t t I -4 FUtASJS NOTICE.. Wo win be glad to receive communlcaUcn cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, EOirOB AK1 FKOFKIETOB. from out friends on any and all subjecta gataIlatowstibuiT.lr V i' ' 'r 'r - The name of the writer must always be fU fched to the Editor. ' Communications must be written cs on I one side ot thef paper. - , . - !- - Pfcrsonaflttea must be avoided.: 'And it la especially and particularly and stood that the Editor does not always endoY ' " j ....... ; the views of correspondents unless so , state In the editorial columns. ' 3CBSCEIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: months, $2.00. Three vear One month, 35 cental hn iw. delivered bv carriers free The poi"- charge in Part of thc Above ' s or 10 cents per week.. ' ,yCeiiing rates low and EberaL -Subscribers will report any and all fall to receive their paper regularly. VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N: C., FRI DAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1883. NO. 277 4 . . - r- THIS PAPER every evening, Sunday ex Mill iLlb-lb v llLiu.;P I 5 The Daily lieview tias uie largest tend fide circulation, of any newspaper bUshed, in the city of Wilmington. JSk .'The late Palmer X. Kellogg left a tor aneof 1,150.000, five children being his heirs. .. . ..... jaDies Scott, though 99 years old, has just been naturalized at Campion viiic. Cal. Lot. M. MorriUV memory has just htea honored by the erection of a ranite sbatt at Augusta. Me. Ex-Governor Hendricks to au Iudiau 8Ioll3 interviewer: I should like lo see Cox ejected Speaker.1' .(r China is preparing for war. and it seems in sober earnest. The Viceroys ot the Empire have been called upon to equip and recruit a force of 120,000 meu. A new departure in the Boston pub lic schools was set on foot last week in the order passed by the school com mittee to fit up a school for instruction of boys in the use of tools. Tho amount of Florida's crop of Sea Island cotton last year was 18,054 bale?. According to the Jacksonville Times Cnion's figures the crop thi3 year will hardly reach 13,000 bales. The 3Iacon Telegraph and Messenger favors the eleetion of Samuel J. Ran.. (tail for Speaker, and therefore the T. M. runs the risk of being read out of the party hy some of the latter-day saints. : Aliss Chamberlain, tho American heauty, is being crowded pretty close oter in England by Miss Adelaide Dctchon, who i3 chaperoned by Mrs. I.aboucbere. Both are from Cleveland. - A Philadelphia tailor says thc Knick erbockers will first bo U3ed exclusively for full dresa, with he regulation swallow-tail coat. Tbe material will be the finest broadcloth and the stockings black silk. It is not generally known that the Cotton Exposition to be held in New Orleans in December, 1884, is to cele brate the exportation of the first bale of cotton from this country. It was sent to England in 1784. The North as well as the South is afflicted. The Philadelphia Press says : 'The Committee on Frauds of the Committee of One Hundred are still in - receipt of reports of illegal practices in the recent election." . , Colonel Tom Ochiltree, having re turned from Mexico, declared that he lias discovered at Saltillo "the finest climate in the wortd." In bis opinion all tho invalids in the world . could not stretch themselves on belter beds of roses than those at Saltillo. . ; : - " The official vote of Pennsylvania at the recent election was: For auditor general. Niles. Republican. 319.106; Taggart, Democrat, 302,031 ; Fordham, Prohibitionist, 0,602; Rynder, Green back. 4.452 ; Treasurer, Livsey. Repub lican, 321,050; Powell. Democrat. 