' sT - : . 1 - . ' ' -. -; ' - ' - THIS PAPER - : pubiiflbed every. eTenlng, :SaalayB eepted by i JOSH T. JAMES, v EDITOR AND JPKOPRIETOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: vear $4.00. Six months, $2.00. months, $1.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of charge, in any part of the city, at the above stes, or 10 cents per week. Advestislng rates low and liberal. si-Subscribers will report any and all fall ures to receive their paper regularly. The Daily Beview has the largest bond fide circWAiiwn, oj any newspaper ruMished, inthe city of Wilmington. JEi Senator Anthony is slowly convalesc ing in New York. Advices from Cairo state that active preparations continue for tbe reopening of the road to the Soiulan Via Souakiui. t The South Carolina Legislature has unanimously re-elected Henry Mclver Associate Justice for ;the full' term of four year?- Congressman Lanham, of Texas, represents a district of eighty-seven counties, some of which arctas large as Massachusetts. Hon. Thoma3 A. Hendricks and wife lett Indianapolis Monday en route for Europe, whence they will not return until next Spring.' . . ! ' Over 1,000 members of the interna tional union of cigar maker?,'in Chica yo.Vtruck against the employment of progressive union men. Frank James will betaken to Kansas Cl'v to-dav, to stand trial for the Blue lltt'u luu""- he a witness against him. John Kuskin is a slightly built man, with admirable powers of conversation, a soft voice, a pleasant smile, a modest manner and kind blue eyes. Col. Insersoll recently received a let- ter lrom an Ohio man covering ninety pages of foolscap pasted end-to end. The writer wished to have a friendly argument with the infidel. Monsignor Capel says that the Cath olics in this country will not endure much longer without protest the neces sity of supporting Protestant schools where they have parish schools of their own. : - Counsel for Toole, the condemned Jrish murderer, made a motion on Monday for a retrial, which was denied oy the judge, and Poole will be hanged on the 18th inst., unless the Home Sees retary interferes. . ; - Elections on the question of 4'license', or 'no license" were held Saturday in the towns of Marion. Winnsboro' and Ogdensburg, S. 'C..' resulting in each instance in overwhelming victories for the prohibition party. . . An aged colored couple in Terra Haute, who have had twenty five child ren, four of whom were killed in the war, decline a pension, saying that the government had done enough for them in emancipating their race. Miss Willie Withers, daughter of ex Senator Withers, can handle a shotgun with an accuracy of aim that exeeeds that of many : pretentious sportsmen, and many birds are brought down on the wing by her seldom erring sight. At Cincinnati, Ohio, on Saturday, James Boyd sho: and killed, hi son Alfred, 17 year3 of age. He reproved his son for not working and attempted to drag him into the house, and on the boy's refusal to enter drew his revolver and shot him. A company is being formed in r Pitts burg, Pa., to transport oil South; and West. It is proposed to use bnlk boats instead of pipes, and it is thought that the project will receive the support of all refiners who are antagonistic to the Standard Oil Company. " Gen. Jeremy F. Gilmer, a prominent citizen of Savannah, Ga., died Satur day. He was a graduate of West Point and an officer in the old ;army, and afterwards a general in the Confed erate service. He was president of the Savannah Gaslight Company and a irectoi of the Georgia Central Rai1 Road . "What is heaven's best gift to man?" she asked, sweetly smiling on him. "Dr. Buirs Cough Syrup," he replied, with prudence. He had just been cured by it of a bad cold. ' The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gill?, Twine is sold only at Jacobis Hard ware Depot . w . Artists1 Material. QIL AND WATER COLORS. BRUSHES, ctrclaln ard Hollywood Placqne and Pal IcalcomaTiic Ornaments for Silk and Sa in. "u a fl?e assortment of Elegant ITbames iaKbony, Velvet and Gilt. -t1?.16 aBd sttractive stock of JtJVKNILE a?vVPOKMS BOOKS OF STANDARD AUTHORS in Sets, bandsomely bound, stiiU ble for presents. . -,, ..Lk out for our CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCE- T??vT.SlfllJll,Kert and es' stock of HOLI DAY GOODS ever brouat to this city. .