4 THIS PAPER PIXA8E KOTICS. - We will be glad to receive comtaiinlcatloB from our friends on any and all subject general interest but ; , r The name of the writer mast always be cu nUhed to the Editor. r . ;r . Communications must be written ' oa ml one side of the paper. - ' Personalities must be avoided." And It la espedanv and particularly and stood that the Editor does not always esdoi cr.rv evening. Sunday ex r 1 pal JOSH T. JAMES, H eorrok and pbopmbtok. J ,Ttnvs POSTAGE PAID: Six. months, f&w. AlTc One month, 25 cents. 'months, Of 1 ' .v. i.oo: nw"-. ' ,iuvred bv carriers tree P pR- any part of the city, at the above 'Accents per week. .- Hdne rates low and UberaL tf-sabscn remlarlv. VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1883. 2 ( J tbe views of correspondents unless so state. a cue eaitonai commits. -if. ' The Daily Review has the largest m circulation, of any newspaper IJiie inOu&y of Wilmington. f Scott, ased 7 year: wmricg in Texas. jv.- - ' - General Butler campaign is said by hVobIgz Journal to - have coat him 135,000. t : r paal H. Hayne; the poet; Was given a 'public reception id AUaata on Wedoes- T,ercwro 211 business failure In 215 tiie week preceomg. n S1SJ fs P refold von Ranke. who is H years o'd.bas about completed another vol-. ufflPof his "Universal History.1' of Gen. which was that a 'brother Robert E. Lee once figured as a de fendant in a murder trial. Mr. I Carter writes: Gen. Lee had two brothers older than himself and a halt-brother still older. The brother were. Charles Carter, who lived and died a Virginia farmer, and Sydney Smith, a captain in the United States navy. The half brother was Henry, the son of his father's first wife, who was a daughter of Philip Lud well Lee None of these brothers ever figured in auy murder trial." ' . Ger.eral Roger A. Pryon while wait Bg the opportunity to defend his Irian 2ent, ia bight-seeing in London and is . tvp.iuent visitor at the law courts. "Joseph Webber, of Pittsburg. Pa. who had made a wager for $600 to eat abr?ce of quail every day lor twenty Jay, completed Lis task last Friday. mm i Boston" four richest men are Fred- j rick L. Ames, 815.000.000; John M.-( Forbes, S12.O0O.OOO, and Oliver Ames j and w luiuiu vx. -j---, - The Baltimore Day thus discourses bf Mr. Riddleberger'a future in the Senate: While Virginia Democrats, ot course, would preler to see another in his place. 3T8t he Ias the. opportunity 'of so con ducting himself as to earn a far differ ent and mt ch better reputation than that which Mahone is forced to bear. acd.tnay in iimb 'be aocepuble to bis people. There seems to be certainly as much inducement lor him to get on the right as the wroogsMe, ind it is 'surely as easy. , . j i i LOCAL NEWS. Tea Seed. . Rev. Colin Shaw, of Bladen county. gave us the pleasure" of a visit this morning. He brought with him a box containing what appeared more like petrified grapes than anything else, only acking in the weight of petrifaction. They were in reality) the seed of the tea plant and were raised by him.' He has cultivated the tplant rueces&tully for several years, and a number of his neighbors are devoting aUontioa, to Us culture. The seed that he brought with him are for sale and may be se cured by calilus on Mr. R. McDougall. on Chestnut, between Ffjnt and Water. The very moderate price of 10 cents per dozen is all that Mr. Shaw asks for them, I THE PBESBrTEUlANS. in Jailor Murry arid Officer Strodes took a jaunt to Federal Point yesterday in search of three of the escaped pris oners whoru they heard were lurking around the neighborhood otMyrtleGrove Sound. Their search was fruitless. Wilmington Presbytery Session. The Presbyteriau church organize tion of the State is divided into five districts or Prcsbyterie which unite and form the Synod. The Wilmington Presbytery, the ProshvlNo cf iatif mcf nn ran ant - . . ' , . i .. at the City Hall to-night, to adjournment at its last session m tbe ..