THIS PAPER ' S e"Ited by JOSH T.jIAMES, gtflTOH rROrKIXTO. mPTIOKS rOSTAGB PAH 'Jnthi..i Onomontb 35 cents. . oier will bo .lellveml by carrier free or iv w;w t ...... - r-t!lnjf rate low aaa aooiu. . V . .j remrrt anv and all fall- . a nic" 1 1 - L', nyx-s v their PPT regularly, are. - -- " : r jr.f Thiilj Review has the largest fui: circulnivm of aw newspaper pithed, in the city of WilmingtotifJEl ijWerai Sherman arrived In St. Louis jMDi jaundicu and a cold Gladstone is about entering on his .'ond 3 ear in tbv English Parlia- nnTF1n II : i i JX , .Jti ...11 U ..4B -i -..:.. ' ' l- I" :P ,r v - ' m VOL. VII. W ILMINGTON. N. C WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1883. 1 NO. 269 1 1 LOCAL NEWS. , INDEX 70 HEW AnViSTiStMf TS. . llKlHSBKROBa Lost -W II Urziix Clears ' Loulttaift State Lottery Co j Ofeka Uousd The World Davis & t-o-Free Delivery ' i Geo Y TILX.ET The Flee Beef ' R M Mct"Tia& Dry Goods. Carpet C W Yatk Somethtng New Every Day . Mryr3 Bb. A DErjossET C-alcu. CU i I The receipt of cotton at this port tm Oficlal retnrns from every county ia day foot up 617 bain. jeJerwy give Abbot's majority aa lenryAYard Beecber will pr-side at s free trade meeting in i ort the 22 instfint. on "Uncle" Jesse MoTeer saw the battle t.f King's Mountain and livod a century longer to die in MaryaviIIe. feno. , the j other flay, ageu uu years. CapL V. R. Kenan halt our thanks for a list of tbn delflgjitea to the Synod Green pork was gelling by the whole bos at 8'oects per pound this iajrning The hog catchers were out lafet night and en reeded in nttling Eeveral largo I fat porker. - 1 An injunction has been obtained in Kew York against the Northern. Pacinic raiiroad crapay. to prevent tho issue VK,000,000 second mortgage boucd. The work- of remodeling and im proving the Armory oi the W. L. I. was commenced to dav. 'Wilmington Presbytery. rreebylery met at 0 o'clock thU ) morning, pursuant to adjournment, I and opened with prayer. ( The minute ! of yesterday were read and approved. Committee on Bills and Overtures re j ported that nothing had come before t them and, on motion, they were die j charged. - Oommitteo on Syttcmatio Benevo lence submitted their report, which1, on motion, was approved "aad a -espy ordered to be forAvardd to SynoS . Committee on Sessional Records sub mitted their report and rccornmetvi rhu approval ot tise records of Pn.wn Marsh. Oa moUou. the 'committee were discharged. - The unSnishd business the con sideration of Overtures gent down by the General Assembly. On motioti the consideration ot Overture, Nos. 4 and 5. was postponed until the Spring meet. 1 ing of Presbvterr. On motion. Rev, C. Shaw was grant ed permission to lahor i outside the NKW AOVEITTISEMELNTH. NEW ADVEUTISEMlvNl'S Dress Goods and Trimmings, a Specialty. . A rLSAs swfd -" : W wlHb g!al to recerra caeaaualcatleii. CvnczaltBteratbal "v ,' - . TlwBuuof tke writer vntx always Utt aiAhd to Ue Editor. ' - 1 CornmnaTcatSoBs ort bt vrtttn mi one sMeot the paper. PenoaaBtleaaustbe aroVted. . . A4 It la etpedaQy aad particularly md tooi thxt tha RTitcr do act always eadot the Ticrrs ot corrofpondeaia natois ao statd in the odltorUI ooluwn. 1 NEW AmrERTfSEaCBXT8. LACE CXJETA INS, C0RXICEr &c. Ladles Wraps in frck variety of styles. Special attention i called to an elegant fine of BLaCE SILKS, which w 1 claim are on rea vaan vaiac. ; LADIES AND GEKTSUNI:R WEAR, also, for Children of all ages. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, 4, 6. 8, 10. 