Sundays ex THIS PAPEB ccptcd by JOSH T. JAMES, .DITOK AKDrKOrBWTO. v ..s POSTAGE FA1I: $4.00. months. r-'-W. xnrcc UA- " One month, 35 cents r fie Pap7 art of the city, at the abore ID auj r- o0r Will be delivered by carriers tree, t 1 i 1 i Will i a n, 10 CC1IB " w-or.: ..I. rts low and liberal.' tlril)cr wl report any and ill fall ts receive their rrer regularly. tfu Daily Review has the largest fdc circulation, any newspaper I """ ...JA j i VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1883. NO. 271 TiEada is studying the problem -r , - i i f deepening Uaivesum nuru r. rnhn Bovlc O'Reiliyi of the Boston " V I - 1 A. declares lor Hutier ior rresiuecu Waco, Fire. I ! Pilot. ca lor liiriier - Coke astonishes Texas, by building a 15,000 mansion there. Uiram Sibley, of Rochester.; has his aimein the papers as worth $15,000,- 000 has The Pennsylvania legislature resolved to adjourn sine die on Decem ber 5tb. - - H Senetor Plumb of Kansas, subscribes regularity for as many as two hundred newspapers. r. l'rofcs3or Swing's church, in Chica to, has opened a mission school at a coil ot $25,000. Antoioc Labbe, of Beaumont, Que bec. U said to be 105 years old and hearty and strong. The roof ol tbo residence of Mr. S. II Terry.on Harnett, betjween Sixth and Seventh street, in the Northern part of the city, was discovered to be on fire ithis moraine about 0.30 o'clock and was promptly extinguished by persons in the neighborhood. , The aUrm was sounded and the tiro department were promptly on the street, but did not reach the scene of excitement, as they were turned back at the corner of Fourth and Hanover streets. , , ' The Lucky Maul At the "Mum" party given by the Dorcas Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Wednesday nizht, the beau- l " " " Special Premiums at tbo Samp ' sou Fair. Mr. W. K. Pigtord, President of the Sampson county Agricultural Asso ciation has furnished us with the follo w ing list of special premiums offered by inerchants in Wilmington for the lap. proaching Fair of the Society, to' be held December 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th : It. M. Mctntire. dealer in dry goods and carpels. Front street, Wilmington, one rug. valve $5, lor best display in domestie manufactures. i. .1. Ottfrhoursr. dealer in clothing (inn lian ilaome trunk for most stylishly dressed gentleman on fair grounds, tne donor, it present. io do me juuge, uvuw wise rresiaent rigioru. General Sherman was serenaded at St. Louis Monday night, and in his speech said that Missouri was now the keystone State of the Union. ; . Mgr. Capelto a Chicago audience: 1 do not like to be rude, but the asser tion that the Catholic Church is oppos ed to education is a - Bishop Winsfield told tjic General rnUrnnal Convention at Philadelphia that very few of the eighty millionaries of San Francisca are disposed to do anything for the cause of religion. There are 49 of American birth, 18. Irish, 8 Jews, 5 Germans. 4u English, and 1 French. Only one is a member of a Protestant Church . titul ship, which has been on exhibition at Ileinsberger's for some weeks, was rallied toff. Mr. II. t- 'Hanman was the luckv man, in consequence of which he is now owner, captain, supercargo, j all hands and the cook ot as fine-looking a ship as there is Wilmington. Captain Bauman, we congratulate you and wish you bon voyage! , More Wedrtintr 4ells. Quite a large number of friends as- scnibled at the Irrtnt Mrqet ax. v. Church last evening to Witness the marriage ceremony of Miss Laura eldest daughter of the Kov. F'rank II' Wood. U Mr. W. F. Ellis, all ,of this city. