THIS PAPER 6Tcry evcnliMf. Sundayt ox cepted by . : ' JOSH T. J ABIES, KDITOS AKD FBOPKIETO CBIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: si.00. six 'mouths, I fZW. Three P8 ' ti.00 : One month, S5 cent. erwUl be delivered by carriers free Pap; ,mrt of the cltv. at the above "timing rates low and liberal. - ; Sob&crlbcra will report any and all fall 0 receive their parr regularly, v ' -Tfhe Daily Review has the largest . Me arcuuHUm, vj any newspaper ytidjVrf -Of Wilmington. JSk CprincTof Wales'; has grown so jjjfthat Sbe can uear wuij iuu iuuucsi 1U6" - ! of the steamers troru New Torkscll round trip tickets to Liver , f- i no. which ia nrettv cheaD for T . KaAlr He population of the German; Em last year was reduced -20,154 souls, stead of an expected increase of 750, ,), This indicates how seriously enii- ., nnnn tha nnntikHon nf Utiotl 18 teuiug - ' ' , lermany. The President's message was read in Congress yesierujiy. Higthy document nor is it a very aoie verv interesting one, but it has one pnaine merit, the subjects it treats 01 re presented in the lewest possioie cords and as clearly as tne space wmuu h,, been availed of will permit. The message opens with the usual congrat ulations on another year of peace and urosperty. Notice 'ra taken of the near ennination of the nsbery treaty witn Great Britain and the necessity which exist of protection for that industry; of the pauper immigration to these tores and advising that a check be put IpOQ 11, SiatrS ujiu. uicasiuca o ituuc i L. v t ..1 am o n a 11 n rf (onsiueraiiou iur u icpeai ui mc iwuit 1 r Affkn vaqUia ion on our trade with Porto Rico and 1 1. .- f ,.4 tae necessity wuicu evisia iui D2 ourselves against the discrimina lions mane againsi us iu urasii; iieaw i ? r : ( . . thf necessity for close relai. lions Witn aiexico aim iuu iuslci . -m r 1 il. C n Dr of the most peaceful relations with that country and with be other States and powers of Central America ; refers to the question of ter urinating or modifying the present reaty with Hawaii ; to our relations with Persia. Siani. Corea and China ml aludes to a philanthrophic move ment now being- made on the Eastern coast of Africa which should receive the sanction and protecion of this coun try. h The reports of the heads of the vari ous departments are briefly alluded to. The total receipts, actual and estima ted, for the present fiscal year arc $313,000,000 ; total expendidtures, actu al and estimated, $259,000,000; estirua ted amount due the sinking futod,' 1 $13,816,741.07: leaving a balanec of $39, 183,258.93. If the revenues for the fiscal year which will end on June 30, 1335, be estimated upon the basis of ex istins laws, the Secretary is of the opinion that for that year the receipts will exceed by $60,000,000 the ordinary expenditures, including the amount de voted to the sinking fund.. The Presi dent recommends that a large portion ol the surplus revenues be applied . to coast defences. In regard to the Nation al Banks it is recommended that they be allowed to issue notes to the amount of 90 per cen of the market value of their deposited bonds. The militia question is again relerrcd to and urged, and the rccoru niendation of the Secretary of the Navy as to an inter-coast line of waterways is endorsed . The reconstruction of the navy is urged, as is also a civil service government for Alaska; the inter-State railroad question is touched upon,lightly and obscurely; the Congress is urged to pass a law by .which the President can approve an appropriation bill in part as'he may elect and i the paper winds up with a left-handed recom men d&tion ;that another, unconstitutional civil rights bill be passed by Congress. THE MAXL.S.;j ITaaaiAllfl cna unrl Arrive . at ' th Gift Poa office as foUows : CLOS&' Northern through malls, fail... ...7.00 P. M. Northern through and wiy mails.... 