i i1 - -- - 111 - - - - - - - r. -w "- . THIS PArKB every evening, Sunday ex cepted by , ; ' po JOSH T. JAMES, SPITOB AJID rKOFKEBTO. SLCSCRIFTIOSS rOSTAGE PAID: Six month. $2.00. Three months $1-00 i nc month, 35 cent. The paper will be deliver! by carriers tree rhie in any part of the city, at the above .tea oriocenis jc v AivesUsIng rates low. and liberal. 4-Sulscribcra will report any and all ta receive their paper regularly, fall- The Daily Jicview has llic largest t.0na fide circulation, of any newspaper vnbid,nikt city of n Urnxnyton. ""Eastport, Me., tried the standard time, but the villagers made a fuss, aud the selectmen yielded and went back to the o! J time on Sunday. , , r Arkansas coal ia bans offered , for home use. It is a new experiment. Tbe hih price of wood is inducing the peo ple to look on all sides for cheaper fuel. A party of Englishmen in Colorado shot fifty antelopes, of which they did not evea take the heads, because the heads as specimens were not fine enough. - ' - The four buildinjjs for the World's Industrial Cotton Exposition in New Orleans are io have 1,000.000 square !et of exhibition space, and are' to cost in the assezate onjy $225,000. j - .Mgr. Capel intends to linger as the ,estof Mrs. Turnure. in New York, until alter Ch'ristmas. He will lecture there thrice, his topics being "Mar- "Pivorce" and "Family" riuge. Thv have recently figured up 'in Paris what it cost to indulge in a shor1 war with Germany, and the amount is started at 8 millards and 35G millions uf francs or, say $1,600,000,000. . Mrs. Langtry. while in Louisville, mourned tbe los9 of her favorite King Charles spaniel, carried off by some Jog fancier. It was the gift of a friend, aud she offered a reward of twenty-five dollars for its return. George Washington's autograph at the sale of the library of the late Joseph .1. Cooke, of Providence, R. I ietched $12, that of Roger Williams $40, Thomas Jefferson's $4 and that of George IV ! Mr. Artbarr has given up his resi dence at the Soldiers' Home and js fully installed iu the White .House for the winter. It Is expected that Mrs. Mc Kl'roy and other relatives will spend the holiday season at the White House. ti' E. S. Martin, the former business manager of the Boston Ideal Opera Company, who was defeated by Miss Ober of Boston, in a civil suit in Cleve land last week, has become insane through business troubles and too much liquor. The German army korse buying com mission have this year bought in 449 markets 7,054 horses , at an average of .$170. The highest paid was $350; the lowest $75. Six thousand six hundred and thirteen are three year olds; the rest older. - Geu. George A. Washburn, ot Hart lord, Conn., has been obliged to remove to Aiken, S. C, for the benefit of his health. He was major of the 16th Con necticut Regiment at Sharpsburg. and received many serious wounds in that battle, from which he has been a suffer er ever since. Mr. Fair, of Nevada, is put down as the wealthiest man in the United States Senate. His riches aggregate $18,000, ooo ; those of Mr. Miller, of California, 4.000.000; Mr. Sawyer, of Wisconsin, $7,000,000; Mr. Brown, of Georgia, 5.000,000; Mr. Palmer, of Michigan, S7.500.000; Mr. Sabin, of Minnesota. $2.000,000, and so on. The fall expedition of the American Colonization Society sailed from New York for Liberia ou the 1st instant. It comprised select emigrants, mostly in latuilies, from Massachusetts. Virginia, North Carolina, Mississippi, Arkansas Illinois, Kansas and Nebraska, the adult males including two ordained ministers and farmers and carpenters. On November 20 a fine branch of lilac was gathered in a garden at steep Hill, in the Isl of Jersey. On the same tree were many other branches in full flower. The apple and pear trees were also in blossom, and ripe straw berries were plucked which had grown in the open air. "The fact," says the Debats, "is miraculous in the latitude of Normandy." - Peter Shinkle, of Covington, Ky.. who is over ninety years oid. has commen ced a suit against Amos Shinkie, Ins millionaire son, for services as collector and superintendent during the last thirty-five years. He values his ser vices at $75 a month, which makes a total of $30,600. On this he has credits of about $12,000. and sues for