- y . . i THIS rATEB Sundays ex eepted by . JOSMT. JAMK8, EPITOB A'D FHOFXIKTOR. .rBSCBlTTXOSS POSTAGE' PAID: r ft.oo. 8lx months, $2.00. "Three Ub fi-; One month, 35 cents. ' wm bo delivered by carriers free ne r r. i.nrt of the eitv. at the above )!c,s...Muir week. - lnw and liberal. 4nt"berawiIJ report any and all (all ies rnc Dnilv Buww ha the jargcrt i InJiin. of anv newxnaner s rj.rrulation. of anv ncwmipcr VMSissippi. at Davenport, Iowa, cl)yicclastwicck- The astronomer ascribe the nhpn hr. sun sets to -''either ..ir." ow ttm - hzed heat or cold or vapor." We The Kc' York board of aldcruieu vjve adopted an ordinance requiring electric light compauics to lay tbeir r;ruDdcrSTound adcr two years irom Mav.Mi. .... Bjamin Turner, of Frankfort. JJy.. whose left arm was amputated by the cars on the Louisville & Nashville rail road in 1531. has received judguictU for $11032.-30. St Iioab will put forth strong efforts the Democratic national to Committee to bdect that place tor holding the National Convention. city as the Democratic Tiie bchedules in the assignment of Scidebach, Schwab & Co., New York, clothing merchants, placed the liabili ties at $712,181: nominal assets $581, 131, actual assets 283,155. Wm.Conroy, the New York police man recently found guilty pt murder in the first degree for killing Peter Kee uan on December 3, has been santenced to be hanged Febraary 8, 1884. The board of public aecounts in Pennsylvania claim that the western Union Telegraph company is indebted to the State for taxes for 1879 and 1881 lo the amount of about $56,000. ! James Blaine, a son of ex-Secretary Blaine, was expelled last week lrom Georgetown. D. C, College. This is the third episode of the kind in the youth's brief but exciting career. The scenery in "Herodiade," the new Italian opera, just produced in Paris, is made entkely of paper , and cost only 1,000; whereas, if it had been painted it could not have been mounted for less lhan $60,000 In the Dominion Legislature last week a motion was made declaring Hon. Ailam Cooke, late Minister of Educa tion for Ontario, a lunatic and appoint ing a committee to take charge of his person and estate. v A Baltimore lawsuit develops The lactihata young widow in that city three years ago married her father-in- law. The laws ot Maryland prohibit such a marriage, but she was probably ignorant of the fact. ' The cotton crop report for the Memv phis district, embracing Western Ten nessee, Northern Mississippi aud North ern Arkansas, shows a decrease of twenty per cent., the yield . being esti mated at 5,656,330 bales. la Philadelphia, a few days ago, Jas. Mendham swallowed a tin tag wbioh was attached t&. a piece of western dressed mact. The tag lodged in the throat, producing an ulcer. Mendham died from a hemorrhage. Beginning January 18 there will be a national cocking main at Chillicotbe, 0.,4vhieh will last five days. It is as serted that birds from New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia,Virginia aud other States will be entered . At Pittsburs, Pa., James Weaver, employed in a, factory, bad his arm caught in the belting of an1 engine, and be was drawn into the machinery. He was torn limb from limb, portions 6 1 his body being scattered a distance of ap Hundred feet. Chas. Gehriiig and John Isaacs, two letter carriers in the Baltimore postof" See, were arraigned before the TJ. S. Court last week, charged with burning letters sent through the mail' Gehring pleaded guilty and was given three, months iuiail. Isaacs, however, stood trial and was acquitted. Daraala, the ex-husband of Bern. hardt, has made a hit in his new play f"L9Maitre des Forges" in Paris. One of the papers says that since Mario oo" such accomplished gentleman has been seen upon the stage as Damala. It is gratifying that the distinguished SBntleman has shown capacity to earn his own living. v' - T The San Luis Valley, in Southern dorado, is to be irrigated by means of Ste&t canal, work on which will socn besin. The canal is to be seven miles l0D a&d sixty feet ?ide at the bottom, u lhere are to be many lateral canals rrom it. it i8 intended to redeem 30,000 acrw of iaucl now almost worthless. I I . ... . . . .. . 