The Daily Review, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBHl 21 1883. The Daily Review has Uie largest harm. Me circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington, STATE NEWS. mid Observer: The Baptists l.i va nrfRAfl &93.000 of the 100,000 de J. OUs sired for the endowment of Wake For est College, and the convection raised 3,000 more. It is said that the other $4,000 is assured. Hobgood Bros. foundry, saw mill, grist mill and gin house at Battleboro, were burned last uteht about 10 o'clock, with five or six bales of seed cotton and one or two out houses. Estimatert loss nve or six thousand dollars. Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. The hard work of the citizens alone saved the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad Compa ny from having one hundred bales burned. Being fortunately very calm the business part of the town was saved from destruction. Raleigh 'Visitor: Two young white men, giving their names as Bob Boyd and J. F. Quate. were arrested on Sat urdev in Goldsboro, upon infor mation sent by Chief of Police, Maj. C. D. Heartt, of this city. Officer Lewellvn was sent to Goldsboro on Sunday afternoon and yesterday after noon he returned with the prisoners They were locked up in the guard house till 5 o'clock p m when they were arraigned before MayorjDodd. charged with the larceny of a gold watch and $15 or $20 in money from a white woman, while on her way from Fay ctteville Fair on the 9th mst. Messrs. W. H. and J. Eaton Bledsoe appeared lor the proesecution. The defendants had no counsel. Several witnesses weee examined, and at 7 o'clock p m the case was aiourned till 10 o'clock this morning. At the the hour designated this morning a large crowd assembled in the Mayor's office, all of whom evinced the deepest interest in the proceedings After hearing all of the evidence the Mayor bound Boyd over for his aDDearance at the next term of Wake Superior Court, and remanded Quate to the guard house till officers could arrive from Winston , as a teles gram was received Irom there yester day afternoon by Chief of -Police Heartt with instructions to hold the prisoners as they were wanted there on the charge of larcency. Boyd gave his age as nineteen years", and says he is from Montgomery county. Charlotte Observer: Capt E M Hayes ot the United States Army, -arrived in the city yesterday for the purpose of establishing a recruiting office in Char lotte for the army. The reporter met Capt Hayes at the Central last night, and learned from him that ho will have five assistants in his office, two of whom are expected lo arrive to-day. He wants white recruits only. - Last Saturday evening, as the train for Charlotte left Raleigh in charge of Capt George Waitt, the engine encountered an obstruction Jon the track near Cary, in the iorm ol a negro man. Engineer Bill Blakeney says that he didn't ses the darkey until within 20 feet of him, ona wnen mo engine strucK mm he went up in the air and came down some distance in front. It was thought-lhat the corpse ought to be picked up and laid in the baggage car, and the train was speedily stopped. The train men got out to hunt for the body, and found the darkey standing by a cedar buah scratching his head, just a little bewil dered, but solid as a dollar. He was left to continue his tramp and the train proceeded on its way. !Last Saturday night a negro named Thomas Gordon, living on Mr. S. Lu cas' place, adjoining the farm of Mr. H. K. Reid, in Sharon township, killed himself by blowing the top of his head off with a shot gun. The deed was com mitted In the presence of his wife and children, to whom he called out : "Good bye," put the ynuzze ot the gun to his forehead and kicked the trigger. His brains were blown all over the room, and his wife and children ran scream ing into the yard to alarm the neigh bors. Gordon, it seems, had