The Daily Review MONDAY, DECEMB'R 24 1883. Hve Daily Review has the largest boa fide circufaiion, of any newspaper ptMLihcd. in the city of WUminaUm. JS3 ; STATE NEWS. . Albemarle Obcrvr: Mr W K Kind loy, from Bit. Pleasant, sends us the following: Hard on hogs. W T Tuck. er killed two hoes oh the 11th, ono weighing 370 pounds and the other 383 pounds and they were only M mouths old. Concord Hevisler: Mr George A Misenheimer killed hogs this week. The large ono was 2 years old. and weighed 504 lbs. Another 5h months old weighed 186 lbs. Tho least one was 7 weeks and weighed 41 lbs. Winston Pilot: We were sh own an "ear of corn to-day raised by Stepheu Donthit, of Davie county, which heads anything wo ever saw in the matter of corn, Thera Is one car about 10 inches, in length around which arc six lesser cars, all perfectly .joined together at the base end. - Ashcville Citizen:. Orders have been givenl that the telegraph sball be located on the) Western road along with the tracks Iron-laying on the Murphy line began on the 19lh in the presence of Gov. Robinson, President Andrews. Maj Wilson and Col Tate. Our Hay wood friends are in jjreat glee over the movement. r Newborn Journal: The ; 'fatal af fray" reported in Friday's Journal turns jout to be a" suicide. One Peter Hammons, colored, aged about 00 or 70 years, living in Jones county near the Lenoir line, on tho A. VcN.G. Railroad, was found about one hundred yards from his house with his throat cut. Ilia razor case was found on the floor of the house and it iSrSupposed that he com roittcd suicide: Greensboro Patriot: Mrs. Dr. Peck, wife of the President of Hampden Sid ney College, accompanied Mr. Earnest Caldwell home, and will spend the holi days with Mrs. V. P. Caldwell. -The matrimonial lever is higher in this vicinity than it has been known to be for a good many years. Some old fogies say that it is an unmistaka ble sign of hard times. Hickory Press: On Wednesday last wo noticed at the W. N. C. R..R. Depot twenty two barrels of eggs, standing ready for shipment. They were to be sent mainly to New York to make' egg nog, cake, &c, lor our Northern brethren. Each barrel contained an average of G5 doz- making in all 1430 dozen eggs- These were collected in Hickory chiefly by one firxn during the last few weeks. Morsjanton Mountaineer : Those who were on tho streets last Friday night after ten o'clock were a little surprised to find that the snow was falling fast from a sky that was almost cloudless. The storm lasted for an hour or more ' until the grouna ana tue nouso tops were white. It was what some call' a across the country for mile3 from snow "clouds in the mountains. - Scotland Neck Commonwealth: One day last week while Mr Walter Shields, residing a few miles from here, was tearing down an old chimney ou his place, he found a brick with this in . scription : C D., May 3, 1713, Thp letters were almost obliterated but tho date was clear and distinct, and appear ed to have been cut with a knife before the brick was burned. The oldest citi zens say that the chimney has been there ever -since thpy can remember and it is very probable that it was built in the year 1713, making it 170 years old. Statesville Landmark: Dr 1 Uarrill and Mr R W Price have let to Mr W F Munday the contract to build them on Davie aventie, a tobacco factory, 32x50 feet, with two stones and basement, in which they will go to manufacturing tobacco in the spriu-j- There left hero Tuesday morniug, lorTexas. Rev V I. Brown, late pastor ofthe Baptist ehnrch, and family ; Miss ESicc Bost, daughter of Mr H A Bost. of this place ; Mr J S Martin, wife and five children ; Capt G A Eagle aud wife, and Mr W township; Mr W S Eagle, ol Oiin, and Mrs Geo Ea?la and familv. who have been on here from Texas on a visit