THIS PAPER pub "shed every evening, nonnay ex ecpted by JOSH T. JAMES, EPnOR A5D PHOPEEBTOa. Ii -rBSCmPTlON9 POSTAGE PAUL i.W. Six months, Three 1 .oaths, tl.M; One month, 35 cents, Tbe roir wlU le rteUrcrcd by caiTlera rc j f charge, to any part of the city, at the above j vn. or 10 nt I1" week' - 1 HVefilain rate low and liberal. ' j SuMcrit" will report any Aud all fall-I ar? to receive their paper rcguutny, i . y j c. , rvMislud. "Jll I "TihTEdHli Houston. r Sr. Louis, i blew hard -enough to disperse almost fi"i to be a new draniiitic star vl the anythiuu'. This morning was clear Mary Anderson magnitude. , cold and biuatcriug. -makin? overcoats , ' i and fires a uccessity. f . U' r.ovmit it ' Unit i mrirc. hns ! ',urh-,k ior.i,"i as ii v,nritu rJ;iiv ' ma3 gift to the Poor Association" off tc:t'- . Little Phil. Gen. Hen ButUtr's wr torse, is still alive. Thv general was lou kind hearted to .hav a hoiac shot tmder hiui in battle-, .ami so Little Phil was spared. A singular bali dress is of white tulle over white bilk and gathered iuto dia moud shapes, the points being orna merited with emerald green or copper roiorc'l beetles. Texas laruici'd sold last yoar $5J, ociO.tKK) worth of cotton. $53,000,000 worth of cattle. $7,000 000 worth of wm.I and mutton, and $1,000,000 worth i( horses and hides. The Duke of Westminster is reducing the number of liquor whops n -his ex- tvnsive estate in Loudon. Twenty-five have been closed in the last six: years, .i their lease3 expired. j I'lysses S. Grant, dr., has been sued by .John P. Dailey of- North Salem, S. V .for $10,000 damages, for injuries inflicted by one of the Arabian stallions in the young man's keeping. - r Amo3 It. Eno has received $2,000,000 in rent from the Fifth Avenue, New Vork, Hotel proporty since ho erected the building. Mr. Eno. now eighty years old, began life poor, but soon be- eame a successful dry goods jobber. Fred Douglass has an article in the lastissueof Harper's Weekly ou tho "Conditio of the Freedmen," which hows them to be in the highest state of prosperity in the very States where the Republican politicians have charged i hat they were not allowed to buy farms and build up thoir fortunes. Uaroa Tennyson wttl te me liiot who has sat in the House of Peers since the days ot Lord Byron. Other men famous in literature have been raised to the same rank, or one still higher; but, as m the cases of Bacon, Bulwer Macaulay and Disraeli, they have gen erally been conspicuous asstaesmen as well as authors. Mrs. Alleu, a Providence medium, is the present wouder aiid delight of the spiritulaists. Out of her cabinet issue as many as twenty different materializ ed spirits in an evening. They walk among the mortals, talk like ordinary risitors, aud at times disclose them selves as spirits only partially embody ied. But no skeptics are admitted to these seance3. and the accounts are therefore not the work of professional reporters. Hon. Cartor II. Harrison. Mayor of Chicago, tound St. Jacobs Oil an ex 'celleut Dain-curc. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W H Gbkkk Cigars Beatty's Pianos 2d page SV E Davis & 8ok Oysleri M BE8KA.KP Nev Bcsuuraut Oteba Housl Strictly Busine- HRrsBBEEOKK Holiday Present C W Yates Christmas Noveltic? Don't Foriret and 10 cents Store i O Chekrt New Goods and New Store Mrxis Baas. & DkRosset ITo'lday Not 4Us Day's length 9 hours and 43 minuto3 There were no interments iu Bcllevuc Cemetery this week. The receipts of cottou at this port to day foot up 15!) bales. Sunset tomorrow afternoon at 48 minutes past 1 o'clock. There was one interment a child in Oakdale Cemetery this week. Thanks to our Congressman , Hon. Wharton J . Green ,tor valuable printed matter. ' Col. John W. Hinsdale, of Raleigh, gave us a very pleasant call yesterday afternoon. The Register of Deeds issued five marriage licenses this week, all of which were lor colored people. There were five interments In Pine Forest Cemetery this week, , lour of whom were adults and one was a child. There was only one case for the Mayor's consideration this morning a simple drunk and down-which was discharged. . Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacobi's. . - t r 1 ' -' - 1 TfTT Y VJJj. V XX. fnc rain was not oflonjrcont nuance. nisht. and well thoy misht be. fur it report ot th second. and last I i rl a V '3 T-kfY-HTfrnf n ia T t - t g . " ' luv P''Pi n- j .., , ewoern i.'.)e3 noteon-: ilaitilhe names ol the member of the j ! btandinc Committee. Thev are as . ., . follows: .llcv. J . C Huske. I). 1). Uev.T. M. Hughes, I)i Am bier. ltev. N. Collins iiugucs, us. a. i . Jicltoet ami Mai. Jdn Hughes. f I - - ! The book, jewelry and fancy goods j stores are not all the" places where! tempting Christmas goods aro display ed. Our grocers have splendid stocks of goods suitable for the holiday sv aud those who propose to make cakes, oud diugs aud pies for that season can find au abuudance of material with which to make them rich and palatable. Tho Kiffht of It. We made a big mistake yesterday regarding Rev. Colin Shaw, of Bladen county, which wo hasten to correct We understood our informant to say that he had just returned from Florida and was on his way home,- when, in fact, he had just left his home and was on his way to Florida., Mr. Shaw was accompanied by his wife and goes to visit a married daughter who ieside3 in Florida and will be absent about six months. Personal. Mr. Richard A. Mearea, formerly of this city, arrived here oh last Wednes day with his bride, a beautiful and ac complished young lady, on a visit to hi3 mother, Mrs. Gaston Meares, with whom he will remain, during the Christ mas holidays. Mr. Meares was mar ried in Waynes ville, this State, on the 21st ult., by the Rev. Dr. Buel, to Hiss Louise Palmer, of Ridgeway, S.-C. On the completion of their visit here Mr. Meares and his wife will go to Ridge way. where they will hereafter reside. At about 9 o'clock this morning a small frame building on the Southwest corner of Fourth and Ann streets was discovered to bo oh fire, and before the engines could be brought to bear upon tho flames it was cousumed. A portion of the building was occupied by an old colored man, whose name we failed to lean. He had a narrow escape with his life. The other part of the building had been used as an ice house, but was then unoccupied. The damage would not amount to more than S50 or $75 There was no insurance. Richard III. Thomas W. Keene. the tragedian, will appear at the Opera House in this city on Tuesday night, the 18th inst. He will present the above naased Shakespeiian tradgedy, in which he has won distinction as an actor. The Cincinnati Saturday Night, in speaking of Mr. Keene says: In Shakesperian drama, particnlarly in Richard III, he is equally happy, and there is no doubt whatever that we have in Mr. Keene an actor capable ot continuing the glories ot the .stage. Ai t though this is his first season in the great Shakesperian roles , he already taKes rank with the great actors of to- 1 day, and it is merely a cold aud timid criticism egotistically airaia oi ben committal, which would for an instant refuse to accord him the place he has so justly won. Organized. The Eastern Missionary Baptist State Convention was organized at Newbern, N. C on Thursday, the. 0th inst., and the following officers were elected to serve for the eusuing year : President