8.00 A. M. ...,e.l5P. M. and 8.00 A. M. for the N. C. Railroad . and routes supplied therefrom lnclud- , Ing A. 4 N. c, Railroad at fouthern lUUs for all points South. 6.15 A. m. ana 8,00 p. m. estera m&iU (C. C. Railway) dally, (excent Snnd&v) fl 1 S P r All points between Hamlet and Ral- 6.15 P.M. CtaUI or Cher&w &ndDartmffton RaU- 6.1ft A. M, and 8.00 P. M. lor points between Florence Charleston.-.. -CIS A. M. and ft.noi. w rawttevme aud offices on Cape Fear " eje3yB,nd Friday- 1-00 P. M. ayetteyllle, via Lumberton, dally; : Ilinslow C. II. and Intermediate offl- 1 II f.Taeadays andFriday..........6.oa A. at; OofiuthTUle malls, by steamboat. daUy J - or Juisv Hill- Town v IShalioOeand Little River, Tues- uy,ft.v.---vv-,6.00A.M. M HS""VI1M5, UUT ............80 A. M . 1 , ADIU tVIB fwr w . . - uvftr vV,, gn waymalla.:.7.SOA.lT contnern Malls. 7 a a i eTOnna Central RnllT-nnr! - o nn T MallS Collected from atrmtt hnno Vnolluu. Pfirgon of city at 5 A. M..U.3Q A,M. f v other points: 04 Uie city t a itamp OALm otwn tmm 7 a M bip nr $?ieZ order aiul Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5.30 P. Mfc 4 T ueaeru aeuvery opan from ,7 A.M. 108 P.M. and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.20 A. M. " carriers' dellTerv own on Hirndav fmm ou to 3.30 A, M. - ..rvr- r I VOL. VII. W LMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVE8TISEMEITS. W II Greek Cigars K McDOUGALL Apples C W Tates Artists' Materials Beatt v 'a Organs on third page. II EIX8BKRGEK Almanacs for 1884 See ad Brandreth's Pills on third p ige Mitnds Bros. & DeBosset Fancy Goods Julius Samson Something Entirely Xew . : Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi.'s - t ... . The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,071 bale3. The steamship Regulator, Capt. Tri- bon , from New York, arrived at hei wharf in this city this forenoon. Mr. Charles II. Holman. of the Rox- burv Advocate, Boston, Mass., is In the city and registered at the Purcell House. The Theodore Thomas Orchestra perform in Charleston, S. C , to night, and will arrive here at 8:23 o'clock to morrow morning A drove of hogs, some thirty-five or forty in number, passed up Market street this morning. It'is a verv un usual sight here as hog meat generally comes in dressed. Col. John L. Cantwell and Ma j. Jag. Reilly will leave here to-morrow morn ing to attend the re-union of Mexican Veterans in session at Washington, D. C. Mr. C. A. Davis, business manager of the Madison Square Theatre Rajah Company, whicbJs to appear here on the 13th msf ., is In the city and gave us the pleasure of a call to-day. Mr. James P. Flemming, Vice-Pres ident oi thePittsbnrgtfc Western Penn sylvania Historical Society, is in the city and registered at the Purcell House. He gave as the pleasure of a visit this morning The people up in New England do not have all the fun, for we read that a driving snowstorm is prevailing along that bleak and rugged coast. while here the atmosphere is soft and balmy as need be. barn Larkms, a colorod boy who seems bound to go to the bad, was be fore the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct. A fine' of $5 was imposed, in default of which he was sent below for 20 days. Superior Court. This tribunal, His Honor Judge PhillipsXpresiding, has been in aession ever since Monday and the attention of the Court has been engaged during the intervening time in the hearing of the case of F. J. Swann vs. L. A. Hart and J. C. Bailey, which is not yet conclud ed. There are four; cases in which F. J. Swann is plaintiff and their bearing will probably occupy the entire week, which will cause a good many of the other cases on' the docket to bo continued. Messrs. Marsden .Bellamy. M.Q. Waddell, D. J. Devane and Russell & Ricand appear for. the plaintiff, and Hon. George Davis, Mr. Junius Davis and Messrs. McRae and Strange appear for the defendants. Conference Appointments. We are indebted to a friend who re ceived a private telegram from States- ville! for the following appointments madeforthe ensuing Conference year by the North Carolina Annual Confer ence of the Methodist Church South, at its session which has just closed. ' Wilmington District, W. II. BobbitL D. P., Presiding Elder. Wilmington, Front Street Church," E. A. Yates, D. D. Wilmington, Fifth Street Church, W.; J. Hull. Fayetteville, F. H.