- lec 3 119 Market st Three Al . 1A U U ; 1 jjl f ?1A 1A ? 11 l A FI" : M U I ' J,. I. - J . V M M J V U " t YIL WILMINGTON. N. C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W II Geeex C Igars Warsaw lllglfSchool. W E Davis & Sox Oysters C W Yates Artists' Materials Heinsbebgeb Almanacs for 1S84 Knights and Ladies of Honor Txcal ad Mun'ds Bros. & DeRosset Fancy Goods CiiONLv & Mobkis Vehicles at Auction The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 830 bales. We fear that we are to have a green Christmas, after all. There was no business before the City Court this morning. The moon completes its first quarter early to-morrow morning. The next Conference of the M. E. Church South is to be held in this city. There are a good many strangers in the city to-day, who come to attend the concert to night. Knights and Ladies of Honor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Full attendance desired. It Capt. W. M: Parker has returned from Conference, and was at his place of business at the usual our this morn ing. The new Court House at Burgaw is nearly comoleted, and will be ready for occupany at the next term of Pender Superior Court. There is to be a grand ball at Clinton. Sampson county, to-night. The Italian harpers left here this morning to be in attendance and furnish the music. Quite a large crowd came down on the W. & W. Railroad to-day from Wilson, Goldsboro and intermediate points, to attend the Thomas Condert to-night. " Two tramps were lodged at police headquarters lart night. They were reprimanded by the Mayor this morn ing and given 24 hours in which to leave the city. This is indeed beautiful weather, but it is just such as renders peojjle very liable to take cold, and there are)a great many afflicted with that annoying aiU ment at this time. Stcamboatmen report about four feet of water in the Cape Fear, which makes fair boating water, although it compels the pilots to be careful and follow the channel. The traffic, both passenger and freight, on all the railroads and steamboats to and from this city i3 unusually large this season. Especially is this . true of the several railroad lines. We regret, to state that the condition of Mr. J. W. King does not-improve, but. on the contrary, he seems to be growing worse, and his many friend j are much alarmed as to the result. This section is sadly in need of rain. Fortunately, however, there are. re markably heavy dews of nights, which in a measure prevents the clouds of dust which would otherwise be a great an novance , . It is very seldon we have seen a bet ' ter selection of meats than was display ed at the market house this morning. There was an abundance, a good varie ty and the quality was for above the average. County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover met in adjourned session last night. Owen Burney county treasurer, offer ed his official bond in the sum of $50. 000, with the following named sureties : II. M. Bowden, E. E. Burruss. Wm. Larkins and Alfred Martin. The bond was approved and filed. J. W. Millis, constable of Cape Fear township, .offered his official bond, of $1,000, with.E. T. Hancock and Aman da Millis as sureties. Ordered register ed and filed. - - Wm. Piver ordered relieved from the payment of poll tax; being under age. The Wilmington Coast Turnpike Co.'s taxes, listed in Wilmington town ship, was ordered to be changed to Harnet township. The treasurer's reports for the year ending November 30th, 1883. were, re- jceivedandfiledt; ; ; J 3 1 J ''I'll: BOAKOF;iaUUA.XlU. . The treasurer submitted his annual report, which was received and ordered to be entered on the minutes. - Y : It was ordered by the Board that the school committee ot? District No. 5, Harnett township, be notified by - the clerk of the Board to meet the Bpar& ci January "iieitiv' -':"-:J, The Board then adjourned. ; - - i v. A , r lit iJ v, n W '''. .... ...... ,.