THISPAPKB . hed every evening. Sundays ex cepted by ! jOSHT. JAMES. aTBSCErPTIO"9 rOSTAflB FAUX Six mouths, fXOO. Tmm -rear w ' f11 ioo: One monui, w ces. any part of the city, at the above j .t or 10 cent . ; , 'fLatista rates low and UbcraL 5ubscrtbH will report any ad all fail- receiver heir) paper regularly. J9ai7y Review has the JargcM ! Mc circulation, of any newspaper .. "it is said there are 100.000 person? in . Tbpodorc Tllton is living qulely in; aris, aUendios to his literary work. Lawrence Barrett ha bought tbej r;rbttoa new piece, "An American; t . , i . Kogittiid imponca over mu.vw,iKo lt Miss. Clara MorrtV receipts lor men The receipts of cottoM at this port to- ?usf Ui:islW:i 1 aeie Sf5TJrSf.oa the Sffig wnr!5SS ntrformances in St. Louia were ! aav foot up 591 baioa. ' ! was nothing obiecUonaoie in the pro ; here at o a . m. theext morning.- Fare for -i- Mme Mod esKaarew ior ; i gramme, neuner was uitre anjiamx ,V "-- iCht .ovmance3. I This beautiful weather ta 190 flue to i;emarkably uractire. Prof. Smith """ , "" e 1 . I last aud it mav be that we will nav lbr:.i n.-, ,:oi, iini;htrii! i Qnnlftinnf Qnln nf TJnAn T ,22-5 la-t -'4' '( . o 1 Our people have already kot chnst ,rna production of Great Bntatu and; . . , .u . ! incus pro""-14 .. mason their brains and thc pretty t irnd. "ul,' V rmova-dose. J Mr. John Ttuder, of London, a Iargc wujekho'der in the Western Union Tele srspu and Atlantic Cable Companies, la New York, and proifsc4 to make an e vtended tour of the country. Mrs. Mary A. Miller, of New Orlcaivs, i uas applied for a license as master ot a steamboat. The supervising inspector ot the district reports her ccmpetot, but debars her because of her sex. Mrs. Maddtcfc is the uauio of another Kngliih beauty who has followed Mrs. Landry's exainp'e aud lakeu to the Huge. She U to uihkc a lour oi America under BoucicamVs managemeut. . Kiug Charles, of Koumania, shows uo mnsof his German birth. He is slim and of average boight, of brown com plexion, his hair and beard dark, his eye calm and resolute, his voice sonor oris and even, and his speech both quick and precise. The New York Tribune denies, on the authority of Intimate friends of Mr Tilden. that he intends to present Lthe city with his library and Grameroy Tark residence, as stated In the World recently. It is also denied- that Mr. Tilden contemplated a yachting tour. . The New York Lodge of Free Ma sous has expelled John W. Griffin, one of the oldest members and for five years master, for dishonest and fraudulent conduct. He had taken charge of sums contributed for windows of deceased members and pocketed the money. New Orleans is going into her expo sition enterprise with her whole heart, and will put up au exposition building having 1,000,388 square feet of floor space. This building will be the largest exposition building ever erectea, it i3 claimed, except the one in London, iu tsee. The News, of 8alt Lake City, a Mor mou paper, observes that the President's message docs not show bow the detruc tion of local government in Utah is to affect the question of polygamy. It may harry the saints, but it- will not pravent them from contracting "eccles iastical, perpetual and eternal" "plural marriages. We haye spent since the war nearly three