The Daily Review FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 . 1H3. The Daily Review fms Ute largest bona fide circulation of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmtn'tan, STAT KNI3W8 , t Stateaviile American: n e cleeniy re- ret 10 record the death oi Dr. -.beorgej W. Stinson. at his residence near .Da-j vidson College, wiiieli sau even occar- reel last Monday, alter a uugenu au painful illness. Chatham Record: Fiveol the con j vlcl3 at work on the C. F. fc Y. V.j Railroad escaped from their quartern at j i)m Hi 1. on last Monday merit A nesro man. uanicd Abe i-awrence. shot and killed a negro woman, named Eliza Brown, near Osgood, in this county, on last Friday night. From what we can hear the murder was en tirely unprovoked. Wadesboro Times: Jane Spencer, colored, living near Lilesville, is 14 years old. and weighs 365 pounds. She has had 13 children, nin6 op whom ai c living. She can do a good day's york yet. The little children alone of the Metfcodist Sunday School here have made and contributed the present year 8omethint more than 60 toward the building of their new Church. Newborn Journal: General M. W Ransom and General A. M. Scales will deliver addresses at several points in the State during the next month in aid of the Pender Monument Fund. Mr Allen Johnson, of Pitt county, called to see us on Wednesday and mtormcd us that Mr. J. J. B. Cox's barn and sta bled, together with about one hundred barrels of corn, forty bushels of wheat, 1 all farmimr utensil and four bales of i cotton, were burned on Wednesday , . night of last week. The Ore wa3 the work of an incendiary. Fayetteville Sun: The ladies of the Methodist church, on Monday after noon last, presented Rev. John. R. Brooks, their pastor, with a very heavy and finely finished gold-headed cane and his wife with a beautiful solid silver waiter. We have been shown some sample ear3 of corn, gathered' from the farm of Mr. A. A. McCaskill, in Flea Hill Township. One of them weiehed-1 & 5 oz; 53 of these ears will mafEe a bushel of corn by weight, as it requires 70 lbs, of corn in the ear to shell om a bushel- The corn averaged 1 lb and 2 ounces to the ear. Weldon News: On Sunday morning Tom Arrington, colored, an inmate of the poor house, had a fit, tell near the lire, which ignited his clothing, and was burned so bad'.y that he died Mon day. He was an epileptic and had had fits before. John Dowden. colored who lived at Midway, but i3 a native of Warren county, had the misfortune to lose his house and. its contents on Sat urday morning. A fire was in the house, which set the chimney on fire. He lost two bales ot cotton in the seed, alotot clothing, provisions and fifty six dollars in gold. Everything ho had was lost. l.onoir Tome: Last Friday Mrs. Tolly Baird. aged about SO. the mother t of Mr. J. N. Baird. was tripped in! crossing the floor and, falling, broke : UvirttilgU. OUU 19 LIWIV 111 1 Hiljf tlltlVrtl I ..nrwlHinn . T.sar. Frid.iv flVRniniT little Horace Campbdl aged about ; three years, was playing in iue. puiaiu natch where Dick Campbell, agod about . . . . - ... .. . t I thn htiolrnf tlm haad. The sharD nart 1 ot the mattock went thiougU tne brain ; Dr. Beall was called m and hopes that ; the little sufferer may rccovcrir inllam-i .,t,V,M An not sit in. - . ; News and Observer; It is expected . t rv-f j . u inai on lUOZl i iut.,-wo v--J auvui f fifty gentlemen irom JJoeton w ill arrive here. ..Last evening the citizens committee on...