THIS PAPER pobllsbcJ every evening., Sundays ex - ecpted by JOSHT. JASIISS, editor xsp raor suitor, l: l ?tB.CPJPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: rear SU months, 2.00. Three CefflODtha, $1.00 ; One month, S3 cents. ,ncT will be delivered by carriers free 0f chaise, in any part of the city, at the above j tcs or 10 cent per week. - . ' j 4.ivciMn rate low t liberal. jyubficrllcr8 will report any awl all fall-! 'w clTe their paper regularly. 0The Daily Review -ha the largest h'nn fide circulation, of any nettf? paper ike city of Wilniirtg'toii.JEL 7j)tam. Merry, in cymmanil .of the Tallapoosa.-is critically ill on board that vessel. ' . , Han? Makart has turned fr our paint. ig to architecture, and is in Vienna .Itfsignl" a Gothic cathedral that is to c0,t $8,000 000. - .. - There ia one swiugiog sign to every one hundred inhabitants iu Philadel phia, and a vigorous war. fjbaa bvgiio asainst. these nuisances, agitating the city. . " Xatbauid Locke, the lather ot "Ve. tioleuru V. ashy." served iu too war i.f 1312, ia the Mexican war aod in the recent civil war. Uc U inorcthannlijcty bat still tiroaz aud active. . - A 'car so of 500 tons of Atucricau wheat has just arrived at Soube. iu Bohemia. It is the first importation of the kiod iu the history of Austria, but it will by no means be the last. The Democratic National Committee ia assured by the Chicago Herald that the next President of the Unitgd States will be nominated in that city. But "doubtful things are very uncertain." The Khedive of Egypt says he will resign it England does not send troops into tho Soudan. It will be the part of discretion for him to do so if the False Prophet is permitted to move on Cairo. Mr. Mackay and Mr. Flood, ' the bo nanza men, are said by the .Galveston Xews to have bought the Luijotoa Minea for $450,000. The mines are eighty miles south .vest of Tucson, Ari zona. - The Manitobans think they have scared the other Canadians by their talk of secession, so that their grievan ces will be satisfactorily adjusted. -The boundary dispute with Ontario to l-i brought to an equitable end. ... , . A disease resembling hydrophobia has broken among cattle near Houston and other parts of Texas. The victims bellow, foam at the mouth and roam over the prairie with head in the air, destroying everything in their power. - ' A wonderfully well-preserved man is Lord Shaftesbury. At Oxford recently he attended the meeting of a society of which he wa3 an active member half a century ago, and seemed to have lost little if any of his youthful energy and enthusiasm. Mr. A. Oakey Hall, once mayor of New York, then actor, lawyer, journalist, dramatist, &c. is goin? to reside in London as the head of the New York Herald's news bureau. He will become a solicitor in London after seven years1 apprenticeship. . Hubert Herkomer proposes to build a whole house with his own hands, as sisted by his father, without even the help of a bricklayer. The interior of the house where ho now lives is remarkable lor the hand carving of its decorations which is entirely by his own and his lather's hands. Speaker Carlisle 'is said by the Hamilton (Ohio) News once to have challenged an exasperating litigant to light a duel. The latter accepted promptly, and, as was his right, select ed the place and weapons, which he chose to be, respectively, Boston Common and clapboards. Mr. Car lisle let the matter drop . The Cairo correspondent of the Daily News tells the story of Hicks Pasha's death. He says that further native ac counts of the battle between El Mabdi's forces and those of Hicks Pasha state that Hicks Pas La's hands were first cut oft' and that be. was afterwards cut to pieces. Three thousand men ot Hicks- Pasha's army were taken prisoners. The accounts also say that two Karo peans and twelve Egyptians who were trying to reach Khartouua by: the way of Darfour have not yet arrived. They have probably lost tbeir way. ' It is be Heved from the descriptions given of the two Europeans that they irrc M r . Ed aiund O'Donovau, correspondent of the London Daily News, and Mr. Frank VIzetelly, of the London Graphic. - -.. When a lecturer has worked the la dles of his audience so near to the weeping point that they have gotten nut their handkerchiefs, and then sud denly changes his tone and speaks of the merits of Dr. BmTs Cough Syrup, he is bound to rouse a feeling of indignation. The e celbrate 'dFish Brand Gills, Twine is sold only at J acoki's Hard ware Depot. ' - nf .