5 THIS PAPER. . PLKASX NOTICE. We will be glad to ; recelTO commnnlcatlon CroBi our friends on any and all aubjecta gewTaJ Interest but . - . - The name of the writer must always be fa nlahed to the Editor. - , - ' Communications most be wrlttos on onl one aide of the paper. ' Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly und stood that the Editor does not always endot the Ylewa of correspondents nnleas so state In the editorial columns. " - . Dllgbcd every evening, Sundays ex pal 1 cepted- by JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOB AND rBOFKDETOB. .PBSCRIPTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: Tear " ontha.1-00; One month, 85 cents. paper will be delivered by carriers free rge, in any part of the city, at the above 0r 10 cent per week. rfcftsnsins i VOL. VII. W ILMINGTON. N. C, MON DAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1883. -subscribers wm report any and all fall NO. 273 receive their paper regularly. ow toia fide circulation, of any newspaper t ,lished, tn Hie cuy qj vvumingwn. Mr. Hanlan will row in Toronto on thfl 09th and then start for the Pacific coast. Giant Chung Yu Sins requires two beds to sleep in, but counts hims-It as ooelodguc. . - ; , -- . JJf. 1U11UU UUC3II l VU IMS SpUfcUU . i nl - .1 i. lti- . 1 . . I ofjs "new" writer: He began life as a itporter and 'finds literary pursuits sy and agreeable. Hon. Samuel J. Randall, who has been COiiuiieu vj m ucu uy it &evuru a l 4 u!. i l i. attack of gout, is well enounh to be hout and no farther trouble is antic paled. - HI' The Cincinnati Enquirer declares i hat the tears shed over the defeat of the Billy Mahoueiles in Virginia arc not copious enough to bull the umbrella trade. The Brooklyn Eaqle says : "It is net the black man himself who creates the disturbance; it is the rasca.ly politician who takes him out of his proper place to use him as an instrument tor person al gain." The Washington Post is assured by Mr Carlisle that interviews with him published in several New York papers do not represent his opinions either fairly or fully. In the main they are not true and in many particulars they are altogether wrong. The Trenton (N. J.). Times says ' There's a very mixed crowd on the Salt river boat this year. Come to Virginia if you wish to see every shade and hue. not only of skin, but a motley crew in political morals who are ban isbed to the headwaters of that famous stream. " Boston Tost: "Butler Mahone, son of the late Virginia boss, has had to pay a fine of $15 for disturbing the peace on election day, it is said. We think the extenuating circumstances should have been taken into account. YVe don't sec how a youth with that name could very well help disturbing the peace.1' ; The Southern harvest, in spite of the drouth, will turn out better than was first expected. The New Orleans TimesDcmoerat looks for a cotton crop exceeding 6,000,000 bales. The sugar prospect has also brightened considera bly. Our contemporary concludes that estimating a cotton crop in advance is mighty precarious. Brother Beecher doesn't appear fo have a yery high.estimate of the dear native land of the negro. In a late lec ture he said; "The whole continent of Africa might sink in the sea, and the world would not lose j n invention, a history or a hero, and the bubbles com ing up would be worth as much as the men who made them going down." The Philadelphia Times says : "The two parties arc now facing each other 'or the great conflict, with nearly even chances of success. They are both on trial, the Republicans with the Presi dent and the Senate, and the Democrats with the House, and the party that serves the county best will best serve itself in the erection of the next Presi dent." The imports of New Yrk from, for eign ports for the month of October show a decline as compared with the same