THIS PAPER published every evening, Sundays ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOR AJJ FBOPMETOR. i-r-CWPTIOSS TOSTAGE PAID: e year $4.00. six momns, s.w. xareei siontns, fl.00; One month. 35 cents. j The paper win 1X1 deUvercd 7 carrlerB free j o' rharge, In Dr l,art of the c,ty th abOTe to, or K rcnta rer -week. "'V Ushig rates low ao'l Ubcral. j syMibwribcrs will report any and nil fall- j- ur..3 to receive tbclr iaicr regularly. ; 77 7iVy Review lias the largest -( wi fi'k circulation, of any ncwsj)irpcr shed, in lite city of Wilmington. In New York, there are 10,800, ;;reri-;el draymcu and expressman. ; 1 he Atlanta Conslituliw says "Adam ; an honest man and a democrat." - - Hon. Thoma3 A. Hendricks, the tail I ul the old ticket, ia sailing for - Europe. Mr. McDonald is tackiiig for the J'resh tlcaey. . , . : : The London World says ot Minister Lowell that "he reminds you of nothing ,o much as a beautiful Indian Summer oi his native land.' Kentucky has had a speakership for uiue congresses out of the 17. Virginia ;or 7. 1'ennsylvauia lor, Massachusetts and Indjana for 5 each. . - William Y.Uultcs, the "cowboy poet," was never on the plains in his life , but has for several years been a government i m ployee at Washington. . Arthur Wellesley reel, the youngest sua of the late Sir Robert, is talked of in c onnection with the Speakership in the r.nprlish House of Commons. Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot, though eighty years of age, is still of handsome and robust form. His hair uid beard, however, are both snow v. hit P. ,-- - - Nebraska's School Board has a surplus of $181,000 from the sale of jchool lands, which three months hence will reach three hundred thousand dollars. Cleanliness may bo next to godliness, but it isn't as healthful as dirt. Pitts bnr, the dirtiest city in the country. Is also the healthiest. Death rate 16.2 per 1,000 last year. It is whispered in Mexico that the ill-lated Empress CarJotta owes her madness to a dose of the milk of the plant 'toloachi,,) administered soon after her arrival in Vera Cruz. Philadelphia, Saratoga and Indian apolis put in claims for the next Na tional Republican Convention. The Committee met at Washington y ester day. Chicago was selected and June 3 i the date. Michigan, by a curious provision of her State Constitution, forbids uot only the employment on salary ot a regular chaplain of either house but also pro htbits praying or any form of religious services in cither house. leuuessec s last legislature .proviueu lor the paymeut of pensions to all ex-! -i.i: ' Jiii.. ' uL.Jtk ! 'V 1 f . T 1 f. "J , .... , .i , fueh as are already drawing pcn3ious from a State or trom the I -nittnl States. William Sherman, son of Gen. Sher man, preparing for the priesthood, made his first appearance before a con gregation at St. Francis Xavier's Church in St. Louis on Saturday morn ing, iu the ceremony of Solemn High Mas?. - ' - U. B. Hayes1 great white soul goea ut in sympathy towards J. Warren lveifer in the laltcr'a hour of misery. Hajes has a memory, audit serves to remind him that there are numerous disadvantages accruing to the under dog in a fight. - -- - Mr. W. P. Rue wa3 noraiuatcd last Saturday by the coalitionists of Norfolk county and Portsmouth to fill a vacancy iu the Virginia Senate caused by his own resignation. Mr. John Callahau i?traigh!out Republican, also announces himself a caudidatc. Prof. Sumner, of Yale College, has written a letter showing the absurdity of Mr. Blaine's proposition to collect the whiskey ;money aud distribute it among the States. He says : "It is bad political economy, bad politics and bad law under the Constitution." Secretary Chandler jLhinks ahat we need merchant ships 'more than we need war ships. If Congress, remarks the Philadelphia Record, will allow our merchants to sail ships once more Mr. v,uuuier may build hi3 new steel cruisers and welcome. We might need them. Senator J oe Brown, of Georgia, who had been zealously at work in Randall's cause, furnished a special train to take the Georgia delegation to