THIS PAPER.' .'". crery erenlnr. Sundays ex eeptod by v , ' w , JOSH T.JAMES, rWlON3 POSTAGE PAID: 100. Sis month, t'2.00. Three MOO: erne wonwi, com. "-'rwUl be delivered by carrier free VTin say part of the city, at the Aixrre isr?s . VOL. VII. tr re their paper regularly. "jleDaU Review has the largest . . i.. .v.i t.f ami nrtr sooner the 'A CXTVimtw' r J r -i WJud. inVi city of Wilmington. Cardiol McCioskey has requested , . jh wearing of low-necked dresses I! weddings in the New York Calhe - . . i , AW be disconunucu. Tha Galveston (Texas) Arctrs declares ,Vjl bossism m American 1r its force. A few more good drubbings and it will be a thing Repast fm Xtma Dickerson was famished b General Butler with money, to buy JP o a ctq outfit. Tha -old maid and a widow .are said to be pretty thick. -bi - i mlame containing retrarch'fi songs, rintpd in Venice about the end of the 'fifteenth century, was recently sold in London for the earn ot 9.. 53. There ij said to be no copy of the work in th. t country. ... cjovement is on toot in San Fran cisco to establish a line of coal ships to brio coal from Washington Territory. o'i Puget's Sound. California's coal .upfclyat present comes all the way from Australia and England. And so it is Carlisle and the country is safe and the Union is not to be dis solved again this year. We wmld have prefprred some one e'.e. Cox. fn instance but tho lemcratic party ha ail Carlisle and so Carlisle say we. It h positively staled in th' New Y ik World ilmt a subscription i being I us vately ctrculateil to build a theatre i. Xew'Vurk lor Henry Crying, which' h will timnaiie iu oc.ojur ction with li e hCfum in L .nd.n, flaiiug Itemaieiy six months each. 4 Ills gratifiying toi: know ..that; the electl.n of Carlisle . add the defeat f ll.ntal has r.Tbd thu L-initicii i,eMature at Raleigh ff one its m s brillintiL member. But Raleuh'n lo? S is -Wilmington' jiain. CougratulHttiif are in 'order. But it was a cbse shave. The wooden plates now so c tunionl in are an illustration of' the great rewards if successful invention. Seven years ag' the inventor sold his patent iW $50,000. and the present owners are niakttu a hands-'me fortune iroru it. Mow iLan 150.000 piate3 are sold evciy day. Stite8vllle La ad mark. NfiRTir CAROLINA CON FERENCE. TUIUD OAT'S ; PROCEEDINGS. Conference was called to order by Bishon Keener. Rev C W Byrd was oiwtptl rwn inline secretary. Kev 8 D Atlams. P E ot the Raleigh District.' moved the case t Uev Jos II Wheeler bo referred to the coram ittte on Ciinference relations as an applicant for sunerantlatet! le.aticm. It WUS So onleivd hv thu Ctmference. Quetiun 10. What I eal preachers ari elected deacons? M 1) Giles and E A Wilev. ol the Shelby district. Question 14. What local preachers are elected elders? W LC Killiam and Marcus L Kav lor. . Oue.uin 12. What traveling preach ens are elected elders? T A Stone. D L Earnhardt. W I Hull. The names of C G Little and S J McLeod were called, characters passed, andooulinue In the class ot deacons ot oce year. Question 1. Who are : diuiued on trial? BC Aired, of HUlsboro district. JABdwlesand R P Troy of the Greensboro district, J E Underwood. JE Oasley and J M Afchby from Salisbury, D H TuttleandC C Brother from Statesvtlle district. Betton ' John. F. M, Sharuburger 'and M N Smith from Fay etteville district. . Rev L V Crawford presented a pa-;-?r trom the Greensboro Female Col lege Association, aaking that a visiting