- . - i ' ' pin irv . -t-v ' VII. W ILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1883. NO. 299 LOCAL NEWS. IN0EX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W H Cigars . L S L Company New Yort Herald J H Fheema:? Trubtee's Sale Hjksbebokb Holiday Presents C W Yates Chriatmas Novelllc C Wives Christmas -Goods Mod Bttos. & DkUosrt JIo!iday Nov elties J M M:ovn & Sox "The Old North State Forever" The receipts of cottou at this' port to ;day foot up 4S7 bales. Uov. Dr. Yates is expecetd to arrive hrc on Friday night and to preach at the front Street M. K. Church next Sunday. Mr. D, B. Nicholson, of the Clinton Citiicasiaii, was iu the city to-day and jfavc us the pleasure of a call this afternoon. . There is a good supply of turkeys and otfecr poultry in the Market, which are beiug ofl'cred at quite reasonable rates for this ticason of the year. Norwegian barque Toj, Bragcr, cleared to-day for Liverpool with 2,350 bales of cotton, valued at $108,000, shipped by Messrs. Alex Sprunt& Sou. We learn that the condition of Mr. J. W. King seems a little more favor able, although hiB improvement is so very slow that it is almost impercepti ble. ' After Saturday next, the ,22nd cur rent, which is the shortest day in the year, the days will begin to lengthen, and willcontinue to gradually grow longer until the 22nd of June next. TajlorJa Bazaar is an attractive place for the ladies and the display ; of goods there is very line and appropiate to the season. 'The stock is large and in al most endless variety, so that all tastes suited. We have received the annual report of th8 Chief Signal Officer of the Army, for 1883. It is a small pamphlet of 24 pages-and is interesting as showing the labors of this department of the gov ernment Service. : The Social Hop to be given Friday evening at the Kechabite Tent Rooms on Third street, opposite City Hall, we are satisfied will be a success socially. Messrs. Wm. H. Register .and W. F. Burch are on the committee. Rev. Frank H. Wood, having been absent on a visit to relatives since Con ference, has returned to the city. He expect3 to leave hero on Friday for his new held of labor at Fayetteyille, and will carry with him the best wishes of1 many warm and earnest friends Mrs. M. Bernard has opened her res taurant fpr ladies and gentlemen over the store of Messrs.' Giles & Murchison, in the rooms recently occupied as offices by the C. C. U. R. Co. She will adopt the European plan and will provide her guests with the best- the market aftord at' reasonable rates. "TOii Her Travels, The revenue steamer J. U Haivley, Lt. Brian commanding, put in here to day for coal. She has been stationed af Buffalo, N-Y., whence she came via tne Erie Caual and Hudson river to New York; and thence the Ocean route to this city. She is bound for Mobile, whereshelwill hereafter be stationed.She is a nice little craft of about 30 tons, but looks as if she mijrht be a good sea boat. Tlie Festival. There was a large attendance at the Festival at the City Hail last ni?ht, given by the ladies of the Front Street M. E. Church, aud many of thcarticles ou exhibition and sale were disposed of. Those having the Festival in charge were untiring in their efforts to make the evening a pleasant one to visitors, a task in which they were' entirely suc cessful. The Festival will be held again to-night, and will be an excellent place to spend a pleasant hour or two and a little money. Tlie Work Completed. Mr. Jacob S. AUeu. of Raleigh, the coutractor lor building the new court house at Burgaw, Pender county, was iu the city to-day. He has completed his task and the building was formally surrendered to, and accepted, by the authorities ot Pender jesterday, and he was discharged from fartner accounta bllity in the matter. While sojourning at Burgaw Mr. Allen has i'made'a host of friends to whom he has become warmly attached and from, whom he parU with, many regrets. . His work was entirely satisfactory to all concern ed, which was a cause for mutual grati fication. - , ; Auiiouuccmeut lor 18S4- . - TA t .it . our large magazines. It will be illus- j trated whenever the subjects demand buco am. oul U3 peculiar leaure, as ; heretofore, will consist of an able, earnest and determined disenssion of sanitary and social questions. ; Those j who have read the past issues of this j magazine will need no assurance of vthe ! , ungloved vehemence : of its work. It leaves no room to I doubt its meaning or purpose. Dr. Lewis will contribute to each issue pa-1 pcrs ou lo'gienic themes , whose value even earnest pcoolc will find it difficult ! to exaggerate, while nearly a hundred writers known. to the public , will con tribute papers