THIS PATHS . . Awwclnr. Sundays X -nb-J' - ' ' - - - JOSH T. .TAMES, tUlTOB ASD FBOFKIETOa. - ,rBRlPTI0N8 POSTAGE PAID: . m: ft.00. Six months, tiOO. Three LtW.ti-00 One month, 33 cents. 1 t3T le delivered by carriers tree sir. n an rrt of thC C,ty At tbe aIwvB flrSahKribcrs will rvport any and all -fU- J 0 rC' ' " , iMi- 1 1 in' ii i' "TsrfV Vail llevi'cvt has the tarrfeti fAlish'tf.intte cily of Wilmington. S j V co 3 tnerdal treaty S.a been madoj .Ik ait Prl H.V Archibald Forbes i in a condition v - health lhat alarm his friend.. .. ,. pr. J. II. Zukcrtoit. th champion nci? piycr of the worW, ii in Baltt- - ii Secretary Frelingbuysen b;w decided fijfltlheachciae.l'or reach iog tho North po'e by means orbsllM is inipracti- Kt-ciy, the motcr man, aak.s niore time, and aenures the itockholdera ol Ui couipauy ti.rtt he will bv realv Feli nmrv I next. The Cluci-go Tribune gives - a list - j.6t 1 buildings of various kinds erected in lhat city during tho past year, the cost betas $15,048,700. Lillian Spencer, tho actress, entered uit for divorce in Pittsburg last week, against her hnsband, Edward Clay- 'urg. charging cruel treatment. . Several hundred rooms were engaged ia Chicago by telegraph last wetk for delegations to have the national repub lican convention, Juno 3, 1884. . Nearly all the knit goods manufac turers of Cohoes, N Y., have siguod an ugreement to run their mills on three quarters tirne on account of the over, stocked condition of the market. Senator Colquit,. of Georgia, v?a8 asked the other day if it wa3 true that x-Gov. Tilden habituaily whispered in the ear ol anybody with whom bo had aa audience, and lie answered, "yes; but he whispers mighty good sense." A Dundee dairyman was recently convicted of selling milk which had stood in the room in which a child was li with scarlet fever. The milk absorbed Lite poison, and seventeen persons were infected with the disease, lour of whom died. Ex Senator Blaine is quoted by an intimate Triend as having said to him during the par week: "I not only am not a candidate for President, but I will go even farther and say that I would not accept tho nomination if it were tendered to me.11 Tho German Crown Prince has been severely criticised for attending a Span ish bullfight. It was an excellent op portunity for him to make a firm stand in the interest bt a humane civilization, but his duty as guest made his duty to ward humanity difficult. The days of fabulous rates of interest ia California seem to be past. Tho aring3 banks in. San Francisco are lending mouies on mortgages at six per cent and paying the mortgage tax, and yet they cannot find a market for more than a third of their money. l. Appletou & Co.. of New York, have published a costly work entitled ' Artistic Houses," belug a series of la" terior views of the most splendid bouses i a this country. The whole edition of 300 copies has cost $125,000, and a tfogtacopy to each subscriber cost &250--' . , The Baroness Rothschild has Just purchased, for 100,000 francs, a chimney clock and candelabra, which formed part of the furniture in the Palais Royal before tho Revolution The Baroness intends to present the set to t he Princess Amelie . of Orleans,- in whose family they formerly were. The Bartholdi statue comxuitteo have issued a circular containiug the names of persons who have subscribed to tho pedestal tund. The total subscriptions to date foot up over $100,000, and tho committee hope to be able to raise $150,000 more within the next six weeks. Upwards of 3.000 appeals to colleges, churches and military posts have beeu sent out this week. There are about 54.000,000 people in this country, and the number ot stamps,' stamped envelopes and postal cards