THIS PAPER- ginned eT6enl. ?nJ" eepted by jOSUT. JAMES.-.: kpitob akx FKorxnrroB. - - uarrRTPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: jjjtw Six month, $100. ..Three 'ih tl.O0: One month, 33 cenu. - " sper will be delivered by carriers free tier week :..titosc rates low and liberal. Subscribers will report any and all fall. r. tA receive their paper regularly. 7e JXuTy lieview Juts the largest J M circulation, of any newspaper r income ia iMt be about $100.000.. V7icA denies that 'there have- been ,ay strange sunscta, aaertioff tbat in ; lk-e British cm pirc the sun never sets. .. . : ... The construction of fireproof store, bouses under the arches of the Brook lyn bridge nnproaehes lias begun in 'ew York. . There is a single sentence in the En glish Foreign Enlistment act which Exceeds in length any sentence of Mr; Hrarts'. It contains 600 word. Mayor Edson asks the district attor ny to investigate the New York Tri bunt's charges against the department of public works of that city. The Louisville Courier-Journal is responsible for this atrocity : One by one we grab and nooreni; Klrst Mahouc and then his Gorham." Apples are hijh this year. One bar rel'in Connecticut cost $8,000. ot which ,7,.90 went to the lawyers aud court and ten cents to the boy who picked tiveni. Mr. Heuuett, the owner of the New Vork Herald, is said by persons who have seen him iu Paris lately to have became "prematurely old. His hai slow and w turning gray and he Is as precise in iiian.1' movement as an old The winnings of Uanlau, the oars man, during the last five years, amount q $78,000. Of this sum h has man aed to save about $40,000, of which $30,000 is invested in a hotel on Toron to Island. He has a wile and two children. M. Bechamp terminated a recent lec ture in Paris by saying that it the thou sandth part of the sum expend for war like purposes were devoted to render ing towns and cities healthy, legions of lives would be saved and riches and trength thus multiplied beyond calcu. lation. . Col. Baker, the naturalized Turkish Pasha who fights for the Osmani on the -Dugald Dalgetty" basis of proven der and wage, has raise d the necessary lunds at Cairo and is now rushing lo Saakim to contoand the False Prophet. It is understood that he goes where lory waits him. Philadelphia's new postoffic, which is soon to be occupied, cost about $8,000,- im tta Himpnaions are 175 feet 9 inches on: Chestnut street, 175 feet inch on Market street and 484 feet on Ninth street; height df the dome above the curb, 170 feet, Colorado the Denver Tribune says aays has a settled population of 300,- OOOandaltaxable valuation of $110, 000,000, representing an actual property value of $200,000,000. She is traversed by 3,000 miles of railroad, and in 1882 her mines yielded $28,000,000 in gold and lead. The Czar of all the Itussias met with a Berions accident last Monday. He teil from his sleigh and his arm was bruised near the shoulder. He tried to vure himself at first, 'kbut was after wards compelled to call in a physician. Latest reports say that the injury pa very painful but not serious, but in uch cases these report are generally wade to appear as lavorable as possi tie. and it may be that the injury Is more severe than has been made public. . ..i,. . The follow, who. by mistake, sent his -auburn haired sweetheart instoaoV of a bottle of Dr. BnlPs Conjch Syrup l bottle of hair-d ve. wants to ' know the best way to commit suicide. A Pleasant Surprise Prof. W. Catlett was the recipient of a very pleasant surprise last evening of which he has abundant cause lor being proud. He was about dismissing the whoolfor the nisht, when one of the yopilti approached and requested in behalf of himself and follow pupils the Professor to accept ot a package which he held in his band. The Professor. taken enttrely by