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father. The happy pair, after the ceremony, repaired to the par sonage of the M. E. Church, the resi dence of Rev. Mr. Wood, where they received the congratulations j of their numerous friends. -i Many beautiful and costly presents were arranged lor in spection, which had been tendered-as pkens of lovo to the charming bride and her life partner. ei select irom our stock of congratulations, the hand somest and best and lay .them at the feet of the happy pair, j F. M. Kinz. Market st, one toilet set, roiiTo fci Tor lar res t number premiums in domestic manufactures; ono :oil stove, value $2, for lady making second host, disnlav n Floral Hall; one "rre nmna" nnffp not. value SI. for best ViVii w .w- if -T " butter." t !'. firpp.nwald. Market street, one pair embroidered slippers, value lor best mare and colt. John Taylor, Market street, one bazaar corset, value $2, for best hair worK. dis- Mnnria Bros. & De Rosett, Market street, half dozen Parisian sachet, value $5, to be awarded by the executive committee at the fair. f;rirH Honnet. .watch maker and ;nW :Vl Market street, one silver Jw,,.v. ; . l- i pickle castor, vaiue ior laigesi- nlov rf nir.kels. ( v W Yates, bookseller, etc., Market street, one copy 4 World of Anecs plesantlv bound, for the largest disnlav of cakes ; one copy ' 'Thoughts on Personal Ileliioh," elegantly bound. fnr flnpst boiled ham . W II Green, wholesale druggist, 117 Market Street, one oz quinnine for sec find hfist diSDlaV of llOSS P Heinsberzer. dealer in, stationery and fancy goods. Market street, one codv Bvron's Poems , elegantly bound, value So, tor unest youe, oi oeii; uue copy Hood's Poems, elegantly oounci value 5, tor nest jersey ouu The inevitable reporter, says the Savannah News, intercepted Gen. Wade Hampton the other day at Selma as ho was on his way to his Mis sissippi plantation, and wrung the opinion out of him that the East and West ought to furnish the Democratic Presidential candidates-; while the Smith fholudinsr the distinguished Senator himself, should not be con sidered in that connection. Besides her opera, dramatic and May musical festivals. Cincinnati is to have a gigantic minstrel festival, to be given inthe great Music Hall for the week beginning January 7, by the Frohman Bros., of the Madison Square Theatre in conjunction with Manager Miles, of Cincinnati. There will be 110 perfor mers, while the supplemental chorus and supernumeraries will swell the number on the stage to fully 500 people The College of Music people are very angry at finding that their music hall is rented for such a performance. il - The poor sufferer that has been doss mg himself with so called Troches and thereby upset his stomach without our? thtx trnnhlesomo couzh, should take our advice and use at once Ball's Cough Syrup and get well. in hardware, etc.. Front street, ono pair smoothing irons, value $1.50, for best laundred shirt. John Haar. Jr... proprietor Mozan Saloon. No. 16 South Front street. $5, in gold for best display of hogs. G. A. Peck, dealer in hardware, cut lery, etc.. Front street, one handsome pocket knife, value $2. for best single ox. - . . PBESBYTERIAN SYNOD. SECOND DAY AFTEUXOON SESSION. In the afternoon. Rev. L. C. Vass, the Synodical Assent of Sabbath Schools, made an interesting report on this sub ject. Mr, Vass reported 154 scnoois. with 1.341 teachers and 10,418 scholars; 342 scholars have been received into the Church. The contributions for school purposes were; For school purposes $2,373, and for benenolence $1,269. On the subject, Rev. Roger Martin, of Shoe Heel, made extended and earnest re marks , urging the attendance of older people with their children, and com mending the holding of Presbyterian Sunday School Conventions. Rev. J. W. Primrose also made an interesting address on the subject. Remarks were also made by Rev. Messrs Evans, Winn, Rev. Dr. Rockwell and others. It was ordered that the slated clerk have the earlier records ol the Synod copied ; the original records then to be deposited for safe keeping in the arch ives of the Presbyterian Historical Society. Synod receded from business till after public worship in the evening. After