THIS rATKR arcry CTonlng, Sundays ex cepted by JOSHT. JAMES, kditos rorTOR. TUPTIoyS TOSTAGB PAID: S1.00. Six iqodUjb, fi.w. a area One month, 35 cento. i no: cr will be delivered by carriers free tV mno nftrt of the city, at the above &''..-.-r-,irn low and liberal. iJSbwrlbera wlU report any and all feU- Xtatfy Kcvicin has the largest t.i, rirmlatinn, of anu newspaper 1 disked, tn i wewy vj wnutyw fecomcts ;are visible at Ajrc5, bOUlU AU1W'"- tfisa Kuth Covrles. actreas. who has rc eric?- ' Mr. Haulan ta tramios for a race fitb Oarsman oierenson, me cawuu Coast champion. Soeaket Carlisle has withdrawn from senatorial race in Kentucky, thus 'taring the field open to Joe Blackburn aud General Wi'liams, the present in- cutnbeni. j. W. Bosler, a rich Pennsylvanian, twi inr his connection with the star with the jlim-u . route tria!3 and the recent inst:tutou of a suit against Ex-Scnator Dorsey; is Mr. Hunlin?ton, the j-ailroad mlilibo .tire. id put down as worth $50,000,C00. He is sixty-Hve years old &nd has no taoiiiy of his own blood. An adopted daughter is the sole heiress. ia ihe United States Senate Monday Mr Hale offered several bills regarding ihe navy, one of which provides for the construction of several steel ships, and another is lor promoting the efficacy of ilinavy. . - Mrs. Drury, of New York, has for nine. years engaged in making and sell iog surgical instruments, and the moat ikillful operators in surgery prefer her tatting instruments to those of any other make. Mr. Arthur is said to be plagued less with importunities for small appoint ments than any Presideit has been for a quarter ot a century. This change ii due te the new civil service regula tion?, bad as has been their execution. Monaignor Vannutelli, , the new liuncio for Lisbon, is one of the tallest men la the world. Pius IX used to call him the one-andsa half priest, on account of his, oxtreme height. . He Is also described! as a man of great genius and learning Dr. Domingo Frere, of Rio Janeiro, claims to have discovered the yellow !ver fungus. He has named it crypto eoceus zanthogenicus, and . finds that animals inoculated with it soon show all the usual signs of the disease betore death and on dissection - A. B. Norton, editor. of Dallas, Texas, attracts attention in Washington be cause of his long white locks and beard ot silver. When Clay ran for the Pres idency he s woro never to cut his hair or shave until his Harry of the West should become master of the White House. , Barou Rupertswood. the richest mau io AuBtralia. is worth $200,000,000. His father. Mr. Clarke, went to New South Wales with a few thousand pounds aud bought land where the City of Melbourne afterward was built The little ball of gold increased in size like the traditional snowball. The New York'ZYme&is of the opinion that "if it were not a matter of grave doabt whether Senator Edmund's cn attobe considered a candidate for the Presidential nomination conld be obtained, the leading Republicans o! Vermont would doubtless declare themsalvcs for him as their first and only choiefl." At Youngstown Ohio, Monday, the employes of the New York. Pennayl- aua oi xvauroaa uompany tore up the track of the PitUbnrg. Cleveland & Toledo Railroad. Two hundred em" ployes of the latter company drove oS the New Yorkrr Pennsylvania & Ohio men and relaid the rails. No one was eriously injured ; I Considering the prevailing rage for "crazy-quilt" work, the indescribably srcial t recounts how two young ladies hlie trying to steal silk patch-pieces, hecame themsevles the happy 'Victims their own "crazy qnilC craze. A preliminary examination was held in New Orleans Monday in the case of Sheriff Brewster. John Dominick. A. M. Ancoln, J. D. Houston. Mike t-arly. D. Douglas and D. Don a van, accused of murder in connection with the primary election riot last week. All were discharged except Houston, who was held for manslaughter on the testi meny of Col. John Augustin, olty edi. tOr Of the HirrLPX.TitrYVlPTnf Kr aal t amusing and fantastic tale, "Epistolary Craxy-Work,: in Sainton's Story Teller, No. II, will attract srcial attention. " , v, a i - y' --...J ;-. , , - . .. " r - ' "i I -.. "; !