THIS PAPER gashed every evening. Sunday ex eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, tprtOB AKD PBOrWKTOB, rscrIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: rear .00. SI months. 2.00. Three 0 i (vi- rnp month. 35 cents. jonifl , . ftT)Cr will le delivered by carriers free in smta ier week. j . . nr iv s - ' A1-" ait J 1, thlr oaner rearularlv. -aw"' - Tnc Daily Review has tke largest iMM fide circul-ation, of any newspaper linked, in the cify of Wilmington. JEl General Sherman is in New York on g short visit. Matthew Arnold will -lecture at junction College on the 22d instant. Cereal and Mrs. Grant intend to 5pend the first week of 1884 in .Wash Ccrscressraan Wadsworth ot New York, 5 rapidly recovering from his recent rjuries. , . - ...... professor Paul Pa?sey. of Paris, say a the United States is the dullest country he ever visited. Mme. Devries i to be paid gSO.000 for eight performances in opera at Moulo Carlo this-season. Jbfui Bright denounces teimtie ?ui- frae, but his daughter, Mrs. Bright t'iark , hu nevertheless taken to 'the aciiiie platform in favor of It. Kx Governor Luke P. Blackburn, of Kentucky, has been presented with a costly gold-headed ebony cane by j'riemls in Frankfort, the capital city of the State. : The Hon. Charles Gayarre formally announces himself a3 a candidate for Secretary of State of Louisiana, subject to the decision of tho Democratic State Convention. The Galveston News thinks that 'ono of the tickling incidents of latter day poiitios is the fact that Keifer lias ab3o Jutoly, fervently-, and let ns hope, per manently, subsided ,J polls in New York city Tuesday, says the Washington Star, and gave his name in a whisper a3 Samuel J.Tilden. lie then voted the straight Democratic ticket, and was helped iuto his carriage and driven home. But this same old man, if gossip lies not, was stronger iu his whispering feebleness than the blusteriDg Ben of Tewksbury. Commenting on the benzine explosion in a French factory, by which ten per sons were killed and thirty injured, the Philadelphia Times says "it seems like the most criminal kind of management which would allow any but the small est amount of this explosive material in a factory in which three hundred people were employed. It is evident that factory regulations in France are very far from perfect." The New York Times says that seme progress has been made in Vienna with the electric railway, knd great energy is said to characterize the management. Already have the working plans of the first section been lodged with the gov. eminent, and they are now receiving the examination prescribed by law as a necessary step before further . work is begun. Meanwhile similar 'plans for the remaining sections .of the railway are being proceeded with. It is interesting to know what the Richmond Whig, Klam's paper and Ma hone's organ, has to say in the night of its defeat. Tho Norfolk Virginian has collated a few paragraphs and formed them into chapters. ThVy are as fol lows: - C II AFT EH I. "To mourn a mischief that is past and gone Is the next way to draw the mischief on.' ir. , "Now let us see how the Kimders will fulfill their promises." - r , nr. "Well, in any a ent, we know how to bear defeat with decency and forti tude." IV. "We were badly beaten In 1680, but we rose to victory in 1881 and triumph ed again in 188. v. "If the free schools shall be main tained and supported, Bourboniim will perish before them." vi . "We shall not appeal to the pistol and shot gun. The tree ballot will yet vindicate itself, our cause and us." vn. dure defeat, we shall not go to bed be cause of last Tuesday. ot a nit ot u: VIII. ' "Let us pick our flints and try sg-un ; TW fi-U. . 