sold to the public last year was 1.861, 689.699. or only 341 to each person. That seems a small allowance, but the abies must be counted out. and even then we have only about one letter or postal card ia five for the people of the writing age. When it is considered what a vast number of letters, circulars and postal cards are sent by a com paratively small number of business men. it will appear thara large pro portion of tbe population still makes no KS3Cftt3r -taI ies. Til mmd m -ill 11 i iff VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. DECEMBER Archbishop elect Elder, of Cincinnati. wa? Invested with the pariiuni. the emblem of his office, last vweek. Not the least jplcrestras feature of the in- atallatlon was the reunion of Archbish op Elder with his six brothers, whose ages range Irotu 6i to 73 years. It has been fifty years since they wero under the same roof. Frauds W. E'der, of Baltimore, aged 75 years, is the oldest. The others arc : B. T. Elder of Man hattau, Kan.; John C. Elder of Baton Rouge. La. ; Thomas. S . and Charges D. Xlder ot Nev Orlenns. nd Jopeph E . Eider, of Chicago". ' Our Ariny and Nav . General Rufus Ingalls, Quartermaster General, U. S. A:; General J. B. Stead tuan. U S. A.; Commander J. B; Coghlaiu U. S. N., indorse St- Jacob Oil, the great pain-cure. LOCAL NEWS. IHDEX TO HEW ftHVf RTlStMf STS. W II greek Cigars Festival and Bazaar B Bellois For ChriaUaaa : , It M McIntirb Special Prices Heiksbergek Holiday Present C W Vates Christmas Novelties A & I Shriek Greatest Slaughter Miss E Karheu Christmas Goods Joux G Norwood, Sect'y Notice Mc Doug all & Bowddx Saddles Tnos C. Craft, Agt Holiday Gocdi Kxights or Hoxoa Regular Meeting P Lj Bridgsbs & Co CftriBtmaa Stock Joux D Tatloe, Tax Col Tax otlco Parker & Taylor You Will Find Them J C Stevenson Astonish! Dgly Lovr Prices Mexos Beos. t& DeEosset Ilotiday Nov elties ' For other locaU see fourth page. Therecelptsofcottoaat this port to day foot up 970 bales. Onr almanac says: Eook out for great mortality among poliltry about this time." There was sno w at an early hour this morninc, bnt we did not see" it as we were asleep. There was a heavy snow squall at the Sound this morning, but it lasted only a few minutes. " There are a good many strangers in the city, some of whom will remain during the holidays visiting relatives and friends. .Two theatrical entertainments this week. Richard III, tragedy, to-morrow night, and Strictly Business, com edy, on Thursday night. One week from to night Christmas Eve, at which time win oe we pre sume there will be a sort of juvenile pandemomiom on our streets. Travelers who arrived hero last night from Connecticut state therehas as yet been but very little severe weather in that section of country and very, little snow. S'J . '- - ' W e notice that Dr. L.JS. Carr, fori raerly of this city, but now of Tarboro is to deliver a lecture at St. Barnabas' Guild, in Tarboro, on Wednesday even ing, on "Self -Culture." Pender' Superior Court, Judg o Phillips presidingconvened in tho. new Court Housa at Burgaw this morning. Quite a number of the legal fraternity from this city are in attendance. There was a case of drunk and down before the Mayor this morning, which was discharged, and five cases of fail ure to pay license tax, which wero settled. Thirwasnll tho business be fore the court this morning. Alter Thursday night, when' C. B. Bishop will appear ih Strictly Business, there will bo uo entertainment given at tho Opera IIouso until Monday. Pec. 3 1st, at which time Alice Oates and her troupe will appear in comic opera. Her engagement is lor two nights , Dec. 31s and Jan. 1st. 1881. ' t -Rev. T. Page Ricaud preached his farewcll sermon to a large congregation at tho Fifth Street M. E. Church yesterday. It was very impressive and - affecting.