-,: -r " , - -. , r - ' : - : : L- r : : : VOL. VII. ficd that he saw him shoot Captain uousion. Buenos j The Weldon pablisica the de ; linquedt taac list of Halifax county. It makes four aud a half columns jm the paper, set close. ! j . . j The Freuch are gaining some decided advantages iu Touquin. 'It is evident that the Chinese are becoming alarmed as Marquis Tseng has proposed another basis of settlement apparently very advantageous to France- i ' ...... i ." ' - The Democrats oi Towauda, Brad-, ford co.. Pa., have organized a Kattdall Club, with A. D. Albert as president, and twenty-two active men on the several committees. The club ba8 issued an address urging the nomina tion of SamuelJ. Randall for Presi dent, because he rests on 'the i three great and potential factors of political success," viz. the independent voter, the wage-working organizations and the vested and industrial interests of the country. I i i The proposition of Washington C. De Pauw, of New Albany, lo give $240, OOOto.Asbury University, at , Green castle, Indiana, in return 'for $120,000 additional endowment and the change of name to De Pauw University has at last been accepted , and the million aire glass manufacturer's name will now supersede that of the eatly Metho dist diivlne and bishop. This new candidate for fame has also. - with the consent ot his wife and ohildren, signed an agreement to give the institution forty-five per cent, of the remainder of his estate at his death. 1 1 "Indian Department'' IVasIiington, D. C. lam anxious to introduce I)r. Bull's Cough Syrup among my Indians, having used it I myself t for I several months, and think it one of the finest remedies I ever found. Iassnre you, it is the only thing that ever relieved me of a protracted cough -brought on by exposure while on the , Sioux Commls sion last year. A. G. BOONE, Agent for Poncas and, U. S. Cbmmis sioner. I i' LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVtRTISEMESTS. W H GafJEK Cigars , E D Hall, Mayor Notice ' Heiksbebgeb Holiday presents C W Yates Christmas Novelties! D Hall, Mayor Christmas Notice Maxns Bitos. & DeKossbt Holiday Nov elUea ' 1 1 ' I . The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 274 balest Rev. Dr. Yates and family are ex pec ted to arrive in the! city to-night! It has not been very pleasant weath er, but the streets havej been crowded all day.. . : , , 1 The market was well stocked with poultry to-day and prices were quite reasonable, for the time of year. f Mr. C. B Bishop, with his conipany arrived this morning. Tney are regis tered at the Parcell House. j The receipts of cotton are falling off to an unusual degree, probably owing in a great measure to the small price offered for it. 1 ' The graded schools of this city closed to-day for their Xmas holidays, and wili not be opened until Monday, 3lat inst- i ' ' i ' . Messrs. Gibson James and : JnoJ H. Mashburn. of Maple Hill. Pender county, paid us short but welcome visits yesterday " i Mary J. Jordon, colored aud an old offender, was betore the Mayor this morning, charged with disorderly con duct, and was fin od $5, i a default of which she was sent below' for 30 days. Strangers are flocking into the city .on every train as well as in carts, wagons and other vehicles. Some have brought farm products for sale, while .others have come as purchasers ot I Christmas goods. Among the strangers in the, city to day we noticed an owl perched on a rail in front of Messrs. Brown & Roddick's store. He looked as wise as an owland stares at passers by with all the assur ance imaginable. , " : 1 i " Prof. M.C. S. Ifoble, the able and; efficient Superintendent of the schools in this city, will leave rfor Selma to! spend his holidays with his parents, and and then -well, wish him "gluck." never1 mind; -'We The weather .predictions, for to-day were somewhat of a failure! for it has rained here nearly all day and has been decidedly uncomfortable and unpleasant to pedestrians, who, however, were not deterred by the weather, but have througed the streets and stores. K , W LMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 21, St. John's Day. It is understood that no steps have bceu taken by the Masonic fraternity of this city, looking to the celebration of St. John's day. which occurs on the 27tn instant, and it is not probable that there will be any f ormal observance of the anniversary. The officers of Con cord Chapter, R. A. Masons, will be installed in St. John'a Hall at night; In ante bellum days this day was ob served in Wilmington, as well as else r where throughout the union, with ranch ceremony. Lett Today Rev. F. n Wood left to-day on the steamer for Fayetteville to take - charge of1 the M. E. Church at that place. He leaves here with the kindest wishes of the congregation who have worshipped under his teachings for the last two yeais, and his departure will be deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. The church at Fayetteville will have in Rev. Mr. Wood a faithful, earnest and conscientious worker in the cause of Christianity, and the citizens a kind lriend, good neighbor and energetic laborer in all that wili tend, to promote the educational, intellectual, jmoral and religions interests of the town. , , 1 M j Our Congressman. Mr. Robert H. Cowan, of the Wades boro Times, who is now in Washington, having been elected First Assis tant Disbursing Clerk of the House, in an editorial letter to his paper says of the Representative from Third District, Hon. Wharton J. Green, that he "is one of the best men in the delegation. High minded and generous, he wins the 'good will I of all he meets. The old Third ought to be proud ot him.1' Col. Green has gone earnestly to work in the interest of his constitutents and is already endeavor ing to procure an appropriation for the erection of a postohlce building in Fay etteville. j . By Express. Tills is a season of the year that is particularly trying to express messen gers. Thousands of packages are sent from friend to friend during the holiday season, much of which is directed in a delioate ladylike handwriting and all witk more or less caution to the mes senger to hadje with care," "keep dry," fthis side up," 'do not crush," "deliver in haste," &c, which keeps him constantly at work as hard as he possibly can from one end of his route to the other. The business to and from this city is so large that the messenger force has had to be doubled, and with this increase they are worked to the extent of their endurance. ... i Election of Officers. Robert II. Cowan Lodge No. 549. Knights and Ladies of Hqpor, j held a regular meeting last night at which the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: j Past. Pro S, G. Hall. Protector -Benj, Bell. j i Vice ProT6os. E. Skipper. : c I Chaplain Rev. IS. Mendelssohn, i See-f J, W- JackjBon. . . ... f ... , , - Treas J. Hi Boat Wright, m s Guide E. W. Hewlett. Guardian T. E. Mayer. Sentinel J.M.Branch.' I Trustees R. Greenberg. S G. Hall, and J H. Mallard. ,.J: Med. Examiner -Dr. W. J. H. BeUaroy ,?Ii , , , f 4 f . Of Ever Thus!" We saw this morning a gentleman who started some time ago on a pros pecting tour to Georgia and Alabama with the expectation that he could find some place more inviting than North Carolina in which to settle. His is a business man and was looking afier business opportunities, but after an extensive search throughout both of the States named has returned convinced of the fact that tho "Old North