THIS PAPEB every evening, Sundays ex eepted by JOSH T. JA3IES, sanoB akd raorsxEioB. OPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: 8C5SV. 01 T montha. f2.00. Three rear Tva l W: One month, 33 centa. will be delivered by carriers tree 132 m any part of the city, at the above ' r W cent per week. tisliyaU low and liberal. Subscribers will report any and all fall- w rwoive taetr paper regularly. &Tbt Daily Review has Ihe largest f. t ?i iAe Wilmington. ju fanners in AiaoamaRrc recoroeu fltin" a f'rtnnK raising nws, and at s ' 1 t MourtUr io1' 50.1)00 more plant than Iivor L' Brooklyn, was re- n,cn enI-rsiHl his administration .cot'liii politic. gator Mhonu had made arrangt jr.ants U nave a big celebration at IWfrhiirs alter the elect ion. It haa in -J v.- ti n i tel y postponed. li'n Tery evident that no temperance pin can carry New York State on the Democratic ticket. iUaynaru is liul example that must be heeded. Hir.ry Irving. Eden Terry and Mad ame Ni!son all received invii&tionH to nake tho Vanderotli house their home Jarins their stay in New York, and all declined them. . - -5r-a Mllo Dudley, of the Theatre Fran ces, has just had six front teeth drawn in order that she may lisp in accordance with tho requirement of her role in 'Lea Maucroix." The opposition to Pendleton for U. S. Senator in Ohio 13 taking shape." It is said that Pendleton's programme is il be finds the opposition too strong for him. he throws his man. strength to Thur- The house of Thomas Carlyle, at Cceisea, which is now empty and looks dilapidated, is advertised to- be let or gold. In Glasgow acoramittetj is lorm. ing to buy the edifice and make of it a Carljle club-house. The TFoWcZsays: It might -be possi ble to elect a Governor by a popular majority of 50.000 and still lose the legislature. We Insist that the man who wagered that the Democrats would "carry New York" has won:" Moses Waterman, who has charge of the labor and supplies for the Panama Canal, says that enterprise will be fin ighe? in 1889. The men employed on the work number 8,000, and to these $,000 Japanese laborers are to be added next month. Mrs. Robert Stewart, of New York, has handed over to Princeton College $150,000, to provide for salaries in the new department of philosophy. She gives this in memory of her late husband and ot his deceased brother, Mir. Alex ander Stewart. ' Dr. Caspar Wistara leading Phila delphia physician, has, it is reoorted, found that tobacoo improves the health of prison Inmates, and that "for such ailments as defective appetite, water brash, heartburn, dyspepsia and diseases incident to a sedentary life, tobacco is a medicine." An Atlanta barber had on exhibition at Louisville a case containing sped mens of 2,600 insects, which was said to be the finest on the crounds. Tho barber's namo is She! pert ; he is a nat ural born naturalist, takes great pride in and sets great value upon this collec tion, which has cost him the labor ot many years. Bishop Turner, ol the African Meth odist Church, foolishly writes: Mark my word therd wid be blood shed ena"h over the decision to lrowh every member of t he Supreme Court in less ih?tn two ears. It ab-oUs the allegta- c of the neuro to the United States, if the negroJd.-ciMon is correct 'J he Unit ea States CoiiMttutio'i is a dirty raw. a cheat, a lilel and ouiiht, t bespit upon by every negro inthetanil. More, ! that diciMon is correct :ud i accepted by h countiy. lhn prepaie to return t Atrit-a or get ready lor extermination. Senator Riddleberaer, ol Virginia, in a talk with. a Herald reporter says that he is completely in accord' with. Ma hone, that the Readjustee will main tain their organization, and, as Read justers. seek representatitm in the National Republican Convtntioui and that they are for Arthur, because Arthur i-for Virginia. Riddleberger further admitted that the election in Virginia had decided the Presidential contest. " Philadelphia Recordi The most im portant result of the New York election is to strengthen C. A. Arthur as the next Republican candidate for Presi dent. If