J. iJ. Johnson, of New born. I Vico President U. Hooper. Beaufort county; II. Long, Hyde county ; G. W. Lec, Washington county ; S. Scott, Craven county ; L. P. Martin. News bern ; Harry Cowan, Rowan county ; J . Baysmore, Halifax county ; B. Graham, Columbus county. Secretary A. M. Conway. New Hanover county. Cor. Sec J.H. Dorsqtt, New Han over, county. Treas-J. Wilkins. Trustees Wm. Buehaoau. Wilming ton : D. S. Lee. Pamlico; H. Dudley, Newbern; A. J. Morehead, Newbern; It. .1. Jenkins. H. Collins. Beaufort connty: Prof: J.H. Carey, Kinston ndred Dairs o gloves to Assnago the grief of the Brook i-r-. AfRniia r-nr thn rifiath of an alder wan, whose life might have heen sayed by & liogie bottle ot Pr, - Bali's Cough yrup. - - - WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER AUentiou is invited to the advertise-! rucntof Mr.'J. F. A. Reaves, proprie- j W UV IIUU hVU Ll LJ O LU 1 V f 14 i.r, Vu ":":..! r-- J i K4fnr.n tfriwif lht-taf ni oa nvnr will I tied there many pretty and cheap u: . .i , luiu3 iioni wnica 10 maKe tneir seiec- I tons. Now Store and New Good. I - j i Mr. j,. G. cherry baaopeucd recently at the Northwest corner of Market and sond streets with a beautiful stock ot j ..n ...i r,.i - ; ' fclUVjVUVO, ail U3 UJ I1U3II 1IU1U JUDbj u 4, ..:u:-k" r.,. i - uau.4a, jia iiu iuivv iii.i;ui.iuu ii i.-t;.. uhi,-j tM.. ! UV4 1 14 LI J7tii li'ilL ULllf .1111 U 111 L I I I .1 laaiitT. : Mr k.,, t, - . cash :md ia prepared to sell tbeni very low . Housekeepers are invited to call and examine these goods. "Strictly liusiuetis." Mr. C. B. Bishop, tfie Comediau, wil appear at the Opera House on the night ot tho 20th iust.. iu -Strictly Busiuess." Of this play and the actor the Norfolk Virginian speaks aa follows: The Academy of Music was filled last evening with a large and enthusiastic audience which was gathered to witness C. B. Bishop in his matchless imperv sonation in the new play of "Strictly Business," by A. C. Gunter. We have never seen him so replete with humor as he was in the performance of last evening, and so thorough was he in his role of P. P. Philkins that every appearance of Philkins was greet ed with rapturous applause. The troupe is a well selected one, and Mr. Bishop is to be congratulated upon being so well supported upon his appearance on our boards. After the performance was over the audience greeted Mr. Bishop with deafening applause which was heard for the distance of over a square from the Academy of Music Exports Foreisru. : Dan. barque Ilialto, Hansen, cleared tosday for Trieste with 60 casks spirits turpentine and 2,900 barrels rosin, val ued at $7,000, shipped by Messrs.; Alex, Sprunt & Sdn.. Ger; barque. Charlotte, Wallis, cleared for Stettin, with 3,545 barrels rosin, valued at $5,100, shipped by Messrs. E. Peschau & Westerman. Nor. barque Jernaes, Neilson, cleared for Queenstowa or. Falmouth for or ders, with 1,075 bales cotton, yalued at $4S,38(J shipped bv Mr. A. II. Greene. Nor. tjarque Palander, Heuriksen, ClC. T rinn WUJ, O U? K-lo rosin, valued at $".045, shipped by Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. Nor. brig Jlask, Svendsen, cleared lor Ham burg with 500 casks spirits turpentiue and 806 barrels rosiu, yalued at $7,062, hipped by Messrs. Pateraob, Downing & Co., Nor. brig Congal, Danielsen, cleared ior London witn 3,164 barrels rosin, valued at $3,826, shipped by Messrsr Patersou, Downing & Co., making an aggregate of $77,319. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols Rt Jaoobi's Hardware Depot Church Services To-Morrow. St. James Church, corner;Markct and Third streets. Rev. A. A. .Watson, D. D. Rector. Third Sunday In Advent, Doc. 16, 1SS3. Morn ing Prayer at 11 'clock. Sunday School at 3 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock. St. John's Church, corner Third and Red Cross Etrcet8. Rev. James Carmichael, D. D.t Sector. Thlrdcl Sunday in Advent, Dec. lGth, 1S8S. Holy Communion at 7.30 o'clock, a.m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 3.30 o'clock, p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon by Rev. Dr. Patterson, at 7.43 o'ciock Sf. Murk's Church, corner Sixth and Mul: berry streets, Third Sunday In Advent, Deo Prayer at 8 o'clock. Rev. A. DeR. Meares will ofdciaio In the morning and Dr. A. A. Watson at night. , Stv.ond Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Revw C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 7 p. in. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 p. in. First Baptist Church, comer of Market and Fifth Rtroota. Rev. T. U. Fntohard, v. v.. pastor. Sunday School at 9Vfc a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and p. m. Young Men's Prayer Meeting, Tuesday nignt at i.zu p. m. r raver and Praise meeting Thursday night at o'clock. fit. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, Rov. Y. V. E. Pes rJmn. Pastor. English services at 11 o'clock. German services at 7.30 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. V. ii. btraues, ouponmenaeni. Religious services in Tilceton upper Room ovcry oanaay ai o i . l uunu vuiumuj.- in vited. ' ' . ' t-v, v- ri- Tatirjvn will nrr.arh In St. Mark's Church, corner of Sixth and Mulberry streets, on First Sunday In Advent, Docember Und, at O ClOCK. p. m. A gncri umviiuu i s cordially extended, fccats tree. Scjmwi'ii Bethel. Dock between W ater and Front streets. Capt. W. J. Potter, MisBiona- l-rr in th Seampn. taCTxicen evcrv bonaayas 100 a. m. and 1.30 p. m. seamen ana an others aro cordially lnvitco. Scats froc. Part of the service will be In Norwegian, conducted by Capt. Chiistiansen. St Thomas Pro-Cathodral. First 'Mass at 1 am. eeoona aiass at au a. m. u Benodlctiofl at 5 o'clock pm. uauy aias-a at 6:30 am. Christ Church (CongrcgauonalisnN'in street, between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching eervieca at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Biblo Class at 12.15 p. m, Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, 8 o'clock, p.m. Snnday School. 3 o'clock, p. m.. In Memorial nail, corner th and Nun sts. First BaptUt Church, (col.) corner of ilfth and CampbeU streets, A. M. Conway, r.ator. Preaching at 10-30 a. m.. S p. m., and i .30 p. m. y. 8. School at I p. m. v Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church had Castle streets. Rev. J.' P. King, Pastor. S'OrTlceaatlla.Ta.aadSp. m. Sun day School at 9 a. nu iPrayer meeting every Tuesday night - To Builders and others- Go to Jaco bi3 for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c Yoa caa get all fixes .and; At the lowest prices. . ' t . . ' ....... ' ' I ! . Superior Court, The case of F. J. Sfvann es ala vs. L i - , 1 i decided adely to the nlaiutiffs. who flOOK; an appeal taken to the Supreme I Court. wa3 comproaiised and if tho j terms of tho compromise are complied with the appeal will bo withdrawn mhI iLil . .1 ". wuf,J- in in,a concctiou we are led to speak of lnc l,1ily and able in'auner in which Mr. M. O. Waddell. of ennnl I " . ' for the plaiutiffs. conducted tho and i : of hid ab-.o argument in the case. Afr. - - WaddWi is now in the 60th year ot his age. attu in mentally and -physically vigorous - far beyond his advanced years ' The CourUadjourned for the term last evening. NEW APVEIXTISEBIENTS. ' New Eestaurant, TIIK NEW LADIE3 AND GENT'S EES taurant on Front street, over the store of MeaBra Giles