12, 14. ; R. M. MclNTIRE. nov 14, 183 1 i J OPERA HOUSE. aal a ATU CD AT MaUacc, ItOv. I0 I ( ., J. LrLit'tlo,?:: AN$ HI J feUPCKB DItAlXATIC COUPS, HI 05 SUiliSTIC Thkt, TK5 G&SAT HXYT BCSKST. I mmrrcA 6itSlat DYKKV. I I OPERA HOUSE. WcflniBiday.Nov.iitli. IMer C. Smui!. tho New Jeraeyliorse thief, began the 35th day of hia self imposed fast yesterday. Ho is very weak, and occasionally stumbles and falls. The Muni Party by tho ladies lof the ' bounds of Presbytery for six mouths I'ufcas oocioiy ai, me iiy nail lo-nigu promises to be very enjoyable. Miss llenule Jones is the editor of a wild Democratic newspaper at Athens, 0., but she is described as "the wittiest aad brightest girl that can be found be tween tbe rising and the setting of the Mr. Geo. F. Tilley, Stall NoJC, offers some superior Sampson county and mountain beef for sale. Read his adv. elsewhere. 1 eua. An agent of Bennett's cable has been examining the shore at Rockportf Mass. , and stated that it has been de cided to locate the terminus there at ft spot called Loblolly, at tho South end of the town. ; The Boston Post thus speaks of the New York election: "It i3 a splendid victory which the New York Democrats have won, however, only marred, by the uncalled for and reprehensible de feat of Judge Maynard." The charge has been made that Mr J Samuel J. Tiiden defeated Gov. Butler in Massachusetts, but the New York Times says "it is, hardly fair to cheat the independent voters of Massachusetts out of the renown ot having defeated Butler. Wo may allow that Mr. Tiiden is a very great man indeed, but he did not defoat Butler." i In a part of the country where the long drought has been prevailing, .one of tho newspapers in speaking of a rain that had fallen tho previous day. re marked that, "while tho showers were copious, they were not sufficient to meet the wants of the mill men," but thf. iwnnmitor mado it ftDDear 'milk men." Rumor says there is td be a double marriage and a surprise at the Front Street M. E. Church to-morrow night ! at 8 o'clock. Hon. II. L. Lazarus, Judge of the Civil District Court of New Orleans i is in the city on a visit to his sister Mrs. Drvfoos. 1 We understand thatt the Committee on Markets contemplate building three or four fish stalls in the yard of the Fourth Street Market. I Senator Colquitt, ot Georgia, says tha: he is satisfied from conversation with Democrats from all parts of the country that the only thing for the l)Amrurts tn ta is to nominate "the old ticket "Tiiden and Hendricks. Til dren, he thinks, can reclaim New York and Connecticut and carry the country Senator Colquitt thinks that the "old ticket" will be nominated by a practi cally unanimous vote. The A8hovilIe Citizen t in felicitating the people of Virginia on the election rssult, thus refers to the condition of affairs at Danville before the 6th of November: "That unfortunato city waft made a very Hayti; and tke unfort unate whites, decidedly in tho minority but possessor of nearly all the proper Mr, Geo. M. Carr of the Scotland Neck Commonwealth and Mr. E. A. Oldham of the Statel Chronicle and nr. i T L .1 ' i I ntnsion dcminei are in me. city. Preparatory to moving into their new offices the Carolina Central Railroad Company were having their large iron safe lowered from the Murchisoh Build ing this morning. j , 1 The parsonage of the Second Presby terian Church on the corner of ( Fourth and Campbell streets, is being hand somely fitted np lor occupancy by the pastor, Rev. C. M. Payne. j The furnituro to be useid in the pre sentatioa of Esmeralda, 4t tho Opera House to-night will be from the estab lishment of Mr. T. C. Craft and tho paintings will be from