-,.. , Second Presbyterian church of this city, of which the Rev. C. M. Payne is pastor, last evening at 8, o'clock. Tbe Presbytery was opened with a sermon from the retiring Moderator the Rev. NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday, Nov. 14th. There U promise1 of a good time at the -'Mum Party," given by the Dofcaa Society of St. Paul The great original cat from tbe s Lutheran church Madison Square Theatre, night. The price of - admission is mcacty nominal, and there , will baau abundant supply of refrea! Esmeralda - - Esmeralda. t - Gen. Grant has written another letter wton. Fitz. John. Porter, dated No-rt-fuber S'J, in which ha expresses the hope that Congress will no, only restore porter to his rank, but givft h;m baok my. - i fbo citizens in the vicinity of Read- r., are lciiiui cauucuh-i , of robbers who infest that neighborhood ! snJ hae had several encounters with ?i;em. The Govoruor may bo cnlled upon for assistance. Miss Louise A. Montague, the shapely female who traveled with a'cIrcu3 two seasons ago as a prize beauty, has just been divorced from her husband, a va riety actor of the link sau3agc-and-fried onion name of Kayser. The edifying spectaQle ot a governor of a State, with severaj. high cfilcials, as interested spectators of a "slugging" match, was presented to t ho people of St. lama the other day. Governor Crittenden occupied a box at the John L. Sullivan show in that city last week. . Garfield Post, Grand Army of the Republic, Covington, Ky., have adopt ed resolutions declaring that LicTut. Gen. P. H. Sheridan should be promot ed to the rank of general, and that Maj. Gen. Hanoor.k should be made lieuten ant general. Better reverse it. JUDEX TO NEW 'AnYFBTSIME?T5. W H Greux Cigars I , Mum Pauti Dorca3 Socipty W J MOTT-Stall 5 Mountain Beef Mukds Bkos. & DeRosset i-Noveltiea C W V'atks omethlujc New Kycrr lfty The receipts of cotton lat. this 'port to day foot up 701 bates. There was plenty of ice this moraine, aud a ?ood overcoat was! a; necessity. " Tea covered oyster carts - from New River, formed in procession and drove J S. Biacklof Burgaw, After the sermon down Market street this morning about the Presbytery was opened with 11 o'clock. They, halted at the corner of Draver. Tbe roll of Ministers of churches Market and Second streets and drew a This la the beet company on the road, beats at Dyerb. eommeucinBMoaUay. KerrTCl', Pdrqnette and tbree liowa Balcony; T5c back -ot tttroe Lows Italcooy. Aamleions CO and 25c , - bov 9-St " ' ' : More Room Rev. W. M. Kennedy has beeg called, to. the pastorlil charge of Wo ve- the are ornsn is M&sonboro Baptist Church. j pleased to know that, tjiis gen to remain among us. ' , - . i . Hon. A. M. Waddell is announced to speak at the Court House in1 Pamlico county on Monday next, the day pre vious to the election in trict. , ho Fjrst :Dis- Quite a number of delegates to have already arrived in the city preparatory to taking part irt the Presbyterian Synod, which will assemble at the First Presbyterian Church at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Very few turkeys have been brought to market this year, so tar, but we sup pose his gobblershipwill be offered up as a sacrificon the 29th mst., the day Mr. Arthur says we must give thanks for redeeming old Virginia. Philadelphia gives over20.000 Repub lican majority, and yet out of five con gressional districts one is 'saved always for the Democrat, Samuel J. Randall. Whatever difference of opinion may prevail with regaid to Mr. Randall's tariff opinions he shows great strength of character. . i The Chicago Press, Independent, hnIHa thi dnf!t.rinf: The man who is continually seeking office and who thiaks he has a claim upon the public treasury is not the m an people, like to trust with public honors. The Repub lican candidates are, .very many of them, chronic office seekers, who cling to the public crib like barnacles to the j bottom of a ship. .Gen. Francis Bateg.Pond. the father of 4the Pond bill," noted