State" is good enough tor hinu It is natural for all men to wish to better their com ditlon, and we have known of scores who have gone on just such errands as we have described, when, in nine cases out of ten, the parties returned entirely satisfied that the possibilities of success in this State were as good as those offer. d by any other. Mrs. M. Bernard has laid before us the bill of fare of her new restaurant in the Mnrchison buUding, on North Front street. It is an appetizing paper, as it suggests things that . would tickle the most fastidious palate. Herjprices, too; are very reasonable. She. should be well patronized, especially by the ladles. Silver Plated Spoons and Forts, iow pricsaVkt Jacani. ' ? t Capt. Giylford L. Dudley. Private Secretary to Goy. Jarvis, is in the city totday ou bis first visit for months. He will spend the holidays here as the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. Alfred Martin, and. has been .warmly welcomed by his many friends. . Exports Forelcru. Nor. barque Echo, Hansen, cleared to-day for Jricstc, Austria, with 100 casks spirits turpentine and 3 ,565 bar rels rosin, valued at $7,586, shipped by Messrs. Patereon, Downig & Co. Ger. barque Jpotheker Disingt Stuht, clear ed for Stettin with 3 ,764 barrels rosin, valued at $5,425, and the Ger. barque Richard, Paske, cleared for Hamburg with 4,325 barrels rosin, valued at $&s 000. both cargoes shipped by Messrs , E Peschan & Westermann. Another Sinner Saved. New York The Morning Journal says : A well known merchant of New Orleans, one of the most profane men in Louisiana, was reformed last fall ; when cured of 1 rheumatism, bv St. Jacobs Oil. He says, with the Oil a man can get along without swearing; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C., , MAYOR'S OFMCE, -December 20, 1 1883. Notice. CITIZENS WHO MAY WISH TO purchase FLAGGING or CURB-STONE, wlU have an opportunity of getting the me at City Contract Prices by sending in their orders to me at once, dec si sr ' . D. , HALL, Mayor CITY OP WILMINGTON, N. C, ' MAYOR'S OFFICE, December 20th, 1SS3, Christmas Notice. : - , . - - j, .. fJlHE ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE firing of Canton Crackers. &c.j will be sus pended from December 24th, noon, until the 1st of January, j Blowing of Horns by Men or Boys in squads, on the streets or sidewalks, will be prohibited. .;:.- j Boys will bo allowed to blow small horns in a moderate way. ..B.D.HALL,! dec 21;3t Mayor. Housekeepers Attention ! IF YOU WANT THE BEST LAUNDRY Soap evef sold In Wilmington, go to No. 19 North Second street, and' ask for "Klrkman's Borax Soap". It removos all grease spots and makes clothes whiter than any other Soap. dec SO E. G. BLAIR, Agt Boarding. FEW MONTHLY SOARDES CAN BE accommodated atMRS.'PICKETT8, No. 110 Market St., South side, between Front and Second streets. Also board furnished by the day or week. Only $1.25 per day and $5 and upwards per week. Good board and clean, carefully tended rooms. dec 20-lw Oysters ! Oysters ! JTjUMPUBEr, JENKINS & CO., WILL receive at their Oyster House, No. 112, South Front Street, W gallons fine NEW RIVER OYSTERS every day until Christmas. W wiU have 40 gallons of those fine Garden Oys ters raised by Mr. W. A. morrow, (Friday). Oysters sent C. O. D. Orders so licited, dec 20 1: New Store & New! Goods. J HAVE JUST OPENED AT THE NORTH wet Corner of Market and Second Street, a fine new stock of frceh FAMILY GROCERIES, -I WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, FRUIT, Sc., to which I invite the attention of Housekeepers and which will be sold very cheap FOR CASH. Call and see the nice things I hare for Christmas and get the low prices at which I am 6elBn them. - Respectfolly, doc 15 I , , . (J. CHERRY. Kill AS rJJ A R It ET. I . o . The Finest Display Since the War ! 