the re mainder, with interest from the; time the various sums of which it is made up became due. A fine a&sortmant nf dnm n nroi. vuiuiiumii s.t JacobVs Hardwwa Depot r 11 A VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. DECEMBER Twti small children fro rue Ireland ar-! rived safely jn Fauquier (county. Va last week, haying traveled all the way uuattended. The place of their destina tion was written on cards which were sewn to the suoulders.ot their clothing- Aldermau Bandhcur tells ( a reporter for the Denver News the most prodigi ouiofall tbe Colorado mtn;ng storiea. The alderman says that after he had drilled to tho depth of 433 feot with a drill 20 inches in ditamctcr, the drill dropped with such momentum as to snap the steel wire cable, and that when, he descended to get the drill be landed on the Uoor of a cavo'about 75 feet in height. 2.000 yards i a Jeugtb,' and 200 yards in width. Around him were largo rocks worn smooth by the action of waves, and there were ! bonefi of whales and other monsters of the deep; but even more numerous than these were chunks of almost priceless am bergris. The story is recited as solemn truth. - Our Army and Navy ; our Police and "Fire Departments; our prominent men and women on land and nrt ea, declare that nothing equals St. Jacobs Oil, the conqueror of pain. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W U Gkkex Cigar . , j. Wanted A Servant H Q Bbock Public Sale 1 ' A 4 I SlIUIER Eollinjf On ' I Opera. House The Bajah. F c Miller Holiday Presents ! Ukinsberoeb Holiday Presents, j C W Tates Chrlstmaa Nbveltte Mrs S J Baker Great Bargain MCDOCOALL & BowdeS Whips Parser & Taylor At Oar House ' Taylor's Bazaar Merry Christmas P L Bridoers ft Cor-Chrlstmaa GootU Tnos C Craft, Agt Beautiful and Attrac tlve . . i MtJNDs Bros. & DtgUosset Holiday Nov- eltiea 1 N Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231,1 Royal Arcanum , j 1 It M McLvTiEE Frosn Seashore , to 1 the Mountains J i i ' For 6ther locals see fqurth page. Business is brisk, but news items are very scarce to-day. I The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 700 bales. i Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231 Royal Arcanum, meets to-night at 8 o'clock. 1 i it From present Claus will have year. appearances Santa his hands i full this Peuder Superior Jourt will convene in one week from to-day and will be the last Court in this circuit j Rev. T. Page Ricauclj preached at the Fifth Street M. E. Church yesterday to a large congregation and the services r "wore impressive and affecting i The Br. Steamship Woodsidc , which was here some time ago and loaded cotton for Liverpool, was reported out side this morning andj is expected up to-night. Brig Havana, ' Capt. Rccd, I cleared to-day lor Ponce. P R., with 242.777 feet lumbar and 45,000 ' shingles, valued at $4,071.68, shipped by Messrs North rop&Cumming. I -, ! . i The itajah. . Tho presentation of this, brilliant comedy at theOperaHousgonThursday the 16th inst., promises to be the chief amusement event of the season. The interest is heightened by the fact that "The Rajah" is to be enacted here by the regular Madison Square home com pany, and will be embellished- by scen ery made in duplicate of the original and painted by the same artists. CUy Court. , , Stephen Freeman, colored, was be fore the Mayor this ijnorning on a charge of disorderly conduct, and was fined $5 for the offence, which he paid. Candace Dunstary, (Colored, for dis orderly conduct, was fined $5, in de fault of which she was sent below for 20 days. 1 , Bcneset Christiansen, a seaman, for disorderly conduct, was fined $5, which he paid. . ' I ' Insane i Sheriff Ward, of Pender county, was in the city to-day. . He brought with him a white woman by the name of I,ucretia Rebecca Ellers. of Lincoln township, in that county, who has been adjudged insane and was turned over by - Sheriff Ward to " Mr. Savage, Superintendent of the Poor House, who will care, for her at the Insane Depart ment bt that institution. The patient is about 35 years of age ami is unmar ried; She Is not violent and has lucid intervals. . r;. A' The Black I warf . This spectacular drama will be pre-1 sented at the Opera House in this city to-morrow night. The scenery carried by the company is new. and was pro duced by one of tbe best artists in the country. The costumes are new and tasty. Interspersing tbe .performance are many things of a decidedly mirth provoking character, J List of Delegates. The Convention of the New Episco pal diocese in this State assembles in Newbern on Wednesday, the 12th inst. We reprint herewith the list of dclo gates, entire, from this city ; i- : St. James1. Delegates Dr. A. J. DeRoaset. CoL" J. G. Burr. A. H. VanBokkelen, Wm. Calder. ! Alternates R. E. Calder. J. , H. Boatwright, Dr. Thos. F. Wood, J.