eoojojittee be appointed lor Greensboro Female College. Referred to the board of education. The hour for the special service of toe missionary J day having arnvea. Bishop Keener announced its purpose aod introduced Dr. Kelly, the treasur er ot the eeneral missionary board. Dr. Kelly conducted the services of me hour, inquiring into metnoasoi raising the missionary assessments; calling for information as to the.prac tical difficulties in the way ot raisins .the missionary assessments. The lay delegates gave the desired information stat'eg the difficulties to be lack ot re lifciun. lftotr nt Information and svstem. ck of profound convictions on the part ot the preachers, opposition on part of some olden time people, some think Ing that too grtat stress . is put upon fopeign raiMi0ni s.nd two little uoon the home toiesion woik; sometimes uere is an over-assessment. iJr Kelly a&ked how many had preat bed new sermons on missions dnr ing the year. Answered 3J. lie in sisted that thev Dreach more on thl Question as thav nm the irreat nowei" in the Chnrr.h fnr-xwimnliihinir it work. restated that instead ot costinz 90 QU to get a dollar to missionary fields there wat n. nrom nm iMtiil on iTorianif ithat covered the cot of collection and tiandlmg abi.nt i hree times. H show ed conclusively by flgorrs and facta that tU fersign, mixsiosaTj eplrit had do&o r H ... A more in the last 83 yoar for extending power ot Christ thnn in the proceed ing 1800 years by the homo missionary idea. That it was necessary ito cu- vince the questioner that giving was an essential part of religion that saves. That the child of God helps the man whom he does not know, which is the distinction between him and the clever gentleman who helps those at home and in aijrhf oi him. 1 here must be person- al sacrifice in uivini: jast as in believ- ing. Ir tho gospel be preaehel. giving information so that the people snaii arise nnu- say: uero is uiws share." When there humor tor foreign work there will be the humor lor home work. He'reqnea'ecl'ot the preachers shall arise and- say; ,liero' is Uod s . M.rm that two resolutions be bassed by the as Conference: that the missionary collec- tions, so far as it is practicable be in the hands ol the missionary treasurer before May 1684; and that we reach every member. f ! Dr. Kelly then save way to Bishop Keener lie desirei to impress uoon the preachers that they should not give ?.i5".iS.ta2S?.Sj;, 'Sj'SSLiSl' afy anniversary of the Conference ses sum. Bishop Keener calletl upon Bishop Hargrove, who thoujfhc thattheneed ot the people wa- a missionary conscience., and as Dr. Kelly had basei hU remarks upon Paul's teaching in 2nd Cortn-hi ans. ne wouwi oase nis upon uinrisi- explanation ! me aw, -ijovh m niCQhor as tny-eii ' 1 n coiioimsim if iv fun hva tli!r. Iovp of t he, riyht sort I will do .n ti tho n H;ketb.k Tlie resolutions reiuesb d b Dr. Kel ly were uassed by th- Conference Itev W. II. Miiburn. D D. "The B.ind Man Klqueut," was introduced tn iliH Cnterenee. 1 1 The I'ng Mei re D xo!.jy was snne and C Viiferfiiec Hfh"Uri el with beuc ilidion by Bishop Hararie. A Ut'arty! Velcm. The Californi t pippr-. a also thos f Australia and S uih America. ae ull "f xi)rrsins of Vnthii-instir praise in favr oi St. Jacobs Oil as n LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO XW ADYESTISSMEKTS. vr h urbbi- ig.irs No M;re Ky- GJaasea AlioreCou tirit'S Cap in- Put is Piaster Ueaene o Cunt1 . JoIlK B LOKX Us OTJ I canvaepr Wanttd Hall Koot I Cure r iU 1 MKiNSHSROBR C IC 5k B.OtS I J : HARDfN Without i ombt - 1 Ail -iiaifcit Corglde'" V'eil G W Cauleton & i o Taierei C W t atks Artists' Mitcltll DrtAmoccsi- on.ujnptJon I'peka Horse Tlieoioro Thomas Tavlob's Bazaar- Avoid ihe Hush GlLGS MURCHISOX Harder re, &C MCDOUGALL & KOWDKN BujgiC Paukkk & Tavloe If Kot, Why, So ? 