month of last year of nearly one and a half millions in merchandise, but a gain in specie, leaving the aggregate a little above the total then given. As a whole the imports have beeu unex pectedly large, the total of merchandise bavins only one superior for any Octo ber in the last ten years. "In Paradise. Mr. John T. Raymond, who will be remembered by our citizens from hav ing appeared hero last year as FrcsJi, the American, will appear at the Opera House on Thursday night, the 22d inst., in the above named play, of which' the New York Herald gives the. cast and speaxs as follows: - . .. Mr. John T. Raymond always "draws like a house afire" in Brooklyn but ho had never played there to quite so large an audience as crowded the Brooklx n Park Theatre last niht, when he ap peared as the reconstructed" Vir Mnia major in his new piece. "In Paradise." It is a semi-farcical play, essentially Auierican-Chicagoan, m lact in char acter and action. Mr. Raymond is upon i he stage first,1 last and all the time, and it follows that the fun is incessant. If laughter is evidence of happiness, those who. witnessed the performance -last night were "In Paradise" for a couste of hours. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W II Gbeex Ugars S W Noble For Sale D A Smith Fnrnltare A W Rivesbark The Man A & I Shriek Before Buying J C WiNbEK Change of Time Mrs Kate G Wines New Goo s OrERA House John T Raymond Pabkek & Taylor Pcrlect Rush MOD'JUGVLL & BOWOEX BugfeiCJ Heinsberger Pianos and Organs Knights of Honor Regular Meeting Kerciiner & Calder Bros Groceries , C W Yates Something New Every Day -P L Riudgebs& Co Brandies. Whiskeys W K Springer A Co Sportsman Goods Tuos G Craft New Furniture Warerooms E G Blair General Commission Merchant Giles & Murciiison Lamps and Glassware MrjNus Bros. & DeRosset Calcutta Che roots. - For other locals see fourth page. Many of the cisterns in this city are very nearly dry Col II. B. Short, of Columbus coun ty, is in the city. Next Sunday is the last in the pres ent Conference year. The cold wave has passed by and we are now having delightful weather. If you can't "Bear" a cough. "Bull"' it, with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. The churches yesterday were gener ally well filled with interested congre gations. . The Criminal Court will be in session next week and the Superior Court the week after. . Many of the visitors to Synod have left the city onhe return to their homes but some of them are with us yet. 4We learn that there is an effort being made to purchase a new pipe organ for the First Baptist Church. Oysters seem to be in ood supply but they are not fat as yet. They are waiting for a big rain before they swell out. - "v Rev. A. A. Watson, I). D., Rector of St. James1 Church, returned to the City on Saturday night and filled his pulpit yesterday. The clocks and watches throughout the city are now run on the. new time schedule, the hour of noon having been fixed by proclamation . Mr. Jas. C. Munds returned to the citv last Saturday night, after two weeks pased in New York in the pur chase ot holiday goods. M James T. Murphy, of Clinton, Sam son county, is in the city on busi ties connected with the approaching Sa pson Agricultural Fair. r. John J. Conoley, formerly of Wilmington, but now a resident, of Macon. Ga . is in the city on a brief visit to relatives and friends. There were two cases of disorderly conduct before the-Mayor thi3 morning, the first of which was fined $20 or 30 days and the latter $5 or 20 days. Both parties went below. ... ... 