surprise, could do nothing but acceptj the -proffered Sin, so respectfully and grace fully tendered. which he ; did in &u annroDriate speecll. with a heart full ot gratitude. The gift ntn examination, proved to be an ele gactly bound copy of the works of, Kd itar A JPoe, ustratfed by Dore. - ' : - . - Sliver Plaited Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jaco2is. v . , t. E ! . VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1883. LOCAL NEW . INOEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W- H Gbkex Cigar L G Chehrv Oranges ' ( , f J IS Tcrkextixe Fruit ' , E F MaRTI.n Annual Me'etlog V w Yates Christmas Novelties W K Davis A 60s Old Sellable House Tayloe's Bazaar A Sweeping Reduction Ueissbekgek A $S00 Lot CbrlstmaB Cards Mcxds KnoH. & DeRosset Holiday Kov cltie ' . Days length 9 hours and 41 mintftes. The receipts of coilon at this port to day fool up 215 bales. ',' 1 Sun&et to-morrow afternoon at 52 minutes past 4 o'clock. , There was one interment in Hellevue Cemetery this week.1 that of a child. Eminent men. lien of! all callings, indorse St. Jacobs Oil as & pain cure. There were three interments in Oaks dale Cemetery this week , two adults and one child. 1 I 1 1 The Register of Debds issued three marriage licences this white couples. week , ' all for There were four interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, one ol which was an adult and three children. One case of drunk and down was be fore the Mayor this morning, for which the party wsb sent to the city prison for 10 days. , . ' 1 No more theatrical entertainments here until Monday, Dec. 31st.. , when the Alice Oates Comic, Opera Co. ill appear for two nights. j i The box sheet lor the sale of reserved seals to the Alice Oates , Comic Ooera Go's performance will be opened at 8 a. ui. on Wednesday, the 26th iust. There is to be a grand ball at Simp son's Hall, Point Caswell, on the night of Thursday, the 37th inst.. and our hanks are due the Managers for an invitation to be present r 1 111 f 1 Clear, bright and pleasant this morn ing, after yesterday's ram. and our noole old and vnnnp have taken ad vantage of the fine weather to continue the purchase of their holiday goods. We were pleased to meet this morn ing with Mr. Sol. C. Weill, son of Mr. A. Weill, of this cit, who is fresh trom the classic precincts of Chapel Hill. He will spend the Christmas holidays here. Vennor says that the mildness of the early winter days is a verification of his prophecies. He now predicts a sum mcr warmth in mid-winter, but that we shall catch it hot that is . cold and heavy along in March and April. Mr. I. G. Cherry, at the new grocery store Northeast corner of I Market 1 and Second streets, has just received a lot of 10.000 sweet Florida oranges which he will sell very 1 low for cash. See advertisement elsewhere in this issue. On Monday next, Christmas Eve, we propose to put bur paper to press some what earlier than usual and must there fore request that all advertisements intended lor that issue be handed in not later than 11 oclock a. m.'on that day. ' 1 2 r ' First Mettles. The first annual meeting of th Stock holders .of the Wilmington, Wrights- ville& Onslow Railroad will be held in this city on Monday and Tuesday, January 14th And I5th, itw. Ane ' - ' . . . -.rt W1S re on the Wilmington I & Wel don and Carolina central rauroaus ua wn nlaced at 2 cents per mile each way for all who may attend. A Caution. We would call the attention of some thoughtless boys to the Mayor's procla mation regarding the explosion of firex crackers in the streets. Beginning on Monday noon, next they 'may indulge in the sport t0 thcir kaarta content until New Year's Day, but before tha1 time it is in direct violation of the ordi nance. I I ! HaaArrived. 