i - MISCELLANEOUS.. THE GREAT GERMAN REIV1EDY lleyeTti and cures' IUIEU3IATIS3I, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, I .BACKACHE, llnJLaBannEnflli 1 MlPhS T00II1CS1. SORE THROAT, Qcixsr. swrxuxGS. pxiAixa, v Sea, Cats, Bruiici, rilOSTLITE3. urR3rd.scAx.ns, mm on fC' t Hi. I H Ml :!lH ,1 m MltHS WlfWf 3if Ami il other hodily icLcs nil aul pun. Firr: cars a eotzi 1eiKr. "t)irc-cu'ju iu ; Taa Ciirle: A.Toceler (sauorMoni to A. V(Ui 4 Co. ) 'You claim too mack for Samari tan Nervine,1' say 3 a skeptic ''low can one medicine be a spo- Cine for Lpilei. By Dyspeiibia, A I coliolisiu. Oplnm Eating, Rheumatism , Snerinatorrlise, or Seminal Weakness, and uity oiuer conipmimsf-" w eciaini u :i ipM-ilc, simply, because the virus of all diseases iriVf romthe blood. It3 Nervine, Resolvent, Alterative and Laxative properties meet all the -..lKlitioua herein referred to. lt'sknown irorld j iils as E R V EXG OjnlQlUlElRlOlBl 1 It quiets and compoecsthe patient not by tlio intnxluction of opiates and drastic cathartics, hut by the restoration of activity to the stomach :tml nervous Bvstem. whereby the brain is re lieved of morbid fancies, which are created by the causes above referred to. To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary men, Mcr- rhunts, Battkers,Ladies andall those whose seel etitary employment causes nervous pros! r;i t ion. irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels 01 knlnevs or who require a nerve tor.ic. apTtizeit 12 ..... rtM A ' "V r" . ' . -1 i . ; , .... 1 .. 1.1 a Th)iiiandH proclaim it the most wntiitf) tuTin- vi Torant that ever sustained the 6i nki n v si eir. $l.'o0. Sold by all Druggists. The DR. S. A. RICHMOND MED. CO., Propr"9,bt Joseph, ilo. for testimonials and circulars pend stamp. Cls. IT. Critte&tsa, Acest. J97 sen: Clt7. (31J nay r Iw-nrm NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No Weak Mor. Eyes. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightednesa, an 1 Re storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, Ued Eyes, Matted Eye leashes, and Pro ducing Quick Relief and Perma nent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when nsed In other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum, Burns. Piles, or wherever Inflammation exists, MITUllKLL'S SALVE may be used to advantage. Sold by all Druggista at 25c. oc 3-4y . i Q,, rr from Youthful Imprudence OUHererS causing Nervons Debility, mental and physical werkness. Valuable in formation for home cure FREE. Used 23 years successfully. Dr. A. G. Olin. Box 242, Cbica jro. ... mav Stl-dwiv BATE'S SPEOIFIOS. Prepared from formulre used by an eminent physician during 20 years successful practice. Specific No. 1 Guaranteed to effect a radi cal cure of all affections of the Blood, whether So.rolulous or acquired. Skin diseases, tim pies, moth patches, etc.. arc permanently nted by Bate's Specific No. I. Price SI. Specific No. 2 Cures Seminal. Wkakskss, Nervous Debimtv, from Youthful Indiscre tions or Excessos, producing Exhausted Vital lty and Loss of Manhood. Tikis remedy is un called in the cure of these complaints. Jt is a powerful stimulus to the weakened Nervous iystem, assists Nature to renew the strength and vigr ot the debilitated organs, and effects a radical cure. Pric3 U Speetfle So. 4 Wives instant relief and per manently cures Rheumatism. Price $2. Specific J'o. G A positive cure for all weak nesses common to females. Price $1. Sold by Druggists or sent on receipt of price by J. W". Bate, fo N Clark St., Chicago. SKNI FOR CIRCULAR. raavSl ly-d&w nrm Loss and Gain. -CIIAl'TlUt I. -I was taken sick a year ago With'biUious fever.'" " My doctor pronounced me cured, but I got sick again, with terrible paitis in my back and sides, and I got so bad I Could not move! I