300, 1)99; Howard. Prohibitionist, 6,687; Mareh, Greenback, 4,431. . The Baltimore Sun has this to bay : "To the most careless readers it is evN dent that while nominally intended for Virginia, Senator MahoncV address to the Readjuster party is directed to a wider audience, and is meant to serve as a campaign document in the Fall of 1884. The formal transfer of his alle fiance to the Republican party is ac companied with what may be regarded as a threat against his former Demo cratic friends.'" . The next issue of Swinlon, Story Teller, is to contain features that will make it gpecially attractive as a Thank? i giving number. It is to present a fullpage frontispiece by AlfredFredencs.illustrs- tiveof Hawthorne's, beautiful tale of John InglefiekTs Thanksgiving"; a characteristic original story by Harriet PrescoU Spofford, entitled "Something to be Thankful for"; and an original toi hv Ella Wheeler, called "John Smith; or. Two Thanksgivings." -. The President has been informed by ihe Commissioner of Internal Revenue that his first estimate of the receipts for that Department was too small. la stead of $120,000,000, Mr. Evans es timates that the receipts this fiscal year w;ll not U less than S 130.000.000 These figures, w ith those giving the customs receipts, indicate that the re daction of revenue that the revised tar iff and internal revenue bill of last win ler was designed to make will be very jnucix less than was expected. It looks ?ry much as though the surplus would not be less than $130,000,000! for this year, or just about tho amount that the Internal Revenue Department srill turn over to the Treasury. i The nearest collateral descendants of Washington are said toJ be two cousins, who keep np the old family place in Eastern Virginia. Miss Margaret Washington is a' great-grand niece of pater fiatritr, and is a vigorous old lady j of 70. These two have more' of the Washington blood in these any,other persons living. I i I .. 1 . r east, mere iasi year tor. uenueu, vxm- In his official report for last year -Mr- igrcssmau-at-Urge. The Democrats I Howard Vincent, the director of Crim-j are jubilant, as I bey 'have a perfect inal Investigations, declares tiiat the! rizht to bl under the circumstances. I metropolis of Iondon.i with a iory'ifory t of nearly 7iM square miles, cWred bv more than 700,000 houses, and habited by nearly 2,000,000 persons, i$ th4. sat ! ost capital tor life and prj;erty in thaj world. I I T , rl . ! VM a w M I ' jr. .j. u vnanonnouse. or n.2anvuie. Ontario. Canada, wiiJ-s in favorj of tne great paincure, St. Jacobs Oil. The j Hon. Billa Fiint, Life Senator of the I LKminion parliament, also savs it 1 cured hireof rheumatism. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W II G rkex Cigars ! American Leiflon of llonor Opeka Hocsk New Jane KJre Oeinsbekgek Pianos and Organ C W Yatbs Something New Every Day Mcnds Buos. & DzEosskt Mineral Wa tera, Ac j . ' R M MclJOTRB White Embroidered Flan nel. Ac ; No business tor the City morning. Court this Eggs still continue dozen at retail. at 25 cents per Business was quite brict4 on tne wharf this, morning, I ' , i j Tho receipts of cotton at thia port to day foot up 980 bales. J 1 j The markets were well supplied with good meats this morning. Clarendon Council, No. 67, A. L. of' Honor, will meet to-nigh, at 8 p'clock Messrs. Munds Bros. & DeRosset have a magnificent display of holiday and Christmas goods in their show cases. British barque Hattie JI Capt. Dill, cleared to-day for Liverpool with: 1,653 bales cotton, valued at $76,621, shipped by Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. There are a good many vessels in port and the fleet is daily augmented by fresh arrivals . This will afford an opportunity for the shipment (of sopie of the immense stock of rostn now on the yards. I , ; ' I W hen are we to have rain ? is thc ques tion i a the mouth of almost every one. We are not able to answer the ques tion, but weknow it is much needed as the streets are miserably dry and dirty and some of the cisterns a re dry. On Saturday, November 14lh, 1729. we are told