hundred million of dollars iu building a navy, but we have never obtained an apology ior a navy tor our squandered monoy. Is it worth while to pour anything more into that rat hole? Would it not bp better .first to reform our methods of administration o that we shall have what we pay forP Standard time has proved to be so i uconvenient in Columbus and. Cleve land that the Councils of those Ohio cities have voted to return to the loca standard ot solar time. Local time fctUl prevails in Cincinnati aud Chicago, and the authorities of Louisville are daily importuued to reinstate solar time, by which most ol the factories of that city contiuuo to run. :: . On the 26th of November was the llltieth anniversary ofthe first issue of a newspaper iu Chicago. Mr. John Calhoun was the printer, publisher and editor, and one hundred and forty seven eopics were worked off. and he was the only printer in what was des tined to be a great city. To-day 2.000 compositors are engaged in composi- .... tion, and the single paper has developed; into two hundred and seventy five regu lar publications, dallies, weeklies and - v all. . The violatiou of auy ot nature s laws brings its wtrmns bv th ffHHnr nf dm comfort. Exposure will, induce colds, - throat .diseases, comsumption. etc . all of which give warning by a trouble some cough. Use Dr. Bull's Cough kyrop in time, and remove both the cause and effect of your discomfort. ' v. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery , go .to J Aooai' Hard wsreDepot. t nn 4 1 tu J t t- VOL. VII. W ILMINGTON. N. C, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. ii uiiws cigars i ( Orand Masquerade Ball . A David Eoot3 and Shoe. i ' Ij S 1? Co Fact, and Figure . J II IIaedik Small Advance i F O Milleu Holiday Prcacnt ' W ,1 Mott Stall Sonoethlng God Hkinsbeegek Holiday reeeni C V,' Yatf-3 Christmas Novell le John Dyer i Sox Look- out for Number , Vour : next week. , , j things arc goiu offcast. 1 i ; - lake a squint at Ui comet .tOi-nisut through u glass but be careful' as to the kind ol'agiass you look through. Somebody has evident 5' been cuttiuj down lots of trees hereabouts Is pt late, in the past j judging by the slight rainfall tlircc mouths. The moou will be lull to-morrow night at 11 minutes past 10 o'clock and on Friday wo think we may look lor a change lu thc weather. 1 . - The water for the beautiful prismatic fountain displayed at' thc Qpcra Iljmscj last night was carried there -from' the tank at thc LiUlc piont yard , a&d through the ho3e of that engine. Mr. A. David has bought on specu lation the bankrupt, stock of Dryfoos & Sternberger and says he is going to sell shoes and boots cheaper than ever wag Known oeiore m inis cny. e muuo 10 Close out in a lew weew i wubch iy prices win oe merely nommau A tmrtv of vonnff oien of this fiUv have chartered the steamer Mihnehaha for an excursion to Smithvilie to attend the Grand Ball whjch is to be fiiven there 'on to-morrow niffht. and will !nfl mnntrin tirJretn at 75 cents each. " 1 A nleasant time may be cxDected. 