The Daily Review. JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. DECEMB'li 17. 1883. Entered at the Fostoffice at Wilmington. N. C. as second-class matter. THE COLLAPSE OF THE PO LITICAL TRIALS. I The -Charleston Hews and Courier, commenting on the political persecu tions in that State, says: Three trials' Two mistrials and one acquittal under the instructions of the court. Such is the fruit of the unscrupulous labor a of Sper and Melton. A renegade who had been paid tor hia treachery by a public office and had sent some ignorant Dem ocrats to jail in Georgia was hireir to assist District Attorney Melton. Gov ernment spies were sent to Columbia to watch every step of the jnrori and the witnesses. Juries were packed, so ; that otj no singlpju ry wa there even one tuatt who was of the same political faith !n the citizens who were on trial. The Grand Jury was dispensed with, and the trials were had upon the mt-r mo- . . , .i , , I ion and personal action .d the i1?tnet Attorney. Withal, iui n conviction has t.fn nhfntneil.- Sr. flimsv was th evi- dence, so manifest was the false swear Iwx of the Government , witnesses, lha 4t ven a jury ci iirecnDaouers :inu no publicans could not bring themselves to, the point of returning a venlietot guilty. ,leerving of all praise are the urors who fearlessly did their duty, despite the threats ot" their assot-iaics ami tie ., . ... , allurements ot the Government :oun- el. We know not who they are. It i suflteient to know that there was' one iuit man or more m every jury that Messrs. Sreer anJ Melton co-.Kvived to ije capable of any nefariou s work that ' could be cnfoiu for them. We do not blame ihe (iovernmeul witnesses for their wilful lyiu. The Persons who are guilty ar Jistriet At torneys Speer and Melton. They knew what the characters of the witnesses were, ami what their testimony was to b. They had every opportunity to ex :mtae the witnesses nnd test their trust worthiness. There Is little 'doubt that they kuew. that their witnesses were telling uutrutfaa. ItU what the witnesses wore employed tor. The truth was not wanted, for it would have afforded no grounds for the prosecution of any Democrats. Not content with packing the Marion case, brazenly declared that it was not the practice of the District Attorney iu tbe United State? District srnrrts in tbia State to disclose the Gov ernment's view of the facts as well" as the law. Judge Bryan, j with dignity, rebuked and contradicted him, and it was instantly shown thfit what Mr. Melton had asseverated was not the practice aa actually provided for by the formal rule3 of the United States Court. A prosecuting officer whf will behave in this fashion, .with' the certainty ot leing found oat, gives evidence of in "J" lollectual dullness as weil as moral obtuseuesa. For this term the contest is one, and it is doubtful that it will ever be renewed under similar conditions. Judge Bond is too acute a lawyer to permit, hereaf ter, in defiance of the State law on the subject, the atanding-aside of jurors in case3 of misdemeanor. With a fair trial by an impartial jury, no citizen has auything to fear. But what a con temptible attitude the Government has been placed in by the Attorney General and his subordinates! The wJtiole power of the United States used iin ecupulouly to send to the Penitentiary reputable citizens who are guilty of being Democrats, and the Government balked and defeated by the , presence of indomitable courage where it was not looked lor or wanted, and by the - splendid ability, tact and industry ot ' prevailed once more; and the cofi" aance of good government is assured t us.' Underneath the trials in Colum. a lay thedesire to divide the Democ icy, a6 that the State should be Ma , nqneized in President Arthur's interest next year. So at one. blow justice is done, innocent mca co free, and adeep lSd conspiracy to injure the people is - completely