Washington. He was strongly disgusted, however, when these gentlemen with one excep tion all filed into Carlisle's headquar Urs and announced their allegiance to Win, - - r 1 -i VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY. DECEMBER LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - Parker's Tonic W II Grkex Cigars OPEU.rilOLi; Btchard III 1 RMeltov Christinas Market Hmn-spkkger Holiday Frcecut C W J.ati; Christina Novell ic. IIokton Photographic Bakitine ft Tlrlikgton Orange?. Ht'Mi-ur.iiv, .tlnkins & Co -Remember Mind's Br-. a IkRokt Hotiday Nov el tUM The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 623 bales.' Mr. J. W King was reported as ; considerably better to-day. The Coucert last night' at Heinsbcr, gcr's was well aTtcnded and the mulc was line. There are a great many strangers the city, niauy ot them iii quest Christmas goods. in of The Madison Square "Uajah" Com- i pany arnvca tms morning ana are registered at the Purcell House. Messrs. Barentine & Turlington are in receipt to day of a large lot ot very fine Florida oranges. See advertisement in thi3 issue. Steamboatmen report that the water is getting unpleasantly low in the Cape Fear, and that it requires much care to avoid striking ou the shoals. Pender County Superior Court will convene at Burgaw on Monday next. The new court house will be completed and ready for occupancy at that time. The Coventor of North Carolina said to the Governor of South Carolina : "Sir, the best remedy in the world is Dr. Bull's Congh Syrup" and the latter seconded the assertion.- This isleasant weather lor the time ( year, but rain fa much needed. Some ot our young friends are very fearful that the ram will come to spoil "their Christmas sport. We are glad to learn that Mr. James E. Willsou, who has beeu sick for some time with typhoid fever, is considerably better, and his speedy recovery to health may be confidently looked for if nothing should happen to prevent. .Personal. W. T. Bannerman, Esq., clerk of the Superior Court of Pender county, was in the city to-day, as was also Dr. W. T. Ennett, of Burgaw, Rev. Colvin Shaw, of Bladen county, and Dr. Fred Thompson, of Point Caswell . Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices. at.TACoui'S. t Eire Crackers. . . , ... , .. 'At about 7 o'clock last night some one ignited a cracker at the corner of Second aud Princess streets, which ex ploded and frightened a horse, which attempted to run, but was fortunately captured before he had gotten many steps and was secured at Capt. South erlaud's stable3 until the owner came for him. Sudden Death. Miss . Martha Morton, the youug woman who attempted suicide at Poiuf Caswell'a week or two ago, died very suddenly at that village on Tuesday last. We have no particulars of the cause of death, although she has been for along time a sufferer from rhema tism, which had drawn her limbs out of shape. Bishop Watson. Telegraphic advices from Newborn, received to-day, arc to the effect thai Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D., Rector of St. James' Church, in this city, has beeu elected by the Episcopal Convcnx tion now m session there Bishop of the new diocese in this State, which is to be known as the Diocese of Eastern North Carolina. There arc no particu lars as yet, other than that the election was on the first ballot, and by so large a vote that it was at once made unani mous. The Convention is to be congratulat ed upon . the choice. They could not have made a wiser selectiou. Dr Watson is one of the most eminent divines in the Episcopal church in this country and possesses many requisites for the exalted, yet withal onerous du ties of his new position. He is a learn ed, theologian, a man . with lprce of mind, force of character and force ol expression and is an earnest indefatig able worker in the ecclesiastical field. He is active in body as well as active in mind and possesses in ,aa eminent degree a faculty which will be needed in his new position that of administra tive ability. . St. James will - lose but the new diocese will gain immeasur ably, -. - Daily