1 f I Free Concert. In addition to the many beauties at the Live Book and Music Store which are interelng to the visual faculties, Mr. Heinsberger will give a free 1 concert ai 5:30 OdOCK mis aiiernoon. xui I be an jmjoyable feast for vUitipg friends anawmgivelaem a uwcuFpuifcuuwJ w see tne oeauiuoi uispiay oi uwiunj goods. i Exports Foreleu. i uer onjt m. , nates couou, vaiucu s.vw, dv Messrs. Aiex. ouruui s ouui - - , , , . .barque Tunsl. Capt. .Jensen chared ci..a, kMnAA an, n n nurrnLS "r wT 'ri,1!: wes, iuu .u- spirits turpentine, valued , at $6,699, shipped by Messrs. Taterson, Downing &Co. Schr. Lizzie Major, Capt. Foster, cleared ior at. Marc, nayu, wim 799 feet lumber and -20,000 I shingles, valued at $1 ,321,69. shipped by Messrs. J. H.Chadbourn & Co; making an aggregate of $56,020.69. a riirlstirias Feast. Mr.ano.H.Savagoltu.gooa-Ueartea Superintendent ot the County roor House, has determined that all ot t be inmates ofthe establishments under hU control shall share in the general jollity l ii . l I 1 or the lesttve season, anu wun vats uo- ject in '.view will spread I ibf Uem a regular old-fashioned Christmas umner onlChristmaa Day. This, by the way, has been thc custom with Mr. . Savage . u u-a i,,i jlwJ nf thi ever since he has had charge of , the roor House. i , City Court George Evans, a young colored man. I was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly con duct. The charge was preferred by W. W. Fryc, a colored man who has been in the city for some weeks soliciting subscriptions for the Washington, D. CXational Republican, iFrom' some cause Fryc has recelve'd the sobriquet of Jumbo', from the colored lads of the city, and Evans was arrested upon a charge of applying that opprobious epithet to the representative o the Republican. The delensc siouuy ae ' t.wi ih nimrsrc aud Droved bis inuo- j cence. but stated that r rye owed him rfive centa. paymeut ot whicu ue asKea when he was told that be would be paid Christmas after next." The defendant wa's discharged and Jumbo" no. the National Republican no, W. W. Fryo, left yery much disgruntled. , . . . Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacosx's. ... -t l t s rrrnrfife The Black Dwarf. 1.UI9 fajrt IY IS LAIC umuiw I vi.uu I iindormMhoPfKmo ina tvnoaontftrt tn S www - H.ww- & larire audience at lac unera uouse last niRht. The play, so lar as nterary merit is roacerned. Is ix. uQt i as a spectaculau piece it was . very fine ii ii f i indeed. Tne trapeze pertorniance4 wasi.NEW AIrEBTISE3IENTS. passably 1 sood ; tbe gymnastic rltftra:lfT irnRnilprnflp Til upon the horizontal bar were superb; j I AUU xUUMlUerilUU Dilll the dancing was good, and the character ; m . t . 1 - , acting oi Master r raniuc was exceuem i mu5ic lor thc OCCasion. Declined. U'c have received a commuuication i from an esteemed friend aud subscriber regarding the Clinton & Point Caswell Railroad, the publication of which wc feel compelled to decline! VTehavc a lively interest in the completion of that road, believing that it. will prove of incalculable benefit to the section thro' which it is to pass, and wc would not like to throw any obstacle, however small, in the way of its progress It seems to us that the proper place for thc complaint ol our correspondent is before the directors or thc stockholders of thc road, where the matter may bo properly investigated and "acted upon, while iu publication iu the press would effect uo possible good aud might per haps result in injury to the enterprise. AGlYeAwsy!" Wc have uo though! - of, , giviug any one-away, but would call attention to the advertisement in this ' issue of Mpwirfi t hn nvM. & Ran.