in Ohio polities, had an eventf ul career. The son of a Congregational minister, a collegian, a wanderer in the Huron wilds, a pinched school master, a lawyer, a private, a captain, a .colonel and a brigadier from '6L to 66 4uid finally a prohibition leader in the Ohio Legislature, his life was busy indeed. til death, a few days ago, occurred 'when be was 58. ' During the performance at the.Onera House to-morrow night, the orchestra will play the Esmeralda Waltz, a piece of music of a high order -ot merit, com posed and dedicated to the Madison Square Co. Copies of the music may be obtained at Heinsberger's. Blooded Stock. Mr. Jas. W. Southerland has just re turned from Kentucky whew he went to purchase a blooded aninyil. .The horse has a fine pedigree and is regis tered. He ia a fine animal and we are nlaacori tn nhrnniola the iuiDOrtatlon of HiwWi and iranroved stock in our midst. , Civil Rights on the Surging " , Cape Fear. J A day or two since Lydia Davis, eol ored. took a trip down the river on the steamer Momekaha. Captain Frank Wilkinson, seeing the , festive Lydia in the after cabin, told her she mu3t go in the forward cabin, which was equally as comfortable as the one she was in. and that she knew it was against the rules of tho boat for colored persons to occupy the after cabin, as the one for-, ward was equally 3 pleasant and was reserved expressly for them. Lydia conteuded that she had paid her fare and would occupy any portion of jthe boat that she wished, aa she had a right to do. Capt. Wilkinson reported the matter to ilie owuer,i Capl. Bisbee, who instructed his officer to compel the woman to occupy the part i of tho boat assigned to those of her color. Capt. Wilkinson, thereupon told Lydia that she must go forward, atid as she stoutly refused to do so, he caught her by the arm and led her out. Lydia upon re turning to the city went, before Jus tice Hill aud took qut a war rant against Captain Wilkinsou for assault and battery. Before issuing tho warrant the Magistrate told the womau, after hearing her version of the story, that if she was contending for civil rights he would not grant a war rant or hear the case as that matter had been decided by the highest tribunal in the land aud only listened to the charge of assault and battery. The case was brought to areliminarj.hearinye4er day afternoon. The woman sworn that Capt. Wilkinson used undue force in ejecting her and that she has been laid up two days by reason of the treat ment she received. The Justice im posed a fine of $10 and the costs. Capt. Wilkinson took an appeal to the Criminal Court. and delegates were . called aud the Urge crowd of speculators who quickly ( WING TO THE steady incbbisk la following answered to their names: Revs. Dune m D. Black, 'CoKn Shaw, Jas. M.prunt, D. D., B- J. Marable, S. H. Isler, Archibald Mc Fadyen, Alex. Kirkland, J. R. Wilson, D. D. C. M. Payne. Kr McDonald, J. and S. Black, Jno. M. Rose, Jr. Ruling: Elders G. B. Carr. J. bought up tho loads o bivalves. Silver Plated Spoons and Forkfl. low oruw. jut Jacobi.'s my business, and for the want of more room, I have reotJ the Store adjoining my present , one, and enbmred tbe one 1 now occupy. ThU giv.-a nto ample siuua or room to show my KING Messrs. L. M. Boykin, W. H. Boykin B. Underwood publish in 'the Clinton Caucasian a challenge, to all H. sportsmen for a fox cbas-. lhey say: Mnpnhff i Jno rt r.rr .1- a. Fnison. The iudecs will be selected by the J. O. Player, A. Southerland. Henry parties, and the time, place, number of Harrison. W. J. Cromertio D I. degs to oe run, ana rmes wiu re agreeu Not Desirable Company. Last night a bevy of four or five vounir ladies were seated in a room until 3 o 'clock. with a bright light and cheerful fire indulging in a pleasant conversation and having a good time generally, when all at once one of them placed her hands upon her clothing and .de claredthat theie was something crawl ing beneath