11 ' r 1 VOL. VII. . WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. DECEMBER 24, T rr a j tt TXTCl JJJ AJJ X JLZk it lDEI TO NEW AfWERTISEMEMTX. W U GETStx Cigars . ' ' 1 A A K 3ICDotrG4LL Alles Wm WEEKS-Stcam Vacbt Louice. C V YATiis ChrltTas Novelties i Call Early at the Old Kortb fctate". Fakkee A Tatlob The Very Idea BICEPS BkOS. A DkBosset tVc Offer ' W E Davis A So; goo GalJous Oystcra R M McTxTinB Lirgc Stock of Wraps P L Bbidgubs & Co Candy ler Cbritniao TLElssvZBiKH A $rm.lri Obrlstma Cards The rcceJpt8ef coitou at thi3 tport to day foot up 513 bales! The days arc gfwjug longer but tbo increase is as yet imperceptible. The Postoflice will cflpsb to-tinorrow at 0:30 A. M-aud rcopeq at 5 P. M. i Yesterday was a cold, stormy and disagreeable day, and many remained home from divine service in consequence Thestreelfi. tat BonJe of the crossings, aro almost impassable ou account of the mud. and especially in the ni$ht time. . . . Air. J. M. Hartsfieid, of Blorganton, arrived in tbo city this I morning and will spend the Christmas holidays with his parents. There wero lots of young pcoplo virish ing lor pleasant weather this morning, as the prospects tor1 fun on .Christmas looked rather gloomy. i Eggs have beeq sold at remarakably reaspnable prices this Christmas sea son, 25 cents per dozen being 'about ail that has been asked thus 1 far. " The streets have been filled ' with people all day and the trade in the different stores has been all that could be desired by reasonable people. "Santa Claus" is .expected' to make bis annual rounds at about midnight, and will undoubtedly be laden with toys and good things for the iuyenlle3L Schr Mattie Holmes, Perkins, oleared to day lor Port-au-Spain, Trinidad with 207,652 feet luihber, Talued at $4,431.90; shipped by Messrs E Kidder & Son. - Rev. Di Y'ates preaehed at the Front Street M. E. Churchl forenoon and night, yesterday, and there, was a larace cotigregation to welcoca e his , return to Wilmingtonagain.il Now for crackers, horns, and drums until the latter part of the week. Go ahead, boys, and have your -fun! But we would advise you to beware of the dangerous toy pistol. ( I , 1 ' A mink whioh has been playing sad havoc with the feathered tribe in the vicinity of the Adrian Engine House was killed on the csorrier of Fourth and Dock streets on Saturday. To those who are disposed to gruni bio at the price charged for a marriage license, we beg leave' to s'ay that the article is of cast-iron durability and will last for a life time without rcypair- A sprig of pine sent tl your sweet heart signifies "I pine for thee." The answer is, a "pine knot." A box of tar pills signifies, "I stick jto thee." Spirits turpentine signifies, "yoi dry up," or,! "Git up and git." Rev Mr. Hull occupied the pulpit ot the Fifth Street M. E, Church yester day, forenoon and night It was 'his first service in his newchargq, and be created quite a favorable impression among his hearers. Salnrdav niffht was a busy time i fof r or w . . i the! merchants, and their: assistants and they were kept bard at work until a late hour, It was a timo when a i lara:ev portion of the holiday goods were purchased, though many more bayo been bought to-day. " - ' We are indebted to Messrs. Latham. Alexander & Co., bankers and cotton commission merchants, of Ttevr York, for a beautiful colored lithograph of the Paris Bourse and the Bank of j France. It is of great delicacy ot finish, exquisite nejs of color and