and Murchison; entrance, Bank of New Hanover Building, haa been opened, and will be kept open daily. Sundays from S.fcO a. m.. until 4 p. m. Meals served in tho best style at aU hours ofjthe day and evening. BoBton Brown Bread and Baked Beans a spe cialty. Oystera served In every stylo. Bills of faro will be ready In a few days. dccUSw . M. BKHNAliD. i h Booking" OUK AKUANOEMENT3 FOR AN EXTRA supply of FINE, FAT OYSTERS, for our Christmas trade are now complete. And in thank ng our many friends and customer who have responded eo promptly with their orders, we wish to state that we are still booking Christmas orders. W. $. DAVIS & SON, W Proprietors of the only regular estab lished fishery in this section. dec 15 Don't Forget rpO CALL AT BEAVH'3 5 and 10 CENTS X Store, tho first Store South of Hart & Bai ley's Alley on second Street, (Mrs. Warrou's old stand). You can find Tinware, Hardware, Toys Notions, &c. Vasea of twenty styles and a variety of Christmas Goods and but lew things over 10 cents. dec 14 New Store & New Goods. J HAVE JUST OPENED AT THE NORTH west Corner of Market and Second Streets, a fine new stock of fresh FAMILY GROCEKlJiS, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, FRUIT, &c , to which I Invite the attention of uuuDc&ocitoi9 tuiu nuicu win uo sold very cheap FOR CASH. Call and see the nice things I have for Christmas and get the low prices at which I am selling them. Respectfully, dec 15 L. G. CHERRY. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY ! FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21st. America's Favorite Comedian O- IB. BISHOP, Supported by the Charming Actrees, MISS EMMA PIERCE, And a epsciaUy selected COMEDY COMPANY, will appear In A. C. Gunter's Melodramatic Comedy, STRICTLY BUSINESS. Admission 50c and 75c. now on ealo at Dyers'. Reserved Seats $1, dec 15 4t OPERA HOUSE. Grand Sh'akesperian Event. TUESDAY EVENING , Dec . IS Appearance of the Popular Tragedian, . THOMAS W. KEENE,' Supported b'y MR. J. NEWTON GOTTHOLD, aud a Spe cially Selected Company, under tho Man agement of of WM. R. IIAYDEN, Presenting Shakespeare's Grand Historical Tragedy, in bix Act8. RICH AR D 111. Or, THE BATTLE OF BOSWORTH FIELD. Duke of Glostcr, TnOS, W. KEENE (Afterwards KING RICHARD III.) Reserved Seats $1.3. Seats on 6ale at Dycrb Saturday morning, Dec. I5th. . dec 13 3t TJ A V TTTP W T3P"PP DXX X V X Jj f 1 JDXjXlXbi T OLD NORTH STATE SALOO'N, No, 6 fcouth Front t. Fine Old Ciemmcr j Whiskey, Eye, Pino Apple Itye, N C Corn and Apple Brandy. Tlnoet sekcilon of 6c Cigars In this city. Good OYSTERS, &c, &c. Tar Heel s till ahead. . : uecii sun aneau, , ; Cigars I Ciga rs JJtW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED StocV, A loxury within reach of all. i i Toilet Soap, a new and elegant lino. Tooth Brashes, cheapest and best, at VVILL1AAI 1L GREEN'S, nov 10 117 Market fetrect. BILES & MTTEGHISON, "ITHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE 4 CROCKERY BOV2C Remember THAT HUMPHREY. JESKCfS jift CO.. will receive to-morrow at their Oyster House, No. 113 South Front street, 43 gallons of those ftae NEW RIVER GARDEN O i STJSLR3, raisad by W. A. Canady. Oysters sent C. O, D. Send ytmr ordera ia Uao for Chxliaass. 15. 1883. NO. 296 NEW ADVERTISEM.VT3. Christmas Cigars i YOU CONSULT YOl'U OWN INTER est you will order your supplies of femokiag Goods, Ciird, Tobacco, Ao., of N. GREENE WAT.D, at "The I-luld Store Around the Comer." The Bct Goods foT the least outlay. Guarantee' best Clar in the city for the money. - The Diamond and the- ADrelica arc the beet 5 cents Cigar to be had In Wllmlntton. dec 14- . A p p I BQr&rTu fr Iceya FOR CHRISTMAS, yiXL HAVE A CONSTANT SUPPLY of APPLES for the Holidays. 