- If -3' - t! .Vl' f --si f it : 51 ;:. - - i : '3 J l i J .- 3 f! h v'.'f in :M - ! i. b 10 -I,! The Daily Review FBI DAY, NOVEMBER 16.1883. The, Bailv Review 7tas the largest hnna fide, circulation, of any -newspaper published, in the cily of Wilmington. 3 - STATE NEWS. " Cl'mtoa Caucasian'. Mr. Wm. II. Marley of Franklia township was born on Tuesday. He has had seven tuns, all born on Tuesday. He has two daughters, one of whom was born on the 25th,.and the other ou the 26th of November. ' Wadesboro Times: Mr Sam Sear boro. near Edinboro, Montgomery county, had the misfortune to lose his house and contents on Sunday last by fire. There was no insurance. The steam saw mill of Mr GT Horton, about 11 miles South ot here, was to tally destroyed by flro on Saturday last, together with a lot of Inmber. There was no insurance. The loss is about S800. Durham Recorder: The Conference of the A. M. E.. Church South, is in session at Durham, Dishops Payne and Dickerson, presid i ng. - The n u m bcr ot delegates is large. Mr. V. F, Strond. one of Chatham's best farmers, sold at Parrish & Black well's .Ware house, Tuesday, '.m pounds ot new tobacco for 382.70, averaging a little over S4 1, cper hundred. This is the best average for one loud of new tobacco that has been sold in. Durham lh'i3 season. Williamston Times: Williamston can now boast of six lawyers and two good doctors. James Joues, of Snow Hill, died last week. He was fitly years old, weighed G20 pounds and the coffin in which he was buried meas ured 38 inches across the breast. Ison Rspres. colored, mistook the end of a railroad sleeper for a bed last Thursday night and went to sleep. The train from Tarboro knocked him off his cosy cot, but did not injure him. Fayettevillo Bun: Wc learn by a piivate letter, that Capt. Jno. Johnson, formerly of thi3 place, and for many vears a steamboat captain on the Cape Fear River, died at his home near Ty ler, Texas a few weeks ago. His eld est son, about 10 years of age, also died about the same time. Mr. Jeff D. Haywood, formerly of this county, was stabbed to death by some roughs, in Liberty county. Texas, on the the 24th of October. Mr Haywood was a young man ot quiet and peaceful disposition. He went to Texas last Spring, and was married in August and now fills'an untimely grave, leav ing a young wife in Texas ami a moth er in this State to mourn his death. Newbern Journal: Stephen Moore, the uotcd barbecue man of Lenoir county, aged about 60, -died suddenly at his resilience last Thursday morning from paralysis. He got up. as usual in the morning and undertook to make a fire, when his hand suddenly became paralyized. He returned to his bed and died immediately. He was in good health, apparently, the evening previous to his death. Mr. Bryan Lane, a citizen of this county who lives nearCobton, met with a serious mis fortune last Saturday niht in the burning of his barn, including nine bales of cotton and all. the corn he had housed. It is thought to be the work of an incendiary. Thi3 is the second misfortune of this kind Mr. Lane has had within a few years, his dwelling having been burned not many years since. G oldsboro Messenyer: Mr. Bennett Faircloth's los3 by the burning of his gin house last week, in Greene county, 13 fully $5,000, with no insurance. About 26 bale3 of cotton wer.e destroy ed. Rev Geo W Dame, Keetor of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in this city, has resigned his charge and his resignation has been accepted by the vestry of the church. Mr. Dame will leave for Baltimore about the first of December, where he has been appoint ed a curate in the parish of the Ascen sion in that city. Those who brag on their fox hunting skill might learn something from our old and esteemed friend, Aaron Parks, Esq, of Saulston townsliip, this county. With seven hounds he took in 15 foxe3 the past month, and 17 in all this season, and in no instance did he chase mono than 35 minutes. Mr. Parks is an old fox hunter, having had 35 years' experience. He is also