-cnwnaininnt awu ai meeting and decided to entertain t he j party in handsome style. -Colonel i ioionet ! daughters J Wharton J. Green and oassed throush the city yeaterbu-y O'l to j their war to Boston, and will i?o a . v aa 1 -a ' iv AohtnrfAn in n UTOOFr r.r nun t .Piifir. i al Cox will Jeavo for Waahlnjrlon thu j latter part ot this week. Dr. V tJ Kuga'.ea anu vvi, t, uoaton. urived hern last evening. lr. H. is a antleman of mcana and will look over the State, to which his Eittcnfion has bt?n specially attracted. He U -onij one of a number of Xuw Knlnnders who are in our State. v Fayetteville Obsemr: Ou Friday morning la9t. about W o'ciiKii;, the dwel ling house of Mr A il SkxHimb, nllu ated on Dick street, caught fire from a spark tailing on the rool. In a few minutes the entire roof was covered with flames. The colored fire company and the hook and ladder company gath ered promptly, but it was loo late to save the house, everything being so dry . Much ot the furniture was saved. Last Friday the handsome country residence belonging to Mr John M Hodges, known as Linden Hill, was consumed by fire. The fi rc is su ppc s xl to have caught from a spark lights ing on the roof. This was a beautiful residence, and was famed for its mag nificent grove of oaks. It is situated in Harnett county near the Cumber land line, and was occupied at the time of the fire by Jas P Hodges, Esq. Most of the furniture was saved. The house was partially insured. Morganton Mountaineer: In the fields just above Flemming's Ford, on the Catawba River, which have been in cultivation for more than a hundred years. Quantities of broken Indian pottery may be found at this day. From fragments which we have seen we would suppose that these vessels were large, probably containing several gaL Ions and the outsides were curiously marked in various patterns and covered with hieroglyphics. A distressing accident occurred . in Icard township, in this county, near the residence of Mr- Warlick, last Thursday night. A man named Mike Cline and his wile went to the wood3 for shingle blocks, leaving a little four year old girl and a child still younger at home to take care ot the house. On their return they were horrified to find their little girl in the yard dead, ber clothing consumed; and ner body burned to a crisp. Charlotte Observer: Willia Davis, the nesro who raDed Mrs. Campbell, and Burt Ellis, who murdered ilrir"jgan I jw.-. Zl rayettevllle-ailoiaceB on Cape Fear coming Jtoo close to the. mattock with iUver, Ticsdays and Fri lays l which Dick was working, was struck in Fayetteville, via Iiumbcrton daily. December, the former at Chnrltte ani! : Lhe latter at Shelby. 1 , -Yestcrdav afternoon at the residence of Mr. Jo3:ah -Asbury, Mr. Frank Blair, formerly or Charlotte, but now ot Salisbury, was . .... . bury. Rev. J. T? lU-welt perlurmin" the ceremony. s-The trial of Mr. A. E. Adams, laic ticJcet axeni of the (Richmond & Danville Railroad, and; i f Torif llaMi AJoalr Into ruinil-inti ir rin ' on tae Air-J.ine road, ttiat was set tor n liearin? before Jt he Inferior Coutt to jay wiII not be kcartt having beea coaiinued to the next terra 'of the Court i by rcaaon of a confession, a ad ot a sud UUn. startling turn in tl cnss. invoking other parties besides Adams and Ncsbit. Tuesday nisbt, Judire Schenek. the leading prosecutor forthe railroad corn pauy. was approach- etl in ni3 room Ht the Bulord House by Mr. Adams, who proceeded to unbosom h'mselfand make a full arid clear con- lessioQ of his connection with the frauds practiced upon the railroad. Of what passeu octween tnc two, , tno i reporter! was able to learn but little, though j what be gives comes from authority, i Mr. A'dams stated to J udge Schenek j tnat nc nau come to make a lull con tession of his truilt. knowing; that it a . . I f would be proven on him at the trial, and that ho might .iust as well! give' it un. He said that ho had considered tho matter aud was further advised by his (ricnd3 to make tho confession and throw himself upon the mercy, of the court. The confession was made in a straightforward manner and in giving his statement, Adams involved others in the swindling with himself Just who these parties are, and to what extent they were involved in the ! affair, we were unable to learn, ibut were i given the assurance that it will all ' come out soon enough. Adams1: confession is in the possession of Judge Schenek and will be used whenever it is seen proper. Goldsboro Messenger: Mr. J. W. Taiton, of this county, doing business in Great Swamp township, has fouud it necessary to make an assignment for the benefit of his creditors. Mr. Levi Strickland, of New Hope town. ship, one of our most industrious farmers, raised and sold from twenty live acres 610 bushels of rice at $1.10 a bnshel. This beats cotton a ! long way: Dr. Frank Boyette, of Sampson, who is taking a course of lectures at the Dental College in I Balti more,, informs us that out of 398 students atlhe College of Physicians and'Surgeons in that city, i sixty are from N. Carolina, and in the Dental de partment 3 out of 75 are from this State. We see from the Newark. N. J.. papers that Master Collier J. Griswold. son of Mrs. Mary Griswold. of this city, was among the students ot St. Benedict's College, of that city, receiv ing the highest average in their respec tive departments for the first quarter of the scholastic year which closed last week. ! ! THE MAILS. Themalte cioso and arrive at the Cltyi Poa oftlce as follows : , CLOSE. I "Northern through mails, fast 7.00 P. M. Northern through and w-y malls. .,.8.00 A. M. Kaleigh '. 6.15 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Hails for the N. C. Railroad au routes snpplled therefrom Includ ing A. & N. C. itallroad at 00 lJ. M. and PM a. XL Western mails fC . C. liaUwavlallv. 0 (except Sunday). .6.15 P. M. All Totnts between Ilamlet and Ral- M&herawa uciirimVtonKaii:B'WP W' rcid A. M, and 8.00 P M. M. M.1 M. M. Malift lor points between Florence anil "!h,rlfafy.n tl li A AT nn.1 C AA T .00 p. . except .Sunday 4 ...C.lSiP ces Tucsclays aTul jvidays e.oo A Swutnvtlie mails, by steamboat, daily (except Humiays) .. s.soa. m. iw wur xaay ixiii, -fown vnKK, eaaiiOLte anu utt'e iuvct. lavs anu rriaav. ..6.00 A M. M. lfgntbMiits, daily .ot) A. dall; opek foi DELIVERY. ' Northern through and vaymaii8 7.80 A. M ! Snfei Iro::::::::" i Mails collected from mmtt'imTPA hiirfc. . portion of cltv at 3 A. Ji., U.30 A.M. and 5 30 1 ana from other point of the city at 5 1 S. a aU. -H f iloney order and liceister 'Department open ! irom a A. M. to 3.30 P. M. i General delivery open from 7!A.M. riG P.M. c.rri to r.:o a. m. i i i For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,1 t toarseness, ironchitis,Croup, Influ enza. Asthma. Whooninsr Coueh. Tn , , - lj t O 9 cipient Consumption and for the re-I i . r - r . t I uci ui cunbuuipiive persons in advan ced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 2 k Cents. dov 15 ly 2 in 1. I'll tako your llienessen. I And take them fine, ) I'll Ibc your watches , To keep good time; I do all work well. Entrusted to me. 1 It you don't believe U j Try me and ace. 1 J. L. WINNER, Photographer and Jeweler, New Market Building (up stairs) nov: Branson's N. C. Business Directory FOR 1883v J gOON TO BE ISSTJED-Cth Eltaon 17th year of publication, will contain over eo,ooo 3sr-Aajya3Bs, and la intended to be the FULIiEST AND MOST ..RELIABLE REFERENCE ' BOOK, ever published for North Carolina. The Business and Professional Men of everv County, pity and Village will be recorded and classified for convenient reference. i ;Pricot4. ; i apl 23 tf fITir TT TI !! 1 mill III llllji M L.IJLII I COMMERCIAL NEWS. W I IJUINGTON MARKET. November 234 P. M. 3W R ITS TnUPRNTINK Mnntcrf i "" - ; i ,UtI ttt 34 c,ents Pr l!on- la, of czs'zs at these Azures. ROSIN Quoted firm at 1. 10 fori raine1 $1.15 for Good strained, , . . aTl WHUIW UiUl Ui . t : .f lT4 UU1 i of 80 lbs. Later we hear of sales at Si to per ddi. i CRUDE TURPENTINE- Quoted ! j . a - X t Dip and 1 for Hard. COTTO N Quoted firm. Sales of, 250 bales on a basis of 10 cents per I I PounU lor Middling. J lie Following arc I I the official quotations: Ordinary.. n 9 9 10 101 cents Good Ordinary Low Middling. Middling.... 