- ... . ,.. - 4. . , " I -Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in ad journed session yesterday afternoon. Mayor Hair stated that the meeting was called at the instance of the com mittee on Streets and Wharves. "Alderman Boocy stated that the committee on Streets and" IWbatves were ready to report on the matter of the bids for paving Water street. Alderman Fishblate offered the fol- 'Resolved, That m case ahycotrfraet be entered into irj regard to the pave ment of Water street, that the 6wners of real estate along the line adjacent thereto be assessed for the improvement according to the act of the General as sembly in such cases made and provid ed, according to acts 54 and 55, chapter 248. : After a warm disonssion, in which the resolution was advocated by Alder men Fishblate. Dudley and Bear, and opposed by the Mayor and Aldermen DeRosset, Boney and Chadbourn, Al derman Fishblate called for the ayes and noes bnthe passage of his resolu tion. ' . v Alderman DeRosset moved that tbo resolution be referred to the City At torney. Lost. - A call for the vote was then ordered and resulted as follows : Yeas Alderman Fishblate, Dudley and Bear. 1 Noes Aldermen DeRosset, Boney, Chadbourn and Geyer. Alderman Howe being excused on the plea that he did not' understand the question, he having come in at a late stage of tbe proceedings. Alderman DeRosset stated, in expk nation of his vote, that it was cast against the resolution of Alderman Fishblate because there is no necessity for passing a resolution to do what the City Attorney says in his opinion it is the duty of the Board to do at the proper time. Alderman Boney then submitted the following report of the committee on Streets and Wharves! Your committee, to whom was re ferred the bids for grading and paving North Water street, beg j leave to re port. ' i:. They have carefully considered all the bids for-the supply of the materials and laying blocks, &c. and conclude that the bids of S. A. Pearce for sup plying the paving block , Mr. W A. Sweeny for supolyijg the flag-stone anoVcurbing, and of Mr. R. B. Wook for laying the paving blocks, flagging and curbstone, make in. the ; aggregate the lowest bid for the whole work required and the most advantageous for the city. The grading and supplying sand, &c , they believe, can be done by the street force to better advantage; .however, they make' estimate as to cost, jn 'case of it becoming necessary to biro it done. The calculations based on the above bids are as follows : ' 68.200 granite blocks ,5, 1 15. 00 750 yards 5 It. flagging; ...... 1,178.55 2,112 ft. 16-mch curbing , 71702 Lavine 3.300 yds. with blocks w 891 00 Laying L027;yds. flagging.-.;. Laying 2,112 ft curbfng.v. : . : Hauling 1.350 tons blocks Hauling flagging and curbing (estimated) . . .- :. . Removing old ' stone- V. ; . 1 1 . . Grading and hauling san3, &c. Wooden foundation possibly required at upper end of street. . 277.29 84.48 270.00 75 00 100 00 1,305.00 250.00 iH I "" '$10,263.34 tjeaving'a surplus of :$738.66 of the $11,000 appropriated for this work, to bo used in drairi pipes and sand catchT ers, which is ample to do the work as provided in the general plans. - All the above estimates are consider ed full, and your committed see no reason to donbt that the entire work of improTing said street will be done in first class order .within . the bounds of the appropriation. ' ' The blocks selected are to be supplied from the granite quarries near Winns boro. S. C. The blue stone flagging and curbing are to be supplied from quarries .on the Hudson river, and as it may reasonably be expeected that the navigation of that river will be closed for the winter .wthin Uhe ;next fifteen days, it is necessary to lose rio time in concluding the contract for this material to prevent any delay in the work. Your committee recommend that contracts be mado with Mr. S. A. Pearce lor 68.200 granite blocks, ten per cent, more or less as the city may require, he to guarantee that the blocks average 4J inches in width, 12 inches long and 6 inches thick, none of which are to be less than 6 inches deep. 3 inches wide and 9 inches long, nor more than 5 inches wide. 7' Inches deep and 15 inches long at his bid of $75 per thousand, delivered at the railroad de pot In Wilmington; basis of measure ment 21 blocks to the square yard of pavement., . lVft!rMr.,5V: A.'