'Yf PBOMISK, OUR PATRONS AND the public generally for this Cbristmia the Finest Market seen In Wilmington since Ihe war i . i r . , We ehanenge comp-rison with the BEUT now on our 8tll. To ee it is to buy. Alao. lotaand cords of ' .. MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, SAUSAGES. Ac 1 as well as BOAST PIGS., and all kinds of DRESSED POULTR Y. We guarantee the best goods, polite atten tion and prompt delivery. J. R, MELTON, Proprietor of the only Steam Sausage Factory In tne State. dee 20-st CHBISTIIAS GOODS. EOLLS, j JDOJJ, ; HEADS. jnOlJB ADE Us, Millinery, Perfmaerr. Hair and Fancy Good-, All for ClurUtraaa. f RS KATE C. WINC3, 4c 19 Na. llj n Ssconcl Street NO. 301 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HOLIDAY PRESENTS IN EVERY VAttlETY AND TOONUMER ous to be mentioned, ran be fonnd at tho most t reasonable prices, at i; T. C. MILLER'S, Drug Store, i dec 10 321 South Fourth, Corner Nun st 5 and 10 cents Cigars, HAVANA FILLERS. , , Best in tho city, arc on sale. Drugs and Medicinal preparations of the hlghost grade at i J$0. T. SCHONWALD'S, dec 3 Drug and Precription Store - Boys' Saddles, T ADIES' AND GENTS SADDLES, Horse Blanketo, Lap Robes, Carriages and all kinds of Vehicles. Saddlery, Trunks and Carriages repaired by skilled workmen. McDOUGALL A BOWDEN, dec 17 No. 114 North Front St. Booking" OUR ARRANGEMENTS FOR AN EXTRA snpply of FINE, FAT OYSTERS, for our Christmas trade are now complete. And in thank ng our many friends and customers who hate responded so promptly with their orders, we wish to state that we are still booking Christmas orders. W. E. DAVIS & SON, -Sr, Proprietors of the only regular estab lished fishery in this section. dec 18 A Holiday Present IJTO BE GIVEN chaser of AWAY ! EVERY PUR- t $2 Worth of Goods, wlU be enUtled td reoeive a chance at a most beautiful, extravagant and richly costumed, imported DOLL, which has , been 'arrayed In Ithe highest of fashion by one of Worth's Spe cial Artists. This QUEEN OF THE DOLLS, in aU her grace and beauty, has consented to share her affections with, and to be given on New Year's day to the person then holding the Lncku Number. CHRISTMAS GOODS ! AN ENDLESS VARIETY, TOO NUMER OUS to itemize. Fancy Extravaganzas, Im ported Oddities, Japanese Curiosities, and extensive collections of goods of every des cription imaginable, from nearly all the prin cipal manufacturing cities, in Europe and America. j Please call early, see the LOVELY DOLL, make your purchases, and procure your chances, at ' HEINSBERGER'S, dec 17 Live Book and Music Stores Fine Portraits in Crayon or Pastel. , O RDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED IN the finest style. In order to more fully Intro my prices are to the lowest auce tne work cent for first class work. Friends are Invited to call and examine for themselves. ORIN T. THOMAS, Artist, I dec G 119 Market st.. Wilmington, N. C. Apples & Turkeys FOR CHRISTMAS. TyiLL HAVE A CONSTANT SUPPLY of APPLES for the Holidays. I 30 to 40 Turkeys on hand. Also, BUTTER, (Haywood County , Butter.) ' BEETS, TURNIPS, POTATOES, GEESE, etc, etc, at R. McDOUOALL'S. No. 11 Chestnut St, bot. Front and Water dec 14 j Wilmington, N.C Bankrupt Sale of Boots and Shoes. ,. -1 . J hare bought the entire Bankrupt btock of Dryfoos & Sternberger and will close it out at lees than ! Manufacturer's Prices I This stock is known far and wide as the HANDs-OMEST and BEST SELECTED of any in the city, and as the good, are going to be sold very low for cash onlv It will pay purchasers to examine same before baying elsewhere, 1 dec 12 A.DAVID. AN ELEGANT ASSORT -LENT OF HOLIDAY NOVELTIES IS NOW OFF RED BY Munds Bros, and DeRosset. Market and Second Streets.. " - I i IBronzs and Gilt Ornaments, C3gr and Ogtmte Cases, 2 Chruitmaa Cards, Band Paints-, f Ink Stands, unique designs, p Gentlemen's Dressing Cases. J jemoksrs Seta, very handsome, - .Munds Bros. Parisian Sachets. "jcut Glass Cologne Bottles. " dees . i ' ' f " ' " '-" , 1883. Cigars I Cigars JyTEW BRANDS OF UNTTCET.T.RD Stock, . A luxury within reach of all. ' . Toilet Soap, a new and tlegant line; ' Tooth Braehesehespest sb4 best, st -'.