(X Munds. I St. John's. , Delegates Col. S. L. Fremont. Chas.D. Myers, W. H. Green. Berry Gleaves. j ( Alternates John E. Lippllt, M. P. Tayler. O. P. Meares, Jr.. Josh T. James. 1 ( St. Paul's. Delegates DuBrutz , Cutlar, R. E. Heide, F. H. Mitchell, Wm. H. . Ber nard. 1 ' ' - Alternates R. G. Rankin, H. E. Burr, W. G. McRae, R. B. Wood, Sr. ' St. Mark's. '. f Delegates J. C. Norwood, J. H, Davis, H. D. Sampson, Samuel Reid Alternates J. D. Sampson. Thos. Stewart, John O. Nixon, Valentine Howe. i yW The Magazines. i The December numberV of the Magazine of American Historyh&a been received, and like all ot its predecessors, is a most valuable work. An interest ing paper In the present number is Christmas Time in Old Virginia.11 by John Esten .Cooke. Then we have 'Holidays in Early Louisiana." by Norman McF. Walker; "Christmas Tide in Canada by 1 John Reade, h R. S. C; "Christmas Season in Dutch New York," by Mrs. Martha J.Lamb; "A Huron Historical Legend," by Horatio Hale, M. A. ; "Col. David Crockett, of Tennessee," by Gen. Marcus J. Wright, and a large amount of original and instructive matter- We have received the November number of the North Carolina Medical Journal which is fully equal in point of merit and medical information to any of its predecessors. There are a great number of subjects treated and all are of importance to the -non-professional as well as the professional world. A very important feature of the present number is a paper upon "Insanity in the Colored Race," contributed by Dr. J. D. Roberts, of Goldsboro, N. C. Dr. Roberts is Superintendent of the Asylum for the colored insane at that place, and his opinions ard of imports ance from having been confirmed by continual observation among that un fortunate class of people. . ; The Sampson Fair. Tho Annual Fair of the 1 Sampson County Agricultural Association com menced at Clinton, on Wednesday, the 5th instant,, although but; little was done on that day further ' than to make entries of stock, farm products dec, ecc. On Thursday, tbe 6tb, tbe Fair was formally opened by i the i-? President of the Association. Col. J. K. Pigford. On Friday, the Chief Marshal, BIr. J. T- Murphy, with his assistants and accompanied by the' military, under Capt. Faison. escorted 'Gov." Jarvis to the grounds, where he was introduced to the audience by President Pigford. The Governor then addressed the as sembled multitude in - a sensible, straightforward. practical ' speech, which was listened to with profound attention and interest. The Fair closed on Saturday night after one of the most successful exhibi tions of its kind ever held in that comity There was a large attendance eaeh day, and good order was generally observed. There was a ball on Thursday night and another on Friday night, both of which were well attended and greatly enjoyed. The harpers, of thisj city, furnished tbe music for ' the dancing The success of the Fair was greatly due to the untiring efforts of 'President Pigford, Chief; Marshal Mnrphy and Treasnrer Beaman. who left no means nnem ployed to make it all that could be desired- There were a great1 many strangers present froza the surrounding country to whom the people of, Sanjj son extended that cordial hospitality for which they are proverbial, and which was highly appreciated " by the Tir'.tcrs. ' r;.; V " 'I'-'. ' ' . -" . " NEW ADVERTI8EMENT8 3- S3. w33MESL3ESaE?SJ rwiiLLirjczRY Our Agent in the Northern Cities is sending us goods weekly. Feathers, Plumes and Holiday Goods, - i : J Fire Works and every style of Doll for children. MRS. S. J. BAKER, dec in ; - -.' . ' 122 Market Street, From Seashore to the Mountains we mane extraordinary efforts this season to put in a good stock, and the result has been much larger sales and great satisfaction to our patrons , We cater to a cash trade and to prompt paying customers, - ! and guarantee the closest prices. ' ' Dry Goods and Carpets, J Ladies' and Children's Wraps, HouseFurnishing Goods, , Fine Silk Wraps, r ; ' Ladies', GentsVand Children's Underwear, Dress Goods and Trimmings 1 Suits Made to Order. In all of the above we are well prepared to give satisfaction. dec 8,. 