1 1j I'kido tws & co--trar Pride Fl mr Knights of Hoxoa Kegular Meeting , J. T CH)NWALD-' a id 1 Centa Chrars W E pitiyoEK A Co 'portanvtn' Goods MCSD8 UROS & DeRosset Fancy Goods II earn E & Co MubIc without a Teacher . ' . . . I E G BLAIR General comraiifiion Jiercaani For other lcuis see tourth page. r: The receipts c,f cotton at this port to- The Board of Alderman mot tl is evening in regular monthly st j a on. 1 . . , The different cemeteries were visited bv a lar 'e number of people yesterday, J " - . There are quiio a number of Northern people in the city, some of whom aie Christmas pou'try is coming into market quite freely, and Christmas prices are being asked for the same. The Superior Court of New Hanover county, His Honor Judge Phillips pre- si3ing. convened at the Court House in this. city this morning. Three weeks trom "to-day will be Christmas Eve, when the average small boy will te happy tooting bis tin born and brinff cracKers. 1 Six tram os were brougnt oeiore iub Mayor this morryng they having ap plied for lodging on Sunday night. Four of the crowd were whites and two were colored. They claimed to be seeking employment, and were given the usual timA ta find work -vje nn i-o 1 AWa. city. ' At the conclusion of the service at the T".--t P.nitct Phnrph VPfitWdaV IDOm- r list, u.ih '"" . - .. Imr. contributions were called for . wiw which to purchase a new and elegant chandelier for the building, and more than $325 were subscribed in a few mo ments. : . . The Charlotte Observer seems to think that a large party of Charlottese will visit our city on Thursday next to attend ihe Theodore Thomas . concert. Col. Jones, of the Carolina Central, has placed round trip ticKeta on sale at $1 and this very cheap excursion rate will probably be taken advantage of by a goodly number. v - Knigrhtai of lionqr. Carolina Lodze No. 431. T Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Fall ftlteauasw uestreu. '. WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY. DECEMBER 3; Unfortunate Accident. Mrs. Mary Carver, a dress maker, who resides at the corner of Market and Eighth streets, started, at about noon yesterday, to descend the stairs from the second floor, when she was sudden ly Attacked with dizziness and fell from the top to the bottom, causing a dislo ,fi f tha riht sknn!.lar haiitH n . . , . wvere cut ovcr her b cominjr. m contact with a door facing. A ? physi- Cian was promptly in auenaance renderci tne ecssary surgical. n o. . oo i-TLm tance. and she is as comfortable cian was promptly m attendance who asif. II" 71 1111 HUM IX 7 I'JIIIIIIII I.7. 1 ftilT IIIVl V could be expected r..,t HOtauuae. - o, my young friend, it is no sign thftl a jg a du(,e because hg dresses .... j j i . i fashionably, A dude, as. we understand the term, is an idler who is of no earthly use to anybody but his tailor, -while ortto young men in ibis city who wear tho best clothes, made in the most iasuionM w miner, are muunrumf, hard working and energetic in their . . T.aro ttAt -iniA in th business There is a dude in the city, and there is no mace open here for one ot the1 ilk to flourish-and bead- j 1 1 1 If . 