"h i:. r i ' i. - - ' - 4 v-r -i 'J t it The Daily Review. JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor &.Pfop. WILMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. NOTEMBTl 23. J8H3 Entered at the Postolfice at Wilmington. N. C, as aecondclas matter. . .. , eJ Wiloiingionian, audthe gallant tarj heels under Iiis? comia ml. and? "Kousrli on Corns.' Ask for Wells' "Rough oil Corns, 1 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. WHOLESALE he was once rebuked in nubile bj ibis?0- aicz, complete. perm anem cure. vvi nuns, wuvivru? " i ; t : ! IBICES same officer. Ilia record sinqe the war j has been m keepins wlh the reputation i hisroguerie3 gained for aim during the ; The Stalest thing Common sense. The closing of iron mills in the viein ity of Pittsburg on account of the scarc ity of orders has thrown eight thous and men out of employment. The Cambria Iron Company has notified the lire thousend incnw in its eniploy that on the first of December there will be a reduction of (en per cent, on their wagea. owing to the'depre33ion in the iron trade. Cincinnati is all agog over its ap proaching festival of negro minstrelsy, and the newspapers are gloating over the treat that is in store for the cultured patrons of high art in that centre oi port and music. Articles va column long are being written about it, and unless all signs fail there will be such a rash to attend the performances that the immense crowds which have .hitherto gathered to the May music festivals, the monster dramatic and operatic pcrfoi in- ances, src., will snnns into noimngncss It is not a creditable thin;: to the country that the consular service actually pays a revenue to the Govern ment. The official report shows that the entire expense of the service last Year was only 870.290. and that the fees amounted to $914,839, of which about one seventh is a tax on Ameri can shipping, and about five sevenths are derived from invoice fees. If the foreign service of the Government were more efficient, and much less niggardly, tbo country would gain in f elf-respect and the respect of foreigners, and weuld lose in nothing. ' - : m - "It is now learned," says the Wash ington correspondent o,f the Baltimore Sun, "that the decision of the Suprome Court as to the unconstitutionality of the Civil Rights bill was reached early in the last term, and Justice Bradley was assigned to prepare the opinion. For private reasons he left the matter unat tended to for months, and the decision was not ready lor promulgation until the beginning of this term. There probably never was an opinion of the Court more 'maturely considered, and the Justices must have been thoroughly convinced of the soundness of their views, as It was pot publicly known that they had come to a conclusion on the subject, and the decision could have been reconsidered at any time within the long period of nearly a year which elaDsed before the opinion was prepared.'" Debility.! dirty, too eomtcmptible and too vi.e ri, Vr,fktinn n for the apostate to resort to. His recent ! Nerve Generative Organs, are alt per- w,ar and there ima been no means too ! eryougness. xvervous neuralgia, a ervou3 2nocs, DYSPEPSIA Vi.li.:. ' : -.KE YOU ! North - Carolina Resources. .wiSSSS; i m email orders hkhcr nSi Ia " "IC Li v.. -LT. i "One of the most; useful series of descrip j tlve books ever publtehc-l about any Slate Boston Post. - - - ; circular relative to the result of - the vilest In it L election In Virginia is one of the things that wc hare ever read. he ai good as cliargcs the Democrats of j v irjztnia wiai ine oe!?n oi aeuueraxe rnanenttv and radically cured bv Allen's Brain Food, the4 great botanical remedy. $1 pfcg.. 6 tor S5.At drugg mail from J. H. Allen, 315 F New York City. BAGGING StaadanL.. '3 lb..... 1 fc.. ii wholesale iaurder and lidvtuisl insane -The quickest