1 Rev. Dr. Tatest the recently appoint sd Dastor to Front Street M.E. Church, and family, arnvea last nigut yn me 9:40 train and were received by a large number of people, who hadjiot tailed to have a warm supper for their bene fit. Dr. Yates is no I stranger in our eity. having served the charge-tor four years under a previous . appointment. He was first sent here from the Salis bury Conference, which con venca 10 the veari IDriAates is a i man whom, the better you know him the better vou like him. His friends in this city are legion and: as a preacher he has few superiors. He . will preaca at the Front Street Church: to-morrow at llamand7spm, , ... i , - .. - ' iklju 1 Fruit at Auction. - itf jg i Mr. Jno. It. Turrentine has received a consignment of fruit from the West Indies per schooner City of Nassau and offers it for sale by auction. Mr. S. W . Davis will auctioneer the ? fruit on Monday morning. All those in want of fine bananas.coaconuts. oranges, etc., should not tail to take adrantajje of thl opportunity. . j Personal.. Mr. V. D. Southall, lor many years a- locomotive engineer on the different railroads in this State, gave us the pleasure of a call yesterday; He had been on a visit to his brother. Mr. Geo. A. Southall, at . Magnolia. Duplin j county, and was on bis return to his home in Mississippi where lie baa been employed as an engineer on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad. V Cotton. i -.:, I The receipts of cotton at this port for the week, ending with to-day-foot up 3 471 bales as against 6,769 bales for the corresponding week 0 fast year, a decrease this week of 3,299 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 74,703 bales, as against 87,703 bales to same date last year, a deerease this year of 12.995 bales. ( 1 Adjourued. 1 - - Ponder County Superior Court con cluded the labors of the term and ad journed last evening. There were no penitentiary offences, and the grand jury made but very few presentments' iThe report ot the grand jury was veijy complimentary to the County Commis sioners, and among other things the immediate construction of a suitable iail for county , purposes was strongly urged. lr, Yates. , v The Ealeigh Visitor, speaking of Rev. Drl Yates1 removal from that city to his thus speaks of the regret with which the people of Raleign give him up to us: , The Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates, who has neon stationed t at .aeuton street yearsT, left this afUrnoon for WiTmmg ton. together witn bis laxniiy. iunng bis stay here tbe uoctor maao nosis 01 warm and devoted trienas wno regret to Dart with him. He is lastly consid ered one of the ablest ministers in the North Carolina .Conference, and the noonle of Wilmington are to be con gratulated upon having nim with them again. lie will, no uoudu receive a cordial welcome by his congregation on his arrival in that city to-night. The Lecture Season. The Wilmington Library Association have succeeded in securing the follow ing gentlemen to lecture on the dates and subjects named: Eirypt." on Jan. 3d, 1884, by Hon. Simon Wolff, of Washington, D. C. John Randolph, of Roanoke," on Jan. 0th. by Rev. Dr. Milburn. g Stonewall Jackson," Jan 11th, by Rev. Dr. Milburn. "Be True to Thyself," Jan. 21st, by Rev.J. B, Hawthorne i of Richmond Va r "Great Orators. Ancient and Mod CTnVV Jan; 22nd7 by.the same. , U - i -Invisible Somebody," Jan. 28th, by Hon. Wm. Cdmback, of Indiana. JJenovolent Fraternity. At a regular meeting of Hanover Council NoU.S.Fm held ajTiea kin Hall on Tuesday evening. Dec. I8tb 1883, the fojlowlnf officers were elected for the 1 ensuing term: 5 ' Deputy S. P. J. I. Macks. , Prestdent-Tho8. P Post. Vice President-fD. H. Walsh. , Counsellor B. J. Jacobs Jr. Secretary Jas. F. Past Jr, , Financial Secretary Nath. Jacobi. Treasurer Wm. Goodman. Chaplain Rev. Dr. S. Mendelsohn. Guide Jno. It