that there were only about 10,000 inhabitants ib North Carolina. Tha: was just 154 years ago and at that time Wilmington wasnqt, a3 the town was not laid out until four years later, in 1733. I We had the pleasure of a. visit yester day from Mr. Frank L. Yerance, Busi-' ness Manager of the Charlotte Thomp son Troupe, which will appear r at the Opera House in this city oo Tuesday night, the 27th inst.. in the comedy drama of Jane Eyrr. - . , , The components of Dr. Bull's' Cough Syrup are daily prescribed by the ablest physicians, whose success is due to the specific influence of these .components. Dr. Bulrs Cough Syrup, skillfully pre pared for immediate use, is tor sale ; by all druggists. 1 i ' , . "In Paradise," j Mr. Johu T. Raymond i3 an excellent comedian ; he had a first rate play last night, and was supported by a good company. There was not a poor actor among them. "In Paradise") is a laugh able production, full ot grotesque situa tions, and replete with mirth-pirovoking dialogue, which kept the auldience last night in continuous roars of laughter. Mr. Raymond is the centra! figure in the plot, and his acting was inimitable. Miss Lizzie Creese, "as Miss lYiscilla Flagg, was superb.1 and by far the best fem'ale elocutionist wje have ever heard on a Southern stage. While all the other characters were "well portrayed, she, although ' personating a di fficuit role, did exceptionally well,.-showing that she had-the advantage of experi ence, careful study and patient training in her profession. i Mr. Raymond al ways travels with a good company1 and he may be always sure of a good bouse in Wilnitogton. : f - THE E LECTINS. Skiuner Elected by l.OOO Ma jorityA Regular Waterloo lor Mr. Pool and His Back era. : - r The Democratic victory in the First Disctrict was a glorious one.. Capt. Skinner has been elected by a majority L which may reach or exceed a thous-t i titi tmnrlv oil rf wtirVi ic o not Tm. I oqratic gain over the vote which was Tho-coonfies composing this district :j be suited frouiueh a' tarietv are Camden, : Pitt. "Ifenufort, Pam-j . ' . - . lieu , Carteret, Caintuck, Gate9;1nice y iaC' - - Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowau;1( '' ) y; y- Martin, Washington, .Hertford. Hyde.j nov'.S3t 833j , v . Tyrrell and Dare. Of these, the first a Orv Ticket -- , a ' majority and the next six give the next six give Pool itM: a ior dkiii ner p . thesa counties , of 91. . Hyde. Tyrrell and Dare are yet to hear from, t cot i. ... t e oit ami thoaa ttvA0 ,rDa iionnntfiQi majority , and Tyrrell gavo him 107, while Dare gave Dockery 38 majority. So that. if there has been anything like a proportionate increase for the Democratic ticket in these three counties, then Skinner's majority will reach the one thousand claimed tor Jiim and may, indeed, go to twelve hundred, For an off year this is doing pretty well. The following is the vote by counties so far as heard from at this time : Majorities for Skinner--Camden, 108 ; Pitt, 650; Beaufort. 150; Pamlico. 62; Carteret. 600; Currituck, 300; Gates 502. - - !-' ! Majorities . for ' Pool Pasquotank, 568; Perquimans, 94; Chowan, 166; Martin, 125; Washington. 378; HerU ford, 250. 1 The counties not yet heard from gave the following majorities in 1882: For Bennett Hyde, 124; Tyrrell, 107; for Dockery Dare, 28. 