--in which teU lheir caatomcr8 what they will tW ftWv nn Kew Vftars T)av. Thev have nrenared a show case m which htoMwnd articles enumerated have displayed, and It with ita contents ! very attractive. This is no sell." but a straight Vglve away" which they announce, ana we arucies are on exm . a t fll a 1 .T . DltlOH, WUCre UW.WUlRDIUl UniUHew Yearns Pay. The demauda of business uave oeeu suuu uta . w. coo 10. ijor Son have been compelled to materially enlarge their facilitiee, and their store is now an attractive feature on Front street. Very Attractive. x. n w Vt h ht hnntatre fittedup"in excellent style and has a tempting display ofhoUday goods, which are being sold off rapidly. We took a look over his premises this fore noon ana were mucn pieasea wunwnai i t i , - -iol.U Ka ... . - ff n,r .M . . .t j arranceu so aa to uraw rubuuuu . largetbus far and there has been constant increase in the number aeek- j after present3 8uiIable for their w niviv fitt n - receotion of visitors who wish 1 " I 4l i to nave pnowgrapns oi memsetves or their friends, and is really an inviting "" w a a The ltajalu , Concerning this! new Madison Square play, the St. Iui3 Republican, (Thos J LffinJ SLS ' ; H r:' t ' M s ire successes are events wllicil command the attention of play- : T: . nomoa C7anl t'llQ 11 goers, ruso tu.w lh..T, here It ia a performance that no one can afford to miss. H. hi. Pitt plays Harold wycou, tne liajan. a mr. i . an admirable piece oi work. , Uiiiie the Gladys, is , handsome, her movement is arace ana sue acts tne ! nvMltanMv nrftl) fftrinn HI mnrp.'a Emilia is inimitable. Mrs.l Dolhe Pike plays old Mrs. Pringle finely. E. M. Holland, as the crabbed old "Awyer, Jekyll. was intensely iunuy. Barrows, as Kichard Joselyn, plays a timid lover against an angry father, as most yonng men would like to be able to do. Jeo. Rrneninir. as Buttons, is phenomenal. UAL L. D A .tv... - Tint inns is & fat bov. stuffed with gin gerbread and cakes and apples. ' and served up with mishaps and accidents, "The Bajsh' is full of original, cleau humor and pleasant surprises- , The scenery is simply magnificent, and nothing as pretty as the glade scene, with its running brook and limpid pool. has been seen in St. Iouis. There was a large audience and the actors ruado a pronounced hit." The Rajah will be presented at the Opera House in this eity to-morrow night, tha 13lh inat. . Herkshlre Bllas. Mr. Josenh Ken r on. of Otis. Berk shire county. Mass., ' certifies that he had rheumatism so that he could not raise his hand to hit head until he tried a bottle of St. Jacobs OIL By ruing it a few times he was entirely cured. - ' r 1- V-- .. - . , : I, DIED. PABCK At Torter's Seek. New Hanofcr county. Dec. 12th, IStK at 2:1 A. M... Mrs AXXfK PEABCK,' conso Capt. E. L. reared. c( rearrc ob irhoratiav. Dec. isth, at O'clock, Jk.. M. trlenu? of tuo lately are InTlted to atteml. T SUTIIV1LLX, 'THURSDAY De- 1. Ttie lie 6team yacht MINNEHAHA has been i j of I T have InMibt the entire Bankrupt Stork Dryfoos A; Stcriiborgin-and will close it ontj at ke than ' - i Mauufacturer'k Brices I