frustrated. Ben. Butler, according to a correspon dent of the New York Herald, proposes ro make things lively for the Democrat- rty next year. He is laying- his ito capture the Presidential nomi- . He recognizes the fact that I merits he would stand no chance. V-ntlwiOhe intends trying the enect " areC'"Tle-ha9 nut lost his faith in the fians power of powder boats, uod tlie grand explosive he is preparing lor the . Democratic . national eonven- turn i au advance nomination' ny tlie so called Labor party. He believes that ho can con trol thi. organization with e1' aotJ that with this nomination -cured he v sn say to the Democratic -convention, Norn male me or take certain defeat in New York, Pennsylvania and nearly every other Northern State." He i : confident" that .with the Democratic! pomination he can carry Massachusetts, j Now York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, and while be admits that the South does not lore him. he believes that it would nevertheless remain solid for the Democratic party in spite ot the caodis dale. Stuff1! About seven hundred land hunters from Illinois IefUhat State on the 28th 'ot November, via the Illinois Central Railroad, for Mississippi, where they are now seeking homes along the Iioe of the railroad. A hearty and hospitable reception awaited them in Mississippi. Committees were 'appointed at ail prominent points to meet the excursion ists and induce them to stop off and examine lands, and there is auniversal rejoicicg among the planters, merchants and men of every clas3over the visitors. They will be welcomed everywhere, and will be entertained free of charge at every, place where a .stop is made. The'excursionists are men of means, who appreciate the advantages present ed by the rich but. exceedingly eheap lands in Mississippi. ifi Your Blood Pure? For impure blood the best ruedfeine known is ROSADALIS. It is the great Southern time tried and true Remedy, ! and may be implicitly relied on wheu i every thin- else fails Take it in the 1 Spring time especially tor the impure j 6Jc.et7on3 of lhe bood incident to that season of the year : and tak it :t all tinre-j lor Cancer. Scrofula. Liver Oin- niainH. n cakness, . iiruK lunior. Swellings. Skin Disease?, Malaria and the thousand ills that come 1'rofu im. pure blood. Talking about the Jiver we presume that ill temper is more often caused by i a disordered liver than anything ele. 'j o insure a cheerinl disposition take KOSAUALIS. the Great Southern Remedy, which will remove the priniH riut and restore itw mum to its i:!l!urr, t,iujjjbrium. j MOONSHINE. I The waves are ever at war. c'Jtisinntlv shcllinctlie beach. 'I'ht'i' arc When the head ;i family accideu tally backs into a tu'o of hot water he can bp said to be parboiled. PhihidcU phin Call. No matter how peaceable a muetiug i the people composiug it always have tube calied to order. Korton Irnn,' shrift. When the widuw borics her tirst husband she becomes pensive, but after she gets the sccoud she i usually ex pensive. Tonkcrs Gazette. ""So. indeed, there'd uo place like home." sighed the mau who tripped over the coal scuttlo and lell ioto a -washtub white fumblln?' aroand lor a match to liht the kitchen hre. AT. T. Journal. Question Your Druffjrist, and he will tell your that there is a greater demand for SOZODQNT ttian for any other preparation lor tbe teeth. Thea ask yourself whether au article for which the demand is general and constant, must not possess genuine merit. The mental response - will be that it does, since the conclusion is irre sistible, that if it did not really polish and preserve the teeih. a discerning public would long since havo discovered the fact. It advertises itse'f. RHOIiTS. Es-Governor Hali of Delaware owqi interests in thirty-five vessels and con trois twenty-five. His property is esti mated to be worth 300,000, Stephen M. Meredith.'a young lawyer of Reading. Penn.. who disappeared lor a time under