30 to 40 Turkey ou hsad. AUo. BUTTER, (Haywood County Butter.) BEETH, TURNIPS. POTATOES, GEESE, etc , etc., at R. MCDOUGALL'S, No. 14 Chwtnut St, bet. Front and Water dec 14 Wilmington, N. C. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, IS NOW OFFERED BY Munds Bros, and DeRosset, aiaraet ana second Streets. II Brouzo and Gilt OrDamcnts, 3! .Cigar and Cigarette Cases, g iChrietmas Cards, Hand Painted, Ink Stands, unique designs, O Gentlemen's Dressinsr Cases. Si 3 Smokers Sets, very handsome, MundaBros. Parisian Sachets, 3 Cut Glass Cologne Bottles. decs Christmas ROarket ARE MAKING BIG PRE PARA- tions for this Christmas, and will show (bf 1 fis7 .f ATSTajifnaTcrload of splendid MOUNTAIN BEEF, wUch has been ngaged and reserved expressly for this occa sion, and this will be displayed next weotas well as a splendid line ot MUTTON, VEAL, PORK unit SAUSAGES, also, ROAST PIGS firm ' HATT f TP V r.tiramr Hmnvtn. In the meantime, call on us to-morrow and Saturday and get the best to he had here for love or money. Look out for our Grand Announcement Mr. J. J. HOPKINS Is In charge of my business In the New Market and will guaran tee polite attention and prompt delivery- J. R. MELTON, Proprietor of the only Steam Sausage Factory In the State. doc 13-2t Look Out for Tour Number OUR ANNUAL GIFTS TO OUR CUSTOM ers will be presented at our Store on New Years ay. Customers who - have not received tickets for each dollar's worth of goods bought of us and paid for during the year of 1833, will please call at once and get them. We givo one ticket for every dollar Bpent with us. The following comprise tho valuable presents that will be given to our customers : 1st One Fine Suit cf Clothes made to order in best style. 2nd One Elegant China Tea design 3rd One Suit of Fancy Imported Underwear 4 th One Diamond Scarf Pin. Cth One Pair Solid Gold Initial Sleeve But tons 6th One celebrated "Melville" Hat. 7th Half Dcz. "Crown" Collars, latest de sign. 8th Three Pairs Cuffs, the popular "Crown" Brand. t'th One Monarch Yoke Bosom Linen Shirt, loth One Beautiful Plush Searf. llth-One Silver Headed Walking Cane. 12th One Kancy Silk Handkerchief. 13th One Beautiful Satin Necktie. 14th One Piir of "Rotolas" Suspenders. 15th One Gold Collar Button, Pearl btonc Scttinnr. . lGth One Talr Famous Boston Garters. 17th One Pair Linaey's Patent Sleeve Sup porters. Total value of articles given away 4200. JOHN DYER bON, Tailors and Haberdashers, dgc 12 Wilmington, NV C. GREENVILLE SOUND. J WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN ONE of the raoat Desirable Summer Places on the Atlantic coast, situate on Greenville Sonad, Gij miles from Wilmington, on Shell Road. The lmd Li In a HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION and will support an ordinary sized family. On the place axe Pears, Peach es, Apples, Cherries, Figs and Grapes IN ABUNDANCE. Oysters, Fisa, Crabs and Shrimp to be had at the door every day. nov2law3ia m WM. A. CUMM1NG- James A. Lowrey, -yyilEELWRIGnT, BLACKSMITH and General Repairer of Carriages and Vehicles. Work of all kinds attended to without delay. Thanking my friends for favors extended to me in the pat, I solicit their kind favors and their patronage ia fature. After an experi ence of forty-four years as a Mechanic under Capt W. II. Bobbitt, of Warranto, and in Wilmington. I am now prepared to conduct the work in alt Its branches la a good and workmanlike manner. Place of business, on Princess, between 3rd and 4 th streets. novSO-oaw-tf At Our House YOU CAS FIND A "VERY USEFUL As sortment of Gooda for HOUSEKEEPING, and NOW is your time to boy. Call at PAU2X2 TAILOR'S, PUBS WHITE OIL. dec 