ou living subjects. Although among the largest and most beautiful of our magazines, it is. only $2.25 per year, or 25 cents a-number. For sale by all newsdealers. Pender tor the State Kxposl tiou. Ia accordance with a request publish ed a few days since in the Review, the people of Pender county assembled in the Court House at Burgaw last even ing to take action with reference to the State Exposition which is to be held at Baleigh during next Fall. Maj. C. W. McClam my presided and Mr; R. K. Bryan, Jr., acted as secretary Speeches were made by Daniel Shaw, Esq., Dr. Satchwell, Rev. W. M. Kennedy, Mr. J. D. Mnrphy and others in support ot the enterprise, and Drs. W. C. Murphy and G. F. Lucas, and Messrs. D. Shaw J.T. Foy, C. C. Woodcock, Robert Durham, R. P. Paddison, J, H. Moore and DJ. Corbott, representing their respective townships, were delegated to collect specimens for the exhibition and solicit voluntary subscriptions in support of this State Enterprise . The meeting was entirely harmonious and very enthusiastic, and we have no doubt mat render win mate a grand display at the exhibition, If a ; "lam Strictly Business." Of course every one will want to" go and see Mr. C. B. Bishop to-morrow night, and have a hearty laugh at his irresistibly mirthful hits and acts. He has recently appeared in Richmond, Va., and of the play and Mr. Bishop's acting the Dispatch, ot that city, says : A fine house welcomed Mr. C. B. Bishop at the Richmond Theatre last night, and every one was ready to ad mit ttfJiy had spent a pleasant evening. Tho new nlay,-"Strictly Business,' was presented, and the leading character, P. P. Phllkins, was assumed by Mr. Bishop. He is funny beyond doubt in his impersonation of an American drummer abroad, and the happiness of hi3 hits was incontestibly proven in the laughter and plaudits of the intelligent and critical audience present. One of the best of the many good things said by Mr. Bsshop is the inimitable bio graphical history of Haggles1 canned goods, which is given by Philkins while on his voyage to the capital ot Russia in an attempt to secure the in terest of the Princess Vera in behalf of his wares. Richard III. There was a good attendance at the Opera House last night to1' witness the performance of Richard III, by Mr. Thomas Wfel?eene, who took tbf title role, and his company. Among the audience we saw quite a number who had been favored with opportunities of seeing this play as presented by some of the best actors of the country,? and who were in consequence, the more competent to criticise last night's per formance: justly. There 'Were ? those present who had seen the Richard III of Forrest and the elder Booth, f who stood unrivalled in this difficult char acter, besides having seen it attempted by would-be tragedians who bad not the intelligence to comprehend the in tricate parts nor the talent to give it a proper interpretation. I a some respects- Mr. Keene's Richard was equal to any we have ever seen, aud in every respect it was very superior acting. It was evident that be had grasped the character in all its bideousness, and his few faults were Toca V which might box . accounted for by the fact that he was suffering from a severe cold at the time. The support wai remarkably good, and especially so with all the female . characters, and as the whole the plav was exceS leutly well renedercd , as was evidenc ed by the fact that the cultured audi ence were profoundly attentive and interested and manifested their approv al by frequen bursts of applause. ; On the Turn . v ; -; Col. J. D. Ferguson, Sec. Maryland Joocrey Club : Glowing tributes paid to the eXcacy lot Su Jacobs Oil by promioent torimea. NEW ADVERTISE3IESTS. , i - THE STOCK OF GOODS- OF WO; 122 MARKET STREET, Must be closed out in the next thirty days ! 0- - - . , ... v a3L.OSIlSIC3h OTJT j&JJO COST I dec 11) -. - r: , -, , t.r j. u. FREEMAN, Trustee.''. r City Court. The first case for the Mayor's consid eration this morning was that of James liierly conduct. From the testimony it appeared that he was a bad boy, having entered a house and behaved so badly that he : was ejected,-after whieh he threw rocks at the house, and finally laid iu wait at the gate for an opportu nity to throw rocks at the woman who had ejected him. He had a big rock in his pocket when arrested. He was fined $ 10 for the offense, in default of which he was sent below for 30 days. -The next case was Dave Mallette, colored, an old offender, "and a very hard case. He was drunk and disors derly (a frequent complaint with him) in the vicinity of the New Hanover Bank and when asked to desist and leave he became very profane and abusive. He was fined $10, but as the money was not forthcoming, he was sent below for 30 davs. WESTBEOOK This morning', Dec 19 1883,1 at 5.30 O Clock at Rockv Point, of nnenmnrd V Mr. ANDRkWJ. WJCSTBKOOK. In the 07th 1 year 01 ma age. The fonenl will take place tomorrow, (Thursday; at 12 o'clock. 