Thii? stock is known far . and wide -n the UANDOMEbT and BKST 8EUoai5D of iuiy lujthe (dry aud as the goods are jroing to be sold very lotr for cash rdv It will iay purchaser to examine bume bcforS bayjug elsswhere, I dee 12 AUAVID. Something Good. MB. IT. H. JOnSSON "tVILL BE pleased ' ' I- i . to sene auy oue at tlaU No. 5, where will be i - , loaad to-morrow aad aext.lay, NEW YOBK MUTTON, by Steamer, rusE uouvTAiy beef. KXT&A TOWN COW, eometblDg' tiue. A lot No. 1 COUNTRY POBK. . , . SSMP&OS COUJTTY LAMB aid tJKj butt 8AU8AGB to theory. i W, J.' MOTT, - StaU No. Kew Market dee 13 ?t SMALL ADVANCE: WILL CLOSE OUT MY ENTIRE stock I - - ' of i Christmas and Holiday Gooda at a 6 mall advance above cost.- -I tcapectfully invite all ... . ' - who axe in need of such articles to call and aee my goods before purchasing elsewhere. This la no catch. I am determined to close out theae good at once. They maa sold. ' i. H. HAJtDlN. Druggist & Seodman, ' de 12 124 South. Front St, New Market Look Out for Your Number OUR ANNUAL GIFTS TO OUR CUSTOM ern wm be presented at our Store on New Years Day.- Customers who have not received tickets for each dollar's worth of roods bought of- us and paid for irirur the year of 1833, wm please can at once &nd eet them. We srlve one ticket for every dollar, spent with us. Tne roiiowiog oomprlae the valuable presents that wm be (riven to out customers : 1st One Fine Suit of Clothes made to order in beat style. I 2nd One Elegant caina Tea aeaign 3rd One Suit of Fancy ImportedUnderwear 41U une juutmona sscan sria. 6th One Fait Solid Gold Initial 81eeve But tons . 6th One celebrated "MelvUle" Hat 7th Half Doz. "Crown" Collars, latest de ifth Three Paira Cnffc,. the popular' Crown' Brand. 8 th One Monarch Yoke Bosom Linen Shirt. loth One Beautiful Plush Scarf. .Uth One SUver Headed Walking Cane. 12th One rancy Silk Handkerchief. 14th One Pslr of 'Ho tolas' Suspenders. 15th One Gold Collar Button, .Pearl Stone Setting.-- K!ififi-. - - 16th One' Pair Famous Boston' Garters. 17th One PairXlneys Patent Sleeve Sup porters. '' , ' ' Total value of articles given away t200 . , JOHN DYER & SON, Tailors ond Haberdashers, dee 12 Wilmington,' N. C. OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY EVENING, PEC, 13fA-. ONLY REPRESENTATION IN THIS CITY of the latest and most notable success from the Madison Square Theatre THE RAJAH, Infinitely Bright, Merry, and Charmingly Ilctaresque ! Original Cast aud Com plete Scenery! THE GREAT GLADE SCENE, with its 1 Brook of Real Water, running across . the Stage " Beaerved Seau, fl, at DYER'S. Tuesday, ec Hth. at 8 a. m. Admission,.- 75 , and SO Dec cts. Gallery, 25c. ' x v.",. cec ju. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, IS NOW OFFERED BY M . , - linHQ Rm and1 DeROSSet. UHUd DlUd ailU LCliuoooi, Market and Second Streets. j i j i j j ! j I ; j j ; i Bronze aad Gilt Ornaments, m ,C)gr and Cigarette Cages. Z; "3! c Christmas Cards. Hand Pslntcl.! 5 I - ! 5 "Ink wnds, unique design-. j Gert Ames's Drosatng Cacs. 2 'Smokers Sots, very handsome,; X i 3 Munds Bros'. Parlslaa jackets. ! 5- v! i '. - 'Cut G1m Cologne Bottlesl l .. dec8 - ' . - j BAY VIEW BEER. A Soul T OLD NORTH STATE' fijl LOON. No, mith Front fct. fine OldClcmmer Whiskey. Bye. Plae Apple Bye, N C Corn and Apple Brandy. Finest selection of 5c Cigars In this city. Good OYSTERS, Jte.. Ac Tar Heel stftaatad, - decll 12. 