beauty of general fiflffcet and is a most fitting "picture for theVwall of any oflice. City Court. Jerry Pearsal', colored, was brought before the Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct, and a fine of $5 Imposed, in default of which he was sent below for 20 days. I Thomas Jefferson, colored, an 61d offender, for disorderly conduct, paid for the offense by a fine of $3. Porelcn Honors to1 a Friend of - America. ' , SruNEr, New South alesttAI the New Zealand International Exhibition, thA highest rtriza was awarded St. Jacobs Oil. the Great Remedy for paln- curing and neaUDg. Bmlt i Sudden Death Sotthy Willis. colorod, wife ot Godfrey Willi3, a well-known carpenter in this city, died very suddenly last night. he had been in good health until, a 6hort time before her death, which is sup posed to have been caused by .a con gostive chill. She was a wcll-fcnown cake baker. Xippincott's. (' LippincoW- Magazine for January contains an aTiauut of varied and en tertaining reading, which, gives the the best ass arancc of tbe good things to be expected during the coming year. It opens with a description of the new public building of Philadelphia, writteu with marked ability, and copi. ous illustrated. "Notes of Converse tions with Emrson," brings, ,up ; very Vividly the figure of tbo great New England thinker in the simplicity of his Concord home. ' Matthew Arnold in America," is an appreciatire criti cism. "Hawaii Ponoi" is an amusing account of the recent coronation 'or King Kalakaua. Undcrgradaat6 Life at Oxford," an account of the great flour mills of Minneapolis, and the first of a series of naners ou "Healthv Homes", by Felix LOswald.are interest ing and instructive. The opening chap ters of '-Sebia's Tangled Web," a short serial story, "ChristmasJEve at Tuckey ho," and "Whither Curiosity Led," constitute the fiction in this number. There is the usual variety of short pa- P33 in the Gossip," and the notices of the new publications, priacipallv holiday books, are numerous and dis criminative. A Cure For Drunkenness. There is a prescription in rise in En gland for the cure . of drunkenness, by which thousands are said to have been enabled to recover themselves. The recipe came into notoriety by the efforts of Mr. John Vine Hall, commander of the Great Eastern steamship. He had fallen into such habitual drunken ness that his most earnest efforts to reclaim himself proved tmvaillng ; at last he sought the advice of an eminent physician, which he followed faithfully for several months, and at the end of that time he had lost all desire for liquor, aithough he had been for many years led captive by a most debasing appetite, The recipe, which i he after Wards published, and by which so many drunkards have been assisted to reform, is given here as appropriate to the season : Sulphate of iron 20 grains : magnesia, 40 grains; peppermint, 44 drachms': spirits ot nutmeg, 4 draehms. Dose, one tablespoonful twice a day. i ? : i Santa Claus. The history ot Santa' Claus a curious mixture ,of truth a'nd fable goes far back into the ancient time. Centuries ago a child was born in Asia Minor who received the name of Nicholas, His pa rents were wealthy and of high- rank, and desiring to express their gratitude a r j , l. - - - a t- gr at. L ' a 1 - co laou lor tue oirta oi ineir son, vney resolved to educate him for the Christian priesthood. Tho child was sober and thoughtful, and while yet young both his parents died, and hc inherited . their great wpalth. He considered the riches a sacred trust; be fed the hungry, he clothed the destitute and performed all kinds of good deeds as sacredly as pos sible. As a priest he was greatly . be loved ; as a bishop . he continued his benevolence ; after his death the church canonized him, and he became one of the greatest ot patrou . saints, being