been mixed up in the late barn burning scrape on Mr. lieid's farm, and had been summoned to appear before the Inferior Court in Charlotte this week as a witness in the case. His wife says that ever siuce the summons was ferv" ed upon him he aeted like he was crazy, and was continually niuts tering unintelligible things. A few days since, Mrs, S. A. Ivirkp&t rick, of Sharon township, who Van on the liberal ticket last year for coroner rtf i Ii! nnnnfv fWlirwr in n rrrwwl bantered his son. a sprightly young maa, for a wrestle. "I'll bet you twenty five cent3 that I am the best man." Mr. Kirkpatrick said. His sou put up" a quarter and then invited the old man to come out in the yard and prove it. Having offered to bet, Mr. Kirkpat' nek's only course was to go out and catch "breeches bold" with his son. The two tugged away at each other for a time, when the young man, by a skillful move, threw the old man heav ily to the ground. A yell of pain indi cated that some damage was done, and Mr. Kirkpatrick had, to be helped into the house. An examination proved that his hip was badly dislocated, in juring him for lite. But the youug man won tbe quarter and established the fact that he is a better man than his father. We have heard a good deal said about the sagacity of animals, but oldBaldy's blacks did something yesterday that proves that animals have sense, good, hard, solid sense. For years the after noon train for Richmond has been leav ing here at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, bat Sunday a change went into effect, the train going out several hours later. Yesterday, the usual hour for hitching up the blacks to the 'bus at Wards worth's stables arriving, and old Baldy not appearing, the four horses left their stalls one after the other aud took their places at the 'bus, two at the side of the tongue and two in the lead, ready to be hitched up. Nobody appearing to hitch them, they waited about fifteen minutes, and then started by themselves for the hotel, the same as if they Were hitched to the 'bus and old Baldy had hold of the lines. The horses had nearly reached the Charlotte Hotel before they were caught and brought back. A few days since we gave an account of a thief setting fire to JLhe fodder aiac&s oi sax. tuu. oucuormacK near Lanrinburg. and stealing a trunk from the house while all were gone to fight the firs. Yesterday we learned that tbe thief and incendiary was killed las Friday night by a party who tried to arrest him. He was a young negro who bore a very bad reputation, but whose name our ioformant, tailed toiret. A party who were searching for him. went to hi, house Friday night ana ; opened the door, when the - negro rose i UP in bed with a pistol in each hand. He bounced from the bed and got out Jhe back door, where one of the party was stationed-with a shotgun The negro caught the gun and tried to wrest it from the hands of the man, but fail ing in this, he released his grasp and started to run. The man with the shot gun fired and the necrd fell mortally woinded. He died within a few hours. The party who did the killing was from Laurinburg, and the sceneof the killing was but a short distance from that town. I I NEW APVEBTI8EMEXT8. S and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLERS, ' V1 , " - - Best In the city, arc 'on sale. t Drugs and Medicinal (preparation of the highest grade at JNO. T. SCUONWALD'S. uov 12 Drug and 'Precrlptlon Store Old North State Saloon, 6 South Front Street. rnBY MORSE'S CELEBRATED X Oysters. Fine Wmes, liquors. Tom and Jcrrv forielnal from 4er- ry Thomas) on cold day's. Beer on draught Give us a 6hotf " 1 ' nov 15 FLORIDA WATER, I LAVENDER WATER. VIOLET WATER. HELIOTROPE WATER. WHITE ROSE WATER. RAZENA WATER. Also a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the season. W Prescriptions compounded day and nigncat -jr. j. mujLiKB's, German