Heiosberger'a Live Book and Music Store, Special Order of the Day the ex animation ot Mr. Phillips, on Theology was taken up, and. on 1 motion, this part of his trial was sustained. He was then examined on Ecclesiastical His tory. Sacraments and church govern ment, and. on motion, thoso were sustained as satisfactory parts of his trial. Revs. Primrose, Sumney, Summerell, Allison and Ruling Elder. Col. Hunter, ot Orange Presbytery, Winn 'and Am wood, of Concord Presbytery, and Burton, ot Mecklenburg, being present, were invited to sit -as corresponding members. bn motion, the trial sermon of Mr. Phillips Was made the first order of the day this afternoon. The committee to select the place of the next meeting of Presbytery sub mitted their report. Clinton, Sampson county, was selected as the place, and the Wednesday night before the third Sundav in April as the, Time for its meeting. Report of srecial comm Missions was. 'on motion, made the second order of the day this afternoon Committee appointed to install Rev. J. M. Rose submitted their report. Committee on Minutes of General Assemblv submitted their report, which was approved. 1 Committee to install Rev. A. Mo Fadyen submitted their report. Rev. A. Kirkland, Commissioner to submitted his re Our Visitors. . A very large number of ministers ruling elders and ladle are in the city in attendance upon tho Wilmington Sampson County Beef. T OVERS OF GOOD BEEF. WOULD DO J J Tho great original cast from the ! Madison Square Theatre, . . i i -1 wry to can at stali so. . whew win b Esmeralda - - Esmeralda Presbytery which ia now in Bession and ir.e oynoa wmua iuu,6ll w ...6.... . f. U . . K H. h: M I I'aruucttc ami t.,rtelUw balcony :.T5o bok a GDVnf-tirfl nerKons arrived b 7 M"a"t A ot thnHJ itow Balcony. AuiulMJOu :0 aad .u-v t;nn rnl this mnrnitur 'and I ercr brougbl from Sampson County. I - - 25c. BOY 9- others are expected on the trains and 6teamboat to-night and lo-morrow morning. Itj is estimated there will be about three hundred persons of both sexes in attendance upon the Synod to morrow. Esmeralda. The cast of characters in the above named domestic drama, which will be presented at the Opera House to-night, TJT3T7T? fl? CTT A "R CIT? DT MAKR, of BalUmore, to aslst ma in tba Bvi.M -ro-- n nrt manv & X VX1XVVXX. making t my ;t anlo. I B.UmloWflTO B a iciiiBiawij ii. v ; of the actors, are old favorites wun Wilmington audiences. Among them ittee on Home are Mr. and Mrs. Walcott, who appear ed here in the Banker's Daughter, in which Mr. Walcott took the part of a WmMnntnn Phivns. with much credit to himself and delight to the Prompt auction. audience. In the play to-night he will take the part f FsUrbrook, the artist- vWeddinff Bells. Mr. Joseph D: Sitth and Miss Alice The drop harness for the horses ot the Little Giant Steam Fire Engine Com pany arrived this morning The har ness i very bandsonm and durable and will bea valuably auxiliaryto tho company in reaching fires at the earli est possible moment. , Biliee Mahone to Bennee Butler: What in the d 1 have we got to give thanks for this year? Arthur j should have waited until alter tho election to issue his proclamation and us the mat ter now stauds he would have shown anma sfnR in doinii awav with the an- tediluvian custom. Li- ' ' A letter wan received atjtbe Posttifiice . . i . . i in this city, this roornmir aaorppswi as .follows: Send me aUng at a rapid rale, i i let me btop'iu.N- C. Stale i At Wilminzton Postofficu !et me be Until Mis G C call lor me. The name rf the young lady Jor whom the ktter wa intended was wrif purehased