them. "Oh, dear! Barney, C. H.Robinson. R. McDougal, J. W. Cowau. J. N. Corbet. H. WJ Bur well. ) Rev. J. M. Rose, of Goldsboro. was elected Moderator aud Rev. A. Kirk land. of Whiteyiile, temporary Clerk. By resolation.he hours for holding the Presbytery to-day were set at from 9 ;30 o'clock to 1 o'clock, and from 3 o'clock to adjournment. iho night session was then brought to a close. " MCliXING SESSION. The Presbytery was called) to order by the Moderator at 9:30 o'clock. The committee appointed at the last meeting to prepare a Manual for the Presbvterv made their report. Tho re port was taken up seriatim and wa8 adopted as a whole with the amend ments and the committee discharged. Free conversation of the subject of Religion was j made the order of the day tor the fternoon sessionl To-night the subject of Home Mis sions will be discussed. The overtures sent down from lie General Assembly to the Presbytery were taken up and adopted,! after dis cussion. and are as follows: I "Shall the action of the Assembly of IS2. amending nook of discipline,! chap 12, ec. 3, be confirmed ?" - "Shall a sectiou be added to form ot government, chapter, 7, providing for amendment to confession of faith and catechism?" i "Stall the last sentence of sec. 4, chap 24 of confession of Faith relative to marriage be stricken out?1' -The Presbytery, then took a recess nome-Made Candles, I Having enzaged an 'EXPERIENCED CAN-. D V M AK R, bf Baltimore to assist me In lmx making f my t an-lles, 1 can therefore Rive i the paullc the beucrts of tho I'UKauvr.KRa&ll KST AND Fl N f-ST O t 1)1 Ki In tbo city.- -; I hav thive large Shavr Cases, containing f One llunblnvl and tlfty different kiuds of ! OAJSDY, from which tckciloua can bo made. As J am lu.-utufacliulna: for the Ket&li Trado The new Telephone Exchange in the only i can guarantee rUKK and fkkmi. tho QUALl'l Y c have. v I - by Strainer dally FRUIT upon by I heai . Bank of New Hanover building! ?& ecliving its lirdshinff Jtouches. The switchboard and other appointment ot the office have been simplified and improved under the direction of Mr. J. C. White, the mhnager. There are over two hundred wire3 running into the new office. ; A fint assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jaoobi's. Hardware Depot Recolvins ALL, DE CUIFTIOX?. Vomt: h.:hI aoo rue. No trouble t Bhow jroods. MKS. Fi. - WAKliEN, , c.6v 12- 1 13 aad U5 North .second St One Hundred & Eleven, One Hundred & Eleven. NEW AOVJSBTISKMENTS ILum Party. rpiIE UORCAS SOCIETY OF ST. PAUL'S Lutheran Church wlll.hnld a MUM! PARTY, a.t th o.lTV HALL. WEDNESDAY KVK ISG, Hth int. Refreshments served. Gar den Oys' er In every style. Admission 10 cts. nov l0 2t sat tnes Star copy ( . . ' The Best, 1 Say I A CAR LOAD OF MOUNTAIN CATTLE, THE BEST which has oome to market thia year, Hid be . ... . for sale at my! Stall No. 5, to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, aud tbe bal i : - ;l ance of the week. - ." Look at it even if you don't care to buy W. 'j. MOTT, i Stall THO. & One Hundred & Eleven, FIXK SILKVELVKTS In all shades; at r00 per yard, 19 Inch, worth $3 CO. y Full Hne of SILK IIOSK, 4n all folors and Black, for Ladles al ChiMren.- BLACK AND COLORKD SILKS, all styles, at low prices. i . :-.. --I' A FINE FRENCH CO XSKT FOR $1 21. Bcfi- niar price f i 7i. CHILDREN'S COIt-ETS in all sizes, forO.cJ Regular price. 75c. i .' THREE BUTTON KID GLOVE-, inj t U shadea and Blacs,! for 50c. Jever bo: ore sold for fees than $1 00. t : nov 13 5 and 10 cents Cigars, JULIUS SAMSON, For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery go to Jacobi1 HardwareDepot-i t Rear admiral Nichols1 annual report of the condition of the United States naval establishment is chiefly, rem ark able for showing in what a dilapidated condition everything is, and the large Bam that will be required for proper repairs. He speaks, however, more cheerfully ot the personnel aT the navy, particularly of the boys in the service. and he expres33es the wish there wore City