Druggist, i OCt27- Corner Fourth and Nun its. Something New Every Day ! gTYLISH STATIONERY BEAUTIFUL PICTURES, i- ' ) An elegant line 'III! Velvet, Gilt and Ebony Picture Frames. Hand-painted Goods, Deccaleomanla Pictures, " Artist Materials, &c , Ac nov 19 119 Market st HORSES ! HORSES ! ! JjlOR SALE TEN HORSES, FIVE OF them guaranteed to be good dray animals. Will be sold low. J Also, a few second hand BUGGIES and CARTS will be sold low figure. Horses and vehicles on hire, and hcrses boarded and cared for. 49 The finest Hearse in the city. HOLLINGS WORTH A WALKER, Livery and Sale Stables, j ort 11 -tf Corner Fourth and Mulberry A Card. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to ray customers and old friends, that I hare this day sold my Interest la the business wMch I have carried on for over thirty-five years, to my son, MATT. J. HETttB, who has been associated with ng tor twelve years in business. . He will continue the same under his own firm name. Recommending him warmly as my succes ror to your kind consideration, and thanking you for past favors, I remain. f Respectfully, . JOHN C. IEEYER. Wilmington, X. C, Nov. lt, 1833. 1 IMITT. J. HEYEK SUCCESSOR TO JOHN C. HEYER, ' i I ' IMPORTER, GROCER, LlQUOJt DEALER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, navtng bought tho interest ,of my rather, John C. tfeyer. io tbe business 'conducted so long and successfully by him, I desire to ask for a continuation of the favors extendsd him. Will do strictly a Grocery, Liquor and Com mission bnsiness. My facilities for furnishing the trade are ample, and my best efforts will be used to give entire satisfaction. Verv.rcspcctfuljy, ( ' MATT J. HEYEtt. Extra inducements offered' close buyers. Consignments of Naval Stores and Cotton so licited. , noT 1-1 m d&w , For Sale. T Oft ft FRUIT TREES I ttVjVVV AND GRAPE VINES. Apples New Tarieties, 25c each ; $2 per doz $15 per numbed. ApplesTried Varieties, 124c! each, flper dozen, t$ per hundred. j Pears BartJett, B. Lucrative, etc 40c each, $4 pei dozen. i , Plums Wild Goose, 20c each, $1.50 per doz. $10 per hundred. r Imperial Gage 35c each, $2 per dozen. Peach Plum 23c each, 1 2 per dozen j Uerman Prune 50c each. 1 Shropshire Damsen Pram 30c earn. Nectarine 25c each. Quince 25c each. r igs 10c each. j Grape Vines Concord 10c each; 75c per doz. $5 per hundred. . i- i i 100 other varieties from 25c to 50c each. i 8. W. NOBLE, I nov 19-3t 903, Cor. Ninth and Market at 8 rate of Xorth Carolina, ( Superior Court of New Hanover Co. ' Frederick J. Lord, Plaintiff,, V8. Joseph Beno, Defend T" IS IS A C4VIL ACTION i BROUGHT bv vlalntiff to recover of lh 4Afpalant fltpjtn with Interest on $109 from April IsLi 1883: on $100 from May 1st, 1863, on $100 from -June 1st, lSdi, on $100 from July 1st, 1883, on $100 from August 1st, 1883, and on $100 from September 1st, 1883, for rent of certain premises In the city of Wilmington, leased to defendant fcy plaintiff by deed dated September 5th, 1882, and to enforce a lien upon ccrtaln'machi nery and fixtures given by the said lease as security for said rent. I The said Joseph Beno Is hereby required and commanded to appear at the next term of said Court to be held la the Court House In Wilmington on the thirteenth Monday after the first Monday In September, 1883, and then and there to answer or demur to the complaint herein, which has this day been duly filed in this office. 8. VanAMRINGE, Clerk Superior Court. Oct 17, 24, 31, Nov 7. 