.Seerjy for 750 yards 5 feet 6 Inch flagging for side walks, and for 3,112 lineal feet of 16 inch curbing, in accordance ; with his bid. .. ' - ? &Vnd with MryiL BjWood for laying granite blocks,' curbing and flagging, in accordance with his bid ; and that the grading, preparation of foundation and supply ing sand be done by the streetforce withtuchhelpaj may;be absolutely re quired . and that this committee be em powered to pcrchisethececsssary drain pipe and fcne for sand catchers, tad employ ach labor. a may be necessary to do this under' the direction-of the City Engineers - .5;' All ot which is respectfully submitted. . . ,E DH all. Chairman. W. Li DeRosset ' W. II. Chadbourx; . G. J. Boxey, y-i i J. J. Geyer. . Alderman DeRosset moved that the contract for furnishing the granite blocks be awarded to SA. I'earce ac cording to h.isbid.- Adopted.. , i JUdernaan, , Fishblate offerei ."the folio wipg; protest : -t f ' - Z V '.-, t I protest against any action, whereby the cUy 'a indebtedness will be increased by the ho'rfO wing of any sum xf money on which interest i to be paid exepting the legitimate liecessaiy expenses.' This protest is based pppn the fact that to improve? Water street, the. Mayor a"nd Board of-Aldermen, together with the Board of Audit an Finance, will be compelled to res6rt to: the banks and borrow, at tha rate of 8 per 4 cent, . the amount necessary for, such. Jmprove ment. . That the- protestant is of: the opinion that by . wise' tipd ' edohomic legislation snfficientcair he laid aside fromuher tax levies to pay for street ira proyemcnls; but until such time arrives f protest againsfpaying large" sums for interest ; . : '' ' - r V v: SIf. Fishblate. . Alderman, Boney moved that the con tract for the flagging - be awarded to Mr. Sweeney, according to his bid. Adopted. : v; . Alderman Boney moved that thecon oract for laying blocks,, curbing and flagging be awarded to R. B. Wood, ac cording to his bid! ; ,: ,' Aldermad DeRosset offered the fol lowing, which was adopted : Resolved, .'Xh&t the (contractors bo re quired to begin the work within thirty days and continue without unnecessary delay, and otherwise in accordance with specifications: .. Alderman llear mo ved that the Clerk record all the bids. t . ; . Alderman Fishblate moved' to amend by requiring that the bids L after being recorded.be turned over to the Board of Audit and Finance. Adopted. vi V' , Alderman Chadbourn offered theibl lowinrhich was adopted - yz 4 Resotvect That all horned; cattle that shall remain over ten days- In" the city ponnd8haU be soll to the . highest bid der, by the Chief of Police, after two days' advertising. gr- 5 t? , .-. . Personal. "Mr. W. R Terry, of'thellocklngham Spirit qf the SouUii is in in the .city to day and gave us the pleasure of d call. He will atteud the concert to-night and is accompanied byV number of others who came down for the same purpose. Rev. W. M. Kennedy was in the city to-day en route for Brunswick, -from whence he will go on Sunday to, fill his regular appointment at lasonboroWe' are pleased to learn from Mr. Keriaedy that the Fall session of his school ! was' a highly successful one and thaji ' the prospects for the Spr ing h i& are very bright indeed. , t - r-sr r ?r An Unfortunate Affair. f Monroe was startled yesterday by a veryrpainful sensation- Mr, Sid Mor ton, a young gentleman of about 25 years of age, was shot aAd instantly killed, under very mysterious circumstances- Early in the day a colored man, named John , McLarty, entered the store in which Mr. Morton was a clerk, and where be wasalone at the time, and asked to . see some pistols. He was accompanied by another color edTOJlntjvno did not et&erthe store with his friend but waited for him outside. In a few moments