divine service. Major Robert Bingham, Superintendent ot the Bing ham School, nSide an address, present ing specially the Davidson College Improvement Society, but treating with much force and originality of the need of higher culture, and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PLKASS WOTIC1C yf e will t glad to , receive coraninnkaOoa from out frlcscUoa any and all cnbjeett i Keaerallntereat bat t . -- ;' ". I ' . The name of the writer moat alwaya te fa oa oal niahed to the Editor. . t r . . ' Commnnlcatloca nut be wrtttes one aide ot be paper. - .. ; j t Personalities most be avoided. V . " f . i And It Is especially &&d particularly and -stood that the Editor does not always en dot the views olcoTTeepondenU I unless so 'staU la the editorial pohrmns, - . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IN ALL POPULAR STYLES. bFIlSTE Six-El WJbl-AllS- Dress Goods and Trimmings, a Specialty. 1 Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs and Mats, &c, The Largest Stock of Ladies', Gent's and Children's 1 Underwear. ; . ' R. IUI. nIcIWTIRE i- nov 1G. 1883 f '-'yv' " i Dr. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UKINSBKROKR LiOfit W U Grbex Clsara It M McIntirk Ladies' Wraps C W Txtks Something New Every Day Many Things You Need 5 and 10c Store Jcuus Sxmsos Dolmans, Circulars, &c Moxps'Brds. & DeRosset Calcutta Che roots. The wind blew at the rate of 14 miles an hour last night. Dr. F. W. Potter, who has been on a visit to relatives in Illinois, has return ed to the city v ' Tho steam launch Kavassa has been lengthened 8 feet and is now quite a handsome craft. This morning was much the coldest of the season thus far, and there was plenty of ice in exposed situations. Col. W. N. Peden, of Clinton, is In tbo city on a visit to his old friends, and gave us the pleasure of a call this morn iog. " An intnr hunter went out to Greensfield mill pond this raoijning and succeeded tn shooting five fine ducks in a very short time. ":, - ... " . We have received a copy of the Light , hoxlst, a monthly quarto published un der the auspices of the Tileston Scliool. It Is a neat little paper, well gotten- up excellent in its typography and full jof . interesting reading matter. To Boulders and others- Gojo Jaco bis for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. The World " "The World" Company' arrived; here this morning and are registered at the Purcell House. They will appear tov night and to morrow night.iuthe above named playr of which tle Brooklyn (N. Y.) Union speaks as follows: , Mr .1 rA. Little' .acneared in "The World'' last eveninsr at the Grand Op era House before a, large audience, among which were 'many actors whose faces are familiar about Union Square and the dramatic agencies. Mr. Little, as Harry Ellison, in his determined protection ot the innocent heroine, went througu an me uaugexa m huuuvj tion.-shipwreck, poison, prison, starva tion and a score or more of attempted murders, and illustrated a physiologi cal toughness that elicited" loud and long demonstrations of sympathy. Miss Jackson is worthy of especial mention. The six tableaux of the piece are worth the price of admissiocf. The Fehiisvlviinfaus., It has occurred to us that it might be well for the people of this, city and sec tion to extend an invitation to the Northern capitalists from Pennsylvania and Massachusetts J who are to visit North Carolina this Fall, to run down and see U3 here during their trip to the State, and we therefore cheer fully give place to the following: Editok Review: - , , 1 hnvn noticed throueh the Farmer & Mechanic and News & Observer that two parties of Northern capitalists will visit North Carolina this and next week with the view pf investment, if a suita fipirl should offer. I see i that the citizens of Newbern have held a meet ing to take steps to invite mem to mat portion. Now, what say the people