1 Aiiu uKUi. iur 1 r ecu o oi. onco utuuu. Bequeathed Iron bleeding sire to son Though baffled oft, is ever won 1" IX. "We shall uot incite riots and o minii murder, no matter if we are defeated. All our weapons and implements to re pair disaster are those of peace and reason. vol. vii: 1 i! LOCAL NE)YS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Heixsbkrgkb Lost I W HGreex Cigars W H fcTTKOX One Match 1 Oteba. IJocSE-Esmeralda A & I !iuiEitLet'uj Kaso I Mrs E Wauben-More Room JOHSf L Koatwbioht Fresh Arrival V L Bridosbs & Co We willf-dop Bragging R M McfXTinE New Dress Goods MUNI3 liKOg. & . IEDOi8V NOVOIUCS Jornr T fecuoKWALD-o and 10 rta ci,ir CW i'ATKfi something New Ecrrl'ay UILE3 & Mcrchison Lumps and G:aware Corneliua Harnett (hftmcil No. 231, Royal Arcanum. . 1 - 'l ' I I " None ot the escaped prisoners yet been recaptured. , have The receipts of cotton at tin? 'port to day foot up U10 bales, j j . j Cleaning and Scouring done at Monach's. on Second street. It. 1 Silver Placed Spoons' an;l Fork, km pri, si Jacobis t Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231 Hoyal Arcanum, jnets' to-night at S o'clock; It The rain last night laid the dust nicely an.d the. weather this ; morning was perceptibly cooler. 1 Steam boatmen report cood fair boat, ing water in the CapciFear. but that it it is gradually falling off. i Ger. barque Atlantic Capt. Sobering,, cleared to day for Liverpool with 1,523 hales cotton, valued at 70.000, shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son. ' Mr. W. H. Styron has a fine !inc of cigars, tobaccos and smoker's articles in stock. He says hi3 five cent cigars only require one match to keep them going, as tbey are a superior grftda fur the money. I 1 ' 1 t ! L- 1 There will be a meeting ot the WiS mington Presbytery at the Second Pres byterian Church J on Campbell street, to-night,corauieuciug at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. J.S. Black'.of Burlaw, the visiting Moderator, is expected to preach the sermon. i I Blankets and Curtains bleached at Monach's,. I cleaned and It. Cutting Scrapie; Horace Adams aud Jesse Johnson . two colored boys , got into a fracas this forenoon on the sidewalk in front of the shooting gallery buring which the latter drew a knife and inflicted quite a severe wound upon tnC hand ,ot the former. , ' A Disgraceful Spectacle. Three women, two of whom were white and one colored, were arrested in the Hollow to-day for being drunk' and disorderly and taken to the guard house by a couple ot policemen. On their way to the lock-up they indulged in all sorts of ribald and profane language which it was shocking to hear. Fox Hunt. The fox which was caught a few days ago will be taken outside of the Macomber's Ditch, at the head of Princess street, tosnightand will begiv en about half an hour's start before the hounds are put upon i his .rail. There will be a good moon and the occasion offers a fine opportunity for enjoyment to the lovers of field shorts. The ladies are cordially invited tp join in the chase, and it i3 excected that quite !a number will be present. Lutlier'a Birthday. Services commemorative of the 400th anniversary of tho birthday of. Martin Luther were held at St. Paul's Evan gelical Lutheran Ch'urch last night which were of an interesting character. Aside from the regulaf service1 several of the officers and some ot tho pupils connected with the Sunday School of the Church made brief addresses. Among the former ere Messrs. Strauss, the Superintendent. Eilers, Borneman and Pre m pert, j There was a large conzregation in attendauce who were ranch edified by the services. City Court. I There was quite an array of prisoners brought up for the Major's considera tion this morning, j The 'first was , . !P 1 whose case was held for further consul- ati on. ! ! j j Peter Smith, colored, for carr j ing concealed weapon, was lvjairci to i give a bond in the sum of $50 lor of bis! anpearancoat the next ( lenu the Criminal Court, in