thing The flea ravings has given utterance to assertions which no ooe with one particle of re gard r for4 just'ee and fair play will for one moment I believe. Mahone is evidently maddened by defeat, and has lost his head. If he should ? ueyef re cover it there will j bej few mourners among the decent white people of this country. . . ' - , As a matter of course the Democrats of Virginia do not5 propose to allow such a scandal 1 to pass unchallenged. and in a few days a paper will be issued which will calmly, clearly and dc term in nately disprove all these accusations by the clear light of truth. It will be based upottaivofjicial investigation held in Danville; in which the facts in regard to the riot in that town have been clear ly established and. which cannot be disputed! Mahone will; be held up to the world in his proper light, and not one word which he haa written will credited. i ' Sept- 1 4th. 1830. Hop Bitters Co., Toronto : r I have been sick for tho past six years, Angry, Axvful, Abominable, Bearish Bothered, Beclouded, Cross, Criti cal.f Crankv. Dismals Doleful. De ists. or by j spondent, Enfeebled, Envious, En -tmtci iy an cx rtrsAve- siavedrFrightfu!r Fearful, Fidgetv ivoinnei? ; rldj Hateful, Helpless, Imperious ; Impatient,1 Inconsiderate, jealous joyiess, jerK', ; rvicKinc:, jvnottv 1 1 SUOttfTS j .In the Baptist Conference, in Boston, the Rev, C. J. Baldwin, speaking of church architecture, assailed the Gothic or the ground that its pointed arches, clustered columns, and elaborate orna mentation tend to divert attention from the preacher. Blythe. an eccentric San Francisco millionaire, left a pretended widow. while a girl from England was lm ported as a daughter by hi first wife and coached to weep over the coffin at the funeral. The real relatives, a sisteri nephews and nieces, have just been heard from in Wales. . i , Lumbermen are preparing to go into the woods of Maine for the winter. , On the Penobscot they will get from $30 to 30 a month and board. The pay last year was from $ 18 to $28. j Within the past eighteen years they have cut. cn the Penobscot, 3,442,902. liW feet of lumber, mostly spruce. . Black Bart has robbed more than & score ot stages in Ualuornia single handed He had a habit, of writing doggerel verses and pinning them to rifled express f boxes. The rewards offered for his capture amounted to neraly 15,000, and a stray bit of his versfication finally betrayed him. "There are six 'authors of the first rank, and I am one of them-" once wrote old Dumas to a General who complained of not having received a visit iroua him. V There are six Marshals of France, and , you are not i one of them. It seems to me, there- ; ore, that it was for you to call first i upon me." 1 1 r .; ..j...... Holland, in the last three centuries, has .recovered from the sea at least 90, 000 acres. The lake of Harlem became terra firm a between 1840 and 1859 and the Zuyder Zeeis in process" of trans formation into 500,000 valuable acres. Hollaud has now 1.479.000 oxen and i cows, and her present output1 of cheese is estimated as worth g'J.OOO.OOOJ1 : It is not known who will have the empty honor of being the Republican candidate for Speaker of the next Hou3o of Representatives, but it Is very evident that the most prominent mem bers of Congress of that pnrty are de termined that ex-Speaker Keifer shall not be the man. OI course, a Demo crat will be elected, but the Republi cans will not surrender tbe position without a trial. It is not known thai Keifer aspires to the unenviable position,. where he is certain to be beaten, but fearing that he will, eome of the mos1 prominent of the party are taking time by the forelock and are casting about for means by which to-force him fro-ri the track. They have had enough ofjtj Kiefer and-want no" mora of him, eveTf 1 aiu in certain defeat. In this