7 Good Muidlimr ... ,V.V '1111' DAILY KCIPTS. Cotton 980 bales Spirits Turpentine. ....... . 216 casks Rosin 860 bbls Tar 87 bbls Crude Turpentine. 27 bbls 7 MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. I Steamer Governor Worth, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. i'- Steamer Bladen, Thornton, Fayette ville; C S Love & Co. Steamer John Dawson, Colvin, Point Caswell, R P Paddison U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bev, Smithville, Master. Nor barquo Bjorn, Wrystren, Liver pool, C P Mebane, with salt to A A Willard. f CLEARED. j Steamer Governor Worth, Worth, Fayetteville. Worth & Worth Steamer Bladen, Thornton, Fayette ville. C S Love & Co. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bia bey, Smithville, Master. Br barqne Hattic- II, Dill, Liverpool, D R Murchison & Co. s Exports. FOREIGN. Liverpool Br barque Hattie H1,653 bales cotton. I WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND NOV. 17, 1883. Cotton ashore, 10,124; afloat, 5,6C2; total, 16,286. Spirits ashore. 4,750; afloat, 957; total 5,710. i Rosin ashore. 106,102, afloat, 6,585; total, 112,987. Tar ashore, 3,861; afloat, 200; total, 4,061 Crude ashore, 565; afloat. 25; total, 590. . RECEIPTS FROMNOV. 10 TO NOV. 17. Cotton, 3.718; spirits. 1,441; rosin. 5,548; tar, 1,162; crude. 702. EXPORTS FROM NOV. 10. TO NOV. 17. DOMESTIC. Cotton. 1,812; spirits, 200; rosin, tar, 698; crude, C7C. 122; FOREIGN. Cotton. 3,630. Vessels tor this Port from For eign Ports. BARKS. Nor Aeolus, 258 tons, Paulaen, sailed i from ArendaL Am 20. via beviile . 5or Agder,456 loaa, Flairatadt, sailed frera Hamburg, Oct.. 8. i Nor Albatros,503 tcma. Oiafn. atMareeillcfe I 8wd Amarant, . Thorbjornsen, sailed from Liverpool, Oct 2tf Uer Apothekcr, Dleeing, SS3 tons, Stutts, f sanea irom iiamuurg, ocpt vj , Sor Aim11o, 38 tons, Melsopi, at Lonflon, OctO. Nor Candace, 333 tons, Johannaen, sidled from Hamburg, Oct 4 or uorsez, m tons, Hansen, at sharpness, OctW Sor Emma Parker, 497 fr$m,?rkitt?1!icLx tons, l-arsen, sailed Macomber, vlcarcd H T Wf av Nor Ona, 833 tons, Andersen, galled from Skutsear, Ang 3 i Nor Guim. Hansen. 1GS tons liuilcd from Deola. Nor Henrich Bjorn, LlverpooL Sept 13, S57 tons, Nyiiteen, at , NorT Kerdalea, 115 from Baltic via Oran toua, Petteren, sailed OcrLylia Peschau, 4l3 tons, Bremers, eall- eu Troui iiamourg, uci Nor Ovion, ; , sailed from llamburg'. Nov 1. Nor Prudciitia, 37iU)D6, Hansen, sailed from Gloucester, Oct 23 Nor Kauma, 224 tons, Lundeaard, sailed from Hamburg, Nov C Ger Richard, 463 tons, Paske, at Hamburg, Aug 29 Nor Saga, 413 tons, Lareen, at Plymouth, Oct 25 Nor Sirah, S96 tons, Henrichs, sailed from Seville, Oct 8 Nor Stateeminster, Selma, 607 tons, Rustad, sailed from Flinrannan, Aug 16 via Valencia Nor Telemach, 623 tons, Andersen, at Val encia, ct2o - (Jer Texas, 291 tons, Loot, at Hamburg, Oct ,0 Br Vick & Mebane, 596 tons, Henskc, sailed from Hamburg, Oct 27 , BRIGS. - Gcr Adolph Michels, 290 tons, Niemann, sailed from Plymouth, ov 2 Ger Hermann Frledrlch, 288 tons, Niejahr, at Liverpool, Sept 10 Gcr Plcolet,- 837 tons, Erase, sailed from Hamburg, Oct 27 Nor Eask, 181 tons, Svendsen, sailed from Harburg, Septdl Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. , M. SCHLOSS, Prop. JpiRST-CLASS IN EVERT RESPECT. 49 Flrst-elaaa Bar and BILLIARD 8 A LOOM ATTACHED. 1 p fj - TS c o m 9V, s.- 5 s p S o K.S 2 8 w 2 " fT as B a C9 StJ c I n G B If l V m f n s s ra iifrntifsKS 5 2 3aTCJII jxxrll-diw MISCELLANEOUS. j I - HAYING riTKCHAELl ... ..v.. ; , ' i AIM IMMtNSt S I OCK Uh I . HATS, Trimmed and Cntrimracd, Aleo, fl-jWw, Feathers, Breasts, Birds, I'luraea, Tips, Satins, Velvet, Flushes, Fringes, Drees Trim , mlngs, &,c, Ac, and are receiving more and more daily : OUR HOLIDAY GOODS ! are crowding in, and having very little room for them, we cordially Invite the ladies to take the advantage by making their purchases in . - Millinery now, and SAVE 331-3 per cent. by doing ao, at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St, Wilmington, N. C. These goods will and must be sold to make room. A liberal discount given to the trade. nov 22 i JJo Bd J)n JULIUS 8AJLS0N, HIo. 111 Market St. RY EXPRESS TO-DAY, (FROM il BANKRUPT SALE.) Brocade Silk Dolmans for $20. for. mer price $30. Ottoman Silk Dolmans and Circulars. Fur Trimmed for $25 and $30, former price $35 and $40. RhadameSilk Dolmans for S18.GO would be cheap at $25. 