1883. NO. 293 NEV ADVERTISEMENTS FACTS AND FIGURES. Truth Strou'er than Slauilcr. The Record of thc last Year. A partial llotjof tiic prizes h!kvc Oue Thou sand Dollar, paid by The Loui-jIaaaStato Lot tery Compaiiy daring, the year ending Novem ber 18:3, together nMtfi the names and addreaa ea given ta the Company ty the holdCT!, omit Uhg those who hate rcqaested lt. Receipts for the amounts are on die at the offlrpa tf tbe .Companr. OK A WIS G OF DirCEMBEK 1?, 1n2" 1 ' . Sallic F Kinsley, 1T23 Master &t,' Phlla- dclphla. Pa i 10.COO Thos F Bell, 8G E 5th st. South Boston, Maes... ..j. 10.0CO Harper t Fries, l il W Court t, Cinciu- - to r. tn i" arvfii ' ?i wiitarii phiri! 'south ; uatl. Ulilo -". . - . - . . I End, Bosioi). Muss. lrt.rf) F Bplhagcn, 711 Pine su, St Louis, Mo. . L ficlton. collected through Kentucky National Bank ; ... 3lra Harriet Woodman, Vcaier, Doon- A daza Co, N .Y PaidWella, FargOj Co'a Bank. tan ' Francisco, Cal.. ....... ...... ..v. Underwood Fisher," collected thiough 1st National Bank.Thrcc IUvci, 5!lcl Geo C & D Ayrcs, Panvllle, Va 5.C00 5.C00 4,000 4 AH) .,000 PIU.WIG OF JAyUAJXV t, 1553. Alviu Kcnslcr, Odessa, Mo i ... T5.OO0 AugnBtlnc Lopez, ?6 Baronne at. New Orleaua.La... J.j. s S.C00 F Taguapietra, 123 Conti at, , Kcw Or leans. La. . . . J 3.0C0 H IS Stevena. Tltubvllle. Pa. collected through Penn Bank. Pittsburgh, Pa. . 1,200 J B Ketchum, RiSBroaaway, xew xoik Paid Union and Planters Bank. Mem- -i- phlB, Tenn ; J lOOlCArd andbACQUES.. All elrea, colors an DaAWI-G Oy FEBBTJABT 13, 168,1. Chaa Bigney, JrJdaysvillc Ala, collect ea throucn w u &&on 00, uunis-1 ville. Ala...L.. ... 19,000 nrlttendcn Ttoluxurd. Second National" Bank, Louisvme, B.v. . Paid National MotropoUtan Bavk.waah ington.-DC. Goorga Kohler, Zaleeki, Ohio, corrected 5,000 tnrougn r irat Kauonat naps, vuicin nstl. Ohio.............. 5,000 Samuel Cook. 1306 Tenth at, N: W.Waah lngton.D c Geo E Harris8,Surgeon General's office, S.000 2,000 L R Davis, tzy Washmgtop at, New Or leans. La...; .....1 2,000 PLu8cy!&i0 Burgundy st, N Orleans.. 2,000 "ngoodrs & CoTcctonl, O.TT.; 2,400 G ZeUs, PhUadelphla, JPa.... Fald Nodawav vaiiev toi r ?VTrt DKAW1KO OF MABCH 13. 1883.. j Alien ecuaeffer, Allcntown. r , J.T Dever Handsoms DeDOt.bouthamp- - ton lo. va.. ...i. ...... ...uw K lrt , n.iluitu Kt Pan) Minn. rnUfvA.. e.i through National Bank of St Paut. 15.000 John Shipley, Morriatown, Tenn 0,000 Israel Brown, ueaia, la u.-a-nau x cwc, c v--- o., v. . PnTfTinfMationaVBank" chicaeo Ills. 2 000 Jacob F Dickson. Newburypon. aiass. . Gcorre Whitman. Kennexvil Prof John C SpUls, 12 Hopkins st, Cin clnnatl.Ohlo - George H Persons, Mount Lookout, O.. W B CordrAmelift, Ohio Jno Francisco, Washington, D C W H St Clair, Washington, DC........ 1,200 1.20J 1,21.0 1,200 1,200 DK-vwcro or apkxl is, iss3. Michael Connolly.Troy, NY TTAnrv M Klnnfllins-. 1SS Dearborn st. 25,000 Chicago, His. I. . 15,000 Anatole Tricot, Vermllllonville, La... 15,000 James R Day, Malta Bend .saline co.aio s,oo Edwin T Kisenberg, Jr. Phl'ad, Pa.... 2,000 IT FT Hnnwr. St Ucore'fl. Colleton CO. I s c.:..:.:..:....:...: 2,000 Wm H Hampton, Tracy City, Franklin co.Tenn 2,000 R P irTTirr. 