1883 1 i HOLIDAY PRESENTS IX EVERY VArtlETY AND TOO NtTJIKK ons to be mentioned, can be fonnd at the moat reasonable prlcas, at ' .. 1 - - v '' - I I. ' F. C. MIIJLER'S, Drugstore, dec 10 3-24 South Fourth. Comer Nun at Public Sale. JpROM CITY POUND, ON TUESDAY, Dec 11, 1683 at 12 o'clock, M. , 1 j TWO COWS AND ONE HEIFER. II. C. SROCK, Chief of Police. dec 10-lt Rolling On I Rolling On ! Q.ATHERING NEW PATRON8 AT every more and cementing the confidence of our old frienda In u. . ' , ' i - . ' ' - i The people the working people of this city and through this State hare stood by ns. They Jhave patronized ns. ; They have said kind words of ut. They have sympathized with ua when we needed their sympathy, and now it la our duty and we shaU see to it that the people can have Clothing at least j 25 per cent. Cheaper than can be bought ' elsewhere, and that the laboring men wi.l receire honest value for their honestly earned money. j A. & I. SHRIER, dec 10 Reliable Clothiers, lU.Slarket St. Christmas Novelties. f: W J not claim to have A GREATER VARIETY OR FiNER GOODS than any one else. I' -WE -ONLY POLITELY ASK YOU TO CALL AND .1 UDGE FOR YOURSELF. due lo :iU9 Market at Holiday Present nno BE 'GIVEN, AWAY EVERY PUR- . 1 lift', t'.n i chaser of $2W6rth of Goods, will be entitled to receive arcbance at a most - .. , - f , K-4 f .. beautiful, extravagant and richly costumed, imported DOLL, which harjbeeir arraved In the highest of fashion by one of Worth Spe cial ArtlU. J -';7 ' !' . This QUEEN OF THE DOLLS, la KB ber grace and beauty, has consented, to share her affections with and to be giren on New Year's day to the person then holding the Lucky numoex. - - - j". -a. i t CHRISTMAS GOODS ! i . AIT ENDLESS VARIETY. TOO NUMER OUS to Itemize. Fancy Extra vaganzaa, Lm ported Oddities, Japanese Curiosities, and extensive collections of goods of every des cription Imaginable; from nearly all the prin cipal manufacturing cities la Europe and America. Please caU early, see the "LOVELY DOLL. make your purchases, and procure your J HEINSBERGER'S, I dee Wt f 4 JJve ISool; and lre Stores ji n i a ' ! i ' ' " ' l To Bnildera and others- Go to Jaco ei'a for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass, c Yon can get all sizes, and at the 10. 1883. NO. 291 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -AT- ErjpoRiu i ' Christmas Coodo of all kinds coming la every day. I FiBK crackers; CANTON CRACKERS, ROMAN CANDLES, Ac RAISINS, CURBANTS, CITRON, PRESERVES, JELLIES, FIGS, NUTS, Ac .We will give SPECIAL ATTENTION to orders coming in from the cmwry, and guar antee a SAFE AND SPEEDY DELIVERY to their destination. Prices and quality! of golds BEYOND COMPETITION. ' Full line of FANCY CAKES and CRACkI 1 ERS for the Holiday?. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. 1 lO North Front St. dec 10' IsTaor: T-ISHES ONE AND ALL IN ADVANCE a Merry Christ mas, and promises that the cx i ' ' i . ... perience of the past has enabled us to make the present exhibition of HOLIDAY GOODS surpass anything hitherto attempted by ua. Wc cordially invite all to come land examine the Goods, and whether you purchase or not you will jeccive uniformly polite attention. Dolls of every nation and size. Toys of every kind. Horses. Wagons. Carriages, Drams, Whips, Trumpets, Farm Yards, Ac, Ac HOLIDAY PRE8ENTS Gent's Handker chiefs, Silk and Linen,-'' in every grade and color. . - : v.