19 PLEASE NOTICE. We win bo glad to recelTe ocmracnlcatloa from our friend on any and an tttbjecta reaenU interest but 3iXfce name ot tho writer must always fee fa nlsnea to the Editor. ' CommrmTcattone most be wrtttea en on I OEoeido of the paper. . Personalities mm be avoMed.: AnJIt!s especially and particularly tact tood that the Editor doea not ahraya cndot the rlewa of correspondent unleaa ao autc la the odHorlal cotuauia. NEW ADTGRTISEBIENTs! Christmas Goods. MISS E. KARRER WILL OPEN NEXT WT5EK A SICE ' ASSORTMENT OF Fancy ArticIesforChristmas Have in a complete Stock of ' Millinery and Fancy .Goods! CEOCHET SHAWLS and FASCINATORS, CAPS and SACQUES. AH sizes, colors wj4 price in "JERSSTS-" - STAMPING and HAIR WOltK dote at rea sonable prices. , dec W Bankrupt Sale of Boots and Shoes. J have bought tho entire Bankrupt Stock of Dryfoos & Ste rnberger and will close It out at less than Manufacturer's Prices 1 , ... . . rT,2l?x6toc1i k"owti far and wide as tho HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED of any in the city, and as the good aro going to be sold very low for cash only it will nay purchasers to examine same before buying elsewhere, . - r . dec12 A. DAVID. Holiday Present rjlO BE GIVEN A WAT ! EVKBT PUR- coaser of ' $2 Worth of Goods, will be entitled to receive a chanco at a most beautiful, extravagant and richly costumed, imported DOLL, which has been arraved la the highest of fashion by one cf Worth's Sp cUU Artists, This QUEEN OF THE DOLL " All bet race and beautv. has r.o-ea to share her affections with, and te given on New Yeara day to tho penwn then holding the Lucky .Humoer. WOODSI AN ENDLE3S VARIETY, TOO NUMEJEt- . ous to itemize. Fancy Extravaganzas, Im ported Oddities, Japanese Curiosities, nd extensive collections of goods of every des cription imaginable, from nearly all the prin cipal manufacturing cities In Europe and-, A STfJ&a w. w r EVTrBQU make yonr purchaioa, and procure yoar chances, nt - HEINSBERGER'S, dec 10 Live Book and Mttsle Stores Photographs. LL MADE BY- "IN9TANTAJSEOUS" proceps. Have Just received a fine lot of , Fancy and Plain Frames, which are selling cheap. Call and let MR, CEONENBEBG make you -a Christmas picture. W VanOredell's old stand. dec 13-tf HORTON FREEMAN. SMALL ADVANCE. J WILL CLOSE OUT MY ENTIRE gtOCk , of Christmas and Holiday Gooda at a email advance above coat. I leepoctfnlly Invito all " who are in need of such artlclos to call and see my goods before purchasinz elaewhere. This is no catch. I am determined to close out these good at once. Thoy mast bo sold. J. II. HARDIN, Druggist & Sec4taaa, " dec 12 124 South Front St. Hew Market Rolling On! Rolling On ! Q.ATHEEING NEW PATEON8 AT every movo and cementing the confidence of cur old t rl2ad3 la u. - . . The poople-tho working people of this dry and through this State have stood by jxb. Thor ;have patronized us. They have ald kind words of us. They have sympathized with us when we needed their sympathy, and now it is our dnty and we shall sec to it thit tho ieoplo can have Clothing at least 25 per cent. Cheaper than can be bouynt elsewhere, and that the laboring men wiJ receive honest valne lor their honestly eamecLmoney. A. & I. SHRIER, dec 10 Reliable Clothiers, 114 Market 8fc HOLIDAY PRESENTS JN EVERY VAiilET V AND TOO NUMER OUS to bo mentioned, ran be fonnd itf tho tnoet reasonable rics, at - r. C MILLER'S, Drug Store, decl'3 324 8onth Fourth. Correr yaa st 5 ana 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLERS. Best in the city, aro on aale. Drugs- and Medicinal preparation of taa highest grade at JO. T. RCn02l7AXDs, m DrgcrbesaStaw ' s

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