one of our best farmers Chatham Record: Mr V Har rington, of Cape Fear township, raised this year 105 barrels of corn on 8 acres Rev William Walker has accepted the rectorship of the Episcopal' church at this place, and will move here next week. On last Friday Mr John Beal, formerly of this county, met with a very pain lul accident at a saw mill near Little River, in Cumberland coun ty. His foot slipped on a piece of bark, causing him to fall and one hand caught on the saw, which cut hjs fin gers clean off. The pleasant.wcath- er that we have had this month has expedited work on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad, and the track is now laid to Matthews' X Roads, which will probably be the most im portant point on the road Jjstween the Gulf ana Greensboro.- The passenger train will now run there regularly, but no freight will be received or delivered until tho warehouse is built. Charlotte Observer: At Lindsay Adams' farm near town there was an old fashioned corn shucking night be fore last, and tho full moon threw her rays npon a crowd of about two hun dred and fifty darkies around a pile of eight hundred bushels of corn. The huskers were divided into two parties, each one in charge of a captain and the contest was a spirited one. enliv ened by the songs aud shouts ot the daikies. After tho shucking, the cap tain of the victorious party was carried around the pile upon the shoulders of his men. The crowd then paid their respects to the 'possum and pumpkin pie provided for supper and the balanco ot the night was spent in dancing, the white people taking the house, and the darkies a large platform that had been erected for their use. No fights. Weldon ewj: On the 7th inst., Mr. W. K. White, who lives near Palmyra, had tho misfortune to lose his sin house and contents by fire. There were ten bales of cotton burned. The" loss amounts to about 1.000. The origin of the firo is supposed to have been in cendiary. On the 8th W. T. White head, of Roscncath township, lost his gin house, gin and five bales of cotton by fire. The fire caught from matches ignited by ginning and the loss will reach a thousand dollars if not more. Mr. J. M. Wellerof Ringwood. lostj on the 6th his gin house and 15 balesof cotton. Total loss ambunted to $2.C0 The fire caught in the jlint room from a spark from the engine. Other houses came near taking fire. So far as we canJearn there was no insurance on any of these houses. I ! THE MAILS. . TLemal's etose and arrive at the jClty Ioa office as follows : CIX53E. I Northern through malls, fast 7.15 -P. M. Northern through and wy malls.. -.5. 40 A. M. Raleigh G.15 P. Mand 5.40 A. M. Mails for the N. C. Kailroadf and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. & N. C. Railroad at I 8.00 P Ml and 5.40 A. M. Sonthcrn Malls for all points South, daUy....... 8.00 P. M, Western malls (C. C. EaUway) dally, j Cexcept Sunday) 6.1a P. M. All points between Hamlet and Ral- . elh 6.15 P. M. Mall for Chcra w and Darlln jjton Rail- ! road I-..8.00 P.M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston. 8.00 P. M. Faycttevlllc and offices on Caje Fear River, Tuesdays and Frldats 1-1.00 P. M. Faycttcvllle, via Lumbertonj daily, except Sundays L. ... ... C.15.P. M. Onslow C. ii. and Intermediate offi-j ccs. Tuesdays and Fridays. . 1 6.00 A. M. Smith ville mails, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays).. .8.30 A. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Shallottc and Llttlo day's and Fridays. . . Town Creek, River, Tues- 4--0.00 A. M. 8.30 A. M. Wrightsvllle, daily. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails. . . .7.30 A. M Southern Mails .......7,30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 9. 