somediscouragingcircum stances, has returned home, and vol untarily subscribed to an oath before an alderman that he will never "again play at any game of cards or billiards either for pleasure or gain, or partici pate directly or indirectly in sny form of gambling. One of the sights of Paris this Winter will be a score of Red Indians from the district of the Upper Missouri. They belong to the Moha tribe, and are pre sided over by a venerable chief. In the true sty io of Indian fiction, they wear eagle feathers in their hair, aud after pitching their tent in the Jardiu d' Acclimation, at once proceeded to light the calument of peace. Despite the inventions ot recent years the largest telescope in the world is still Iyord Rosse's. at Paraontown, Ireland, although it was constructed some forty years ago. It is also the most powerful in respect to its light grasping capacity, a very important matter in the study of faint objects, such a3 nebula?. Its mirror is six feet ia diameter, and the length of its tube is fiftythree feet. According to the calculations of the Belgian! Association with regard to the abuse ot alcoholic drinks, the annual consumption of spirits is now V2 and that of beer 254 litres per inhabitant. The litre is about one and three quarters English pints. Tke sum spent annually, in the public houses is estimated at 475.000.000 franes. The retail liquor trade is perfectly free ia Belgium, and anybody can open a public hou?e where he pleases. Joslak Davis Trouble. Josiah Davis No. Middletown. Ky.. - writes: .. . . . . I am now using a box of tour HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE upon an ulcer, which, for the past ten days, ha3 given me great pain. This6aive is the only remedy I havelound that has given me any' ease. My nicer was caused by varicose veins, and was pro nounced incurable by my medical doc tors. I find, however, that nENRY'S CARBOLIC SA LVE ia effecting a cure Capes or large' collars are worn on tijtht walkiu2 jackets by yoaog ladies. - 1 . One voice all over the land goes up from mothers, that says. My daughters arc so feeble and sad, with no.strength, all out of breath and life at the least exerttou. What can we do for them ? The answer is simple and tail of hope. One to four weeks' use of Hop Bitters will make them healthy, rosy, sprightly 1 andcbeertuL - - THE MAIM; Themalls cioe and arrive at the City Pos office m follows: "CLOSE. Northern through mail, fast.... '....7.00 F. M. Northern through and wsy malls.. ..8.00 A. M. Raleigh. .....8.15 P. M. and 8.09 X, M. Hails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. & St. C. Railroad at 7.00 P M. and 8.PJ A. M, Southern Malls for ail points South, dairy... CIS A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Western malls (C. C. Railway) dally, (except Sunday) ...6.15 P. JL All points between Hamlet and Ral elfh -.6.15 P. M. MaflforCberawandDarilnrtonEall road 6.16A. M, and 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston.. ...6.15 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Fayetteville aud offices on Cape Fear Hirer, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M. Fayetteville, via Lomberton, dally, except Sundays....... .....6.15 P. M. Onslow C. H. and Intermediate offl cea, Tuesdays and Fridays-. 6.00 A. L SmlthvUle mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. llalls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, . Shallotte and Little River, Tues days and Fridays 6.00 A.M. Wrightsvllle, dally 8.30 A. M. OPEN FOB DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls. . . .7.80 A. M Southern Malls .7.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad.......... 9.00A.M. Malta collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M-, H..T0 A.M. and 3 30 I. M. and from other points of the city at ft P.M. ' Stamp Office open from 7 A. M. to 6 r. M., Money order and Register Department open from "3 A. M. to P. M. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. sjirt on Bumlajrs from S.30 to 8.S0 A. M. Carrier' delivery open on Sunday from J'.Sfl A.M. Why sufter with Malaria ? Emoky'8 Standard Cuke Piu.s are infallible, never fail to cure the most obstinate eases; purely. vegetable. 23 cents, eod j Furriers say thai sable is revived as a Jashionable fur. . - - " U!:ui.;i I'miiuncltl- inrl IiauLi bring Mankind numberless ailments Foremost among them are Nervousness, Nervous Debility, and unnatual weak ness of Generative Organs ; Allen Brain Food successfully overcomes these troubles and restores the sufferer to his former vigor. At druggists, or by mail from J. H. Allen. 315 First Ave. New York City. eod&w - - White china is again in favor to din ner and tea sets. Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is witbonC a peer. It consists of both external -aud internal treatment and costs only $1. per package. At druggists, Tbe. blouse bodice is', in request lor young girls. Hotler Swan's Worm Syrup Inbillible, tasteles, harmless, cathar tic; tor feverisbuess. , restlessness worms, consttation. . , ,,. Terra cotta color the other side. till vopular on JMLintotchi Souud Its Praise. llcv. Mr.: Greenfields, Kuoxville, Tonn., writes as follows : "Samaritan Xcrvine poiisisu&atly cured my eon of epileptic fits." - Here's food for thought. Sold by druggists, 1.50 :x Capital Prize 160,000, We do hereby certify that wt 'supcrvtsv tht arrangements for au im Monthly and Hani- tame are conducted with honesty, fairness, and ingooajaun pontes, and toe autltor 1& ihe Company to use this certificate, with fac simile of our siffnatures attached, inUsadctr Ustmewt." Commissioners. JJKPEKCEDESTED ATTRACTION 1 OVER HALF MILLION DISTRIBUTE! Louisiana State Lottery Company. incorporated In 1868 tor 23 rears by the Lex lalatureror Educauonal and Charftabla nr. m cuarita poses vrltb ajcapltal of iLjQQO.000 to . wJucii k rcecrvc xddj or tSS0,0lK hn lac bcci added. By an ovcrwhelmliur Doimlu vntn Ha trn rhlae vrtts mado a part of the present State Constitution adopted December Sd, A. D., 1879. Its Grakd SinoleNcmbeb DBAWIKG9W111 take place monthly. It never scales or post pones. Look at the followlnxr Distribution: 163d Grand Monthly AKDTHE KXTBAOBDINABT DJXJCWISQ, At New Orleans, Tuesday, December lP.lSSS, under the personal supervision and inanajre mentof a Capital Prize $150,000. " Notice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, f5. Fifths, - 2. Tenths fl. UST OP PRIZES.. i capitai. Prize op, 1 Grand Prize of 50,ooo.. 1 150,000 50,000 1 jttlJkJU riuzs OF 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prized or Prizes of 50 100 " 200 tiOO " 1,005 " 20.000... JU.OCO 20,000 20,000 20,000 23,000 30,000 40.000 - 60,000 00,000 .120,000 . 10,000 10,000... 5,000... 1,000... 500... 300... 200... - 10O... eo... AfPEOIDULXIOS PRIZES. 100 Approximation Prizes ot $300... : t " 100.. IlKl - 7.x... 7,000 2,270 Priies amountiug to. 522,500 AppBeaUon for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Or- For furthetlnformatlon, write clearly, giv ing full address. Make P. u. Money lr '.V"JJ3yR"le n(l addreps Registered Letters to NKWORTJ5ANS NATIONAL BANK. lOSTAL NOTKS and ordinary letters by Mail or Uxpress (all sums of $5 and upwards M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans. La. orM. A. HAUPIHN, wawui.i. 007 Seventh St., WMhtngton. 1. C nov 14 wed-sat 3w-dAw - , ' Old Newspapers J?OKiALK vTCRT CHKAP. - - r '' V ATutuai jsrewnos ot tm iuietana tstalt Lot- t-eru Compaiyt and in person manage and. con- f trol the Irateims themselves, and that th I MISCELLANEOUS. . ihe Urowfng Cfina. 