The Mazy Dance. j Quite a 1 arse party will go to Smith- j ille on the Minnehaha to attend the Masaucradc Ball which ia to be "riven ; there to night. It ia beautiful weather! Cora mooulight excursion, and we tru3t jat the time aud place specified and take that our youus friends will have an such action as will insure a good dis - enjoyable time. .Thetusr Harold alc ! play at the exhibition : took down a party, leaving here at! In view of the fact that there is to be about i o'clock this afternoon. . ; R Grand State Exhibition in Raleigh - I next yar an:( believing it to be the Ofl to the Sound. Quite a leasant parly took luo op porluuity offered bv this beautiful i voatr l'r , Irin l tlw. Snnnj (l,ifl a trip afternoon: Of the group Wilmiugton was represented by ex-Mayor Fish blate. Mr. L. J. Otterbourg, Mr. Joo Hart and wife and Mr3. George Dyer, white the Madison Square Theatre Company was represented by Messrs U. Morris, Business Manager; E. M. Holland and H. M. Pitt, and Misses Pike. Dcaves and Elmore. Another Improvement j It will not bo many days before trav- ellers on our railroad cars will wonder what has become of the bell cord, as it must go. The railroads now propose to do away with it on passenger trains and will have the engines so arranged that the bell cord and gong will be dis. pensed with. The new arrangement is a small cord connected with the air brake, with a small whistle attached in the cab, near the engineer. The can doctor pulls the cord, and the arrange ment is cheaper, more durable and more reliable than the old plan and less liable to get out of order. Kev. Dr. James B. Taylor. Rev. J. B. Taylor, D. D., is now in Richmond, Va., where he has been met and welcomed by many of his former friends and acquaintances. He preached at Grace Church, in that city, last Sunday night, and his sermon, with "Our Fathers House" as his subject, was listened to with profound attention and interest. We learn Troni the Be ligious Herald that there is a wide spread desire to have him return and locate in Virginia, but he has not yet determined where he will reside in the future. He has received many in vitations to take pastoral charges, but as yet he has accepted none of them. Superior Court. The Swann cases, which have occu pied the attention ot the Court since the commencement of the term, were con eluded yesterday with judgment for the defendants, from which the plaintiffs appealed to the Supreme Court. The case of Robert Turner & Son vs. P. Cumming & Co., which was heard to-day, was compromised and settled at the cot of the defendant. The case of J. H. D. Wicker et- als., vs. E. T. Hashagcn ct. als., was com promised. The Court then took a recess uutil 10 o'clock to-morrow morning, when it will take up the motion docket. City Court. There was quite au array of prison ers this morniug for the Mayor's con sideration, all lor disorderly conduct, and they were disposed of as follows . W. W. Worthani, colored, $.5 or 30 days in the city prison. He went be low. John Hill, colored, $1, which he paid. Wm. Boatwright, colored, '$1, which h8 paid. W. H. Hill, colored, 1 , which he paid. Susan Graham, colored, $5 or 20 days in the city prison. Sh went be low. Navasaa Guano Compauy The annual meeting of the stockhold crs of the Navassa Guano Company of Wilmington was held at their office m this city at 11 o'clock this, morning. Smllie A. Gregg, Esq., was appointed Chairman and D MacRao Secretary. A large majority of the stock was rep resented. The former officers were all ro-olccted, viz: President Hon. R. II. Bridgerii. Secretary and Treasurer Donald MiicRae. Superintendent Col. C. L. Grafflin. Superintendent of Agencies CoL W. L. DeRosset. Agent lor New York City Walter Lawton. Directors R. R. Biidgers, John C. Grafilin, Edward Kidder, Walter E. Lawton. Ovinfield S. Dnnan, Smilie A. Gregg and Donald MacRae. A dividend ot 10 per cent, was de cl&red ont o! the r profits of the past year's business, payable on 15th of Jan uary to stockholders of record of this date. State Exhibition. The following letter speaks for itself, It is timely, appropriate and important, ud wo hope that the "rood citizens of berd Pender wiil turn out in goodly num ' duty ol every county m the State to put I j her ehoivdcr to the wheel and make it i what it ought to be therefore I res pccltully request all citizens of Pender WUO TOi an interest m.this grand movement, to aid in rfrc de velopment of our resources to meet at the Court House at Burgaw on Monday, ! the 17th, at 7A o'clock P. M., to take uch steps' as they may thmk proper to aid m this great State work. Respectfully R. P. Papdison. Point Caswell, Dec. ICth. Richard III. Mr. 