of your city? Will they muke,an effort to get them to visit our section or not ? It atritp mfi that this section toffers up a fin field for investrnent; there is no doubt about its being the best portion of the State for fruit and truck growing and there are thousands ot acres of good land lying idle along our rivers and railroads that could be nnmhnscd verv cheac lane, ior in stance, the lands around Burgaw. They. rfl rs well adaDtea lor iruit ana irucK , , growing as any iana in America uu within 24 hours of the New York market, tand then, when we turn to nater nnw'pr for factory Durnoses lhok at Collv Mill?, one of the strongest water powers in the. State. It i a stream, nearly I one hundred miles long, emptying into Black River 35 miles above Wilmington and within three hours run by steamboat. , Then, a few miles above here, is Ban Herman's or Shaw's mills, supplied by Black Lake, an immense body and fully as strong as Colly. Either of these would run as large a cotton factory as there is in the State, and how few persons out side of the immediate neighborhood know anything aboutt them! Invito these capitalist-to' come among us. show them the natural facilities we have, unite their capital with ,our ener gy and let's build up the lest country sun ever shone on. i Yours &c. ? U. P- Pawhsow J K JNlclihenny, ueaier in u uS, the spcciai advantages, and ne- Market street, one bottle cologne for Davidson College best pair blankets; one bottle eclogue cessiiies ot Davidson V.ue for best display of crochet work. His address was listened to attentively John T Schonwald , druggist North- to tho verv close. His work tor educa- west corner Front and Market streets, I tion -n the State jn normal schools, rndsMrrOTPU teachers- institutes, and educational V. J Moore & Co.. dealers in fruits, associations, gave his opinion great candv and. etc., Front' street. $5 for j weicht. His commendation of David largest variety and best quality home g(m College a presbyterian institu miimSrT& Roddick, wholesale and tion of high merit was intelligent and retail dealers in dry goods, etc.. Front sincere. He claimed for it a position street one lady's jacket, value, $7 60, not equalled by any denominational for largest display in aeparimeut x. institution South of the Potomac. Arf M J Dimrlehoet, practical waicn- - - j-wuirr maker etc, 123 Market street, one gold immediate effort was made m behalf of nutoii nnnl rpnfiiver. value 8. for the the Society, and nearly four hundred lady taking the largest number of pre. dollars were raised. miums at the lair. .Tnhn L lioatwritrht. Front street, S5 worth of fancy groceries for the house wile exhibiting the best I rolls (her makeO SoutherlallUt x for the btst Cashmere ram goat. Are We prepared? i- Charleston, Savannah and i more recently; Norfolk.have been visited with large and terrible cotton fires. It is to be hoped that Wilmington is to be spared the affliction that has been visited tipon our sister cities. But if a Are should break out at either" it the cot'.oh comuresses in ,this city would our fire department be able to cope with the devouring element. The engines could not get nearer than a block to them and it would be almost an im possibility to stretch a line of hose from Water street to the water front of the presses, as the hose would have to run through the buildings or down the plat forms to the wharf. .We imagine that the heat would be more than the liose could stand, even if our gallant firemen could face a thousand burning bales of cotton. , OPERA HOUSE. One Night Only I MONDAY, NOV. llltli. 