14, 21 T . - . The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gill, Twine is sold only at Jacosi's Hard ware Depot. v ! . ft Ot f!D t r-" fi fl I-! I I O u I For the Cure of Coughs, Colds J Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup4 Influ enza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In cipient Consumption and for the re lief of consumptive persons in advan ced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 Cents. nov 15 ly WILMINGTON MARKET. November 21 4 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted steady at 35 cents per gallon. Sales of 150 casks at these figures. ROSIN Quoted firm at $1.10 for Strained and $1.15 for Good Strained. Sales of 500 bbls Strained at $1.10. TAR Quoted firm at 1 $1.60 per bbl of 280 lbs. 1 CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 for Hard. COTTON Quoted firm. Sales of 400 bales on a basis of 10 cents per pound f or Middling. The following are the official quotations:! Ordinary..... 7 cents Good Ordinary 9 Low Middling..... 9f Middling 10 " Good Middling... 10 i DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton 904 bales Spirits Turpentine. . . . ..... 219 casks Rosin 611 bbls Tar 1 38 bbls Crude Turpentine 67 bbls MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, G W Williams & Co. I Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point Caswell, R P Paddison U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithviile, Master. Nor barquentine Nordensk jold, Abra ham sen, Bilboa, Spain, E-G Barker & Co. 1 Br schr Mabel Darling, Ranger, Phil adelphia, Master. j , Nor barque Brackka, Jensen, Alge ria, Heide & Co. I CLEARED. Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fa v etteville, G. W. Williams & Co. U. 8. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bh bey, Smithviile, Master, Nor barque Amal, Lunie, Liverpool, Alex Sprunt & Son., i I - zporta. " . ! I FOREIGN. Liverpool Nor barque Amal 1,754 bales cotton. . 1 Without Doubt JT J. H. HARDIN'S IRUG jAND SEED 8tore, 124 South Front St., New Market Build ing, you can sec the most magnificent and at tractive display ot Christmas, Wedding and Holiday Presents ever brought to this city. They are too numerous to mention here. .All I ask la an Inspection of goods and even if you arc not in need I am satisfied yen will buy. It Is a pleasure for me to sbow tbese gods. J. II. HAB.DIN, nov 17 1:4 South Front St, Sew Market CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C , MAYOR'S OFIJCE, November 5, 1S. Sealed Proposals 1LL BE RECEIVED 'AT THIS OFFICE until 3 o'clock, I. M., December 3d, la8S, (when tbey will be opened by tbe Board ot Aldermen in the presence of bidders), for sup plying the Blocks and Paving Xoith Water street, irom Us intersection with Market street to Its intersection with Mulberry street, about 3,300 square yards ol pavement, to belaid with approved granite blocks. The street will be graded and the sand for bedding will be de- liYered on street. w I Bios will at the same time be received for supplying 20.000 good hard Paving Bricks antl 700 square yards of good Blue Stone Flagging, suitable for sidewalks and for larmg the side walks with Brick or Blue Stone Flagging. m Bid for 230 lineal feet of Curbstone 4x16 Inches and 4x18 inches, will be considered at same time. I Bids for supplying the materials alone, or laying pavement alone, will be considered. Specifications and plans can be seen at this office. ' E. D. HALL, Mayor and Chairman I of Committee on fetreeta and Wharves nov 9.4t 9 14 21 24&W16 Cape Fear Pilot House, NO, 15 SOUTH WATER STREET. WILMINGTON. N C FIRST CLASS RTtTtT.VA: i-.-j oct 5-zm oKLLKRS A McKEITHAN. Lamps and Glassware QF ALL KINDS , f FOR SALE BY GUes&M nov 19 Murehlflon Block. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi.'s . f miscellaneous: S1l:aaM3dl HAYING PURCHASED AN IMMENSE STOCK ; In the Northern Markets, .... - 1 I am now prepared to show some of the Pinest and Latest Styles -OF- Millinery & Fancy Goods. 1 1 The prettiest line ever seen in this city, i Consisting of IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC 1 NOVELTIES ; and 1 cordially invite all 1. I the Ladles to call and see at our 1 Grand Opening ! 