shrunk! - - . . ;1 , From 228 lbs. U 120! I had been doctoring for my liver, but it did me no goodj I did snot expect to live more than three ' months'. I began to use Hon Bitters. Directly my appetite returned, my pkins left me ; my entire system seemed renewed as 1 if by magic, and alter using several bottles I am not only as sound as a sovereign but weigh more than I did before., .To Hop Bit ters I owe my lite." - R. FlTZPATRICK. Dublin. June 6, 'SI. " How to Get Sick Expose yourself day and night; eat too much without exercise : work too hard without rest; doctorall the time; take all the vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want to know liow to yd well,, which is answered in three words Take Hop Bittersillll Il-l oct 20 d& w 1m. - C. D--Morrill. JNDERTAKER, CABINET MAKER AND CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop on Sec ond street, opposite Southeriand'a eUbles. Respectfully solicits orders and guarantee good work, prompt delivery and satisfaction la 'tvprvrsawct. - mavlS-tf I TheDaily Review. Itin?: soft across the dvinp- da v. - Angelus! ... , Across the timber tinted bav. i 1 The meadow flushed with sunset rav, King out. and float and melt away," . Angelas ! , V The day of toil seeiiis long aro,-l An gel us! While through the deeDeninir vcsDer glow,. Far up where holy lillies blow. The beckoning bell-notes rise and ilow, Angelus! i I r ! I Through dazzling curtains of the West, Angelus! i I We see a shrine in roses dressed, And, lilted high in vision West, Ouf very heart-throb is confessed, i Angelus! t O, has an angel touched the bell. Angelus? i For now upon its parting swell AH sorrow seems to sing lareweil. There falls a peace no words can tell, Angelus! i -J , , - - --Francis L. Mace. - . Air in Her Veins. James Donahue was arraigned in the Superior Court at Bridgeport. Conn.: the other day charged with causing the death ot his wile, and for extraordinary reasons ht3 trial was postponed until February next. Mrs; Donahue died from the effects of a blow with a chair, which inflicted a serious wound above her right eye. Her physicians sipp.sfcd her to be slowly recovering until the end of the tenth day, when lockjaw set in. Dr. L. rorter, who assisted at the autopsies on Mrs. Surrattand Guiteau. made the autopsy in thi3 ease. He dis covered that death had been caused by air having found its way through the wound into the veinas, and thence to the heart. Dr. Porter say it is the first case of the kind since 1818. This evi dence will probably involve, some fine points ot legal discriminations, and may necessitate a change in the indict ment. Keserve Power a Necessity. It is not wise to work constantly up to the highest rates oi which we are capable. , If the engineer ol the railroad were to keep the speed of his train up to the highest rate he could attain with his engine, it would soon be used up. It a horse is driven at the top of his speed for any length ol time, he is ruin ed. It is well to try the owner, occas ionally, of a horse or engine, by put ting on all the motion they will, bear, but continuously. All machinists con struct their machines so that there will be a reserve lorce. If the power rc. quired is four horse, then they make a six horse power In this case it works easily and lasts long. A man who has strength enough to do twelve honest hours of la nor in twenty-four.