-' - - vnLliAlI IL GR.VS, , uarja Ultlsiktt-tmt. PLEASE NOTICE.- : I ' - Ws will be glad to , rccclTe communication from our friends on any and sU subjects Kcjsri interest trot , - , ' I iThe name of the writer must always be fa rushed to the Editor. 1 , Communications must -be written on osi one side of the paper. 1 I - . - Personalities must be avoided.;. ' And It Is cepcclally sad particularly uad tood that tho Editor does ifot always eadoi the views of Ui tho editorial columns. r ' i TIic Old North State Forerer f" rpaE "OLD NORTH STATE SALOON," No. 6 South Front St., U prersred for Its annual Christmas crusade. All of its depart ments have ibccn replenished, and It Is now so well fortified that it will b I able to with, stand all assaults made upon it for two weeks atlcabt. That 1 Old Olemmer Whiskey gives universal satisfaction, -".i I - while the "BAY VIEW BEER" j is pronounced "the best In tho city. A full stook of the finest' ' N. C. CORN WUISKET, APPLE BRANDY, ' WINES, CHAMPAGNES, 4c. . , There is no use talking about We have got them, and everybody knows tt. ' " ' Our frlenda ara aoUQcd that wo have made arrangementa for a full supply of those famous I "Home Garden Oysters" , So there will be no disappointment on that score. 1 '-.''' - ".l''""v' :. i Our friends are invited to call early sad often and we shall endeavor to provide the means for a Merry Christmas. dec 194t i J. M. MrOOWAV A snv New Restaurant. I THE NEW LADIES AND GENT'S RES taurant on Front street, over the store of -Messrs Giles and Murchison : entrance. Bank tTiiKve?BulltUnt taa been opened and will be kept open dally. Sundays from fiuo a. m until 4 p. m. " Meals served In the best style at all hours of 'the day and evening. -Boston Brpwn Bread and Baked Beans a pe-ciQZ- "y.8145" ernd in every style. Bills of fare now ready. dec U-w M. BERNARD j Christmas Goods. MISS E. KAlRRER i " WILL OPEN THIS WEEK A NICK ASSORTMENT OF ' Fancy Articles for Ctiristmas Have in a complete Stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, CROCHET SHAWLS and FASClNATbRS CAPS andSACQUES. All sizes. wlorSi prices in "JERSEYS-" coiors ana STAMPING and HAIR WORK done at re sonable prices. i deol7l Look Out for Tour ETumber OUR ANNUALGIFTS TO OUR CU8TOM era will bo presented at our Store on New .ears Day. Customers who have not received tickets for each dollar's worth of goods bought of hs il paid for durTng tho year of 1883, will plccrcali at once and per them. We'give one ttclSt f S every .-oUsx spent with us. The zoIIowIdk gnurU:PrC8ent9 that wm 5 ln1btSry6le?ne8uitOfCl0tbC5 border 2nd One Elegant China Tea deaf m 3rd-One SulTof Fancy ImrSnderSS 4th-One Diamond Scrf p-crweRr tosh0n Pirr0lld Gold 81eev But-P.ned1-br-te1 "Melvme' Hat. , shr P01 "?TOvrn" Collars, latcat dV . h-ThrcePalraCaffi, the vopvht-Cnwn f Monarch Yoke Bosom Unen Shirt ' loth One Beautiful Plnsh Scarf. I S.llvor Headed Walkln Cane. I 12th Onerancy&iuc Handkercbfe-Uth-One Beautiful SaNeckUe? , Hth-One Pairof Rotolos" 8irend i etlaC GW C0Uar SSS . i ?"ic Ea!r famous Boston Garters. porterT. FairWnM!7, rtnt sSareSup Total value of articles given awair aa' 1 " JOHN DYER & BON: i Tailors and HAberdashers. Wilmington. N. C declJ my rnenas murunswick QOUNTY WILL PLEASE BEAR IN mlad, l?fiif-CT0pcnat1rro-t8. opposite Kew Market House, where I will be pleXeTw S them. I carry a good stock of 6rocerte et? 5SJ?..ISflf0repiireil lo the7trS: and yard room free ofbu, m m v i . . . . . unnstmas JNovelties. .' A QBEATES VABIETT 08 TtXZR GCOM ' than anyone else. i - -4 WE ONLY FOLITZXT ASIC YO0 TOCAL5 j AND JUDGE 70S TOUESELF. dec 10 119 Market st Don't Forgot;

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