Court. The following case's were disposed of by the Mayor this morning :( David Mclaurin. colored, lor throw- mg rocas at anu uuiui "w boy, was fined $10. in default of which . . . .... n tie was sent to tne city prisua w days. I Fannie Benton and Josephine hmith. both colored, for an affray, were noea $5 each. ' , sivtih of the" Season. Musk rat a are not in a hurry at build ing their houses this Falf. Tho ground hog is not digging his hole deep. Chick en gizzards presage a green Christmas. The corn husks are light. Mallard ducks are thin leathered. IThe 'goose's breastbone is very delicate, j Tomatoes ripen late. Catfish hidjes are not thick. If these are not signs of a mild winter, then of what aro they the signs? Improvements at Oakc!ale The Thomas Concert. Mr. Charles E. Locke is still in the city working with a will towards the a completion bf arrangements which will mouse! a mouse!1' said the others, and justify the Theodore Thomas Orches they all jumped ready to flee from the tra in stopping here and giving one of unwelcome intruder. The young lady's their unrivalled musical entertainments clothing was shaken to the floor. Quiet while on their Southern tour. JTbe was soon restore, but after a short troupe is composed of CO instrumental I time the same young lady uttered an- istp.each of which is an artist in his pars f .i I . i it. i 'J K 1 otner scream, ai mo saiuu uiue puuing i ucuiar ime, uearucs uumwi i wa TTAVAVA FILLKRS. XI Rest in the city, are on sale, j .Drugs and Medicinal preparations of the highest graae ai JNO. T. SCHONWALL'S, nov 12 Drug and Precript'on Store nov 8- 1 11 MARKET RT. Lost JN EC3TACIKS OVER THK NEW AND handsome lot of TICTURES Just received. STEEL ENGRAVINGS In endless variety. Plain and Highly Colored In the most artistic fctyle. Just the Pictures for presentation pur poses. - , All. especially those who have been waiting N, C. Apples. 150 BBLS FIi?E WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA APPLES. Call at once at- R. McDOI'OALL'8, m Chestout, bet. Water and Froot sts , - nov 9 - , On Hand 9 HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book and MuIc Store nov 12 her bands upon her clothes, and dechuv 8oloists;-of undoubted musicarabilityand for this arrival, are requested to call early and ed that there was some living cresture excellence. To take such a company makQ a geiecUon, at there. Another fright followed, but of musicians, each of whose services one of tho party mustered courage to demands a iarge salary, through i he take a" stick and beat the clothing country, calls for an immense outlay where tho creature was held in its of money to meet ordinary expenses, folds by the wearer. Another vigorous and.it is to ensure the management shake, but mi mouse. By this time the against probable loss that Mr. Locke entire party were intensely nervous and has remained in the city to secure the each was possessed with the idea that co-operation of our c.tizens. He has Ljrtnio intrnsivn visitor had taken lode- met fwith much 'encouragement and ing ia her clothing. This was jnot les" here is a fair prospect that the compa sened when a few moments later the ny will appear here on the 6ih of De; same lady who had been twice alarmed cember next. He will leave ;here to uttered anothar scream , seized her night, but has made arrangements with dress again, and repealed her exclama the manager of the Opera House, who tioa. By thi3 time all !were thoroughly will receive subscriptions tO the con frightened, but it would not do to re- cert in Mr. Locke's absence. It is the maia in such alarming su3penso, and largest and best traveling concert corn after beating the place where the sup- pany in the world, and it would be- a posed intruder was lodged for awhije pity to let it pass here without giving with a stick, the clothing was , again our music loving citizens an opportuni yigorously shaken and a lizard .ran ty to hear itn the wall nut anrt trwnV mfn are nnnn the ve II oi