1 ' ! ' To take place on MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Nov. 19th, 28th and 2 1st, at - TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, j - v 118 Market St., Wilmington. N. C. ' B. 8. Every Lady presented with a Memor andum Book Slate. nov 17 JULIUS SAMSON, 1 . ' ... : rJo. Ill rJarket St. BY EXPRESS TO-DAY, i . I ' (FROM A BANKRUPT SALE.) Brocade Silk Dolmans for $20, ior nier price Ottoman Silk Dolmans and Circulars. Fur Trimmed for $25 and $30, I former price $35 and $40. : ! - . I ' Rbadame Silk Dolmans for $18. 50 ! would be "cheap at $25, IOO Black and Colored Stockenette Jackets, Trimmed with Astracon, and elaborately braided, y from $8 to $15. Receiving daily an elegant line ot HOLIDAY GOODS! JULIUS SAMSON, 4 - ! Ill MARKET ST. nov 16- 2 in 1. i I'll take your likenesses. And take them line, , I'll tlx. your watches 1 To keep good time; I do all work ell, Entruatt d to me. If you don't believe it Try me and see. J. L. WINXEK, 1 Photographer and Jeweler, nov 2 New Market Building (up stairs) Kerchner & Oalder Bros., HOLESALE (i ROGERS AND COMMIS aion Merchants, offer Xor sale low; , 1 jOOO BblB Flour' ial1 S13; 73 Bbls Be- fined Sugars; 100 Sacks Bio and Java Coffee, all grades; loo Hhds Molasses, Cuba and Por to Klco; 5a Boxes V S Sides and Bellies; 75 Cases Befined Lard, In Tins; 3,100 Striped Sacks Liv. Salt; 250 Sacka W. G. Va. Meal; SOOBneh Prime White Corn; 0 Bnsbs Feed Oats; 250 Bales Choice Timothy Hay ; 100 Bales Rice fc Haw; Cheese, Crackers. Candy, Soap, Lye, Potash, Soda, Starch, Mauff, Tobacco, Matches, Candles, Paper Bags, Twine, Wrap ping Paper, Buckets, Hoop Iron, Glue, Klvets. Bagging and Ties. nov 19 Before Buying Y OUR WINTER CLOTHING DO XOT fall to examine our j ' . i FULL AND ELEGANT STOCK. i " The fabrics Inclnde the choice styles and are '1 made up in the best wanner, and the prices " i ' ' , . are lower than the lowest. A. & I. SHRIEK, nov 19 Reliable Clothiera, 114 Market St. On Hand I 9 BBLS.' WESTERN N.C. - FLAT DUTCH TUBNIPS. WAfl Head of the Sweet Western 1 1 P . K. C. CABBAGE g Baa. CHESTNUTS, in good condition. Also, Potatoes and Apples ! Apple ! Atml! At No. It Chestnut St, bet. Front ami Water 7 nov. ,. . WUnUngton, H. c MISCELLANEOUS. IN ALL POPULAR STYLES. 1 - Dress Goods and Trimmings, a Specialty. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs and Mats, &c The Largest. Stock of Ladies', Gent's and Children's Underwear, , nov 16, 1883 -J fjrlJjU cents for postage, a"d-we will box ot sample goods that will put you in the way of making more money In a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We will start you. Ton can work all the time or tn spare time only. The work Is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from 50 cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this un paralleled offer; to all who are not well satis fied we wl'l send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc, sent free. Fortunes will be made, by those who give their whole time to the work. (reat success absolutely sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address Snxsox Jk Co., Portland, Maine. nov20d6m-wly : . 1 . 4 1T1 XTmCI wanted for The Lives of all A IT tlilN I ft the Presidents of the U. S. u The largest, handsomest, best book ever sold for less than twice our Frice. The fastest selling book in America, mmense profits to agents. All Intelligent people want It. Any one can become a suc cessful agent. Terms free. Hallkxt Book Co., Portland, Maine. nov 20 6md-ly w A"P'RTr7"P Send six cents for postage, A XvJLJJDand receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else In this world. All, of either sex, succeed from first hour The broa i road to fortune opens before tbe workers, absolutely sure: I At once ad dress, Thtjb & Co., Augusta, Maine, nov 20-6md ly w . ' " a week at home. 3 00 outfit free. J 3 3 Pay absolutely sure. No risk. Capital not required. Reader, If you want