THIS PAPER s every evening, Sundays ox ceptcd by JOSH T. JAMES, 1 EPITOB AND PKOPKIETOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS TOSTAGE PAID: vear !M-0- SLt month8 2-00 Three 0ne onthfl,$1.00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free harge, In an7 Part of the clty; at tbe abOTe ;w or 10 cento per week. AdresUslnS rates low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and all fail L m receive their paper regularly. The Daily Review has the largest fulc circulation, of any newspaper fished, in the city of Wilmington. JBi OrVViides lecture-in Dublin was a complete failure, the house being I'asscnante has just died in the Italian alleys. He was tho youth who tried to kill Kins Humbert in 1874. Mr. Sullivan, the pugilist, riow wants t0 wager $1,000 that with his bare fist he can knock down an ox. Insanity i3 becoming prevalent among too older families of Boston. Too inuch over-culture and intermar- marriage. nr Sr.hhemann has named his two children Andromanche and Agamem ion. The young people btgin life quite seriously handicapped. George Eiiot's poem ct n. cantata with 'The Dead," orchestra and vocal effects, will be given at the Posi tivist festival of the dead, on New Year's Day. in London, The Princess Dolgourouki ha3 rented a house in London for the Spring sea son- Count Molikoff, under the private will of the Czar, will superintend the education of her children. fWrrossman Wads worth, of New York, willnot be able to afend Con sress until alter the holidays, as his injuric3 from falling off his horse are more severe than expected. Mr. Arminius Vambery, the cele brated traveler who bravely anu suc cessfully peuetrated to Central Asia in j he disguise of a dervish, is now pros lessor of Oriental languages at Pesth. Mr. W. II. Vanderbilt is to give rand ball in his new mansion in New York on the 11th inst. It is said that three thousand invitations have been. 'sued, and as many more applied for. The new comet will, it is said, be visible on Wednesday next, the 12th inst. It will be found near the milky way and can be seen byline aid ot an opera glass, or. if it is a particularly clear night, with the naked eye. A streak of exceeding good luck has befallen a convict in the Columbus, Ohio, penitentiary, named Louis Brandt His uncle, the Baron Bersteinof Frank-fort-on the Main, died recently and left him a fortune valued at about $1,000, 000. Secretary Chandler has another source of unhappiness be3ide the obsti nacy and frequency with which Uuitcd Slates vessels get into trouble, lie is an inveterate newspaper reader, and keeps one clerk perpetually clipping from the papers everything good or bad published abont New Hampshire's emi nent son. o. The I lay lien minister to Great Brit ain has suddenly resigned his post, sending word to the foreign office that anarchy reigns in Hayti, that attacks are made upn British property and British subjects, and that these have rendered his position untenable. Loudon's new Lord Mayor, Fowler, is of good birth and education, a college graduate, and much travelled. He is partner in Fowler, Dimsdal & Co., a London banking house, founded by Baron. Dimsdalo, a physician, who went to Russia to inoculate the Empress Catherine, and whom she loaded with money and honors. Apropos of the announcement ol the engagement of Miss Jennie Flood, the bonanza king's daughter, to an English nobleman, a Chicago paper recalls the story ol her ioye for a young clerk in her father's bank in San Francisco, and says that, though she may marry some one else, her heart does not go with her hand. Her father discharged the" young man on learning of the attachment, and hurried Miss Jennie off to Europe . Disappointment in matters of pleasure is hard to be borne, in matters affecting health it becomes cruel. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup never disappoints those w ho use it for obstinate' coughs, colds' irritation of throat and lungs, etc. Artists' Material. 0ILAD WATEB COIjORS BRUSHES, tte?rCeUln a!d Hollyd Placqne and Pal Decalcomauic Ornament for Silk and Fa in. inTww"01 K LEG ANT FRAMES in fcoony. Velvet and Gilt. A larsre and &ttrntixra . miri?vTiTv BOOKS OF STANDARD Me for vnsentZ' nanasom1y bound, suita MkS 111? 