1 , at Union Church, Fender county. Friends, are Invited to attend. NEW ? ADVERTISEMENTS CHRISTMAS GOODS. JOLLS, DOLL HEADS, HOME MADE Dolls. Millinery, Perfamerv, Hair and Fancy Goods. All for Christmas. MRS. KATE 0. WINES, dec 19 To. 119 N Second Street "The Old North State FOrever f" rjIHE "OLD NORTH STATE SALOON," No. C South Front St , Is prepared for its annual Christmas crusade. All of its depart ments have been replenished, and it Is now so weU fortified that it will be able to with stand all assaults made upon It for two weeks at least. That " Old Olemmer Whiskey gives universal satisfaction, while the "BAT VIEW BEER" i . is pronounced the best in the city. A full stook of the finest N. C. CORN WHISKEY. APPLE BRANDY, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, &c. There is no se talking about . FUSTE CIGARS, . We have sot them, and everybody knows it. Our friends are notified that we havo made arrangements for a full supply of those famous "Home Garden Oysters" So there will be so disappointment on that score. . ? Our Iricod are invited to call early and often aod we shall endeavor to provide the means for a Merry Christmas. dec 19 -4t J. M. llcGOWAN & bON Boys' Saddles, Blukete; Lap Robes. Carriages and all kinds of Vehicles. Saddlery, Trunks and Carriages . i ' i., t " repaired by tklned workmen-: J I i McDOUG ALL M BOWDKN. dec 17 No. 114 North Front St. Don't Forget nPO CALL AT HEAVE'S 5 and 10 CENTS xawn, ham mi store oouxax xtsxt & ma- ley Aileron beoond Street, (sirs. Warren's Btwl . 'Ytn M.n Unl.l. TTawrl mm-m-. Toys Kotlons, Ao. Vases of twenty styles and a variety of Christmas Goods and but few thlrnOTCT 10 cents, i dec 14 NEW ADrEKTISEMENTS. FUR WIT URE r AND ' ' Holiday Goods ! E CONFIDENTLY MAKE THE AbSEB tion that our present display of Furniture for the Holiday Trade, is the most EXTENSIVE and HANDSOMEST ever seen In this city. .In addition to our regular line of goods we have an immense btock of BOYS' WAGONS A CARTS, -VELOCIPEDES, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, HOBBY HORSES, DEXTEES, SHOO FLYS, ... TOY CARRIAGES, TOY TABLES, CHAIRS, Ac. ' Our stock of FINE FOLDING CHAIRS . Cannot be surpassed. We have several original patterns, in Representing Mount Vernon, t Bartholdl's Statue of Liberty, Scenes on the Hudson, Ao. . Rattan &Eeed Chairs, Several new Styles andShape3 handled only by u a. Elegant Spring Eockers, Luxurious Lounges, Fashionable ParMt Suits. A superb assortment of LADIES' DESKS and 1 FRENCH WORK TABLES, MUSIC RACKS, &c. A full line of Staple Goods at prices calcula ted to induce people to buy. Don't faU to caU and see us, whether you wish to purchase or not.for wc take great pleasure In showing the HANDSOME STOCK we have In oiir "little" warerooms. Tliomas C. Craft, Agt.5 dec 18 1 Jl Furniture Dealer. . Bankrupt Sale of Bodts and Shoes. J have bought the entire Bankrupt Stock of lryfoo Jb Sttrnbctr And will eosi Jt ont at les than ' . . ' Manufacturer's Prices I ThL stock is known far and wHe as the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED of any In the city, and as the goods arc prolnpf to be sold verr low for cash only it will iay purchasers to ctxanilne ame before buying elsewhere, dec 12 - A.DAVID. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY NOVELTIES IS SOW OFFERED BY Munds Bros, and DeRosset, ' Market and Second Streets. . iDronze and Qllt Ornaments, 1 Cigar aod Cigarette Cases, s 2 Christmas Cards, Hand Painted, - ;Ink Stands, unlaue designs. OI Ol c n S o ueouemenra iTressjng cases. 2 "3 Smokers Sets, very handsome. Munds Bros. Parisian Sachets. 9 Cut Glass Cologne Bottles. 