Tins PAPER rib1 every tco1bj?. Sundays ex cepted by JOSH JAME81 EPITOB Ah'P PBOrXIETOB. 6lB5CTJrTIOK3 POSTAGE PAID: $2.00. Three B,onti,tl.W; One month, 35 cents. irin he delivered by carriers tree We!l m iuiT part of the city, at the above 10 cents per week. ;a1n:r rates low ana uocrau Subscribers will report any and aU fail- to receive tacir lm' 'v Daily Bcview has the large Mr Samuel Mickey, of New South torn pie circulation, of any newspaper , Wale3 ha3 a farm o 5,000.000 acres. ..jjished. in ike city of Wilmitujton. J& . iZ-rrrr ; Mr. W. S. Chamberlain.' of CIcvc- -MrTeSpeaker Kiefer! j ianj. Ohio, father of Miss Jennie What m tho deuce did you try (or? : j chamberlain, the young lady whose When jour chance grew weaker and 1 baa attracted much notice in weaker', j Europe, seeing a published statement Beside tho votes that were lacking, 1 that it i rroposci piace photograph8 vvi had no sure backing. the uaua aicm c wain Sneaker. - C m . 4. m m ! For They elected you once. - . Vhcn they needed a dance ro do as they wanted in ruling, Butthe party is busted. And the people, disgusted. Won't bavc any more of such fooling. So oitca you biundercc , The people all wondered What you'd do next. Speaker Keifer, But now. your own party Have resolved, strong md hearty. You shall never be aught but a cipher! j Pere Ilyacinthe arnvdd in Boston, Kriday evening, and will thence come southward. Mr. Tennyson's elevation to the peer age certainly is to be made, according lu the London News ol a recent date. - . Wheeling dispatches report a gigantic :it iu West Virginia "wild cat" land, manipulated by certain parties m Washington City. - Owinff to fears engendered by recent incendiarism in Milwaukee, insurauee U being placed upon every vessel laid up there for the winter. r " . . n-y T. B. liarriss, a stocfc rai3er 01 i.om Greeo country, Texas, reports mat u milesiothis lences have recently been destroyed by fence cutters. Hdn. Alexander Henry, wuo was taayk of Philadelphia during the ex citing times of the late war, died in Germantown Thursday after a snort illne93. The lower house of the legislature of British Columbia, has passed a resolu tion instructing the government to in troduce a bill restricting Chinese im migration. It is reported that four Mexicans, tuarged with the murder of Domingo Poiomo, near Fort Davis, Texas, about Tour weeks ago have been taken ironi the authorities and lynched. A notice was issued to the coal oper . irtors of Schuylkill county, Pa., Thurs day, announcing that the anthracite coal interests have agreed to a stoppage ot coal mining from December 2 to 26. With the completion ot the new artesian well at Charleston, S. C, prob ably by the 1st of January, the daily yatcr supply of that city will be in creased to about 800,000 gallons, or lour times what it is now. Holland, in the last three centuries has recovered irom the sea at least 90, 000 acres. The Lake of Harlem be came terra firma between 1640 and 1852, and the Zuydcr Zee is iu process of transformation into 500,000 valuable acres. - Kate, Louise. Emma and Josephine, tho four daughters of Joseph W. Drex el, of New York, were honored iu the naming of tbe Germau colony in Wor cestcr county. Maryland. The new town is called Kiej Grange, the "Klej" being the initial letters of the four daughters. But three persons wore avad (from the steamer ManUi-ce, which' foundered recently on Lake Superior, y tne per sons lett tho steamer in a lifeboat, and six of them died or were drowned be fore they reached land. Tho crew, cap taia and tea or twelve passengers wen down with tho steamer. By a recent decisien of the Supreme Court at Reading, Pa the heirs of de ceased poor people who were insured for large amounts are enabled to bring suit and recover the money paid on the insurance policies to speculators, to whom the policies had been transferred On Thursday three cases were decided, involving $12,000, which is now