71" ' " . " On Friday last, at Mason boro Sound, there were caught in Mr. James A. Hewlett's seine 22,800 mullets at one haul, which we think will staud as the "big haul" of the season. Mr. A. W. Rivenbark, in this issue, notifies the people where to secure good, bargains, prompt attention and courted ous treatment. He is a live business men, strictly honorable, and is bound to win. . j The drouth hereabouts is becoming something fearful. The water courses are drying up and the wells and cisterns are getting very low.. There was a promise of rain last night but it was vnot fullfilled. Capt. S. W. Nobles advertises in this issue a fine collebtion of fruit trees and grapevines for sale. He says he can beat any nursery in the State on size of trees and prices of same; besides his trees are all grown here and are better adapted to this soil than those brought from a distance Handkerchiefs are now made to match each toilet. I f the dress is of an apple green and dark green combined, the handkerchief must have a centre of the light green and a border of the olive green. Some new handkerchiefs are cut in an octagon and have the days of the week in each of the seven corners and the name ot the owner in the eighth. " ' ' - : ;". :Iulfffitaf .of Honor.. Carolina Ixxlge jNo. 431. Regular ineetimx this evening at 8 o'clock. Full attendance desired. It. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery fo to Jacof.i' Hr.nl 'rrnri'DTt; . t T 1 1 K PKKS B YTEICI A N S. FOURTH DAY AFTERNOON SESSIOX. In the afternoon the Synod re-assembled for the transaction of business. The Stated clerk presented the fol lowing Statistical Report of the Synod of North Carolina to the General As sembly of the Presbyterian Chnrch in the Uriitcd States: - . : 1 The Synod of North Carolina respect fully reports to the General Assembly nf t.hp. Prnshvlerijin 'Church in the ITnU ! ted States that it consists of five Pres byteries, and that these consist in whole of 116 miuislers and 234"churches, bav ins under their care 4 licentiates and 10 candidates, viz: Orange Presbytery 30 ministers, 01 churches, 1 licentiate and 7 candi dates. Concord Presbytery 10 ministers, 38 churches and 1 licentiate. Fayetteville Presbytery 21 ministers, 51 churches and 4 candidates. Wilmington Presbytery 15 minis ters. 31 churches, 2 licentiates and 1 candidate. ' Mecklenburg Presbytery 31 minis ters, 50 churches and 8 candidates. Total 116 ministers. 234 churches, 4 licentiates and 20 candidates. ' The Synod further reports that its next Stated Meeting will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Winston, N. C. on the 2nd day of October, 1884, at 7:30 o'clock, p. m. By order of the Synod. Wm. S. Lacy, Stated Clerk. .The Committee on Union Theological Seminary made report through their Chairman, Rev Dr.Wood, which was received and adopted. Following this was the report of the Agent ot Education, Rev. D. Rumple, which was a broad review of the general work of education, and present ed also a summary of educational in stitutions in, the Synod, in part wholly under Presbyterian control. An increase in the number of candidates for the ministry was noted, and a de cided increase in contributions from the churche?. The amount contributed for 1882 was $2077. The Synod ap proved the effort to increase the endow ment of Davidson College, and com mended the agent. Rev. Dr. J. B. Mack, to our churches. Rev. Mr. Peschau, of the Lutheran Church, and Rev. Mr. Sanders, of the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church, (Northern Assembly), were invited to seats as visiting brethren. (On yesterday Rev. T. P. Ricaud, of the Fifth Street Methodist Church, re ceived a similar courtesy.) The report of the committee on Syste matic Beneficence was taken from the docket, and after some correction of figures was adopted. The Presbyteries contributed to the Church's objects of beneficence as follows: Orange Presbytery $3,886 47 Concord Presbytery. . . 4.tf73 00 . 3,081 00 .1,799 00 . 5.560 00 Fayetteville Presbyter v. . Wilmington Presbytery.. Mecklenburg Presbytery. Total. . . . .