THIS PAPER ' pUbiiBbed every ,evenlg, Sundays ex cepted by ' r- v - -JOSH T. JAME8t ' EDITOR AND FB?OPIBTO. I' . SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE "pAIDv '' . year $4.00. Six months. $2.00. Three i rv. f fn mnn M Mint aiontns, - - . - , ne paper will be delivered by carriers free charge, in any part of the city, at the above tea, or 10 cenu f Adveatising rates lorr and HberaL Subscribers will report any and all fall- to receive their paper regularly, y 7e Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper ffliblishcu mine cwy cif vrwrmngum. The Prince of Wales is along in years forty two last week". : A scheme for the conohzation of the Eiyer Iec has been formed in Engs land. . "s I " The mill operatives of - Manchester, S.H., have five millions of dollars in the Savings Banks. ' ,j A letter mailed in San Francisco on the afternoon ot October 10 reached tondon October 24 just fifteen days afterward. The British Cobden Club and its Free Trade allies in this country arc reported to be very active in attempting the de feat of Mr. Randall (or the Speaker ship. It is steadily becoming a fixed idea that the Democrats .must carry New York to win the Presideucy. and that New York cannot be carried un less the Democracy be harmonious. The "old ticket" idea is spreading. The last suggested is Lincoln and Ham lin. It seems that the old man Hanni bal has a son, whom he would! like to try in harness with the son of Abra ham Lincoln. . Col, Paine's ''grip" on this - Brooklyn Bridge has not proved strong senough, and after many humiliating failures, has at lasfrbeen abandoned. The direc tors of the railroad running over the great highway will now try the "Mat thias grip," which, it, is to be hoped will be satisfactory. The attention of the United States government has been formally invited to the International Forestry Exhibi tion to be held at Edinburg during the Summer oi 1884. The exhibition will be open to contributors and is designed to include everything connected with , or illustrative of, the forest products of the world. r -: ;- At a meeting in Indianapolis the other day ot the Travellers' Protective Association, the editor of the Merchant Traveller, speaking for the drummers, 3.aid : "We do not object to paying $3 or $4 peifaay, if we are furnished with accommodations corresponding with the price, but we do object to a $4 rate at a $1 50 house." A suit involving $20,000,000 was commenced in San Francisco Tuesday, the widow and heirs of John Bowie Gray bringing suit against the Quick silver Mining Company, of New jYl uiaden, Cal. The action is based upon the alleged fraudulent administration of the property by Robert J. Walker, formerly secretary of the treasury, who bad been a partner of the deceased. The World considers Mf. Arthur to be one of the luckiest of mortals. He had the luck to be Tice President; luck gave him the Presidency; luck gives him the Federal natronage which is counted on to nominate him for a sec ond term. This luck may fail at the supreme moment; but the World evi dently believes that, in sheer desperas tion, the Republican ticket will be Ar thur and Lincoln. The Charlotte Observer feels author ized to state that of the three candidates for speaker of the next House, Bennett nd Skinner will vote for Carlisle; Dowd, Green and Cox will vote lor Sunset Cox, and Vance and Scales will vote for Randall. York, Liberal so called, from the Seventh district, will probably vote for Carlisle, and O1 Hara, Republican, from the Second district, will support the nominee of the Republican caucus. The Havana Official Gazette has pub lished a royal decree ordering that all doubts concerning the application of any part of the law of gradual abolition of slavery shall always be resolved in a sense of Ibo widest latitude for the liberty of the slave or patrocinado, and that owners of patrocinados, when the latter have acquired their freedom. shall not compel them to pay indemni ties for their children. . ' It is estimated that tho world's stock h locomotives consists of sixty-six thousand; of passenger cars, one hun area ana twenty thousand, and of freight cars, five hundred, thousand. The capital invested in railways, which are in all two hundred thousand miles was. is lour Dimon pounds. The corn y merce of the seas is carried by twelve - tnoasanu steamers and on hundred thousand sailing vessel, whoso tonnage amounts to over twenty million tons. r 4 VOL. VII. W ILMINGTON. N. C; SATURDAY. NOVEMBER The New Orleans