1 4 ? mire(j. So mote it be ! Fires in Novinher. . i The fire alarm was sounded during tjUi month ended November 30th, aw f dlnws: Nov 8 h. 1:15 p. m O welling hnio on Bladen street J Damage slight. The ft tines were extinguished by citi zen and the engines were not called I I X v. 1311. 10 a m.D -veiling house ii Fifth street, near II in ver. Da. naze liichi. I? lames extinguished by cm en. Nv. I7ih. 12:15 p m. Roof r.f a lA-elling hiuisetiM Sixth street,' next t he corner of Brtuivick. Damage l"uht mostly by water. Nov. xSSth. 5:30 p ni. Dwelling houve on the South side nt Maikrt -treet. between Seventh and E ghth D image slight ' N'ov. 2li. li:45 d. ni.-r Alarm with utcaue from St. John".. Church. The Tliomiw Concert. I. The sale of reserved seats for the Th. mi as Concert will begin at Dyers at 8 o'clock to morrow morninic, Ar- rinements have been made to run excursion trains from Wilson, Go'd- b ro and other points, for the occasion, and many orders have " been received from those points already for tickets In speaking of this troupe of eminent musicians, the Washington' Awl says: An audience that filled every seat in the house, and which contained many ot the best known people in Washing. ton lifficial lite and in society assemble! f'...A..ln liall last ntirhr to p.nmV the :k - - L.T i- iustruumental concert given by Mr. Theodore Thomas' splendid orchestra. Mr. Thomas and his present array of Guie(j exi cutautsseem to have attained a dcureeof jierlection even greater tnan .ui.inh hn f. r vpara rlisLinuisihed ,ne orchestras which have become f imous under this name. The wonder I tul smoothness ana uawiess uaruiouj n .ticeable in the performance bears t stimony of the great ability of the leader as an organizer, no less than as au artist. ..Mafl rPrafrp lif is 33 vi ars." Df. Bull s Cough hsyrup will alwayslive. NEW :ADVBttTlSISMISXTa. 5 Rlld 10 CGIltS ClgarS, HAVANA FILLERS. , . ltest in the city, are on sale. Druzs and Medicinal preparations of the b!seBtsrsdeatjsi.T;RCHiSW a ti . nec BUGGIES BUGGIES ' I a CAB LOAD Or BW . fiuuuw-ai stj lea, slrude and double to suit everybody Just to hand and for sale cheap at the Bum Haraegs establishment of mcDOUQALL BOWDEN, E tltl aB Consider Well. ' v A M . N rITo woBSS FOR A W a v - .1.- inf mov. the ones- : ' " tionot dollars arlaes when he thinks of bay- log his Clothing, It Is for him to eonsdaer where he can do the best for the least money. It Is for this reason . A. & I. SHRIER Invite the closest barer to come and examine for hlmsolf and he will find Ouit 4 . tpelr goods are Unquestionably First-Class and ihMthVSr prfitM'lat.55 pi r, cent, cheaper than theor rlral houses. m , A. &; L SHKIER. 'ere JJ J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand festival CoScdft ! Thufsdiy, Dec7'6Ehri883r AT TUB ; WlbMiSGTOJf, N. C - . v ; -v0 Engagement of the World Ben.owne i Sldelcal :: ; Condactoi ' r;;-, r. THEODORE . THOMAS.! - . - . 1 .r.:-1; iHl rt , .And his famous Orchstr,vct. . I , 60 SoloArtistsrr 60 THE GRANDEST UCSIUAL FES .- . . r y TIVAL EVER GIVMN IN THE ' O-sTATE OFNORTII C A RO LIN k Prlwi of Adm'Mon Pdranette."nrejs Clr cl" uu't Bat'onyp $3 - Keaerved eats itwoui exir ch rge. . . - ( , .tneral dmi-lon $1. and "$l SO Gallf ry S o-irs. Itos Offlcrt fr tht-saloofVeitaoetia Tuesday, . m ti s ora jwI.;ouu Ler -oii, Tiio -a and liaberdasUrj-- . , " "' fa k b' bVfe-'.b.''',.