541 Fourth st. Milwaukee. Wis. .77..:..- 2.000 DEiVuiO OF MAY 8, 1831. Don Antonio Martinez Perez, Havana, Cuba, collected throuffh Messers Mo ses Taylor A Co. NewTTork city 30,000 Paid ! Messrs C B Bichtrd & Co, 61 -HroadwaT. New York. 2.400 James J McMillan, Caldwell, Texas. . . . 2,000 Sam Jones, Los Angeles, Cal - 2,000 P Schumacker, Allentown, Pa . 2,000 J F Albert. 614 Locust st, St Louis, Uo. 1,200 Henrv Ehrhardt. & W cor 10th A Mar ket 6t3, St Louis, Mo..... 1,200 DRAWING OF JCSB 12, JSiS 'James DcmoruUe, Trcne st. New Or leans, La J. '3,003 GustaveKoaenthaUFayettcvllloBt., Kai elh,N C.'.-.,.... 15.000 Paid L F Servary .bookkeeper State Na tional BankNew Orleans, for account - Bank of Commerce, Memphis, Tens. . 10,000 Frank Brown, Eastport, N, 1 10,000 W B Hutchison, 12 Old SMp, New York. ltf,CC0 H x l'lessance, cieveiano, unio .3,w James J Walsh, lt9 Varick st, N York. F M Ward, Pasadena, Cal, collected through Wells, Fargo & Co.San Fran- !elco, Cal..... G T Klmberlln, Texas, Washington. oo. 5,000 ... 3.CO0 Ky, collected th-ouh f irst national Bank, Springiteld, . 7 1.000 DRAWING OV JCLV 1, lttX 1 Lie at Joslah Chance, 17th Infantry, Fi Lincoln, Dakota 3u,C0 Gus Botto, Opera saloon, Cairo, lib, and A B Gibson, condtKtor Cairo Di . vision, Wabafch, St Louis & Pacific R R, Carmi, His .....15,000 Chas D Thompson, 33 E llthst, N Y... . 10,000 Theodore Volgt, 25 Avery s Boston, i Maes T T Moore. Bunrln. Mercer co. Kv. .... 5.000 j H Evert, 423 N Clark st. Chicago, IU. 1,200 EPLobach,416N7th st, Phlla.Pa-... 1,200 M Drtrichstem. 3 Chamben. st. New York city, collected through uerman i i a Bank, New York 1,200 j . i j ' " DJUWUO OF ACGCSI 14, 1S8. 1 w a aiuse, ttocity uouni, r - j,w,-v i vnic&su. 4MB 1 Jack Grsves.itocacU EnadnoNo 4.Sah- Cnlcaso. ins.'.. w.wj vlllc, Tenn 10)o Work. MftW n Monroe st Chicago. ' ills.: :.5.0wj. : Messrs oant aciig ana i at Lutienaie. . selma. Ala -J0 1 Wm E Oatcs,C W11U,A A Pretcott an t - Kobt Payuo, collected through Vicks- 1 burg Bank of Mississippi 2,4' S I V VomlersmUb, Locust st, Phlla, ! Pa. 1,2W r DKAWUGOi SZTTTEKBU 11, Itti, -" Airs ALaniiA utihiwd, AiuiaBuij,ui w.vj j J W Kabe, eor Marigny Claiborne ats, ISew Orleans, La J5,ooo Chas L Mayer; care Hlrsh, Mayer A Co,' ' ' ' 160 Maiket at, Chicago, Ilia... 2,400 W C Merrill, Albert Lea. Minn........ 2,000 A Miller, 721 Tremont at, Boston.MsBs 2,001 PLEASlf KOTICX. ; We will be glad to' receive eommnsSeatton trmoarixlcAdaonanVand'aB ribJScU , , general hitereetlrai ' - ----- c ithe name of the writer mtut always ba ru nlshed to the Editor.. Comnrnnlcatlona mm tt wnttea oa oal ona aide of tha paperr ' . w.,- . s " pOTonaHt Mtiitba aveilea. ' " And lt is especially and particularly ci4 j tood that the Editor doea not always en'dot -the views of correspondents' onleaa aoj state in the editorial coIn.aina. f ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ... I. . i . . ., . ' XJBAWDfO OF OCTOITER 9,-l?il, i. L A Uayer, for Mra M P Usycr, . 'c w . ork city. i$,00o Thos Matterface, New York clty...... 15.tOO, 11 C Rlehartlaon, collected through J It Dick A Co. MvadviUe, r.. ; 5 0C Mra Ij Woolery. Philadelphia. Pa 5,-0 M C Mitchell, S1085I at, N Y. Washlnr- ton, D C. .V. .CCI K M Flack, Hopklnsviue. Ky........... S.O.p Wm Lowrey, 124 W Madison at, Chica- ' s 1 .so.lUa.... .......4. 