to be paid to the heirs of the deceased. In Chicago.Friday, John Fleming and trant L. luring were convicted for participation in what are known as the "Fund W" frauds. A firm known as Fleming and Merriam advertised to do a commission business on the Chicago board of trade, and Induced a grgat many people to invest in Fund W.w It is estimated that they collected more than $1,000,000, which they pretended co be using in pculat!on on the board f trade. r 1 VOL. VII. j i - of bis daughter ou sale in New York , requests that the announcement be made that no photographer at home or abroad has permission to &cii her photographsand that any one found selling them will be prosecuted. The FarmerB Congress at Iouisvfllo, Ky., adopted a cbnstitutioa and by- lawa last week. The object or the or j ganizatiou is the advauce of the agri- cultural interests oi the country. The organization is to bo composed of the same numoer 01 memuers as iae iitiiou atCoDgrcss. Resolutions were adopt ed demanding that the commissioner of agriculture shall be made a cabiuet officer. Col, Robert Beyerly, of Virginia, was elected President for the ensuing year. How the hearts of a crowd swell and throb with pitiless hatred against the man who coughs during the perform ance at n theatre, when they know he is too stincy to invest twenty-five cents in a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. LOCAL NEWS. " index to new advertisements. Bay View Beer W H Qrekx Cigars - P C Miller Holiday Presents HKrKsaKRGER Holiday Presents C W Taxes Christmas Norelties Miss E Kaerek Christmas Ooo4d Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low ! prices, at Jacobis , t The receipts of cotton at this port to- day foot up 745, bales. . There was one case of drunk and down before the Mayor this morning, which was discharged. A tramp was notified this morning by the Mayor not to let to-morrovt-'s sun shine upon him in Wilmington. The Black- Dwarf Combination ar rived on this morning's train from the South, and registered at the Purcell House. The weather begins to assume a . wintry appearance, ana tnis morning's atmosphere felt decidedly like a snow storm was approaching. The family of Rev. Dr. Pritchard have arrived in the city and hare com menced housekeeping. Their residence is at No. 511 Orange street. We bid them a hearty welcome to our city and hope that they will find their new home happy and agreeable The Goldsboro Messenger says: A most enjoyable reception was given by Col. Geoigo W. Collier, at his residence in this city last Thursday, to his niece. Mrs. Martin S, Wiilard, nee Miss Eliz abeth Oiivcr.of Newbcrn, and her brid. al riartv. who srcnt the day here en route for Wilmington; her future lxomef Dangerous. There have been several attempts re cently to break into some ot the dwcl lings in the vicinity of Second and Wal nut streets. We arc firnily of the opin ion that these attempts arc dangerous. and will result in dire disaster one of these nights, and we do not care how soon it may happen. The Orchestra Prof. Smithdeal has at last succeeded in bis Sorts to secure an orchestra or four pieces, consisting of yiolin, cornet, flute and piano, and it is epccted that they will play to night. Should they fail to appear to-night, it Is certain that they will play on 'Thursday 1 night, as the cornet player is sure to bo Tiers by that time. . Typhoid Feyer. Mr. Charles B. Willson. who has been seriously sick with typhoid fever for several weeks, has so far recovered as to be able to be out again, and on tbe street for a short , time to day, al though yet quite feeble. h Mr. James E. Willson, brother to the above, is dangerously sick with the same disease, and has been confined to his room for several days. . . The llajah. There will be one more performance t thn Oner House this week, that of tbe "Rajah, by the Madison Square Company, on Thursday night, the13th inst. .This play has had a protracted run on