- and no more, should do butnine or ten hours' work. The reserve power keeps the body in repair. It rounds out the frame to full proportions. It keeps the mind cheer ful, hopeful, happpy The peison with no reserve force i3 aFways incapable, ol taking on any. more responsibility than he already has. A little exertion puts him out of breath. He cannot increase his work without fei.'r of an explosion. Sueh are. generally pale, .dyspeptic, bloodless, nervous, irritable, despond ent, gloomy. We all pity them. The great source of power in the individual is the blood It runs the machinery of life, and upon it depend our health and strength. A mill on a stream where water is scanty can be worked but a portion of the time. So a man, with little good blood can do but little work. The re serve power inmjt be stored up in this fluid. When the reserve power of an individual runs low, it is an indication that a change is necesary. and that, it is best to stop expending and go to accumulating, just as the miller; docs when water gets low in the pond. Such a course would save many a person from physical bankruptcy. Herald of Health. "dimmer" Sherman's "Burn er' Successor. ( Farmer and Mechanic.) (Hen. Phil. Sheridan has now become General in-Chief of all the armies of the United States. He was one of the most barbarous of the Vandals (who "Bum mered" and Beast Butleri.etl Virginia. From an old Confederate newspaper. printed in lbb4. we take the following account ot a smalc raid J in a smote county, by a sinale expedition t l SiherN dan, who swore hj would ina ginia so poor that crows wouin ke1 Vir- d starve in flying over it" : I IlOlC'lvIXf; ham's Lossks The follow- r ing is a lair and accurate exhibit of the losses inflicted upon this noble county of the "old commonwealth'1! by the Yankees in their last raid up the Valley. It has been obtained (by- our county court, after diligent eftbrtj and the em ployment of all the means necessary to approximate accuracy in such a calcu lation. The court after being called together tor this purpose,) appointed a committee of seventy-two persons, consisting of thirty-six (magistrates and thirty 'six citizens of respectability and standing, located in every section of the country, and after a careful and an accurate canvass of tho! county, they have furnished the estimate ot th losses hereto appended. Look ai the eKhibit: losses. " I 1 Dwelling'houscs burned, . . Barns burned, ....... Mills burned, 1 1. .. . .. .30 . .450 ...31 ..100 i . 5- . . Fencing destroyed, (miles,) Bushels of wheat destroyed,. t lOO.OOO Bushels of corn destroyed ...... 50,000 Tons ot hay detstroyed 6.233 Cattle carried oft", .... 1.750 Horses caaried oft,. ' ......... 1.750 Sheep carried oft", r - -- ! - - 4.200 Hogs, carried off.. . . . 1 - .3 ,350 Factories burned,. , . .3 Furnaces burned,. 1 ...... . . : . . , . L 1 In addition to which there was an immense amount - of! farming i utensils of every description destroyed, many of them of great value, such .as Mccor mick's reapers; threshing 'machines; also , household and kitchen f urnitu re, money, bonds, plates,! &c. &c., he whole loss being estimated at the enor mous sum of $25 ,500.000. This r esti mate is in Confederate prices, and should bo reduced, vrc thtr'r. r.bcut cne- fifth, in order to brine it to - the Gov-1 eminent Rtnndont Vi7-,Vi.7,. rt'.l HcQisler. . . ' That Husband of Mine Is three times the man he wm lv(nrf he began using "Wells' Health Kpnpw. cr.1v $L . Druggists. , 1 man's hobby rides him a great deal oftener than lie rides it. ' I I Sept. 14th, 1880. Hop Bitters Co., Toronto: - 1 have been sick for the past six years, suffering from dyspepsia and general weakness. I have used three bottles ot Hop Bitters, and they have done won ders for me. I am well and able to work,' and eat and sleep well. I cannot say too much for Hop Bitters. SIMON ROBBINS. De Iessepstex peels to visit the mus of Panama in January. I'K Lsth- For seven years Allen's Brain Food has stood the strongest tests as to its merits in curing Nervousness, Nervons Deb'Iity and restoring lost , powers to tha weakened Generative System,-and. in no instance has it ever failed: test it. $1 ; 6 for $5. At druggists, or by mail from