Lhy show wmpieiciy weu.. ii is tne oest salve in jad.rnt W a oolioa for ZfffijS tSS tleccncy which we have bet?n lel to to nse t wheneverithey need a salve. think had become entirely extutet ;n weakness. I have used three bottles ot Hop Bitters, and thev have done! won ders for mc. ? fJ am well and able to work, and eat and sleep well. I cannot say too much for Hop Bitters, i SIMON BOBBINS. ! The slowest thing An amateur drama by amateur performers. '",im . i JDr. Benson's bkm Cure is without a peer. It consists of both -external and internal treatment and costs only $1. per package. At druggists. - , MISCELLANEOUS. anfFerinc from dvsnflrilft n.nd ffeneraHlTUDnous, iviourntui, iwooay, Miser . - . J . r- . o .lit t . . t r -t I i aoie, lNononai, iervous, rseurajgic Obstinate, Odious, Offensive, Pecu liar, Painful, Peevish, Queer, Quar relsome, Rebellious Raw, Ragged Sou, Sullen, Savage, Troublesome Touch v. Tormenting. Unpleasant Ugly, Unhappy, Vacant, Vixenish Vicious, i Weary; V"orn, Worried Xanthic, 'Xasperated, 'Xcruciated Yawning, Yielding; 'Yellow, Zealott- cal, Zigzagish, xeroiso : . : ... .. :" - 1 ir" .... . - . but I THAT PRINCE of all TONICS. Brown's Iron-Bitters, , - ' will drive out Dyspepsia, and make ryou:-" Amiable, Affectionate, ' Accommo datino;, Bland; Benevolent, Bounti ful, Calm, Capable, Composed, De lightful, Dignified; Domestic, Enter rising,' Eltic,VElfiective, Faithful rati Flotirishing, Generous, Good Gracious, Hopeful, Happy, He7pr Independent, IndefatigaDie, Infi; tial, Jubilant, Jolly, Jocose, Ki.J Knowing, Keen- witted, Loving Lucky, jLarge-hearted, Munificent Muscular, Majestic, Nimble, Notice able, Noteworthy, Obliging, Obser vant, Oveijoyecf, Patient, Powerful Progressive, Quick, Quiet, Qualified Rational, Rapturous, Reasonable Sweet, Smiling, Sagacious, Thank nil, Tender,: Temperate, UntirinV wuuueniea, uncgmpiaimng, v igor ous, Victorious, -Wise, . Watchful Wary.'XcellentXperienced, 'Xult ant, Youthful, Yeomanhke. Yourself again, Zephyr-like, Zealous. Zestful -.(,, ,V.' . 13 .;..! - .... nov 22 Iwlnrm tdAw . cjth 1 Knavish, Languid, Lamentable, Lu 4 eolP V "e7: or mal,e1 ifiWl BUTTm a . . r r on receipt of tne ptice, by : i vvikTlJ Telling it Very Short. "I'U tell it, sir. In few words If I can; but the story would fill a book If justice was done to it." '.' . .: - -, Surely, Michael, but put it short this time bo's I can squeeze It into a page of letter pa ,per. "Here you are, sir, then, and there are thou sands of neoole here In Binshampton. N. Y.. who will testify to the truth of what I say. My name Is Michael Gullfoy le. : I am seventy four years old. Jfor about nine years 1 was almost shut out from the world by rheumatism. I had peddled small wares In this city for years. and had to stop altogether. At the best of times I could only hobble miserably about with my cane. I was bent nearly double with pain and weakness, and my hands were use less to labor with. I was but the poor wreck of a once strong man. None of the medicines usual!? given for rheumatism did me the least jrooa, sir. My oia ineuas ana customers for got me, as though I were under ground, s With the end my fndee and the Ups of my toes . Turned up to the roots of the daisies.' - My 'days and nights were doleful and painful. I had no hope except in death. That la God's trnh, and Mr. Mother, here, knows it. s "I can't tell you how, but Pahker's Tonic cured mc. That was three years ago. I'm lively as a cricket now, sir, and go mr busi ness rounds everv dn v. Irain or shine. You may tell this to ail the worM, and refer tbe doubters to rae." , . ; this pre para Uon, wliich has been known as 9 rABHKR M UINORR TONIC, Will De Called simply l ahker s xosio. Thu cnance is made for two reasons: first, because jrlneer Is an unioportant flavoring imminent, an t Hec ondly, because -unprincipled dealers deceive