- He will leave on Wednesday for bis new field of labor at Washington, N. C, where tho best wisher ot his many friends in this city will attend him. Anybody "who watches the south western sky just after sunset will see a brilliant star gleaming in the twiligh1 very near tho point on tho horizon where the sun disappeared; It "is the planet Venus, and this is her first even- . . . ? ' ' r she made her famous transit across the sun a year aso. . Itnltfhts of Honor. If N tt Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this evening, at 74 o'clock. Full attendance desired. "It A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobins Hardware Depot ing appearance oexoreino pupnctncoitgjirt.acont-at. y ou will do well to call Biar'liliEw. TIjo Probable J3ate. As near as can uow be ascertained Dr. Watson, will probably be conse crated as Bishop of the diocese of Eat Carolina ou or about tho Second Sun day in Lent, which will fall on the day of March next. It will be necessary to receive the consent of a ruaiority of the standing committees ol the various dioceses, iu the country, 42 in number, and after tnis the consent of the Bishops is also to be obtained. Sometime there ; are reasons why this consent should be ! withheld out iu this instance there is I none. . As soon as the consent of s tbe I camraitteea and the bishops has been j obtained, the Presiding Bishop will namo tho day, hour and church in which the services of the consecration are to ba held aud this, we think, will iu all likelihood be St. James' Wilmlng ton, where of course it should be. The Presidiug Bishop will also name three or uvore prelates of the same rank to administer the servicesi Death of Mr. Bauman. We greatly regret to learn of tho death of Mr. John G. Bauman, an old and highly esteemed resident sf this ci.y. It was very sudden. Last Friday hie wa afflicted with a paralytic stroke and on Sunday morning, less than two days afterwards, he had passed .over the river. Mr. John Gerhardt Baunianwa3 born in . Lesum, near Blumenthvl, Hanover, Germany, on Februay 23d. 1816, and was therefore nearly 67 years of age at the time ot his death. He emigrated to this country when quite a youth and about the year 1836 he arrived in Charleston where bo resided until 18.43. when he removed to Wilmington and opened a grocery busines here which .waa-conr tinued by hi in on his own account with an interruption during tho War until a few years . ago." Mr ;Barrman was married twice.' His" first wife was Miss Ellen Fitnauii- of -Norfolk, who died and left. him eight children, seven of whom survive him His second wife was Miss Elizabeth Connor, of this city, by whom there Is' no issue.! T f ; Mr. Bauman was a man of a singularly ; modest, quiet and retiring disposition and was warmly regarded by all who knew him for his kindly heart and genial nature He leaves many and warm friendsjhere who will mourn him and we do not believe that he had an enemy in the world. The funeral services took - place this afternoon from St. Thomas Church and as a mark o! respect to his memory the flags ot the German vessels were at half ma3t daring their progreze. ... Personal. Rev. Dr. Patterson preached In St. John's Church last night. He will leave here to-night on the return to his pastoral duties in Tyler, Texas, bnt hopes to return to Wilmington in the Spring, to be present at tbe consecration of Bishop Watson. i Dr. Chas. Iesesne, of Onslow, was in the city to-day and favored fus with a brief but pleasant visit. - 9- .fi Anybody can catch a cold now. The trouble is to let go. like the man who caught the bear. Wo adviso our read ers to keep a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup bandy. DIED. IGILKSThis morning, of typhoid fever, MAJtY-AUGUST A. wie of Clayton Giles. Funeral eerncef will be held at Ht-.