1 1 ia well known that a large ma ority of the hitman race die in child hood. Of course everybody hs to iic, some time or other. But there is such a thing as prolonging life, and ilso of making the most of it while it lasts. VT . . - ' A grousing cAjfd is exposed to more risks than an adult. The sys tem is in its formative state, and very receptive. If contagious diseases are jn theatmosphere, the child is par ticularly exposed to them. Diseases which will pass over a full-grown man or woman will attack a growing child, and often with fatal effect. A growing child is liable to all manner of accidents. Cuts, wounds, bruises, and casualties of varioui kinds may happen at any. moment Were it not for. the natural elasticity of children, the death-rate among the young people would be far largei than it is. A drawing child is worthy of the very best care. It should be guarded afrainbt disease and accident. Tc conquer tfie diseases which attack the digestive organs, the blood, the 'ddnevs, the liver, and the nerves. iefe is nothing like "Brozvn's Iran Sillers, This is the only preparation of iron which can be given without mischievous, results to teeth ot stomach. It vitalizes the bloody strengthens nerves and muscles, and promotes sound digestion. A growing, child's future depends much on what his condition is during, the years of growth. It is essentia that he reach the complete adult maturity in health fulness and vigor. Keeping this in view, how important it is that parents should closely ob serve their children's health, and iu amole time begin to correct any tendency, to weakness or decline The timely administering of Brown's Iron Bitters will do wonders toward keeping the growing child in excel lent ktahh. 9 dtc 8- arm tod&w ca . FRESH ARRIVALS ! ATSI0RS CELEBRATED MINCE HE ATS to Barrels, Half Barrels and PalLi; aud PLUM PUDDING la a!) eltos. Tbtfc are the very best yooJ6 of their klod, snd jk family should be without tliem. '"ORANGE MARMALADK, a Most delightful SvreeUneat for Uie te,i table. To ariivcvn TnMay mxt, a freali eiipplr ot Qtager Taffy, Ben's Boston Crackers, CJenccore Wafers, - Coffee Cakee, something ew and n et. Oraugo B;ir. Almond Macoarooias, . Cocoanut Maccaroonn, and The Genuine Albert BUeult, In one and two pound Tbvs. For sale low. John li. Boatwright. nov 13-tf Comme rc i a I Hotel Wilmington, N C. M. 8CHIX)SS, Pro?; .' fyUlST-CLASS IN KVERT RESPECT. A rirst-elaas Bar and BILLIARD A a tOtlN ATTACHED. . 7 HORSES, ! HORSES ! ! JpOR SALE TEN HORSES, FIVE OF them guaranteed to be good dray animalf. Will be sold low, AUo, a lew second hand BUGGIES and CARTS will be sold low figure. " Ilorses and vehicles on hire, and horses boarded and eared for.' JW The finest Hearse In the city. HOLLINGS WORTH & WALKER, livery &a4 Sale Stables, oct ll-tf Corner Fourth and-Mulberry Farmery, Take Notice. J0RB1S HOG CHOLERA COMPOUND Is just the thing to cure or prevent Hog Choi era and all disease tQ which Swine are sub ject; it will prevent that dreadful diaease known as Trlohn, and will put your bogio a thrifty, healthy condition, clearing the kM pounds and will. If given strictly accordliur to on h i.1 " wi m vooiera ana put USU The the praise. "All farmers should buv a age, ' r For sale .wholesale and retail, by w GREEN. Lruan.t.atjtStreetlb3higtoiiu To Bailders and others- Go to Jaco ei's for S&sh Blinds aad Doors. Glaas &o- You can get all size . &nd at th lowest prices. ; - - - uw, 01 worms ana parasites Mca Pcugis ctmutut one and al time, thfcxebv aavlnsone half nftu vwmujmuu u ukicu in nnc l hi a farmers of Dunlin countv at u rSATTiltPAPB, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company. Omcs or Gsxr&ax SurKRiwixirDiorr, WUmJnxtos, N. C, Nov 17. 1853. Change of Schedule. ON ASD AFTER OVB 13, 1S83, AT 1.03 A. M., Passenger Train on the Wilming ton A Weldon Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS Daily Hob. 41 North ajtd s South. . Lea? e Wlimlnjrton, Front St. Depot. 8.S3 A. M Arrive at Weldon.. 2.31 P. M Leave Weldon. 3.00 P. li Arrive at WUm'gton, Front St. DpV 8.40 P. U Fast Throvgh Mail 4 Passekokr Traih' DAILT No, 40 80CTH. . Leave Weldon L.... 5.M p. m Arrive at Wlhn'gton.FrontSt.DVt 10.15 P.M MAIL AN D PASSENGER TRAINS' Dailt So. 4S North. Leave Wilmington .oo l m Arrive at Weldon 2.