00A. M. Mails collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 V. M. and from other pointe of tho city at 3 P.M. I 1 Stamp Oflicc open from 8 A. M. to 12M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp' office. Stamps for sale In small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. General delivery open from 7 A. M. 7.30 P.M. and on Sundays. from S.30 to 9.30 A. M. Carriers' delivery open on Sunday from .30 to .50 A.M. I 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For the Cure of Coughs, ColdsJ Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Croup, Influ- enza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In-E cipient Consumption and for the re- iliefofconsumptive persons in advan-I 11 Druggists. Price, 25 Cents. N. C. Apples. JgQ BBLS. FINE WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA APPLES. Call at once at R. McDOCG ALL'S, Ou Chestnut, bet. Water and Front sts nov n 1 On Hand ! 9 -BBLS. WESTERN N. C. , FLAT DUTCH TURNIPS. riAft Head of the Sweet Western N. C. CABBAGE, g Bus. CHESTNUTS, in good condition. Also, Potaloes and Apples! Apples ! Apples! At No. 14 Chestnut StN, bet Front and Water nov 9 Wilmington, N. C , Sampson County Beefi J OVERS OF GOOD BEEF WOULD DO Wfcll to oalUat STALL No. 0. where1 will be found "" i THE FINEST BEEF! ever brought from Sampson County. I purchased from Mr. T. L. Kackiey. Also, Fine Mountain Beef! will be on hand f sr four weeks, uoyll-tf GKO. Vi. TLLLEY. ftlore Room. o WING TO THE STEADY INCREASE In ray business, aud for the want of more room, I have rented the Store adjoining my present one, and enlarged the one I now occupy. This giVes me ample room to show idy FINE STOCK of Home-Hade Cand es. Having engaged an EXPERIENCED CAN- DY MAKER, of Baltimore, to assist me In the making , my Candies, I can therefore give the public the benefit of the P URKST.FRK&U EST AND FINEST CANDIES In the city. I have three large Show Cases, containing One Hundred and Fifty different kinds ot CANDY, from-which selections can be made. As I am manufacturing for the Retail Trade only. I .can guarantee PURE AND FRESH GOOD3 DAI LY". It 13 not tho quantity but the .QUALITY wc have. , - . ' Receiving by Steamer dally FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Como and see mc. No trouble to show goods. MRS. E. WARREN, nov 12 113 and J15 North Second St C. D. Morrill. JNDERTAKER, CABINET MAKER AND CARPENTER. .Office and Work Shop on Sec ond street, opposite Souther land's stables. Respectfully solicits orders and guarantees good work, prompt delivery and satisfaction lo every respect. m&v 16-tf Branson's N. C. Business Directory FOR 1883, gOON TO BE ISSUED 6th Edition 17th year of publication, will contain over eo,ooo istees, and is Intended to be the 'FUIXEsT AND MOST RELIABLE REFERENCE BOOK ever published for North Carolina. The Business and Professional Men of every County, City and Village will be recorded and classified tor convenient reference. -Price fS. j . apl25-tf tjov lo ly COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. November 10 4 P. M. SPIRITS TERPENTINE Quoted firm at 34 cents per gallon. Small : sales at th'cse figures. ROSIN Quoted steady at $L10 for Strained and $1.15 for Good Strained. Sales of 500 barrels Strained at $1.10, and 1,000 barrels Good Strained at $1.15. TAR Quoted firm at $1.60 per bbl of 280 'lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2 for Virgin and Yellow Cjip and $1 for Hard. COTTON Quoted steady. Sales of 200 bales on a basis of 10 cents per p6und lor Middling. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary Good Ordinary.. n 9 cents Low Middling Middling 10 Ciood Middling 101 I - DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton 520 bales ! Spirits Turpentine 188 casks Rosin 478ibbls Tar- 28 bbls Crude TurDentine. 9'J bbls MAKLNE 1 NEWS. ARRIVED. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithville, Master. 1 Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point Caswell, R P Paddison 1 Steamer (xorernor Worth, Worth, Fayctteville, Worth & Worth. Steamer Bladen, Thornton, Fayette rille. C S Love & Co. Scbr Timothy Field, Ballettc. Boston, E G Barker & Co CLEARED. i U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithville, Master. Steamer Governor Worth, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth Steamer Bladen, Thornton, Fayette ville, C S Love & Co. WEEKLY STATEMENT. 