- b b b b. b' bi b: b b b b b b b b b"b AVOID THE HU3I ! WE WOULD ADVISE TilE PUl'.Lt : IN GESEK1.L TO COMB AND PDE- CHASE THEIS M - HOLIDAY GOODS ! and avoid the rush. Ludi33 and gentle- x men will dnd l to their intere st to tetcct from onrimnaBBe tt ck, as it contains all ' The Latest Novelties : 1 In TOTS HOLIDAY AND FANCY GJOD3, at prices which will con- vince ev. rybody who calls to be the Cheapest and most reUable In town. . I TAYLOB'S BAZAAR, 113 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. P. 8. Ail good s purchased, no will be re liven d In excellent condition when required. dec 3 . - , , . . . OUItFlllDE FLOUR STILL nULES THE DAY. 'It la undeniably tie BEST FLOUB IN WIL MINGTON, and this truth U b'aown la our I LARGE AND INCREASING SALES. , PICKLED 8ALMON, PICKLED PIG3 FEET, SOUSED TBIPF, MACKEREL bi e-cry Desirable Package. o "' SUGAR CURED HiM3, ' BREAKFAST STB IPS. j I SUGAR CURECf JjIOULPERS. -V ). .' c ' Everything to please the eye and tempt the .palate. . ...... . , ... . . We aslc vett to come and see us.-- L. BRID&ERS: VC0O. P. HO North rTont t.. dec S 'ArtiatsMaterial.- o IL AND WATKtt COLORS; JSBttJnES.T Porcelain SAdTIoliyirbod Placined Pal . v IXjaiOfl-VIc OrnayDl tot ilk liBd JFiTl a " A"e- ftne assortai ' ot tEjAXT Sa3is In abonjC Velvet nd OUt " " , 1. - urn -d aUracuve t-took ot JLVENE BOOK POKaJTUcK'KlF -TalJKD A TOtitta in ects, pamiwuirty u uh,iiuw bla toe PWM---;-,, .V..VP: U E T. th l-irgn' sMd flaasafa.k irCIfllH dcl miiuUtet 1883, 285 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1 JLw Otnmit go tt.;f Ma'leil oa re-lpt of cc ts In t taips. Box 1.4S7, X. liCC 4-4 W f rTCTf1 wiTfforr a teacher i tU.U OJLU SoPtK'S lXSTAXTAKOUGUIlE to Keys of ani injrjin. Tilee . wilt t acu any i-emn u iay m infce oi nu wl'i In one 1ar. Voa coukla't le.rn It lrO'O tea".hr .n a montn for jg-JO., - Try it an J 1 e cob incel. ampt cojr win be ci-ilc 1 'O uny arhlrvss oa reedrt of "35 cent a. In efctnip V HE USfc & Jo., FubUbhcrs, f. U. "-ox t,S?. New York. uj :nov5 4w Good Canvassers Wanted.I We olTsr Tare l 'dactmenU to jrood agt ts. RTeryrvi dcro'.thls paper who ties res PAR MASkKT wnr t AJul .UAEGB PAY. illl , a FIXE r EE Gl6 WATCH prCnttl freaiTfthouni end at once for our lrjsff buadle of partlrr. lars.- , lirceuuplv of MraplesBcnt ftve. 1 dress jWASfll Sis, MA.NUFAU1 URING CO , haTlotre, Midi - j ' dec 3.w sjgyLi bin u u uvuuo I hr.Te a positira remedy for the bo d iseass ; by it na thoas-inda oi cAe of th worst kind and of long Etar tbts d'sea a. f any nfferr. . Give 3resB end P.O. T. A.8UCUkI,l&lP6Iit-owYariu address. X. H i V k Gr te s Grtoc,'?3.To; Mae ISIO rV ulay'a -K. glaadi . $1 Cr i een'8 Fnse land, fl. 7a ; chiller's Thlr.'y lews' war, Wsi K-TCtsy't Fifteen i ectlvc Battles, iOcrCariyle's Irench Rsvolulioa 8 ic; Green. schillerr Creasy, aud Carlyle in one. $1 JKenrlsJi'S-AcUrut rgy Si: Kolln'g -vmient liiatoiv. $i.0; .iItion tome, $ 70J Hume EnKnd. tSTS; Frot Riirfd hniiic'er. .' . '5 Uaelojnt 5oo 000 rol- ' free.. oriN,lt. A.t UfciN, Pttt'lur, P O,. vUl7. .,,18 Vtsey street , iNew to, de5 6 4W u u Whan I urHT lltinit inkia tTlftmlY to BtoD thSXIl for a time and then hve t he.n return aiTin, Imen a LKPSy OA FALL1XQ SICKNESS alife4ons study, FwMT&nttnv remedy to core the worst ease. Because Atw. Vi.wa failed i. nora.nAB tciT rint. Tinw rrivinc a core.