New York declares for Arthur in the next Republican National Con ention he will probably be the candi date of his party, and there is good reason to believe that New York 'will o declare. vr H ! u 4 VOL. VII. i WILMINGTON. N: C THURS DAY; NOVEMBER - The colored fair opened in Raleigh on Tuesday, and under, very favorablejaus j pices. ( l .. , i Florida travel ha set in briskfr. and a larger number of winter sojourners U expected this year than ever before. The first ol the Pennsylvania excur Moni&ls are in Raleigh, where they are being handsomely entertained. There are but twenty in the party aud one of those is a lady. 1 Mr. Henry AVatteisoii, having ex pressed some desire to discus the Tariff education publicly. Prof. Van Buren, Denslow challenges hi nj to a public controversy betore any puch audience as may choose to assemble at 1 such times and places as Mr. Watterson may appoint at the city1 of Tuouisvilie and elsewhere within tne range of the Circulation t the LouUvilie Courier Journal'. llevised figures t the New York State election give Carr. rep), for Secre tary of Stale 17.069 over' Manard, dem ; Chapin, detu , for comptroller, 16.281 majority over Davenport, rep.. and O Brien, dem., for attorney general 8.776 over Russell, rep. The majority for O'Brien does not include the figure's of Kings county, which will probably give him 2.000 more. The Assembly will be com posed of 72 re publicans and 5G democrats. The Senate stands 19 republicans 1 and 13 democrats. In Brooklyn', Lowe, for .mayor, had 1,840 majority. Iu Penn sylvania. Nilcs, rep., for auditor, has 16,732 majority, and L-vsay,, rep t for treasurer, has 19,705 majority. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. llEINSBKRGKK LiOSt ,1 W H Gkken Cigars Old North St"ite8alaoii Oi'kba Ho us K Milton Nobles C W. Yates Something New Every Day MCKD9 Bros. & DkRosset Calcutta Che roots. . ! No City Court this morning. 1 The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 538 bales. 1 Would it not be advisable for the city to appoint a wood inspector? The market has been abundantly sup plied withoysters the past few days. 1 1 Have you -tried Home's celebrated oysters? Capt. James McGo wan has them. See" his adv. elsewhere. The Mum Party at the city Hall last night was quite a success A pleasant time was had by those in attendehce. . 1 The butchers are offering some fine beef for sale. Look at our advertising columns and profit thereby, yo lovcrs r 1 of juicy steaks. 1 . The woods'are full of them, 'possums we mean. We are led to this belief by tho large number which are being brought to market. I Quite a number of 'persons arrivtd this morning to attend the Synod. We trust all of our visitors will! be pleased with their sojourn among us., 1 i 1 I A tramp had an audience with the Mayor this morning Alter the inter view his -tram pship was provided with a special escort t the limits of the city Anybody can catch a cold. now. Th nian wh trouble is to let go. like the i"mtrh th hnur. We advi- e our reao- ers to keep a bottle ot Dr. Bull's Cough S3 rup hai! v Mr. Ariel N. Barmy. buiiies man ager for Mr. John T. R iiu!nd. is t: the city making arraiii-'eiiiei'ts lor -Ms Riyniid'i appvs.r.-tiice jtiern iu his nv play "In Paradise" on the 22mnn.t.j Sunday, the Ifi.h inst.. is the date hxed: upon tr tliu adoption ot the new .tundaid of lime. Fvning ervicv will be held in the different chdrches at half-past nineteen oVlH-k on llmt tlate The Little Titan t horses were drilled for a short time last night and showed a remarkable degree .of iijitelligt n e Their new harness will bo suspeudeo X to-uight and the horses aksin uraciietsd Work wen were eugueii in1 digging up somo old sills and erossties un Mar ket sireel'lhis morning. Tho silis and ties were those used bv tne titreet car company when that institution was in operation. , The immen?e iron safe of tho Caro lina Central Railroad Company wa fuccesfluliy lowered from the third door of the Murchison Building this morning and was taken to the new offices of the Company. , A fine assortment vf Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Ilardwari? Depot j . 