the Madison Square stage, and is one of tho most : popular plays now An tharond. It will be rendered here by a . strong company and will un donbtediy draw a crowd td hoais. W I LMINGTON. N. C, TUBS Keturiietl to the CU . Mr. J. M. Hard wick, who ! was r formerly a merchant in this city. but ; who for the past four or fire years has been engaged in Ihe trucking business a few miles from the city, has returned and resumed his former business. although in a diflfercat locality. He is j now oa Vrinceas, between Eighth and Ninth streets, whore he has established a retail grocery business , We paid a brief visit this -cioralog to Mr. Orria Thomas' studio, ou tho third floor, utrectiy auove ates oooKstore. j aod were much pleased with what we srw in the shape 01 art wor. mere were several spocimctB in crayon JJt Mr. Thomas' skill, all ot which were very tine and lifelike. There was also a pastel of a little Italian girl which was very pretty and artistic in appear ance. This picture is for sale. TracrAHv and rinmAdv. Next week onr theatre iroew witt l..va .n nnnnrtnnitv nf hlrinfr both j - u- iin.nm;n0 M.n in thir r soectlve lines. On Tuesday, the - 18th inst., Mr. Thomas W. Keene, the emi nent tragedian, will appear in the Shakespearian tragedy ol Richard III, mnA nn FpM.f Olaf In at Mr fl K Bishop, the comedian, who is known to Wilmington audiences a the personifieation of fun. will appear as j P. P. Pldlkins. in "Strictly Business ."1 Severe Accident. Yesterday afternoon the little son of Mr. L. Dryloo was visiting at Mr. S. Sternbenrer,s 'oh Ann; between Front and Second streets, ami while there C r - amused himself by sliding down tbe hAniatera from the second to the first floor. While enaaged In this sport he lost his balance and fell from near the top to the bottom of the stairs, striking heavily npon his head. For a consul orable time after the lad was entirely nnfianacioos. and concussion ; of the brain was feared by the, physicians. He finally recovered consciousness f however, and this morning-was able to hn nn And about, althoush his liead is quite badly bruised. At .Exchange Corner. Miss E. Karrer is in receipt of many novelties for the Christmas holidays and more are coming. IIerjstore, at Exchange corner, presents a very handsome and attractive scene on both floors and the ladies are thronging there every day now in search ot many of the articles required for the fes tive season, A glance through the establishment is, of course, bewildering to the masculine miud, but the fairer half of creation know jast how to ap- nrpoiatfi the manv pretty things dis- played there. The New Cornet. To-morrow night, if any onelis dis posed to look with a good pair of opera glasscsatthe region just within tbe Milky Way and on;a striaght linn be tween Alpha Lyra aud Alpha Cygul, hilf way from either; an early view o the comet will be obtained Tbe comet will cross the Milky Way, and the SOth inst will be found cmersing from that shining region and entering constella tion Cygnus. aud will 011 the 23rd pass close to the third magnitude star Epsi Ion, thence across the region devoted to thatoonstellatlon until.-; on ; December SOtbt it enters Pegasusrpsslug to the west aud , south of the well-known guaro in Pegwus. Of course, long before that lime it will be bright enough to attract the attention ol any one in the habit of observiog the. sky. and many will then be Interestfld in verifying for themselves the predictions now made of its future course. . . - - Wo must not, look for a brilliant comet. like the' magniflaccnt spectator in the Eastern sky which was the re ward of the early riser a little more than a year ago, since tne comet, a can be seen from the above elements, does not at its perihelion approach the sun very closely, 73.000.000 miles being its distance at that time, on the night of January 24. But it will present a much finer appearance than the faint nebulous object upon, which ; astrono- hners have beent for months engaged. and which at first , required a trained eye to detect at alL It is now about 116, 000.000 miles from the earth, and r this distance Is being diminished at the rate of 15,500,000 miles daily by the mutual movements of the earth and its celestial neighbor - To Builders and others-4 Qo to Jaco m's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &n : Yon can Cz all sizes and at tka lowest prisa.i; " " rTri it i'i 'n'w-rfl , t .. - Will, - - : " '- .