20 .1 J Medlng, Washlngtoo, D C... 2.000 J G Turner, cor Common & Barroune s is. New OrlwM, La Wm H Kord.293Dryades t, New Or-- lim, 1.2W DBA WIS G OF NOTEMBEB1 '13,;1S3. t " j M A Saccrdote, 53 St LouU tt. New Or- v ' leans. La, 113,000 N Ii Phelps. H3 Berlin st, C6tu Diet) N i i OrlcauB, La.. ....... .,... ...... iri.CCfi Paid Bank of Madieon. Jackson, Tenn.. 6,000 1 Paid 4nles raMard. S Orlcan9 Nation- -ii Bank. New Orleans. Ii 4.oii . Robert Alexander, through Lock woo it io, fan Antonio, Texas....... I.Sjo FortullparlK-ulariiiof toe iirand Seml-An- anal Drawing ot the lgth inat. ieee scheme iu another colatnn of, thl paper to-dayj L - . lid" i.ITU.TTT. Christmas Coodo- MISS E lCABRk WILL OPEN SEXT WEEK 'A'ICE l.: A8SO BTMli NT" OF. - : Fancy ArticlesforChristrtias Hare In a ccinplete feteke'f '4 1'1 I Millinerv and Fahov Goods. vnuva onAns nmi idovinAiviM, I ? - : 1 1 rrices in 'JER8By8-M STAMPING nd HAIB WOUKdoaat rea 1 eouablc pricca. ' ; ' - -:- -"dee 1 Holiday Preoen t rno BE GIVEN AW AT J -EVKUY-PUB- 1 chafer of $2 Worth of .Gpodsl V i. will bo entitled to receive a chance at a most 1 jbeauUful, extravagant and richly. costumed. 1 Imported DOLL, which , has been arrayed ia thek MffW rtf fmaMnn k -.'WikU a.. i - " - ... . This iQUKEV OP THE IVll.TA. Ja'tll ka f,,,0" I affections with, and to be given on New Year's i rT-y, . . -- r-- v I numuer. CHRISTMAS GOODS ! aw TcwnT w v. mirw iron vnuvo ous to Wemiae. Fancy Extravaganxas, Im- ;rt7"' rmr;n.Mr ' .nVV,' America. . . - i . j Please caU early, see the LOVELY DOLL.1 make your purchases. anoT procure your cnances, ac " - i- - - HEINSBERGER'S, dec 10 Live Book and Muslo Stores HOLIDAY PRESENTS -.-.,. ...... . N EVERY VAHIF.TYAND TOO NUMER OUS to be mentioned, can be fonnd at the most reasonable prlcas, at "i - -;., v F. C. MI IDLER'S, Drugstore, I dec 10 324 South Fourth, Corter Nun at 5 and 10 cents Cigars, 1 HAVANA FILLERS, Best lu the city, are on said. Drugs and Medicinal preparations of the highest grade at I .... . TNO. T. SCHONWALD'S, dec 3 Drug aud Precrlptlon Store Cigars ! r Cigars ! JEW BRANDS OF. UNEXCELJEJ) Stock, A luxury within reach of aU. Toilet Soap, a new and elegant line. I Tooth Brushes, cheapest and best, at WILI LlAM. U. GREEN'S. nov 10 117 Market Street. Jolin C, Dayis, TTORNEY AND ' ""V 1 A COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. Wiutmaxow, N. C. Olllce over the Bank of New Hanover. Practice la all th Courts of the State. ' i r Special attention, paid to the col lectio a ot claims. . , - . . . . : r on or 24 lm i Ohristriiaa: GrbCQxies. BOYE?5 RAISINS; licit Quality London Layers, very superior. BOXES CITRON, j TIERCE CURRANT. ..- j GOMPLETE STOCK OF ORANGES, LEMONS, FIRE -CRACKERS, 1 - . ('- i CRANBERRIES, CELERY, And all the Dc'lcicle of the season. gQ PACKAGES 'pFMINCE MEAT, Nice, f rejh APPLE BUTTER, just r ! celved, which law retailing atSC par ihjujxJ . All Aooli giisrante4f be.t quality, id wtJI be old at LOWEST PRICKHJ ' ' ' James C. Stevenson. Wanted- - A eEBVANT TO DO THE WORK FOR A 1 mall family. Apply at No.- "11 -Doek street. ictwvcjs ocycbui aa4 xtgaiu. .. - dee 10 -

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