revered as tbo helper ! of the poor, the protector of the weak, and as the especial patron saint of little children, who were taught to believe that their gifts came from him. Saint Nicholas was the name given , him by the monks, and this was familarly ohanged to Santa' Nic'laus, and finally clipped down to Santa 'Glaus, who is still represented as retaining, bis old habits of secret benevolence and coming down the chimney at nights, laden with Chrstmas presents for children. A pleasant fiction it is to them, under the cover of which that charming secrecy concerning the donors of gifts is kept up, though little eyes and ears and minds are keen, and Santa Clans is usually very well known to thexn as a much more modern personage than old St. Nicholas. But the children enjoy the harmless pretense, the mysterious filling of stockings and the heavily laden Christmas tree. Coal Oil or Pretroleum may be very nice for i illuminating or lubricating purposes.' bnt surely it is not the proper thing to cure a cough with. Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup is looked upon as the standard Cough remedy. : For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery go to Jacobx' HardwareDepot. ; t EETIEF. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LARGE STOCK OF WRAPS . ' SUCH AS ' . . '' - .. Jackets, Ulsters, New Market Dolmans, v . Silk Circulars and Dolmans,' AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVEK. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, FOR ALL AGES; LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. RUGS, LACE CURTAINS. DAMASKS , &c. Special attention is called to Evening Shades of BrocadcJLHtomans bought at j a bargain and offered at a small advance. R. iUl. CIclNTIRE. dec 24, 18S3 ; 1 ; .' . ( In accordanco with our usual custom, ( PA TT PAPTTI and Wednesday, for the holidays. We will resume on, Thursday. t WilmtDfirtou LIgrUtlntantry. , The alterations which have been in progress at the armory of the Light Infantry have been ! completed, and fchere are now 65 personal cases for the usebf the members. The new equip ments have been received and these are put in their respective cases. The company numbers 58 active members, and there are several applications for membership now pending. There , are 10 honorary members, 32 members of the veteran corps present; in the city and 10 contributing members to the company. I i Remember the Poor. ; "The podr ye have with you always" and at no time of the, year should this be more generally remembered.by those who have been blessed with worldy goods than during the gladsome Christ mas season now so near at hand. In many households in Wilmington there are children whose parents are too poor to provide them with the luxureis they should have at Christmas, and it is to be hopeor that all who can afford to do so will see that these little ones are properly cared for, so that they may share the joy and, happiness that the approaching holidays bring. It is un derstood that some of tho churches wil have Christmas tree festivals for the benefit ot the poor children of the con gregation and it would be well for all to follow the same, example. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Very Idea, A ISIUE NEW STOVE, j FOR CHRISTMAS, ' And from i PARKER & TAYLOR. PURE WHITE OIL. I dec 24 Steam Yacht Louise, JJASSENGEB AND FREIGHT STEAMER for SmlthYlllc dally. Rates low and accom modations fine. The LOUISE la a new boat and is guaranteed safe. Will leave Smithyille 8 A. 31. Leave Wllmlngtsn S o'clock P. M. . I WM. WEEKS, dec 2 ly. . Agent and Owner. Apples. JpECEIVED TO-DAY ANOTHER LOT OF Apples. ( Also, ome Dried Black Berries, Apples, Chestouta, Chickens, Potatoes and Eggs. At R. Mc DOUG ALL, do. U Chestnut St, bet. Front and Water dec 21 - Wilmington, N. C. Candy for Christina ! 