for some time pass. Mr Browu will stop at his home in South Carolina, for a short time, and will be joined there by several families of his acquaintance iu that Stato who will emigrate with him. . Charlotte Observer: Among the many heavy hoga kiljed by the' farmers in this county this fall, one killed by Mr John M Byrum, of Steel Creek Ue slaughtered last Monday a hor that tipped the beam at 511. This colossal specimen of the porcine species was of the Berkshire stock, and to say the leas:, was a large hog. Capt I Y Sage, superintendent of the Air Line Railroad, has resigned that office, his resignation to take effect Jannary 1st. Capt Sage, we understand, resigns to take the superintendency ofthe Georgia Paciuc, vice col u i toreacre, wno win take charge of the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Road. .Wo have heard it rumored that Capt W H Green, superintendent of the Richmond & Danville, is to succeed Capt Sage and will ho superintendent of tho line from Richmond to Atlanta. Mrs. Jarvis left yesterday morning for Greenville, Vitt county, and v will pass Christmas week there. Treasurer Worth left yesterday afternoon for the good old county of Randolph, and will spen the holidays there. The receipts of cotton here for the week ending last Thursday were 1.584 bales, against 2,166 for the corresponding week last year. The total receipts from Sept 1 to Thursday were 27.072 bales, against 35.100 to the same date last year. The amount of real and personal property as listed for taxation i3 as follows: Anson county. $2.045... 506; Ashe, $1,370,275; Allegany, 508 8S6 ; Caswell. $2,339,039. Sher5ff S. E. Koonce, of Jons county., is the fifth to settle with the State treasurer payin? in $2 010.41. Sheriff Nathan; M a Minn, of Transylvania, is the sixth to sottlo. paymg in $l,o2. -Dr. John W. Page, a well-known citi zen of House's Creek township, drcp peddead Thursday evening about 8 o'clock , as he was retiring. He was at the residences of his father," Mr- An derson Page, Dr. Page's age was about 15, aod he was the youngest of eleven sons. The funeral will be hold to-day. Mr. George B- Eunis, otic of-, the best known young men here, died very unexpectedly . last evening about 7 o'clock, on Market Place. Ilis resi dence was on Halifax street. His ago wasabeul 32. The suddenness of tho death caused quite a sensation. Mr. Eennis was at one time city editor of the JS'ews here, and was afterwards a reporter on the, Petersburg Index and Apgcal. ' He had many relatives in this State and Virginia. List of Letters. A'list of unclaimed letters remainiug at the Post Office in this City dn Wed nesday. Dec. 24, 1883: A E M Arlington. B Maggie Beaseley.fcare Willie Con ly, Mary Boney. David Bishop, Jas D Briggs. Mary Bell. C Rachel Charm bust, Susau Car ter. . D John Dudley . F Jane Ferans, AT Farror. . G Lofton Gurganus. U F P J Howard, Lucy Henderson, JL corn as Hawkins, T J llildrum. J C E Jenkins, Mosc? Jacobs, Wm Johnson. MMary Moored Thomas Meeks. N Young Nichols. P William Piumraer. S Gaston Smith. J B Sumner, (2), J E Smith, Qully Stokum. T James Taylor, care Toney Hall, Annie Taumer. W Bi3y Webster, Carrie Williams, Emelino Williams. Herbert II Wil liams, II K White., J B Wilkinson, Mary C Wright, Martha A Williams, Phyllis Walker, S B White, Sarah A Wright." - - Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised;" if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, N. C. . Ed. R. Brixk P. M. A Noble Charity. While partaking of the Christmas dinner let lis seek to relieve the misery of earth's unfortunate ones. No better torm to do this can be found than to support the world-lamed Charity Hos pital at New Orleans, 'La., and invest $5 or SI in the 164th Grand Monthly Distribution of the Louisiana State Lottery, on the 15th of January, 1884. under the sole care and supervison of Genys G. T. Beauregard, of La., and Jubal A. Early, of Va., when over $205,000 will be scattered broadcast in sums of $75,000 down to $25. The full details of which can be had from M. LA. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. Presiding: Elders Appoint ments. Wilmington District First Round, in part. - Wilmington, Fifth Street. Dec. 29tb and 30th. Wilmington, Front Street, Jan. 5th and 6th. . W. H. Bobmtt, P. E. Colorless and Cold. A young girl deeply regretted that she waS'-so colorless and cold. Her face was too white, and her hands and feet felt as though tho blood did not circulate. After oue bottle of Hop Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest and healthiest girl in the town, -with a vivac ity and cheerfulness of rniud gratifying to her Iriends. MISCELLANEOUS. New Restaurant. rpiIE NEW I.ADIISS AND GJSNT'S IIEH JL taurant on Front etrcet, over tho 3toro of McHsra Giles and Murchiaon ; eotrauce. Bank of New Hanover Buildlcsr, has been opened, and will be keut open dally, StrndayB from 8.30 a. ui until 4 p. m. Meals served in the beet ety le at all hours of the day and evening. Boston Brown Bread and Baked Beans a upe tlalty oysters served In every style. Bills of faro now ready. dccU'.'vv M. BERNARD. John , Davis, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR .AT LAW, WriirWGTOJi, N. C. Offi- over the Bank of New Hanover, fraetlcep it, all the Courts of tnc State. ur Special attention to the collection HOLIDAY PRESENTS JN EVERY VAilTETY AND TOO NUMER OUS to be mentioned, can be found at' tho most reasonable itjcos, at V, C. MILLER'S, Drug Store, dec 10 321 South Fourth, Corner Nun at 5 and 10 ents Cigars, HAVANA EILLKRS, Best In the city, arc on sale. Drugs and Medicinal preparations ofthe highest grade at JNO T. SCHONW ALU'S, i ' dec s Drag and Precrlptlon Store Boys' Saddles, 1 ADIKS' AND GENTS SADDLES. Horse Blankets, lap Robes, Carriages and all kinds of Vehicles. Saddlery, Trunks ahd Carriages repaired by skilled workmen. I MCDODQALL A ROWTiTTW dec 17 No. 114 North Front St. J Christmas Novelties. We do not claim to hare A GUKATKR VARIETY OR FiNER GOODS .1 than any one else. YE ONLY, POLITEL1 ASK Y.OU TO CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. dec 10 113 Market at Don't Forget r po C ALIj AT CEA Vi.S 5 and 10 CENTS JL. Store, the first Store South rf Hart & Bal. ley's a lie? on Second Streets (Mrs. Warren's old stand). Yon ran find Tinware, Hardware, Toys Notions, Ac Vases of twenty styles and a variety of Christmas Goods and but few things ovmr 10 wnu. . : - : dAU , f5)F(g(y)LiLg For the Cure of Coughs, ColdsJ Hoarseness broncnitis.roup, mnu enza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In cirient Consumption and for the re lief of consumptive persons in advan-j V. red stages pf the Disease. For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 25 Onts. nov 13 ly COMMERCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. December 211 P. M. ' SPlKITa TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 314 cents per gallon. Small sales at tbese figures. ROSIN Quoted firm at $1.15 for Strained and $1.20 for Good Strained, TAR Quoted firm at $1.40 per bbl of 280 pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $2 for Virgin and YellowDip and $1.15 forHard. $ COTTON Quoted firm. Sales of 50 bales on a basis of 93 cents per pound for Middling The following are the official quotations : Ordinary 74 cents Good Ordinary Bi4 Low Middling..-.. g Middling 95 GoodMTddlin .... 10 IAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton 513 bales Spirits Turpentine-.......- 218 casks Rosin 1971 bbls Tar.....,-.-. 814 bbls Crude Tnroentine 101 bbls MAJKINE NEWS. ARRIVED. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smith viile, Master. ... Steamer John Dawson," Colvin, Point Caswell, R P Paddison Steamer North State, Green, Fayette ville. Worth & Worth Ger barque Lydia Pesehau, Bremers, Hamburg, E Peschau & Westermann, "Withkainit Schr Robert H Parker, Steelman, New York, Geo Harriss & Co, with kainit to Kenan & Forshee Schr Lettic Wells, Marr, Philadel phia. Geo Harriss & Co, with coal to Fowler & Morrison Schr Msrcia Reynolds, Holmes, New York, Geo Harriss & Co, with guano to order. CLEARED. U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha, BLs bey, Smithville, Master. Steamer North State, Green, Fay ettevillc, Worth & Worth. Schr Mattie Holmes, Perkins. Port au Sbain, Trinidad, Geo Harriss & Co; cargo by E Kidder & Son Exports. FOREIGN? Port au Spaiu schr Mattie Holmes 207,652 it lumber My Friends in Brunswick jQQUNTY WILL PLEASE BEAR IN iqind ttuit I am open at 115 Front St., opposite New MarJret House, where I will bo pleased 10 sec thorn. I carry a good stock of Groceries, etc., aud am also .prepared to ficrve the city trade. Stall and yard room froo of charge to country trade. ., JOHN II.TUEEb. dec 18 lw 115 Front at. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND DEC. 22, 1883. Cotton ashore, 0,777; afloat, 9.369; total, 19.146. Spirits ashore, 4,601; arloat.TQO; total, .5,301. Roain asbere, 74,530, afloat, 12.003; total, b7,433. Tar ashoro, 8,780. Crude ashore, 1,672. EECEIFTS FROM DEC. 15 TO DEC. 22. Cotton, 3,471 ; spirits, 1.331 ; rosin, 11,- . 675; tar, 4.628; crude. I.132r KXPOKTS FEOJI DEC 15 TO DEC, 22. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 1.638; spirits. 642; roain, 332; tar, 1,510; crudo, 1,685. JTOBEIQN. Cotton, 3,400; spirits, 600; rosin, 18.475 New Buckwheat ! . New Buckwheat jq-EW BUCK WHEAT aN D WHITE Syru to salt, received by New York Steamer to-day Also, Cakes and Crackers of every jYariety, fresh and crisp, and a general stock of Fresh Groceries nsiiaJlyfoTinav In a first-class Gro eery at Crapon's FamUy Grocery. ..I GEO. M. CKAPON, Agent, oct 29 South Front St PUfiOELL HOUSE. -Q-NDKB NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C B. I PKBBY, Proprietor. Late Proprietor Atl&ntlo HoteL FlrstClaas tn all tts appointment. Term tM to $3.00 a T - - tfb .t CHRISTMAS GOODS. JOLLS, DOLL HEADS, HOME MADE Dolls, Millinery Per fnnierr, Hair and Fancy Goods. All for Christmas. MRS. KATE C. WINES, le . Vn. lift N fiAcond Strpt Old Newspapers JORaALE VERY CHEAP. : aU9a - THisrorrici MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE Holiday Goods ! W1 E CONFIDENTLY MAKE THE AbBEK- tion tbat our present display of Furniture for the HoUday Trade is toe jaost EXTENSIVE and HANDSOMEST overseen In this city. In'addltion to our regular line of goods vc haro an Immense etock of -BOYS' WAGONS A CAF.T3, VELOCIPEDES, CHILDREN'S CAKRIAGtS,' HO BBY HORSES, DEXTERS, SHOO FLYS, TOY CARRIAGES, 1 TOY TABLES, CHAIRS, Ac Our btock of FINE FOLDING CHAIRS Canuot be surpassed Wc have several original patterns, in 6. 99 : - Keprcsentiiig Mount Vernon, Bartholdl's Statue of Liberty, Scenes on the Hudson, Ac. Rattan &EeecI Chairs, .'..., -Several new Styles and Shapes handled only by us. Elegant Spring Kockers, Luxurious Lounges, Fashionable Parlor Suits. A superb assortment of LADIES' DESKS and I FRENCH WORK TABLES, MUSIC RACKS, &c. A full line of Staple Goods at prices calcula tod to induce people to buy. Don't fail 'to call and see us, whether you wish to purchase"or not,for we take great pleasure In showing the HANDSOME STOCK we have in our "little" warerooms. - Thomas C. Craft, Agt. , dcclStJl Furniture Dealer. For Christmas I J HAVE A LARGE AND FINE ASSORT nient of CHRISTMAS GOODS of all kinds just received by Steamer : FIRE CRACKERS, TORPEDOES. -8KY ROCKETS and