-James Church; t -morrow (Tuesday) alteraoon.' at 3 o'clock, thence to Oak dale Cemetery. Friends aro. invited to attend. - 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Boys5 Saddles, T ADIES AND GENTS S ADDLES. Hone aunieu, Lap Bobee, CarrWea and all kinds of Vehicle. Saddlery. 1 ranks and Carriages repaired by skilled workmen. MCDOUGAXL, BOWDKN. dec 17 No. 114 North Front St. PJotice. rjmiS A NNUAL MEETING QF LOT owner of Pine Forest Cemetery Company wiU be held In the Mayor's Court Room, JLity Hall Wednesday evening, Dec 19. 18&, at 8 o'clock. By order of the Board of Trustees. ? JOHN G. NORWOOD, t deol6 2t - 8eo and Troaa. .Festival and. Bazaar. THE LADIKS OF FBONT STBEET 3J. E. Church will have a Ff stlval and Dazaar at theCit? Uall,.next TUKAY AND WED NESDAY MGHTiS. the 18th and lith, where ther wUl have many luefut and fancy articles nu uie. ana wnerB ma iiner man can ou sale, amt wnere tne laner man can reiea and Jeirn for yoaraelf. deolSSt Tax Wotice. A LIST IS NOW BEING MADE UP FOR Adf crtisemcnt of property to be sold for Tax es. Parties Interested muit pay at once if they would save costs. - ' JOHN D. TAYLOB. dee 17-1 1 ' , - : . r . Tax Collector NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. During this week w will offer Extra Inducements. especially to cash buyers. : . o- ' ; . - "Ladies' and Children's Wraps, : sUWKLL ASSORTED STOCK AND AT VERY CLOSE PR1C&S ! Carpets, Orumb Cloths, Oil Oloths, &c, BROCADE OTTOMANS, v In various light shades at remarkable prices, Call and Fee them by gas light. dec 17, 1583 You Will Find Them I 1 T PARKER & TAYLOR. . If lad WHAT ? Why most anything yon want that's USEFUL. jGO AND SEE. PUKE WHITE OIL. 28 Front St. dec 13 Astonishingly Low Prices. Q S3. btandartl Granulated Sugar, $1, J2 fta- Vure White "ABngar; SI, 1 Light Brown Stigar, SI, Minced Meat If c pr lb.', " Apple Rut er So rer U. All ki' ds Prunes 15c per lb. A bbl of Ex Family Flur, guaranteed $C.2S. Raielns, Citron, Currants, Lemon Peel. Nuts, Cocoanuts, Orange. Klre Crackers, Extract), bpicea and au 2mas Goods. -Hanas, Sugar Cm ed and Old N. Carolina, A few ChoicPi well smoked N. C. Sides, Beef ToDgue-s Lricd Bef, . Pickled and Smoked Salmon. Dried Apples and Peabhea. Old Gov't Java and Laguayra andKioCof' fees, Boasted and Ground, 4Jauy. . James C Stevenson. . dec 17 V ." The Great Attraction FOB IS AT It T ? XI Furniture - Warsrooms, 20 South Front St. Corroded to be the flnost display of FURNI TURK ever Been in this city, dec 17 THOMAS C. CRAFT, Agent Christmas Goods. MISS E. KARRER WILL OPEN THIS WEEK A NICE ASSORTMENT OF Fancy ArtiolesforChristmas Have in a complete Stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, CROCHET SHAWLS and FASCINATO RS, CAPS and SACQUES. All sized, colors and prices In "JERSEY-" , STAMPING and HAIR WOBE doue at rea sonable prices. ' deo 17 Greatest Slaughter OF CLOTHING EVER MADE - IN WILMINGTON FOR THE NEXT rjinB WARJI BACKWARD SEASON HAS overloaded ua trtth Winter CWhinsr, which must be Eacrtficcd at UNEARTHLY LOW PRICES. The loss will be fearful, but better lose some - than ad. -w . have a very, large atock to select from, ot fine; medium quality and cheap Clothing, In 6u.Ua and Overcoats at prices that wlU satoniah you and p. ralyze tho clotbitra. Take sdvactago of it. See the bar gains and get bargains they are for every one nd wc. Invito every one to come early to the wen known. Reliable Clothiers. , - . A. & I. SHRIEK, dec 17 Reliable Clothiers, IU Market 8L AN ELEGANT ASSORT dENT OF HOLIDAY NOVELTIES1 13 NOW OFFHEKD BT Munds Bros. andi)eRosset, Market and Second streets. ' iBronxa and GUt OTcaments, , ! . . (.' - - .Clgir and Cigarette Caaca, el ' - .