'Ihouias W. Kecne, the tragedian will appear at the Opera House in lhis city ou Tuesday night, the 18th inst., al wnic& tiwo Shakespeare's Richard Ill will be presented, with Mr. Keene inUie title role. In speaking of this play, as interpreted by Mr. Keene, the Baltimore (7a?c?le says: Mr. Thomas W. Keene made his ap pearance last night at Albaugh's Holli day Street Theatre to a crowded housee in "King Richard Hf." and achieved a decided success. His performance was an excellent one throughout, mark ed with originality, character and fores. In the scene with Lady Anne, iu that with Buckingham and the civio author ities of London, and in the battle and death struggle with which the tragedy closes,, he displayed versatility and a just comprehension of the subtleties of the character he was called upon to de pict, and was the brave, cruel and defi ant king even to the last. The final scene was perhaps the fullest evidence of Mr. Kcene's powers as a tragedian. Kitchen Market. The following retail prices rule in this market to-day, December 13: Beef 815c per pound ; veal 15c per pound; lamb 12415c per pound ; mut ton 1215c per pound; chickens 15 20c, each ; grown fowls, 2535c ; eggs, 25 cents per doz ; butter, country, 25i3 30c.; Northern, 25(35c; lard, 10ia12c; Baltimore hams, 1618c; breakfast strips, 1516cts; N. C. hams, 17cts; shoulders, ll12ic; sides, I li12c; fish, trout, pigfish, &c, 2025cts, clams, per quart, 15c; per bushel, 75c; cabbage, 10 20c per head; Northern apples 6075c peck ;sweet potatoes, 20 cents per peck ; Irish, 35 cts per peck; onions, c per quart ; green apples,25c per peck ; northern cabbage, 10(20c. The Great German Remedy, St. Jacobs, Oik, is a household necessity. It conquer pain. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Oranges! , Oranges I ON HAND AND TO AKBIVE. ONE CAR load Choice Florida Oranges to be sold in lota to eiiit purchasers. BAKENTINE & TUliLINGTON. dec 1 3 18 22 23 20. 132 Market street . Remember T III AT HUMPHREY, JENKINS & CO. will receive to-morrow at their Oyster House, No. 112 South Front street, 43 gallons of those line NEW 1UVJSR GARDEN Ox 8TJSKS, raised by W. A. Canady. Oysters eent C. O. D. Send your orders In time for Christmas. Christmas Market WE ARE MAKING DIG PREPARA- ft tions for thh Chrlstmas. ' and will sUow the finest display of MEATS and POULTRY ever made in WHmlugton. We have a carload of hplcudid MOUNTAIN BEifiF, vrhioh has beeu enaed and referred expressly tor this occa sion, and this will be displayed next week as well as a splendid Jioo ot MUTTON, VEAL, POUK and HAUHAGKS, also, ROAST PIGb and DRE8MSD TOULTRY of every dcscrlp tlon. In the meantime, call on us to-morrow and Saturday ana get the best to be had here for love or money. Look ont for our Grand Announcement next week. 43T Mr. L J. HOrKLSa is la charge of my business In the New Market and will guarau tee iolite attention and prompt delivery. J. R. MELTON, Proprietor of the only fiteam Sausage Factory I mine state. i dec !3-2t Photographs. A LL MADE BY "INSTANTANEOUS" Have just received a fine lot of 1'Tocca. Fancy and Plain Frames, which are selling cheap. Cil and let Mrf. CBONENBERG make you a Chris tmaa picture. 49 Y&nOrsdeH's old stand. ' dec lS-tf HORTON FREEMAN. Cigars I; n Cigars ! NEW BRANDS OT UNEXCELLED Stock, ... A htrnry within reach of ail. '" ToUet Soap, a new and elegant Hoe. " Tooth Brasses, cheapest and best, at - '. - WILLIAM IL GREEN'S, nor ia III Itaiket street. - NO. 29 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE, Grand Shakesperian Event. 