1 IOO Black and Colored Stockenette Jackets, Trimmed with Astracon, and elaborately braided, " from $8 to $15. Receiving daily an elegant line of HOLIDAY GOODS! JULIUS SAMSON, 11 1 MARKET ST. nov 16- 1884. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar is at once the most brilliant and useful Household Journal m exis'encc. It iii tbe acknowledged arbiter of fashion lh this country. Its fashion plates are the new est aid most stylish; and its pattern sheet supplements ana fCunamic suggest iois alone are worth many times the cost of mbscripliou. Its illustrations ot art needlework arc from tbe best sources Its literary and artistic merits are ot tho highest order. Its stories, poems, and essays are by the Urst American and Kuropean authors. Its choice art pictures would fill portfolio., and its humorous cuts are the most amusing to be found in anyjour nat In America. A host of brilliant novelties are promised tor 1S4 : Harper's Periodicals, Per Year: r nARPEU'3 BAZAR. $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOLNG PEOPLE 1 50 Harper's Sbasklin Square Library, One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no tune is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper a Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth , Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpiid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid cbanee of lose. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper ft Brothers. Address ' HARPER & BROTAERS, nov 23 New York Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. AGENCY FOR N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT r COSE ADY PREPARED PAINT. QALL AND EXAMINE OCR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing The fact that our PalntSt are from tho celebrated Fac tories of WetheriU ft Co., and j Harrison Broa ft Co., ta sufficient xuarantee for their quality and purity. A fine line of Cooking Stoves at Factory Priceo, In addition to our large and full 1 HAEDWARE STOCK, to jQjteb ronr attention la respectfully invited. . - NATHIi JACOBL Cept2 10 South Front at MISCELLANEOUS. 3- 3T. MILLINERY I Our Agent in the Northern Cities is j Bankrupt Sales, every week. We will Dnce?. New Feathers and Flumes nov 21 Baltimore & Wilmington Steamship Line. Steamer RALEIGH, j CAPT. LITl'JLE FIELD, WU1 sail from BALTIMORE, Friday, November 23ra. AND SAIL FROM "wiiiMiisraToisr, Tuesdayj November 27. For Freight Engagements, apply to A. I). CAZATJX, At. J I Wilmington, N. C. ANI16EWS, & CO., Agts., 3. W. Corner Light and German Sts., ov 20- ! Baltimore.' New York & Wilmington Steamship Line. i STEAMEKft WILL. 8 AIL FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY, atSo'c'oek, P. M. BENEFACTOR Saturday, Nov 21 REGULATOR ...Saturday. Dec 1 BENEFACTOR Saturday, Dec 8 REGULATOR. .Saturday, Dpc 15 BESEFAUTOU.., Saturday, Dec 22 ! REGULATOR. Satnnlav. Dp r J J v.. V Thl'Ollirh BUla !l TjirHnr tut Tnut Through Rates guaranteed to and irom Polcts in North aBd South Carolina, i For Freight or Passage apply to THMA K. BOND, superintendent. l"vumingion, i. TilfcO. U. EUER. trCieht Airet. I5roaiway, New York. CLYDft A CO.. General Aarents. i WM. P. nov tl tf New Furniture Warerooms. T NO 0 GRANITE ROW, SO. FRONT feL, I have opened with what r think Is a we! selected stock of Furniture and Bedding. Emliracing many new designs in j Bedroom and Parlor Suits. Our aun sliall be to deal fairly and squarclv with all, and