their customers bv aubstitutlnsr Inferior ire. parations under too name of ginger. , Ther i no change. June ever in the prepara tion itself, and all botUes remaining In the hands of dealers, wrapped under the name of Pahkbb's Gihobb ToJnc. contain, the sen- nine medicine if the fac simUe signature of IIiscox & Co. is at the bottom of tbe outside wrapper. . I : . . nov i3-d&w An liklitor's Testiraonial. A. M. Vaughau, Editir of the "Green wich -Review;" Grceayich. Q., writjj'; fIiftfit Januaiy I met with a very se vere accident, caused by runaway borae. I ujod almost ever?. -kind; oi aaive to Jical the wounds! which turned to running sores, but found nothing to do Die any flood till I wak recommend ed HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE. mughi n box and it helped meiatonoe. m at in? eou oi ivvo montns I was tho party. It may be, however, that havins lived a life of fiharae they desire lo die and be burled in decenVy and ood order. In either eae tfvey are lo be commended for tryius to throw him overboard sans ccremonic. To carry out. their plane the more effictually. Hon. William W. T helps, member elect to the next Cougress from New Jersey, has been selected to notify Mr. Keifer that tne party do not desire him to be a candidate, and ior the sake of peace and harmony in its ranks, re quest that he may not press hirapelf for that position. Mr- Phelps hasr been selected for this rather uu pleasant -duty because he is a new member and is : not personally acquainted with the Ex- Speaker, and because, being a,- New Jersey Republican, he has not been in volved in tho factional quarrels of the party. Iu any event Mr. Keiler must go, and it would be much to the credit of-his party that the "order of his going5 , should rest in the first place with them. he to- Mahone is the same to-day that was yesterday, that he will be . morrow and that he will be forever. There is neither rhyme, right, reason, j u3tico nor honesty in his political career. He has abilities, it is true; but they are the abilities of the rogue rather than of the honest man. His abilities gained Wm a prominent position In the Confederate Army but they could not gain him the respect that is usually , ac corded tho position bo occupied. He was detected once in a mean and, dirty attempt to steal laurels from the brow ot a North Carolina brigadier a lament MOON8HIX man' shoes TT - . I 'J . ' i s lie w no waits lor a acau most often go barefoot. A Alien tgan. worn an? who, on ,reoov ering from a tit. discovered her husband kissing the servant !gir, has applied 'for a divorce. Mlehigan women not pet fectly healthy should never take in sert vant girls. 1 ' ! Massachusetts girls are looking long ingly towards California, where a wo man only twenty-five years old has al ready had five husbands. . A New V York snorerlhas cureUiiinvf j sen by puuiog a porus piaster over his mouth and r steeping in an arm chair wita ms icut oa toe manieipiece. - Some Connecticut 'persons have just seen two schooners iu a mirage. There most be a beev saloon somewhere in Connecticut. : i" " " ' A Chicago paper says the girls of that city are anxious and willing to give themselves away, but r it isn't at all necessary. The newspapers have been giving them away, foe years. . . It waa at Ithe close of the wedding .breakfast. One of the guests arose and flassinharid, said: 'I drink to the ealth of the groommay he see many days like this." The1 intention ! was good, but the bride looked as if some thing had displeased, her. 1 " j- Mrs. Shoddy to shopman: "Show me a thermometer one oL your best." Shopman : This ma'am, is . one of our finest Venetan glass and the best quicksilver." Mrs.. Shoddy ; Silrer. That would be nice for the Kitchen, but I want one tor my boodore. Ha vent you one irith quick gold?" Montreal Witness. i.ss. i .. -. ,- .Ministers Sound