1 Oth YKAI2 " " 1 0tli YEAR. The Eminent CouieJlan and Dramatist MILTON XOBfiKS, And lils famous Company ot Comedians. The Powerful American. Melo Drama, In Four Act, written by Milton Nobles, entitled . -i . A MAN' OF THE PEOPLE. Milton Nobles la hia famous character crea tion of Jack Hyder. - v . Feats at DYsJtS' Saturday. Canal prices. - nov 1.1 3t - 1 Synod adjourned till to-day, at 9.30 A. M. ; and was closed with prayer by Rev. D. 1). McBryde. . TUIRD DAY. i Synod met pursuant to adjournment AVEW ADVEUTISEMENT8. , . . . O PERA HOUSE. FRIDAY. SATURDAY, M 4 -j and SATURDAY MaUnec, iNOVt 1 0 j I f a J. L. Josh T James, editor Daily Review aD(j wa3 opened with devotional i exer and Wilmington jouitNAu one copy . iiM Ti. ii Kir iiipi i .i i n. ml liiaikiii w i :,r" . tVtvw inrmer. Minutes of yesterday read ana ap f hant making second best display ; one proved copy Review for best 1?" samples m Committee on Records of Mecklen- sample crop department, uuo yvy . presbvierv made a report, which r i . vncY cinr nnn n ss: hub - - mtxt, .lniTWAT. for best saddle horse : was adopted . ww . - . , k-i ; 1 . . .ni..Li! . !.: OlieCOPV JOURNAL, ior oe&fc uamcas AgCni OI ruuucauuu maut; uia jcii. horse. ... which was received. JLhis elicited dis- Parker & Taylor . dealer - in h "oyes - ion by Rev. S. Taylor Martiri and tinware, etc. r roni. snuek, uu auu div i - .,,.., , bill vv til v, k, wt.w . . t e -. I T man fii unit aha onil uo a t i i nn fii hocr r an iv or i t)Liit:rs. lb ni iuu awn uuiu uuu " lorhs, vuiuu c"w ""i J . .... pjiTg inearUWIin auvuuuu. icuuius yiovuo S P Collier, r roni street, ouu uoi uu . lho reDort the Committee on cigars, value $5 for best herd ot native D Uonai; Exercise3 made a report sheep, not less than ten. , . , , tiarnson aubu, jc iuui, wuwiu.w rt gents' liat, value $4, for best display of The report of the Agent of Publica corn. . . .... tion was aain taken up and, after res tt T I jAn nil in n Int n 1 n fr ftrn I - t. r-t-m,.t ti no nvflreoar. vaiue i uiai o j r, -r S20 , for largest number of premiums in proved andi the resolutions appended, Farmers Hail. . . ... adopted. Evans Cc Voniiiauni dealers in uoui. i t A Umr hnHnn taatPnfirs. VAIlie I icuikumiuh. " -v,v-t-x for best display ofi quilts i the thanks of Synod were tendered him . 13 A smitn, ueaxer m luiuituio,, tor nis ianniui services, Front street, one parlor wnai aoi, . , f Snndav Schools tendered o-irl nndpr 1G . I DIS reiMJfuauuu, wuiuui a hwk nwcpi, r. : ,w I i Mnllnnffftll Gi liowueu, uamato eu. harness makers, 1 14 North Front street, Agent of Evangelistic Labor tendered one fine buggy whip for the fastest na hig resignatioa wtich was accepted, and tivenorbu. . . , , T r AUr.n.w ri i? CranAh snrii wno csaie anu re- ivg . v. i.Au..utl, '-j tall Hpolpra in boots, shoes, etc. Front Oranse. was elected to the vacancy. street, one pair lady's fine Kid button J M was elected Agent ol boots, value 5, tor Dest loai 01 urcau . Capt O Fennell, general commission uv. nu . merchant. Water street. $o ior oe. street Ai. lu. unurcn, oeing presem, Many Things You Need, CAN BE FOUND AT TIIK 5 and 10 rents Store. The articles arcl good atd can be hought for less than one-half of what you pay elsewhere. II msehold articles and Kitchen utensils a specialty. Full snd complete stock ot Toya and Christmas Good a ine oniy 7i and IO Cents Store, Second 8t., between Martct and Pock Sts, nov 16 ltu Mrai Warren's' old stand. J)a Do JULIUS SAMSON, PJo. HI IVIarket St. . . . . ! BY EXPRESS TO-DAY, . ' i FROM A BANKRUPT SALE.) Brocade Silk Dolmans for $liO, for I mer prico$30. Ottoman Silk Dolmans and Circulars1, Fur Trimmed for $25 and $30, former price $35 and $4:0. Rhadame Silk. Dolmans for $18.50 would be cheap at $25, lOO Black and Colored Stockenette Jackets, Trimmed with Astracou, and elaborately braided, from $8 to $15. Receiving daily an elegant line of HOLIDAY GOODS! JTJLIUSr SAMSON, 111 MARKET ST. nov 16- ' Little, AND HH 5UPEUB DRAMATIC CORPS, JK UIS OWN REALISTIC PLAY, THE GBKAT RAFT 8CEJTB. i . I - -Reserved Seat $1 at DYERS'". Admission 75c and 50c. Gallery 26 cents. . nov 14 st r; Free Delivery.! FISH AND OYSTERS BOUGHT pF; us will be delivered . , ( FREE OF CHARGE. .. ,WE HAVE THE ' . j