1 . . I STOCKS ON HAND NOV. 1U, iOOJ. Cotton ashore, 12,633; afloat, 5,377: to tal. 18,010. Spirits ashore. 4.535. Rosin ashore, 107,551. Tar ashore, 3,597. Crude ashore, 505; afloat, 62; total, 567. RECEIPTS FROM NOV. 1 TO NOV. 10. Cotton. 7.369; spirits, lj730; rosin, 14.063; tar, 2.209; crude. 699. " l 1 EXPORTS FROM NOV. 1. TO NOV. 10. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 4.242; spirits. 728; roain, 385; - tar, 1,577; crude, 866. FOREIGN. Cotton, 3,814: spirits, 4,249; rosin, 3, i 300. Vessels tor this Port from For eign Ports. BARKS. Nor Aeolus. 258 tons, Paulsen, sailed from Arendil, Aug 20, via Seville , Nor Agder, 45G tons, Flagstadt, sailed from Hamburg, Oct. 8. Nor Albatros,503 tons. Olsen, at Marseilles Swd Aroarant, , Thorbjornsen, sailed from Liverpool, Oct 29 Oer Apotheker, Diesing, SS5 tons, Stutts, sailed from Hamburg, Sept 19 Nor Apollo, 438 tons, Melsom, at London, Oct 9. , I Nor Attllla, 41C tons, Jarsen, sailed from Cardiff, Ausr. 21, via Bermuda. Nor August, 395 tors, Buch, sailed fromlia Rochelle, Aug 31 1 Nor Candace, 343 tons', Johannsen, sailed from Hamburg, Oct 4 Nor Cortez, 334 tons, Hansen, at Sharpness, 'Oct 25 Nor Echo, 464 tons, Hansen, at Lillesand, Sept 24 Ger Emilie, 419 tons, Knuth, at Liverpool, Sept. 6 Nor Emma Parker, 497 tons, Lareen, sailed from Bristol, Oct 28 Nor Erragon, 420 tons, Weber,' at Liverpool, Sept 6 Nor Froy, 324 tons, Omundsen, sailed from Marseilles, Oct 7 Br Geo Davis, 643 tons, Macomber, cleared from London, Oct SO Nor Gna, 388 ' tons, Anderecn, sailed from Skutssar, Aug 3 - Nor Hama, 634 tons, Jorgensen, sailed from Aurendel, Aug. 7 Nor Henrish Bjorn, 357 tons, Nysteen, at Liverpool. Sept 15 Nor Jernass, 239 tons, Nellsen, sailed from Hamburg, Sept 15 Nor! Kerdalea, 415 tons, Pettersen, sailed from Baltic via Oran Ger Lydia Peschau, 43 tons, Bremcrs, sail ed from Hamburg, Oct 6 Nor Margarlte, Hansen, elcared from Se ville, Oct 1. - ' 1 Nor Maury, 434 tons, Olsen, at Gloucester, Sept 6 , Nor Noah, 400 tons, Nielsen, at Havre; Sept 13 Nor -Nordenskjold, 294 tons, Abrlbamsen, sailed from Bllboa, Oct. 2. Nor Prudentia, 372 tons, Hansen, sailed from Gloucester. Oct 23 Dan Rialto, 443 tons, Jensen, at Liverpool, Sept 6 Ger Richard, 46? tons, Paske, at Hamburg. Aug 29 Nor Sirah. 296 tons, Hcnrichs, sailed from Seville, Oct 8 Nor Statesmlnster, Selnia, C07 tons, ' Buatad, silled from Flinrannan, Aug 16 via Valencia Nor Telcmach, 623 tons, Andersen, atVal encla, Oct 25 . Ger Texas, 291 tons, Loot, at Hamburg, Oct SO i 1 Nor Turlst, 306 tons', Iversen, at Liverpool. Sept 18 1 Br Vick & Mebane, 596 tons, Henske, sailed from Hamburg, Oct 27 . t i Nor XVII Mai, 475 tons, Tellefsen, at New port, E, Sept C I BRIGS. - Ger Adolph MIchels, 290 tons, Niemann, sailed from Plymouth, Nov 2 Nor Conga! , 334 tons, Danlelsen, sailed from Bristol, Oct 4 Ger Express, 276 tons, Fretwurst, at Liver pool, Aug 30 Ger Hermann Frledrich, 28S tons, Nieiahr. at Liverpool, Sept 10 i Ger Picolct,237 tons, Kruse, sailed from Hamburg, Oct 27 Nor Bask, 181 tons, Svendsen, sailed from Harburg, Sept 11 . r Nor San Juan, 295 tons, Basile, sailed from Bordeaux, Sept. 24 ' Notice. rjlHE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING QUALI fied as Administrator on the estate of George Ufcl, deceased, hereby gives notice to all per sons indebted to said estate to make immedi ate payment and to all who hold claims against the said estate to present them for payment on or before the 19th day of October, 1884. otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of PSOTCTJA . JNO. G. WAGNER, Admr Estate of George Uhl,. deceased ocf 19-law6w-fri p Cape Fear Pilot House, NO, 15 SOUTH WATER STREET. . WILMINGTON, N. C. FIEST CLASS RESTAURANT. Board ibPFS's! Thxee MeaJa W; filncte Meal 35c Satisfaction guaranteed. Ct 8-2m . SELLERS & McKETTTIAN. MISCELLANEOUS. A S I AM NOW IN- THE NORTHERN cities, the. Ladies will find It to tac!r advantage to