- "1 ; ,'' , fit'? ' DAY. 11. For the Holidays The proximity of Christmas has im bued our merchants withr renewed en ?crgy, and has, set "their minds lowdrfc in framing' and manipulating new de vices tor attracting attention. In every store on Market and Front streets the eager aud hasty 6tcp3 of the prbpric tors and salesmen, and their rapid ma- ncuvrea in oponin; aad . arranguag pretty holiday "goods, readijy acquaints us with their determination to make the finest disnlav. and to sell the most Christmas goods. Mr. F. Hclnaberger gas ben Very successful-in his efforts to xnaia establishment, attractive for lue holidays, aud w6 know that hi lon2 business .-experience and . .well htaown vim.aadtbo nicety and new- ness of his goods, are sufficient to guar cntec iliim a success of the season.-One of the principal and loveliest features to which our attention was at once at tracted by the immense crowd collected m front of , nis winaow, is a mosi Persian doll. Import w . ullcvb "u the richest of costumes. The doll is of ry supenor mould and is certainly creditable to the most superb finish Mr. H. will give to every purchased of goods to the amount-of $2 and up ward, a ticket containing a number; duolieates of these numbers will be I -1 . M . ma ni . imiil I na first of January lb4. wnen tne nnmoer drawn by an unconcerned party will decide the ownership of the doll. The magnificent display of holiday presents at the Live Book & Musio Store is sufficiently fascinating to invite liberal " 'patronage and to satisfy t he most fastidious; The, Art Gallery, . as well as all the other departments, has been newly replenished,, and is deserv ing of much credit!-;- On the whole, the Live Book & Music Store is in full trim for the holidays . : , Esthetic Stationery," Harvest paper is one of the newest and most fashionable kinds. It is fine linen paper without lines, with large square envelops. .Each sheet is decor- ated in the left hand corner with an embossed or pretty painted pear, peach, pumpkin, sheaf of wheat, a bunch of grapes' or some similar design, and the back of the envelope is iprnamented in the, same manner.. Another pretty style is called Heavenly" or Constellation paper and is.sky-blue in 'color with stars and moon iu silver, showing the Milky Way, the Dipper, Venus and many other heavenly bodied This pa per i3 much used by plovers. Autumn stationery shows sumac and maple leaves, Terns, chestnuts, golden rod, wild asters, and many other equally pretty designs. In plain writing paper the most fashionabla kind is cream white French paper, or Irish' linen without lines.4 fPbe' most expensive stationery Is entirely without lines, as it is con sidered unrefined to . write upon them.- -.A very tasteful-design is plain ribbed naDer. with :tiie days of the week in the left bind corner. Sunday Is in gold ' lettering. ;Monday " in deep blue, Tuesday in"pink, Wednesday in brown. Thursday iu olive-green, Friday in scarlet and Saturday in light blue Some new invitation earda for afternoon tea are in the form of a kettle, and have tbe name of the guest on the spout as a symbol that she will be served with tea. and the name , of the hostess on the1 handle, to show that she will serve it. The invitation is , on f the -body of tho kettle. Mauy m1' the ' latest wedding cards and invitations7 are hand painted with- a , spray ol orange or jasmine blossoms, and inclosed in a white satin esse, ineioea