- Sendatoncefor aTreatlseaadaFrBfttlof my infallible remedy. Giro Express and Postoffioe. It costs ym outrun sr mr a rrti, ana & mu pare yoo. ' Address Da. U. G. ROOT, 183 Pearl St., NewYoxk. TUB PWI-B4,PR0FESSI0ijAt 1 II fi II CO THIEVES t&d ti. DETECTIVE' nab-ger.tbnapfndl r two terms. It sellalike wild -1; cs-, flft rrOTr. nil ftnin tiJ.ll OCTT'.r . r-a -y n r H Til i i i ill' m i vruu. m. i m. -v.... A 1 " aYe r(freyirri O'VrAL A r-'T run BPTe MTFA i "vT - V- i Q."V. O' - b.TON & CO Publishers. Kaw York tirsonnr rtniiMTV pniT r. miuinr Ciiiiiiii i unii MmM& IC'hN MILLs ANUMlLLblUKto. (axiiSTZEsi. - DES 46 in unciiunLu MEAL BEST RCSTH CAROtlMA fcr.USTCHr S Oranch Office, Ch-rionrC1 ' CSMNTION THIS PAPEt NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No Weak 3Iore Eyes. MITC HELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain! Safo and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED ; EYES. Producing Long-ia:btciino33, anl He storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear lrop,GramlAtlon. Stye Turners, UeJ E es, MattH Eve i-aaties. and Pro- f ducing Quick Kclief and Perma- ' - nent Cure. Also, equally efaca-lans when used in other mil.-vlles. 6ucn as Ulcers, revcr or-res, iu m ra, salt Uheura. Bur Pi'ca, or wherever lnft.immatlon exists, Mrrcua.ii a al.v r may lie used to a Ivantajre. - . Poid by all Ini2clta at 2Tc. dec S4 AVhen Wfnter Comen. Winter romea with" coughs and rolis, srnl ocd-oii a uaiwrne roru iriaticra come cure tdcra. use. c u-w . If Not, Why Not ?. IV YOU UaVEN'T GOT A GOOD COOK S ove Why n t tret one of oui Al low ttel 'ui;l'e s.rvesi", 'l-nri-ntr r .-os.thern Ofc," irfe '.i in ll rhfl.r prrngemf.U? - If vou h vnt n giml Heater vrhy tmt jret e of th..8e bCiiulies poid by tif? Indeed, if jou arc not lixod up 81 rbjht for Chriitmn, oair down to ' ' ' 7 . ; PK fuue wrrtTE otr P KEEK A -TAT IAJ -. . 0 "XTEW .STYLES, - " "; i : ' " ! " .' - on the ihnkof New TTan Vr and the Flrt Nntl n l Buak.jieatlv llthfraphed and jynnt ed in folios, mth extra-la sjettubs - t very Curkis irfo-ated. -Bound lo; and .03 In bovk. For sale at - , . , nELNBEBC?ER;3. IROM THE TALLEST POCKET SIZE to the largest-Cap flze tor onlce nee. Fors le at ; J JTEINSBERGER'S dec 3 , Lire Book and Miude Stpres ci-i. - n W-EllArE THE. FVEST ASSORTMENT t EnjcJUh ao't Be1ztim breach -Loaders erer brosrnT U -this maaaet. Alao a-Orst c ass s jck of -ncii. a -runer,vrx- tl iire Bei. iun cap. Gme Bas-. & In 4fnet we can stHnr tto; or uaraware. od. cup oa ana KuaranKB ua-. . . W. K. PtONGERuft CO., ucceasoM.t 3r.jhpifctwon A'Cor, " ef 3 l--and Mer'Ueet : .Er:GrBL Al R, i TRODUCE ROKEfl ANp OJIMUSSION - j i- M.'rehaar Nov l3.jr?crod t wilmlagrton. tcLntc nava been tnraa.xnaeetpowroajrisiny n in its efficacy, that I vfil mdtfwO OTTLKS Vl'K.rT nrithrvitll fk. VAlJJAUlJll 1 A llOHi OU :Ja.'V,V:r.llir.a nett eau8lrtme.U of all kind of Cu'wr1 rir filei at the lowesv market V'ric orlViour.L Gr To nd"ti ote ?A uUl is soiicted and -sailiUcOoa yiro- - - FJL2A2S KUTiCJL. ( ... . . - . , . We wG3 bo ;huJ to receive cceaauuilcattoa from cxnr friends oa any and all cab'ocia genml la teral but a ?rkonaiaeol tha writer meat always be fa akhed to tha Editor. i , CofflffltroVationa tttat be writtea ca cat one aide of the paper. " :;: Personalities must be avoided.? J And It la especially and particularly mad ; Hood that the Editor docs not always eadox the views of correspondent nnleas so state n the editorial columns. NEW ADATSRTISKSrENTS. Without Doubt; j 4T J. IL UAUDiN'S VHVQ AND 9EED -. nore, 1?4 