its Praise. Rev. - Mr. Greenfields, Knoxville, Tenn., writes as follows : "Samaritan Nervine permanently cored my eon of epileptic fits.' Here's food for thought. Sold by druggists, $I.S3. i I WOULD BE8PECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to my customers and old friends, that 1 haTe this day sold my Interest in the business which I have carried on for over thirty -Ave years, to my son, MATT. J. HEYKU, who has been associated with me for twelve years in business. He will continue the same tinder hla own firm name. Recommending him warmly as my succes- er to your kind consideration, and thanking you for past favors, I remain. i Bcapectfully, i JOHN O. I1KYEB. Wilmington, N. C., Nov. let, 1985. 3VC T- J". HEYER j isTJCCESSOB TO JOHN C. HEYEUV IMPOUTBK, GCOCEIt, UQUOU DEALBLR ASD COMMIHSIOS MERCHANT. Havlnjr bought the interest of my father John C tieyer, la the business conducted no long and suoccssfuUv by him. I desire to ask for a continuation of the favors extend rt him. Will do strictly a Grocery, Liquor and Com- miAeion Dusmess. Hale's Industrial Series. Two Volumes ow liettdy : I- 8houlders. r H""' 1. HIE WOOM ASD TIMKKTJS or NORTH ? - '"". y P.. Carolina Cunis's, JKnimors. :u-d Kerr's liouiiiol itenoris: tupplemcntci liv accurate ? Courlv KejHrt t,f btamfiiig Forcetis, rrMlirus- cxceiicnt Aia- of ia;tate... . v and Jkos Cocvties or - bhoufdenr ft! llu . . ' 1 mt Wll liH - m lev i, wiikeb . ana tne tcnus Keiwrts: tnp- t racDieu uy iuii nuu accur&ivfc&eicnesoi tee I fifty six Counties and Map of ihe btM-e. " I 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 4:5 pp., S1.50. ...... -i U i rr yrEKN SMOKED- i Hams. T 1 ; Shoulders....... ... i rz , DRY SAJLTEtLL P2 Second UxztZlr. New New York, eh 1 a Clty,cach."...; ISO S. L-l 1 m. . I 25EESW 1 nirH-c Ji J. HALE A SON. rubllshcrp, Eookeellers and MaUoners, ! New York Or, P. 51. HALE, rublieher, Raleigh, N U eept 29 ' First National Bank of Wil- 7 SB a. CM C4 fiTQ jEsthctica. (4 deRljrns). Some llJJiatMnff'kor-d Mailed on receipt of jB ceBta in stamps JiOX 1.4S7, x. HEAKXfli & CO.. P. O. nov 5 4w 6ftCAMONTJlA.Nl) BOARD for 3 live V w younjr Men or Ladles, in each countv AddrcasjP-.Wi. ZIEGLER & CO . Philadel phia, Pa. CO , Philadc nov 5-iw llf TTCTri WITHOUT A TEACHER ! NSTAJJ TANKOTTsJ (i I'l DE to Keys of Piano and and Organ. Price $1. vv in teacn any person to plav '20 nieces ot tou io in one day. You couldn't learn it from a teacher in a month for $20. Try it ant be con vinced.1 Sample copv wUl be loalled to any address on receipt of 25 cents in stamps hv HEARNK & CO.: Publishers. P. O. t:ox 1.4S7. New York. nov 5 4 w. CAPITALSTOCK.. t2S0,0G0 SURPLUS FUND DepoaitB received and coUection made os all accessible pomfa in the United States. Hi Korth Carolina..-. northern . . 28 Wlhnlnirto- 2 northern........ CANDLES, V, operm.......,...jm AdSanaaeL.V.V " cheese, fir rr - Northern Factory..... paUy. Uream...:.... ;;; State.. .......... COFFKJS, V lb tava. is o 13 t e DIRECTORS, domestics JrUBaic lit JgMLT dozen .-j J Mackerel, n i 5 bh bW-S 86 S Maekerer No! fgfc for J Mackerel, No. SvibL;W" 5 S? l N. C. Roe Hirrinn V 7 W i I Dry Cod. W fT?' v e i 3 .cuvianuuano. No. D. G. WORTH L . E. BURRU3S, A. MARTIN. JAS. SPRUNT GEORGE CHAD BOURN. I orncKRaj: E. K. VURRU8S.. ....... ...... A. K. WALKER..........I..... W. LAKKJNS...... .......... . . apl323 ;v President. - Cashier A 'set Cuchie? THE STTIN". ' Baugb'a Phosphate!?!? ''S S ! Carolina FerulzerH -Ground Bone!!::;',-,--- 00 S I Bone Meal ' 06 t-t Bone Flour........ ? W (Si Jifavassa Guano.... 00 S Complete Manure. 