respectfully ask a share of the public patronage. Courteous treatment guar anteed to all who favor me with a call. nov 19 tf THuMAS C. CRAFT. Agent WE HATE IN STOCK THE FINEST AND MOST RELIABLE BRANDS OF Brandies, Whiskeys and , Wines , that can be procured in the State. Their rep. utation for purity and excellence extends throughout North Carolina, and the medical fraterity recommend them very hbrblv. We call vour attention; specially to our CAPE FEAR RYE WHISKEY, STUARTS BYE WHISKEY, MARTELL RYE WHISKEY. ALSO N. C. Pure Corn, Whiskey, Particularly efficacious In all pulmonarv din SES?" 001101,8 anfl COLDS ruTe the day, and annoy tia poor mortal j, try a Uttle CORN WHISKEY AND ROCK CANDY and be cured.' North Carolina Wines, , RED AND WHITE SCUPPERNOSGS I AND CLARETS, i Call around 5nd see us . P. L. BRIDSERS ,& CO. llO North Front St. nov 19 Cape Fear Pilot House j TW-O, 13 SOUTH WATER STREET." ' ' FIRST CLASS -'VZ-? ' - - -OTWVA i L - MISCELLANEOUS. AT- . ' ' ' Jr. .. . -f5a,3r2 EC.1PORIUr.T! sending goods bought at the lar-, give our customers the benefit of th i iust received and manj other things MRS. S. J. BAKEIU 122 Market Street, fresh ARRrylts ATMORE CELEBRATED MCEMTj in Barrels, Half Barrel and p. I PLUM PUDDING I '. ; In all sizes. : These are tbe very best goods of their kiB1t and no family should bo without them. ORANGE MARMALADE.1 a most dcUghtfnl Sweetmeat for the iea tabl To arrive on Tuesday next, a fresh 8npply of Ginger Taffy, Ben's Boston Crackers, f i Genecore Wafers,' ... 1 f . Coffee Cakes, something acw n(j fc . : , . Orange Bar, ( , Almond Maccaroons, . Cocoaont Maccaroons, aad The Genuine Albert Biscuit, 1 1 j . ; la one and two pou xj,,, For alc lov. , John L. Boatwriglu nov 12-tf . .. " Furriiture7 2 O O CHAMBER AND r A" snti "uiu iTXij-'. Biyics ana flrttli: goods at , GREAT BARGAINS FINK BOOK CASES, SIDEJWARD3. SKCKETAB.IK8, WA RDHOLKS, LIB OAKY TABLKS.Ii. Coitapre bles, &c. BcdstcatH,i Mattresseu, Chain, &c at ujg oargams. uailRM me 1'Cfore you buy I. A. ysirni. nov iy .Furuitiure Dealii; , C D. Morrill. JJNDERTAKER, CABINET MAKES AS CARPENTER. Office and Work 8hopwS c nd street, opposite Southerland's stable good work, prompt delivery andsatfsfacUotl ever? respect. Perfect Rusli IOR PARKER & TAYLOITS STOVK . Iet your. minds be easy; more left, still more coming. We are all tired. "Or Dave gruutH. but you'll get what we bcII w uy tne way, nave you se?H our isveera tngGnns1? if not, vou ouarht to. PAUlvKK A TAILOR PURE WHITE OIL. dot 1 E. C. BLAIR, TRODUCE BROKER AND COMMISSI JL .Merchant, No. 10. N. Second St.. WllmiMW. N. c. Solicits consignments of all kinds ( Couutry Produce. Country orders filled at the- lowest mtfto prices lor Flour, MeaL.Grsin and Grocenct A trial Is solicted and satisfaction gow ecu. oovc The Best, I Say II A CAR LOAD OF MOUNTAIN CATfll XV ... . ... THE BEST which bus come to market this year, l for sale at ray Stall TJo. 5, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, andtlfct i a nee of the week. Look at it even If you don't care to Uuy W. J. MOW.. nov 13 i ft till H' Sampson County Beet k OVERS OF GOOD BEEF WOl'l well to call at STALL No. 6, where f 1 found THE FINESTUEEf ever broiTght from Sampson CouV'il purchased from Mr. T. L. Eackley. Fine Mountain Beef I will be on hand tor four week, Tjt. noylt-tf I gko.F.TU Kerchner & Calder Bros TTHOLESALE GROCERS AND CO sion Merchants, offer for sale low: 1000 Bbl3 f"loar' aU ra4e3; 73 'l fined SngarB: 100 Sacks Rio anarfi. p all grades; 100 Hhds Molasses, CnM to Rico ; 6tf Boxes - D 8 Sides 'yt Cases Refined Lard, in TIdb; S.vww Sacks Liv. Salt; 230 Sacts "i'-Pj 500 Bush Prime White Corn; h-p Oatsj Bates Choice Timothy ?aTi;V , Rice eti aw; Cheese, Crackers, tjiv; Lye, Potah, bod a. Starch, nuff. Matches. Candles, Paper Bags, TyM phig Paper, Buckets, Hoop Iron, ,l,et I x jgging ana 'i. les. Lamps an'd Glassvyare o FALL. KINDS FOE SALE RY nov 19 5Iurehl28 r l