business at which persona of either sex,young or old, can make great pay all the time they work, with absolute certainty, write for par ticulars to H. Hallktt ft Co., Portland,Malne nov 2&6md lyw Baltimore & Wilmington Steamship Line. Steamer RALEIGH, j . CAPT." LITTLE FIELD, t . Will sail from 1 i , 1 ; BlLTIMOEE, Friday, November 23rd. i 1 , . AND SAIL FROM Tuesday, November 27, For Freight Engagements, apply to , A. I. CAZAUX, Agrt., Wilmington, N. C. ANDREWS,&CO,Agts., S. W. Corner Light and German Sts., nov 20- Baltimore. WE HAVE IN STOCK THE FINEST AND MOST RELIABLE BRANDS OF I Brandies, Whiskeys and Wines i that can be procured In the State. Their rep throughout Korth Carolina, and the medical .."" 'swiuureuu iiiciii very meniv. wo rail vmir atfontfnn ana4.11 ' CAPE FEAB RYE WHISKEY, STUARTS BYE WHISKEY, MARTELL BYE "WHISKEY. j ALSO ' 1 N. C. Pure Corn Whiskey, Particular! V PffirJirJrtna in oil 1 eases, and as COUGHS anl COLDS rule the "w; u pour moriaif, try a little CORN WHISKEY AND BOCK CANDY I ad be cured. North Carolina Wines, BED AND WHITE SCUPPERNONGS AND CLARETS. Elegant in flavor of Hgb t body and peculiar- - -o lUGiuucriutn, Evrthtnv th.f An '. . . ' Call; around and see ns. j P. Li BEIDGEES & CO. HO North Front St. nov 19 New Furniture, Warerooms. NO. 20 GRANITE ROW. t. FRONT St., I hare opened with what i think la a wel selected stock of Fnrnltnre and tieddlng, I Embracing many new deslgna In Bedroom and Parlor Suits. jSHSrMoP MISCELLANEOUS. R. r.i. McirjTiRE, FRESH ARRrVAjg ATMORE'S CELEBRATED MlNCEMEAti in Barrels. Half Barrels and Pallsi an4 PLUM PUDDING "iaMlaUes. V-Vy s-v , . C These are the very best goods of their Wad and no family should be without them. ' ORANGE MARMALADE, gTi a most delightful Sweetmeat for the tea tab s. To anlve on Tuesday next, a fresh sur apply pf Ginger Taffy, I Ben's Botcn Crackers, ' Genecove Wafers, .1 "l."" Coffee Cakes, something xew anJ Bce . Orange Bar, . ! Almond Maccarooss, . . . .: '. I . t' Cocoanut Maocftroons, aad . ., ' The GenuIne'Albert Blscaft, I i In one and two pound Tins. " . Tor sale low. , , John L. Boatwriglit nov 12 tf - . ? Fjurniture. 200 CHAMBRR ANDPA.RlX)RBnlt. from to $15J. New styles and flrttcUt I ' 1:1 goods at . I GREAT 1.ARGATNH ! FINK BOOK CA8ES, SIDEBOARDS. ! y SECRETARIES, WARDROBES, ! LIBRARY TABLBS1 Cottage Bedsteads, Mattresses, Citato, T- oies, Ac., ac , at big bargains. caiv and we me before you buy. ,. , D. A. s&UTU, nov v.) ;. . Turultnre Dealer. C. D. r.lorrill. UNDERTAKER, CABINET MAKsTE ANI CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop! oaSm- ond street, opposite Southerland's stablei. , Respectfully solicits orders and gnmntm good work, prompt delivery aBdsa&l&cttoit&t rv respect . . matU-tl Perfect Rush FOB PARK ER A T AT LOR'S STOTRl , Let your minds be easy; more left, sad:1 Ktlll more coming. We are all tired. "Out Dave" grunts, but you'll get what we sell yon By the way, have you seen our Breech , Load ing Guns? If not, you ought to. I PARKER A TAILOR'S. PURE WHITE OIL. nov W E. G. BLAIR. pRODUCE BROKER AND C01ii33r(fi( N. C. Solicits conslgnmenU 91 all kiadt ol Country Produce. t Country order filled, the.'lDw6t market prices for Flour, MeaJ; Gxaio and Groceries. . A trial la solictQd, and, satlafactin guanin I ecd. ' i nov 19 The Best, I Say i( CA LOAD OF MOUNTAIN CATILK, THE. BEST which has come to market this year. l!l 1 Stall No. 5, iv morrow w eanesaay) morning, ana ws nu j nnceof the week. ) Look at it QvCn if you don't axt&tfW ' nov 13 85allK0.5 Sampson County Beef. , r OVERS OF GOOD BEEF WOULD DO J i - well to call at 8TALL No. C( where wUl be found THE FINEST BEEF! ever brought from Sampson County. I . purchased from Mr. T. L. Raekley. Abo, Fine Mountain Beef ! will be on hand tor four weeks. noyll-tf, GEO. I. TILLED a K n A P. 23 ? 2 ? v 5 bllllIlri-liirdB5 i mm n mm wm i " n a a m -I &K5& jutyll-dAw