'tUESDAYTBVENINQ Dec 18 " Ap-earaurc of the Popular Tragedian, f THOMAS W KEENE j s j 31K. ,7. kewionIoithoZu, aad a 5pr.. j dally Selected Company, under the Man." asxmcntof or wm. k. iiayden. VlcniP shakcsiMMrca iv Historical if? I r u a on m Or, THE BATTLE OF HObWOKTH FIELD. DulC 1 Gioetcr, TIIOS, W. KEESE (Afterwart3 KlhORICIIAUD IIJ.) Reserved Scald Ji.-o. seatdfn sale at Dyers' Saturday morniug, Dec. 15th. dec 13 It OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 13. i . m m m ONLY REPRESENTATION IN THIS CITY of the latest and most notable success from the Madison Square Theatre THE RAJAH, Infinitely Bright, Merry, and Charmingly Picturesque ! Original Cast and Com plete Scenery! THE GREAT GLADE SCENE, with Its Brook of Real Water rnnnlne: across the Stage ! Reserved Seats, $1, at DYER'S. Tuesday, Dec. llth, at 8 a. m. Admission, 75, and 50 cts. Gallery, 25c. dec 10. Twists and Twinges. "My brethren," shouted Dr. Talmage one bright autumnal Sunday, "here is a lesson from the cornGel 1. - God has arranged that the ear and the husk shall be parted. Every rheu matic pain 13 but a thrust of the husking peg, and every neuralgic twinge ia only a twist of the husker." Possibly; but no&ody wants to be husked, for all that, and nature teaches us to resist the process. Therefore, wo accept with, gratitude whatever helps tw to suppress those very twists and twinges. - From his pleasant home, Greenmonnt, near Singling, N. Y., M. Alfred Bner, a French gentleman, writes: "I have suffered almost Intolerable torments from rheumaUsm for many years. Of the nn nierous remedies which I tried, none benefited me, But Pakkkr's Tonic gave me great sat isfaction. I certify with pleasure that it re stored my health. You are welcome to pub lish this and use my name." Messrs. Hiscox & Co. call especial atten tion to the fact that this preparation, which has been known as Pakkeb's Gixger Toxic, will hereafter be advertised and sold simply under the name of Paokes's Toxic. As un principled dealers are constantly deceiving their customers by substituting inferior pre parations under the name of ginger, and a3 ginger is really an unimportant flavoring Ingre dient, we drop the misleading word. There is no change, however, in the prepara tion itself nd all bottles remaining in the hands of dealers, wrapped under the name of Parker's ginger Tonic, contain the gen uine medicine if the fac slmilo signature of Hiscox & Co. is at the bottom of the outside wrapper. dco 13-d Aw Look Out for Your Number OUR ANNUAL GIFTS TO OUR CUSTOM ers will be presented at our Store on New Years Day. Customers who have ' not received tickets for each dollar's worth of goods bought of us and paid for during the year of 18S3, will pleaso call at once and get them. We give one ticket for every dollar spent with us. The following comprise the valuable presents that will be given to our customers : 1st One Fine Suit of Clothes ruatio to order In beet style. 2nd One Elegant China design 3rd One Suit of Fancy ImportcdUndorwear 4th One Diamond Scarf Pm. th One Pair Solid Gold Initial Sieve But tons fith One celebrated Melville" Hat. 7th Half Doz. "Crown" Collars, latest de slgu. &th Three Pairs Cuffs, the popular' CrownM Brand. th One Monarch Yoke Bosom Lint-n Shirt. 10th One Beautiful Plush bearf . 1 1th One Silver Headed Walking Caue. 12th One Fancy Silk Handkerchief. 13th One Beautiful Satin Necktie. 1 tth One Pair ot "Rotlun" eunpeudem. 15th One Gold Collar Buttou, Pearl Stone Setting. - 16th One Pair Famous Boeton Garter. 17tb One Pair Liney'f -Patent Sleeve Sup porters. , Total value of articles given away $203. JOHN DYER & SON, Tailors and Haberdashers, dec 12 Wilmington. N. C. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, IS NOW OFFERED BY Munds Bros, and DeRosset, Market and Second Streets. jsronze and Gilt Ornament,' Cigar and Cigarette Case, tj c Christmas Cards, Hand Painted. jink Stands, unique designs, 3 jGcntlemcn's Dreaslng Cases. -3 j Smokers 6cU, very handsome , Munds Bros. Parisian Cachets. u Cut Glass Cologne Bottles: o o dec 8 BAT VIEW BEER. OLD NORTH STATE SALOON, No. S south Front it. fine Old Clemmer WhUkey, Bye, Pine Apple Rye. N C Corn, mad Apple Brandy. Finest selection of 5c Cigars ia this city. Good OYSTERS. Ac, c Tar Heel sGll ahead. dec 11 GILES & MTJE0HIS0N, XrrflOLESALE AND RETAIL i DEALERS IN - " HARDWARE, TIN WARS CROCKERY ROT 88 13. 