-u Ladies Handkerchiefs, Linen Hemstitched, in Pij.ln and Fancy Coloied Borders, of every description and quality. f . " LACE NfcCKWEAU Inspection is needed adequately to describe the beauty of the Nov elties we offer. There is nothing new or ele gant in design or qualitv which Is not repre sented In our stock, and now. Is the season when it is worn. -) We have everything that is newl ia Ladies Collars, J abots and Fichus in Pompadour. Moresque Oriental Point, Florentine and Gulmpure Laces, and special novelties in Flax Irish Point. Mother llabbard and Flat Col lars for chUdren in immense variety. J JEWELRY New designs in Pins, Earrings, Bangle Bracelets in gilt and silver. Will tie soia at remarsaDiy low figures , L AUIES UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. Chemise, Gowns, Skirts, Corsets. Corset Covers, Dressing Secques, and an excellent line of Bridal Sets. A large variety to select from. ,i .. 4- KID GLOVES In all styles, colors and qual ity; also Jersy Cotton and 811k Gljvei, all col ors, for ladles, misses and children. . r MILLINERY. Trimmed' . and un trimmed Hata. Boaneta in Felt. Plnsli anrl vl t evnrv color and shape; will be closed out at great bargains. Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Tcmw, rioioe. ua rtui in eveiy e and shade. batIafaction,jguaranteea at TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 1 113 Market fill, WlnUfTon', N. ci 1 dec JO i; VJanted. SERVANT TO DO THE WORK FOB A mail family. Apply at No. ?U Dock street. between Srrtnth ia ana irtth. : ;C---- r I'LEASsNOTICE. J' f We win be glad, to 'receive communication from our friends on any and an subjects inemterestbuY Y. ! j ' H'-- j : ' ; , j I fXhe nama of the writer must always be fu alshed to the Editor. r Cndcauons must be , written on ml cmo side of the paper. ' w- ' ( Personalities must be avoided.: i . And !t islPfcpoclally and particularly und tood that the Editor docs not always cndoi tbe views of correspondents unless . so state in the editorial columns. ' - . NETV1 : ADXRTISEMENTS. OPERA HOOQE, THU&SDAr EVENING. DEC. ' 13t. OKTiE,PBETAT10 THIS CITY of the latest and most notable success , from tbe Madison Square Theatre , THE RA.TATT Infinitely Bright, Merry, and Charntlngly PlCturesnua i rtHirin.iV.. v plete bceuery! ( i TIIBRrS5?E 8CKNE. With its Brook, of Bal Water running across ;-, the Stage ! tJTiv.v W xuesoar. Dec. 1! th. at 8 H- m. Admission, 73. and W cts. Gallery, 25c. dec 10. OPERA HOUGE. ONE NIGHT ONLY I TUESDAY, DfeC. 11, 1080, MAXWELL SPECTACULAR P Black Dwarf ! companion-piece to the SSJSiw i Th5 ThVn.. i 1 1 Box 6hect Dyer's Three Days in advance. . deo 1st At Our House i You CAN FIND A VERY USEFUL IAS ortinent of Gooda far HOUSEKEEPING, and N9W is your time to buy. Call at ' i 1 f PBS H-U1TE QPA!Ugat ' Whips-Whips-Whips. " gPURS. SADDLES, BRIDLES, TRUNKS, SRmSfSwP' S!. ' Tonrlsts Sacks, it8 ' i?1 u?.lof carriages. Burgles, Village Road Carts, Ph tons, Carta and Drays and Harness to go with . them. Repairing done promptly by skilled workmen. I I L ' McDOUQALL & BOWDEN ' dec 10 No. 114 North Front &i. PoOllflftil nA AUMi.'.. i AfWMUvuui UIUU XX V UlOlKJUl V C QOODS PLACED IN STOCK THE PAST week designed especially for the Holiday Trade, consisting in part of i 7 RATTAN CHAIRS, .r. T X'5?.st exquisite patterns) MARBLE TOP TABLES, u . CHAMBER SUITS. Ac For tho children- we will dUpIay a most Elaborato Stock of j -i v DOLL CARRIAGES, HOBBY HORSES, ! ' : WAGONS, CHAIRS, . DEXTER AND ' 1 I t SHOO FLY COCKERS.Ac. These goods are of best manufacture! and we would be pleased to have every one call and see them. i - , . THOMAS C. CRAFT. Agenr I f VM IV AN ELEGANT .ASSORT ilENT OF HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, J IS NOW OFFERED BY - ' j I Munds Bros, and DeRosset, Market and Second Streets. , 1 . ' iC ttough and Gut Ornaments, 2 C ' - o o Uigar and Cigarette Cases, i Christmas Cards, Hand Painted, Ink Stands, unique, designs, , p Gentlemen's Dressing Cases. "2 3 Smokers Sets, very handsmoe,! Munds Bros. Parisian Sachets. Cl 8 Cut G lass Cologne Bottles. . . 0 dec 8 AlinTIAri rrAii r BY AND UNDER DIRECTION OF J. I. MA0ZS, Aesignoo. The nnrlcrsiirarf wfii FOR SALE FOR CASH ! Tfc well assorted stock of I Boots' and Ghoeo , " together with the ' Fnrnitnre and Fixtures ! : Contained in tbe store No. U3 MarliefStoeet, Comaeaeisg on ' Tuesday, Dec, lltIi.lS0D, and to continue until the en'.ire stock U sold. B. VANAMRINGEAuetr. nov &-9t Cigars I Djaro ! JEWBRANDS OT UXEZCrLLED Sto;k, fc A luxury within reach of all. oaeJ f1' Mw and tlemt tie. - Tooth Uruitfes, ct5 fft e'- i.st fi .tm iwr :.

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