J. H. Allen, 315 First Aye New lork City. cod&w i opurgcon is wen enough to sit in a chair while preaching. , Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is without , peer. It consists of both external and internal treatment and costs only SI. per package At druggists. Flattery is false money, which wonld not be current were it not for our van- itv. 1 Ilinisters Sound its Praise. Rev. Mr. Greenfields, Knoxville, Tenn., writes as follows : "Samaritan Nervine permanently cured my son of epileptic fits." Here's food for thought Sold by druggists, $1.50 1 CARD S tlnlfS sd (4 letij?n3). Sonic Mailed on receipt of 6 ceiits Iu ttanops Rox 1,487, N. Y. Heakne t Co., P. o. nov 34 r fK A MO ST 11 ash DO A It D for live Men or Ladles, in each county. Address I plda, Pa. W. ZlEULfclt & CO . PftilaHel- nov 5-tw ffTWT1 WITHOUT A T12ACHKR! 1LLU Olv SorEK's Instantaneous Guide to Keys of Piano and and Oran. Price Will teach any person to play lM pieces of inu sic In one day. You couldn't learn it from a teacher m a month for $20. Try it and be con vinced. Sample copy wili be mailed to any address on receipt of -25 cents in stamps by I1EAUNK & C ., Publishers, . O. Box 1,187, New York. nov 5-4 w PO'PTnl Iiurns. -Wc- Dyon, 50c , Mrs A. JJ Drowning, 55c., Campbell, 40c., Chaiicer, GOc, Colcridfre, G0c., Covicr, 60;., Daute, 5t)c., Drydcn, 0c, Goctlie, 70c., Gold smith. 50c, Ilcmans, 50c , Iliad and Odyssey, 70c, Ilood, 50c , Ingclow, 50c, Keats. 40c, Meredith, 50c, Milton, 53c, Moore, GOc , Pope, 50c, Poe, 40c, Schiller, 40c , Hcott, 50c, Ten nyson, GOc, Virgil, 45c. and others. Finb cloth binding. . kent for examination before payment on evidence of good faith, cata logue free. NOT sold by dealers. JOHN B. ALIEN, Publisher, nov 5-4w IS Vesey St., New York "MOORE COUNTY GRIT" CORN MILLS AND MILLSTONES, tATtUBTZKS. BESTIMTHEVORLD SAMPLES OF HZXL SSHT ON APPLICATION. NORTH CAROLINA MILLSTONE CO. Branch Office, Charlotte, N. C. B-MVATION THIS' PAPER JS'o Lonjrer Needed: The old-fashioned, slow acting plasters "must go".. Denson's Capcine Poms Plasters arc the best. 25c 1 4w ART. piRST CUVSS FREE HAND PORTRAITS la Crayon and Pastel, finished in the finest style. Very popular, taking the place of Oil and Water Colors everywhere. Orders will will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist, Studio 861 Broadway, N. Y. Address 144 West 2id St., N. Y. sept 17-tf . 7 THE STJIST- NEW YORK, 1S84. About sixty million copies of The Sun have gone out ot our establishment during the past twelve months. ) If you were to paste end 10 end all the col umns of all The fci:xs printed and sold last year you would get a continuous strip ef in teresting information, common sense wisdom, sound doctrire, and sane wit, long enough to reach from Prluting House square to the top of Mount Copernicus in the moon, then back to Printing House square, and then thres-qnar tera of the way back to the moon again . I But THE Sun Js written for the inhabitants of the earth; this same strip of intelligence would girdle the globe twenty seven or twenty-eight times. If every buyer ot a copy of Tub frm during the past year has spent only one hour over it, and if bis wife or his grandfather has spent another! hour, this newspaper in 1SS3 has af forded the human race thirteen thousand years of steady reading, night and day. It is only by little calculations like these that you cm form anv idea of the circulation of the most popular of American newspapers, or ot its influence on the opinions and actiors of American men and women. . . I . , 1 THE Sun is, and will continue to be, a news paper which tells the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the facts no mat ter how much the process costs, which pre sents the news of all the world without waste of words and in the