wait and see tho latest styles of MILLINERY! which I will bring with vxo, together vrltb a large and beautiful line of 1 HOLIDAY GOODS ! I wld h will be elegantly displayed I 1 In our spacious windows and on our counters. i- ! ! We will gtve due notice through the papers when OUR GRAND OPENING I I will take place. At present there are bargains In every de- i partmcnt to make room for our new goods, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St, Wilmington, N. C. nov 6 NEW FALL AND WINTER NOW OPEN AT 116 Market Street. SPECIAL BARGAINS ! IN EVERY DEPART MENT f Unusual Attraction in Styles Magnificent Line ol Goods. ALL WITH THE LOWEST PRICES ASSURED ! , To enumerate even a small portion oi our endless variety, would occupy too much space, and we therefore name only a few Do-1 partments. , ' Black and Colored Silks. Ottoman, Brocaded & Bhadames Silks, Plain and Brocaded Velveteens, DRESS GOODS in all the New Shades, Cashmeres, Shuddas, Serges, Gamers Hair, Foule, Ottoman, Nun's Cloth, Ladies1 Cloth, Flannels, Mohairs, Plaids with Combinations, Pin Checks, Brocades, Beiges, &c. Trimmings, Fringes, Gimps, Buttons, to match all above. Cloaks, Dolmans, Sacqties and Jerseys, Shawls. Ladies1 Misses, Men and Boys1 Merino Underwear. ' Blankets and Flannels lower1 than they have been for years. Laces and Embroideries at prices that will make you buy any way. Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Skirts, Table Damasks j Towels, Sheetings, White Goods. Men and Boys1 Wear, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &c, &c., &c. All bought-at the recent decline in prices, and an inspection of same will induce my pat rons, as well as the public in general, to profit by Investing in some of the MANY BAB GAINS. , M. M. KATZ', 116 market St. OCt 8 Lamps and Glassware QF ALL, KINDS , FOR SALE BY Giles & Jlurchison. nov 13 Morchlsoa Block. E. G. BLAIR, pRODUCE BROKER AND COMMISSION Merchant, No. 19, N. Second St. Wilmington. N. C Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. . Country orders filled at the lowest market prices for Flour, MeaL Grain and Groceries. A trial is aolicted and satisfaction guaran teed. - , nov 5 MISCELLANEOUS. MlSUiaL.L.AHiauua, , ! j , MISCELLANEOUS; . I To make room for new goods coming in every weekl1 To our customers we extend our sincere thanks for their very liberal patrol age and assure them no pains will be spared to please them. . t AH kinds Stumping and Hair Oct sn Female School. MISSES BURR A JAMES, Principals. MRS. M. S. CUSIIING, Musical Instructress. rjlIIE TWENTIETH NNUAL SESSION of this Scnoorwill commence on Thursday, the 4th ot October, 1883, ani close during the third week in June, Ut4. 1 The course of Instruction is thorough and systematic. Tcrraa reasonable Lessons in painting in OU, Water Colors and Pastel, -with Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. I Where a class of ten or twelve is formed for the school of painting, thc price will be re duced. Pupils outside of the school who , desire mu sical Instructiori. will do well to apply early. For further particulars inquire of Principals, or call for Circular. sept 12 I New York & Wilmington Steamship Line, STEAMERS WILL. SAIL FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock,' P. M. REGULATOR Saturday , Nov 3 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Nov 10 REGULATOR I Saturday, Nov 17 BENEFACTOR .... Saturday, Nov 24 Kf Through Bills Iiadlng and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply t . THOMAS E. BON i. Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. THEO. G. KG Kit, Freight Agtjnt. - 35 Broadway, New Ywrk. ; WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. GeneraJ Agents. 1 nov 3-tf Baltimore & Wilmington Steamship Line. Steamer RALEIGH, CAPT. LITTLEFIELD, Will sail from BALTIMOKE, : ' Tuesday, November 13. AND SAIL FROM Saturday, November 17. For Freight Engagements, apply to, i A. I. CAZAUX, Agt Wilmington, N. C. ANDREW8,&CO.,Agts., , S. W. Corner Light and German Sts., nov 10- Baltimore. Furniture. 