Latta. Warden Jno. T. Keen; Sentry R. McRae Gilbert. I Med. Examiner DrC F. W. Potter. Trustees Saml. Bear Jr., Sam I. Northrop, Sol. Bear.. , ; . A Special Policeman. A gentleman in this city, commenU ing upon the very proper course pur sued by Mayor Hall in discharging Gilbert Holliday, the colored policeman at Front street depot who was charged with insolence and exceeding his duty. writes to us in regard to one ot his acts of which he was cognizant. He was at the depot and saw this policeman jerk an inoffensive white man, about to leave the city, oQf the cars and take him away.. In dolus this he was not only insulting but brutal. - The white man Who was removed was intoxicated at the time but otherwise inoffensive. Hoi. liday should be replaced by tone one who will understand properly the duties cf the position. - . . .... i . -... - . - - t , - Strictly Business. " There was a fair attendance1 at the Opera House last night to witness the performance of the above named come dy by Mr. C. B. Bishop and bis com pany. Mr. Bishop-tis. no stranger in Wilmington , and the roars of laughter with which he was continually greeted last night was a matter of course, and "strictly bugineas' There is not much interest in the plot aside from the char acter be assumes, and, in fact, the play is Bishop and Bishop is the play. II6 was well supported, the performance went off smoothly-and everybody was delighted. - To Builders and others- Go to Jaco bi'8 for Sash, Blinds and Doors. Glass &c You can get all sizes- and at the lowest pricM. , 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "Old Reliable House.'7 rpHE PLACE WHERE YOU CAN ORDER Oysters from and be eertaln to get them, as we always look out for our friends Christmas times. If you fall to get Oysters your order was not sent to i W. E. DAVIS A SON, - W Proprietors of the only regular estab lished fishery In this section. dec 22 A SSOO Lot Q ITRI6TM AS CARDS ! )( ' BEAUTIFUL HAND PAINTED. t Just Received by Express. The iuot fastidious can be pleased. Come one, come all. j Come great, come small, To HEINSBERGER'S, dec a Lire Book and Music Stores FRUIT I FRUIT t AT AUCTION. EX SCHOONER CITY OF NASSAU. O ALE WILL BE CONTINUED vDAx morning, at 10 o'clock. rrom day to day untU all Is sold. Cargo consists of fine BARACOA COCO AN UTS an1 NINAS; Alo. a few CURIOSITIES IN SHELLS. &c. JOHN R. TURRENTINE,-Consignee. BETH W. DAVIS, Auctioneer, dec M-2t ORANGES. 10,000 SuPot Flnrirln flrjincrftci ! www . .w. .v. w...Qww . M. i W"t be sold very low for cash. I Is. G. CHERRY, N. E. Corner Marker and Second sts. dec 22 -1 OFFICE GKNERAL MANAGER, W., W & O..R, R., Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 22, 1883. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock- holders or the Wilmington, wrightsvuie . Onslow R. R., will be held In this city on Monday and Tuesday, January 11th and 15th. All friends of the enterprise all over the conn. try i mat try s swell as the StockuoldersarQ earnestly iuested to attend ihe tare on tbe WUwington A Weldon R. R. A Uw 11V VU UV t sn vu W V4VIVM aw ana oarouna wenirai u. oas oeen wuucsu to 2 cents per mile, each way, for all who may attraarTicfcetsgoodfroTO Uw iitntotne,in lacluilve. f f i, v tsjFm snA.Ki.isi, dec M IV 1 Gen'l Manager AiSWEEPINGI REDUCJJ0N . hi?-' - T?OR THE N EXT SEVERAL DAYfcO -a. . s v ma in tnk TOiim fP fithftT iTOOds. 'Come and see the prices of our TOYS. Come and ee one Fancy Plush and Moroo CO TOILET BO AES. : , , Come and see our Gilt and Jet JEWELRY. Cmm and see our HAND SATCHELS and POCKET BOOKS, Plash and -Morrocco In all colors.. 