most readable shape, which is working with all Its heart for the cause of honest government, and which there fore believes that the Republican party must go, and must go in thii coming year of our Lord, 1SS4. If youknowTHE Scx you like it already, and you will read it with accustomed diligence and profit during what is sure to be the most interesting year In its history. If yon do not yet know The Si x, it is high time to get into the sunshine 1 Tekms to Mail Subscribers, The several editions of The Sex are sent by mail, postpaid, as follows: DAI LY sAi cents a month, $6 a year; with ' Sunday edition, $7. SUNDAY Eizht raze This edition furnish : cs the current news of the world, special articles of exceptional Interest to every i b-Hiy. and literary reviews of new books ! of the highest merit. $1 a year. - WEEKLY 1 a year. Eight pages of ihe best matter of the daily issues; an Agricultural Department of unequalled value, special market reports, and literary, clettitfc. and domestic ntelligence i make The ' Wkeklv j'lx the newspaper lor the farm cr'sihoudcliold To clubs of $10, an extra copv free. Address .1 , It W, KNGLAND. Publisher, 4 nov S i-,,V-'"" - THEt-y. 2i. Y. City Old Newspapers R 8ALK VKRY;CUEAP. Applets T"i tl MISCELLANEOUS. FIFTEEN FACTS. T f : Xenralaric and Kerrcn IIft.l.Khf rpmnvpil by Dr Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. -Hnmon. "''Scrofula." Ulcera vanish Ijefow Dt Benson's Skin Cure. Internal and external. Dr Beaion's Skin Cure consists of internal and external treatment at same time and it makes the skin white, soft and smooth. It contains no poisonous drugs.' $1 at druggista. Oh, how my headaches ! Remove the cause hy Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. -r-Tender Itchingsin any part of lhslody cured by Dr. Reason's Skis Cure. . 'Ti-j lea . Headache banished, no matter what ransa sick, nervous, neuralgic, dyspeptic. Which is It ? It can Imj effectually removed by Dr. lien son's Celery and Chamomile Pilla. 'ick headache, distressing maladv,- cured by Irr Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills, Makes the skin soft, white and smooth. Dr Benson's Skin Cure. Elegantly put up. Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills contain no opium, quinine, or other harmful drug, and ar highly recommended for bead ache, neuralgia and nervousness. 50 cents at druggists. .i l . ' Periodical Headaches fly before Dr. Ben son's Celery and Chamomile Pills. All drug gists. . , Hair and Scalp diseases thoroughly cured by Dr C W Benson's Skin Cure. None like it. Dr. Benson's Skin Cure consists of Internal and external treatment at same time and it makes the skin white, soft and smooth. It contains no poisonous drugs. $1 at druggists. Dr. Benson' Celery and Chamomile Pills cure headaches of every nature promptly, also neuralgia. 1 Elezantly put up, two bottlea In one pack age. Is Dr Benson's Skin Cure. All druggists, sure. Headache bauisbed, uo matter what cause, sick, nervous, neuralgic, dyspeptic. Which is It? It cs be efl'ectuaUy removed by Dr Ben son's Celery and Chamomile Pills. C. N. Crittcnton, f-'ole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's Rcruejlics, 115 Fulton St., New York. junc 9-lw-ch-sat-nrm No Charge FOR A SPECIMEN COPY OF THE North Carolina Miner. T THE. MINER WILL BE ISijCEU MONTH- ly, from the oilbe of The Davidson Dis patch, at the low price of HFTY CENTS A YEAR, it will contain Mining News arri articles pertaining to Mines and Minerals, that wi 1 be intcrostiug to all who are eugaged In mining and to every one who fecU an interest n the. development of the ;rcHt but compara tive! v unknown Mineral Resources ot North Carolina. The Miner is au enterprise that appeals to the State pride ot every North Car olinian. Tho first number wid be issued