from Mr. T. 1. Ua kiey. Also, Fine Mountain Beef! will bo on hand f r four weeka. hoy 14 tf O V O. F. TILUST. I Free Delivery. A LI FISH AND OYSTERS BOUGHT OF um will be delivered More Room. , QW1XG TO THE STKADY INCEEaMC la my bnelnewa, and for tbe want of more ismcb. I bare rent-vl the 8 tore ailolnlnjf my trerebt one, aud cnUrrwl the one i now occupy. Tul giTt s me a tiapie room io oow my f ima SiOC& of , I i Homc-Made Candies 1 HayIpx engaged an EXPERIENCED CAH- WE HAVE THE i Finest. Fish and Oysters I our market aflcrda, for retail at all times. . ! DAVIS & SON. Qrdera by Telephone will recetvocur nov 14 Calcutta Cheroots 111! gOMETHISG NEW. TRY THEM I ! ! CALCUTTA CHEROOT ! ! i I1 Q cento each. Good!! i the ipuollc the benefit or the PUK&T.PRanU L3X AMI xk N KJJT UJM1KS in the cUy. I I bavo three large Show Va.e. o nuinlni One Hundred and Fifty different ' kind of CA.VU1 , from which sekctlont can be made. As I am iuanufavluilog for the Ketall Trade only I can guarantee 117 HK AND KRH GOODS DAluY. it U not the quantity but. theQUALllTT we have. ! Receiving by steamer dally FRUIT OF ALL DK URlPTIONs. fome and eo me. No troobla te show goods. . MRS. E. WARREN, i ,1 nor 12- 113 and 15 North etond S -. I One Hundred & Eleven. ; f One Hundred & Eleven P. Gairrell, daughter of Mr. John F. Garrell, were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. Frank H. Wood, last evening. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few friends. The happy MundS BrOS. & DcKOSSCt, tx jTnwAA m'-J ' pair were the recipients of heaity con- ' OU6 Hundred & LleTOXli CALCUTTA CHEROOTS!! Bold only by ua I CALCUTTA CHEROOTS. Our thanks are due Messrs Bros & HeRosset tor a lot -of superb Calcutta cheroots, a , sample of those, advertised in this issue They were ' tip top ciirars, juat such as we can puff . 1 . . L 1.. U il . v... ty huu pajwui uu, u ,uu urv . butwoonlv uie the initials' were. throu2h the legislation devuiea r ---4- and enforceded by Mahone, subjected to humiliations, mortifications and oppressions that no people with free blood in their veins could tolerate with out the most detearained efforts at re lease.1 Successors to the following named State officers will be elected by tl. General Assembly of the Stae of Vir jrinia, which will convene nejoinonth : William C. Elam. Secretary ol the Commnwealth;S. Brown Allen. Aud itor cf Public Accounts; II. II. Dyson, Second Auditor; David R. Reveley, Treasurer; J. M. Brockenbrough, Register of the Land Office and ex officio Superintendent ol Public Build, ing; Samuel C. Williams. Superintend ent of the Penitentiary; Wiofield Scott. Storekeeper of the PeniUntiary. and Richard F. Walker, Superintendent of Public Printing. There are a mini ber ot county judges also to be elected to fill vacancies. It is not very likely, however, as tke Norfolk '2fetcs sarcass tically remarks, that the present incum bents will be re-elected. with a clear conscience and entire satisfaction, newspaperiallyj or in smoke- To. those wlioj would enjoy smoking a first rate cigar we commend the Calcutta Cheroots. Theo Thomas- Party. Mr. Seraour II. Locke rf the Theo Thomas party is in the city.j It seems now to be a settled faet that the cele brated musician will give an enter tamment in this citv, as a sufficient number of tickets at $2 each have been subscribed to make up the guarantee of.