0ttr CHRISTMAS AKSOUNCE nAvandflnest stock ot HOLI- " wua ever Drouat to this city. dec 3 119 Market at 1 r 1 VOL. VII. W ILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY: DECEMBER 7, LOCAL NEWS. IMDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W II Gkeex Cigars E G Blair Apples Opera House The Rajah O T Thomas Fine Portraits Opera House Black Dwarf C W Yates Artists Materials A W Riven bark Must be Sold Heinsbeboer Holiday PresenU Muxds Bros. & DeRosset Fancy Goods Business in Christmas goods is get ting rather lively. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,102 bales. The condition of Mr. J. W. King has not improved any since yesterday. Tho cisterns and wells are again getting dry and rain in sorely needed now. Two fine entertainments are promised at the Opera House next week, the Rajah and the Black Dwarf. There was only one case before the Mayor this morning, which was a sim ple case of drunk and down, and wa3 discharged. Rev. Dr. Patterson is now inRaleigbt the guest of Mrs. Geo. W, Mordecai. He hopes to revisit Wilmington before returning to Texas. Some ot Theodore Thomas1 people drove down Xo Wrightsvillo yesterday and partook of Myrtle Grove oysters at Capt. Manning's place. They were loud in their praises of the delicious bivalves. A German, complimentary to the young ladies now Yisiting in this city, some of whom came here to attend the Concert last night, will be given this evening! in Germania Hall, by the Id Arioso Pleasure Club. We are glad to learn that Manager Dyer has made arrangements with Mr. Locke for the appearance here be fore the close of the season of the Boston Concert Company and the Bostal Ideal Company. 'The dates are not yet an nounced. The shell road to the Sounds is now in excellent condition and all that is need ed for next Summer's campaign is a few more shells in some worn spots and plenty of shade trees. Wo notice that the causeway over the creek is rap idly beiDg widened and improved. Personal. Mr. James Sprunt and his bride, Miss Luola Murchison that was, dangh ter of Col. Kenneth M. Murchison, of New York, arrived in the city on Tues day niajit and have taken up their abode in the residence prepared for their re ception, corner of Market and Sixth streets. They were the recipients, on the night of their arrival, ol a delight ful serenade tendered by a number of vonnir centlemen in the city, friends of o o - - thegroo.u. Moj. C. P. Bolles, of the U. S. Hy. drographic Survey Corps, is here on a visit to his family, the lirst he has been able to pay them in three years. Until recently Maj. Bolles has been stationed on the Pacific Coast, engaged in mak inr survevs on the coast of Lower o California, but is now in office in Washington City. The Dakota ilancliero. Mr. C. E. Bramble, stock-raiser ot Scotland. D. T.. bavins: used the world renowned' pain-banisher, St. Jacobs Oil. for all ailments ot cattle and horses: also for rheumatism ana neu ralgia in his own case, says that lrom his observation of twenty-five years, thprfi is no nain-cure its e.aual. lie is nuver without it. The Latest Madison Square Success. Theatre-goers will be pleased to learn that the new play from the Madison Square Theatre, "The Rajah," will be presented at tbe Opera House on the evening of December 13. -The Rajah" is a singularly bright and attractive comedy and i3 generally regarded as the author's .(William loung, Esq..) best piece of dramatic work. The play has attained nearly two hundred con secutive representations at the Madison Saaare Theatre, which is adequate m-oof of its exceptional merit, "lne Raiah" abounds with scenic displays, all of which haye been taken advantage of in true Madison Square style. One set. in particular, a glade scene , with a brook of real water running across the stage, js a marvel of tho stage carpen ter's skill. The original cast will ap rear here. The company carries com plete scenery made in duplicate of that made in New York. All in all, a thor oughly finished performance of "The Raiah1 can be anticipated. The sale of reserved seats will begin at Dyer'a on Tuesday morning .next. Theodore Thomas. One of the most difficult duties de volving upon the reporter is that ol criticising a performance justly where all the parts are eqnally well sustained. This is true, whether the entertainment be vocal, instrumental or both com bined. In those usual cases where some are passable, some better and a few good, it is comparatively easy to