u a pretty one. out mam ' - i a most people cliug to tfie fsJaVpio white cards tied with white ribbon, although many have' adopted the white, or gold lettering in lien of the (black. Bagged edged "paper has been fashionable for soma time, but is now going out. The rough torn edges were too unsightly; for even fashionables to endure. -Many fashionable girls have adopted the manuscript style of letter writing; that is. only one side of the paper and with a wide margin on both sides. . . . . ; Froai Springfield. M d., Mr. Chas. G. Addison writes as tollows: ! had a severe sprain in my right knee.- com rjellins? ma to usa crutches for several weeks. I found no relief in other rem edies and finally tried St. : Jacobs. Oil. Xn a short time I could bend ' my knee and before using a boula I laid aside mv crnthea and was able to wauc as well as ever." , : ': Unxuailable' -t The ' nnrniilable matter in the postofice is as follows : , ' -..:-:. John BecktonCartercl Co., N. C. ; John HninrLrcy.l CcntL'rftn, N. C. EcU Eryasl, lrcrth Vlrilsu DECEMBER J Ow ? 29 2 1 Hi Dull TiuiCi. I Merchants do'rpg besmes in the coun try represent tradjjaibei ug .unprecc dentedly dull: at this ' time;, Shbit crops is the cause aliened forHhia pros- j tratfpn'-iW no chance of imprbvcijieut nutll another year gives assuranco of , better, crops I and 'consequently better-times. 1 r.&& ? Koyal Arcanum. ' : " Atthe regular "meeting- of Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231. held last evening, the following officers .were elected for tho ensuing; year 1 Regent JtogeV Moore. : ' Vice Regent Joseph Price. Orator J G Wright. ' Secretary--B A Hallet: ; Collector Tacob Well; Treasurer Wm. LarkiuK Guide J C Springer. Warden E Scharff. " ' Sentry W W Shaw. Trustees M M Kata. Samuel Northrop. N Jacobi. ' NEW ADVEBTISEUIENTS. BAT VIEW BEER. A T OLD NORTJL STATE SALOON, No. 6 bouth Front tt. Fine Old Clem me r Whiskey. Rye, Pine Apple Bye, N C Corn and Apple Brandr. . Finest selection of 6a Clears In ihl city. Good oySTKRS. &c. Ac. Tar Heel flUllahoad, dec 11 Christmas Goods. MISS E. KARRER WILL OPEN NEXT WEEK A NICE ASSORTMENT OP J Fancv ArticlesforChristmas ? Have la a complete Stoclt or- Mllllnaon nnri LTnnii firvrkrlo I7I1N1UOI j f aiiu i anvjuuuuoi CROCHET SHAWLS and PASCINATORS, CAPS and SACQUES. All sizes, colors and prices In "JERSEYS-" STAMPING and HAIR WORK done at rea sonable prices. dec 10 AN ELEGANT ASSORT JiENT ,OF HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, IS NOW OFFERED BY. Munds Bros, and DeRosset, Market and Second Streew. ? Bronze and Gilt Ornament', S to w c o A o o p. 9 cr c - Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Christmas Cards, Hand Painted, 3 inK. BcanuBunique aesigns, si - Smoker Sets, very handsome, Munds Bros. Parisian Sachets. 9 Cut Glass Cologne Bottles. 3 decs Rolling Onl Rolling On! I i1 ATHERING NEW PATRONS AT every move ana cementing inc conuaencctn onrotu friends in us. -, ' The people the working poople of this city and through this State have stood by us. They Jhave- patronized us. They have said kind- words of us.. They have sympathized with ua when we needed their sympathy, and now It is our duty and we shall see to it tint the people can have Clothing at least . ' - - . ; , - ', " . - 25 per cent. Cheaper than can bo bourht elsewhere, and that the laboring -men wLl receive honest vsoe for their honestly earned money. A. & I. SHRIER. i. - . " . -. . . dee 10 Reliable Clothiers. 114 Market St. Holiday Prenent rpo BE GIVEN AWAY ! EVERY PUR- ensser of $2 Worth of Goods, will be entltlod to receive a chance at a moot beauUral, extravagant and richly costumed, Imported DOLL, which - has been arravod In the highest of fashion by one cf Worth's BfCr. ckl Artist. , .'mm, This QUEEN OF THE DOLLS. In all her grace and beauty, has consented to share her affections with, and to be siren on New Year's day to ue person tnea .noioing uoLac&y CURIST3IAS GOODS ! AN ENDLESS VARIETY. TOO NUMER OUS to Itemize. Fancy. Extravaganzas, Im ported oddities. Japanese Curiosities, nd extensive collections of goods of every des- criDTion imaginable, irom nearir ai ue mm dpal minuXaciuring , cities . la , Europe and America. . ..