12 i dec 8 rs I Cigaro ! J XfEW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED Stock, 1 a lurnrvwltMn reach of all. Tootts. Brushes. cheapestTand. best, at -AVILLLUI n. GREEN'S. xurr 10 . k 117 XSxrket 8met. r LEASE .NOTICE. . W win u glad to" receive coaaunlcatlon Croat our friends on any and all subjects generallaterestbut i iThe iiaao of the. writer must always bo fu A aisVcd to the Editor. V S T.r ; Cknuuu&lcatlons must be written on on I one side of the paper. PersonallUes must be avoided -i And lt la especl&ny aod particularly und stood that the Editor docs not always endot the iews of correspondents unless o state in the editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BTCapital Prize $75,0003 Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery . Company. Wc cto hereby certify that tot tvpervite the arrangement for all the Monthly and 'Semi- Annual JJravnxigs of TUa Louisiana state Lot tery compauy, and in person manage and con trol the Drawinat themselves, and thai the. tame are conducted with honesty f fairness, and ingooajatm lowara au parties, and we author ize ikeCotnpany to use this certificate, vHlhfac similes of our signatures attacked, in its adver Usements.' Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 23 years by the Leg- lBlature for Educational -anc id . charxt&bie pur- poses with a capital ot $1,000,000 to wtuch a reserve fund oi $350,000 - has since boen added. By an overwhelming populai vote Its fran nhlse was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. . It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. - - . A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Firs Grand Drawing,. Class A, at New Orleans, Tuesday, January 15, 1884 164th Monthly rawing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. . Fractions in Fifths 1 in proportion. . 'LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of.... ...T..... ....... 75.000 1 Capital Prize of...... 2a.O 0 1 Capital Prize of 10,000 2 Prizes of $6,000....... 12.0CO 5 Prizes of 2,000......... lO.otQ 10 Prizes of 1,000 10,000 20 Prizes of 600......... 10,0 100 Prizes of 200....... W.000 890 Prizes of 100 80,000 300 Prizes of 60 S5,ao 1000 Prizes of 25........ 29,000 APPBOXXMATTOH EXZES. " 9 Approximation Prizes of $7Su. . t,V0 9 t fiOO. 1 4,600 9 230. 2.2&0 i,9tf7 -Prizes, amounting to..... : $205,t00 Application for rates to clubs should be made leans. For further Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. Make P. O. Money tr. dcrspavable and address Registered Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK, New OKLEAHS, LA POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by Mall or Express (all sums of $3 and upwards by Express at our expense) to M. A. DAUPHIN, . New Orleans, La. or M. A. D AUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. dec 19-wed-sat-4w-d&w OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY ! FRIDAY, DECEMBER Blst. America's Favorita Comedian - O- IB- BISHOP, Supported by the Charming Actress, MISS EMMA PIERCE, And a specially selected , COMEDY COMPANY, will appear in A. C. Guuter's Melodramatic Comedy, 7- STRICTLY BfJSINESS. Admission 50c and 75c. now on sale at Dyers'. Reserved Seats $1, dec 15 it Look Out for Tour Number OUR ANNUAL GIFT8 TO OUR CU8TOM- -ers will be presented at our Store on New Years Day. Customers who have- not received tickets for each dollar's worth of goods bought of us and .paid for during the year of 18S3, will please call At once and get them. We give one ticket for every dollar spent with us. Tho following comprise the valuable presents that will be given to our customers : m 1st One Fine Suit of Clothes made to order In best style. 2nd One Elegant China Tea design 6th One Pair Solid Gold Initial bleeve lint-' tons 6th One celebrated "Melville" Hat. 7th Half Dor. 'Crown" Collars, latest de sign. 8th Three Pairs Cuffs, the popular4 Crown1 1 Brand. , h One Monarch Yoke Bosom Linen Shirt loth One Beautiful Plush 8carf . 11th One Silver Headed Walkinjr Cane. . 1 2th One rancy Silk Handkerchief. i:Jih One Beautiful Satin Necktie. 1 1th One-Pnlr of "Cotolas" Suspenders. 15th One Gold Collar Bntton, Pearl Stone Setting. ICth One Pair Famous Boston Garters. 17th One l'air Linscy 1'atent Sleeve fli porte.s. .- i sup Total vabse of articles riven away $20J. JOHN DYER & BON, Tailors and Haberdashers, dec 12 Wilmington. N. C. My Friends in Brunswick Q0UNTY WILL PLEASE BEAK IN mind .that I am open at 115 Front St., crpposlts) New uoom, wucre i wiu be pleased to i see inem. x carry a rood stock of GnMrtm to and am also prepared to serve the city trade! ouui uu jru room i roe or cnarge to country trade. JOHN irTHEEs, dee IS lw us Front St. OUR ARRANGEMENTS FOR AN EXTRA sopply of riKE. FAT OYSTERS, for our Christmas trade are now complete. And la thank ng our many friends and customers who have rcponied so promptly with their orders, we wish to state that we are still booklar Christmas orders z W. E. DAVIS A SON. " Proprietors of the only regular eUb Eshed fishery la this section. dec is Sflver'Plated Spoons aod Forks, low cricks, tl JAcom'fl. Booking

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