00 r ....J.J)0(jo pnate. iz'a py KKjccelleiua Cottoi tSSSS'S I French's Carbonate ot uS ' K French's Agricultural 1 jS? "' I H 1 j tiuau' aa . am en my.iacinues xor xurnismns; tne trade are nplc, and my be tiro Batlsiacnon. , and my beat efforts will be used to give MATT. J. HE.YEU EAtra Lndacements offered clo&c bu-urs. Consignments of Naval Stores and Cotton so licited.' i nov 1-lov d&w Fayette jille Observer. -VN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY th, the oadereigned wlU revive the imblicafton the FAYETTE VILLE OBSERVER. The O B3EH vku will be aj large 38 column weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to a ab scrlbers, postage paid, at $2 -per annum, al ways in advance. It wUl give the news of the l day in as ample form as Us space will permit, I ana bolh rejcalar and occasional correspon. dents will contribute letters from tbe Capita on State politics and affairs. DemocraUe in- politics, tbe Obsrkvkh wlL labor, first of alL to assure the prosperity of the Town of FayettevlUe, to develop the vast agricultural resources of its own and the nelgnborlng counties, and to promote all that concerns the welfare of the people of North .4 I I 1 i Carolina. Opposed to such InnovaUons on the homely ways of our fathers as, In the guise of pro gres, harm society, the i Obsekveb will be found In fuU sympathy with the new things born of tbe changed condition ot the South which sound judgment or enlightened expert. czob find to be also good. As to the rest: It will strive to deserve the reputation of the nama It Inherits, WW K. J. HALE, Jk. Sash, Doors, Blinds, 1 White Lead, Paints, French Window GHass. AGENCY FOB N. T ENAMEL PAINT; CO'S READY PREPARED PAINT. Qt ALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing. The fact that our Paints are from the celebrated Fac tories of Wetherill ft Co., and Harrison . Bros A Co., Is sufficient guarantee for their quality and purity. , . . t A fine Hue of. Costing Stoves at Factory Prices, In addition to our large and full ' 1 " i HAEDWARE STOCK, to which your attention Is respectfully Invited. NATHL JACOBI, sept 2 lOSonth Front St "POTi'T'SL Rorns. 50c.j Byicu, 5Gc , Mvs 1 UUllJ Browning' 5Tr... (lamntinll. MU Chaucer, 60c., Coleridge, Gftt?., Cow jier, G0-., Dante, fjoc., Dryden, fXc., Goethe, Ttic . Gold smith. 50c., nemana, 50c . Iliad and Odyasey, 70c, Hood. 50c : , Ingelow, 50c, Keals, 4!c) Meredith, 50c, Milton, 50c., Moore, 00c , Pope, SOc-.-Poe, 10c , 8chilier, 40c , Scott, 50c , 1 en nyson, UCc , Vix'gil, 45c, aod -others. Fikk cloth binding. Sent for examination before payment on evidence of good faith, cdta iogue free. NOT sold by dealers. ' JOHS B. ALTKN, Publisher, ' nov 3-4w-. i :;-.: 1S Vesey St., New York rS"M00RE COUNTY GRIT" lJ U CORN MILLS AND MILLSTONES. I AX Li SIZES . I BESTIHTHEV0RL0 8ASCPUB OF ISZAJ, BSKT - ? OH APraCATIOH. NORTH CAR3UKA KllLSTOHE CO. Branch Officii r.h-!r!n(. N. P. rsy-MTIQN THISTAPEB So Longer ieedcMl. The y old-fashioned, slow actinjr plasters "must jfo". Benson's Capcine Poi-us X'lasterB are the nest. 25e 1 i 4wi I m i NEW YORK, 1884.. I About sixty million copies of The Bry have gone out ot ofur efltabliehrocnt daring the past twelve montbfl. r ! If you were to paste end Jo end' all tt-e col umns of all The irs.s printed an;l sold' latl year you-would get a continuous 8tnp f iu ic:restlng informailon.'tuimmon scnse.wiA '-urn eound dof-.trire, andisane wit, long eiioujrh to reach from Printing Iloua Biuarc to i tt-e top f Mount Coperniculs In the moicm t hen b;t k to Printing House pquare, and iit-n liire -quar ter- ef the way back to the moon Hfrain. ButTllE St'Xfs written for the mh-hitant of tbe esrthf this mtrue strip ot intclligenct would girdle the globe twenty seven or iwen-ty-eighi tloiear !, s ' 4 v j If every hnj-er of a oopy of The '- trx during the past year haa epeni only one hour over it. and if his . wife or . -hi grandfather has pcit anoiner nour, tins T)ewpaier in liisi jims hi furdt d tha human nuvt thirteen thousand years of ste-Hly i reading, night an t day. It H nly by little calculations like these that you cm iortu ariy idea or the circulation of tha nos popular of American ne epaper, oroi its irllue-ce on the opinions jtid. rciiors of American men and women, -. ' j -i The Sux Is, and will consinne to be, a how? paper wt.'ich tells the truth without fc;ir f Inconsequences, which gets at the fat ts no mat er hnv nmfh the process Jtosts. whch pre seuts ti e. iK-wa of all the world withoat wsie o Wordd and in the most leadable Bhave, which is werkinje ; with all its heart lor the eatise of honest government: and whirh there' lore l.