theeport-9of a shot within the store washeari and the man who was outside rushed in and found : Mr. Morton lying across ihe cunter insensible, and!, with a gaping wound in his left temple. The intended purchaser was standing near ' apparent ly horror-stricken, afld the pistol, a self cocker, 38 calibre, lay upon the counter Surgical assistance was soon at hand but Mr. Morton remained insensible and died in thirty minutes. There is no actual knowledge a3 to how. the unfortunate affair occurred. How the ball came to be in the pistol is about tbo greatest mystery of all. The man who was examining the pistol declares that Mr Morton shot himself but this is of course absurd. The de ceased was a very estimable young man, unmarried, and was veiy popu lar with all classes in Monroe. Mc Iarty was arrested and was committed to jail without bail on the verdict of the coroner's jury. We could not learn any pirttdulars aj tdthe evidence elicited by the jury and on which their verdict was based, r- i l '.W;"" On the aftef noon of the same' day (yesterday) a farmer who was 'driving into Monroe on a wagon was shot at near the. town, but fortunately escaped unhurt, the ball passing thror-ir -Eis hat. It is cot known who .. fired1 th 6, 1883. NO. 288 , Foreiern Kxports. - Br.barque Maggie if, Capt. Mitchell, cleared to-day for Ponce, P. RM with 286.840 feet lumber and 97.550 shingles, valned at $4.656 .78, shipped by Messrs. El Kidder & Son. Nor. barque Noaht Capt. Salvensen, cleared to day for Antwerp with 3,885 barrels rosin. I vaU ued at $5,009,'shippedy Messrs. Pater son, Downing & Co. . Ger., barque Ltidieig Capt. - Schauer, cleared for (Jaeostpwri, J Ireland, for j orders, witfr 1,931 caslprrlts' turpentine rtnd 500 barrels i rosin, valued at $32,781.74. shipped by Messrs. Chess Carley Co. Nor, barque Vlihof May, Capt. Palles sen,; , cleared for Granton, Scotland, with 4,500 barrels rosin, valued at $6.. 687, shipped by Messrs D. R, Murchl son & Co '3 ' ' ; ' The frosts hereabouts have not yet been sufficiently severe to destroy all ot the Summer vegetation. There are still some green leaves on trees tbat have generally-yielded up the ghost of greennes before December arrives. " W 1 11 Messrs. Cronly & Morris offer ex cellent opportunities to purchase vehicles at Exchange Corner to morrow morning - - - Itest for the Weary. Men have given up in despair in pain, but have found at ' last instantaneous cure in the great pain-reliever. I St. Jacobs Oil. without recurrence of the trouble. . . ; 4 -. Silver Plated Spoons ahd Forks, low T rices, at Jacobi.'s t MARRIED. APPLE WniTE SELLERS At the resi dence of the bride's father, In Columbus co., N. C, on the 2 2d of November, 18?3, by the Rev- J. P. Lennon, BENNKKS W. APPLE WHITE and Miss MARY ELVY SELLERS. NEW , ADVERTISEMENTS . M. CRONIiY, Auct'r, . BY CRONLY & MORRIS. VEHICLES MADE TO ORDER AT AUCTiON ON TO-MORROW. FRIDAY, at 10 o'clock, "a.m.,we will sell at Exchange Coiner, a very handsome and complete Side Bar Phae ton, a superior Gig which you will buy if you examine It. , Two EXTRA TOP BUGGIES, dec 6-lt . . Xm as. Oysters ! OUR FRIEKD3 AND CUSTOMERS wish ing Oysters for Xnias will please send in their orders as toon as possible, which will ensbleuato make arrangements so that all may,be supplied and none disappointed. W. E. DAVia A 80N, ' Proprietors' of ihe' only regular established Fishery in this section. . , dec 6 ;Warsaw High School. Spring Session begins Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1831. David 8. Kennedy, Ph. B., teacher of Higher English, Mathematics and Languages. Miss Bewie Kennedy, teacher ot Primary and 1 . Intermediate Departments. Miss Estelle Armstrong, teacher of Music and ' . - . Art. " - .... ' Rev, W. M Kennedy and Lady have charge . of the Boarding Department. -.Terms verv reasonable. For UHfticulars. address, W. M. A DAVID S. KENNEDY, aec o oacw-it- . r u i . ,i Warsaw, c. I M -n 1 ' i J f " ' ' , ; - ' . Apples ! Apples Apples I RECEIVED THIS A. M. CRATES FINE : V s WESTERN N. C.' APPLES. Barreled te order. I ! ,' R. McDOUGALL. No. 14 Chestnut St, bet4 Front and Water dec 5 Wilmington, N. t'. - Almanacs for 1884. rjpURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMANACS FOR THIS YEAR 1864. BLUM'S FARMER'S AND r PLAN.1ER'S ALMANACS FOR 18E4. For sale. Wholesale and Retail, at HEINSBERGER'S, dec 5 Live Book and Music Stores E. G. BLAIR, -pRODUCE BROKER AND COMMISSION Merchant. No. 19, N. second St., Wilmington. N. C. Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. Country orders filled at the lowest market prices for Flour, Meal, Grain and Groceries. -. a trial is aoiiciea ana satutacuon guars n teed. s r decs . Ohristmas Groceries. EZf BOXEs RAISINS, best quality J . London Lajers, very saperior. JJ BOXES CITRON. ... ' ' TIERCE CURRANTS QOMPLETE STOCK OP ORANGES, LEMONS, FIRE CRACKERS ' CRANB KRRIES, CELERY, And all the Delicacies of the season. CZ 1 PACKAGES OF MINCE MEAT, i t Kk,freali APPLE BUTTER, just re ceived, which I am retailing at So. per pound. All goods guaranteed best quality, and will be sold a t LOWEST PBICES 1 j Jen 03 C G t OTcnGon. . " - PLEASE NOTJC3L - x We win be glad to reeerro communlcaUoa from our friends on anyand all subjects reaerallnterest but 3 IThe name of the writer must always be fa Dished to the Editor. . Communications must be written on oo! one side of the paper! 1 Personalities must be avoided.: " -And It Is especially and particularly und ' etood that the Editor does not always ecdoi " the views of correspondents unless so state in the editorial columns. . - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Entirely New ' in this Market I Venetian Crapes I Venetian.Crapes ! AU Wool tm SUk and Wool ! FULL IINE HENRIETTA CLOTHS FROM SI to $1.75 per yard. ; -j... r FINEST LINE HOLIDAY GOODS A IN THE CITY. Just received another Ut Silk Circulars and Dolmans, Which we offer at a bargain. JULIUS SAMSON, Wo. Ill Market St. dec 5 AUCTIOrJ SALE. BY AND UNDER DIRECTION OF : J. IMA0KS, Assignee. 7 The undersigned will expose FOR SALE FOR CASH I The well assorted stock of ' " " Boots and Shoes together with the Furnitnre and Fixtures ! : Conained in the store . - - No. 113 Market Street, Commencing on - - - ' . .t .... - Tuesday, Dec, 11th, 1883, ' and to continue until the entire stock Is sold. 8. VaxAMRINGE, Auctr. nov 30 St RIusic Lessons. jyjRS. A. M.WADDELL WILLINSTRUCT in music, vocal and instrumental, at her real aence zit outn Tnird Street. deoi-St , Star copy I Am Keady for Work. QENTLEMES'S CLOTHING AND HATS dye- cleaned ar-d pressed, also. Ladle nate dyed in any color and pressed In the latest styles. C. P. REM-4KN, nov 27-lm No. 15 North second St Mnnds Bros. & DeRosset, DEALERS IN DRUG 3 A FANCY GOOD3, Market and Second Streets. '-' JKCENT ARRIVALS ENAHLE US TO offer a mast beautiful line of Fsncv Goods. Our Gcxxisareal-tnraght in Nev York by our Agent, gotten from importers and Manu facturers and are uUke any elsewhere offered In this citv. & decided tiulnoAmfnt tn wc - ' - - V.WW w Is hlng to make giits. - . iuc, iuougu a very ciegant one, IS sot immense, and we would be pleased to have our customers make se:ecilons mow. to be de livered when wanted , Articles suitable for children, ranging from 25 c nt to $5, are very pleasing. nov2S r Important Arrival T OLD NORTn STATE SALOON, No, 6 fcouth Front t., Bbl of VA. MOUNTAIN WHISKEY, (double Stamp) four years old. 'TWt. Good Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Ac OYSTERS on log. Sot2S DO W 'T FORGET T CALL AT THE 5 AND 10 CENTS Store. The articles are good ai d can bo bought 'or less than one-half of what you pay elsewhere. H uaehoid articles and Kitchen utensils a specialty. Full end complete stock of Toys and Christmas Goods at tbe only 5 and lO Cents Store. Second St., between Market and Dock 8ts. decl-tC Mrs. Warren's old atand. Cigars! Cigars! JJEW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED Stock, A luxury -within reach of all. - . , Toilet Soap, a new and elegant Hoe. Tooth Brushes, cheapest and best, at BOT 10 117 Market Street. Old Newspapers poB.SALE f E2Y CHEAP , - AppJyJvo ' -lU)tf " TH13;07riCi:

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