-0 a'. M. Mail akd Passexoer Trains Noa 15 and 42 Leave Wlhnln"rton, (Sundays ex cepted) .liSO A 51 Arrive a t Weldon 630 VM Leave Weldon. (Mondays excepted)!. 05 A M Arrive at Wilmington...... 6 iV5 a M Train No. 4.0 South will 8top only at Wllaon Goldsboro and Magnolia. Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Rock? Mount fcrTarboro at 1.20 A. M. aud 4.30 P. bUr iaily, (Sunday excepted). Ueturninir. leave Tarboro at 10.00 A.M and 3 P. M. Dally. Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave Halifax for Scotland Neck at . 3. 25 I. M. R. taming leave Scotland Keck at 8.30 A. M daily except Sunday. . Train No. 4? makes close conuectlon at Wei don for aU points North Dally. Ail rail vlf Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Ra Jul iih. Trail? No. 4:1 runs dallv and inrtkeacloM; con oectlon for al! Poinia -North via Richmond aud Washington. All train run solid between Wiitmrtnn n Washlujrton. ami have Pullman Palaee Sleet- era attachei. .-forawoiomodMlon or local travi ln jeer coach will be attached to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 7.00 a. M. Daily except tsscn Sunday. - JMHS . lllVUiK, . Weueral Suierintendent.' T. M. EMKKSON, CJe.nera Passenger Aficnt. nv 17 - - Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. ;'lt; Co. OlTKIOK OlT GEHEEAL SOPEKTHTBSIJICMT. Wllmlnttoa. N. C. Nov 17.1SS3. Change of Schedule, ON AND AFTER NOV'R 161U, KSt3, at 4.33 A. M.Vthe following Passensrer 6cbed me will be run on this road r No.4J Leavo WilmiPgton,(Monday8 excepted) 7.13 AM " Arrive at Florence 11.40 A M No. 43 Leave Jfl' rence, (Sundays excepted) ,7.10 PM -Arrlyoat Wlbnlngton ..13.10 P Al NIGHT RYPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nob. 4$ Wee t and 47 East. x Leave Wilmington... 9.10 P. fli. Leave Florence 2.40 A.tM. Arrive at C. C. A. Junction 6.33 A. M. Arrive at Columbia fi.40 A. M. lieavc Columbia....... 9. 53P. M. Leave C, C. & A. Junction 10.30 P. M. Leave Florence...: 4.33 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington.. , 8.23 A. M, Night Matl a-i Pabskkgbb Tbatw, Datlt NO. 40 WEST. Leave Wilmington... 10.10 V. M. Arrive at Florence.. 1.43 A. M. MAIL AND PASSENCiEU TRAIN DAJJVr No. 41 East! Leave Florence at...... i...'....3.S5 P. M Arrive at Wilmington. 7.42 l. M Tmln 43 steps at all fltationa. No. 40 stops only at Flemington, and Marlon. Passengers for Columbia and all points on w. tion, and all points beyxnd, should take the Night Express. separate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston and Augusta on Train 43. , .. ..-, . , AH trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. Local freight loaves Wilmington daily ex ecpt Sunday at 6.V0 a. M. 7 JOHN T. DIVINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON. General Passenger Agent. nov 17 Carolina Central R. B. Company.- Wilmington, N. C. Jnne 13th. 183. A Change of Schedule. QN AND AFTER JUNE 13th, 1883, THE followta aencaaw will be operated on this fassengeb' maSTandexpre train Dally except Sunday s, , Javo Wilmington at....;...loo N0.LI Leave Kaklgh at.. 7.35 P. m ) Arrive at Charlotte at.M... .7.00 A, m 1 Leave Charlotte at... ...... .8.45 P. Ho. 2.1 Arrive Raleigh at.. 8.S0Ai J Arrive at Wilmington at.. . .8,25 A. Passenger Trains stop at regular station only, and nolnta desbrnatAd in HTHne Table. V ' SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. ; Daily except Sundays. Leave Charlotte 5.30 p. m Arrive at Shelby..... ......... ...... g no p ar LeaveShelby..... 7 00 a! M Arrive at Cnarlotto..-....;..; ..10.30a! E nJJnSlSh ? 2? cloBe connection jmlet with B. A A. Tralna to and from RaJ- ."fS?? SleeptogCara between Wilmington -ra-rV "Kalelgh and Charlotte. frUK? 1 for Statesvllle, Station Western NCRR,ABhevllle and points West Atii'o',81??.110111?' reenvllle. Athena Atlanta and all points Southwest. L. C. JONES. r w i . vu- m. , Saperintcndent. iiine is ' General Passenger Agent . - Furniture. co a m BEir As o.p a ni.o it su iron ts w i5). Ncw H,7le, ftIJ(l nr,,Rg food at GREAT BARGAINS ! IflSE BOOK CASES. 