1 : ' Messrs Mumh Bros. & DeRoaset presented, through the S-cretary of the Sy nd. Ruv. Mr. Iaey. r-aeh nienkbrof b'ly a printed invitation tendering th tree ue of their soda and mineral water fountain during the Synodical session. ' ami special officers are on the lo?koutltor the escaped prts oners but have not capture! any ot them. Numerous reprts reach the city in reference to their lurking plactsll but when the officers get to them the birds have flown. Thanks to .Mr. O. L. Cnesnutt. Secrc tarv. for a comnlimentarv ticket - rth ,Pnnl Hwirmn to Urn rh Annnul fc'a!r of the Sampson County Agricultural Society, to ibe held -in Clinton on 6th, 6 h. 7th and rtth f December. the The moon's influence m tne weather has been greatly exaggerated.' but the full moon season, now at hand, has b'ien found in tho Arctic region."- by sue!) close jOb--?ervers as Sir John Ros. Dr. Kane ami Sir Leopold McClinttck to correspond with periods of greatest cold. ' S'impou Fair. The following is a litof Marshals for the approaching Sampson County Ag rieuliural Fair, which will be held at Clinton on the 5th. 6:u, 7th and 8ih of D -cemher nxt: Chief Marshal James T. Murphy. Assistants Messrs. E. W. Kerr, M. J. Herring, D. M. Peterson. 1 Geo. Mara- blc, H. L. Oates. J. A. Stevens, W. B. Stewart, D. C. Patterson, Joseph Fai- son, Ben. R. Owens, Jasl F. Moore. V. R. Allen, L. Richardson, Charles Cox, Wm. L. Hill, Charles Worth. Thos. RadclilFe, Jas. Williams. 1 The Chan;o of Time. On Sunday next, the 18th inst., the change of time, as agreed upon- by the Railroad Time Convention held in New York recently, will go into effect with the railroads hare. This will make the railroad time eight minutes taster than the town 'time. The change will go into effect on all roads between New York and Atlanta and we suppose that the, general time everywhere will soon be made to conform. There will also bo a general change ot schedule on Sunday to correspond. A Man of t he People. Milton Nobles, who needs no intro- ductions-to a Wilmington audience, will appear in his own play of a 'Man of the People' in this city on Monday evening aext. Of him the St. Louis Times says: The Grand Opera House was crowd od last evening in every part, and the applause greeting "A Man of the Peo ple" turntshed unmistakable evidence of the popularity of the play and the distinguished actor who gave it birth. Air. Milton Nobles bossesses remarks able drawing power. His performance is sirikimdv original, and in bis i sup port this year he has been peculiarly successtul. - 1 1 Dupliu County items. 1 .1 Mr. James S. Wells, aged about 25 years, died very suddenly at his home near Rose Hill a few days ago. He was apparently in good health one day and was a corpse the next. He left a wife and three children to mourn hi untimely end. f ho relic of the late Rev David Wells died at her home near Harrells storo ht. She left a lartu number of relatives to ni-mrn her h We regret to learn of the severe ill ness of Mrs Moliie Wallace, wib ol vlr D 11. Wallace, of Duplin It- ads. mU hope to hear of her speedy rec-v ,-ryj , The World.. , The next theatrical amusement at ourOera Houm U the vbrilliant spec tacular play, "1 he WorUV with ail it extensive fetage properties and splendid scenic fleets. Il is a mjst realistic drama aud is said to have more new scenes than ' Lights 'o London." It hi 1 along run In New Yorkl Pfcila clphia and other cities. Of tho per formance the Buffalo Express say?: Tne ships (with a little stretch of the imagination) were real j-hips; the sink ing of the steamer and escape of the hum Utul heroins on a raft were thrill ing ; the wild rocking of iheir fr&il craft on the-bo-om of the retle-s ocean, wilh tne muu -"-' - "'" atK)V their heads ' and hiding them trom view. caused the sympathtstic in the andience to fear fortheiraf: ;and the timely approach oi a lull rigged sailing Vessel, which fired a jun and tacked in tho direction t the ralt roused the spectators U? the highest degree of enthusiasm i" v