4 f, Come and' see the prices of our Linen and Lace COLLARS and FICJ ICHUS. jnade up LACE GOODS Come and see the prices of our HOSIERY, GLOVES, and UNDERWEAR. . Come and see eur Immense stock of COR SETS, CORSET CASES and BRIDAL SETS. Come and sea the prtcs of eur "SinrrMnen, and Lace HANDK'FS. - . - Come and see our FRINGES, GIMPS, BUT TONS and DRESS TRIMMINGS. ws i tt J! n- f,.:i - 4il 1 1 ? Come and see our SATINS, I VELVETS, PX.U&HES and CRAPES. j . Above all and all, do come and see our h' " :. .. , 1 - ' . "... " - . - MlllSnaru nanqitmnnt llllilllioi j ubpai viiiwiii Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed, Feathers, flowers. Birds, Wlng Plumes, AcAc. f The exceedingly tow pricesi will certaJnlr astonisa yoa at TAYLOR'S, BAZAAR, US Market St., Wllmirgton, N. C. dec a '- t .-' ' '' ... t .... - NO. 302 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oranges! Oranges! ON HAKD AND TO JLURIYE. ONE C AU load Choice Florida Oranss to bo sold In lots to suit purchasers. " TJARENTINK A TURLINGTON, dec 1J13 22 21 29. 182 Market street. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C,. MAYOR'S OFB.ICE ' 1 December 20,1883.? Notice. i LL CITIZENS WHO MAY WISH , TO purchase FLAGGING or CURB-STONE, will liavean opportunity of getting the meat City Contract Prices by sending in their orders to me at once. ' E. I). HALL, dec 21 3t Mayor I CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, j MAYOR'S OFFICE, 1 ' , December 20th, is?i Christmas Notice. rjlUE ORDINANCK PROHIBITING THE flrlnsr of Canton Crackers. Ac. will be sus pended from December 24th, noon, untU the 1st of January. Blowing of Ilorna by Men or Boys In squads, on the streets or sidewalks, wiU be prohibited. Boys wiU be allowed to blow smaU horns in a moderate way. . . l). uall, dec 21 3 1 Mayor. Housekeepers Attention IF TOU WANT THE BEST LAUNDRY Soap over sold in Wilmington, go to No. 19 North Second street, and ask for "Klrkman's Borax Soap". It removos all grease spots and maaes ciotnes waiter 1 nan any otner soap, dec 20 E. G. BLAIR, Agt Boarding. A FEW MONTHLY BOARDERS CAN WB accommodated at MRS. PICKETT, No. 110 Market St.,, South side, beten Front and Second streets. Also bo furnished by the day or week. Only $J.'Z5 per day and $5 and upwards per Good board and clean, carefully tended rooms. dec 20-lw Oysters ! Oysters I JJUMPHREY, JENKINS A CO., WILL receive at their Oyster House, No. 112, South rroni aircei, uj sauons lino NEW RIVER Will br T" Mf ArvUln Harden Ova. P riafivT.u ift i Tiers sent C. O. D. Oraer w icited. 1 dec SO iCMAS MARKET. The Finest Display Since tUe ft fir I- .' - TB PROMISE OUR PATRONo AND the public generally for this Christmas the nnegtMajketBecn m Wilmington' since tbe AZfm&X : W chaUecompn .wlthihe BEEF I dll. T 4, . , y.r,Tf A. left. lAfa r1 pirnls at - , MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, SAUSAGES, C J .it rRWipn Pnnr.TRV. v weKuarantee tne oesteooas. pouteatien- tlon and prompt delivery. M-rm-r m--.r T T? IVTkTTOP ... . . Ronlrrm rf Sol a n-P "Ronta wwiuafufiu wuixw M,yjvjw and Shoes, T have bought the entire Bankrupt Stock of I Dryfoos Sternberger and wm close It out at 1 , . . T. , j . n , . Mfl,TlllTar.ulTfi? S rrlPfiS I i This stock is known far and wide as the gsfc--W purchasers toj examine same before buying eJff DAVID. , I - AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY NOVELTIES IS NOW OFFEBED BY Munds Bros, and DeRosset, Market and Second Streeu. I, o o 9 . iiironze ana wiu uniuunii, I n a ,11 V '.5 1 Cigar and Cigarette Cases, , o 'Ckrlstmas Cards, Hand Painted, Jnk Stands, unique designs. O foentlemen's Dressing Casoa. v c J ItfmAlrav Kata trow Kkuhh OtUBUl l jm. Muuui a Cut Glass Cologne Bottles if decs Cigars! Cigars I XTEW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED Stock, A luxury within reach of all. -ToUet Soap, anew and elegant nne. Tooth Bruahes. cheattest and beat, at r WILLIAM IL GREEN'S. - oav 10 - HT Market Rtreot- CHRISTMAS GOODS. ; -pvOLLS, DOLL HEADS. HOME MADE Dolls, Millinery, Perfumery, Hair and Fancy Goods. All for Christmas. 