- 2 Christmas Cards, Hand Painted, I - . , - Ink Stands, unique designs. o A P cr 5 Gentlemen's Dressing Cases. Smokers Sets, very handsome, y i :- - Moods Bros. Parisian Sachets. .2 3 1 f uni uiass cologne isotuea. j dec 8 Thefe oelbraXe 1 MFfah t Brand GUI?, Twi&o is sold only at JajcobiV Hard wsro Depot. " 17. 1883. NO. 297 EW ADVERTISEMENTS. m. (V3clE!TIRE. Fpr Christmas I J HAVE A, LARGE AND FINE ASSORT ment of CHRISTMAS GOODS of all kinds just received by Steamer : : FIRE CRACKERS, TORPEDOES, 8KY ROCKETS and ROMAN CANDLES of an sized. I also have a fine stock ,cf FRESH GROCERIES, of all kinds, which I will sell low for CASH. I also have a fine assortment of Liquorsj Wines, Brandy, &c, which I will guarantee free from adulteration. GOOda dellvfirnd tn n trt n. tVia br free of charge. B. BELLOIS, dec iMw 128 MARKET ST. A Holiday Present rpo EE GIVEN AWAY l EVERY PUR. oaaser of $2 Worth of Goods, will be entitled to receive a chance at a most beautiful, extravagant and richly costumed, imported DOLL, whJchbas been array ed In the highest ol fashion by one cf Worth's Spe clal Artists. . N. This QUEEN OF THE DOLLS, In all her wivjo buu ueauiy, nas o D8omea to snare ner affection4 wlttt, and to be given on New Year's day to the person then holding tbe Lucky Numbtr. CHRISTMAS GOODS I AK EKm.ES VAPI1WV Trr vrrci?i - - - a. v v jLsAJt a- wous to Itemize. Fancy ' Extravaganzas. Im- wunioa, onynavBO Juri08lne3, na extensive collections of goods of every des cription imftjlnfthlf 1mm nnarv nil thn rfr.' ci pal manufacturing cities . in Europe and Please call early, see the LOVELY DOLL, make your purchases, and procure your chances, at . . . i HEINSBERGER'S, dec 17 Live Book and Muslo Stores We Call Tour Attention TO OUR . . ; ' - CHRISTMAS ST0 CK ! BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKEY8, MALAGA GRAPES. RAISINS, NUTS, TELLIES, PRESERVE8, Ac, &c. We will have a large and select stock of Royster-s Celebrated Candy for Xma8. Chocolate Creams, Walnat, Cream Dates, Caramels, Bull D6zers, Japan Fruit, Fruit Bar and a great many other varieties. Tho BEST CANDY 60ld In North Carolina. THREE POUND8 FOR ONLY tl. . - Also a largo and f reeh invoice of MARSH MALLOW DROPS. - - - P. L, BRIDGERS & GO. HO North Front St dec 17 ;New Restaurant. THE NEW' LADIES AND GENT'S RE taurant on Front street, over the store of Messrs Giles and MureoUoo: entrance. Bank of New Hanover Building, has been opened, and will be kept open dally. Sundays from 8. 0 a m.. until 4 p. m. Meals served la the beet stj la at all hoars of the day and evening. Boston Brown Bread and Based Beans a spe cialty, oysters served in every style. Bills of fare will be ready in a few day. . dec Utw Ai. HEHNAKD. ft Booking" OUR ARRANGEMENT3 FOR AN EXTRA Supply cf FINE. FAT OYSTERS, for OUT Christmas trade are now complete. And in thank ng onr many friends and customers who have responded so promptly with thetr orders, we wish to fte that we are still booking Christmas orders ' , - ' W. E. DAVIS SON, -Proprietors of tie only regular estab Hihe4 fishery in this aecUoa, " dec IS yfo will be glad to receive comaxaalcacoa trora our flr!aads on any and all uhjocU sener&l latertet bnt ; 1 1 2 iTfce naae of the writer tnot ahrtrji to fa CcmmtralcaUoas xaut b writtes ea out one side of the paper. Personalities mrst bo avoided.! And it is cfredaUy and particularly mid too3 that the Ei2itor does not alirars eadoi thevlewaof correspoadents talcas m state In the editorial colmans. ' , XEW AD12KTISEMEirrS. OPERA HQUGE. ONE NIGHT ONLY 1 FRIDAY, DECEMBEJB 21st. America's