South Front 5tv'ew Market Balui- ng, yon can see the most xaagtllrent and at- ractire display" of Christmas. TTeddlnj and Uo'Llay Presents erer brouaht to thU city., . they are too numerous to mentl m here. JtH, ask . Is an iflspcettwr ofgodds' and 'evea JC you are. not In so d I am sallafied you will buy. It .1 arjp!eauro for me to how these goods: -c : ; . j;n. uaedin, : . dec 8' -lH" Sooth Vront Bt, -New Market -1 - - . - - I .... GREENVILLE -SjOUND. i I WILTj SELli AT A BAHQAIN ONE of tho ' ... I i a Oesirable Sumilter Places; 011 tho At Untie coast, situated on GieenTUle ; . . .... -.., . ' ...... . .-j .. . - f . .""" J Sound, Ct miles -from Wilmington, .oa (hell i SosX -The Imd ls in a UIQIi CTAT& QP CULTIVATION anH will stmooirtw ordlnsrr sUedfairl y On che d e are Pears, reach-. c8, Apies, l nerries. rics and Graue i vRUM'ANCE. nvsters. Mi , (rbi aad hnmp to b.i had At.thodoora venr dT. nov25 la3m m WM. A. CUUMlNU J a m e s A . L,o vv r ey f Wf U EE UIV RIG UT, BL ACEMlTli AND t.ncral Repairer ol Carriages and .Vehicle. r Vork of all Kinds attended to I heat 2lay . Tbauking my friends for favor exter ded fo me in the rast, 1 sjlfclt their kind favors and th tr patronage in future. After an expert an c o' forty.four years as a Merhanlo uwler' apt W. li Hobtdtt, of Warreidon. and l i , v 1 ninxton, I am n w ireiied to D4nci the work in al its bran h s In agoudad rork ojhnlike mannr r ' " ' ' ' ' P1mc f lu InecA, on i'li'tco-m llwei' -U' i tiT.t 4 etrte a , j or 20 oaw-t- " A U C T I O At S A U E. BY AND TJSDCR DIRECTION OF i j I J. I. MAOZS, rAssigneei -' -"4-; j FOR SALE FOR CASH I ." " - - The well assorted etoek of ; , Boots and Shoes ' ... t ... - . , - ; tojctLcrwlth tha s Furniture and -Fixtures I Con'olned In tho storo No.113 Market Street, Commencing on Taesday, Dec. 11th, 1833i and to continue until the en' Ire stock Is soTd. . ' . , ., -.: V As. VawAMEINGE, Auctr. nov sort i m i unii MMaaaaMawMawawaejejeeaaeBi Sluiids Bros. &D6Uo$set, DEALERS IN DRUG3 & FANCY GOODS, . Market and 8cond Streets. . jrRCENX ARRIVALS ENABLE CS TO wlfvir a ra t beintiftd line cf F.tncv Gools. Our Go di irs at Urtijcnt ui Ne r ork by our AKcnt, Ktten fr m impirrerit and Mmn taoiurvr au-l jre wl kt my eLewh:re 4fforcd -la Vnt citv. a decided .nlucen. nt to p rons - isln;; o mke g o; -- ? . . , Dnr ' lne. UrnU a n-ry elegant oO, Is not to n-oe. aul we o :d.b) pltat to have our c.l nv x uiake selections c, to be d tivcral h hen wanted, i,.- ;t - Art cks KUitable. fo- cbll Irf n, tanking from 3c n- to t are very. pleaieg. - - .'.i. POV 28 .a.-. --;-- t . . .. . . impurtatit -Arrival AT; OLD NO KT1L STATE 84LOOV, No,6 nouin rrooi ,rt or va,, uuutjuh - - - - . WHISKEY; (donblo Sfamp four years 'old. Try It. Good liquors. Wines. Clears,' Jbo 1 I6TI1K1 0 JO V - - - PotSI Oi gars I : C jg a cc-r JEW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED gtock. A lojcury withm reach or all. i ; Toilet Soap; a new and elegant line. '-'' Tooth Brashes cheapest arid best," at - V ?. v .: '.f-r r-rs.-.H.v -v -WILLIAM IL GREEN'S. a hot 16 117 Martef 8tw FLU KID A WATEK,.;,,, VIOLfcT- WATETLr ' ' r WIUTE RO-E WATECT M.,f; . .CAZEN A -VCATEK. Alsa ft complete assort mrnt of Colornes and Perf amerr for the 'season. - m - "Preocrtu uonsv conaponwnea -.cay ana mxnt ax . f- If t- . iev 4ft (knuu Drcjrriat. octST-, - X!nir fourth r- V'i eta. SEND YOUR ORDER TO ' T c Vt. E. DAVIS fcON. , Proprietors of iao2Jy reruUr esUILihed