-.,.. Please, can earlr. see the LOVELY DOLL, make your purchaBes, and procure your cnasees, at- ,.r.v-v .. r HEINSBERGER'S, dee 18 - Lire Book and Mode Stone Kmao Oyotero ! fXjn FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS wbjh vjing Orsters for Xmas will please, send in their orders as oon as possible, which will eosbie us to make axramgeaente so that ail may be supplied axKt none disappointed. W. E. DA.VL SON, yreprtetais ef te only rnlx efUhHstf4 1883. PLEASE NOTICE, We win bo glad to receive cocaiatliiJcation from our mends on any and all eubjecls " g (The name of the writer must always be ra luahedto tho Editor. t : .? ;. r Communications must be ' written on onl one side of the paper. v " : , : ; f . PenonalltlcflxnTutbe a voided,! v 1 And It la epcclally - and ' particularly und atood that tho Editor does not afVayYendor' lb0 vlows correspondents unless so state in 100 oauorai columns. , - yisw ADVJBRTI8EMEKT8. OPERA'. HOUGET THURSDA Yk E VEXING? DEC XZth. REPRESENTATION IN THIS C1TT ot tho latest and most notablo snccees . . from tho Madison ejnare Theatre - : THE RAJAH. ;. Infinitely Bright Merry and Charalajly ricturCBquo ! onpoal Cast ana Com ;. THE GREAT- GLADE. ECKSE.a with Its Croak ot Seal Watr,rannlzs across . , Beterred' Seat. 61. at DTE2TS. TncsdaT. Dec Hth. at S a. m. AdmlsslOB,' 73,' and' W cts. GaUcTy, 55o. , , . deolOw HOLIDATPBESEJiTS EVTJRT VAttTETYAKD TOO NUMiat- oos to be xneaUoned.ra bo ioand at the most reaconable prices, at , V - jr. u. T C. MITXER'S, Dra Stored dec 10 S246onth Fourth. Correr ' Nnn st 5 andilOf cents Cigars, Havana rnxKRs. " - - --4 Best in the city, axe en sals. Drues and . Medicinal crecaraUona of . the highest grade at , JMJ. T. 8l,ii'Ji tYALli'S, dec 3 ' Drug and -Precrlpt on Store C i gars! Cigarb ! VIEW BRANDS OT UNEXCELLED BtOCk, I - A luxury within reach of all. Toilet Soap, a new and elegant Una. Tooth Brushes, cheapest and .best at ; WI1XLAM 1L G KEEN'S, noy 10 . 117 Market Street. John C, Daris, - ATT0SNEY AND ' v - COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. AVtLitOf OTOJf . N. C. OBLoe orer tho Bank of New Hasorerk Practices In all the Courts of the State, ' , r Special attention Paid to - the eollecUoa.- I of claims. ; , i r , novS 2m ,- Without Doubt T J. H. HARDIN'S DRUG " AND SEED Store, 224 South Front St., New Market Build log, you can see the most magnlftcent. and at tractive display, of Chrlsttnasi Wedding and Holiday Presents ever brought to this city. i They are too numerous to' mention here. All I ask is an inspection of good and even If: you are not in need 1 am BaOfifled you will buy. It is a pleasure for mo to show these " Igoods. i J, IX. IIArjlN, dec 3 . 124 South Front St, New Market Something Entirely New in this Market I Venetian Crapes I :s fr ; : vVenetjan:Crapes I All Wool and Silk and '';.' "i Wool! FULL LINE HENRIETTA. CLOTHS FROM :j Sl trrt 1.75 per yard: :.- .... FINEST LINE HOLIDAY GQODS 4 iN TnE'crrY. Juatrccctve'i another tat Silk Circulars and Dolmans, Wbleh we ofiWata bariraln. ' , JULIUS .SAMSON, No. Ill r.larket dec 5 '" ' ' St. Christmas .Groceries. BOXE RAISINS, best quality London Layers, ,yery saperior. BOXES CTrRON.'t 1 , 15 1 TIERCE CURRANTS; pOMPLETI STOCK OF ORANGES, V'-- LEMONS, FIRE CSACSERS," CSANBSRRIEsT CELERY. , ' And all the Dtlic idea of th seaion. 00 PACK AGE3 or MISC& mz'at, -, Nice. frth ATPIX ECTTErr, Just re oeived, which I asa ntalEsg at E per pound. - All gooda guiranUed beat qtUHry, and wtU be oM at LOWEST PRICE3. . J aines cc, Btovcno on. - dee4 " ' "V - . -Tt SERVANT TO DO THE TfORH T03 A amaQ famSy. Apply at No . Ill pook aire st betwena etvtath ti3 Ejttt, ; - . - -