alekuit which he : j was committed- j j Fanny Moore anl Molly rewis , o colored damsel tor di wero ened $5 cHci,: i.i dt-rauii of. which they were both sent be.'owi for 30 . risys. One man discharged. arrested on suspicion, was WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. NOVEMBER - . : : 1 Gone to the Convention. Rev. Dr. T. II. Pritchard1 lelt this morning for Edenton to bo in atten dance upon the North Carolina Baptist Convention which wili assemble in that town on thaUth inst., and where he will undoubtedly meet with a large number of old friends who will give him a cordial wckomo back to JjTorth Carolina. Send your goods to Monach's Dye Works jt. Wilmington Light 11 fan try. Wo are glad to learn that this excel lent organization is in a prosperous condition, with all of its debts paid, besides having about $500 in the trcas nry. The company is an honor to the city and it is the determination ol its officers and members to make it the crack corps ot the State. It should be the pride of our citizens to encourage its efforts in evety ivay possible. It is i desirable to increase tho membershin to 75 good men, to do which about, 25 are now needed, and w hope they will be speedily obtained. 1 1 For Pocket Knaves or Table Cutlery tro to'jAConi' Hard ware Depot J t Esmeralda; , " 1 We call attention to the double-col umni advertisement of Esmeralda, which will be presented at the Opera House on the night olj" the 14th inst., by the Madison Square Company. The play has been rendered here once and is therefore known to many of our readers as one of sterling merit, and possessing peculiar interest from the fact that tho principal scenes are laid in North Carolina. The cast of characters is a remarkably strong one. many of the actors being favorably kuown by our theatre goers. There wiii un doubtedly be a full house to witness the rendition of this excellent domestic drama. I All fashionable colors dyed at Monach's. Second street. . It.1 Increased Facilities. The improvements which Mrs. War ren has recently been' making in her confectionery store on 1 Second street, near the Postoffice, have alll been com pleted., and the establishment now presents one of tho neates: appearances in the city. She has doubled tho space formerly occupied by her and has in creased her facilities for not only the display but the manufacture of sweet things. The candy maker employed by her is certainly equal to all of the demands made upon him and the dis play of the result of his 1 labors is as tempting as we havo seen anywhere. The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gillst Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. Theatrical. Mr. Charles E. Lock3 is in the city trying to make arrangements for the appearance here of the celebrated Theo dore Thomas' Orchestra of 60 perform ers. They will perform in Richmond and Norfolk, and if sufficient induce ments are offered will stop and per form1 hero on their tour through the South. Mr. J. Duke Murray, advance agent for MUton Nobles, is in the city making arrangements for his company, which wili appear hereon the 19th inst., at which time the popular drama of "A Man of the People" will I be presented. The new diagrams for the Opera House have arrived ; and now, ticket holders for reserved seats will have the number of their seats jcut from the di agram and attached to the coupon$, so that much annoyance will be avoided. I Acrobatic. An acrobat and contortionist, who stated that he had been a member of Barnura's Circus Co., was in the city on Saturday night and gave a moonlight: performance on Market street, just West of Front street. His performance was spoken of as beins: very good by those who saw it. After having shown his skill for awhile a collection was taken up on his behalf and the by standers contributed quite liberally. He hailed