-Wood. Washington, T. Page Ricaud. Ply moh, F. A. Bishop. On their Travels. An old man by the name of Moore, accompanied by a little girl of 8 or 10 years of age, arrived in the city to day in a covered wagon, drawn by quite a decent-looking horse and followed .by several dogs. The man stated that they were from Mattapoisett, near New Bedford, Mass., which they left during the first week in June, and were bound for Florida, where they propose to, set tle. They had all their cooking uten ails.with them and; most of the. time while they have been on the 'road have, camped, out. .They wanted to take shipping from l this ; port, but as they were disappointed in : that, they; will ppnUnufliheir : way as they began. The man js aooui w jaiia Of. -'; . A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot ; Who is It? The Newborn Journal says; Wej learn that on Wednesday . evening . one of New Bernes - most attractive daughters will be united in marriage to one of Wilmington's worthy business men . The ceremony will take placo at Christ Church at 8 o'clock. No cards of invitation have been issued Ju New Borne, but we learn from good authority that all the friends of,. the, family are expected to be present at the ceremony, and at the reception directly, afterward. Badly Bitten. Mr. W. JM. Poisson, who lives on Mulberry, between Sixth and Seventh streets, owned a bull dog which he considered very valuable. Yesterday a colored boy, who lived in the yard and was perfectly familiar with the animal. often feeding him, and towards whom the dog had been always friendly, start ed to so to the stable, when the brute, from some unaccountable - cause, flew at him and bit him terribly before he could be taken off. Hearing the screams of the boy, who is about 15 years of age. those who were near by ran to his as sisiance ana it was only alter a severe struggle that they succeeded in rescuing him from the jaws of the" infuriated beast. They beat the animal and threw water on him, and when finally they had released the boy, they had to put him over the fence , to keep the dog from tearing him to pieces, as the latter was furious with rage and seemed de" termined to vent his spite iipon his vie tun. 1 he boy would undoubtedly have been killed In a few moments had not a sistance reached him. He was terri bly lacerated on the arms and will be a sufferer xor some time on account - of his wounds. The dog was subsequently killed, but not until four charges of shot had been lodged in his body, which dis abled him so that a man approached him and knocked him in the head. "Lives of great men always remind us that we are all subject to die," says an exchange, but never cough yourself away as long as you can raise 25 cents for a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough . Syrup. Report of Chief of Fire Depart ment. At the last meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, the Chief Engi neer of the Fire Department made the following report : - x ' - His Honor Via Mayor vnd Board of Aldermen: , . ; Gentlemen: Since my last report. I am glad to state that there have been but few fire alarms and small damage to property. Tne alarms, when beard. have been quickly responded to by the department, and I again take occasion to say that tile promptness and efficien cy of the members are to be commended. I again respectfully call attention to the imperfect system ot nre alarm. Primaruy the present fire bell is entirely too small for the requirements of our city. . It may have answered the pur poses ot the Town Jof Wilmington 40 years ago, with its 6,000 or 8,000 inhab itants, but