Favorite Comodlaa , O- B. BISHOP, Supported by , the Charming Actress. MISS EMMA PIERCE, And a specially selected COMEDY COMPANY, "will appear la A O. Guuter's Melodramatic Comedy. STRICTLY-"BUSINESS. " - llll .i" . ' Admiiainn SQc aud 75v 7tA&trvtA Rt i now on tale at Dyers'. t deo 13 it New Store & M"ew Goods. T HAVE JUST OPENED AT THE NORTH- weit Corner of Market and Second Streets, a fine new stock of fresh FAMILY GROCERIES, WINE3, LIQUORS, CIGARS, FRUIT, Ac., . to which I Invito the attention of . Housekeepers and which will be sold very . cheap FOR CASH. Call and see the, nice . . . . things I hare for Christmas and act tos low uiutn av wiiicu x am Brians: Hiem. ueapcoixuiiy, dec 15 Li. G. CHERRY. Bankrupt. Sale of : Boots - and Shoes. J" havo bought tho entire Bankrupt Stock ct Dryfoos & Stcmbcrger and will close It out at less than v : ; , Manufacturer's Prices I - This stock Is known far nnd wide as the H.VNDmMKST and .BKST SELECTED of any In the city, ar.l as the goods nro irotnjf to be sold very lawfor cash onlv It will pay purchasers to examine same before buying cluo where, dec 12 A. DAVID. C h r i st ma s C iga ro TF YOU CONSULT TOUR OWN INTER- est you will order your supplies I Smoking' WALD, at "The little Sjoro Around the -Corner.' The Best Goods for tho least outljy. Guaranteed best Cigar In the city for the money. -.." The Diamond and the Angelica are the best 5 cent Cigars to be had la Wilmington. ' . dec 14- Look Out forTour Number OUR ANNUAL GIFTS TO OUR CU&TOjf. ers will be presented at our Store on New Years uav. Customers- who have not received tickets for each dollar worth of goods bought of us and , paid for during the year of IS, will please call at ooce and get them. We give one ticket for every dollar spent with us. The following comprise tho valuable presents that will be given to our customers : - 1st One Fine Suit of Clothes made to order in best style. - - - . ; 2nd One Elegant China Tea Settstiew design 3rd One Suit of Fancy ImportedUnderwear 4th One Diamond Scarf Pin, eth One Pair Solid Gold Initial Sleeve But tons - ; - . Cth One celebrated "Melvllle' Hat. 5 7ih Half Dor. "Crown" Collars, latest de- . ebrn- ' - - - , ath Three Pairs Cuffs, the popular Crown" Brand. vth One Monarch Yoke Besom Linen Shirt. l"th-One Beautiful Plush scarf. lltb One Silrer Headed Walking Cane. 12th One "ancy Silk Handkerchief. 13 ib One Beautiful Satin Necktie. 14th One Ptir of Rotolua" Suspenders. 15th One Gold Collar Button, Pearl Stone Setting. -. ... 16th One Pair Famous Boston Garten. , 17th One Pair Lineya Patent Sleeve dap porters. .." , , Total value of articles given away t20a. ', JOHN DYER A BON, . deel, . Don't Forget TO CALL AT HEAVE'S S and 10 CENTS . Store, tho first Store South f Hurt . ni. old stand). You ran find llnwar. Hardware. J " oco vi twenty atyiet and a variety of Christmas Goods and bnt few things over 10 cents. dec 14 BAY VIEW BEER.. T OLD NORTH STATe'sALOOX, So, 6 Soil oath Frnnt ft TItia V m. tm.1.1 Rye, Pine Apole Rye. N C Corn audApoW Brandy. . Finest selection of 5o Cigars ia ihla still ahead. daeii Cigars! Oigas-o! JEW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED Stock A luxury within reach of all. '!f.t ar.a new and elegant Une. Tooth Brushes, cheapest and best, at - WILLIAM 1L GREEN'S, to 10. in Markat Strait. HOLIDAY PKESEIsTS TX EVERY VA tfTPTV tvn Tn vnwt.. ous to be mentlone'J, ran bo fonnd st tbe most reasonable F. C. MILLER'S, Drug Store1, " dec 10 . - 314 South Fourth, Correr Nun st 5 and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FTLLlRS. Best iu the city, are on sale. Drugs and MedlcinAl preparations of the highest grade at JNO. T. SCHOnWALD'S, decs Drusfana Precrlptlsa Cre V !