Finest Fish and Oysters I our market affords, for retail at all tines. i r DAVIS &j 80N. SOrJers by Telephone will recelTSOOjr) prompt attention. nov 14 . Calcutta Cheroots I ! ! ! gOMKTHINO NEW. TR1 THEM ! ! ! - CALCUTTA CliEROUTa ": . V ; 1 5 cents each. Good ! t -;- I - ! I I CALCUTTA CHEROOTS ! ' Sold wily by us . CALCUTTA CngEOOTS, 1 Munds Bros. &DoRossot, Droggtsts, Market and tceond St . nov 13 i camnlo nf linmfi made svrUD. MattJ Hyer, wholesale and retail grocer. Walnut street, one barrel Am brosial flour, value $8, for best display of home made counterpanes. Worth & Worth, nenerai commission merchants. Walnut street, $5, for best sample upland rice. was invited, by a standing vote, to sit as a visiting member. Agent of Sustentation made his re port, which was received and adopted. The report was quite detailed and in teresting. eliciting remarks from Rev Old North State Saloon, G South Front Street. rmv IinKH r.F.I.KltRATED J. Oysters, inne wines.xiquora, nrl f :1rr- All of the hBt QUSlltV. Tom and Jerrr (orlglnat from Jer ry Thomas) On coldilay's. Beer on Give us a show draught. nov 15 5 and 10 cents Cigars, TTAVAVA riLT.KRS. XI Best in the city, are on sale. Drags and Medicinal preparations of the hurhest graae st M JNO. T. 8CHON WALD'S, nov 12 . Drag and Precription Store Wrwiv & Currie. crencral commission Jos. Evans. Dr. Hill and others. merchants. Water street, $1 for second Committee on tbe report of the Trus- .Sft2SSff-.i mmi56io tee of Sjnod made report, which u merchiDls, Water street, $5 . for , best received and adopted, andthe lollowing mnen cow. - II. Frunhild & Bro . wholesale dealers ! Something New ; : Every Day From childhood to age, ajl usu St. Jacobs Oil for all kinds of bodily pains. t cures. ' . ' : -;; - Silver Plated Spoons and Forks,Iow prices, at Jacobi.' 1 t in liquors, tobacco, cigars, etc.. $5 fr finest display in poultry A. & I Shrier. wholesale and retai. clothing htuc 111 Market street, one fine silk scarf, value $1-25. for most at tentive lady assistant in arraugement of Floral Hall. I A. Shrier. wholesale and retail shoe store. Market streeU one fipe pair lady shoes, valuer $5, for best cucumber pickles.' " . :.,," Jacobi, yholesaie and retail dealer were elected Trustees to serve for one vear: Col- John E Brown, J. B. 'TYLISH STATIONERY, The Best, I Say ! CAR. LOAD Of MOUNTAIN CATTLE, THE BEST which has come to market this year, will he for sale at my ; : '. Stall No. 5, morrow (Wednesday) morning and theht anceoftho week.' Look at It even It you don't care to buy nov 13 W. J. MOTT, I BUUNo.Sl . mr m m h Rankin. .1. . Urown. K. i.,Mciioweii. J. II. Welborn , 1. F. Cmn m and E R. Stimson. Committee to prepare an address to 4 th Churches made report Rev.' Dr. i Snruut read the address to the Churches i as preparctl by the committee, which Y was bear I with close interest by i the ! Synod. It was adopted and ordered to ( -be published and read to the Churches Synod took recess until 3 p. m. v l? n ' - BEADTIKCI. picrriijcs, An.elegaut Un v Velvet, itlt and Ebony Picture trames. ' Dand painted Good, ' , ; . DeocaleomanU Picluri. i - ; Artist Materials, Ac, 4c A.TES, ' 119 ILtrket st I nor 12 V' . Lost IN ECSTACIEii OVER THE NEW AND handsome lot ot PICTURES just received. t. STEEL KNGRAVISG3 In enIIss Variety:' Plata and Highly Colored In the most artistic Style. Just the Plcl nrei for preaentatlon par pose&T . . - ,vv"- h..' fO '- AH, especially those who hare been waiting for this arrival, are requcsfe 1 1 call early and ' .- ;- v . .T'-r-' i " 1 HEINSBERGER'S, nov 12 Live Bok and Unsle Store ; Cigars I Cigars ! JKW BRANDS OT UNEXCELLED Stock, A luxury within reach of alt. i ' t Toilet -oap, a new andirlrg.-nit line.' " . Tooth CruaK.M, rhjp-'t and lest, at " ; 1 WILLIAM II. GREEX'f. I. nov 10 III Market Street. - For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery to to Jacobi Ilardw&reDcpot. , t .