2QQ CHAMBER AND PARLOR Suits from $25 to f 130. New styles and first-class goods at , GREAT BARGAINS ! FINE BOOK CASES, SIDEBOARDS, SECRETARIES, WARDROBES, l 1 LIBRARY TABLES, Ac. Cottage Bedsteads, Mattresses, Chairs, Ta bles, &c, Ac, at big bargains. Call and see me before you buy. D. A. SMITH, nov 5 Furniture Dealer. 2 in 1. I Pll take your likenesses, And take them fine, . 111 fix your watches To keep good, time ; I do all work ell, Entrusted to me. If you don't believe it Try me and see. , . J. Jj. WINNER, . Photographer and Jeweler, hot 2 New Market Building (up stairs) Headquarters for Country Produce. v A W. RIVENBARK, XL 1H North Water SL. Newbury's Old Stand Also, a full line of choice Family Groceries. A nice lot Mountain Batter just received. , Prompt attention. Reasonable prices. Please give me a caU. nov2-tf BUGGIES-BUGGIES. ,CAB LOAD OF NEW BUGGIES-ALL lityles, single and double to suit everybody Just to hand and for sale cheap at the Buggv and Harness establishment of McDOUGALL BOWDEN, nov 5 ; No. 1H North Front St. - MISCELLANEOUS. 9 it. -AT- 7ork dono at short notice. 3 MRS. S. J. BAKER, 132 Market Street '' FRESH ARRIVALS! j ATMORE'S CELEBRATED MisCEkUTS in Barrels, Half Barrela and Palls; aM PLUM PUDDING In all sizes. - These are the very best goods of their kUm, and no family should be without them. ORANGE MARMALADE, j a most delightful Sweetmeat for the tea Ub'e. To anive on Tuesday next, a fresh supply of Gluger Taffy, Ben's Boston Crackers, . Geneccve Wafers, . Coffee Cakessomethlngtew aai aJce, Orange Bar, ( . ' Almond Maccaroons, ' : ! Cocoanut Maccaroonsj and The Genuine Albert Biscuit, In one and two pound Tim. ' For sale low. ' John L. Boatwright nov 12-tf New Furniture Warerooms, jT NO. 20 GRANITE- ROW, 80. FRONT St., I have opened with what I think Is awtl ' selected stock of . , ' 1 Furniture and Bedding, I Embracing many new designs in J Bedroom and Parlor Suits, Our aim shall be to deal fairly and squarely with all, aud respectfully ask a share of the public patronage. Courteous treatment guar anteed to all wid favor me with a calL nov 5 tf THOMAS C CRAFT, Agent 1. NEW GOODS J AM STILL RECEIVING NEW GOODS in both departments, MILLINERY' AND FANCY GOODS All the matertal fbr mak lng up Hats and Bounets. Velvets, Rlbbom, Feathers, Birds, Kc. " " 1 " FELT, STRAW AND FRAMES, 1ATI3T ST Y LES . All necessary material for Fincf . Work. New Stttuplng Patterns. Lares lot of 'Jerseys" for Ladies, Misses and Clmdtta. Gossamers all sizes and qualities. -Crjpe renovaied by SURIVEB PATST protress. i New Patterns from Universal Fashion Co. , Polite attention given to all our customer Respectfully, MISS E. KAKRER, EXCHANGE CORNER," ' V Wilmington, N.C, Oct, 16. 1883. Look Out ! pOR THIEVES AND BURULAES COMLV'G hero and prepare to give them a warm rcccp tion by coming to C. G, CRO WELL'S SHOOTING GALLEBY,' TO LEARN TO SHOOT ! Practice makes perfect 1 First class ElfleiMl Targets. Only lOc for O Shots, 5c for 3. The proprietor will be pleased to give In structions to all who wish to learn withoat ex tra charge. No betting allowed. It is tot practice and amusement only. No-103 Market at., next to corner of Front t., Wilmington, N. V. C. G. CBOWELL, nov 7-lm Proprietor Let us Reason. JMAGINE THAT WE ARE SEATED FOB a pleasant talk about Clothing, We wtnt Coat, Vest, pair of Pants or perhaps a n& Naturally the first point for discussion Is whers can we do the best and who will deal wU you perfectly upright and honest ? A. SHRIEK, who have secured the good faith of the public, and who have had the experience of over fourteen years, and during that entt6 period neither man, woman nor child ever ex perienced ' disappointment over a mlsta1 which was not immediately rectified. A , SHRIER sell only Clothing equal to the fl Custom Made work and every garment sow" guaranteed to be exactly as represented. A. & I. nov 12 Reliable Clothiers,1 lHMarket8U am fill; tg'Sg ST 2 c er Up sr 2 ra crs" 2 5 ?2.ft r- i B I M Ml " t a m-H SHRIEK, - . w july ll-aw