-elieves that the Republican party must go. and in dst go In thl -oo.ing year of our Lord, 18r4 i 1 you know Tiik Sitn you like it already, and you will read It with accustomed diligence nod profit during what is sure to be the most interest! rg year in its history. If vou do not yc t kn.iw The try, it is high time" to get Into the punshine. I Famil?..... City Mills Extra.... " Family..... Glue v f,.:"" GRAIN, ? bushel- " Corn, from store, baga.whrte. Corn, cargo, in hulk, white.. Pftrtl AavrrA fn h.M v. i. . - Com, carso, mixed, in bam.. Oats, from store Cow Pean....... , HIDKS, v b " Green. ......i...... ......... , : Dry. ... ' HAY, r 100 ibsr- Eastern.... ..i. Western.. I... North River HOOP 1 RON, ..... 1 (Kit s f t uu 5?? on! i i f& S ( ... Si t t ieo I: ) U I! Sorfchern.. .tT. North Carolina . L ..... . LIME. barrel......... LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft snip stuff, resa wed.... IS don Roufrh Edge Plank,, .15 (fc West India Cargoesuaeconiing te -quality., j Sft: Dressed Flooring, seasoned. & CO tkViutlin and Rard. com'n .M it m: MOlgSES.v gallon - Sew Crop Cuba, In hhds..... OC - in bblsl.... pi Porto Rico," In hads... ....... m i ' i " . In bids no 0 Sugar House, in hhda.. ....... t $ .. .v-;--urbbls.. 3fi Syrup, In hbls....... 40 i, ail,s, v lieg, cut.J0d bacte.. 0 W ; OILS, V gallon- i Kerosene h Lard. 1 Uncett .......... L T 1 Tar. Deck anil Simit.-.L ''.... POULTRT Chickens, live, grown,,,. r " M spring........ Turkeys.... PEA NUTS bushel.... A 99 lit POTATOES, bnshel- J 1 Sweet.. I Iriahi bbl.. J t ruKK, w barrel I I City Mess. aa K Prime.)....:... itfW rf Ruu3p.i...v......... .17M ffii RI(J&-Carolbia, lb... r- . . 1 liougo, v oiisnei..... RAG3, lb Country.. vuy ROPE, W lb SALT, sack. Alum Livcrpoo.l. Lisbon American.... .. SUGAR, v lbCuba - Porto Rico............,...U A Coffee B , C , Ex C Crushed......... C t a Tk a. r . . i ...... wiir, v ID onnern... w SHINGLES, 7 In. M. W Common.... .................. I i iiCypress Saps.. ......... ...... Cyprees Hearts.;...... STAVES, W M W. O. Barrel.." R. O. Hogshead....... 00 . TALLOW.V ft................. I TIMRER; y M feet ShipplBg H J FlneMiUV ..U f, Mill Prime............. ' ' Mill Fair............... Common Mlir:......U. 5 2 ! i Inferior to Ord'narv WHISKEY, V gal-Northern.. J North Carolina,,!,... 1 ' WOOL, tfv lb Washed ZPA Unwashed.... 1 S5Burnr...................... 1 I for HAVE REEN APPOINTED SOLE Agent the TANNER A DELANEY ENGINE CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from 4 to 150 horse power; also Tramway or Narrow Gauge Locomotives. I j Engines adapted to Farm use a specialty. J On hand and for sale very low, FIVE SECOND HAND PORTABLE ENGINES. from 5 to 15 horse power. 1 i aug 15-6m S. W. SKINNER. Tobacco. nLVE FULL LINES OFTOBA which we are selling EIGHT CENTS under prices prior to May 1st.; " ' Also a very large "stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS at bottom figures. WORTH & WORTH. The Excursion and Pic Nic gEASON IS OVER AND THE THEATEl CAI AND BALL Season has opened again ana JOHWEBNER, the practical German Uarber and Perfumer, la personally la attend aneeatUa Hair Dressing Saloon, Market H6 S Water and Front, Wllming. ton, In. C. , oetlS Teems to Mail SupfrCEiuEiis. The several editions of The Str arc 'sent v mail, postitaid, as follows: : j - ; DAILY W