ROMAN CANDLES of all sizes. I also have a fine 6tock of FRESH GROCERIES, of all kinds, which I will sell low for CASH. I also have a flop assortment of - LiquorSi Wines, Brandy, &c, which I will guarantee free from adulteration. S&" Goods delivered In ariv part of the city Tree 01 cnarge. B- BELLOIS, dec 1 7-1 w 126 MARKET ST. Fine Portraits in Crayon or Pastel. QRDER3 PROMPTLY EXECUTED IN the finest style. In order to more fully Intro duce the work my prices arc to tho lowest cent for first class work. Friends aro Invited to call and examine lor themselves. ' OK1N T. THOMAS, Artist, tlec 6 119 Market st.,- Wilmington, N. C. GREENVILLE SOUND. J WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN ONE of the most Desirable Summer Places on the Atlantic coast, altnatefi on Greenville Sound, 6 miles from Wilmington, on Shell Road. The land is in a HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION and will support an ordinary sized family. On the place are Pears, Peach es, Apples, Cherries, Figs and Grapes IN ABUNDANCE. Oysters. Fisn, Crabs and Shrimp to be had at the door every day, nov 25-law3m m WM. A. CUMM1NG James A. Lowrey, TXTHEELWRIGHT, BLACKSMITH AND General Repairer of Carriages and Vehicles, Work of all kinds attended to without delay. Thanking my friends for favors extended to me In the past, I solicit their kind favors and their patronage in fa rare. After an erperl-??ci0U0XJ-IUT ye1 a Mechanic under w?1 ,H- Bobbitt, of Warrenton, and in fvli tg? 1 ?' Prepared to conduct tnn wnrtr In all Its kMn.iu. - . . workmanlike manner. and 4th streets nov 20-.w-tr .X ."- vzirp lor .tnien. or WF&U n g 17 ..viwmfiii w t z?. at y Vn l VatobU teansAiZm 1 ..inn r Jf i "J ot S7-ljt0lw MISCELLANEOUS. THE STOCK WO. 122 IISARK Must be closed out in the next thirty days I 0 OX.OSIlSIC3h OUT AT COST! dec 10 ' J. H. FREEMAN. Trn'... And all Of beautiful articles suitable for Christmas Presents I CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE THE ASSSORTMKNT IS BROKEN. 43T JUST RECEIVED NICE LOT OF MATTING. VERT MUCH UNDER -7RICE. dec 18 Must be Sold ! 2,000 POUNDS CHOICE VIRGINIA SIDES. 1,500 JOUND3 DRIED APPLES. Call and examine. . A. W. BIVENBARK. 114 North Water St. JV full line of all kinds of Country -Produce and Groceries alwavs on hand. dec 7 Sportsman's Goods. . WE HAVE THE FINEST ASSORTMENT o f EngUsh and Belgium Breech Loaders ever brought to this market. Also a first class stock of Shells, Wadding, Primera.Cart ridgo Bags, Gun Caps, Game Bags, &c. In fact we can show a stock of Hardware. Good goods and guarantee prices. W.'E. SPRINGER & CO., Successors to John Dawson & Co., dec 3 19, 21 and 23 Market 8 tieet Female School. MISSES BURR &;JAME3, Principal. MRS. M. S. CU3HING, Musical Instructress. rpHE TWENTIETH ANNUAL SESSION of thla School will commence on Thursday, the 4th of October, 1883, an t close during the third week in June, 1SS. The course of instruction is thorough and systematic. Terras reasonable. Lessons In painting In Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, with Sepia and India Ink drawing, and Crayon and pencil sketching, at moderate rates. Where a class of ten or twelve Is formed for the school of painting, the price will be reduced-. - .Pupils outside of tho school who desire mu sical instruction, will do welHo apply early. For further particulars inquire of Principals, or call for Circular. sept li iUo Charge FOR A SPECIMEN COPY OF THE North Carolina Miner. rjiHE MINER WILL BE ISSUED MONTH ly, from the ofllco of The Davidson Dis patch, dt the low price of FIFTY CENTS A YEAR. It will contain Minintr News ard articles pertaining to Mines aud Minerals, that will bo interesting to all who are engaged in mining ana 10 every one wno reels an interest in ue aoveiopnient 01 the arrcat