1 ' Sadden Death. i I Mr. James Keegan, who has kept a grocery store on the corner of Seventh and Castle streets , was found dead in his bed this morning. He had com plained for some weeks of pains in the heart and bead and had been very des ponding at times, going so far as to threaten to destroy himself. On ac count ot these threats and the fact that his mind had been somewhat impaired for several months, his family and friends bad watched his conduct, fear ing that he might put his threatsinto exe cution. There was nothing unusual about his conduct or appearance last night to indicate such a speedy death. A physician was summoned who gave congestion of the brain produced hy an overdose of laudaum as the cause of death, but inconsequence of a variety of rumors, a Coroner's inquest was held at 4 o'clock this afternoon, but had not concluded its labors and rendered its verdict wh3n our report closed. The deceased was between 46 and 45 years of age ; was an Irishman by birth and came to Wilmington about 6 years ago on the Revenue Cutter CoIfaxm He had been married about 2 years and leaves a widow and one child. Ladies' Benevolent Society. We were unable yesterday to give any report of the meeting of the above named Society, further than to name the officer who were all re-elected. We have not detailed reports of the several officers, but have been very kindly furnished with an abstract of both pro- ceedinss and reports which will be of - , interest to many of our readers. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, who afters wards made an appropriate address which, although the number in attend ancewasnotso large as usual, was much enjoyed by those present. The firot Tuesday in December is the time aDDoioted for the allotment of visitors to their several wards. Numer ous donations, which have been added during the year to the' amount sub" scribed, have enabled the managers to purchase provisions, blankets, flannel and other clothing to the; -amount oY nearly $200.. Quite a ; considerable supply of wood was also given, through the Society, to the many needy- persons inourmidst. ?. ; The Society have requested Rev. Mr. Peschau to repeat,, for its benefit, his 1 lecture entitlied, The Cemetery of the Sea," and ha has kindly consented; the time and place, to be 1 made knows hereafter. - . - - i .- To Builders and others- Go to Jaoo bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors,, Glats, &c You can get all sizes and - tX tit lowest prices." - 5 -:.-: ;'ri-' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS White Embroidered Flannels From SI per yard to very fine. I BKATDED ATISTA In all colors. Buttons to match. o: ; - - ...... ;.,. . , , ; Ladies' Collars and Neckwear, Silk Velvets, all colors,' s -Brocade'Sflk:VBlvts I JUST RECEIVED Silk Wraps. Carpets and Oil Cloths, la large variety. BODY BU0SSELS;$l; 25 and up. ' ' . ; ' -wuLiIl't l LACE CL'KTAINS In this line of goodj we ask a carelal joo!:. a? all may Extension There have been plenty ot prophecies I of rain this month, but thus tar they have all resulted in failure:'--Last night there was a heavy cloud in the. North west, but it evidently came ' from a "dry" town, Jas not a drop I oi water fell- They have have 'had Irain in the interior of 'the State,-' as we see by; the papers, but we have had none here. In the meantime, however. the farmer who has any cotton left in the fields i3 happy.-- ' ; :..""u'.'V ; ' - I Jane .Eyre. , Miss Charlotte Thompson will ap pear here next 'Tuesday I in - the New Jane Eyre. She is said to be supported by an excellent company The New York Sunday News says: Miss Thompson alternately drew tears and caused laughter, and never acted with more beauty, spirit or; force than last evening. . Tho piece was very nicely put ou tte stago, and acted Throughout in a splendid manner. Mr George Learock's Rochester was a truly artistic pieceof work., and highly ap preciated. Mr. - W. - Yerance played Achille Be Leon with a naturalness and unintentional humor that was very amusing, and created continuous laugh ter. 1 1t was a decided hit. The suc cess of the new "Jane Eyre" is most marked, and it will, no doubt, have a brillaat run. x i . i Reserved seats opens at Dyer's Sat urday moruiug, Nov. 24th. 8 a, m. The street brigade are ballasting the streets as fast as can be reasonably, ex pected, and we are glad to see the work go on. Chestnut street will soon be