1883. PLSASS NOTICS. , We will bo glad to receive communication from our friends on any and all sntijecte ftnml Internum! r E jThe &amfl ol the writer miut aiways b fa fished to the Editor. - Communications tonst be written on ont one aide of the paper. Personalities must be avoided.: And It la especlAlly and particularly tuod tood that tne Editor does not alwaya eadoi thOTlevraof corrcspondenta unless so state In tbo editorial columns. NEW APVEkTISEMENTS. Christmas Goods. MISS E. KARRER WILL OPEN NEXT WEEK A KICK ASSORTMENT OF Fancy ArticlesforChristmas Have l--a complete bt&tk of . Millinery and Fanoy Goods, CKOCIIET SHAWLS and FASCINATORS, CAPS aud SACQUKS. All bIzos, colors and prices lu "JEItSETS.' STAMPING and HAIR WORK doac at rca sonablo prices. dec 19 Bankrupt Sale of Boots and Shoes, J have bongtaUhc entire Bankrupt Stock of Dryfoos .V: Sternbergcr and will close It out at le-3 tlin . ; ' 1 . Manufacturer's Prices ! This stock i known far and wide as the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED of any in the city, and as thegooda are Rolng to be sold very lowfor cash only it will pay purchasers to examine same before buying elsewhere. dco 12 - A.DAVID. Something Good. "JR. T. II. JOHNSON WILL BE pleased to serve any one at Stall No. 5, where win be . found to-morrow and next day, NEW YORK MUTTON, by Steamer, FINE MOUNTAIN BEEF. , EXTRA TOWN COW, something Has," A lot No. 1 COUNTRY PORK. SAMPSON COUNTY LAMB and the btit SAUSAGE In the city. , - W. J. MOTT, stall No. 5, New Market dec 12 i!t Holiday Present rjpO BE GIVEN AWAY t EVERY PUR. chaser of $2 Worth of Goods, will be entitled to receive a chance at a most beautiful, extravagant and richly costumed. Imported DOLL, which tuts been arrayed la the highest of fashion by one of Worth's Sf e- clal Artists. This QUEEN OF THE DOLLS, lnall her grace and beauty, has consented to share her affections with, and to be given on New Year's day to the person then holding the Lucky Number. CHRISTMAS GOODS ! AN ENDLESS VARIETY. TOO NUMEB ous to itemize. Fancy Extravaganzas, Im ported Oddities, Japanese Curiosities, and extensive collections of goods of every des cription Imaginable, from nearly all the prin cipal manufacturing cities In Europe ami America. Please call early, see the LOVELY DOLL, make your purchaeea, and procure your chances, at HEINSBERGER'S, dec 10 Livo Book and Music Stores SMALL ADVANCE: J WILL CLOSE OUT MY-ENTIRE stock of Christmas and Holiday Goods at a email advance above cost. I lcapcctfolly Invite ait who are In need ot auch articles lo cill and see my goods before purchasing elsewhere. This is no catch. I am determined to close out.thcsc good at once. They must tye sold. J. IL HARDIN, Druggist A Secdman, dec 1-121 South front St, New Market Rolling On! Rolling On! QATIIEEING NEW PATRONS AT even move and cementing the confidence of our old friends in us. The people the working people of this city and through this State have stood by n. They ;have patronized ns. They have said kind words of us. They have sympathized with us when we needed their sympathy, and now it Is our duty and we shall see to it that ' the people can have Clothing at least 25 per cent. Cheaper than can bo bought elsewhere, and that the laboring men wl.1 receive honest value for their honestly earned money. A. & I. SHRIEK, dec 10 Reliable Clothiers, Ui Market St. - HOLIDAY PRESENTS JN EVERY. VARIETY AND TOO NUMER OUS to 1 mentioned. an be fonnd at the moat reasonable prloes, at T. C. MILLER'S, Drug Store, dec 10 32 South Fourth. Correr Nun st 5 and 10 cents -Cigars, HAVANA FILLERS. v ; , Best in the city, are on sale. Drugs and Medicinal preparations of the highest tirade at ... - . ; ' JNO. T. ECHONTTALD'S. cw3 . Drcsaal Prccrl;tica:cr3