$19,299 47 Rev Dr F II Johnston, Rev R Z Johnson and Rev J P McPherson were appointed a committee to drajt a form, so as to secure uniformity in the re ports of the Presbyteries of Statistics, andalsoon Systematic Beneficence. The committee on Leave of , Absence made report showing a large number excused. " In the evening the Sy nodical Com munion was observed, the services be ing conducted by Rev Dr W W Pharr and Rev Dr E F Rockwell. Theresolutien of thanks was adopted with entire unanimity and great feeling, by a rising vote of the Synod. The resolution is as follows: ' Resolved, That the Synod of North Carolina return its thanks to the vari ous railroad and steamboat companies for their courtesies, and to our Chris tian brethren for the use of their churches, and to the citizens of Wil mington for their large hearted' hospi tality to the members of the Synod, and that-this resolution be read from the pulpits ot our churches in this city. ' A collection was taken up for Home Missions. Alter final roll call the Moderator before putting the motion for adjourn ment, made some exceedingly appro priate arid impressive remarks. These remarks were made with seriousness and dignity, and the closing exercises were exceedingly interesting and sol emn. A hymn was sung by the mcui bcrs of the Synod, standing "Blest be the tie that binds.'? A fervent prayer vas offered by the Moderator, after which th'j aiostolic .benediction was pronounced' and the Synod 4 adjourned to meet in Winston, October 2d, 1881. ; 'TautasaBdwUue. South Amik N. J. Captain John Riley, ot the barce "Wm. H. Smith!" of this place, says: "I have tried the great pain conqueror. St. Jocrbs Oil. and found it a good tiling; it cured me. rshnll nhvays ;. v;c!l cf it." - How Came it There? Yesterday four or five dogs were playing in the yard of the Kindergarten School building, on the corner of Fourth and Dock streets, when two or three came from under the building, drag ging with them a counterpane. It is not known how the article came to ,; be in such a place, but it is supposed that it had been stolen and carried there by some bf.the youngs colored boys who have been in the habit of. sleeping, un der the building during: the warm weather.', ' - f TJie Bicycle. "One of the institutions of the city is tho Wilmington Bicycle Club, which has been recently formed ticrc. Bicycling is a healthy, invigorating sport, , which has become popular iit the North, and its popularity is spreading rapidly throughout - the entire country. The following are the officers of the Wil mington Club: ' President J. L. Yopp. Vice President J. R. Wilson. Jr. Secretary and Treasurer H. Burk heimer, Jr. j Captain J. R. Wilson. Jr. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lost. JADIES' BRACELET, ENGRANED Gold Band. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office or at 202 Nun street., nov 19-2t The Man T O SHIP YOUR COUNTRY PRODUCE to is A W. RIVENBARK. 114 North Water fet., Wilmington, N. C. The Live Grocer and Conn try Produce Dealer. Refers to Bnnk of New Hanover, nov 19 Perfect Hush OR PARKER & TAt LOU'S STOVES. Let your minds le easy:, more left, and still more coming. We are all tired. "Our Dave" srunts, butyon'll gctr whatwe sell you By the way, have you seen our Breech Load ing Guns ?, If not, you ought to. PARKER & TAYLOR'S. PURE WHITE OIL. , nov 13 . Lamps and Glassware QF ALL KINDS; FOR SALE BY Giles & Murchison. nov 19 Murchison Blo;k. E. C. BLAIR, JRODUCE BROKER AND COMMISSION Merchant, No. 19, N. Second St., Wilmington, N. C. Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. - Country orders filled at the lowest market prices for Flour, Meal, Grain and Groceries. A trial la solicted and satisfaction gnaran eed. nov 19 . New Goods. J-EW GOODS IN THE L ATEST STYLES expected next week. I hope the Ladies will - " ' - ' come in and see them. . MRS. KATE C. WINES, So. 11S, North Second Srect. nov 19 next South of Fostoffice BUGGIES-BUGGIES. CAB LOAD OF NEW BUGGIES ALL styles, single and double to suit everybody. Just to hand and for sale cheap at the Buggy and Harness establishment of - ' McDOUOALL A BOWDEN. nov 19 No. 114 North Front St. Sportsman's Goods, WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT of EngUsh and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also a first c ass stock of ShelU, Wadding, Primers.Cart ridge Bags. Gun Caps, Game Bags, &c. In fact we can show a sto.se of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. ..-.-. W. K. SPRINGER A CO.. Successors to John Dawson A Co.. snov 19 19, 21 and 23 Market U eet Furniture. 200 CMAMBEK AND PARLOR Suits from ti" to $15). New" styles and first-class goods at ' GREAT BARGAINS ! FINE BOOK CASES, SIDEBOARDS, SECRETARIES, WARDROBES, ' f - - f f LIBRARY TABLES, Ac. Cottige Bedsteads, Mattresses," Chairs, Ta bles, Ac., Ac , at big bargains. Call and see me before, you buy. D. A. SMITH, nov 19 - Furniture Dealer. PIANOS & OR&ANS gOLD AT THE' LOWEST PRICES EITHER FOE CASH OU ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN. Parties wishing to buy will liatl It tn thtir le teres t to consult me before purchasin else-where.- " r ' .i, ' lDstrumenL(aol4 arc gnarintccl togive sat bfa-Uon.at .: ; . . r I HEINSBEHGER'S, COT 13 Liva r f- ;-. f ? NEW APVERTISEMEKT OPERA HOUSE. One Night Engagement. THURSDAY, NOV. 22. First apiearance in two years of the repfc- . flVUMlllb aUIVitVAU VUUJVU1AU JOHN T. RAYMOND, Under the management of Brooks & Dickson, in the entirely original Comedy Drama -, by Messrs. Jcesup and Gill, called IN PARADISE. RAYMOND" id hts GREAT NEW TRIUMPH, MAJOErBOB. "An ever present, all-around kind of joy.,r Scats for sale on Tuesday, at StOi-e of John Oyer A Son, Tailors and Haberdashers. nov 19 3t . Something New Every Day ! gTYLISH STATIONERY, BEAUTIFUL PICTURES, An elegant line Velvet, Gilt and Jtbony Picture Frames. Hand painted Goods ; ' - " Dcccaleomanla Pictures, Anibt Materials, &c, Ac ; YATES, njv 19 119 Market st New Furniture Warerooms. A.T N" 20 GttANITK KOW. s. FRONT bt, I have o"rencd with what I think Is a wel selected stock of Furniture and Bedding, Embracing many new designs In Bedroom anch Parlor Suits. Our aim shall be to deal fairly and sauarelv with all, and respectfully ask a share of the public patronage, courteous treatment guar anfed to all who favor me with a call. tioy 19-tf THOMAS C. CRAFT. Agent Kerchner & Oalder Bros., - TrHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMIS- sion Merchants, offer for sale low 1 OOO Bbls Flonr, all grades; 75 Bbla Re- - J V V V .. . fined Sugars; 100 Sacks Rio and Java Coffees, all grades; 100 Hhds Molasses. Cuba and Por to Rico; 54 Boxes D S Sides and Bellies; 75 cases Keunea tara, in Tins; 3,100 Strip d Sacks Llv. Salt; 250 Sacks W. G. Va. Meal; 500 Bush Prime White Corn: 500 Bnshs Feed Oats; 250 Bales Choice Timothy Hay ; 100 Baler tuce ?tiaw; uneese,- crackers, canuy, soap, I A-e, Potash, Soda, Starch, exmff, Tohaeeo Aiatcnes, Canutes, raper tsaga Twine, Wrai loop Iron, Glue, ttirets. uigging ana 'lies. nov lit Carolina Central B. K. CHANGE OP TIME. QN AND AFTER SUNDAY, 18th Instant, there will be a change la time on the Carolina Central Railroai. The time will be eight min utes faster than hitherto. 1 JOHN C. WINER, General Manage r nov 19 It For Stile. OOO FRUIT TREKS OViUUU AND GRAPE VINES. Apples New Varieties, 25c each ; $? per doz $15 per hundred. Apptesr-Trled Varieties, 12Vcl each, $1 per uozen, a per nnnarea. Pears Bartlett, B. Lucrative, etc 40c each, $4 pet dozen. - Plums Wild Goose, 20c each, $1.50 per doz. $10 per hundred. , Imperial Gage 25c each. $2 per dozen. Peach Flnm 25c each, $2 per dozen. - German Prune 50c each. Shropshire Damson Plum 50c each. Nectarine 25c each. -. Quince 25c each. igf :0c each. Grape Vines Concord 10c each, 75c per doz. $5 per hundred. 