the' City of Wilmington, of to-day, with its 20,000 souls, its manu factories, compresses; new mills, stores and fine dwellings; and its trebly en larped and thickly .grown boundaries, requires and demands a louder-alarm, which can only be obtained by replac ing the present bell with a much larger one. Either the present location or the pfient manner of ringing the alarm, is not onlv a source of annoyance to our ever-willing firemen, but one of general complaint among our citizens. : or In regard to tne matter oi employing the steam tug TFm. Ifyce as auxiliary to the fire department, I desire to say that I have conversed with and explained the matter to merchants, deeply inter ested, who are impressed with the ser vice such a boat could render - in the vent of a conflagration on the river front. A statement recently appeared in the Stale Chronicle, that 27 vessels Jhave been known to be at the. Wilming ton Compress Cos wharf at one time. Should a nre occur in mat vicinity, what could our engineshose reels and hook and ladder companies do? Our wharves are piled with ' cotton and naval stores, and there are whole blocks where a steam fire engine would find it difficult to get water from the river. Tho coat of 150 feet of hose, to be used only for fire department service, and the cost of holding this or any' other steamboat, would not be heavy. I press this matter again because of your action at the November meeting. Noth ing has been done, and you may wait a day or a week and then regret not hav ing acted in what seems to jritf a very important matter; and for which I may be held responsible. ; t. Re8pectfally, Chas.D. Myers. ; The Planets fri'December.' The astronomical editress of 5 tfeeS Providence Journal has contributed her usual summary, 0( ths.moVeruerit of j planets dnnns December, bne ;Ctves Venus the place pi- honor evening star, setting oa the 1st abeui';halfrrjssi Qve oclock lit theeteamt iSdftt the end of the month ah Uoar ater, With greatly increased size imd brilliancy; Those who can command a view of the llfllW. : eastern and western horizons will see at the end of the month Venus setting and. Jupiter rising ttt nearly the same time. Saturn is also an evening star. andean be seen throughout the night. and until nearly daybreak. Neptune and Mercury are also evening stars. The December moon fulls on the 13th, and on the 1st was in conjunction with Venus about half past . four o'clock- in the morning-: On the 11th- tha mooni pays her respects to Neptune.; On ; the 12th she . makes ; a close, con juntion with Saturn,' being about one degree South. In some places in southern de clination, Saturn is occulated by 'the moon for the ninth and last time during the year, t ; On the 10th the moon is at her nearest point ;to Jupiter, on ; the 18th to Mara, on the 2ist to Uranus, and on the 3 1st to Mercury. On the 31st the moon has made the circuit of the planets, and swings around for the second time to the near neighborhood of Venus. The conjunction takes place not far from; half-past twoo?clock in the afternoon, when Venus is 6 deg. 61 min; souths Planet and crescent will however, make a lovely picture on the evening sky. . As the moon sets twrt hours and a half, and Venus two hours after the sun, the exhibition may be seen by all observers, unless the envious clouds obscure the beautiful scene. Mr. Speaker!" For strained vocal muscles, the great pain-reliever. St. Jacobs Oil, is the ac knowledged cure. Hon. Milton G. Urner. Hon". Hart B Holton, Repre sentative from Maryland, endorse and recommend it. . ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Apples I Apples ! Apples I RECEIVED THIS A. M. CRATES FINS . WESTERN K. C. .APPXES; r j f Barreled to order R. MCDOUQAX14 ' No. 14 Chestnut St, bet. Front and. Water dec 5 , Wilmington, N. C. Something Entirely New intMs Market ! - Venetian Crapes ! , t Venetian Crapes ! All Wool and Silk and ,' Wool! t FULL LINE HENRIETTA CLOTHS FROM ? i , ; ; ; ' 1 to $1.75 per yard. FINEST. LINE HOLIDAY GOODS IN THE CITY.. Just received another lt Silk Circularsand Dolmartsi Which we offer at a bargain. ' s w mum Samson, rjo. Ill Market St. dec 5 Alinanaes f for 1884. r. rjUBNER'S ,.s ? NORTH CAROLINA ALMANACS . . I , . i ' .y 'rOR Till? YEAR 1884. " ' ' ' ; ' t : ' " ': ' BLUat'4 PARMER'S AND PLANTER'S ALMANACS POlTlsia. Tot sale, Wholelalrand RetaJUat T. n HEINSBERGER'S, dec S Live Book and Music Stores " Christinas Groceries. CZf BOXEs RAISINS, best quality 9 W London Lajers, very, superior. Q BOXES CITRON, 4 TIERCE CURRANT DgliO QOMPLETE STOCK OF ORANGES. CRANBERRIES CELERY, H. And all the Delicacies of the season. CSS PACKAGES OF MINCE HEAT, ' Nice, freak APPLE BUTTER, Jtt ro ceived, wfdeb I am retailing at Samper pound. All goods gu aranteel best.quil! ty, AndWiT be soidatLOvTtSTiilCES.1 .-' tlames Stovenson. dec 4 . - 5. 1883. NO. 287 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TJ3 u 6 icV n o . ; jyjRS. A. M. WADDELLi W ILL INSTRUCT In music.' vocal and instrumental, at her real uenpe no wrau inira etreei. 1 dec 4-5t ' Star copy : : -: .. - I Am Ready for Work. QSaJTLBMEN'S CIXTHIN& AXD. JIAT3 dyed, Cleaned and pressed, 'also, Xadtes Hats djeIln any color and- pressed bi the latest Sttles.' . . r f C P - REMSKN. - nov 27-lm - No. 15 North Second St 99 AT MONACITS, 16Vi SECOND tweed Market and Princess, Ladles and Gen co 2C-tf i- Wevv Goods. JEW QOODS IN THE LATEST STYLES expected next week. I hope the Ladles will come In and see them. . MRS. KATE C. WINES, No. 119, North Second Street, nov 19 next Southot Poefoffice Jolm C. Davis, ATTORNEY AND " COUNSELLOR AT-LAW, VrLMINOTON, N. C; Office ofer the Bank of New Hanover. Practices In all the Courts of tbe State. 4W Special attention pall to- the collection trt claims.- ' - ; . . - nov a im The TJIan 1 tO 13 SHIP YOUR COUNTRY PRODUCE A. W. RIVENB ARK. ' ,k 114 North Water fat., Wilmington. K. fl. The Live Qrocer and Coantry Produce Dealer. tterers io Bant or Mew iianover. nov iv Consider Well. TTrHEN A MAN WHO WORKS FOR A TV Hying and knows the value of money, the ques tion ofUolars arises whea he thinks of buy Ing bis Clothing, it Is for hlra to -consider Where, be can do the best tor tho least money t It is for this reason f .''- A. & I. SHRIER Invite he closest buyer to come and examine for himself and he will find that their goods are Unquestionably First?Class and that their prices are at least 25 per cent, cheaper than their rival houses. A. & I. SHRIEK, dec 3 Reliable Clothiers, 1U Market St. Without Doubt i'jf'T J. n. HARDIN'S DRUG AND SEED tjtore, 124 South Front St., New Market Build ing, you can see the most magnificent and at tractive display of Christmas, Wedding and Holiday Presents ever brought to this city. They are too numerous to mention' here. All - . : . ' : " ; '' I ask fs an Inspection of goods and even if you are not In need 1 am satisfied you will buy.- it Is a pleasure for me to- show these goods. - J. H. HARDIN, rdeca r I21 South Front St, New Market - Amusement. flA KN0WLED5E T RQW TO USE FIRE arms may be a ' - - OGRE AT BENEFrr t7oasometimeicr Come to C. G. CROWE LLfl Shooting Gal lery and learn how to shoot. - . Practice makes perfect ! First class Rifles and -1 ... - : Targets.- : Only lOc for 6 Shots, 5c Tor 3. The proprietor win be'plcasedCto give b structions to all who wlab to learn without ex tra chirge. Nor betting allowed. It li for practice and anrasement only. No-103 Market st., next to comer of Front st.; "Wilmington, N. U - C'G. CROWELL, nov 21- . , . . . Proprietor ' New Buckwheat ! New Buckwheat jq"EW BUCKWHEAT AND WHITE Syrup to salt, received by New York Steamer to-day Ako' Cakes and Crackers, of every variety, fresh and crisp, and a general stock of Fresh Groceries nsuallyfound In a flrst-cbxss Gro oery at Crapon's -Family Grocery. GEO. M CBAPON, Agent, South Front St 1f OCt29 ( .EaGa.