$500. which Mr Thomas requires before he will consent to stop here The performance will be the rarest musical feast which has ever been pre sented in this city. , 1 Those who have medicine rcheste re and mpm her that St. Jacobs Oil is the great specific for bodily i pai household accidents. . i 1 General Assembly port. Commissioner to Orange Presbytery submitted his 'report, which was ac cepted. I Rovs. B. F. Marabio aud S. H. Isler, and Ruling Elder Henry Farrior were appointed committee on Overture No 4, and Revs. J R. Wilson, D. D., and C. M. Payne, and Ruling Elder C. II Robiuson were appointed committee on Overturo No. 5. Report of Trustees ot Davidson Col lego was read and ordered filed. P, M. Pavneand J. M. Koso were ejected trustee of Davidson Col lege. I , Prcsbvtery recongldered its action as to tho first order of the day this after noon, and proceeded to bear the tria sermon of Mr. Phillips. On motion, Presbytery instructed the Treasurer to pay for tho publication of the Manual of Presbytery. , The Treasurer was ordered 'to pay Rev. Kenneth McDouald the amount of $50 out of the Su&teotation Fund. The Treasurer w.d instruc:ed to pay tha Qsjmrnt i.f tho General Asiem- i bly and Synod's assessment. i Presbvtery heard the trial sermon of Mumls : r PhilliDS and sustained it as a satis factory part of his trial, and. on motif n. his examination was sustained as a whole and Presbytory proceeded to his licensure. The election ot the Committee on Home Missions was placet on the dock et until the Spring Meeting ot Presby- ! tery. Special Committee on Home Missions submitted report, which was reotiveu and adopted Committee on Narrativo submitted report. Cmmittee on Leave of Absence sub mitted report and were discharged. The Presbytery tc.E a recesa unm -o'clock this afternoon. i Of Otmrso. ' Tha steamer Hurt came down the river yesterday for repairs and is now on the marine railway Our funny editor says that it i righl and proper that the hurt should be repaired in all cases as a simple matter of justice. A fino assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot gratulations and elegant presents which were tendered as slight tokens ot tho esteem in which they are held by their friends. May their lives be one of con tinued, pleasure and tacir paths he strewn with the roses of peace and prosperity. Druggists, Market and Second Bis. nov 14 The Best, I Say I 4 CAE LOAD OF MOUNTAIN CATTLE, T H E B E ST which baa come to market this ytari wl'.l be I for sale at my FINE MILK VELVKTS In all shades, at St OS ler yard, 19 Inch, worth $3 Otx ' I Little's World. MrJ. L. Little and his dramatic corp will present in this city on Friday and Saturday next with . a Saturday to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, and tbe ba Stall No. 5, matinee, a realistic play entittled "The World." Mr. Little and his company have been receiving the highest en comiums from the press whenever they have shown and no doubt will sustaiu the reputation here they are enjoying elsewhere. The Dubuque Telegraph says of them: This version of "The World" is not Fall Hoe of BILK HOSE, la all rotors tad Blactc, for Ladiya aad Children. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, all rtyles. ac tow price. A FINE FRENCH CORSET FOR SI 35. eg utar price si I aocflof tho week. Look at It even l you don't care to buy nor 13 W. J. MOTT. Stall No. 5 Lost I j: N KC8TACIES OVER TFIE NEW AND the same as that given nere last season s & Dickson, l his is Little s handsome lot of riCTCRES jnet received. I 6TEKL ENGRAVINGS la endloea variety, u Tti-ba riitson. I hm is Little 8 i 1 I oin nH en. bed a comedv ele- and Highly Colox-olln the mot artistic meat in which Bro ks & Dickson s is . Jniit fi,ft Tii-tjim inr nrtitAtion ttir deficient. 