Times-Democrat calculates that Northern men, have, within a few years past, invested $400,- 000,000 at the South. , ' 1 -A vessel, which arrived at New Bed ford a day or two ago, brought an eagle which alighted on the masthead when the vessel was 1,500 miles fro'm any land. , - The lighthouse board give notice that on and alter December 15 next a fixed white light.5 of the sixth order, will be exhibited from the old Cape Uatteras beacon, North Carolina. , j , . The report of the Superintendent of .he National Soldiers' Home states that SI. 500,000, are due the institu tion and that more accommodations are needed for the inmates. Every one has a will and, a . mind to think for himself, yet Vnany will go about hacking and courhin: until a friend recommends Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for that cough. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISERS ENTS. Fouhd Gold Ling f W H Greek Cigars ( Julius Samsox Dry Gooio , ( Joux C Davis Attorney, at -Law r Heinsbergkh Pianos and Organs C W Yates Something New Every Day Munds Bros. & DeRosset Fancy Articles n Cronen'berg Instantaneous Photog raphv" , , ', ..I i Day's length just 11 hours. Bt3hop Northrop is to preach in Laur inburg to-morrow. 1 ( Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 47 minutes past 4 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this port to day toot up 799 bales. There is no mistake, St. Jacobs Oil never fails a3 a pain-banisher There were two interments in Oakdale Cemetery this week, both children. 1 There was one interment that of an adult in Bellevue Cemetery this week. , . H . ( New Hanover County Criminal Court will convene at the Court House in this city next Monday, the 26th inst There were but two jnterments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, one of which was an adult, and the other I a child. - , . A fine assortment jf Guns'and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot ' Mr. Alex. T. London, now of South Carolina, is in the city on his j return from a short business trip I to New York. , 1 The Register of Deeds issued five marriage licenses this week three c f which were for white and two lor col ored couples. ' There is unbailable matter in the rostoffico in this city addressed to Mrs. Mary Williams, S. C, and Miss Emma Bardon, G. F. College. . Rev. J. L. M. Curry p. D.. Agent of the Peabody Fund, will preach in the First Baptist Church to-morrow evening at 7;30 o'clock. Mr. James Sprunt. of this city, is now in New York. Rumor, has it that his present visit there is to have an unusually pleasmt termination. , Rev Dr Pritchard returned last night from the Baptist State Convention, and will occupy the pulpit of the First Bap tist Church lo-morrow1 morning. Service to-morrow, at 1 1 a.' m . in the Second Presbyterian - Church twill be conducted by the Rev.1 S. Taylor Mar tin. There will be no services at night. We invite attention to the law card & f Mr. John C. Dans, as it appears in s issue. Mr. Davis ihas opened an office in the Bank of New anover building and will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to his cares. Rev. Frank H. Wood, paster of the Front Street M. E. Church', will preach his last sermon for this Con ference year at that Church to-moriow morning. Rev. William A. Wood, D. Df. Presby terian, of Statesville, will preach at night, at the usual hour. . . Cotton. ( ' The receipts of cotton at this port for tho week ending with to day foot" up 4.9G2 bales, against 8 682 for the corres ponding week of last year J a decrease this week of 3,758 bales r The receipts of the crop year to 'date tottV up 57 02? bales, against CO 420 bales u same date last year, a decrease this year ! of 3 393 bales. - t ' -. -"- " j j : . y ;-j To Builders and otfccTS- Go to J aco bOs lor Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glai s &c , You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices: . - i . - - Personal. i Rev. T. C. Baum, of Philadelphia, a classmate of Rev. F., W. E.4 Peschau, arrived here this morning. .He was pastor of the First English Lutheran Church at Trenton, New Jersey., for a number of years. This Is the first meeting of the two Lutheran pastors since they parted as students - over ten years ago.'