-JBLAIRsp PKODTJCE BROKER AND COMMISSION Merchant. No. 19, N. Second St., Wilmington, N. C SoUdta consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. . Country orders filled at the lowest market prices for Floor, Meal, Gnln and Groceries!. A trial Is aoltcted and satisfaction guaran teed. AniUfi U i- decS , ,. i . . . i f i ii. ...I The Excursion and Pic Nic QEASX IS OVER AND THE THEATRIC BALL Season baa opened again and JOHN WERNER, the practical German Barber and Perfumer, is personally In attend ance at bis Hair Pressing Saloon, 21 Market ctreet, tftweca -water aa4 trout, t iiemen's gooas or every description, any color. Also, cle&nlnjr, scourliijr and bleaching. Send me a pair ot jour o'd Kid Oloves. rLtASXOTICX. , tf win bs glad V ncerre commualcatloa from our friends oa any sad all aubjeds general Interest but ' E rrbe nam of tha writer mrut always V fa alaaed to the Editor.' ; Commtmlcatloat nasi bt wrtttea ea oil oneakleof tha paper, v Person sTfflrs nnst bo STOldatL! . An4UU especially sad part3ealarrjas&4 i stood that the Editor does sot always cadaj the views of oorrespindests tmless so state bathe editorial eolosuts. NEW AIVERTISESlT2rra. OPERA-HOUGE. ONE NIGHT ONLY THURSDAY; DECEMBER O. Engagement of the World .renowned Musical conductor THEODORE THOMAS, " ' and his unrlralled Orehesta ot 60 Solo Artists. : 60 Parquette, Dress Circle and Balcony. Re serredfs. Geeral '-admission. $1 and $.CO Gallery 50c Reserved Seat Sheet now open at UIKR'S. - - "v. dM 4 ft ' FRESH ARRIVALS I ; ATMORE'S CELEBRATED MINCE HEATS ' in Barrels, Half Barrels and Palls; and : PLUM PUDDING biall sizes. ' . : These arethe very best goods of their kind, and no family should bo without them. . - . .' ' ORANGE MARMALADE, . a most delightful Sweetmeat for the tea Uble To anlrejon Tuesday next, a fresh supply of Ginger Taffy, Ben's Boston Crackers, Genecov Wafers, 4 s Coffee Cakes, soincthlng new and alee. Orange Bar, ' Abnond Maccaroons, Cocoanut Maccaroons, and The Genuine Albert Biscuit, . . . - " In one and two pound Tins. ' For sale low. ' John L. Boatwriglit. nov 12-tf , , : AUCTION SALE. BY AND UNDER DIRECTION Or - J. I. MAGES, Assignee. The undersigned will expose FOR SALE FOR CASH ! The well assorted stock of " Boots and Shoes together with the.. Furniture and Fixtures ! Contained In the store No. 113 Market Street, - Commencing on ' '. Tuesday, Dec. llth,1883, and to continue' until the entire stock la sold. . . . .-,:.-. . 3. VAKAMRINGE, Auctr. norSOSt Monds Bros. &DeBosset, DEALERS IN DRUGS & FANCY GOODS, .' '-. Market and Second Streets. ; JECENT .ARRIVALS ENABLE US " TO offer a most beautiful Una of Fancy Goods. Our Goods are alt bought in Raw York by our Agent, gotten from Importers and Mann. . factorers and are unlike any elaewbcrs oCsrti , in this city, a decided uiduoement to persons" ' wishing to make gilts. Our Line, though a very elegant one,' la not Immense, and we would be pleaaed'to have our customers make selections mote, to be de livered when wanted. - , . -. i. . Artloles aoltable for cMldmn. , nitf from. 25 emu to S3, are very pleasing. JT7 Important Arrival ; AT OLD NORTH STATE 8ALOON, No. 6 fcontb- Front tt:, Bbl of TA. MOUNTAIN WHISKEY, (doable BUmp),lour years old. Try it. Good Liquors, Wines, Cigars. &c ' OYSTERS oolci. vo? iY DOW'T FORGET T CALL AT THE S AND 10 CENTS Store. 'I he article, are rood acd can bst bought for lew than one-half of what yon pay elsewhere, ii 'use hold articles and KitrWn utensils a specialty.- Full and complete stock of Toys and Chrisimas Goods At the only - ; 5 and lO Cents Store . Second St. , between Market and Dock fits. ueofr-us tf , aits. v arren'a oia atano. Ci ga rc I iga ro I NEW BRANDS Or UNEXCELLED Slock, ' JL luxury within reach of aU. n Toilet Soap., a new and elegant Use. . KTpoUruaues, cheapest au't beat, at : VVILUAM li. GREEN'S, -.nov 10 1 j 117 Market Street. .) y ote ro O y etc roi QESDTOUC OHDC2S TO W. E. DAVI3 6 SON. Prcvrl't: ' - r H t 3 t! T 3 c-'tjcttl!