'ana m HoaiuoncoiuaiuBuiucu more scenery. Everything advertised j poses. is presented. I he scenes arc given in A peuy tQ6ee wn(5 ix ben waicrr moid Rnooession. ana the inicrefrv, is- t i -untamed from - .beginning to for this arrlrftl, are requeued to rail wlyihnd CZXILD BEN'S COR9ETS la all size, for Regular price 73c. Ma A more sensytr-na drama has never ' IScen pTescr'- in I Dubuquo Tho departure. It he r h wreck, the raft, the lunatic, the rev .,1v-! i. g wall and the moonlight hsum a t r exhibited here the same as in all ) irse fi.iiea of the country. There is f..nift prejudice against the drama, bee.-use wbeti given herelat season it was not presented in the manner advertised. Phf. manager - "f tho present ir.upe. however, stakes his reputation that thr piec is given in a manner that cannot f ul to SHtiply iheatre-giers. and with all the attract v features hich gave it iuch a lonz and successful run in the East. He does all a.d more than He advertises. The play is a hit. 1 Wild geese and turkeys wf re offtirod for sale in market thN nurnii g. make & EQtectioa, at H EINSBERGER'S, TUKtK BUTTON KID GLOVE-, to aU shviee an t Black, for boc. Never tiolare eold for icx than SI 00. : 1 JULIUS S AM SON, 111 MARKET ST. nov 6- N. C. Apples no inn cAso una APr$.raL C4U at er.e at B. ?iClK0 .Lrt, ini Chtf-mut, bet. VVwr Aajd Jrrowt H ROT 9 - I - r A- V Ai re CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C , . MAYOR'S OFSJCK, I I Xvemlr , I-i3. Sealed Proposals LL BE RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE ! 6 and 10 cents Cigars, H AVANA FILL BS. Dett in the city, are on taje. Dress and Medicinal preparations of tbe ISO. T. SCUSWALl . Drug and Precrlpt oa Store k fiukt vi-mj'm at 3. i JNO. T. SCUSWALl . nov 13 Cigars I Cigars ! VEW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED Stock, A luxury within reach of all. i Toilet Soap, a new and clrgant lice. Tooth Brushes, cheapest and best, at WILUA1X H. GREEN'S. 117 Market Street. Oii llurid J 9TJV.I. WEST N. C. FLT PUrCK TORN1F. "VCiCi (load of tbe ?reet Wctern W. N c OABrt'OB- g Bu. ClieSTNUT, la goo4 conditio. Alo, roia cesand App'c!. ppl tpps!, it mesiDaisi. tw rr mt mi Wutor i.l At nv Wt ml i fn. 1 svov 1 W anal S o'clcek, P. M , December Sd, IW, (w tea tney wll be opened by the ' oard of Mermen In tho preenc of bldJers), for op pylcgthe Blacks and Pvlog North Water sUeet, troai it Intersection with MArTut street o tu IntersecUa with Mulberry street, about 1.900 squa e yards of pavement V be laid with approved granite blocks. The street will be graded and tbe sand loj bed ling will be do- llvecvd on street. Bi wlli ai iM same tlmei be receive -I for snuub Ins 20 0 0 rooU bar I Pavtre H tr.ks cd 700 tqaare ards of rood HI e ftone Fljulac, ulUultf tor I'lewaik- aad for U.lss: the 4le w 1 s with Brtcx or Blue stone Flagging. I Bid .tor 3.0V llueaJ teet of Corb-t Be 4al6 1 chs an J 4xIS inches. Will be coiutdered at a me tkne i.ids or S'ip;.llng the materials fcloni. or U lng pavement akne. will be coaUl -red. pAncatioaaand plana tun be seen at this oiAoe. 1 K. P. HAL:,. Mayor and Chairman of Committee on rtreet s and Wharves S 14 31 SiAWlS Something New . I Every Diy! gTYLLSU STATIONERY, I BElLTIFCL FJClUirJ. An el -gaat Uas Velvet, Gilt and Rboey Plot ore Fraasss. Hand painted Goods, DeccaVooianla Plcturrs, A rtfet Materials, Ac, U3V II Old" 11 Martce4r North State Saloon. 9 O South Front Street. ! TJREIU ARlliyAL-lsjvre. Fat A NEW R VER OTTKK.2waye oa Joe Cool Ber go with thau EL t To Ogaxfr. Good Wll tey,Wib4.'l X3e" Clga. octU 1 H

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