. Rev. Mr. Baum will preach in St. - Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Eoglisb, to-morrow at 7 So P. M. -. v -: ''..! . - "The New Jane Eyre' - Miss Charlotto Thorn psorr appeared last night at the Opera flousain Lynch burg. Monday -night she plays in Nor folk,, and , Tuesday 4uightt 27th, will make her rltst appearance in V Jane Eyre," before a Wilmington audience. with a first-class company. AH wbo appreciate histrionic talent should not fail to see this distinguished artiste, who has been so highly endorsed by the press in all the large cities of the coun try. ' ' . . .v . ; j City Court.1 The following cases were disposed of by the Mayor this morning: Stanley Ebron and A bram Telfair, two colored boys, for ' disorderly con duct were fined $2 each, which they paid and were discharged.. , ' W. H. Banks, colored, charged with an assault and battery, was not forth coming when wanted and the case was, continued until Monday next. One case of disorderly conduct, in which we suppress the name, was fined $2. .v, . : y". Four Years of Service. I To-morrow will be the last Sunday in the Conference year of the M. ' E. Church, and it will also be the day upon wliich the Rev. T. Page Ricaud will have completed four consecutive years of pastoral duty at the Fifth Stree1 M E. Church in this city. During those four years of faithful and unremitting service Mr. Ricaud has made a host of earnest friends among our citizens as well as in the church whose welfare has been under his care, and there will be many regrets that, by a rule of thin Church, he will probably be assigned to a.different charge. Wherever he may go, in his sacred mission, he may take with him the gratifying conviction that his labors here as a Christian minister have been appreciated and the; warm loye of his Fifth Street congregation will in voke Heaven's choicest blessings upon his head. The Comet Approaching- The comet discovered by Pons, direc tor in the observatory of Marseilles, July 20, 1812.JS again approaching the sun, and; according to Vsciencc," ! may be expected to be visible to tho naked eye about the first of December, but it is nctlikely to attain a brightness com parable with that Of the conspicuous comets of the last decade unless it sha.l have undergone material change since its last appearance in 1812. It has in creased in brilliancy since October, and will probably reach its maximum by January 12. when it will be as brjght as a star of the third magnitude. An Excursion from Boston. We see, by the' Stews and Observer, that a large excursion party from ; Bos ton is expected to arrive at Raleigh on the 27th inst.. and that extensive prepa rations are being made by the citizens fur its reception. The excursion left Boston on on the 22nd inst., and is composed mainly of capitalists, manu facturers, merchants and practical business men, who visit our State to examine for themsel yes the advantages and inducements we can offer for the investment of their capital in our midst. Onr exhibit at the "Industrial ; Fair' id that city has undoubtedly been ;lhej cause of turning, their attention to our State'and awakening an interest in our productive, wealth producing possibili ties. They win prooaoiy remain in mo J . , " . ... State several . weeks, and wdi visit all of the most prominent points in which undoubtedly Wilmington will be in cluded. Would it not bo well for our city government and 1 prominent busi ness men to takf such steps as will cause these prospeciing visitors to give our city, with Us many advantages for commerce,' trade and manufactures, especial attention? It seems to us that would. There is not, a shadow t oj doubt that lor maoya year to come there will be a continual migration from the North and East to ;the-i South, and it would be wise in our people to take time by th " forelock and secure; onr share of immigrants and their capital, it ill and labor at as early a day. as pos sible. ' " " : - . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Dry Goods. Wo o PfiTO HORSE, FOOT AHD ARTILLERY; " - V 4 V ERA OFXOWfeiRIOES lAJT ' . JTOittSi sAiisoi)! :ililiri a I? t; S ?. ; WHEREFULLr OTOCK OF H-'t'-,s.?;i C?.r ' WWi!tf&m GOODS J ; Are ready for inspection'; which1 for Quality. Quantity, Variety. Style and? i rj sc nioveiuea nas never .oecn ji.xcenea oy ims um ana Kenaoie ury . Goods, House. - Suppose we have an opportunity to . " ' - show that thi . .. Onarch of J.ICA' For the Finest, Richest, Best and Most Fashionable Dress Goods Silks and Yelets, Cloaks and Cloaklngs. best makes of Hosiery, Underwear, ' both Silk and Merino, is at this. Old? and Reliable House - f , in HOT 24 Annual Conference. Ihe North tJarolina Annual Ijonleri,. ence of the M. K. Church South' will ' the 28th inst. The delegates