criticise by showing the distinction be tween this, that or the other part ; but where all are excellent there remains nothing but to speak of the performance as a whole, and to this are we reduced in writing of the concert last bight. There was a large audience in atten dance and mostly of that refined arid cultured class ot music loving ladies and gentlemen who could understand and appreciate tbe beauties of tbe divine art in the grand harmonics of the mas ters as interpreted by skilled musicians. The concert commenced promptly at he appointed hour and by the time hat a half dozen measures had been played the audience, who had been in a everish state of expectation and anxie- y. were captured, and they were most willing captives. Every member ot the orchestra was a master of his particular instrument and, under the direction of the world-re nowned Theodore Thomas, every tone and movement was the perfection ot skill and the most thorough training- rFoA wara Knf fawnnnirmAn ft m fin fT ihem and nearly all had reached, and some bad passed beyond, middle life. n time, tune, tone, technique, shading and phrasing, all seemed a perfection of skill, ot which the audience gave their appreciation in rounds of raptuous ap plause at the conclusion of each piece. The selections were from Berlioz Wagner. Beethoven, Weber, Lizst, Rossini, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Strauss and Rubenstem, and it would be impossible to say which was the best, as each possessed beauties which the others did not. The music of Wagner was different from all others and was a revelation, if not a revolu tion, in musical composition. The An dante from Beethoven's Fifth Symphony was a sublime composition and was rendered with exquisite taste and pathos. The prelude in the Overture to Wm . Tell brought out the rich beauties of the violoncellos and the marvellous skill of the performers on those instru ments. But it is simply impossible to des cribe ail the splendid features of the occasion. Never beforewas such glorious music heard in Wilmington, but we hope the day is not far distant when it raav be repeated. Our people have done well in bringing them here and he management of the Opera House deserve especial praise for their untiring efforts to cater to the be9t musicial taste of the city. . Improvements and Changes The large warehouse on South Water, between Market ana jjock streets, recently occupied as auction salesrooms by Messrs Cronly.& Morris, has been undergoing extensive altera tions and repairs and i3 now occupied hv Messrs W. I. Gore cs Son as a wholesale commission house for the sale of heavy groceries and peanuts. The lower floor has been entirely re modeled and made cenvenient for the particular branch of business for which it is intended the grocery de partmentand the office, which is not yet completed , is in the front part of the building. It will be a model of con venience when finished. The second floor is devoted to the peanut business and the necessary machinery will be run" by a water motor fed by the Clar endon Water Works, the pipes for that purpose having" been laid within the last week. Another Peal. The wedding bells have rung again and this time over the union of Mr. Martin S. Willard, of this city, to Miss Elizabeth Oliver, of Newbern. Ihe ceremony took place in Christ Church, on Wednesday night, the Rector, Rev. V. W. Shields, officiating. Mr. Willard and his bride arrived here last evening. The Newbern Journal says of the hap py even: The church was elaborately and handsomely dressed, and the bridal escort elegant And extensive.. Tbe mar -riage ceremony was solemnly and im pressively performed in the presence of an immense concourse of persons, and was followed by an elegant recep tion at the home of the bride's father. Wm. H. Oliver, Esq. The bride and groom leave this morning, for their home in Wilmington accompanid by a number of friends. - The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills, Twine is sold only at J acobi1 Hard ware Depot. . .T V llflEW. ' - The black Dwarf. This spectacular drama,, now hav ing an unprecedented run,-will give an evening's performance in this: city on Tuesday nighttho Illh instr The piece depends for, its' Success " a -f great deal on its seeilic. and mechanical effects and the painter and machinist i have worked at their -specialtiesJJwUh the hope and expectation . of "arriving at perfection in the " Black Dwarf.r !How well they have succeeded in the accbm plishraent'of their cherished liopes "we will all know on Tuesday evening next. Forth Little Giants The..iiiTcpattme which b probably one of the best in the Southern country, compared with ;l he amount' of material em ployed, does not know what it is to stand still, but is constantly being increased inefficiency, A movement is now on foot by the members of .Wilmincton - Steam Fire Engine Co , - No ; 1, to pur chase a heater for their ejsiue. the Little Giant, wherebyj tho , water in tbe boiler can be kept at a steady high, temperature and steam can be raised without delay. By this means the engine will be always be ready for work promptly on arrival at the scene of a fire. (The heater will cost, it is said, about $125 and thore seems to bo no doubt that the money will be secured. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Apples ! Apples ! Apples ! J AM RECEIVING FROM 50 to' 100 bbls APPLKS per week which the shippers say must be sold. Those In want will aave money by sending their orders to me. E . BLAIR, Commission Merchant, 119 N. second st., dec 7 Wilmington, N C. Fine Portraits in Crayon or Pastel. ; QRDEE3 PROMPTLY EXECUTED -IN the finest style. In order to more fully intro duce the work my prices are to the lowest cent for first class work. Friends are Invited to can and examine for themselves. OBIN T. THOMAS, Artist, dec 6 119 Market st., Wilmington, N. C. Must be Sold ! 2,000 1,500 POUNDS CHOICE VIRGINIA SIDES. POUNDS DRIED APPLES. Call and examine. A. W. RIVEN BARK, 114 North Water St. A full line of all kinds of Country Produce and Groceries always on nana. dec 7 OPERA HOUSE. m m m m THURSDAY EVENING, DEG. Zth. ONLY REPRESENTATION IN THIS CITY of the latest and most notable success from the Madison Square Theatre, THE RAJAH, Infinitely Bright. Merry, and Charmingly ncturesque i ORIGINAL CAST AND COMPLETE SCENERY ! - THE GREAT GLADE SCENE, with Brook of Real Water running across ihe Stage ! its Reserved Seats, $1, at DYER'S, Tuesday Dec 11 th. at S a m. .Admission, 75, and cts. Gallery, 23c. ! . r - X dec 7 50 OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY! m m ; . . . TUESDAY, DEC. 11, 1883 MAXWELL'S SPECTACULAR Black Dwarf I Companion-piece to the Twenty Young Ladies attired In Glittering Armor. The Great Incantation Scene ! The Beautiful Prismatic Fountain 1 Gorgeous Transformation Scene ! Usual Prices. Box Sheet open at Dyer's iflroc iaji dix ttuvttupc. Holiday Presents. TTAVING GONE TO A GREAT Expense XX and expended two weeks' time In arranging my TWO STORES for the Houday season, l am now vrenared to offer to my friends and customers and the public tcneraUy, a careful lr selected assortment of Christmas Goods, from Pari. Berlin. Vienna. Nurcnberg, China, SanFranclsco ana new xorx. - Windows full, walls everywhere decorated. tables loaded down. Everything, anything you want. Presents from o cents to ooo. If Ton don't eoe what yon want ask for It. have It, and it will be shown to you wlih pica sure. Please ci Ji at j . HEINSBERGER'S, dee 7 Live Book and Music Stores Apples ! Apples ! Apples ! RECEIVED THIS CRATES FINE M. WESTERS X. C. APPLTS B McDOUG ALL, No. 14 Chestnut St. bet. Trent and Water dees Wilmington, N. C 1883. NO. 289 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . AUCTION SALE. BY AND UNDER DIRECTION OF J. I. MACKS Assignee. Tbe umKraigned , ... ,1!..-.- .-Si 1 win : expose FOR SALE -FOR CASH ! The well assorted stock of B oots and S h oeo together with the Furniture' and Fixtures ! Con'ained In the store No. 113 Market Street, Commencing on Tuesday, Dec.lltb, 1883, and to continue until the entire stock is sold. S. VaxAMRINGE, Auctr. nov 30 St Something Entirely New in this Market I Venetian Crapes I Venetian Crapes I All Wo'ol and Silk and Wool! FULL LINE HENRIETTA CLOTHS FROM $1 to fl.75 peryard. FINEST LINE HOLIDAY GOODS IN THE CITY, Just received another lot Silk Circulars and Dolmans, Which we offer at a bargain. JULIUS SAMSON, Wo. 111 Market St. dec 5 AVOID THE RUSH ! WE WOULD ADVISE THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL TO COME AND PUR CHASE THEIR HOLIDAY GOODS ! and avoid tbe rush. Ladies and gentle men will find it to their interest to select from our Immense stock, . as It contains