about tt'e middle of November. Everybody is in vited to write for a sample copy, which will be sent free to any address. . T. B. ELDKIDUE, Publisher, oct2o Lexington, N. C, n Tn NEVER nirroFfiRnTrf. S No EQuAt J-li -1 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK. ' for' SALE BY i J. L. ST NE, State Agent, Raleigh. N. C. Also State Agent for New England Piano.New England Organ and Mechanical Orgulnettes. Anttres. - -' --.. i- stumk, sng 21-fim'V "' f Raleigh, N. C. j Tobacco. w E ITAVE FULL' LINES OF TOfA which we are selling KIGnT CENTS under i - . - i prices prior to May 1st. , Also a very large stock of GROCEBIES and PROVISIONS at bottom figures. WORTH & WORTH. may 7 - - HORSES ! HORSES ! ! HORSES, FIVE OF E OR' SALE TEN them guaranteed to be gxv1 dray animals. I . Will he sokt Vow. Also, a few second hand P.UGGIKS nnd CARX will be sold at a "ow figard. v ? Horses and veWclc on , hire, and fcerses boarded alcare4 for. : r The finest Uarseia th itr, ! . v lIOLUNci WORTH A WALKER, Iiverj an 1 Sale stables, , r y V l A 1 T-v - WIT W jM TT TT ." : . V I1j" oTICULAR. 7 MISCELLANEOUS. New Orleans, August 1.1SSS. i TO THE PUBLIC ! Investigate lor Yourselves! Postmaster-General Gresham baring pub llshed a wilful and malicious falsehood in re gard to the character of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, the following fact are giv en to the public to prove bis statements, that we are engaged in a frandnlent bnainess, to be false and untrue : 1 Amount of prizes paid by The Louisiana State Lottery Company from January 1, 1S79, to present date : Paid to Southern Express Co., New Orleans, T M Wescoit, Manager. .fl.SCfi.30u I'aid to ixnlstana National Bauk, i .Joa HOglesby, President Paid to state National Bank, S H Kennedy, President. ' Paid to New Orleans National Bank, 4f,900 125,100 A Baldwin, President.....' Paid to National Union Bank, , jW.550 01,450 S Clutrlai-ou. Cashier. Paid to Cit'zens Bank, E L Carrlere. President . . . 57,riOO 30,000 37,000 Paid to Germania National Bank, Jntes tassaru, frcslttent - Paid to Hibernia Nation 1 Bank. Chas 1'alfrey, Cashier'. ..I.. Paul to Canal Bank. Ed Toby. Cash'r .3,110 Paid to Mutual National Bank, Jos Mitchcl, Cashier ... S.200 Total paid as above... ..f2,25S,5 Paid in sums of under fi,uuuat the various offices of the Company throughout the Ucited States '2,6-27,410 Total paid by all. $4,SSl,ot0 For the truth of the above facts we refer the public to the ollicers of the above named cor porations, and lor our legality and standing to the Mavor and otuccrs or me uy or New or leans; to- the State authorities of Louisiana, and also to the u. t. oihrlais of Louisiana. Wc claim to be legal, honest and correct in i II our transactions, us much eo is any business In the country. Our standing: Is concetteil by all who will investigate, and our stock has for years teen sold at our iwanl or Broscrs, and owned by many ot our test unown anu re spcrd itlwns. 1 M.A. DAUPHIN, President Capital Prize $75,OOO.aS Tickets only $5.. Shares in pro portion; Louisiana State Lottery Company. 'We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana Stale Loi ten Company, and tu person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, ana we author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver tisements." Commissioners. Incorporated In 1-S68 for 25 years by tho Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poses with capital of $1,000,000 to winch a reserve fund or $550,000 has sluce been added. By an overwhelming populai vote Its fran chise was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1873. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Eleventh Grand Drawing, Class L, at New Orleans, Tuesday, November 13, 1883 162nd Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $75,000: 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fiftlis in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of.'