from the i Wilmington District are Messrs. C. C. Lyon! of Bladen; W. M. , Parker, of this city ; A. r. Motlatt, of Columbus, and James Shackelford, ! of TOnsio w. Revs. Frank II. Wood, of the Front Street Church, and T. Page Ricaud, of the Fifth Street Church, together with Capt. W-. M. Parker, the delegate from this city, will leave here for the Con ference on Monday next. 1- Arrived Leaking. The German brig Hermann Fred' ricks.Xs&pL Neijahr, which arrived last night from Liverpool, had a very serious time while off oar coasky. On Saturday last, on the Gulf Stream, she enconn ter ed a heavy galeof wind, and Saturday night she commenced leaking badly which called fall hands to the pumps. Notwithstanding the efforts of the crew the leak continued to, gain upon them and they" had 'about given up in despair when the crew of the pilot booat Uriah Timmons boarded them, on Thursday morning, and assisted them in bringing the vessel into port. The brig leaked at the the rate of about a foot per hour, and to keep her from sinking the crew had been kept contin ually at the pumps more than four days, and they were -completely , ex hansted when relief came. : Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Johu Cf Davis, ATTOBNEY AND . 4 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ""';'" WlLMtKOTOlc", N. C. Office o-er the Bank of New Hanover. r Practices in all the Courts of tvc State. ar Special attention jal 1 to the collection of claims. -nor 24 lm' V.? Found. GOLD RING, WHICH THE OWNER can get by aplylg at this ofllrcprovlng property and paying lor UiU advertisement. -nov24-lt ' . - ; Instantaneous Photography." T THE VanORSDELL GALLERY, II. CRONENBERG, ... s r . , , , Ope aknv nov 24 It , Interesting to Keview Readers. SiJ; lrt mm4-m Moore's Cough LozencesV 1U UtJlltJj Munds Bros. A DeUoaseL OC r-r4-n Our Imported Tooth Brush. ZOOentS Munds Bros. DeRosset. O C n AMa.M Ladles Dressing Comb. OU UBlibD Durable! Cheap! Munds Bros. & DeRosset. rrn Luaobor-'s TetloW's, Fi-e mlj bentS Eitracts? , . .- Manda Bros.' LeRoeset, SSI Splendid Hair Brush, a bargain ) . i MnadsKros, DeRosset- Everythinjr usually earried by the Trade, lUNDS BROS. A DEROSSET, nor 2 4 Druggists. Mark et Street - Furniture. p from $iSio $153 New sfjles'and flnt-elasa goods at $ j . ; . .. 1 ; . OKEAT BAIiGAINS i; FINE BOOK CASES.; 8DEBOARD3. .. SECRETARlES,WABDpBCS, - LlBttAliT tarlks T A " vwko twusKjus. Mat iuHM;.. viuura. tar Dies, c., c . at uig uargstuji cU and see CaU and see me before you bur. D. A. SMITH - noT-J Furuirore Dealer. 24J 1883. : NO. 278 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 111 3 the Hour ! OPERA HOUSE. -, . " n,TTEa r vfnrt-n .'AVr The p'stingnifthed Arliste ni nTTr Ttiniiinpmi t CHARLOTTE THOMPSON ! Supported by the talen Jed young actor . ? Geo. Learock, i In the delightful Comedy Drama, -1 NEW JANE EYRE. Seats on sale at DYER'S, nov 23 St 2J, 2i, 26 Usual prices CIDER ! OWEET CIDER. CAEEFULLY MADE from good fruit and warranted to be pure. ; Amount limited. Call Immediately and leave your orders and your jugs. , 7 i ' K. McDOUGALL, No; 14 Chestnut St, bet Front and Water nov 22 - j j . i . r . . Wilmington, N. U- PIANOS & ORGANS QOLD AT THE LOWEST PRICES EITHER FOK CASH OR ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN. - " v i " Parlies wishing to buy will find it to their interest t&jconsult me before purchasln clae where. . ; . , . Instruments sold are guaranteed to give sat isfactlon, at' HEINSBERGER'S, pov19 Live Book and Music Stores Perfect Kusli E OR PARKER A TAT LOR' 3 STOVES. Let your minds bo easy; more left, and still more coming. . Wo are all tired. onr Dave" grunts, but vou'il cret what w Mil By the way, have yon seen our Breech Load-! iu uuug ji uofc, you ougnt to. AREER A TAYLOR'S. PURE WHITE OIL. nov IS PRODUCE BROKER !aND COMMISSION Merchant. No. 19, N. Second St. Wilmington, N. C Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce, v. -h -, j - - ...... Country orders filled at! th lowest market prices for Flour, Meal, Gr la and Groceries. - A trtalla,golIctcd and satisfaction guaran ced ; y ,-v ,-v4, , ; nov 19 Sportsman-s Goods. HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMRNT f f o z juDgiifih and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brooght to this market. A bio a first e asa steck of Shells, Wartding, Primers.Cart ridge Bags. Gun .Caps, Game Bags, &c. In fact we-can show' aatock of Hardware. Good goooa and guarantee prices. W.Jfi. SPRINGER & CO., Suoceaaors to John Dawson & Co.. nov is . - 19. tt and 23 Market ts eet ManV ThinpCTou Feed, CAN BE FOUND AT THE 5 and 10 rents Store. The article are g9od atd can be bought lor less than one-halfof what von pay elsewhere. Usehold ariicles and Kitchen utensils a specialty. Full snd complete stock of Toys and Christmas Goods at the only . 