a Tory nauuauu. '.theroom. It was disposed of in short placed at the entrance of Oakdalej : , vft.a , i . - ... . ioi-der.as may well be imagined, but the Cemetery in place of the wooden one,. .a v'u ' i . . . ! ml'iiT r. th.3 fwviinn was s no ilea as whifth isnow there. Tne iiato is m the ;J. "... . . .. ru - s r .u i, lodge at the cemetery and will bo ewung more of them. ; In the boys, he. says, Lw6 j . . Uiiea ttrat.tr uM,vfli, a,,- tWr thftv! as sooii as the iron posts cau bo placed m . form tho material from which M My I MaIlion- Mr- .I80, 'mft "? .right.! i ..I . i thev al! became impressed with the i eir clothing wa3 infested Novelties ! ! OT THE ARTICLES THESLSELVJto i . ... 1 which are mentioned below, bnt the extreme low prices at which we sell them. Puff Boxes In polished wood, suitable for DeooraUng-, two sizes. 25 and 40 cents. We alone handle these goods, and our Amateur Artists will be pleas- Xarge lot of ENGLISH TOOTH BRUSHES, 25 cents each, the best and most satisfactory brush ever sold In this marae xor me dwkt. 4 Large Calces Pert amea Tone esosp, ou cu. Mnnds Bros. & DcRosset, DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET. nor 12 ' I BBLS. WESTERN N. C. ' 'FLAT nUTCtl TURNIPS. - fi A ( Head of the Sweet Western I vU, N. O. CABBOE. - g.Bus. CHESTNUTS, In gooi condltloo. Also, Pota'oeaand App'ef Apples 1 Apples! At No. 14Cnestnut St. bet Front ami Water nov 9 Wl'mlntn. N. . , Something New Every Day 1 gTYLISH STATIONERT, - , : ... i An elegant Uao J - - Velvet, till t and Ebony Tict are rramesJ 1 1 Hand painted Goods, Deccaleomania Pictures, r . ' Artist Materials, Ac., Ac , rrr nov 12 119 Market at 1 Let u g Reason . i TMAGISE THAT WE ARB SEATED FOR a pleasant talk about Clothlnx, We maat aj Coat, Vett, pair of Pants or perhaps a salt. Kiturally tbe first point fordlscuHElonUtrhers not far distant the navy will besupplied with a class of young and intelligent sailors who will be a pridetothenatiorr fiuf what will bo the use of the snilors ivithout the ships? . ChM. Carter, of Philadelphia, writes to correct an article, tho substance ot We do not wonder at their imnrorcments in and abouvlhe beauti lali place." It is finite gratifyibg to hear U'e lrn that tho fruit crop in the visitors to our city go in raptures over j West fm!iwas almost a total failure the beauty and loveliness of Oakdaie. Uhis year and that our usual supply of Yesterday there were many ma?niticent bananas etc. will not be forth coming, flowers in bloom, but we presume the We leanrthU fact from parties here b'eavv frost of this morning: left its j who were somewhat interested . in trTccs upon them. ' , ' , . ' jChriitmas speculations of foreign frmts. Fox Hunting. The Wilmington Fox Club had uite an exciting chase last night. Thcfox was let loos at Macomber's ditch, and led the dngs through the different eemete- teris. m one of which me trail an-1 otlier fox was struck and folio wed nntil the fox wa at last ciugbt in Oakdale Cemetery, although tbe animal that was let! loose escaped , Mr. Ivoburt AUen had the honor . of taking Ihe brush, while therdogs John and J?an nifl led in the chase. Quito a number Cigars! Cigars! XTEW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED Stock, can we do the best and who will deal with IT A luxury within reach of all. 1 Toilet Heap, a new and efrjrant Urse. - Tooth Ernse. tspot acd best, at i . - WILLI AH H. GREEN'S, cot 10 . . I 117 Market Sireo. Old- North State Saloonf i 6 South Front Street, v yoa perfectly upright and' honest ? A.A L SURIKR, who haTe seen red tie gntfi faith of tbe palU,"sn'l who hare had the experience of OTer fror.ceu years, atvl Anting that entbc periol neither rasn, wrmju orehllterer cxienued tllssppolctmeot orer a m!stak Whih was not ImwedUtcly rctlfieL A AT. SURIKR sell only ClftMnccja:! in tbe Cntt- J4 T " -.: . lr4f 4 ' gziMte th exactly a revreeaC. uiiamcojiMw !emL Goco wtiMwy, wuet . L . I joyed the excitement of iho honL lTy.a'l cir. A. k 1. SHRIEK,