but compara tively unknown Mineral Resources of North Carolina. The Miner Is an enterprise that appeals to the Stato pride of every Nortlr Car olinian. The first number will be Issued about tho middle of November. Everybody is in vited to write for a 6amplo . copy, which will be sent free to any Address. T. B- ELPRIDGE, Publisher, oct 23 Loxinarton? N. C. North Carolina Resources. - "One of the most useful series Of descrip tive books ever published about any Stato.' v Boston Post. Hale's Industrial" Series. - Two Volumes Now Ready. I. The Woods ajo TTmbebs or Nobth C akolut a. Curtis b, Emmons, and Kerr's Botanical Reports ; supplemented by accurate County Reports of Standing Forests and Illus trated by an excellent Map of the fitatc. 1 Volume I2mo. Cloth273 : pp., $1.35. II. "fcc thb CkAi,rAia -lKON Coxwrrrsor Nobth Caholika Emmons. Kerr, Laid ley's, Wllkos', and tho Census- Reports; sup plemented by fun and accurate sketches of the Fifty six Counties and Map. of the 8tatc. 1 Volume 12mo. Cloth, 425 pp., $1.50. fiold byali Booksellers, or mailed postpaid, on receipt of the price, by V,. ' - K J. HALE A SON, Publishers, Booksellers and stationers. Or, P.M. HALE, Publisher, Raleigh. N C ' Xfi3 AS MARKET. The Finest Display Since the War ! PROMISE OUR PATRONS AND the public generally for this Christmas the finest Market seen In Wilmington since the "o11?, comparison with 'the BEEF MUTTON, VEAL, PORK. SAUSAGES, Ac. asweuas KO AST PIGS, and all kinds of DRESSED POULTRY. We irninintM tv. ,. ... UonandFroinTtdellverlV ' poutcattcn' J R. MELtOK' rrffihCOnlySleam Susa-e Factory . UCC C. D. rjorrill. CABINET MAKER AND MISCELLANEOCS. OF GOODS OF , - kinds JULIUS SAMSON. Ill MARKET STREET. GILES & MUEOHISON, 'yjT HOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN "novWARE TINARE CB0CKEBT I Am Ready for WortT jQENTLEMENS CLOTHING AND HAT8 dyed,cleaned and preesed, also, Ladfes naii dyed in any color and pressed In the Uum styles. . c. P. REMSEN, nov 27-lm No. 15 North 8econd fit - P h o t b g r a p h s LL MADE BY. "INSTANT ANKOCS process. Have just received a fine lot of Fancy and Plain Frames which are selling cheap. Call hud let Mrt, CRONENBERO make you a Christmas picture. . VanOrsdell's old stand. declS-tf MORTON FREE MAS Baltimore & Wilmington Steamship Line. Steainer HALEIGH, CAPT. LITTLEFIELD, WU1 sail from BALTIMORE, Saturday, December 22. ' AND SAIL ITKOM Thursday, December 27. For Freight Engagements, apply to x ; A. 1. OAZATJX, Agt r'A " Wilmington, K. G. ANDREWS, &CO.t Apts, . S. W. Corner Light and German Sts., , dcc-18 Baltlmoro. Greatest Slaughter or CLOTHING EVER MADE INJWILMlNSTON FOB THE NEXT 1 rpHE WARM BACKWARD SEASON HAS overloaded us with Winter Clothlmr, which raust be earriflccd at UNEARTHLY LOW PRICES. The loss will bo fearful, but better lose somethan aU. Wo have a very larrt and cheap Clothing, in Suits and Overcoats at prices that will astonish you and p ralyze tbe clothiers. Take advantage of It. See the bar gains and get bargains they are for every one una we Invite every tab to come early to tlie well known Sellable Clothiers. A. & I. SHRIEK, dec 17 RoliaWo ClnthlarM. .114 MrktfiL ow Prices. Q as. Standard Granula ted Sugar, $ 1 , J2 ms. Pure White "A" Sugar, V, 2 fts Light Brown Sugar, $1, v Minced Meat lCc pr ft., Apple But er 8c per ib. All kl-cls Prunes 15c per fl. A bbl of Ex Family Flour, guaranteed RaUins. Citron, Currants, Lemon Peel, Nets, Cocoanuta, Orange., fire Cracker , Extracts, Spices and all Xmas Goods. ; - Hams, Sugar Cuied and Old N. Carolina, A few Choice, well smoked N. C. Sides, Beef Tongues, Dried Beef, Pickled and Smoked Salmon. : Dried Apples and Peaches: ! ' ' Old Gov't Java and Laguavra and 1 Cot-" 1 f eea, Boasted and Ground, Daily. AstonishinglyL James C. StoYoncon. del7 " '