IN THE NORTHERN I - , - ' - " - " I cities, the Ladles will find it to thelfnd vantage to wait and see the latest styles of M T T UNVIIY! which I will bring with me, together with a lare ami Iteanttriil line of HOLIDAY GOODS ! whifh will be elegantly displayed j in our spacious windows and I I - " J .on our counters. Wc will give due notice through the ; 1 . papero when ': : . OUR GRAND OPENING I ' will take place . . - : At present there are bargains in every de ' i ' : I'-- partment to make room for inr new goods, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. ' nov C Grand Opening of Winter Millinery. I alHERW WiLIi DB A" GRAND OPENING . of line French Pattern Hutu. Ronneu, Feathers, Ac., at Mrs, K. A. Lunistlea'tf on Thursday, lfYlday and Saturday. The Indies are respectfully invited to call. I MRS. E A. LUMSOEN, novS lw 119 North Front st DancingSchool at Germahia Hall, i . - 53 I WILL ON THUItSDAY AFTERNOON next, at 4 o'clock, form a class In Dancing, for Misses and Masters. Persons desiring ia have their children tanght ali the Latent Can ces will do well to take advantage of this oppor tunlty. Private leseons given at any lionr., Tkkmh $3 per session of 12 lessons, nov 6 4t - HENRY F. 8 LATE it. OUUOOi J500KS I - C x School Books t i; ' ; Sch"ooi:Bo6kb ! mHAT ARE USED IS ALL THE School. Parents and Guardians and Teachers are respectfully requested to cH or send to me for SCHOOL BOOKS or .SCHOOL - ROOM OUTFITi! Children, large or small, can purchase Books at same rates a pirvntf. One price to all at , HEINSBERGER'8, nov 5 Live Book and Stre Old r North State Saloon, if South Front Street. JUE-MI AniHVAT-Lira Fat - Klotoee ... rt r . .. . r