For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery to toJAOOBi HardwareDepot. t PKCSBYTKK1AX bYNOD. Openinjj Services Sermon Key. lr. Il lITIiiterHtiii.sdman Black. John M Rne. Jr. Proceedings- Lai jje Alten- 1 .1 l:uic, &c. Tne Synrwl ofNorth Carolina toii- tenl sccirdiajS;-.t(i adjournment iu lhe " 1 First Presbyterian Church of thisi city last evening, at 7:30 o'clock. A Large ! congregation assembled and waited oh the opening xercises with evident en joyment. Besides the pastors of the 1 1 Li . I 1 : . t. . lw" 1 """uaii nu.cni-. ... mm u. ev', Jir- ,w,n auu "ev- ir' ri . lhe WaS PCCapittl by the Rev. L. j ?' .Vas f Nwbern. and Rev. II. G HiL. of Fayetteviile. Tho opening sermon was- preached by the last Moderator present, Rev. Dr. Hill, the text being from Jonah. 2: Aris; go t Nineveh, that great j:iiy. aud preach to it the preaching that I bid thee" After an introduction showing how God by rebuke compels. Ilis Kervunts to do the work He assigns j illustrated by Ijot, and David, and Ivijah and Jonah he then announced his theme as "sug- i gested by the text, (1) the character of the miuister; the message of the minister, and (3) the mission ot the minister. ' I. Ami under the first truth he pro claimed vigorously that the minister does not preach for a livelihood cui j petent maintenance I merely an adjunct ot office. Nor is the preacher the hired servant of a particular congregation ; "hiring a preacher by the jear." Such views involve ownership in part, and the direction of the minister's preaching as a housekeeper would control anu guide a cook. Hence, the demand for "twenty minute" discourses. Whatsis his proper character? The messenger of Jehovah. God gives the commission and the audience; He gives tho message and the field of labor. Again, the messenger of Jehovah is sustained by divine power. Jonah not only spoke by d"mne authority, but un der the protection of. divine power as an ambassador of a country is upheld by the honor and might of his nation. Moses and Elijah are illustrations God's power not only protects, but nerves and encourages the minister. As God's messenger, tho minister is entitled to the confidence and support of God's people. ' . , ( II. The preacher's messace: This is divinely prescribed. The messenger's themes are divinely appointed. This cuts out al purely secular subjects so often chosen such as politics, litera ture, science. &c the Church's dicta. Again : j Only parts of divine truth are proclaimed; the justice off God is hidden. Calvary is proclaimed, but Sinai is not made known. The "hard doctrines" are not to bo preacheij. ac cording to such theorists. The preach er's message must be drawn from the Scriptures or directed by them ; 1 such themes as are most copious and charm ing. III. The preacher's mission: Ho is sent to bring men to consideration. The same peril now threatens the wovld as overwhelmed the Ninevite3. To think, to consider, to know this is the need of the times. The great business of a mini-ter is to make people think. Jonah was sent to urge Nineveh to ttith. repentance and new obedience This h the minister mission. -But hi zreat uiisim is to save &ou!s. j Dr Dili closed with an earnest an. lender appeal to thel brethren of th. Snod to remember th scriptural con ceptbui of the uospel mission. , Dr. II ill sp.k from writteln notes- wiih hii li-ual hii mation ana Kit. evident appreciailon ! the weight ines ol his theme 1 I After the sermon the Synod was con stituted with prayer. 1 The Staed Clerk reported the follow ing members of preseul: MINISTERS Presbytery r.fOrang. F II Johnson. D D. J C Alexander. L C Vass. J W Primrose. T. I Allis-n. S N rfmith, P R Law. J. S. Waikins. D I Cra:g George Summey. S L Wiln, V F Thorn, A L Crawford. J N HSummir ell. ; - ' Presbytery of Concord W B Arro- wood, L K Glasgow. J A Ramsay. E s F Rockwell. D D. J Rumple, ; , . ,P. a D D, J P Winn- is wnarev.A v oue W A Wood, D D. Presbytery ol Fayetteyille E . Mc Nair, D D. J P Mcpherson NHI1 McKay. D D Geo M Gib!s. I) D Mc- Brde, it McQ ieen. James Mt-Queen j Arch McQieen, J H Oible, 11 G Iliil, D D. D Fairley. A N Ferguion, K M McIntyreWm S Lacy. Roger .Martin Presbytery ; of Wilmington D B 15 .