ballasted as far East as Sixth street, and we hope before many months to see some of thc streets runningparrallel with the river improved in the same manner. Fifth and Sixth streets would be much benefited by-. being 'well bal lasted, and the numoer of good drives in the city would be increased thereby. Seventh ' street, which is dest ned to be one ot our most popular thoroughfares, and is rapidly coming into notice as a favorite resort for-pleasure carriages, has been sawdu3ted its entire length, and it needs only good ballast to make it out ot the most pleasant thor-j oughlares in the city. It is level, ide, and free from the noise which prevails nearer the river and centres of trade, and - being located upon the higher portions ot the city, gives opportunities for breathing the pure and exhileratiog atmosphere. . . The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills, Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot.' UEW ADVERTISEMENTS OPERA HOUSE. XITKS1AT, NIGHT NOV. 27. The DlaUngolahed Artiste CHARLOTTE THOMPSON ! Supported by the talented young actor Geo. Learqck, In' the "delightful Comedy Drama. NEW, JANE EYRE. Seata on sale at DYEB'3. .Usual prices.' nor 23 St 2. 24, 4 - v 5 Cents FOB SOD A" AND ' " ' -. , AlUiEUAL WATERS. lO.Centc 3tfoore' Cough Lozenges, .Splendid bt thia time. 25 Cents Solid Wood Puff , Box, 1 Strang, with no wear out; QC nvna Ladies Dressing Vomb, '.a OU u6niS 'loe. Durable Cheap! C A f 4- Lumborg's. Txtlow'. OU U8HtS - r and other !- Extracts. - - ' s, 17 c n4 For Sozodont, Oriental Toot a 0 UeniS Paste and Cberryrooth Paste - - j j 1 r 1 lji SI For a goof!, substantial flahr Brosk. : A fnU line, as usaally carried by the Tiale :-;. , . . ' " al mays to be found at . -- r.. c- - MUND3 BROS. A DESOaSElTS, . O ii Drug EsSbllshmenti ; - r Market and Second SU NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cornice 5el$t.25 and up. Cor- r: rji: wcIKTire. I.: Festival TT SDER'THE AUSPICES OV THE SEC OND 1'KESBYTEEIAN CHUUCn MITE SOCIETY, Afe T&SirEEAJJCK HALL, oppo- . 'i . ' i ? f jf. ' I ..n - eite City Hull, FltfDAY iJlQlTT, November 23d,18S3. it gWEKT . CIDER. r GAEEyULLY MADE from good fruit and warranted to be pure. - Amount limited, CaU . Immediately and leave your.ordcrs and your jugs. c U. McDOUGALL, No. 14 Chcetnul St, bet. Front and Water nov22 . r. . Wilmington, N. C- Another Victory I Melton's Majority Grow ing Larger Every Day. -TTE HAVE ANOTHER CARLOAD OF that splendid MOUNTAIN BEEF at the Depot to-day and it will be on sale -FBIDAY and SATURDAY. ! ' . Our Stalls are the Sellable Headquarters for aU kinds of Meats, such as 8TALL FED BEEF, VEAL, FRESH POdK. SAMPSON COUNT Y MUTTON, (The finest In the world). FRESH SAUSAGES. SMOKED SAUSAGES, BOLOGNAS, And in fact, everything thai is nice and good to eat In the meat line. - 9T Satisfaction (guaranteed SBSr polite attention and prompt deli very. J. It. MELTON, Proprietor of the only Steam Sausage Factory in tne State. nov 2-'-2t PIANOS & ORGANS S OLD AT THE LOWEST PRICES EITHER FOR CASH OE ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN. , ' 1 Parties wishing to buy will find It to their Interest to consult me before purchasing else where. Instruments sold are guaranteed to give sat Isfaetlon, at ' HEINSBERGER'S, nov 19 Uve Book and Mnale Stores Many Things You Need, CAN BE FOUND AT THE 5 and 10 rent Store. The articles are good ai.d can be bought for less than one-half of what you pay elsewhere. Household articles and Kitchen utensils a specialty. Full and complete stock of Toys and Christmas Goods at thc only 5 and lO Cents Store, Second St. . between Market and Dock 8ts, nov, 16-tC ' Mrs. Warren's old stand. TJotice. THE UNDERSIGNED, -HAVING QUA LI i .