100 other varieties from 25i to 50c each. - . S. W. NOBLE, - , nov 19-3t 903, Cor. Ninth and Market SL Before Buying OUR WINTER CLOTHING I0 NOT fall to examine oar FULL AND ELEGANT STOCK. The fabrics Inclnde the choice styles and are made up In the liest Wanner, and the prices are lower than the lowest. A. & I. SHRIER, not 19 Reliable Clothiers, lit Market SL Old - North "State Salobn, South Front Street. rfiRY IIOIISV 4TELXBR VTYAi 1 Oykten. ; Fne WIih-, f Alitor. A f r 4 rtnlcigft All of t2u;l'iilU4! Itv. v torn ami .itrrv onrriai irorn cr , tj T.'ioma-) on to! I Jay'. l:?cr on 5 cav, ; V 1' i . : v ? r 1 a : ' it NEW AIVEltTISEMENTS. WE HAVE IN STOCK THE FINEST AND MOST' RELIABLE'"; BRANDS OF . ' Brandies, Whiskeys and Wines ; that can 1 procured In the State. Thtir rep utajion for purity and excellence extends thronshout North Carolina, ard ih miitii fraterity recommend them very highly. Wc wi ) uur nvKDiion srcciaiir to our - CAPE FEAR RYE WHISKEY, . STUART'S RYE WHISKEY, ' MAUTELL UYK WHISKEY. ; . . also -: N. C. Pure Corn Whiskey, Pa tioularly efficacious In all nulrannirv cases, ami as COUGHS and COLDS rule the' day, and annoy us poor mortal, try a. little CORN WHISKEY AND ROCK CANDY and be rnrnil. North Carolina Wines, RED AND WHITE SCUPPJRNOG. ' AND CLARETS, Elega'utln flavor, of light body and peculiar ly satisfying to the inner m n. Everything that you can suggest or de.lre In the Fancy Grocery line can be procured at our Store Call around and sec us. T5 t TiDTTin-nnn . o a JT. Jj. J5I11LIUiIVO 0C UU.. llO'North Prout St. nov 19 Without Doubt JT J. II. HARDIN'S DRUG AND SEED store, 124 South Front St.', New Market Build ing, you can see the most magnLlrent and at tractive display ot Christmas, Wedding and Holiday Presents ever bronght totbUcily. They arc too numerous to men 11 n here. All I ask Is an Inspection' of goods and even" If you arc. notIn need I am aatisilod you will buy. It is a pleasure for me to show these goods. J. 11. HARDIN, nov 17 124 South Front St, New Market Calcutta Cheroots ! ! I ! QOMETHING. NEW. TRY Til KM ! ! I O CALCUTTA CHEROOTS ! --5 cents each. GooI f I - CATXJUTTA CIIEROOT3 ! Sold only by na - CALCUTTA C II K ROOTS MundsBros. & Deltosset, Druggists, Market and Second St . nov 15 FLORIDA WATER, LAVENDER WATER, VIOLET WATER. - imiiiwinurs nATKK.''' . - WHITE ROSE WATER, , K A ZEN A WATER Also a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the season. Prescriptions compounded '- day and night at F. C. MILLER'S, . German DrnggUt, oct 27- Corner Fourth and Nun sta. Many Things You Need, liE FOUND AT THE 5 and 10 cents j Store. The articles are good ard ean be bought for leas than one-half of what vou pay elsewhere. H'usehokl articles and Kitchen utensils a specialty. Full nl complete slod3t wa Airjo iiui iirustuiu uutii nl iiie only- - ." and 1 0 Cents Store, Second St., between Market and Dock Sts. Wil. Col.&Augusta R.R.CO. v? SECRETARY'S OFFICE, . WILMINGTON, N. C , Nov. 1st. 18S3. ' rjlHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock holders of the Wilmington, Columbia A An guata R, K. Co. will be held at Jthe Office of said Company, In W.lmington, on TUESDAY", the 20tk Instant, nov 1 1 1 th m J. W. THOMPSON. Secrejtary. WM. St Weldon R. R. Co., SECRETARY'S OFFICE, r WILMINGTON, N. C.. Nov. Ht, 1S33. . rjlHE FORTY-EIGHTn ANNUAL MEET-, ing of the Stockholders of the ( Winning on A Wekioo R. B. Co., will held la thrjOHirc of said Company, Jn Wilmington; on TUhspA Y, the20ti insUnU " nor l td tu m J. Y. 'TIXOMPHiiN, J. .wvtary If OT Ars m rv f JEW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED Stoct, A luxury within reach of all. -I Toilet fuji, a new And cl g int iih. Tooth i:nu!H's, r h:.pit an l U-t, at V,'ILL!A'l If. GUI .LV-.