-.1883.1. NO 270 Black., Clin Shaw. James M Sprunt. D D. B F M.nrarde. S II Isler, A McFad yon. A Kirkland. Joseph R ViIn. D D. O M P.ivnp. Kcnnr!h McDonald. .1 Presbytery of Mecklenburg J E Morrison. W W Pnarr. D I). R Z Johnon. ST Martin, R A Miller. J P Gammon, G L Cook, J M McLean, A G Buckner. I J liUMNG ELDESS. Presbytery ot Orange J III Lindsay. Stephen Nea!, David Wharton, Robex C Rankin. Maj Robert Bingham, J A Alston. J B Burwell. J A Houston. Prebjtory of Concord W J Martir P Pinriick. J. W A Kerr. S M Furr. J K Graham. Thoa McCounelU R.A Knox, J P FlaaiganL P B Kennedy. Presbytery ot IFayetieville D B Mclean. J P Smith. D C Blue. A N McDonald. J A McArthtJr.'i T C Cole M Fcrgu-on, Neill McDonald. R Mc Caskill. Peter Monrr. D P McEuqh ern. EJ Harrington. P P Smith. ; Presbytery of Wilmington Dr L W Robinson, John II Murphy, G S Carr. B N Robeson, W J Croruartie. Joijm D Currte, Dr. Nciil Graham. John M Bciyson. Getirgo ; Chadboarn, Alex Sprunt. J T Player, J V Cowan. II W Beany, II W Bur well! i- . - ir 11 ii r - I re.Miviery 01 jjiecKienonri; J i. Hutcheson. W H Michal. A FSiuphens" John (J Pott. R S White. Alter the making up ot the ro!l..nom inalions wereiaade for Moderator, auu Rey. F. II. Johnston. D. D.. i t Winston, was chis?n Moderatr, Rr.i Rev. J. A. Ramsay and J. B. Burwell, E q., were chosen temporary Clerks. jThe hours of daily meeting were fixed from 9 A. M to I P, M.; then u recess untii 3 P. M. The Synod then adjourned till t6- morrow, at 9i A. M., and was closed with prayer, by the Moderator, Rev. Dr. Johuston. -SECOND DAY. Synod uict this morning pursuant to adjournment and was opened with prayer by the Moderator. 1 Minutes of last nighty were read, cor rectcd and approved. The statistical reports were referred to the appropriate committees without reading, as were also the reports on Narative and Systematic Benevolence. Overture fronli Presbytery of Meek Ienburg was referred to committee on Bilis and Overtures. Committee on 1 Devotional Exercises reported Rev. W. A. Wood, D. D would preach in the First Presbyteriau Church tOMiight. 1 ' . 1 Report of Trustees of Union Theplo gical Seminary, of Virginia, was read and referied to committee on Theologis caltSeminary, as was also the appoint" raent of directors of that Seminary. Treasurer's report wis read andie- ferred, with his books, &., to commit tee on Treasurer's Books. It was made the order of tho day for Saturday at 10 o'clock, a. m., to hear he report of Agent ot Sustentation. Hearing report of the Agent of Pub lications was made the first order of the day to rnorrow. Report! of Agent of Sunday Schools was made first order of the day this afternoon. The vote for heariug report of Agett of Sustentation was re-considered ant: the time was fixed as the second order of the day lo-mrrow xorning. Hearing report of Agent of Evangeli cal Work was made the first Jorder ol the day t-morrow atieruoon.,. S.tiunla niorninjr, at 10 u'clock. w:i r serveil to hear-ReV. J N. Craig J D Stcretary ct Home Misions. To iiiht after Divine Service, was Biii ;ix'd as fhe lime to i ar Maj R. iam. mi D.tvids .n CoUejita . Commilteeto rjvise tan ling Rils ol Synod- made h repcrt wht-h a n ceised and approved, and rtcouimen datious amended and adopUd. Rev. W. W. Moore. Synod ot Ktn lucky, was invited to sit as a cor res itotidmg rneuibe' 1 It was made a standing tuU tie Thursday evening be the time for hold ing a Si nodical Communion. Committer on Statistical lepcrt made a partail report which was re ceived and adopted, and Saturday; at 1 1 1 a. m., wai fixed as the time for hear-. ing tne memorials. Winston was chosen as the place for the next rweetlng orSynw!. Ordereil lhat i,S0O copies of the min ute In published. : . Tha Treasurer tf Syna.1 was dirdHwl to pny for the publication of :hb D.:c et. and tia Slated Clerk wa directed to prcpane & simiLr one for next meeting. Rev. J. Ram pie, D. D., waa s elected Ageut of Education