-.i - ! fied as Administrator on the estate of George UsI, deceased, hereby gives notice to all per sons Indebted to said estate to 'make immedi ate payment and to all who hold claims again? t uie saia eeiaxe w on or before the present tbem for payment 19th dsy f October, 1S81. tlcc will be plead in bar of otherwise this notice AG NEK, Adm'r Estate of George Uhl, deceased ocf 19-law6w-frt v CigarQ I Cigars ! VBW BRANDS, OF UNEXCELLED Stock, A lokury within reach of ail. 1 Toiietoap,a new al elegant nne. , I w - 1 Tooth Brue. cheapest auj best, ju t , - - t V fJT t . nov 10 WILLIAM H. GREEN'S, -117 Market fttrf. I A bargain.!.. JUWEXDEH WATER:. ' -I :.; VIOLBT WATER. ' f , ; i I LKL rTBOPKAVATER. .white rosk water. UAZENA WATER. Also complete aasortment of Colognes and Perfumery for thc season. , PreacrlDtlOB t "com t vouMed day and IP f f . V 1.1 Hfl bctS7- .i Corser Fourth amiSua ru. ' ' . - oa . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Amusement. KNOWLEDGE OF HOW TO ;USE F1RK arms may le a . .,!, 1 GREAT 1 BENEFIT I to yon Bom? time. : Come to C. G. CRO WELL'S Shootisg Gal lery and learn how to shoot. ' . 1 Practice makes prrfect I First class Rlnca and Targets. Only lOc lor Sliots, Cc for 3. 1 ho proprietor will be pleased to gtro in structions to all who wish to learn without ex tra cn n?e. 'o letting allowed. It 1? for practice and aumscnv nt only! No. 105 Market st next to" corner Of Front tt.,-v ilml: ton, . , C. G. CKOWELL, nov 21- ' - ' Proyrietor i Befo re B uying OUR WINTER .'CLOTHING DO NOT fall to cximine our i FULL AND ELEGANT STOCK. T1h fabrU a Icclft.Io Ue choJre styleji and aWI mad up in th bent irsuupr, and .the price are lowir than the lowest. . , . I , A. & I. SHRIEK. nov 19 Reliable Clothiers, 1H Markel St. I Without Doubt A J. H. HARDIN'S liKU; AND SEED' 124 South Front St., New Market Bulid-. Store,! log, you can see the most m'agnl Scent and at' tmcUve display of Christmas. Wedding and Holiday Presents ever brought to this city. They are too numerous to mention here. All I ask Is an Inspection or goods and ef ca If you are not in need 1 am satisfied you will buy. It Is a pleasure for me to show these goods. . J.H.HARDIN, nov 17 -124 South Front St, New Market The Man T SHIP YOUR COUNTRY PRODUCE A. VT RIVENBAUIC. rjlO to is i -,'i ,' . - i - I r 114 North Water St., ' Wilmington, N. C. ; The Live Grocer and Country Produce Dealer. Refers to Bnk of New Hanover. nov 19 Wew Goods. JTEW GOODS IN THE LATENT STYLES expected next week. I hepe the Ladies will come in and see them. ; MKS. KATE C. WINES, . 1 No. 119, North Second Street. J nov 19 next South of Postoffice BUGGIES-BUGGIES. CAR LOAD OF NEW. BUGGIES ALL styles, single and double to suit eerybody. Just to hand and for sale cheap at the Buggv and Harness establishment of ' . MCDOUGALL A BOWDEN. i nov 19 No. 114 North Front St. 1 5 and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLERS, ; . Best in the city, are on sale. Drugs and Medicinal preparaUona of the highest grade at . f JNO. T. SCnONWALD'S, nov 12 - Drug and Precript on Store Old North State Saloon; O South Front Street. qnRY HORNE'S CELEBRATED .i 1 Jl Oysters. Fine Wino r.!nrtA. and Cigars. All of the best quilUy Tom and Jerrv rorhrlnal fmm r2 ry xuomas) on con day's Mvn a 1? how . mt . ' " Beer on rtrauarhL- Sornething New , Every Day I gTTLWH STATIONERY, 1 BEALTIFUL PICTUIJJ3. Au elegant line ... ( " Velvet, Gilt and Ibony Pictare Fi tues. Hand painted Goo.Ii, ' t , . . - . - - - , . j ' " , . Deccalec m inla Pictures. ; Artist Materials, Ac., Ac 1' nov 19 113 Market pt HORSES I HOUSES ! ! pOR SALE 'TEN- HORSES, FIVE OT them guaranteed u be'l dray animal. Will be sold low. . Also, , a fvr M-rottd han.1 BirrtGlKS ard j CARTS wlll beoM ,.w ti-mn. : Jiorse arid vebirtejo l.jr, him! rrs Loarde-1 an. eared for. 1 " SET Tte ilwt keaivc la .he t-ltr. -HOLLINOSWORTn A WAiJt' Livery as I Sale Stabja. , ; ' o-t ll4f Corner Foartb y nihi r ri F or Pocket Knives or Table Cutler 3 to to Jacobs Hardw&rcParot. "I-!