'A' dec 13 , No. 119 S SecoadBtrect ?w-fBw'"PLg ABB KOTICS. :d-' Vfa win be glad . recclrs ccsamnx!catto9 from our friends on any mad ail' tub j sets ', generallnteresttmt . , : " jfTha name of the witter must always be A alahed to the Editor. Communlcatlona must be written on ml onoaldeot the paper. , ' . . -,,'.- PerBonaKtles must be arolded ' And it Is especially and particularly end stood that the Editor does not always endox thO Tlewaof correspondents unless so state In the editorial columns. . "The Old North State Forever J rjIHE 'OLD NORTH STATE SALOOK.'.' No. 6 South lont St,, Is prepared (or Its annual Christmas crus ade. All of Its depart ments ha to been replenished, and It Is now so well fortified that It will be able to with. Btand all assaults mado upon It for two weeks at least.' That " Old Clemmer Whiskey Rires universal saUsfactloB, , : .-'while the v "BAT VIEW BEER" , la pronounced tile best In the city. 1 r A rail stock of the finest , . . ' N. C. CORN Wins KEY, APPLE BRANDT. WINE8, CHAMPAGNES, Ac. 0 Hi. There Is no use talking about Wc have got them, and everybody knows tC , , , I, , V t Our friends are. notified that we. have made arrangements for a full supply of those famous ' Horne Garden Oysters So there will be no disappointment on that score. . .. . Our friends are invited to caU early, a ad often od we shall endeavor to provide th means for a Merry Christmas. dec )94t J. M. McGOWAN "a SON New Eestaurant. THE HEW LADIES AND GENT'S ' BBS taurant on Front street, over the store of Messrs Giles and Murohison: entrance. Bank ofew?&n.overBulldln8 ha been opened, and will be kept open dally. Sundays from 8.-0 a. m.. until 4 p. m. Meals served In the best style at aU hours of the day and evening. Boston Brown Bread and Bakod Beans a spe cialty. Oysters served in every style. . Bills of fare now ready. . dec 14 2w M. BERNABDV fc u J tmao Clo o r MISS E. KARRER WILL OPEN THIS WEEK A NICE ASSORTMENT OF 1 Fancy ArticlesforChristmas Have In a complete Stock of . ...... . - " . ' J Y 1 1 1 1 fl 6 Tf dLtlQ ttmQy UOOOS, I CROCHET SHAWLS and FASCINATORS, CAPS and SACQUES. . AU sixes, colors and V WUKK 52 151 I K .rr -ar 1 JjQO UUU IOT X OUr 11 11111061 fXQ ANNUAL GIFTS TO OUR CUSTOM. i era will be nresented at onr stora on Nm Years. Dav. customers who tihara not j received tickets for each dollara worth I r gxxM Dongnt or ua and paid for- IdurTn the year of 18?3, will please call at i once ana get . rirv rlrtllAr I In best stvle - is une x ine suit oz domes maao to order 2nl-One Elegant China Tea Sett.tiew deeJgn 3rd One Suit of Fancy ImportedUnderwear 4 th one oiaoxona tcan Pin. i 5th One Pair Solid Gold Initial Sleeve Bat tons 6th One celebrated fMelvllle, Hat. f111 CoU' Ut6it dc' wu w mm mm mm w mrm wmm0 VVyHNka W W mm ' i srana. . V 8th One Morarcn Yoke Bosom Llsen Shirt. lotn-oce Beautiful Flush ?eart. I inn une &uver ueaaea walking cane. ih it. v.... aiik " ' " - , iSrEZX"" iI&.'ESSS V . 1 aKS?.' i6ne Pair Famotu Boston Gariers. ' 1 "th-One Pair Iinsey's Patent Sleeve flupi I vir Total value of articles given away $203. i - ' J(JU2t 1IK a BON, ( Tailors and Ilaberdashers. ' dec 12 Wilmington. N. C. , My Friends in Brunswick QOCNTY WILL PLEASE BEAR IN mind tnat I am open at 115 Front St., opposite New Market House, where I will be pleased to see them. I carry a good stock of Groceries, etc, and am also prepared to serve the rltr itxAa. . Stall and yard room free of charge to country uauc. iioua u.'iuu. dec 13 iw i lis Front Ht. Christmas Novelties, ' ' We do not claim to have ' 1 A GREATER VARIETY OR FiNER GOO thao any one elsey WE ONLY POLITELY ASK YOr AND JUDGE FOB YOT" ' , dec 10 Don't f pO CALL' AT a :toro. thenr iej'm Alley on r. old stand). Y Toya Notion - variety tiJsS OTt i

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