... Prize of.r.. Prize of 75,000 25,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 3O.C00 25,000 ! 25,000 1 capital 1 Capital 2 5 10 Prizes Prizes Prizes of $6,000.... of 2,000.... of of of of of of 1,000 500 .J... 20" Prizes 100 Prizes 300 Prizes 500 Prizes 1000 Prizes 200.4. 100.... 50.... 23. . approxtmatiow prizes. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " " I 500. 9 " " 25G. 6,750 4,500 2,250 1,907 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 , Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company In New Or- For further Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. Make P. O. Money Or ders payable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, ! " ' New Orleans, I.A. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mail or Express (all sums of $5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to i M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans; La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St, Washington, D. C. oct lc-wed-sat 5w-dJtw Farmers, Take Notice. i JORRIS HOG CnOLERA COMPOUND la just the thing to cure or prevent Hog Choi era and all diseases to which Swine are sub ject; It will prevent that dreadful disease known as Trichnas, and will put your hogsln a thrifty, healthy condition, clearing the kid neys, liver, Ac, of worms and parasites Each package contains one and one-half pounds and will. If given strictly according to directions, cure 10 hogs of the Cholera and put 20 bona in a condition to fatten id one half the usual time, thereby saving one half of tbe feed. The farmers of Duplin county are giving it the praise. All farmers should buy a iack age. 1 . - for sate .wholesale and retail, by W. II. G REEN, Dmgglst, Market Street, Wilmington, C dec 19-dJtw-tf i Branson's N. C. Business Directory; FOR 1883, gOON TO BE ISSUED 6th Edition 17th year of publication, will contain OTer j 60,000 3ST-A.iyEES, and I Intended to be the FULLEST AXD MOST RELIABLE REFERENCE BOOK ever published-for North Carolina. ' , The Business and Professional Men of every Co inty, City and Village will be rect.rdcl and clas&Uted for convenient reference. - Plice $5.' V .,s - - i.. ,,j -. ; apl 25-tf ..... PUfiGEM, HOUSE; u NPER NEW MANAGEMENT. f f : i : 5 WILMINGTON. S- C bC i- PERRY, Proprietor. 7 Late PToyrictrr UoieL Ilrst-Cltfs las ll iu a; KAILJIOADS, &c Wilniliigtoii ttColuiiibia & Augusta II. Co. Orncs'or Gitneral SurKBtiyrEsoFHT. 33l ;WHmlngton,H. C'Jnly S.1SS.V 1 Change ot Scheidule, ON AND AFTER JULY Sth. lSiS, 9 P. M., the following Paasenrer Sched u e will be run on this road ;v , j I NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, PAlLTNbs. 45 1 r Wert and 47: Cast. Tave Wilmington.. 9.0u l hi. I-eave Florence... 5.40 A. .., Arrive at C. C & A.' Junction..... .tOA. M. Arrive at Columbia... B.40 A. M. Leave Corumbla...i.4............. 3. 55 P; M. Leave C, C. A. JuBCti6u,.....l0.20 P. M.t Iave Florence.... ........ ......... 1.53 A. M. Arrive at Wilrolxsgton 6.1 A. M. Nioht Mail and passfnokk Train, Pailt i -- NO. 40 WST. ': -:, ' Leave WilraIngton...... .. ........10.40 P. M Arrive at Florence.. ............. ..1,45 A. M, MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN -DAH.T .; No. At East. . y S ' Leave Florence at..... .....3.25 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington....!. ....... ..7.42 P. M Train 43 stops at all Stations. - No. 44 stops only at Flerutngton. and Marlon. Passengers for Columbia and all points on U.' A C. IL R., C, & R. R. Sutlons, Aiken June tion, and all points beyond, should take I Night Express. Pullman Sleepers for Cbarlettor on Train U All trains run solid between Charleston 1 Wllraireton. . Lwal freight hwie Wilmington dally1 cetd Sunday at 7 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, General Paesogcr , Jul) 6 ' - - . Wilmington & Weldoxi Railroad Company. 