1 I ' ! . i - fieautiful 5 Pound Boxes 'i ' vi v . OF Rooster's Pnre Candies, v A LARGE SUPPLY ON HAND. - Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, ALL KINDS AND ALL PRICES. j I - - Mince Meat, Plum Pudding, Preserves, &c, &c, Urge Supply of Fire-Works r That must b sold. . o P. L. BBIDGEBS & CO. r HO IZorth Front St. dtc24 1883. NO. 303 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TJTHE PATRONS OF THE "OLD NORTH STATE SALOON" are Jnvlted to call early I to-morrow morning and partake ot a Chilat mas Eg$ $ogg. A Hapr Christmas to all of you ! dco 24 300 Q.ALLONS FINE FAT OYSTERS to hand to day for-our Chrlistmaa tradp, and arrange ments made for a full supply for the balance t . , - " . t of the week. W. E. DAVIS & SON. Proprietors of the only regular estab lished fishery in this section dec 21 Oranges! Oranges! -N HAND AND TO ARRIVE. ONE CAR- Vload Choice Florida Oranges to be sold in iocs co sun purcuasers. BARENTINE & TURLINGTON, dec 1113 22 2 1 29. T32 Market street. i WE TO CLOSE OUR STOCK ! jglSQUE FIGURES, l per paircost. Leather Perfume Cases. 2 bottles, filled.tl. Ladles' Hand Satchels from 50c up, at cost. A few Cut Glass Cologne Bitters.' Comb and Brush Seta at ridiculous figures; ' . In fact, we will not refuse any Just figures jor me remainaer or our biock. uive us a can. Munds Bros. & DeRosset, P. S. Our New Tears and Christmas Cards boxed If or mailing, i The loveliest card ever offerea our Wilmington public. t dec 24 CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFEICE, 1 j . December 20, 18S3. Notice. -LL CITIZENS WHO MAY WISH TO purchase FLAGGING or CURB-STONE, will have an opportunity of getting the me at T City Contract Prices by pending in their orders to mc at once. I E. D. HALL, dec 21 3t Mayor CITY 6F WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, 1 December 20th, piiristnias Notice. rjIHE ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE firing of CanUm Crackers, Ac, will be sua penned from December 24th, noon, until the 1st of January. i , Blowing of Horns by Men or Boys in snua Je, on the streets or sidewalks, will be prohibited. Boys will be allowed to blow email horns in a moderate way. E, D. HALL, dec 21 3t Mayor. Housekeepers I Attention IF YOU WANT THE I BEST LAUNDR1 Soap ever sold in Wilmington, go to No. l: North Second street, and ask for "Kirkman Borax Soap". It removoa aU grease spots an makes clothes whiter than any other Boa p. dec SO E. G. BLAIR, Agt Boarding. 1 FEW MONTHLY BOARDERS CAN BE accommodated at MBS. PICKETT'S. No. 110 Market St., South aide, between Front and Second streets. Also board furnished by the day or week. Only 1.2-5 per day and $5 and upwards per week. Good board and clean, carcfoilv tended rooms. dec 20-lw i 1 . Oysters ! Oysters I HUMPHREY, JENKINS A jcO.. WILL i receive at their Oyster House, No. E112. South Front Street, $j wJlons fine NEW RIVER OYSTERS every day until Christmas. Wo will have 40 gallons of those fine Garden Oys ter) raised by Mr. W. A. Canady, to morrow, (Friday). Oysters sent CO. D. . Orders ao iclted. dec 20 Bankrupt Sale of Boots i and Shoes. Jj have bought the entire Bankrupt 8tock of Dryfoof A Sternberger and will close It out at leas than " .. Manufacturer's Prices ! This stock Is known far and wide as the HANDHiMEST and BEST. SELECTED of mv I. th. 41 . m mmM mm , V A ma. mw Atrrw tm . beaoU very low for eaatt only it will pay purchasers to examine same before burioz I elsewhere, - - ' -. - , . , decW - 1 , ' A. DAVID, 1 t : PLEASE NOTICE. We will bo glad to receive communication from our friend on any and all subjeeta ' general Interest but E The namo of the writer must always to fa nlshed to the Editor. Communicatleirtfl must be. written on : oal one side of the paper. ? n - , Personalities must be avoided.:" V Ami It la especially and particularly