in the place of Rev. L McKinnon. I removed from oar We will be glad to receive eoc&sixutlca&OB from oTir triesdB oa any asd all 1 estjectt general interest but The name of the writer moat alwaya be tix alahed to the Editor. - - Commonlcadoaa must be written oa . onl oaeaMeof the paper. reraooalltlea niuat be a?oWel- Aad It la especially and particularly and ; stood that the Editor does not ahraya eadot , the rlews of correspondence nnWi . so state la the editorial oolnmnft. - hofand; and Rfv. J. Rohtphv was. ro quetAl :i present a report at ihia mcei ng. incl tho time fixl was the I bird order f the day in Saturday at 12 M.,' , The SjockI toi.k a rcccsf until Z o'clock thtc afternoon. , ' Canrt Kiicuiiiptitetit J The C'vh lie. Observer has It from ood auilfrity that arrangements are already being made tor a grand ea ctmpment for the State (aard, at Warm Springs, next summer. The encampment will run through ten days. and every member of the Guard will be paid by tho State the same .nagei per day that he would have received by staying all home. . They aro to be pro vided with tentsj blankets.; grub, glaj ; and everything nrceeary lor a genuine go.Kl time. TrantporiaUon will be frce and not a member wiil bV put to anj expense. This is doing the handsome'' thing by our soldier boys and Is caicu lated to inspire a revival of ihe military spiri thrtughout the State, at d we be ievo that the idea will bo received with general tavor by our people. 1 s i - - I - Ksiueruhhi. - , Emeralda was uresenied last evfnJ 1 1 9 ing at the Opera House by -the Madisra Square Theatre CtmpanyAl Notwith standing uhe lactl that the c mpai y , ,' contained some actors of acknowledged' ibdity.the perform&nce up n tho whole1 wa3 not as f aiislactory to the audit-nce as when the i'ay was rendered by com J oarutively unknown actors. In short, we think thu cat was an injudicious one. We were not plvaeed with Mi?s Iil!inV Eamcralda nor with Mr. White-' S.Kik'a Dave. Their parts' did not suit lhm and we know thty could have ippcartd to better advantage in other The scenic effect was good, nnd notwithstanding the tact that the cer tain did not roll up on the first act until a tew minutes to 9 o'clock, the play was ' honestly given in every particular. Not a lino was cut. We hope the next1 time, the troupe shows here liey will not be compelled to jump directly from the train to the stage. f .1 The Furious Flume?. 1 The chiefs of the Fire Departments recommend the great pain-banisher, St. Jacobs OiL Mathew Brady,' Esq., Chief Engineer Fire Department, San Francisco, Cal.; W. A. Hart. Ej., Chief Engineer Fire Department Port land, Oregon, endorse it. It conquers ' pain. , Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low irjcftg, at Jaoobi.'s t ' NEWAD VERTISEMENT3. 1 OPEKA HOUSE. One Wight Only 1 1 'MONDAY 'nOV, 19th . I- Y:r lOth YEAR lOth YEAR. The Kmlnent Coraedian and DrnnuUst " MILTON NOBLESj 1 And his famon Compan'y of Comedians. The Powerful American Melo Drania, In Four ' - ; , Acts, written by Milton Noble eatlllod j A MW OF THE PEOPLE. Milton Nob lea In his famous character crea tion of Jack Uyder. - 1 , - - ' 8eat at DY aBS' Saturday. Usnal prices. 1 I nov 15 3t 1 " - 1 v '" OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY. S ITUItt.AY, ai 4 4-J ' anl SA I UK DAY Utloec. tiOV, lOj I I .-. ' J. L. Little, ASD illi JrUPKUU D'lAMATiCciuPJ, !K ( I1IS OWS KEAUSriC rLAY..i T 3E3I E -WL O B Ij X. TU& GfiKAX. KAKT oCEtK. - . . . Atl i!u .oc itul 50 j ' Alley iic-tnXi. Free Delivery. rr LU FISII AND Ur.TtU3 CJL'ulir or a rttl bedelUered ' FitEE OF CHARGE. .we hay: Tati 1 Finest Fish and Oysters I( ovs nitrket hSjnU, for retail at 1! ttmr. DAYIS A SOUt, nr-Orler y Tepuoae vl'l ivoslntmt jrinip;t'e ti . -.-."'-- n-.r 14 .Calcutta. Unorodcs I ! I ! gosicxaivu New. tev tiikm 111 CAL'-CTXA tIIKETr II CAL'JUITA CUZSLOim I (cl t!f byus ' ' -' ' CA LC'tJXTA CHEROOT Munds Bros, & Dcllossct, t . Prtfjstjte. ilariet and Seooad St ..'-. - s; 1- , . .. - . ' -. . ". '""'.:r '"'::-'- '- ' 1

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