merits a month. $G a yjerr; with Sunday edition, $7. ' j SUNDAY Eight! pages- This edition furnish1 es the current news of the world, special . articles of exceptloral Interest to every body, and Uterarr reviews of 'new books oT tbe highest merit, $i a year. WEEKLYl a year. Eight pages of the 'best matter of the daily issues; an Agricultural Department of -unequalled value, special market reports, anu literary, eclentlflc, and domestic Intelligence make The We-EKLT eux the newspaper lor the farm er's household. To clubs of $10, an extra i-opr free. Address 11 Wit 1 w Mil 9111 CD 1 00 t J 3 a i 2 11 nOA 8 1.-W, ENGLAND, Publisher, i - .THE STJN, N.,i . City n AT T for the working class. IT cents for postage, ad d id will mall vou free, a rol. ytahmhiA box of sample goods that will purvou In the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We will start you. You can work all the lime or in snare tiinn nniv The work Is universally adapted to both sexes. uu6 nwx vju. x uu can easily earn rrom wo cents to $5 every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this un paralleled offer; to all who are not well satis fied we will semi $1 to pay for the -trouble of writing us. t Full particulars, directions, etc., sent .free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time to the work. Ureal success absolutely sutcj Don't delay. Start nOW. Address STIKSOX. A Co.. Hnrtlnnrl .1 nov 20 d6m-wly. Maine, A CnXT'TQ wanted for The Lives of all AuJDjil loM.e P.resldeil'1 the U.S. . t .- The largest, handsomest, best book ever sold for less than twice our price. The fastest selling book in America. Immense profits to agents.; AU intelligent people want It. Any one can become a suc cessful agent. Terms free. Halijext Book Co., Portland, Maine. -: . nov 20-md-lyw 95 me v 00 I t) oo I co 00 I oe i CD I e l 10l i A Wanted. COMPANY WHO PSO1 J A" Pft T'ZP' 8nd flx cents for postage, JT JDilXf l and receive i free, a costly rm box of goods which will hln money right away than anything else In this WOTld- All. of either sex, succeed from first hour The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, 'absolutely sure. At once ad dress, True ft Co., Augusta, Maine, nov 20-6md lyw . fi ft A aeek at home. $3 00 outfit free. mJ J J Pav i absolutely anw vn Capital not required. Reader, if you want business at which persons of either sex.younff or old, can make great pay all the time they work, wltn absolute certainty, write for par . "i-i-Kx-yv.o., i"ortiano,3iainc nov20 6mdlyw t. ; ; Sportsman's Goods,, WE II AVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT O f English and PMnm Ttrh Tftlora ever brought to this market. Also a first cjass stock of Shells, Wadding, Primers,Cart ridge Bags. Gun Caps, Game Bags, &c In fact we can show a stock of Hardware, Good goods and guarantee prices. r , W. C. SPRINGER & CO., ncccssors to John Dawson & Co., nor 19 io, 21 aad 23 llariet Eu eet MtfthlfaH fi mnnfAnr thprPOfl. -'-.-'i '-''; ' : ' "-" ' -; "-' cd cypress lands. Parties irbomaj landslto dispose of are requested cate. with me at Wadceboroor vj Mr. Josh T.James, at J WllmiiMB t Pull prrtenJars as to exact locate number of acres, probable yield ot the acre and lowest ; price, m1 J State IinnugratiooAjg A apO-f Farmers, Take ouj MORRJLSMIOG CHOLERA la just the thing to care or prevewj,, era and aU diseases to which mtZa t ject; it will prevent that (iIYifc: known as TrlchnsB, and wlU VJTt a thrifty, healthy condition, cjfJSj neys, uver, Ac, oi worms "r Tnd v. Each package contains we pounds and wllL If given strati r cllrecUons, cure 10 hogs of the C 20 hoes in a condition to fatwa" usual tline, thereby sayiiia one The farmers of Duplin coontr ,r the praise. AU farmers shoaM j or la .wholesale r GSEIf, Druggist, Uarkctetrtg. tl C- - ....... ..i, -'I -i;

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