from Atlanta, Ga., and said that he was on ht3 way thither, bnt as be uu a f ,J , . , was out 01 lianas aaop:cu n:s cirrus ! fj kill as a means to raise tho raonsi to p": " There wrs also a lifting machine for I lhos -a ho desired to test their strength, the latter hwiir just retnrned from the Cmutfc-rlancLFair. at Faye tevil'e. Cincinnati. O The Times SEiar "A h'r bu Jacobs 0,1 takcs ; A lino assortmeas oi uuns ana iiswm mmm V S to. Jacob s JIrdwr PepoL l NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - r , 1 Lamps and Glassware QF ALL KIND FOE SALE BY Giles & Hiurchison. nor 15 MurchIoa Blok. One HJatch JS UFFIC1BST TO LIGHT ONE Or t f I UOH 5c Clears. cot require a )tox w fc wrreI to tbr? pocket. Try them. W.I H. STYKON, 123 Market bt. nor 12- 1 5 and 10 cents Cigars, HAV AN AlFlLL. fiS. Best In the ctty, are oa ' Drags aad Medicinal preparations of the highest gnlatit i . JXO. T. BCnOj?WAI.t fl oor li , Orngand PrecrlptTon Store Lost . i JS KCSTACIK.S OVES Ttlfc 'EW AKD haadome lot of PICTUBES Joat recelTed. STEEL ENGRAVINGS la endless VAriety, Plain and Highly Colored In the most artistic ityle.1 Just the Pictures for presentation jr- A!!, etfpociaUy those who havm been wUlug r for this arrival, are requested to eaJffarly and make a selection, at j HEINSBERGER?S, noy 12 Live Book and Music Store Novelties ! ! "JOT TOE AKTICLE THEMSELVES which are mentioned below, but the extreme ------ i low prices at which we sJl them Puff Boxes in pollbhed wood, suitable for Decorating, two Bizea. 23 and 40 cants. We aloce handle theBe goods, and our Amateur Artists will be pleas od with them. Lare lot of ENGLISH TOOTH BRUSHES, 25 cents each, the beet and most satisfactory brueb ever sold in this market for the money, 4 Large Cakes Perfumed Toilet Soap, 00 eta. Mnnds Bros. &Dellosset, DBUG GISTS, MABKET STKEET. nov IS Let us Reason, J MAG INK THAT .WE ARE SEATED FOR a pleasant talk about tndthinx We want & Coat, Vest, pair of Fants or perhaps a suit. Naturally the first point for discussion is Where can wo do tho best and who will deal with you i perfectly upright and honest ? A. & I. SHRIEB, who have secured the good faith of the public, ami who have had the experience of over fourteen years, and during that entire l period neither man, woman nor child ever ex perienced disappointment over a mistake which was not Immediately rectified. A. & I. SHRIER Fell only Clothing equal to the finest Custom Made work and every; garment sold is guaranteed to be exactly as represented. A. & I. SHRIER, nov 12 Reliable Clothiers, 114 Market SL FRESH ARRIVALS! ATMORK'd CELEBRATED MINCEMEATS In Barrels, Half Barrels and Palls; and PLUM PUDDING In all sizes. These are the very best goods of their kind, . 1 - 'i and no family should be1 withont them. pRANGE MARMALADE, a moat delightful Sweetmeat for the tea tab?e. To arrive on Tuesday nxt, a frcoh supply of Ginger Taffy, Ben' a' Boston Crackers j Genecove Wafers, Coffee Cakes, something sew and nice. Orange Bar, Almond Macearoons, i Cocoannt Maocaxoons, and I I . Tbe Genuine Albert BUcnlt, In one and two pouad Tins. For tale low. John L. Boatwright. nor ltf Cigars I Cigars ! 1 EW BRANDS O T UNEXCELLED Stoc. A lnrury wllhto reach of all. ; ToLt S.ap. a new and etgant linr. Tooth Brcsbes. ihsaii and best, at WILLIAM H. GREEN'S, nov 10 ' 117 Market Street.. ftlfl VnWcTATlfir t uia 11 ewspapers F It - J JS ESYlCXtEAP. j ap-;jau . . WIISIfTCS 12. 1883. NO. 267 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS x v. : t 1 r ! 'VV.V.V-A. "A": :- 1 OPERA HOUSE, j 'N , v,. - -..' :' ' i I , ; ,.-,yj - .--fj.-Jr-:, r-l;v,' . . mwtv ... ' .- - , i , i , ' -:, ' ! , i ' - i -I A . ! ' . ' i ' n. ,i . . " : afw ' STORY .. , . ' PATHCS. ' WEDNESDAY i PUFE. cf .. J L J : ').