1 0tick or General Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C, July 8. 18J-8 Change of Schedule! f ON AND AFTER JULY 8, 1883, "AT 3.03 P.M.. PasHcnsror Trains 'on tho Wilmlnic ' ton A, Wchlon Railroad wlH run as follows ; DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DA1LT NoS. 47 NORTn AN1 48 80UTB. Leave Wllndugton, FrontSt.Ieiot,- 6.40 A , 1 Arrive at Wcldon ,..12.4 P. M Ieave Welkn 3.00 P. M Arrive at Wllm'gton, Front Su D'pt, 8.40 P, M Fast Through Mail & Passkno tu Tsa lb Daily No. 40 South. Leave Wcldon 5.55 P. M Arrive at WIlm'gton.Front St. D'p't 10.X5 1. is MAIL ANI PASSENGER TRAINS DAI ' No. 43 North. - Icavc Wllndngton.. ...... 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Wcldon 2.V0 A. M, Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldshoro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarlwro Branch Road Leave Rock v Mount for Tarboro at 12.00 A. M. and 4.30 P. M.. Dally. Returning, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M and 3 P. M. Dally. - , Trains on Scotland Neck Branch . Road leive Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.25 p. M. Re turning leave Scotland Neck at 7.30 A. dally except Sunday. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Wei don for all points North Dally. . All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bav Line. Train No. 43 runs dally and makes close con ncctlon for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between WPmlngton ant! Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep crs attached. . For accommodation of local travel a passen ger coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 6.15 A. M. Daily except Sunday.- - " v JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent July 6 " i Carolina Central It. It. Company, 1 Office of general superintendent, Wilmington, N. C Jnnc 13th. 1&3. I Change of Schedule. QN AND AFTER JUNE 13th, 186S, ThV following bcneaaie will be operated on 1 thU Rallroa!: i PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, Dally except Snndaj s. J ) Leave Wilmington at...... . .7.00 P. M. No. 1. Isnnve Halelghat.. ...7.35 P. M. ) Arrive at Charlotte at. 7.00 A. M. 1 Iave Charlotte at.. ...... ..8.45 Y. Il Ko. 2. Arrive RaWdgh at. ...8.30 A . M. ) Arrive at Wilmington at.... 8,33 A. it Passenger Trains stop at regular sUtioat only, and points designated In the Comp&ny'f Time Table. , SHELBY DIVISION, PASSENGER, MAIL, EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. I Iaily except Sundays. ? Leave Charlotte... 5.30 P. M ' Arrive at Shelby 9.00 1 M. LeaveShelby 7.00 A. M' Arrive at Charlotte. 10.30 A. M . I 1 Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at I Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Ral ebrh. . - -. :: t- . Through SleeplngCars between Wllmingtoa and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte Take Train Nt. t for Statesvllie, Buttons Western N C It R, A-shevUle and points West Also, for Spartanburg, Green vllle, A then, Atlanta and ail points HodtbwesL I , U C. JONKS.r 1 - SuperintcndenL F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agent June 13 . 1. New Buckwheat ! ITew. Buckwheat NEW BUCKWHEAT AStiXtlirtK Byrnp to suit, receive! by Sevr' York Steamer to-day - ' x A!o Cakes and Crackers of every variety , fresli and erUp, acl general stock of Fresh j p jw-erfei citii n illyjfonmt In a firbt-rUs G ro- , -: " ' j eery at Crpoa Family jrocery. ; ' i GEO SJ. CRAPON.'Agenw J ) oct 2U South' Proat St I 1 1 1 ,1 1. im ' CATAlOCUt. PnMti r.MalMi. 1 I ami. t h1adt Iji uiM s. Sit-1 Kce SU-.CUic.A 1 1 1 I",