und 6tood that the Editor does not always endoi the tIcws of corrcspondenta unless ao state la the editorial columns.' A SWEEPING REDUCTION pOR THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS, ho as to make room for other goods. Come and ace tho prices of our TOYS. . Come and see'otir Fanrv Plnkh nH xrrwn co TOILET BOXES. Comc.ond ?co our Gilt and Jet JEWELRY. Come andscconr HAVn s ATrurr POCKET BOOKS. Plush colors. Come and th iri-M r Lace COLLARS and FICHUS. - . Command see the prices of nnr lacks mid made up LACE GOOD. - . - . s-. ii Come and co the riir c f our HosiRnv GLOVES, and UNDERWEAR. ' Come and pre our lmmpnun ntnrV nf rrrw SETt, CORSET CASES and BRIDAL SETS, ' ' i ' - 11 Come aid see the prices of our Silk. Linen, aud IaceLANDKj'FS. . ! ctime ad tee our FRINGES, GIMPS, BUX- -TONS ant DRESS TRIMMINGS. , Come aL co 1 our SATINS, TVELVET8, PLUSHK and CRAPES. Above and aUYdo come and see our 1 Miinery Department Hats, Ir&umod and Untrimmed, Featherl, Mowers, IJirds, Wings, Plumes, Ac. Ac. II'-- !' 1 I - Tho exceedingly low prices wIU certainly astonish you at I . ! i -TAYLOR'S BAZAAR, 118 Markot StT, Vllmington. N. C.' dec 22 - ? FRUIT ! FRUIT I AT AUCTION. 1 EX SCHOONER CITY OF NASSAU. , r (In front ot Hall A Pear sail's) gALK WjlLL BE CONTINUED MONDAY j morning, at 10 o'clock, and from day today untU aU Is sold. Cargo consists of .fine , BARACO A COCO ANUTS and BANANAS; j Also, a few CURIOSITIES IN SHELLS, Ac. JOHN R. TURRENTINE, Consignee. ' SETH W. DAVIS, Auctioneer j dec 22-2t Christmas Goods. I ,. - MISS E. KABRER WILL OPEN TniS WEEK A NICK 5 ! S ASSORTMENT) OF I - L Fancy ArticlesforChristmas Have in a complete Stock of Millinery and Fancy Goodsj CROCHET SHAWLS and FASCINATORS. CAPS andSACQUES. All sizes, ctolora and prices in "JERSKYS-" I t STAMPING and HAIR WORK done at rea sonable prices. . - dec 17 1 ORATJCES. JTTST EECEIVEt) 10,000 Sweet Florida Oranges K jlTUST BE SOLD AT ONCE, I AND WILL bo sold very low for cash. I. G. CHE&RT. 1 N.1E. Corner Market and Second t. - dec 22 ' - 1 i .. .'. i ' . Look Out for Tour Number OUR ANNUAL GIFTS TO OtTB CUSTOM era will be presented at our Store on New Years - Day. Customers who have 1 not received tickets for each dollar's worth of goods' bought of us and paid for during tbo year of 1883, xvlll please call at' once and get them. Wo givo ono ticket for every doDar spent with us. The following compriso the valuable presents that will bo given to our customers j 1st One Fine Suit of Clothes made to order in beet style. I 2nd Ono Elegant China TeaSett.newoIealrti 3rd One Suit of Fancy ImportedUnderweer 4th Ono Diamond Scarf Pin. , - T l 5tb One Pair Solid Gold Initial Sleeve But tons " . I - . - : . 6tb One celebrated "Mel vilJe" Hat. in uan jlhjz. -i;rown" collars, latest de sign. 1th- th Three Pairs Cuffs. thenonnbir!rn-vn ' . , stb One Monarch Yoke Bosom linen Shirt, loth Ono Beautiful Plush Soarf. 1 i. lltb One Silver Headed Walking Cane. 12tb One rancy bilk Handkerchief. 1 Uth One Beautiful Satin Necktie. , Hth-rOnc Pir of fRotolaa' gnjpendora. , 15tbOnc Gold Collar Button, Pearl Btona Scttir. i it 16th One Pair- Famous Boston Garters. 17th One Pair Llncya Talent Sleeve Sup porters, i - ,. j ' i oiai vaiue oi articles given away 203. JOHN D YER A SON. Tailors and HabertbuhrM. 3ccl2 I ! Wllmlnztoa. N. C I Cigars I Cigars ! JEW BRANDS OF UNEXCELLED Stock1, Alnxnry within reach of all. 1 . Toilet Soap, a new and elegant line. " Tooth Brushes, cheapest and best, at WILLIAM IL GREEN'S, noy 1 117 Market Htrmmj. A 05 OO Lot GHRISTMAS CARDS I I i..., - ! - . - ": I BEAUTIFUL HAND PAINTED J Jost Becelved by Expreu r. The moat faatidions can be pleated. A - Come one, come all. Come great, come pmalL r-:.'' To , - ' SINSBERGER'S, -dee M Live Bock andl liiwio Stont

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