5 and JLO Cents Store, r - hsecondsi , between Market and Dort sta. . nov 16-tC . . Mrs. Warren's okl stand. ' NEW BRANDS Of UNEXCELLED Stock. A inxnry within reach of all. , Toilet, Soap, a new and elegant hne. I t, v.. ...... : .-. Tooth Brashes. eheapeU and .best, at - WILLIAM H. GREEN'S, ' . U , in Market Street. HOT 10 t..- FLORIDA WATEB,j .. . it LAVkURK WATER, - i ' ; , IfELIOTKOPE WATER. ' WHITE RO-R WATICR i- C A7 E?TA WATRl 1 assortment of Colognes Perfnmery for the season. mr rreertiiuacft eomnnn nljrht at ! F. C MILLER'S. nbrhtat i K. (L iff l.l.KifS ' v ;?"..;.: z nm tr.JLi.t - octST- -, . " Career Fourth and Nan st. Dry Goods. FLSA8S KOT1CS. ' j We will be glad to rooelvS commnnlcatioa Xroxa our trice da on any and all subject general lateral trarO 7.", ,. i : Tta kirn ct tie writer imift always be fa , alahed to the Editor. : . . 'mS Comnronicatlona mnst tie wntten cm on! onostdeof the paper. . r - PersonallUes'mtat be avoided. ' And It la especially and partfcn laxly nndv tood that the Editor does, not always endot " the Tlewa of correspondent nnleM so state in the editorial colnmns. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , Amusement. KNOWLEDGE OF HOW TO USB FIRE arms may be a - - , , , GREAT BENEFIT - . to you soma time. i Come to C. G; CROWELl.'i hootieg Gal lcry and learn how to shoot.1?- - - - .; Practice makes perfect i First class Eiflc'a and '''"'' ' Targets. " 1 Only lOc for 5 Shots, 5c for 3. , lio proprlet-.r wUl be pleased to plve in structions to all who wish to learn without ex-' tra ch'rjre. f'o betlln U for practice nnd amnsenvnt only. Ho. 103 Market St., next to corner of ont t.r Jlrair-rton, N. c. ... ; C. a. CUOWELl . poyl- - PVorktor Before Buying YOUR WINTER C LOT II I Is G ' DO KOT fall to cximinc our FULTiANU ELKUANT.STOCK.1 The fabric Include the choice etyfrft and are made up iM i he best manner, and tho piW .s:. ;"-r a-'- - ' r : .;k are lowi r than the lowest. ' - ' , . - . . , A. & I. SHRIEIt, . "nov 19 Reliable Clothiers, III Market St. Without Doubt J. If. UABDINS 1BUG AND SEED btore, 124 South Front Bt.; New Market ITulil -ing, you can see the most magnificent and at. tractive display of Christmas,. Wedding and Holiday Presents ever brought to this city. They are too numerous to menll n here. All I ask is an Inspection of goods and even tf you are not In need 1 am eaUsiled you will buy. It Is a pleasure for me to show these Kod8- .. J. H. HARDIN, nov 17 ,124 South f ront Sti New Market " The Man rjpo ship your country L produce to is A. W. RIVEN BARK, " 'm North Water fct., I - WIlmlogtonL N. C. .v, v" ixouuver, nov lt TJevv Goods, i J-EW GOODS IN THE LATEST STYLES expected next week. I hope the Ladles will . ... , I come in and see them.' ' i v V,"' KATE C. WINES, ' No. 119, North Second 8 reet. ' nov 19 next south of Postofflce , BUGGIES-BUGGIES. CAtt WAD OF NEW BUGQIE3 ALL styles, stogie and double to suit everybody. Just to hand and for sale cheap at the Bujtat and Harness eetabllVhmcnt of s r, i MCDOUGALL A BOWDEN. noT 19 - ' No. 114 North Front St. . 5 and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FTLLKRS. ' ? . Best in the city, are on sale. hl&gJadia11 W of the J' T' fiCHONWALD'S, . poy 12 DrvS and Precrlpt on Store . Old. North State . Saloon, O South Front Street.. TRY JIOttNE'S CELEBRATED Oysters. Fino Wines, Liquors fiCi'sV and cigars. All of the lcs 1 V Tom and Jerrv (orlglnat from tr V- HvTeht?,7s9no;COl,,,lay'fl ,ItCri J??l't. Something New ' Every Day I gTYLLSU STATIONERY, ; . - r. , "BEAUTIFUL riCTUrES. An elegaut line i Velvet, CHlt and Ebony ricture Fxaes. t Hand painted Good. .. 41... .... : ' eccalecminla Plcturts, ' ; Artist Materials. Jtc, Ac. nov l r. - 119 Market t I UUKSES ! HOUSES ! ! P0R; SALe Tten HOItSES. FIVE OP them guarart to ro,i dray niifmils. Will be sold low.' ; J : . 1 .Alr fcf serosd hand BIGGIES ai,i I CARTS WilllK-wH " Wfln i mwok uu Teuiic on hire, snd hr boarde! and cut'A tor. The Coefct Hearoe U tin itr; "DLLINGSWOUTfl A Wai'kkIC, Livery and fralc .ta'bSoK. ,: " ' : ! ct It -if Cotner Kmirth stwt Mali r "F.r lckei ItTaivei or Tablo Ouiiory to to J acobi Hardware Depol.

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