6ID1SBOABIW. SECRET ABIES, WARDROBES. g - LIPRART TABLES, Ac. SSTEL :.?Chairs.. Ta- me beore you buy. " S UM WUYU111. Call - a, ml. THE BRIGHTEST emdBEST! Hail y, semi weekl i; n THE NEW YORK f FOR 1884. PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. New Proprietor! Now KuVlotv New Life ant! niood ! Mx months ago THE WORLD coauaetcri its new career. Its growth ha, httn cedeuted. Ita wonderfnl advance In cb Uonln advextisinff, Inhinuenee, In rpulaS Sew York journalism. . No expense or effort will Lc 6isr,vi . THE WORLD Uninw .iliSSSg-. aa well as the BRIGHTEST ST,d CMeT! PAPER In AMERICA. -V&T Thk Worm,, as the, loading Demm, newspaper In the country, kuows S and reoogmzes uo individnal ambitions 6r ., pinuoas ai ?e from the general good of party .and the Republic It Peek9 th. Jl ot prlneiples-not ui It uphbldigren x2 i' ocrats ideas and Ideals-not a f.cMa? ' fraction of the party. or- At the entrance of thV mw vr tl L Worl,, dealrcs to expres, nV iratuW Z the heat ty welcome tt haa mvivM an-lrtl masnlfleent shcccsh it ha airPai1r Its welcome comes from the people lum eeS l3 their work. They have indorsed S merits by moi-e than trebling lUolrcalathuiu bcmoinhs, and y oubltog n advertising For this they a re entitled to out warm thaati No Democrat ought to Ve happy wlthnnt THE WORLD. We calluiohourDeoomue friends In every town aud hamlet In the Tulaa to START CLURS FOR TllK WEKjfir They wlllget the ablest, brightest wa'tw efet newspaper io lho country, aa well ma earnest and steadfast missionary and tree Democracy. . Tlie Weekly World, 8 PAOISS. RO C'OI.UMSH. OiSE DOLLAR XIEAB, CONTAINS ALL TDK NEW, complete and lntereairg' W ELL CON8IDEHED EDITORIALS on ere ry subject, political or social. A t AUaiER'6 DEPARTMENT Full Agxi ctiltural and Farm News. A LITERARY- DEPARTMENT. A HOUSEKEEPERS' DEPALTMENT. A YOUNG FOLKS' CORNER. - . K A CHECKER DEPARTMENT. , A CHESS 1 EPARTMENT. COMPLETE COMMERCIAL'' AND MARKET REPORTS ASBWEUS TO INQUIRIES. Each department is ably edited, and all combined raako THE BEST DOLLAB WEEK LY IN AMEKICA. THE WORIO SUBSCRIPTION RATES. : POSTAGE PA11V ' WitKLV, GE TKAlt 4i if ' 8emi .Weekly.' One Ieak.. 2 09 dailv, uxc yeab.. ............... 6 ( IDaily aki Sunday, one Teak.. ...... IX Daily axd scsday, &ix Months....... S 73 Sunday Edition, One Yeak IS AQTIVE AGENTS WANTED at once In every unrepreaented district, to whom a LIBERAL COMMISSION will be al lowed . ,. . . This is juat the season for 1 gents to exert themselves in getting up subscription hats. lieraittacccs should be by draft on New York, money order or registered letter. Send for any Information desired. Sped; men copies sent free. Audioes JTHE WORLD, 31 aud 32 Park Bow, dec 14 NEW TORE. .J HATE BEEN APPOINTED SOLEAfOTt for the TANNER A DELANEY IXQVSt CO'S ENGINES AND BOILERS from 4 to 1 horse power ; also Tramway or Narrow Gang Locomotives. .; ... ; i Engines adapted to Farm use a speclaltr. ' On band and for sale very low, 1TJJ 8ECOND HAND PORTABLE ENGINE, from 5 to 15 horse power. . anar 154hn 8. W. SKINNEE, Bagging Ties, Twine. 2 nfin Half Rollsl anda B4GGDT0 lUUU 3,000 Bdl COTTON TIES, ' ' ' 5 Bales BALING TWINE, ; Tor sale dt - na :- nov 46 KERCHNER & CJfLDEB BB08 , : Bacon, Lafd, 'Molasses. 1 AH Boxes Dry Salt Sides. CO ' Case , A U U 100 Hhds ifolasses. For sale by na nov 26 KERCHNEB A C ALDER BEOS Flour Sugar, Coffee. iUUUM) Bbla Keflned SUGARS, , , 100 8acka COFFEE. For eal lT 9V26 KERUHNER CALDER BB' Tobacco; "AVK KULIj LINKS OF.TOBA 4 which we are selllnjr E1U1IT cKNT.t a" prices prior 10 May 1st. Also a very large Block of UUOCKMKS PROVISIONS at bound figure. . - V WORTH & WORTH. A. oAlITH, . FTtraitare Dealsx. nay 7

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