all The Latest Novelties in TOYS, HOLIDAY AND FANCY GOODS, at prices which will con vince everybody who calls to be the Cheapest and most reliable In town. . TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Market St., Wilmington. N. C. P. 8. All goods purchased now will be de livered In excellent condition when required dec 3 Consider Well. TUTHEN A MAN WHO WORKS FOR A TT. living and knows the value of money, the qucs tlon of dollars arises when he thinks of buy lng his Clothing, it is for him to consider where he can do the best for the least money. It Is for this reason A. & I. SHRIER invite the closest buyer to come and examine for himself and be Will find Chat ; their goods are - Unquestionably; First-Class and that their prices are at least 25 per cent, cheaper than their rival houses , . A. & I. SHRIER, dec 3 Reliable Clothiers. 114 Market SU , FLEAS3 If OTICX. We win be glad to xeoelTO cozamimlcatsoa from our friends on any and all subjects general Interest but ' ' 2 STheuune of do writer must always be fa Dished to the Editor. Communication mnst be written on onl one aide of the paper. 3. . Personalities must be avoided,! Ani It Is especially and particularly end . stood that the Editor does not always endoi the views of correspondents unless so state In the editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ' 1 ". FALL AND WINTER NOW OPEN AT li6 Market Street SPECIAL BARGAINS ! IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ! Unusual Attraction in Styles Masrntiicent JLine oi Goods. AIL WITH THE LOWEST PRICES ASSURED I To enumerate even a small portion of our endless variety, would occupy too much space, and we therefore name only a few De partments. Black and Colored Silks. Ottoman, Brocaded & Rhadames Silks, Plain and Brocaded Velveteens. DRESS GOODS in all the New Shades, Cashmeres, Shuddas, Serges, Camel's Hair, Foule, Ottoman, Nun's Cloth, Ladies' Cloth, Flannels, Mohairs, Plaids with Combinations. Pin Checks, Brocades. Beiges, &c. Trimmings, Fringes, Gimps, Buttons, to match all above. Cloaks, Dolmans, Sacqnes and Jerseys, Shawls. s Ladies1 Misses, Men and Boy a' Merino Underwear. . Blankets and Flannels lower than they have been for years. Laces and Embroideries at prices that will make yon buy any way. itosiery. Gloves, Corsets, Skirts Table Damasks Towels, Sheetines. White Goods, Men and Boys Wear, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, &C &c., &c. All bought at the recent decline in prices. and an inspection of same will Induce my pat rons, as well as the public in general, to profit bv Investing in some of the MANY BAR GAINS. M. M. KATZ 116 Market St. oct8 . : I Am Ready for Work. QENTLEMENS CLOTHING AND HATS dyed, cleaned and pressed, also. Ladies Hats dyed in any color and pressea In the- latest styles. .C. P. REM8EN, nov 27-un . . no. 19 norm becond St Mnnds Bros. &DeBosset, DEALERS IN DRUGS A FANCY GOODS, Market and Second Streets. JJECENT ARRIVALS ENABLE US TO offer a most beautiful line of Fancy Goods. Our Goods are all bought in New 1 ork by our Agent, gotten from Importers and Manu facturers and are unltte any elsewhere offered In tbis city, a decided inducement to persons nishing to make gilts. Our Line, though a very elegant one. Is not Immense, and we would - be pleased to have our customers make selections now, to be de livered when wanted. Articles suitable for children, ranging from 25 ents to $5, are very pleasing. nov 28 Important Arrival AT OLD NOBTn STATE 8ALO0N, No. 6 - - - , , ..... outh Front St., Bbl of VA, MOUNTAIN WHISKEY, (double Stamp) four years old. Try it. Good Linuors, Wines. Cigars. e OYSTERS on Ic-. Wot 58 DOW'T FORGET rpo CALL AT THE 5 AND 10 CENTS X store. Tbe articles are good atd can be bought or less than one-1 half of what yon nay elsewhere. U nsehoid articles and Kitchen utensils a specialty. FnUand complete stock of Toys and Christmas Goods at the only 5 and lO Cents Store Second St., between Market and Dock fits, dec44C Mrs. Warren's old stand Cigars ! O i ga r o ! JJEW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED Stock, A luxury within reach of all. Toilet Soap, a new and elegant line. -Tooth Brushes, cheapest and best, at WILLIAM 11. GREEN'S, nov 10 J17 Market Street. Old Newspapers JptraSALE VERT CHEAP. ApalyT jnUZltf xmsiorrics

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