-: , , JiOSTH ' ' ' 7 cvrviMf 1 I 1 CARGIINA THE 1 FAMOUS ORIGINAL COMPANY ! The Strongest Cast ever presenting this beautify! North Carolina Drama. V - THE GREATEST AMERICAN DRAMATIST RIU3IPH ever achieved In london, Erg. Prices Reecircd, Parqnetteand three Rows In Dress Circi tl. Ad tt lesions 75c, COn. Gal lery 25c. . . . nov 13 In Black and Colors : J B LA C K A L Something new LADIES 3DHESS ELS. All the ncW colorings, with handsome buttons to match. . " CARPETS ! CARPETS ! A complete stock choice patterns in Extra Super, just received. CRUMB CLOTHS, in all sizes. ' - ' OIL CLOTHS , all widthsf R. rj. McirJTIRE. nov 12, 1883 1 . We Will Stop Bragging i FOB THE PRESENT ABOUT . ' I ' ' Our Celebrated Pride Flour, t as everybody seems to know Its snperior qual i I ities. However, If you want any, send i around and we will supply you. We are selling a large quantity of North Carolina Apples, Superior la quality to any on the market. THE BEST FLAVORED FRUIT SOLD IN THE CITY I i- ' . j ROYSTER'S PURE CANDIES RECEIVED FRESH EVERY WEEK. i. -- - 35 cts. per pound. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. 1 1 0 North Front 8t. nov 13 Something New . ! Every Day L gTTLISH STATIONERY, j I - BEAUTIFUL PIC1URIS, An elegant tins I Velvet, Gilt and Ebony Picture Frame. Hand painted Goods, DeccaleomanU Pictuw s. Artist 3IaterUlj, c, Ac. n -j ul rfcetst DancinsSchoolat Germania -Y WILL OS TIftK5iA' AFTfcttyOON I JL next. &t 4 o'cttck, form a elasi la Dinciug, ' for Mue ut ilbti ers. : Persons Uettriog to i b&ro their children tiuzht all the: latctt aacc 1 will t. a Ui tmke at&ctge of tnfat oppor i tu 'ity irivAtr ka oes lrca at au7 bour. reus yr KtfJon of is lessons. J zwrCU . JIENUY r, feLAlCR. PX.SAAJE ilOTii; We will b gld to reoelra commulcatitB. from our friends oa any asd an 'subjects reatral Interest but Th same ot Ut writer nut always fs Klahed to the Editor. ; . j f m Coauntmlejitiotis tan&x be wrtuea on oa! one sldoot the paper. PersocaKttes most be syoMM. Acfl It is especially and particularly end stood tbM the Editor does not always endox tbe views of corrcspondente nnloas so state In theedttArtal olaicziK. ' 1 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. some very choice things. , . . , ' M A C LOTH, and desirable. 1 .. 1 1 .... i . More Room. 1 QWING TO THE STEADY INCBEA8E la my business, and for the want of more room, I have rented the 8 to re adjoining my present! one, and enlarged the one 1 now occupy. Tuis 8 jne ample i room to show my , FINK TOCR of - 1 Ilomc-Made Candies, i .Having engaged an EXPERIENCED C1N. - DY MAKRR, of Baltimore, to assist me In the making f my Candles, I can therefore give the puollo the benefit of the PUREST. FEE H . jhiST AND FINtST C4MDIES In the cltyJ , I have three large Show cases, containing " One Hundred and Fifty different kinds oi! CANDY from which selections can be made. As I am manufacturing for tbe Uetali Trade only I can guarantee PURE AND KR1CMI GOODS tAJ i.Y. it is not the quantity bat tne QUALM Y we have. H T 7 , Receiving by t-teamcr daUy FRUIT OF ALL DE CRIPTIONH. -Come and see me. No trouble t show roods. " MK. K. WAUUKN, nov 13- - Uaod 1) North he'-ondSt One Hnndred & Eleven. One Hundred & Elerons One Hundred & EIeven I FINI SILK' VCLVET.S la all shados, at tl CP peryrd, 19 Inch, wurtU $5 W. i j Full VLitt of SILK HOSE, In all colors SJii B ak, for Jjtdlcs sad Children. . . , - ' ' '.- . j .! BLACK AND C'OLJRED"'siLKS, all styles J at Jow pneos. i - . '- A FINE FRENCH COftSET FOB $1 2?. VMM ra7 f I 4W CHILDIIEN'S COBS ETA In all sizes, for ft'tl Regular prtce 73c . - THREE BUTTON KID GLOVE. In all saaio aa 1 Biacs. for U)c. 5erer bo.'crs fold for ies than 11 W, JULIUS SAMSON. lliaiABIvRTKT. I Old North State Saloon. C Soutb Proiit Street. pBESU ARRIVAL -I r Fi NJSW RIVER OTilE -aiw4?y' , on lee. .I Bi!-t wiwi ih nn. Has ' Clrars. io d j tue. Wn a. - C ... - a- :

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